Can I beat every boss? | 100 Days | Valheim

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I awaken in the afterlife carried by the valkyrie towards Valhalla carried by a giant raven lady but upon arrival I do not find the halls of Odin all right hail Warrior instead a raven named hugin flies down and introduces himself as my guide to velheim he explains the purpose of these stones and that I must defeat all six forsaken within 100 days to earn my way into Valhalla hugin then directs me towards the big vasir a guide stone that will lead me to my first prey exier a powerful deer that commands Thor's lightning after leaving the altar I begin Gathering resources and quickly realize that my stamina is not what it used to be and I nearly drown in the water I'm gonna drown before we even begin I continue on on my search for resources and I encounter two boards and I managed to avoid their attention fugit appears once again reminding me of the importance of eating in this afterlife how are you again how's it going bud you have found a snack consume it to improve your health and stamina and I am soon ambushed by a group of gray links thankfully I am able to fend them off with my trusty torch I come across some delicious berry bushes and after eating I craft a stone ax to both protect myself and to drop down trees for building materials Timber as I Venture forward in my quest to defeat Ethier I come across an ancient house and I decide to take refuge inside and with some effort I begin to repair and fortify the structure that is perfect it is ouch ouch good enough as night falls I am suddenly besieged by a horde of graylings we're protecting our base go away who seemed determined to prevent me from reaching my goal but with my wits and my trusty weapon in hand I managed to fend them off and I prepare for the challenges that lie ahead there we go he's he's he's true he's too wigged out to sneak up on maybe I'll sneak up on this board though I gathered resources in the morning and then I hunted boars for their meat so I could keep up keep up strength while hunting I stumbled upon a tower with a hidden chest and as I broke the supports it started floating must be due to Loki's trickery there we go after gravity successfully topples the tower jumped into a pack of five boards one two three four five and one of them's a one star I continued on my hunt and I successfully collected enough hide so I could craft a bow I used the bow to stalk and hunt the deer of the forest I managed to track down a very large and Powerful block nice this should provide me with the items needed for sacrificing and summoning ink theater whoa despite that clearly being a Kill Shot the buff runs but I managed to chase it down and put it out of its misery Upon returning home I begin to renovate my house super awesome base I returned to the stones to look at the Vic this year and to find the location of my first forsaken dude he's right here so we're in place of one of the Forsaken make the correct offering at the altar I headed back to my house killing some more Critters along the way dude we got it in one hit nice once I was home I did some Landscaping with my hoe that I crafted up and then I hunted more animals so I could upgrade my armor during my hunt I stumbled Upon A Stone Tower and it was ambushed by a swarm of Grayling quickly forcing me to retreat all right we're on it we're running we can't fight that too much and we'll chop down this tree don't fall on my house oh on the morning of day five I start by gathering some wood by cutting down a tree which I then used to craft a chopping block so I can advance my crafting skill haha I also create a set of hide armor to prepare for the upcoming challenge confident in my abilities I make my way to the location where Ethier can be summoned ready to face the mighty deer once I get there I make my sacrifice and I take Aim with my bow as he spawns in I fire the first shot and then I take cover dodging up both of lightning Ethier then charges around the rock attempting to get me and I make a break in the other direction and I fire again while running away it shoots even more lightning at me as I'm running away and we keep up this little dance until he manages to hit me with a blast of lightning even though I'm behind a rock and I run again but it isn't long before he blasts me from behind cover yet again this is going to be a close battle if I keep taking hits like that so I take some more precaution and I keep moving so I can recover health and stamina but I slip up every now and then and I take a bolt of lightning to the face its health is getting low and the fight is finally taking its toll on the mighty Beast down he goes nice I collect my spoils and I place its head on the stone unlocking a special ability and with the first forsaken down Odin will surely be proud of my sacrifice to him heogan arrives and informs me to look for the Black Forest so I can find my next Target the next morning I built the rap so I could explore the Seas which I humorously named the SS log nice not the best little bow but she'll do we'll dubber the S that's I don't know what we'll do it we'll call it the SS log after pushing the raft out to deeper waters I sailed across and I discovered a black forest where I searched for mineral deposits so I could upgrade my gear while exploring I stumbled upon a troll cave but I quickly realized that I wasn't ready to face those beasts yet not fighting that nope nope nope we're out determined to press on I journeyed through the thick fog until Nightfall however the fog became too damn and I had to turn back fortunately enough the fog lifted shortly after allowing me to continue on my journey the fog lighting up got some Moonlight we can see again after traveling through the night I stumbled upon a small Rune Stone Castle as I approached the sound of battle caught my attention and to my horror I discovered that the former occupants were still present I put those poor souls to rest and I decided to restore the castle to make