Can You Beat Pokemon Infinite Fusion With Only Starter Fusions?

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it's no secret that we all love Pokemon fusions but which ones are the best of the best legendaries dragon types no today we'll be beating infinite fusion with only starter fusions oh and just to make things more difficult this will be a deathless run not necessarily a Nuzlocke but if a Pokemon faints in battle I'll need to reset back to the beginning of that battle before jumping in let me know what you think the best starter Fusion would be also if you've been enjoying the content lately I'd really appreciate you subscribing let's try to smash 7 000 likes for everyone's favorite trios with all that said let's get into it who else but the professor's wife would be up to the task of taming a team of starter fusions after meeting up with that rival grandson we stopped by Sammy's lab to get our first team member Squirtle after taking out the fused Charizard we can finally take our starters out of the box and start our journey I spent an hour or two doing the permutation to get the six coolest combinations of starters that I could and here's what I came up with first is the double Turtle Fusion Squirtle and Turtwig also known as squirt week next we get the Bulbasaur Cyndaquil fusion cindosor with the cutest little face number three is Mudkip and Charmander giving us Char Kip who levitates using his tail flames fourth is Torchic and Chikorita or chicka chick who's so happy to be here now I actually fused two water types together but look at how awesome pip dial looks this obviously leaves Trico and Chimchar creating our little tree jar oh and just to have a little more variety I included Pichu and evius starters so here's ichu now it's time for another matchup with our grandson but Char Kip absolutely roasts his Nita G and Charizard with Embers at level 12 it's time to take on Brock and his Rock fusions first is Gog which looks like an old-timey cartoon who wants to fight sadly for the rock hard leader pip dial is able to make quick work of the bird with bubble along with this cursed amalgamation of diggly now in Mount Moon we get a bunch of Evolutions starting with sindosor who gets a little more Firepower and opens his eyes as quizor next is PIP dial and one thing I noticed is a lot of the stage one plus bass fusions don't have custom Sprites so here's printile we also get chicabuskin and War twig then the Bulbasaur half of our Quasar evolves and we get a little Burnt Tree on its back chickabuskin evolves one more time into Bay busgan Tree Char becomes tree Ferno and sharkip evolves into the much worse looking Char top now we see Giovanni and his goons about to test their triple fusion machine and after beating the scientists they sick on us Chart top evolves back into a custom Sprite luckily the machine overheats but before we can catch the rocket boss he and his underlings flee the scene now in Cerulean there's another grandson battle but first I make sure to finish our stage one Evolutions off getting groferno printer and Wardle which might be my favorite right now this is what I consider the first real rival fight so let's see how it goes I lead print all who bubbles knee dodo before getting whirlwinded out to under level to eat you I go back to the pure water type who tanks some quick attacks and a double kick then gets the first KO with two bubbles the first of which being a crit against mantada I go to crowferno who's hit by seismic toss our fighting type is able to guarantee a knockout with the priority mock punch bringing in the starter Charizard we get a free punch in as the fiery plant tries to use poison powder but our grass type is unaffected now I throw out a taunt to stop any powders from being used and after one more punch in a takedown it's time to swap to my own Ivysaur Fusion Charizard brings itself into healing range with takedown recoil but we're still able to come out on top with Ember spam as the Gen 1 Fusion hits one more headlong rush and fails the sleep patteras before going down last is Abra who only has teleport so we smack it with some Vines and make it out of this battle on our first try while grinding for Misty our Pichu half of ichu evolves into Pikachu now let's take on the water leader we start with Wardle against jiggly Dean Razor Leaf doesn't quite get the kill so we take a disarming voice before Misty heals absorb brings us back to full and I actually decide to curse here since the normal water type doesn't really threaten us too much two curses later and a pair of absorbs get the KO so now it's just down to the Ace Audio our double Turtle has no problem tanking Mega drains from the grass water type and completes his Sweep with two plus two razor leaves getting us the Cascade badge