2020 Pokémon Dallas Regional Championships VGC Swiss R2 - Dan ADrive C. vs Kareem M.

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and we're gonna get down to it really really soon furious note-taking as we open up the the teams that we are gonna see Dan's over there it's gonna be Charizard Butterfree torkoal muds Dale Arang guru do Ramadan with Kareem bringing a team of Rotom the wash format in DD excadrill REE universe alkaline and Snorlax there's a lot of cool synergies on these teams here obviously on dance team we have the Charizard in torkoal at Oracle with that drought ability we'll be able to boost those fire type attacks for Charizard now we have a rain guru with mud still angry with likely carrying that trick room it'll reverse the speeds and make mud steel very very fast Butterfree is a very good support pokemon in this format with access to moves like rage powder but you can protect its teammates and sleep powder which can you know make some we saw the power sleep in that first round with regazzi on Togekiss so butter free with that sleep powder doesn't have that delay turn it can put something to sleep immediately but over on creams saying we have the indeedy and ryu nicolas combo so in DD has the psychic searchability which will set psychic train and boost the psychic type attacks from your nicolas which can also set trick room for the Snorlax we also have executed without Tyranitar which is somewhat less common but exit I'll just have another fantastic ability in mold breaker and so not necessarily reliant on that saying a very strong Pokemon in its own right yeah I think there's some really cool additions on both teams everything ryu nicolas and ran guru not the pockets do you search across tournaments ryan definitely moving up there i mean a wrangler he's been taking names over in the trading card game with its its style of play there but it's always been an issue it's got access to some really cool moves instruct being yeah pretty much the focal point and we're looking at it both teams want to be using trick room so yeah it's gonna be a case of who can take advantage of it as soon as possible yeah both teams you know I'd like to take advantage room but also have some Pokemon that don't necessarily need it now Charizard is one of the fastest pokemon in the format right now we actually are seeing it right on the screen immediately so looks like Dan isn't opting for that trick room set up right now but I cream might be with that ridiculous and this Charizard Butterfree it's the ultimate first generation lead that you've got you've picked up your Charmander at the start to the forest and picked up the Butterfree ready to go I'm ready to be everyone Dan taking that one on the chin really well I mean I think this is a an interesting lead from from the trainers yes you can carve out the advantage right now this Butterfree is throwing a sleep powder because it will be faster than the Rema cliffs absolutely but Rina please can sometimes carry the ability overcoat and if it is it will actually just ignore that sleep powder entirely so it remains to be seen what ability it is running but that is an option for cream here then we'll see exactly how this one starts to shape out really the opening turns pretty important when you're running a team and you're dedicated to that trick room as well I think both trainers nobody wants to make that mistake nobody wants to open up and see kind of an error come through yeah but if we is gonna be leaving the field it doesn't want to deal with the potential attack from our client or call coming in instead so maybe looking to take advantage right there of something you know if the trigger was going up get your trick room setter in as well you see the drow ability and so more text gonna be doing a whole lot more damage immediate dynamics as well you love to see it no holds barred yeah throw out your Pokemon make it huge and do as much damage as possible it's gonna be a Dynomax on the Charizard from down side of the field and then leave really in a good position to deal some damage with that Sun coming into play Wow we'll see how it decides to maneuver around this one dynamaxx in response though from korean yea korean i'm likely gonna be this arc annoying because our kind is a very strong offensive option against this team i don't you give me that ridiculous though that's interesting yeah I think not for the trick um on this first turn yeah it's it's better to probably be able to take more damage just look at the health bar that's so hundred thirty is sort of naughty number to try and deal with you know Charles Arthur max fly in the Sun is going to hurt absolutely you know this max flare is boosted by the Sun and that solar power ability but because renew CLIs did dynamaxx it was able to hang on this train yeah that's a real smart dynamiting okay throw it up safe god that wants to keep itself safe and it responds with a max minus storm into the torque oh wow just takes it right out now a very smart play from cream they're you know knowing that Dan was likely going to Dynomax that Charizard even possibly set up the Sun with that torkoal now he did Dynomax is ridiculous double that HP stat so he could survive that max player the safeguard prevented a possible sleep powder from that butter free and then max Mindstorm opting luckily just trying to break that focus on the butter free there's