How POWERFUL is this $35,000 Ninja Monkey? (Bloons TD Battles 2)

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in today's video we're going to be using the top pad fits your upgrade on the ninja which is called the grand master ninja and we're also going to be using the alchemist above it and also the homeland defense on the village so it's going to be one insanely strong great master ninja if you guys would like to see more videos like this drop a like and subscribe but let's get right in today's video all right boys so we're going against freddy on the map plutonium mines and i'm using ocean oven ninja alchemist villager right i'm thinking this grand master ninja is gonna be pretty op i've personally never used it so i don't really know what to expect but it's gotta be op right it's the freaking ninja at the end of the day boys and the ninja is just absolutely a go to tower okay so i think we can actually fully defend against all these reds here once we go for the double shot upgrades so let's finally go for that and just barely we're defending man and then next we're gonna go for ocean oban and we want him to be a little bit away from our ninja but also in range of the ninja so that he can actually buff the ninja because that will also be super super important but i'm thinking too with the alchemist buff we want the alchemist to only buff the ninja for us all right so let's go for ocean open then i guess right here that should be within range right it's almost not within range which kind of scares me and he has his open all the way at the start of the map for where we send our eco that is actually crazy i don't like that spot at all okay but yeah i guess he doesn't need to worry because he like can't buff his tax or anything like that but let's go for the seeking shuriken upgrade as well and i think with that upgrade we should be fine against all these blue balloons here okay so i need to also though go for um an alchemist okay so i guess we'll go for the alchemist up here i know it's kind of in a weird spot but as long as the ninja is within the range then we should be chilling because i want this alchemist again to only buff this ninja because he goes like back and forth kinda if there's more than two towers within the radius and we don't want oban to have that buff oben is not gonna help us out when he has a buff by the alchemist okay so we're gonna make sure that we go with the top path upgrades as well we need berserker brew in order to fully defend against constant space whites here on round five all right and i'm going to send him a few sets of space flights because i already know for a fact this tag shooter cannot fully defend i'm against space white so he's gonna have to go for another tax shooter and yep there he already goes for another one maybe with that he can fully defend and yes he can wow attack is op on this map ladies and gentlemen okay so he's sending us greens right now so far though we are chilling oh it's kind of pushing them i'm gonna go for berserker proof yep gonna go for that because i know what that upgrade we should be absolutely shown because while this ninja's buffed it just goes crazy okay and dude ninja alchemist i've already talked about this before but this tower combination is just elite okay because once we go for a balloon jitsu and then a stronger stimulant alchemist for mid-game rounds we're gonna be absolutely chilling unless they're like a ton of regen ceramics we might not be chilling against that uh that's gonna obviously be a pretty expensive rush if our opponent freddie over here wants to send us that and by then we should have enough money in order to defend i sent space pinks that entire time by the way i should have been sending space blacks it is fine round seven is here of course so now we can send him a crap ton of yellow balloons can he fully defend this uh it looks like just barely men maybe a yellow or two will slip by i don't really know man oh we are not chilling over here we are actually kind of struggling low-key okay so yeah we're gonna leak lives here that is kind of unfortunate i'm not gonna lie to y'all but i don't want to tower boost against this uh but now we do not have the life advantage going in around 40 and i have a good good feeling that this guy is going take his village very much so because dude tack heist village is just a goated freaking strategy and whether we like it or not we're gonna have to all out this guy before round 40 now because we have no tower within our strategy that can regenerate our lobster right but let's get to spacey queen i did not mean to send the space purples that that's kind of my fault but it's fine yeah dude he's definitely going to tackle his village he definitely is because he's going for another tack shooter right here that's going to be his hot shots is he seriously sending me pinks right now what in the world why the heck did he send all of those oh my goodness we should kind of punish him for that that that was a lot of pinks right there okay so maybe we could actually end up sending him a few purple balloons here on round 10 let's send him though some space lights here he ended up selling that texture why okay so his freaking lead popping power is super super greek right now so yeah i'm gonna send him a few zebras here not not too many though he's gonna eco with greens yeah okay let's let's set him like that that should force some upgrades or cause some havoc i'm gonna balloon boost this oh he i didn't realize that he went for a maelstrom boys oh my god i'm dumb okay put a few more purples here oh that's gonna force some upgrades yeah he's gonna have go to micro for that he's gotta have go to micro for that down to 15 all right so he literally has no camera detection by the way i'm gonna send you camel greens i'm just gonna be that guy i'm just gonna be that guy all right we don't want to kill him okay we could have killed him by the way just for the record but we don't want to kill him because we need to showcase the grand master ninja that was just too buddy right there boys let's get to ecoid again okay we have the live advantage by a long shot now this guy is probably not very happy with us either uh but that is okay all right we gotta make sure that we play our cards right i might have to go then for the stronger acid and also just the middle path in general because does this do more damage okay also strengthens bruise and stimulants okay so that could help us out a little bit so yeah i'll go for that right now and then i'm gonna go for another ninja just right next