now we walk in on Bill living out some weird fantasy of being a ride on so we'll just let him cook on to the SSN our battle with grandson is pretty much the same as the last I just want to show off his new Charizard manikade and starbra we rubbed the captain's back but I don't think Oak would be too happy if he found out anyway it's time to take on Surge and his electric fusions knowing his lead is part water I start things off with groferno who has incredible speed and is already learned Leaf blade which makes for an easy KO ekly goes down to the same but against his Ace ribos I swap to our ground type chart op after evading Thunder Punch all the buff Raichu can do is quick attack as we clean up this fight with a mud bomb followed by mudshot between here and Lavender Town we see some cool fusions like slow lith ethnics and shell tongue which I guess is more disturbing than cool now it's time for another bout with grandson in Pokemon Tower first is a Kyoto who does get a critball in meringue on quiz or before going down to a critical hit of our own with Razor Leaf now he sends in a Gyarados so I go to Wardle to tank thrash after a second we get lucky as the serpent is confused before his third attack and we Mega drain for some recovery I bring in each as our opponent hits himself allowing us to finish it off with a thunder shock next turn starper gets healed twice but eventually goes down to a pair of Swifts just leaving Charizard who's dealt with by Char Tom's firefang and mudshot once Mr Fuji gets taken away we beelined it to Celadon to tell Erica about the kidnapping we follow her into the sewers and after taking out this rocket crunch mag number Perino evolves into prinlicator unfortunately for us Erica and Giovanni have the same level cap of 35. because we need to battle the rocket boss and some gym trainers before the leader I decide to go into this fight at 33 meaning this will be our first real challenge of the Run at least the grass starter halves of quizor Wardle and babuskin evolve before jumping in but will it be enough The Crime Boss leads with an Arbok Onyx Fusion as I send in Char top we outspeed and mudshot bringing the Poison rock type down to sturdy as it misses slam our next attack misses as the max potion comes out then we rinse and repeat turn one except this time we're hit by acid spray ornix is swapped into ryrus as I opted for flame burst bringing the rock ice type into the red one more gets us at Ko but now we're met with the kingpin's ace Hong Kong not expecting a single Shadow Ball to decimate us where unfortunately forced to reset here we actually have to reset a second time but now I have a strategy that'll hopefully get us through this battle unscathed Chart top is still gonna mudshot arnix but this time it actually has intimidate instead of sturdy so it's in OKO now at full health with Han Khan in we can attack once breaking through dizzy punches confusion to do around a quarter to the normal ghost here we swap to warterra who's thankfully hit by payback instead of Shadow Ball we then eat chip away and are able to set up leech seed which will ensure print ligator can survive a second Shadow Ball after taking about 50 on the switching after a dizzy punch we get a crunch KO and now it's all down to ryrus I bring megabuskin in who gets frozen by Ice Beam so instead of attacking I go to quizor flame wheel does less than I would have liked it to and I hold my breath as Giovanni reveals Rock blast luckily only hitting twice now I go to groferno who resists a four spot and can finish the battle on the following turn with Leaf blade with that the silk scope is ours but before heading back to Pokemon Tower we need to deal with Erica her executive Duo starts things off with a hefty seed bomb and is able to hang on through Char Tom's flame burst after a heal were plucked before taking the egg bird down with another fiery barrage next is tanape who ancient Powers as I go to quiz or doing close to half our health Flame Charge does 50 to the prime hip tangle of fusion and after surviving another ancient power in the red we can take the fighting Vines out next turn with another Speedy burn last is vile Bell and I'm pretty much forced to go to grow Ferno but we luck out as the fly trap went for poison powder I start building Fury cutter here and after tanking a solar beam Erica orders her Ace to use the ineffective poison powder one last time before going down with the rainbow badge on hand Char top evolves into sharper grelferno into gronape and quizor into typesore the channelers in Pokemon Tower have some great fusions but this sad ghastly leaving a cracked execute as its soul is so good we also get to see charpard's final Evo here which is definitely in the running for best Fusion on the team Mega buskin also