a very common item on butter free but instead catching the torkoal switch and it's removing it from the game on turn one that's a really cool adaptation from Kareem I think I don't think many people expect him to do that he drive himself probably looking for the trick room take advantage of that but he's played it so well he's thrown out an immediate attack there and now this Butterfree while safeguards up really gonna struggle I think to come in and do much on this game right now with that safeguard up and won't be able to sleep powder you know it's you can still effectively use the rage powder will divert attacks from its partner to itself but instead Dan opting to bringing this dorama Dunwich that's a pretty good matchup against Arena class a little more so-so against dark and I know yeah well max airstream landing on to take it it's not going to be able to handle that and this Charizard boosting its speed and the obviously if trigger was not gonna be in play you want to be quicker right Duryodhana's gonna get the speed boost as well can I remove from the field this is pretty slow it's not gonna be given much time left as I was knocked out by the flash cannon from Pteranodon that's a huge turn from Dan you know obviously not the greatest first friend firm he did lose that torkoal and he did have the safeguard set up but that max airstream packing a huge punch thanks to the solar power boost in that life orb able to knock out the arcanine and the doral Adhan I was able to finish off that really list after the huge max flare and turn one so a good call from Dan bringing that drill out on to threaten small offense and now Koreans trigger my option is gone and we do see this Snorlax on the field which you know is one of the Pokemon that would like stripping the most we now no longer can use it well it's going to be a combination of Rotom wash and Snorlax together obviously Snorlax usually wanting tricky room in play right and right now this Charizard in a good type attacks any better that's gonna help out a little bit and potentially as well you know help something like jolly don't take them charas that does have to worry of course about something like the Thunderbolt coming right we're doing huge damage that way but right now this Charizard in position to just start attacking whatever it wants I think once you get rid of something like that Rotom you're gonna be feeling pretty good about yourself and that's very doable now yeah absolutely Rotom keeping it safe gonna protect right away doesn't want to get hit with any big attacks immediately max Flair though real good targeting I think frog Dan knows about the protect my goodness he's brought down to an absolute pittance of health it is enough though to hold on and eat it's a guava berry a good amount there as jus Aladar reveals so the in the Sun doesn't need the turn for any kind of charging and lands it into the protect of Rotom Snorlax cannot belly drum it does not have enough valve right that's a big turn for Dan again you know Kareem protecting that road I'm probably not wanting to take something like a max overgrowth from Charizard at which very often does carry that move but and so we saw the solar beam from Doral Adhan and the chars are just wiping out the Snorlax is HP with that max player you know taking the advantage of the Sun and that last turn of Dynomax no Snorlax often does not carry protect and so Dan possibly thinking you know if Kareem once install out that lash turn of Dynomax by protecting the Rotom he can take advantage of that with that an exponent Snorlax and deny that belly room as well well this Snorlax really didn't get what it wanted in that hand I think not being add value drum is a problem and this solar power is gonna be available in the harsh sunlight of course that your eleganza also got that speed boost as you know from the earlier max Airstream access stream it might be one of my favorite max moves it's one of the best for it because it provides kind of a pseudo tailwind right huge amount of damage especially on something like Charizard that's very fast you know it's very similar to something like it bring star chairman in that it gets that speed boost immediately yeah well speaking of solar beams your other guns not the only one carrying a Charizard also there Rotom could cause a problem Charizard without this kind of coverage right there wrote on the board all the way down no issues there in knocking it out it's one weakness exploited a little bit chance of health going down as do a lead on follows up with a solar beam probably looking the double target the Rotom right okay if just to make sure if it clings on it was gonna be there but it's gonna land onto Snorlax and Snorlax probably struggling to take this game on its own it's it's got three Pokemon to deal with yeah a very good pokemon in the nearest past we have seen it you know win these 1b threes but not right now it looks like this Charizard inter-allied on will be able to finish it off in time no thanks to some very strong offense by Dan you know backed up by that son from the torkoal even though the torque old digger knocked out as soon as it came on the field but the son has been such a huge factor in this game but I don't really think that's a bad thing if you're dim the sun's been pretty much exactly what he wanted he's been able to Sunday when he needed to his max flares have done huge