it my own I begin by repairing the wooden floors installing a door and filling the gaps with wooden walls I don't need more wood however my work was interrupted by an ambush from the gray dwarfs who were evidently threatened by my presence come on give me the stamina after defeating them I resumed my renovations that and then add the uh nope run out of wood again wood Gathering simulator as I was placing a pillar support system for my kitchen I heard the heavy footsteps of a troll approaching over right here I think I hear where I am or is he just running around holy that was close dude he's just standing right there right there despite my fear I continued working hoping that the creature would lose interest and go away but as it drew closer I knew I was gonna have to face it head on I quickly climbed up the higher ground and came up with a plan to kite the Beast until I could slay it however my plans were disrupted when a swarm of gray dwarves appeared out of nowhere I had no choice but to fight for my life and after a frenzy Chase and a fierce battle I emerged Victorious exhausted I returned home to find the troll waiting for me with Knight approaching and more gray dwarves on the prowl I decided to rest and wait for morning to finish off the creature once and for all once I woke up I decided to employ a hit and run tactic so I could defeat this troll however after a while the troll disappeared keep running where'd Steve go Dave Steve has got this bad awful habit of going home and I'm trying to kill him got him this is my territory satisfied with my victory I returned to setting up my house perfect it's not a perfect base but considering I found this in and refabricated it to my purposes it's not terrible the renovations on my new house are looking impressive I decided to venture out into the dark woods to explore the area and I stumbled upon some more copper veins however I soon encountered a great dwarf Summoner which conjured up an army of fierce dwarves that I had difficulty defeating after retreating I returned to my new home off and leave me alone I don't like being trapped out in the dark what a bunch of dwarfs chasing me only to discover that something had destroyed my boat or is this what's left of it oh yeah that's my boat right there 20 wood something broke my boat on day 11 I started the day by cooking some food and Gathering resources to improve my home after the rain stopped I set out to explore and I stumbled upon a burial chamber upon entering I was immediately attacked by the resident Archer but I managed to push forward and I found a circling core which unlocked the knowledge to build a forge for smelting metal however I needed more cores before I could craft it five ten we need 10. I also discovered a giant poisonous skeletal Warrior and unfortunately I died trying to take it down she's got me back to the corner I'm gonna die no I didn't want to die yet thankfully I was given another chance by Odin and I returned to retrieve my things after sling numerous enemies and finding several cores I discovered the Fig Basir of my next Target oh nice we got the Elder location mint I went out to gather some flint and I stumbled upon another which I marked for later exploration as I continued my search I discovered a third trip Upon returning to my base I crafted a chopping block so I could repair my gear there we go and then I headed back to the third Crypt unfortunately I made a fatal mistake and I took an arrow to the knee oh ho I didn't realize he was an Archer after Gathering the remaining core as I needed I headed back home to set up my new Foundry however the Tranquility was short-lived as a horde of gray dwarves attacked my home and I was forced to defend it I used a technique of running in circles and picking off any dwarves that fellow The Horde and I managed to thin their numbers and begin picking them off one by one until I emerged Victorious I Venture into the forest in search of a safe copper deposit to gather the much needed resource however my presence attracts the attention of a troll and I'm forced to resort to hit and run tactics so I can gather enough Copper from the vein despite my best efforts the troll proves to be too much to handle and I have to abandon the copper vein and return home to smelt what little copper I was able to collect on the morning of day 15 I set up my Forge and I began smelting bronze to craft new armor and weapons however I need did more copper to continue crafting so I ventured out to a new site to gather more eventually I returned with enough copper to craft a bronze ax which allows me to chop down trees faster and so I can also Harvest fine wood I also had to deal with the troll attack oh there's some more fine wood right here I'm going to assume our friend no we did not I assumed horribly wrong and I returned home to organize my resources but my piece was interrupted by the gray dwarves we're growing more intelligent and Powerful stay I might die I might die oh I'm definitely gonna die oh a16 after recovering my stuff I set out to gather fine wood but I was confronted by another aggressive troll that absolutely refused to let me chop down no more trees I kited the troll around until I was finally able to defeat it allowing me to gather the fine what I needed to craft a powerful new bow that's my bow with my new weapon in hand I ventured out to collect more copper for my growing stockpile these ah there's bees on day 17 of my travels I stumbled upon an Old Tower with a beehive and I collected its Queen to establish a hive at my home base excited about my Discovery I decided to explore the second burial Chambers I found earlier so I could gather more cores surprisingly I found nine cores in this chamber however as I entered the last room I came across a two-star rancid and a one star skeleton which chased me back to the entrance determined to defeat them I shot them with arrows for my high ledge after defeating the rancid I returned to find that even more enemies had spawned in look at that 10 cores