evolves into megaigon which really just feels like a cheerleader to me next War Tara becomes his final form blast era and look at the size of this thing's Canon we also get the last of our true starter revolutions as print ligator becomes in poligator and gronape evolves into my favorite Fusion sepnape the usual Marowak encounter here is replaced with a Marowak Gengar Fusion which just emphasizes the fact that it's dead after we take it down we find Mr Fuji who tells us the grunts took the prototype for the master ball from him and then left him alone he then hands us the poker flute so we can continue on our journey to fuchsia City standing in our way facing Koga is this Abomination please get me out of here the ninja leads with venomer as I send out sharper two Quick Flame bursts pick up Ko number one along with magnafing but against bither I switched to rock slide which doesn't quite get the killers were poison jabbed after a heel a pair of flame bursts finish the bug but now the ace Channel hits the field who's very specially bulky two takedowns bring us down to 9 HP so I go to blast Tara who would have been poisoned either way here one earthquake is all it takes to finish things up and that's it for the soul badge we have to take a second to look at my fetched here in silco they replaced the leak farfetch carries with a barbell we also get to see this super cool Magneton fusion and I'm not gonna try to say that one similar to our Erica situation before battling Sabrina we need to take on our rival and Giovanni except this time the level cap is actually lower than the rocket boss's Ace so we're going in pretty under leveled things start off okay against grandson koing his lead Neato jiat and elected dose but unfortunately Tauros survives close combat from our sepnape and reveals Zen head butt so here's another reset let's see how attempt 2 goes and poligator takes Neato Gia down even with the poison flying type using earth power to start with elected dose back in I let Meg I can eat discharge any breaks through paralysis to set up reflect after a few more discharges we get the knockout via razor Leafs and synthesis to gain some health on the way now it's back to the Menace himself Tauros type store tanks the first takedown well on our last reflect turn but then Zen headbutt flinches us as we try to leech seed we managed to get our saplings up and barely hang on and now I switch to blast Arrow who takes just under half from The Reckless charge the bull throws out another Zen headbutt as we earthquake and next turn after a workup we take it down with one more I now send my Charizard Fusion out to deal with his Charmeleon one and after a dragon rage we start flame bursting three hits of air fire take the starter out who actually has the more powerful flamethrower but going for solar beams sealed its fate this just leaves star bro who hits a not very effective power gem into blaster on the switchin then we're hit by confused Ray but keep our wits about us and take out our first obstacle with one last EQ in our first attempt against Giovanni we don't even see his Ace as ryrus's brine absolutely rinses sharper alright take two this time we see gang con but a double up on blast era of Dark Pulse and you guessed it brine make for another reset third time's the charm this time I lead blast era who cc'd by primarino after the fighting type is hit by our Rivals wing attack we then immediately get leech seed on ryrus who sets up a pretty useless safeguard thanks to close combat's defense drop even after a heal wing attack takes primarino down then I start cursing as Neato Giada is hit by stoneage Gen Con is back now who isn't able to kill our Rivals lead as we finish the ride on Lapras fusion with a plus one Aqua tail now it's finally time to deal with the level 51 Ace sand Queen Neato giatt finally goes down to gankon's Dark Pulse and sand Queen's gyro wall barely hurts us as our single Target earthquake to 60 percent our greatest enemy has now become our friend as Tauros finishes the queen with a Zen headbutt and our Aqua tail hits the ghostly mother for half her health finally after surviving a second Dark Pulse from the monster we're able to retake silvco with one final Aqua tail with Giovanni escaping yet again all we can do for now is continue on to Sabrina's gym before battling the leader I give ichu a moonstone giving us amchu we immediately follow up with a Thunderstone evolving him into the best dark boy why are there so many cursed Pokemon in the base version of this game anyway Let's Take on the telekinetic Terror I lead in poligator against the psychic fairy hip mime who nasty plots and survives our metal claw on the red as a Max potion comes out we use aquajit and just as I expect to get a meadow claw kill next turn we see Baton