amounts of damage so he's really put himself in a great position even if I think if trick room goes up he probably feels fine he just brings you a lead on and does things with that right so the last turn of course of the the Sun and the the psychic terrain they were set up literally back in turn one of the game yeah double Dynomax and there's only so much Snorlax can do it's gonna have to I guess keep recycling and let Charizard get knocked out by its it's damage it's doing to its rail and then hope your early dawn doesn't attack it too much and that's an interesting point that the Charizard actually hasn't taken an attack this entire game that's all damage itself yeah life-form in the solar power yeah well it's uh she's gonna be the choice training of Snorlax and limited options and it knocks it out so that's that's a huge amount of damage yeah a slash yeah it's just for reference Snorlax is one of the bulkiest pokemon we have in the game in that air slash you know not the strongest attack there's solar beam as much stronger that we've seen there even a flash cannon from the drow at Don's a little bit stronger but that air slash knocked out the Snorlax you know from you know decent chunk of health and that just kind of goes to show just how strong Charizard can be I mean it's it's got a ability that literally says you can do more damage when you throw that home with the light that we saw and that really starts to add up of course you are taking a good amount of recoil but it doesn't matter when you're just knocking out everything in front of you for the first few turns of the game right now that turn one is very interesting because we did see cream you know max that we you know close to survive the next player from the Charizard which you know it worked he got the knocking on the torkoal on the switch his reenlist did survive that turn but I did just lose his trick room option and that might have been you know pretty big in pretty big piece in his game plan against his team you know he does have that Snorlax which is very slow he just have the view necklace which can set trick room he just have to deal with the torque hole so Terkel is a very slow Pokemon I even slower than someone like we know clips and Snorlax so I guess you don't have to worry about that now but if Dan's game plan is going to be too useless Charizard to its max potential then now could be something that green could think about as I switch our game to you yeah I'd be very interested actually to see what changes curry makes setting up trigger room would have been nice but I think he made the right play to try and do without butter free yeah important but then at the same time you've got to be concerned if you're even saying well if I setup tricked room he's just gonna bring in talking right and that is a big deal you know if something like we saw snarl on regards arcanine in round one that could be something that claims definitely help out with that torkoal but maybe do set up the trick room you have to give torkoal a turn to launch an eruption before you can snarl it because it is that much lower than your night and so something that cream definitely has to dance around toko intrigue room really asks questions in some of the other tenant conditions but as soon as tricking goes up talk hole is is knocking saying do you have an answer to my reactions it's setting the Sun if you know kareem does have a way to stop the Sun and change it up right you know definitely could max rock for from something X could remain right sure yeah even Max Keiser from a row dome yep and then a drive has the option to just reset someone nuts flow right thing about using torkoal with chars that is you can set up the Sun and then even if they have you know even a different Pokemon that can set whether I'd like to rain ATAR you can just max player again and then set the Sun right back up and so it's kind of a self-sustaining system there between the turbo and the charger what about this you drop the Charizard you bring the toll call immediately and then you just just reset it yourself with your own Max flour-based of eruption yeah especially if Dan is using trigger marengo to now if you do have to Oracle intro maybe in the sand you know maybe cream does set up something like max rock flow with that extra drill you can just max player yeah I'm here to see if torkoal gets to do more than just set the weather this game right even though that was essential in the last game I'd love to see it just just do a little bit more yeah I know the eruption just does obscene amount yeah I've you know I've spoken to a couple players you've run it regularly and the numbers they they tell me that did you know that max half eruption this torkoal knocks out and then they just rattle through a huge list of okay surely not can't I don't believe you have you play them well I believe you now Ryan yeah Terkel and trigger mystify something you do not want to see I know that combination of folks when I was definitely won regionals on its own before so very unsurprising to see it back in the game here well there is gonna be some changes in Game two here but definitely different leads you get a little preview file even get thrown out with that we liked a beautiful there's gonna be a change up in DeeDee coming alongside the reunit class and it's gonna be raining Aroo yeah alongside that but stir-fries a coin honestly both