I went out in search of more metal and I collected some tint on my way to a new copper Bay once there I set up a portal for quicker travel back to base but I had to use a cart to haul the copper home as the metal interferes with the Portal's power I worked hard all day until Nightfall when the noise I was making attracted a group of braid dwarfs including a powerful brute and let's just say I overestimated my strength God I returned by the morning and I barely managed to clear out the Invaders you don't get to kill me and run away but as they were treated more reinforcements showed up after a long brawl I succumbed to another brute ah I return and equip my gear again and I take full advantage of my corpse run buff and I clear out the rest of the dwarves about time I get back to work until night where I get ambushed by even more gray dwarves and I die again clicking block this and then I return just to die again that is how I anticipated it and again right on the portal and again ah this is the definition of insanity I run back on foot and I get there to see that the brute was gone all right I guess it's back to work by the middle of the day I collected all of the copper I can from this vein I clean up my portal and my workbench and I cart all my goods home and then I go out for some more tenor day 21 is all about smelting and hunting and Gathering so I could make a real boat nice we have a real boat and the next day I built an awesome Harbor to protect my new boat after my super awesome Port is finished I craft a brand new armor from all the bronze I have collected feeling empowered I ventured deep into the forest to hunt down the gray dwarf Summoner after defeating the gray dwarfs I collected the ancient seeds required for summoning in the Elder with all the necessary items at hand I set sail for the forsaken's altar which was not an easy feat as I had to navigate the sea to find a river inlet eventually though I found it and I sailed up the river until it opened up into another sea and it followed the coastline under the cover of Darkness I arrived in the morning and I quickly set up camp and as I was nearing completion of the campsite I noticed a strange behavior from a nearby troll I guess you didn't like that suspicious I decided to clear out the nearby gray dwarf Nest before engaging the troll after finishing off the nest I went to face the troll which finally decided to fight me although I emerged Victorious the battle ended up costing me finally I made my way to the Altar and made my sacrificial offer the Elder summons in and like Aaron Jaeger I go in for the kill before it is even ready I managed to get in some early hits giving me a strong start but this has angered the Elder and it throws its Vines at me and I quickly dodged behind a pillar and then we trade blows when the Elder suddenly changes its tactics and it spawns in a bunch of vines around me I make my way to the next pillar to avoid them and he tries to 360 no scope me but thankfully he misses I get in a few quick shots and the Elder moves in to try melee combat but I am too smart and I Retreat back to the previous pillar where he puts up more Vines and he makes me return back to the second pillar at which point he gives Chase I take some cover and then fire a few arrows at him and I activate my Ethier power so I can have some more mobility and we continue this little dance for a bit when his Vines land multiple blows ouch realizing I need to be quicker I continue on with the fight shooting arrows all the way up until Nightfall where the Elder gets me pinned down for a moment but I managed to Sly out of it I am finally whittling this Monster's Health down dodging ducking dipping diving and dodging when suddenly I noticed something my bow is broke we are not good we are not good we are not good well that really ain't good oh no I wake up dude I can't believe my bow broke and I find a brute chilling at my Camp I ignore it and I carry on to recover my stuff outnumbered and with all my good weapons broken is that all or nothing dude my Hammer's about to break I make a tactical retreat but the Elder is not letting me escape that easily but I attempt to recover my stuff again but the Elder manages to no scope me once more sucker I recover the last Tombstone and I use my corpse run buff to recover the rest of my stuff I sneak back to Camp build a workbench and repair my bow and a charge back into the fight using trees as cover I make my way up and around to the altar now we're back on equal ground ah I pick off its minions one by one and I finally get in the final bow to claim victory over the Elder and I claim my trophy and the key that was a little mellow dramatic okay mint I set sail for home admiring The View along the way before I ventured too far though I gather some tin and then I continue my journey up the river kind of Miss sailing down the rivers in this game it's kind of nice just chill relaxing I detoured to the trophy stones to receive my blessings for modin for defeating the Elder afterwards I swung by my first house to gather anything of value before heading back home as I approached home a massive storm hit and I struggled to duck safely once ashore I took advantage of the fluctuating water levels to deepen my Harbor I also set up a wall to keep the enemies at Bay while Gathering what a troll tried to challenge me but quickly regretted its decision down the troll goes I skillfully completed a wall that extended all the way to my harp and I meticulously adjusted the land before placing my Gates I noticed that the terrain was still uneven so I grabbed my hoe and I smoothed it out after that I continued my work and added a few upgrades to the wall making sure it was perfect as I admired my handiwork I decided to raise the land a bit and replace some of the walls further out and then I constructed a set of stairs that led down to my Harbor giving it easy accessibility feeling ambitious I make a cultivator to start my garden and set up another upgrade piece for the workbench I set