to our current ninja which can be buffed and okay now he's equal in yellows i was scared man because he wasn't equal with yellows that entire time but i guess he went for an overdrive he's over defending like crazy man maybe he's not going ice because ice is currently bugged so that definitely is a huge possibility maybe it's the glue or maybe it's just another tower that i'm not thinking of like the super monkey not really too sure okay but i would like to also go for a bottom path villager right the monkeytown and monkey see the upgrades specifically because then we'll get more money uh one sending eco okay but i'm gonna go for the bigger radius here because one going for the monkey commerce in the upgrade before that it's gonna make up to tier three upgrades cheaper for the towers that are within the radius okay so that's a pretty cool feature right around 17 is here so of course he could send me him live class balloon he's going spike factory no shop boys all right tack village fight battery i actually like that strategy a lot but the swipe factory cannot be enhanced by the village boys okay so a homeland defense will only help out his tax shooters i hope he knows that um because it does not affect these spike storms abilities on these spike storms anymore okay but yeah let's go for the monkeytown upgrade i guess because we have more than enough money to do so and i think honestly we should be fine against a fortified mob even if he wants to send this one okay um honestly if he wants to yeah be my guest go ahead and send that i would actually like to see if my current defenses could defend but oh wait he stopped he going so he actually might he's going to okay so let's just go for a shinobi here i'm gonna make sure that i go top path as well all right so going for only i only need to go for the top path once okay and let's see what happens here okay i think i'm gonna boost this uh because we're actually not doing as well as i thought um maybe we didn't need to boost that but it's okay all right i'd rather be safe than sorry but what i was talking about too is with these shinobis the range has increased significantly when we go for the ninja discipline upgrades so when going for the shinobis i'm gonna make sure that i upgrade to one three zeroes instead and it will make them just do a little bit more damage i guess which is good but we want ten shinobi's around the balloon jitsu because we can go up two times ten with the shinobi um buff and that will just make our grand master ninja even stronger and then of course two we want to go for a village somewhere in here as well okay but round 20 is here i also just went for the monkey city upgrade as well let's clear this obstacle here too i'm going to go for tentacles as well just so we can get some money from these ai balloons and whatnot and this village here barely hits the grand master ninja okay or our future grand master ninja so that's kind of clutch i don't like really like it you can't set it any higher than this so that really sucks man but let's go for jungle drums are right so that will obviously help out our ninjas a little bit more how do we defend against round 26 ddt's efficiently to be honest with y'all i'm thinking that we just go for an mib and then shinobi stacks and then maybe a sticky bomb so we could also go for a sabo ability we do a lot of different things but once we go for the mib it will allow all nearby monkeys to pop all balloon types aka ddts um so yeah i think if we have like a lot of shinobis around the ninja we should be absolutely chillin okay and then two if you don't know i forget what it's called in this game but in bt battles one's called the sabotage the pi line um that upgrade will slow down ddt balloons for us so we could also use that to our advantage as well and he's going with purple balloons right now boys he's feeling confident he did start filling up his side a little bit more i hate his village spot by the way i just don't like it it just like seems out of place you know uh but defending against these purples has been pretty easy for us so far unfortunately i guess i should have had ocean oben like to the right uh so that his tentacles could be eaten up more by the ai balloons so we're not gonna get too much money from that unfortunately but i guess it's fine let's go for the mib right now and then we might actually have enough money in order to go for the grand master ninja here on round 26 all right so i guess we probably should just go for that just in case actually no no no you know what we're only gonna go for it if he ends up sending us ddt's i don't think he actually will but i guess we never know i already have 5000 eco2 for round 26 which that is just incredible so obviously um this monkey cd upgrade definitely helped us out with getting to this point and look at histories by the way every single pink was being eaten up by those and also ais so he just got so much money out of that look let's use our see we barely got any money that is so unfortunate okay but i guess he's not gonna end up actually sending us anything so let's just go for the grand master ninja right now ladies and gentlemen that range by the way that was crazy holy crap let's go for the couch two here because i mean that couldn't hurt right and now we gotta make sure that we get the shinobi stack all the way up two times ten all right boys so he went for a primary expertise on his side he's spamming attaches as well honestly he would die to around 30 bad not gonna lie and i'm so confident in my defenses that i'm literally just still equaling which i don't know how entirely to feel about it but let's go for the permanent brew by the way okay so that can affect all these towers here especially this grand master ninja oh we only have times nine oh okay let's go for one more then one more right up there oh i went for the wrong cross path oops that is kind of my fault but there we go wait what we still only have times nine what okay does it only go up to nine then wait i'm so confused okay that must be a bug because it's still at times nine and i set down another one okay um that is maybe fine i'm honestly not too sure but let's not beat going by the way because we have 7 500 eco so that is definitely more than enough we can actually sell this off then for an extra 10k and i'm gonna go for a homeland defense right in the center of the map just to have on standby so i do have the master bomber by the way too now i didn't know if i wanted to use it for this video so i could showcase it for another video so i don't really