leads pretty pretty conservative no big hitters Riya no real huge amounts of damage coming out unless you do decide to switch it up and Dynomax one of these Pokemon right now but definitely options to set up trick room yeah definitely - Pokemon that can set up tricking here in the arraign guru and the unik list but yeah it's kind of similar similarly as we were just talking about with the Sun with Charizard and torkoal indeedy sets up the psychic train former eunuch lists which would boost a lot of damage from it sleep powder but sorry starting it off in didi not gonna be given an option to do anything just put right to sleep that but it does look like the indeedy is eating its chest oh very very specific to sleep as it's psychics is butter free in return rangari was gonna move first set up trick room but I think I know what's coming believe so it's got to be another trick room from this room unison yeah it's gonna be the classic the double trick room in a turn where one it sets it up and then if you use it again in the turn it resets it immediately so ready we're in the exact same position as we were speed wise right but the only exchange we've made is indeed easy and it's berry and butter free has lost some of its health right so stressful very coming in very handy there from Koreans in didi you know it took the sleep powder and even though to give it a sleep that trusted way we woke it right up it got some day do you get good damage off with that psychic broke a potential focus on the butter free you know possibly cream looking to set up trick room but blocks by the arrangers tricking as well interaction there I feel like both of them want to set up trick right it's very other both kind of they want to let the other one do it but also know yeah we'll see see how they go with that ridiculous is gonna psychic though so it looks like he's gonna potentially that damn just set out as butter free is knocked out can't take those sidekicks two of them will do enough to knock it out I really could lose HP and there we go we are gonna see the trick room finally set up and it's gonna stick for this turn as well yeah so trim does go at this time Dan does lose the butter free in the process but really not necessarily a bad thing because here comes that torkoal you know we just talked about torkoal and trick room being very threatening with the sleeping in DD and early that has taken a little bit of light bulb damage might be a little bit difficult for cream to wiggle out of this one yeah I mean there's some real nasty plays you can do with a Ranga redo to say hey do you want a rear up ssin more than once yeah because I like eruption in a turn with Phil health you know what I like eruption more twice into the turn it looks like Corrine is actually gonna respond to this by setting up one of his Pokemon with the dynamite the reunify in total so probably able to take an eruption from this charcoal if it definitely needs to I can see one there's the first eruption indeed II bought really really low the key thing here though is maximum mindstorm it's just gonna knock it out yeah that's exactly what the Arango wants to do right he's really working through his Pokemon quickly here where he tries to instruct you did go for the double play there and it's not gonna be enough so I think that that Dynomax ridiculous really doing a lot better for Kareem this time around right so this time he took room before he got the Rena Lucinda trick room rather he took advantage of Dan stripping before he had to a dynamic slightly necklace so now there you Nikolas is gonna be one of the fastest things on the field able to fire off these super powerful max Mindstorms already in psychic terrain we saw even in Game one it didn't need the psychic trying to knock out the torkoal so just a little bit stronger this time definitely doing the job one interesting thing to note though is that we do see the Reno closed taking life web damage one ability that we Nicolas often runs is magic guard which would have blocked that damage so since we are seeing life we're doing the damage to arena close it cannot be magic card so it's either gonna be overcoat or regenerator I believe but most likely the overcoat yeah essentially because of the butter Frese I'd like to click Sleep Powder as much as they can yeah I think I coats a great ability here and I think Dan respecting that really wisely in the way he decides to kind of move around and not throw actually powders in that direction a kind of tricky one for him actually he got his trick him up he got his torkoal in but he didn't get to play it exactly how he wanted he's my only instruct on that for a previous turn so now he's got a Charizard in and you know what Charizard it doesn't want to be in triggering so could be an option to try and reverse his own trick room right I wouldn't be surprised to see that for sure and and just get himself in a good position Charizard could be putting in a good option if you can reverse the trick room and then get a knock out with max airstream Ryan then maybe there's the max card yet you could you're gonna get the speed up on the Wrangler you could then just start going with it that way and see what you can do indeed staying asleep right now not gonna be enough Azarenka reset so Treecko so this game could swing real drastically the around guru has been in control of the the speed and the the way that