sail so I could establish a new copper mine this time I take extra precaution by Walling it in for added protection for three long days I worked tirelessly to carve out a massive Rock full of the precious metal hoping for a big payoff When Gravity would do its work but my efforts were thwarted again when Loki decided to play another prank on me thank you despite the setback I eventually gathered a satisfying amount of copper and I sailed it back home there I brewed up some Queen's Jam a potent concoction that enhances both my stamina and my health Meanwhile my first crops have matured and it's time to replace them with Cedars to ensure a steady supply of food on day 31 I embarked on a quest to find more beehives despite searching for an entire day I came up empty-handed however when I was about to give up I noticed I had a strange feeling that I was being watched looking up I saw Odin himself gazing down at me it's said to shiver down my spine and made me wonder what his real intentions were all this bees there's bees look at that bees I returned home and I set up my second beehive eager to start cooking with honey as I worked on my hive I realized I needed a new Shield to better protect myself in the battles to come nice bronze buckler baby I prepare to embark on a journey to find my next forsaken Target and I set sail keeping an eye out for abandoned buildings that may have beehives along the way as I Traverse the scenic landscape I momentarily lose focus and I collide with a few rocks reminding myself to pay closer attention to my surroundings oh now I was so distracted by the skeletons Brian stick close to the uh oh hi Odin he's following me oh that is the swamp that looks like a swamp tree to me it's been a while since I've seen one but I'm pretty sure that's one that is a disappointment it's more trees growing in the Ocean than it is swamp oh there's a merchant here there's a merchant after discovering a Wandering Merchant I meticulously hunt down the items I need to craft a portal mainly great dwarf eyes and circling cars oh there's one nice once I have them I make my way back to the merchants camp and I set up a portal and I return home to gather my treasure and items to sell using the profits I can purchase a circlet that enables me to see it in the dark while keeping my hands free I navigate my ship through treacherous Waters and I arrive at a swamp the very land I have been seeking I explore the area and I discovered an abandoned tower that would make an ideal location for a forward operating base I set up a portal to quickly travel back and forth and I gather the necessary supplies before returning to the tower to establish my new base of operations on Day 36 as always Gathering resources for the upcoming expedition to the swamp I stumbled Upon A group of wild boars it struck me that taming them could be a great source of meat for my home so I reconstructed the pens that were previously used in the nearby Village and proceeded to lure one of the boars into it with a handful of berries I managed to entice the boar and I waited patiently for it to calm down and get accustomed to its new surroundings I found more boars and I decided to tame them and I rebuilt the other pens in the village and lured them in and fed them some more berries Gathering all the raspberry so I couldn't find as I waited for the force to tame I decided to take on a new challenge and try to tame some wolves as well so I dug a hole to try and get the Wolves trapped inside okay you can follow me down here bud out ouch after a failed few attempts I finally succeeded by building a bridge and a gate to trap the wolf okay we got him with the wolf traps I continued to check on my bores and was pleased to see that two of them were now tamed aha feeling a surge of excitement I decided to Sparta kick a shaman into the wolf pit enjoy the wolf and then I had the idea to create another pit to tame a companion for my new pet wolf oh You're Gonna Go destroy my workbench oh [Music] at least he's in the hole ouch get in there after retrieving my gear I gathered more meat for my wolves and I checked on my boars I herded them into a pen which was quite challenging you gotta move go that way there we go this way and then I started to guide them towards my home some lovely fences all the way home ah all right there we go there we go however I made a critical mistake and I forgot to close off one end of the pen as a result all the boars managed to escape okay sorted that get in there after getting all the boards re-trapped or so I thought well there you are I continued pushing them towards my base however I realized it would take longer than expected check up on my wolves so I decided to wait for my wolves to finish taming up oh yeah the wolf tamed up nice when I went to go check out my boards I found them under attack by some aggressive creatures did they kill my pigs unfortunately all of my bores have been killed devastated by the loss I returned to my wolves to find that the second one had now then tame I quickly dug them out of their hole and I said stop Piggy oh that's a troll no I'm gonna lose my wolves after losing all of my tamed animals and the time it took to tame them I just felt defeated but I couldn't let that bring me down so I decided to take my frustration out on the trolls and I went on a killing spree and I mounted its head on my wall as a warning to any other trolls who might think about Crossing me with meticulous preparation I returned to my swamp Outpost and I erected a sturdy wall around my boat to ensure its safety I entered the ominous swamp and I stumbled upon a house built on the water oh despite facing some tough enemies like leeches and druggers I managed to overcome them and explore further into the swamp I discovered a glowing goo on one of the trees and I harvested it before finding and entering my first swamp trip using the key provided by the Elder inside I faced difficulties battling the Crips inhabitants but I will overcome them and find some valuable loot inside