Can I do EVERY Trickstab in TF2?

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when I say trick stab you think but let me ask you this do you think this will result in a backstab I mean I'm looking right at him so surely the answer would be no there's no way I deserved that now was that really a trick stab no but after hearing spy Ms invent a new type of stab every other day I began to wonder how many trick stabs are there luckily for us the competitive TF2 wiki page has a list of every type of trick stab so today I'm going to try to successfully perform every single one starting from the most common ones all the way to the the breast milk stab all right we're here on badwater and we're playing as the pirate and the first trick stab on the list is the stair stab which if you don't know is where you get an enemy to chase you up a staircase and then you jump over their head into a backstab I normally don't attempt the stab very often so I had a little bit of warming up to do oh my God wait can we get it first try [ __ ] that was so bad immediately my biggest issue was either forgetting to attempt the stab entirely or trying way too hard to force it when the enemies clearly knew what I was doing this is it that's not it that's not it just looks at me I was starting to get some small kill streaks but every time I went for the stair stab it would look something like this no oh he doesn't even know luckily upward has a ton of areas for trick stabs and since this stab is pretty basic I finally managed to hit it that's it first stab done no don't do it no not like this okay one thing you'll notice with the earlier stabs is I don't have very many intense reactions to fails or when I actually succeed but throughout the challenge you will definitely be able to tell when I've been stuck on one stab for a little too long this is it oh my no yeah we'll save that for later the next stab on the list is the jump stab or the ramp stab which is essentially the same thing as a stair stab except it utilizes parts of the map that are not typically considered stairs one thing I tried to do is jump from an engineers's buildings to get the stab but apparently 5,000 hours wasted on TF2 didn't teach me how to jump onto a stationary object so I just gave up and stair stabed the Scout okay I got another stair stab but I don't think that counts is what I'm trying to do with these next few attempts I came so close the first one I actually did manage to kill this pyro but in the last section I counted this area as a stair stab so I'm going to do the same thing here next I almost hit a jump stab on this Soldier but I couldn't hit him because I forgot to crouch and then once more I set up a perfect jump stab on the medic and even though my knife raised for the backstab I missed my chance with all of that none of those were jump stabs I'm going to be honest this is a lot harder than I thought it would be I I thought that I was going to get in here and I was going to trickstab everyone and then it was just going to be a stupid video where I don't struggle but got to say oh my God am I bad by now I was starting to get a little frustrated but my hopes were still high as I was consistently getting closer and closer are you you serious that was such a nice stair stab please no that doesn't count I was so close and after switching maps and failing a few more times it finally happened that's it that's it that's the ramp stab we needed it the next stab is called the ghost stab which means I basically have to do the same thing except I go one way and then I bait them like that I love this Soldier for demonstrating with me but I'm going to be honest this sounds extremely hard and I don't think I've ever actually done this one before or at at least I haven't consciously thought about doing it I don't know my first attempt was pretty bad but you can watch me try to gas light myself into thinking that I actually did it and then slowly realized that I was not even close oh does that count I kind of did it I didn't really do it in one motion but I I jumped and I tricked him I don't think that counts God damn it already I was not having a good time and I ended up switching Maps quite a bit to try to find the best place to make this work okay yeah I just need to make someone chase me up a staircase it can't be a pyro who's good because then they'll just Air Blast me and then I'm screwed and wow that guy got destroyed but they have to be someone who's like smart enough to turn but not smart enough to just stop moving towards me I guess I don't know after a couple more games things were starting to look up for me and I managed to do this oh my God I don't that was not a trick step but holy [ __ ] that was like the craziest thing I've ever done I'm so sorry to everybody who I offended when I said the Ambassador wasn't good no [ __ ] oh that was that was almost it that was almost it eventually I moved over to Frontier and immediately I was feeling very ready for the ghost stab all right time for Frontier and you know what you know what's going to happen I think we're going to get it first try I think right here actually I think right here is going to be a great place to get this stab ready no no no no I almost did it no are you serious that was it that was it he turned my knife went up and as sad as it was to miss that stab I knew Frontier was going to be my map what the I just got stuck inside that man that sounds I say way too any weird things in these videos oh heavy spotted wait is this it come here no oh no it's not over it's not over okay it's over I won't make you watch every single one of my fails but I think this one does a pretty good job of showing what I was dealing with oh come on [ __ ] it's so so it's so easy to get a stair stab why would I do this stupid turn around extra steps ghost stab [ __ ] it's such a waste I was definitely reaching my limit but just when I was about to give up I surprised myself with this oh my God oh my God yes yes I'll admit that was probably the most scuffed stab you've ever seen but I am never doing this stupid ghost stab again next up is the under stab and if you don't know the underst stab is when somebody jumps over your head and then you backstab them from below so it's basically the opposite opposite of what I was just doing before this might sound pretty difficult but I had a very stupid yet genius idea for this one okay wait wait wait I need to bait soldiers to Mark guard me I'm going to disguise as a friendly sniper right and then they're they have no choice but to jump at me hopefully I don't get sniped by an actual sniper unfortunately if this plan fails once The Jig Is up oh that doesn't count but it's so close I switched server and tried again but as expected it didn't go so well [ __ ] God damn it I still think this plan is genius but it was simply too high level for me to pull off so I opted for just playing normally and hoping the trollers would continue to chase me oh my God I don't know if that counts but this is so stupid I think that might be it I think that might have to count this is taking so long as you heard this was taking a little long longer than it should have you would not believe how much time I wasted sitting on the battlements trying to bait trollers I seriously spent like 2 hours doing this I was getting a little worried about getting this stab but soon enough it happened oh [ __ ] I'm the best that was it that was actually it yes okay the next stab on the list is the corner stab and all that means is I just have to walk around a corner and then have someone follow me and then I a little double back uh into a backstab and I might even be able to just get it right here oh no getting so close to the corner stab that fast gave me some false confidence but it was immediately shattered after being unable to even get a normal back stab are you serious two turns like that how no there's actually no way I'm going back to Soldier I hate this class bro yeah after that one I decided I couldn't be seen on Barn Blitz anymore so I returned to my homeland upward and right away I was getting pretty close but not quite there does that count as a corner stab I think I kind of double backed on him I did like a reverse Corner stab I don't I don't think that counts I don't does that count as a corner stab probably not luckily this stab isn't too hard so shortly after that I ended up getting it oh that's it there's our Corner stab before I can move on to the next stab I actually hit this insane underst stab and I just needed an excuse to show it oh my God that was so unfathomably [ __ ] clean all right so the next stab is the blind stab which is essentially a stair stab or a jump stab but the difference is I have to have some sort of like map geometry to abuse not not abuse to hide behind so for example right here if I let some someone around the corner and then jumped over them that would be a perfect blind stab such as this okay never mind let me try to bait someone around a corner like this would have been perfect but the [ __ ] fire damage I decided for now I'm going to switch off the kunai because I think I think I just need to get this one stab like it it's not the kind of thing where I need to be in an aggressive position I just need someone to chase me I ended up switching maps and I actually got the stab pretty quickly but before that I just want you to appreciate this extreme intense interaction between me and this [Music] engineer yeah no I don't know either anyway here's the stab oh yes come here that's it that's the blind stab let's go moving on to every Spy man's favorite face stab The Matador stab if you're lucky enough to not know what this is It's basic basically just when you trick someone into walking One Direction double back and then take the easy back stab I would say the Mator stab is probably the most infamous trick stab in TF2 mostly because it's very often complete [ __ ] and uh I think we're probably going to probably be able to demonstrate that wait a second how can I be a toxic trick stabber if I'm not using the kunai what am I doing God I think in this video I've probably already hit like a bunch of Matador stabs but technically they don't count because I'm not I I have to do them in order I thought this stab was going to be easy but I did not get off to a great start no I I didn't want to kill him anyway there's so many sentries this is like the only room that I can be in without dying oh my God in a moment of desperation I once again queued up for Upward look I know you're all like oh wow king of upward oh we can't play any other map okay I get it it's my safe place leave me alone and it paid off because immediately after switching Maps I backstabbed this engineer to get a quick overheal and then I baited this medic into chasing me and then there we go that was totally a face stab but that's the best part coming up next is the reverse Matador stab this section is a little bit scuffed because I didn't actually understand the stab when I was recording this bit all right once again we're back on upward because of course there's only one map in the entire game oh little corner stab though I'm the best at this game I was pretty hyped with those other two trick stabs and then this demo charges me and then I just kind of Wiggle back and forth until I stabbed him and for some reason I thought that counted oh am I cheating I don't know what that was but I went left and right enough times for that to definitely be a reverse Matador stab yeah no it wasn't I took another look at the wiki and it says this stab is actually when you have someone chase you and then do a quick turnaround stab so