the turns are ordered Ryan for a long time now yeah it might seem weird to Dynomax an immediately max guard especially because he only do have those three turn so now charger just has two turns left of Dynomax but max Carr does block the max mindstorm and it would not have blocked max mind time with just protect so smart Dynomax there now Dan has the speed advantage with this Charizard yeah but it's gonna be following me from indeed it did wake up on that turn and is going to be the victim to the air stream the speeds going up for both Arang guru and of course this time max Charizard right now if you leave it around for too long it could be in a position to just to keep going yeah and see exactly how it goes Charizard losing a whole lot of health around you're launching fire plays in dude amount of damage I mean Lucas actually - normally do huge amounts of this Charizard you've been taking it out in one hit but just barely hanging on yeah and the big problem here I think for Dan is that Charizard right now is gonna be losing so much health right he's literally on a clock to win the game yeah I think maybe I think I think he has to win this turn I think the damage from life orb and solar power right would knock him out yeah I don't believe in charger I can survive another turn with that solar power in my fourth damage so you know because Charizard is maxed it doesn't have access to heat wave which is a very strong spread attack that can do damage to both the creams Pokemon but all these nice things are going to be just single target instead quick bring gallery' and wheezing solar power no I think this game probably getting that Max Martin storm down and dealing that damage is is enough to put him in that position unless around guru can maybe foul play everyone I don't know if it doesn't have turns to do that we're putting it there is a question right we'll see where we land with it yeah the Charizard still gonna be very fast this turn but it can't knock out both Pokemon like we were saying so not enough without losing all the towel right now possibly you submit like a max area stream into arcanine I believe we saw it you know not to do it last game and now that we eunuch list is no longer Dynomax the five playable doing a little bit more damage but even so even if it's not enough to knock it out that will certainly be the game in the creams favor well let's find out I think both trainers ready to lock in their moves as soon as possible Travis Arthur max Airstream heading to wards arcanine once again restored in game one if I see it in game 2 it is gone he's boost in this Arang guru gets to foul play first that turns out speed going up they're not gonna be relevant for too much longer I chose on losing some health clinging on arounder is foul play towards this really close not enough it's gonna be a little bit tricky as psychic just secures the knockout on Charizard even if solar power wasn't gonna get there right even though it's superfecta vendor that reunit cliff I'll play actually uses the attack set of the target instead of the user interesting though right it does knock itself out to its own life oh yeah yeah so we have a wrecking guru against a mystery pocket Snorlax this actually could be interesting you know we did see belly drum revealed from Snorlax in game 1 eye on Korean Snorlax if it does choose to velodrome foul play will been doing a hefty amount of damage because it doesn't use that target to text at us we will likely be seeing this in our lifes not opting for that village I'm just trying to knock out the ringer before it can fire play this yeah this is this is gonna be slow boys these are not huge it's the facade actually doing a decent amount right but I think it Koreans just in the driving seat just throw out a few facade Ryan I don't belly drum I think there's no like eating my hair do not under any circumstance do that and and go from there max you've also got to get through the barrier as well which I'm not gonna do right even if the ringer has a berry of it so and Snorlax will be recovering if I smell like those carry recycle and essentially is a method of recovering that berry and getting a little bit more health every turn that uses that recycle so it looks like it's not Lux will be able to power through this irregular and carry cream into a third game yeah well we do know that there's no you know getting a little bit of information on the item at around guru there and not seeing any berries activating right now so that's good information is where you put the game out Snorlax finally bought below half and immediately going back above heart right with the use of that berry yeah the very coming in handy here snow likes doesn't fear anything from the serbian guru would you see the Banger get brought below 25 percent so it's not carrying and I bury like like Snorlax is no agua berries no I pop it berries no self confusing berries this time around yeah Kareem showing how to actually pick the berry that you put on your Pokemon correctly making sure that he's using the right berry for the nature of his snoring the guava not confusing him any problems as Kareem does wrap up the game too and I was kind of slow and steady into that game right I'm gonna go to game 3 here yeah so Kareem you know opting to use trick room this time around but instead of setting it up himself like he tried to unturn one I correctly identified