the chest including a big Messier for my next Target after searching for more treasure I continued breaking muddy scrap piles and killing enemies eventually clearing out the entire trip with all my heavy loot I slowly made my way back to base and I arrived back at my base on the morning of day 44. depositing my hard-earned loot before heading out and exploring more Crips what the is that that is new that is new that is new as I approached another Crypt I noticed the intimidating presence of the Abomination still lurking about with caution I entered the new Crypt only to be greeted by a group of unwelcoming enemies the fight was difficult to say the least and I had a hard time returning to get my stuff oh no well that's unfortunate after finally managing to recover my stuff in the morning I set up a new portal to quickly return to the Crypt in case I died again once back in my base I decided to try fishing for the first time and I was successful in Catching some fish after cooking up some meals I headed back to the crib and I spent the rest of the day clearing it out which proved to be very profitable and in the morning I started hauling my loot back home but my Hunger for adventure wasn't yet satisfied so I went back to the swamp to explore another Crypt and as I entered I was taken aback by the sheer size of it it was the biggest Crypt I had ever seen and I knew I had to explore every corner of it it was a challenging experience it took me nearly two full days to clear out but the effort was worth it as I found valuable treasure and defeated some top enemies along the way it's time to take my iron home so I headed back to unblock my ship and return to my base I break down my card for its resources and I teleport back to my Outpost I build a ramp up and I attempt to load the cart into the boat but I mess it up and it flips upside down it's just can you break my boat it takes me a few tries to get it right but I finally managed to load it onto the boat I sail away hoping my cart won't fall off the boat unfortunately I accidentally run the ship with ground which adds to the cards and stability a bit of a angle hopefully it stays on worried that I might lose it I quickly pull over and reset it back onto the boat before continuing on my journey after arriving at my base with a load of iron I immediately set to work smelting it down to create iron bars but before I could start crafting my new iron armor I needed to gather more deer Heights so I spent the rest of the day hunting and Gathering until I finally had enough to craft my new armor at nightfall and then I crafted a stone cutter a workbench that allows me to craft and repair Stone I used it to repair my castle walls and I started to add new features to the upstairs kitchen correct yes okay chess piece after cooking up some meat I get to work on extending my home constructing new rooms to accommodate my growing needs the next morning I ventured out to gather a large amount of regular and fine wood but unexpectedly encountered in Old nemesis oh hi right on his head right on his head oh no caught off guard I suffered a crushing defeat I didn't have any food on after regaining my lost items I defeated the troll and I continued Gathering wood with my supplies secured I upgraded my storage room to accommodate the additional resources I had finally smelted enough metal so I could craft a new Iron maze however I still needed to smelt more iron so I continued to tend to my Forge and my crops in my downtime I spent the time in the kitchen crafting carrot soup and healing me suddenly a putrid stench filled the air signaling the arrival of enemies get out of my house and I bravely fought them off with minimal losses oh and then after they were gone I took a moment together a bit more copper after collecting enough copper I gathered some more wood on the way home it seems like I can never have enough wood on hand these days when I get back home I saw two boards roaming around the back gate so I trapped them up and I started taming them hey guys wanna be my friend I want to be your friend this time I'll have my pig farm while I was waiting for them to be tamed I spent my time organizing my storage room it took the remainder of the day but it was so worth it I spent a considerable amount of time farming carrots and then I began constructing a new smelting area once it was nearly completed I checked on my boards and they were finally tamed and then I was back to finishing the smelting area so I could build a new pig pen in the spot where it used to be on the morning of day 56 I successfully tamed the boards and I began the task in bringing them inside the walls it was a bit of a challenge but I eventually got them inside unfortunately one of them jumped off the edge and got stuck so I had to take care of that got my pegs alone we're gonna name you Steve Wilbert after dealing with some great wolves I moved Steve into his new pen and I tried to get Wilbert out of his hole but unfortunately it really wasn't working so I focused on building a new fermenter to keep myself busy but then I got attacked by trolls second fermenter going oh no I led them away from my base and I managed to separate them killing one and then returning to find the other trolls had caused some damage I spent the rest of the day repairing everything on the next morning I decided to upgrade my armor to a stronger and more durable tier with that done I crafted a beautiful long ship and I set sail to explore the Seas that looks like planes over there after a lengthy journey I found myself venturing into the swamps we're bone mass resides while investigating I noticed something attacking my ship oh no no no something's attacking my boat mirror fight me fight me but I was able to save it from destruction that was close I then attempted to place down a portal but I realized that I needed wood for a workbench as I searched for wood I noticed the leech staring at me and before I knew it I was ambushed resulting in me respawning back in my face ah determined to