know boys but if we go past round 35 we might just need it so i might just say screw it and go for it i don't really know if this is the best position for it but i kind of just have it here so they can put the sticky bomb onto my plastic balloons immediately and sticky bombs no longer stacked by the way so that is why we only have one as well okay uh we could go for a total transformation too somewhere over here i don't think that will help us out all that much you know what i'm gonna go for it on this side though i think i was watching a no moneys video he is a fellow btd youtuber and i think he had his more towards the back of the map okay um wait that is definitely the wrong cross path total transformation is middle patch see i'm such a bop voice i am literally such a bot but if we go for this right now let's go for the top path as well perfect and we can actually go for the faster throwing on the permanent brew right here because then it will give out the permanent brew a little bit quicker which of course is nice and then two like what else do we do here i don't think like we really could do anything else we could also go for a bma i mean that could definitely help us out so yeah why not we'll go for that too can this be enhanced by the village though probably not we want this more also towards the back of the map so i'm thinking just probably right here should be pretty good so yeah let's just go over that what's the better cross path for this though i think i don't know i actually i don't think the crosspath thing really matters i can't exactly remember so we'll just go for the middle path okay that could be totally wrong but yeah dude freddy by the way bro we have the life event so whether you want to or not my friend you are gonna have to rush us we might as well upgrade all these by the way to the two three zeros instead because then those could be doing a little bit of extra damage for us okay and so we're gonna go for the grand saboteur that i don't know if that's actually how you say it but let's just go for that too i probably will make a separate video on just this upgrade okay so there we go with that and we could still also go for a master bomber how much like does it affect it that it's not times 10 shinobi buffs i don't really know guys all right but we still have a lot of money so we might as well just go for more ninjas right all right boys we're just gonna go for the the master bomber anyway okay and here comes the first be a deer right so kind of want to see how we can defend against this all right oh he's sending us two okay so i think we are fine against this let's use uh the homeland defense here let's tower boost this as well oh my god and total transformation as well it is insanely laggy bro what is even going on round 37 bads can we defend against these ah i don't freaking know boys and we still have sixty thousand dollars saved up are you kidding me let's go for then some shinobis then maybe maybe that will work out right that's gotta work out oh my god that's a lot of bads that is a lot of babies holy crap i'm gonna also use this ability here because that could help us out a little bit i think and i'm gonna go for some shinobi's down here too oh wait i went for another fifth here or actually those are sabos whatever okay that that should be fine i think we're actually shutting right now though we are in fact okay so i'm gonna probably end up going for another homeland once this wears off i'm not sure how much longer we still have but we actually shredded those round freaking 37bds okay so i think those that ward off okay so let's go for that let's tower boost that and i need to get this village back on the map okay there we go perfect and i think it's safe to say that we're going to be able to defend against this no way no no no no no no i swear i swear i swear one eternity later oh wait guys we're back oh my god oh my god oh my god wait wait uh we got a tower business we got tower business dude it is so incredibly laggy can we actually defend against this can we defend i'm just going to use these abilities too we've got to be able to defend that right we've got to be able to defend that right there's no way we can't there's no way we can't oh my god okay whoo i thought for a second maybe oh bma literally just one shot at all those that was like for the ogs probably even more what in the world is going on oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen okay so honestly i have no money to rush him either that sinks by the way for a good five to ten minutes okay so i'm happy to see it come back i thought it was just gonna forever sink and then ending was just gonna be super anti-climatic but yeah i guess we could try to rush him but honestly he would actually probably shred against 145bd okay so let's see though let's see because we have literally nothing to lose he has no money now okay because he just sent us in all out so his eco is completely to probably zero uh so let's see if the young man freddie over here can defend against one single fortified b.a.d here on round 38. he's got a tax zone carbon spikes okay okay the the spike minds that that's not gonna help you out too much although hey he cracked it and he's gonna spam the oh my god he's gonna be able to defend spike factory is a different breed now can he defend everything underneath um actually not okay at least he popped off the ba dealer oh it's gonna be super close he has trees here too to help clean up so he actually might be able to defend but at the same time that's there's going to be a lot of ceramics oh trees did nothing trees did nothing man that was super super close for around 38 b.a.d and he didn't even have the entire map filled up that was crazier right and that isn't bad could it be gg and if you haven't already make sure to check out this video where i use a fifth tier tower that can defend over 100 ddt's
Channel: Boltrix
Views: 205,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: btd battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd battles, bloons td battles, bloons tower defense battles 2, ninja kiwi, bloons td 6 update, bloons update, ninja kiwi update, bloons td battles 2 update, btd battles 2 update, gaming, bloons td 6, bloons, update, battles 2, bloons td, btd, btd 6, battles, btdb2, new bloons game, best tower, btd battles 2 best strategy, best btd battles 2 strategy 2021, best strategy, btd battles 2 out, grandmaster ninja battles 2
Id: 2b4M46hHRBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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