that Dan would try to set a fizz on trick room and took advantage that with a tree Uniqlo so sinister Cremona up he decided to Dynomax a tree you know close which got much more mileage but he got much more mileage out of it this time I think he did in Game one when he just did it defensively do you know survived that max clear I think I may just have to look at kind of going back to what happened in Game one and just try and work things through on that now he's seen the indeedy and the Reno's paired together seeing how strong they can be maybe that butter Frese gonna kind of be considered to be to be dropped yeah knowing that the indeed he has that chest oh very now knowing that Reno plus is very likely overcoat which will ignore sleep better and also rage powder the Butterfree might not be the best play for Dan but actually you know it's still pretty threatening especially if a cream doesn't lead something like indeedy we didn't close that and he's definitely threatening some sleep powders but we also saw the safe got our narcan 9 so that's you know up to three things that can prevent butter free from effectively sleep patterning on Koreans team yeah I really don't think that that's gonna be the finest of choice it's it's so difficult right to use the butter free effectively over here is to see if he drops it outside of the sleep powder we've really not seen too much but yes it can we all know it can rage powder we know it can do that but it's not looking had a problem setting up trick room right it's just they had a problem taking advantage of that yeah I wouldn't mind seeing the doral you don't put back in actually yeah I could definitely see that especially knowing that no cream is bringing this to soggy coats torella done does resist those psychic type attacks thanks to its steel typing so it could be a strong you know defensive option for Dan here in game 3 we'll see what changes he makes if any the Charizard is pretty much a staple of what I'm doing with it there's no messing around on that one there's no denying that Charizard is very strong here we we saw it even make a huge dent in kind of an unfavorable scenario at the end of Game 2 there so know if Dan was able to more facilitate that Charizard in this third game you know it could say something more similar to Game one where the chars are just kind of ran through the game it's been so powerful and so honestly very fun to see charge that's coming back dynamaxx Charizard there is a gigantic storm available but she's not decided to go yeah this is just your straight-up Dynomax but it still gets you know all the benefits doesn't get the move right but it you know still using slow the power as well yeah I believe it if you could use solar power with a gigantic Charizard that would likely be what we are seeing from a lot of players even though you do not lose them ex player the G max move on chars already crazy strong too but unfortunately we just are limited to the blaze ability on gigantic stars or it's reduced to see the regular dynamic start for now yeah I'd be curious to see actually what the difference is in things you can knock out as we're talking about with this the talk whole things you can knock out with so the power on without true I'd be curious to see what kind of makes the curtain and watch what moves around you still get the Sun boost on the fire type attack so you lose the boost from something like max airstream otherwise he smells very strong fire type moves yep well it's gonna be the same lead as a game number one for Dan and gain number two for Kareem so both players actually bringing the lead that won them that game and I think that's it that's a smart decision right so the Butterfree does make a return but just like in Game one we saw the butter for you immediately switch out under the torkoal this time around the crane does have the indeedy to protect the reno clips from the next floor on this first turn so if cream does have to do something in so a lot of options here from both of these players yeah this could be a really are decisive turn i don't want to say the games can be over after you know such a switch but you can carve out a huge advantage absolute and go from there honestly i'm pretty happy to see really close back zoom in we got there i'm looking at and thinking this is a cool it's one of my favorites now it's i'm excited to see it back and doing what it does best I mean causing so many problems right you wouldn't think when you look at his team that that's what would be doing to Maxine but it seems to be working as an immediate switch from down removes the Charizard and places the torkoal then maybe he's trying to do the same thing he did before with the take the max mind storm and get right back out right very possible if the Rena clothes does dynamaxx me that could be what's going on but we actually just see a rage powder instead of no Dynomax am i there player yep indeed he's gonna follow me like you said probably looking to get that trick room up and you know what's cool about this switch for Dan is the eruption doesn't care right about that at all I said this could get real nasty in a turn or two torkoal is in a premium position right now it's sat in the trick room doing exactly what it wants yeah it's in a pretty good position but it doesn't have to worry about their unit close because we did see in Game two the renewing close did