save my stuff I set sail on my old ship now I gotta go back rescue her rescue our boat I hope well I don't die doing it oh no take a base of actions evasive actions oh God no you can have the boat just let me get the shore okay do you spawned I finally arrived at the swamp again but as I was navigating the murky Waters I got distracted by a strange Shadow and ended up crashing my ship right into the shore not good come on give me a little bit of a wave something here I spent some time struggling to free the ship when suddenly oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you're in the water you monster and we're dead okay this hitbox says no it finally grew bored with me so I take my shot at getting my stuff back didn't recover all my items but I forgot that I had stuff on me and I failed at picking up everything from my Tombstone off totally forgot I had the hammer six I grab out my old Copper gear and some other supplies and I crafted a new raft while sailing away it suddenly struck me that I had a portal to the merchant who was significantly closer to the swamp so I took it instead of continuing on my current rap and once I got there I headed for the sea and I crafted a new wrap and I set sail the slowest journey I have ever made on the morning of day 60 after a gruelingly long journey struggling to stay awake I finally arrived at my destination as I approached I noticed something attacking my little boat I managed to make it to Shore and I attempted to set up my workbench but I was attacked from behind after dealing with the Ambush I was finally able to place my portal and I headed back home to unload my inventory I then returned to retrieve the rest of my lost items and I took full advantage of the corpse run buff I lightened my load and I contemplated fighting the Abomination but I ultimately decided against it I gathered my portal and I set sail to a suitable spot to establish a new Outpost after passing up a seemingly nice Stone building due to a bad feeling I settled on this open area and I set up camp however I soon realized that the boss that I needed to defeat was on the other side of the water so I demolished The Outpost and I set up once again I ventured towards the mysterious Stone Tower despite my gut feeling and I began clearing it out suddenly I heard the loud Rumblings of an Abomination and it started attacking my boat tried to distract it but I was low on arrows all right cool this looks like a nice place to build and it chased me deeper into the swamp I foolishly engaged in a fight with the drauger and as my health fellow I got poisoned while a group of archers kept shooting him making my Escape difficult in the end I Was Defeated and I respawned back in my base feeling frustrated well you're gonna alone oh I headed back to my raft and I set sail towards the swamp once more finally arrived at the swamp on the night of day 62. after an entire day spent on the water I can't afford to die after such a long trip all right here we go running for our lives nah missed me missed me still missing that's my boat you're sinking you ah why'd that water have to be two steps too deep I decided maybe it's time for a new approach still I crafted and upgraded a troll hide armor set and I started running as far as I could up the shore the plan was to place down a new raft and set sail with minimal distance as possible as I journeyed and idea struck me dude I just realized I don't need a God I am such a idiot all I need is a goddamn bed and I could just die there and then I can I'd be fine I reached the furthest point of the shore that I could travel and I launched a new boat into the water evading all the pesky grade dwarves as I sailed along I suddenly found myself ambushed by a swarm of leeches fiercely determined to take you down they relentlessly pursued me through the swamps right into a nearby plains biome and I soon discovered that the leeches would lose interest if I simply rolled the wrap instead of driving it however by the time I had managed to escape their Fury Knight had already fallen making it too dangerous to cross the ocean I had no choice but to wait until morning to continue my journey fantastic fun I was eager to retrieve my gear and I began doing warm-up exercises on my way back to the swamp as I arrived I quickly sailed up to the shore and I sprinted towards my equipment taking advantage of the lighter Armor's significant speed increase to avoid Danger he's running so much faster with the sneak on that's so nice it's a bone rat Summoner sneaky sneak sneak sneak sneak I'm super sneaky the attic snake level is over nine thousand [Music] s nice try oh yeah they're aggroad on me they don't get rid of them sneaking they're just like yeah I see you but I don't think my boat's floating anymore at least not in one piece I successfully retrieved my gear oh quit sneaking quit sneaking I'm overweight oh hi my name is chaotic Welcome to My 100 days day one out of resources and energy I made my way to the forest to start a new mining operation as I gathered wood for the walls I heard the familiar stomping sound of danger approaching of course there's a troll I quickly abandoned my cart and I headed home exhausted and in need of a good night's sleep oh I went to bed honey the next day while doing chores like Gathering honey and tending to my garden I heard those dreaded Stomps again oh no I quickly attract the attention of the troll and I lead it away into the forest all right come here come here come here big dude I was just planning a garden but as soon as it lose interest another one appears now there's another one and I find myself on the Run once again I managed to reach my old floating mine and I take refuge to catch my breath well at least you might get me my extra copper that I need but the first troll comes back for more so I'm just trying to survive long enough that my health will regenerate a little bit here this is not what I signed up for and run away after recovering my stamina I make a break for it and eventually I lose