Pass into ezreon who doesn't take much from the attack Dark Pulse does solid damage so after Brian brings the evolution down to around 40 I swapped a sepnape who takes more than I hoped he would from the dark type move a four times effective Fury cutter is able to drop esreon but as her Ace gankazam hits the field it's on chew time after phasing through a psycho cut we go for faint attack and oh no this deathless thing is about to get a lot harder isn't it things actually go pretty much the same this time so in the same amchu situation I nuzzle first to ensure we outspeed now we can fearlessly faint attack bringing out Sabrina's last Pokemon alabro Thunderbolt just barely misses out on a KO so we're hit by a retaliatory surf with another heel coming out I employ my nuzzle combo again for knockout number three now it's back to hip mime so when polargator makes his return dodging hypnosis on Entry next turn we slurp up a psychic and our Ironclad claws rip into this nightmare Fusion for the win we saw Triple cats but now introducing triple dogs in the Pokemon mansion we convinced Blaine to head back to his gym but before taking him on WE Chase Team Rocket to mount Ember for one last Showdown if you've seen zap mokuno before I'm sure you're wondering how I'm gonna beat it without fainting and to be honest I am too my first thought is the flamethrower Articuno but I can't pick up The Knockout so I end up pivoting but type sore goes down now what you're about to see is perhaps the luckiest Pokemon moment captured on camera I start with a rock slide but unbeknownst to me each bird is holding a charity Berry to reduce Rock damage we somehow managed to Flinch both Moltres and Articuno so after only taking a drill pick from Zapdos I fire off rock slide number two the three birds all still survive but in unprecedented triple Flinch basically seals this one due to Triple pressure we're down to our last rock slide which connects yet again on all three legendaries koing Moltres and Articuno after surviving another Drill Pack from Zapdos I play things safe going to blast era to tank the next aquatil comes up just short of The Knockout so we actually need to eat one more attack bring amchu in to tank the last and then safely finish this battle with feign attack as the triple fusion separates Giovanni takes some time to think things over and the rest of the grunts clear out is this what double dog Trio looks like this is like one of those triangle puzzles where you have to count how many there are let me know what you get down below now I Waltz on up to the X rocket scientist to lay down the hurt glue Dash starts by storing Sun for a solar beam but never gets to release it as dual flamethrowers from Chopper take it out winning a speed tie on turn two next is magdon who never stood a chance against earth power but might best move against Char dactyl is to use the non-stab muddy water after being crunched two full restorers come out and then more filthy waves drop the ace whose Hyper Beam definitely scared me for a second there last is nine nine whose fire Fang finds blasteris shell for minimal damage unfortunately we're burned so I just set up leech seed before swapping out to impoligator who's roared anyway to sharper feeling pretty comfortable thanks to lead seed recovery I go for earth power but need to break through confusion first which we do in order to earn ourselves the volcano badge now it's a beeline to take on Giovanni one last time at the Viridian City gym he leads a riperous against Aaron poligator some surf spam causes the X rocket boss to waste all of his full restores and just before his lead goes down he swaps into electric Trio who drops to a pair of Aqua Jets next is go champ who hangs on through Surf and almost causes another reset with its Dynamic punch since we're confused I'm forced to switch to blastero who can live through earthquake and out speed on the following turn for an aqua tail kill the ace glistitar is next up whose own earthquake leaves us on 12 hp as aquatel just can't drop the armored scorpion I go to sepnape here but get hard red as poison jab immediately brings us into the red mock Punch's priority means I can guarantee a knockout here but as relax comes out I go into megaiken earthquake doesn't do much and after setting up reflect and healing with synthesis we take the Glutton down with razor leaves along with riparous who returns just in time to give us the Earth Badge now we've got one last obstacle before the elite four but I'm just gonna show grandson's new Fusion since Silph one absolute Abomination is this tall cute which actually makes Toros worse after type sword deals with the furballs we're also introduced to mag horn who's easily dealt with by charpard's Earth power last up is star Kazam the final