Dynomax and take the eruption and you know still have a pretty good chunk of half-life so you know if we go close does Dynomax here you know if it is that over credibility it doesn't have to worry about Butterfree clicking rage powder and it will be able to you know take out this torque hole with a max mindstorm if that is the option it goes for here we'll see exactly what's going on with that moving through and then see exactly how this has played out you're right though we do need to make sure that we get a Dynomax down that's gonna be real big for something like the Rihanna curse it's been doing it every single game yeah and putting itself in such a great position yeah that's what it does here too so the trigger is gonna be really important for this real close it's gonna be the second fastest thing that will feel after this torkoal and then after that it will be you know able to fire off some max Mindstorms after it has to deal with this eruption yeah well there's the Butterfree just trying to cause some issues with the rage powder talk about firing out the eruption that's gonna be good damage and not enough for a knockout and not enough to bring them a below half we do get to see that interaction with overcoat yeah I'm not too concerned at all about that rage powder I said that's caused a bit of a problem really cuz taking some damage from the life of and indeed II following back with a psychic here we did see before it wasn't enough to knock it out but a pretty good critical it brings it really really low yeah so unfortunate for Dan there you know possibly overlooking that interaction with overcoat no overcoat does I allow you to ignore rage powder so as the reading clothes was able to max Mindstorm that torkoal survived that eruption very comfortably it looks like even if it wasn't Dynomax it would not have been knocked out by it but now we have this reading class and trick room you know in the psychic turning a bluff have some more very strong necks Mindstorms possibly some other coverage Musa might allow it to hit the Strela tone a little bit stronger too yet duryodhan's another Pokemon that really likes trecorum I'd say so that's a nice change you know we did we did see the around guru in game number two and that makes up real nice real close reviewing mat knuckle though do a lead on not appreciating that early but holding on most importantly yeah I drove on benefiting from the the lower power of those fighting type max moves they're just barely hanging on yeah the attackers it's not gonna matter much for the arena clothes or the indeedy but the india is able to follow up with the psychic and knock out this butter for you yep butter Frese gonna fall and it's going to be all down to Charizard and you rally it on four down right here little dogs gonna get it started this time with a flash cannon pick up the knockout on indeedy no more concerns about follow me there but really see this really close is still thriving in the trick room yeah I believe it doesn't still have one more turn of Dynomax so we'll be able to fire off one more max mind storm possibly another max knuckle if I wants to boost its partners attack but a mine storm will certainly be able to take out this Doral Adhan even if it you know it does have to protect because those maximum do do a little bit damage through protect but the snow lacks does come in here which will love this trick himself as well yeah speaking of Pokemon that enjoyed checkroom kareem showing us the snow like actually playing in triggering this time for the first time in the whole set yeah the previous two games has been playing out a trigger and right now in a down to your last two need to rallied on that low it's not looking good but tehreem playing this game so so well very well you know he got that trip him up immediately when he needed it and then took advantage of that overcoat ability taking some huge knockouts on that charcoal and and yeah there's so much damage in the drill again yep but the time is now to Dynomax you've got to be staying in the game and it looks to be that Charizard once again just making sure it can do as much damage as it can the sunlight is one o'clock as well right and that's gonna push it a little bit to to really do a lot that said you know if by some way this Charizard can see its way through the back end of this game you get out of the trick room mm-hmm that could be really nasty snore like close starting out with a darkest larrya the best animation in the game easily that is such a good animation it's so silly but it looks so good and that doesn't mean it's now 3 V 1 max and Mindstorm going down on this it's gone that's it a critical hit will seal this game for Kareem and ran a bit
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Views: 348,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, world, championships, pokemon championship, championship, pokemon world championships, worlds, finals, senior, masters, nationals, regionals, top 4, pokemon ultra sun, vgc, tcg, grand finals, ポケカ, umbreon, pokemon go, vgc 2020, vgc 20, vgc 2020 finals, pokemon world championships 2020, worlds 2020, 2020 finals, tcg 2020, 2020 pokemon world championship, vgc 2020 worlds, pokemon vgc 2020, 2020 pokemon regional championships, pokemon 2020 vgc, adrive
Id: yB0MzxU59B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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