them both Upon returning home rip my peg I survey the damage and I try to organize what's left of my storage I set up a new bed and I prepared a set sail for the swamps once again I am determined and nothing will prevent me from reaching Valhalla no matter what challenges Odin throws my way I will persevere and earn my place in the afterlife I reached the continent on the other side and I quickly set up a small Hut with a bed for respawning slowly but surely I make my way up the shoreline until I reach the planes just before the swamp there I set up another Hut and my bed as a new spawn point despite my efforts to find an easier path I'm gonna have to face the dangers of the planes one from Shoreline to Shoreline like I feared it's a death squido so that's squido no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh nope nope oh I got I make it to the shore across from the swamp and I see a small island I swim towards it with all my might hoping to have enough stamina to make it [Music] hey covered some stamina now we gotta recover some health now if I had my bed this is where I would place it right here once I'm back in the swamp I attempt to retrieve my items by running naked and afraid oh no we did not make it this far we did not make it this far for you to Kill Me Against All Odds I managed to outrun death himself and I carry on thing I happened to grab I had nothing in it of any value after evading various dangers I was suddenly hit by an arrow and had to make my way through the planes again despite facing another demise I stumbled upon an old Shack nearby which intrigued me after setting up a bed there I set out to gather resources for a new outpost on that island between the biomes but death was relentless as daylight faded I came across a new enemy an aggressive oil blob that mercifully took out a death squido arriving at the beach I swam across and I began building my new Hut struggling with low stamina while trying to avoid danger in a comical fashion I don't know who invited you here to this island but this is my Island we're just gonna do this until daytime bud and then I'm hoping you'll disappear [Music] [Music] it seems like he might be on my side dude they almost killed him [Music] [Music] okay we are safe for a moment hey never bite ring around or else all right We All Fall Down ah did you do this thing a 68 oh is he swimming into the swamp okay with the renewed sense of determination I stealthily make my way through the treacherous swamps to retrieve my gravestones and all of my valuable belongings with all my gears secured I summoned my inner strength and I run as fast as I can despite being encumbered along the way I hastily devour some much-needed nourishment and I eventually dropped the excess weight allowing me to move with more agility with a newfound sense of power I launch a counter-attack and I emerge Victorious we're doing it we're doing it we gotta as a return to my humble abode I feel a rush of Triumph and satisfaction I would like to take a moment to thank you for watching thus far this was the most frustrating and irritating point that I've had in any video that I've ever made and I would like to ask of you to destroy that like button in honor of my massive time lost one that I don't think I'm going to recover from I return home with a thirst for Revenge after the loss of my pig and the destruction of my home however I quickly realized the troll has far too many buddies for me to handle alone forcing me to retreat and recover determined to separate them I run through forest hillsides and even my old wolf holes but they prove Relentless after what seemed like an eternity one of the trolls finally gives up and I take my chance to exact my revenge oh I forgot him once back at base I begin the long and arduous process of rebuilding again day 69. nice some would say that making a joke here is getting old I disagree inspired by a newfound determination to defend my home from the trolls and any other Invaders I begin digging a deep trench to bolster my defenses I strategically placed workbenches to thwart unwanted spawns I take a breather from fixing up my base and I focus on honing my troll slaying skills making great strides in my progress once the break is over it's back to work to keep building up my Fortress I've returned to my Outpost and I make it more accessible as I attempted to navigate the area I was attacked by a leaf and after some searching I discovered that my boat had completely despawned enraged I sought revenge against the Abomination responsible and I lured it away and obtained a corpse run buff from an old gravestone but it still proved to be too powerful so I retreated pursued relentlessly by the Abomination I finally managed to make an escape but as soon as I did I was ambushed by a rape I returned home frustrated and angry you Odin go to hell but I channeled my Fury into crafting fire arrows so I could take down the Abomination once and for all the following morning I returned to the swamp and I encountered a new Abomination I channeled my anger into taking it down with fire arrows and it proved not too difficult to defeat as it ran away when on fire or perhaps because of my jumping ah either way after a lot of arrows it finally succumbed to my attacks but the one that caused me so much heartache and grief was still out there and it must die I find it and I fired a few arrows into it and it also ran away so it was likely scared by the fire after a back and fourth struggle it too was defeated Another One Bites the Dust however my victory was short-lived as I was soon overwhelmed and ultimately defeated I need you to heal up a little bit buddy come on oh I could block that I returned once again to the swamp thankfully my new base was saving me a lot of time despite my efforts to clear the spawners I was overpowered and I fell once again oh God no ah frustrated I returned to retrieve my gear but picked up the wrong gravestone and fell once again it seemed I had a lot to learn about surviving in this harsh environment