form of starbra but after just using a few combines amchu can faint attack his way through this battle and on to Victory Road oh I really wish I could unsee this well with the team at 59 it's time to test our medal against the best of the best Lorelei leads with a magong as I send out sepnape but immediately swap to blastera the tank flamethrower after bubble beam our earthquake isn't quite enough to get The Knockout but the heel does allow us to set up curse now that we're strong enough to kill the ice Master sends in man bro whose takedown crashes into umchu triggering static a quick full restore is used but the mammoth only gets to make it hail before going down to a string of fan attacks unfortunately the ice grass type gin growth crits and Ice punches type story hits the field but he's able to out speed for a flamethrower KO on the following turn the swap for 10 taster recep nape and those stealth rocks won't be any trouble for us two Leaf blades take the shelled squid down but I'll admit that icicle crash was a pretty close call against the ace we risk we can just fire off a close combat to decimate the dark ice type and Advance on to Bruno the black belt opens with mavia as I sent in sharper earth power makes quick work of the wrestler and then I swap my own fighting type sepnapan against Mara Chan who misses Dynamic punch a single leaf blade picks up kill number two but as stechamp comes in it's back to our ground fire type who's unaffected by sandstorm flamethrower melts the metal brawler but now the unexpectedly dangerous sick cross comes in X's or doesn't do much and after surviving a flamethrower I decided to rock slide for some chip on the heel to my surprise the Steel fighting type sets up Swords Dance and hangs on through a second Bolten stream we muddy water as another full restore is used but it's too little too late as a plus too close combat puts us back at square one on attempt two this monster ko'd our sharper without even getting the attack boost so I knew I needed to change my strategy this time I have Time sword deal with the third monster champ and then his Superior bulk allows him to survive one close combat thanks to the special defense drop Bruno's potion is rendered worthless as flamethrower now drops the rhinoceros beetle from full health last is a Magna Knicks who locks on to blast Terror as he switches in then outplays me with magnet rise as I try to EQ regardless we're barely scratched by Iron Tail before finally finishing the fighters team with a pair of Aqua Tails so now we can take on Agatha the old bags lead is Miss mabat but I'm Chu walls it after being hit by wing attack we static the bad and take it down with a pair of fan attacks next is wabgar who survives our dark type move on one HP and reveals the always dangerous Destiny Bond I Moonlight next turn so we don't knock ourselves out and despite being back at full HP the ghost psychic type drops to our next stinky strike now gen Doom hits the field and takes around 70 percent from our faint attack but retaliates by connecting the 50 accurate Inferno and getting the burn knowing I out speed I Thunderbolt for the KO but as snorgar comes in I have to swap and polygator eats body slams and a shadow punch while doing 50 to the normal ghost with Surf and metal claw I go to blast Sarah on the heel and then leech see the lazy blob as it curses after a last-ditch body slam we pick up knockout number four with aqua tail leaving Agatha with only umter I bring sharp bird into a Nightshade but then he's outsped for dark pulses which Flinch him on back-to-back turns at only 17 HP I go to type sore who survives two more attacks the second of which being a crit and High Rolls pedal dance number two to win the battle Lance's team is extremely tough for us to deal with between his lead Dragon dose and his fairy dragon tokenite we definitely have our work cut out for us our first four attempts fail to one of these two mods and then just when I have a glimmer of hope of getting to the champion pora draws Dragon pulse brings us back to the beginning of the battle but you know what they say about lucky attempt number six right om chew leads by t-bolting the angry Dragonair who sets up the Reign turn one a second bolt of lightning doesn't get The Knockout but with outrage locking the dragon into attacking we can safely out speed next turn and draw First Blood now it's right to toganite who inpoligator is tasked with taking out moonblast does a quarter of our health and lowers our special attack but since we're physical that's totally fine the resisted outrage does the same amount as we metal claw which looks like it could be a three shot the next two outrages get slightly lower rolls doing 48 damage instead of 50 allowing us to survive on 4 HP and drop the ferry