unfortunately I don't have any footage of me failing but here is a clip of me doing it properly with that one done we've officially entered the final three stabs so if you're still here and you're not subscribed what are you even doing anyway the next stab is the drop stab and all that means I just have to be above someone and then jump down and stab them no [ __ ] that would have been crazy if I could have yeah okay this kind of stab tends to happen a lot on certain Maps so my main concern was trying to figure out what exactly is considered a drop stab on upward so I have to get above these people before I can actually hit a drop stab honestly if I just go up here this is good enough but nobody is going to go below me does that count is that a drop stab I don't know the wiki says that you have to drop from a great height but I don't really know what that means definitely wasn't that oh my God wait I just realized I don't know how many Great Heights we're going to find on upward but I do know one place where we definitely will when I recorded this the Halloween Maps had just returned and I realized there was only one way to get the perfect drop [Music] stab this is it oh my no that would have been so cool I'm luckily there were no shortage of pumpkin so I actually managed to get a few Clips pretty easily yall want to see a drop stab from a great height this is it Halloween mode was such a good idea oh my God no way I get the medic here I don't even know how I did that safe to say the drop stab can be checked off the list moving on to the circle strafe stab which is similar to The Matador except you move move in a circular path around your opponent until you reach their back keep in mind this one is a little bit weird because I never really know what to consider a successful one I think with the circle strafe stab I have to not really try to go for it if that makes any sense you know it's it's one of those things that I just going to have to play and it'll happen okay wait this Demo Man seems like the type I feel like if I can if I can get him to come over here maybe I can do [Music] it this stupid Halloween talk I decided I wasn't in the right server to hit the stab so I switched Maps again hoping to find a more ideal game okay I think there's a couple requirements for us to actually be able to hit the stab the first one is that there's not a Sentry that ruins my life what was that that dum man just donated his back to me there has to not be a centry in the way there has to be uh I have to have enough Health to like to not have that happen to me and there also has to be enough going on where I won't immediately die it's it's got to be kind of a chaotic environment where people are spinning around round I didn't have a whole lot of good attempts but when I did I often messed up because I was just too afraid of getting hit to get close enough for the stab oh that was almost it this game wasn't going very well for me and as a kunai spy going for aggressive trick stabs it's pretty difficult when you're spending most of the match walking around with 70 HP please oh my fing God so as usual I switched Maps again and immediately I got a much needed dopamine Boost after sending this poor Soldier straight to [Laughter] heaven what was that unfortunately right after that I experienced one of the most unexplainable whiffs of my entire TF2 career are you fed I can't believe that back stab didn't count on the soldier yeah after that one I switched Maps again but I promise that is the last time you know what here's the plan here's the plan if I just keep forcing it as much as I can like absurdly I just walk in a circle whenever I see somebody it's bound to happen at some point right right oh my God I really want to get this I I just want to get out of the way not so I can finish the challenge but so we can do the breast milk stab whatever that is and it looked like brute forcing it was the right idea because soon enough I managed to do it and oh my God was it forced wait I had it okay that's it that's it let's go I'm glad that medic gave me a second try and now for the stab you all been waiting for the breast milk stab oh God can't believe I said that so dramatically this stab is described as a shallow surf stab meaning the most common way to do this is by surfing a soldier's rocket or a demo man's pipe and getting a backstab off of that so the tricky part is actually getting to do this in a game I've seen clips of people using sentries to surf up this ramp so my first plan was to try that and even though it's not quite as shallow as a typical breast milk stab okay there's no way I just said a typical breast milk stab like this is just a normal thing anyway even though it's not quite the traditional method I figured I would give it a [Laughter] go that didn't work like I thought it would my next idea was to try pumpkin jumping like I did for the drops stab but technically the breast milk stab is a shallow surf stab so this one might be pushing the definition a little bit oh that was so clean the thing is I don't know is that really a breast milk stab I need that I need that authentic breast milk and I don't know if that really counts eventually I realized there wasn't going to be an easy way to do this so I would have to do it the way the breast milk Gods intended surfing a soldier's rocket no no [ __ ] oh my God no that was so close oh my God and to nobody's surprise I was not doing a very good job shoot at me no [ __ ] no no God that was so close [ __ ] I was getting so close but not quite there until finally I managed to do this Al no get [ __ ] breast milked [ __ ] uh
Channel: SeaRavioli
Views: 470,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Trickstab
Id: uhKm3K7MCmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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