with two more metallic slashes with tyranny dactyl next I bring in blastera luckily being struck by the not very effective head smash another move with recoil Brave Bird is used and then our Fortress picks up a KO of his own with aqua tail now it's time for Revenge on porridra a special attack Boost from download is scary but sepnape takes less than half from try attack as he switches in I go for my strongest move close combat which even without the crit may have been enough to one shot here with lower defenses I definitely don't want to stay in against the fire type typhen air so I let sharper eat the four times resisted fire blast as the next misses we earth power barely leaving the salamander alive eventually after a few full restores from Lance we take his final mon down with a rock slide officially earning us the right to challenge grandson for the title of Kanto Champion but wow is this fight brutal on our very first attempt his lead Nido giat gets the plus four attack and drops in poligator with earthquake that's not even the tip of the iceberg his whole team can easily KO any of my members if things go his way so I decide to take a moment and plan barring a few things going wrong I should be able to come out on top but of course when I won this fight I forgot to start recording so after an extra half hour of attempts we got to here I had to teach charphot fire blast because flamethrower isn't strong enough to two-shot Neato giatt a Swords Dance turn one is scary since earthquake can come out at any moment but after exhausting four of our five fire blast PP we pick up the first knockout only taking a wing attack in the process this bait starcazam will always go for surf on our fire ground type allowing us to Pivot through sepnape to have its psychic amchu now the water psychic Fusion uses cosmic power but Thunderbolt still does 50 percent after a full restore we low roll but one more heal and two turns of gracious rag give us another KO as we're hit by surf ripe mortar is the least threatening Pokemon on our Rivals team but of course as I say that he crits a drill run into blastera then willow wisp connects to our Aqua tail only does about sixty percent to the ground fire type and its absorb bulb raises its special attack my backup here is to go to sepnape expecting a drill run but it's a double swap as tall tour comes in on the opposing side this actually puts us in good position to get amchu back in for free since he can't be touched by the baited Zen headbutt now I Moonlight back to full as we Dodge Giga Impact and nuzzle the three-headed bull rendering its scary face useless with a Perpetual speed Advantage we get this kill via Fane attack spam but one Giga Impact does connect bringing us into the red along the way as right mortar returns it's back to sepnape who tanks the resisted stoneage then guarantees a kill with close combat grandson's Ace Charizards met by our own Venusaur Fusion to battle for Supremacy we Dodge one Inferno but don't get so lucky next turn as we're already brought below half Health as we set up growth sticking to my guns I growth again and now our counterparty locks itself into pedal Blizzard at plus two flamethrower is a two shot and I've never been so happy to see a solar beam in my life we survived the photosynthesized blast with 36 HP and bring down the starter leaving grandson with only his elected dose as long as sepnape doesn't get paralyzed by this Thunder Punch we got this in the bag perfect at 42 HP our insane speed stat allows us to shred the electric water type to bits with Leaf blade defeating a rival for the second time and completing the journey starters are near and dear to every polka Fan's heart and the fact that they form insanely cool fusions makes them all that much better when I started this deathless challenge there were definitely some fights that I hadn't considered but it just goes to show that with enough planning and a little bit of luck or a lot of luck any challenge can be beaten if you enjoyed this video be sure to smash that like button and subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: CGA
Views: 222,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon infinite fusion, pokemon challenges, pokemon, pokemon fusion, best pokemon rom hacks, best pokemon fusions, pokemon commentary, pokemon fusion game, pokemon fan games, fusions, fusion, infinite fusion, new pokemon game, new pokemon, pokemon rom hacks, pokemon romhacks, pokemon fangames, pokemon mod, pokemon infinite fusion nuzlocke, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon fire red, cga, best pokemon, randomizer nuzlocke, starter fusions, starter pokemon, charizard fusions
Id: qJl7qjsA9bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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