okay I got it got the corpse run got everything deciding to take a break from the swamp I headed back to my home base to get some work done there on day 73 as I ventured out to hunt for food I stumbled upon some more beehives or another beehive adding to my stock and with only 25 days left to take down bone mass and hopefully managed to get the mighty wyvern motor I knew I needed to upgrade my gear and acquire a new ship as the Swamp is proving to be a formidable opponent I ventured back into the swamp trips to gather more metal and after collecting a sufficient amount I move a smelter to my Outpost for a more convenient crafting I gathered all the materials I needed for a new ship and I grabbed my Forge and I set sail to The Outpost however while sailing there on the raft I was ambushed by a sea serpent and I had to desperately head for sure which ended up resulting in a battle one that I unfortunately lost we're gonna end around because I fell six I traveled through the night to retrieve my items I arrived in the morning and the sea serpent was still there I grabbed my gear and I prepare for round two when suddenly it swims away after some quick repairs I set sail to the other continent upon arrival I decided to make my way on foot to save time on the way there I encounter an old friend and we catch up briefly before I continue on my journey and I wish I had some better arrows here but all I got is fire dude if I kill the salmon as I'm serpent me is it dead almost when I ride back at my plane set I discovered that it is being guarded by a lone fueling without hesitation I quickly dispatched the creature as I was sneaking through the planes an idea popped into my head what if I could tan the loxes they could prove to be a valuable Ally in battle and so I began the longest taming process I had attempted so far however I faced some obstacles along the way as I went in to feed them I accidentally got too close and the locks chased me attracting the attention of a pescuedes guido ah after recovering my belongings I patiently waited on day 79 after waiting for what seemed like an eternity I grew a little restless and I decided to stir up some trouble with the locals however the real excitement came when I finally managed to tame a locks by Nightfall unfortunately my celebrations were short-lived as the furlings had other plans for my new companion and I was unable to prevent them from turning it into a barbecue rip the next morning I returned home to do some cooking by Nightfall had successfully tamed both remaining boxes and I gave them the awesome names Loxy and Lorax shortly after that the barbecue party returned looking for more meat but this time we were ready and we struck them down with a fierce vengeance after spending the entire night trying to get my new power cows to follow me I realized that they had no interest in doing so despite them claiming to love me realizing that I have wasted too much time on this task I decided to head to my little Island Outpost once there I crafted a forge and realized I was still missing a couple of pieces for my new ship I set off to hunt more deer for their hides so that I could finish crafting the ship by the night of the 82nd day I finally gathered enough materials to craft a new longship with excitement Brewing inside me I placed it into the sea and then I packed up my belongings and I set sail for home Once I arrived back at base I noticed yet another troll had come to claim it after parking my ship I removed that nuisance troll from the premises I replaced my Forge and I upgraded some more of my gear before heading back into another trip to get even more iron after obtaining a ton of iron I set up a portal so I could transport the other materials back to base quickly however I was ambushed well at home transport my items through the portal I quickly darted back out of the crypt still on high alert to my relief my attacker had vanished and I had made my way home to drop off my hall and retrieve my trusty ship for the next leg of my journey before setting sail I paused to set up a new portal at the merchants camp while there I took the opportunity to sell some of my treasure and to invest in Thor's Mighty belt May and gourd to boost my carrying capacity with my preparations complete I head out once more to collect my iron ore and to bury it back to my Outpost upon arriving at my Outpost I've retrieved my smelter and I headed home after setting up a new portal I made my way to the market to retrieve my ship however my homecoming was interrupted by an unwelcome visitor in the form of a sea serpent I quickly piloted my boat back to the safety of my Harbor and I engaged in a fierce battle with the creature as I landed a few solid blows the waves grew higher and more treacherous as the sun rose I was relieved to see that the sea serpent was leaving after finishing up some chores I headed back to gather my iron along the way I kept an eye out for a kraken a legendary beast of the seed that could provide me with some rare resources however my search was unsuccessful and I only encountered another pesky serpent after grabbing my medal and returning home I smelted it all up and prepared for my upcoming Journey to the mountains I crafted some Frost resistance means and I upgraded my mace before setting sail back to the swamp Outpost together even more iron I cleared out the dangerous creatures and spawners in the swamp before finally heading back home once there I crafted some much needed food and I took a well-deserved nap on the 89th day I was finally fully prepared to take on the formidable bow of the swamps bone mass after making the necessary sacrifice I patiently waited for it to summon itself in I chugged down my potion resistance and I charged it dealing massive damage right away but on the other hand I was taking massive damage and I was forced into using my healing potion and retreating for a bit while waiting for it to finish vomiting all over the place it charged in and I blocked the hit and I gave it a few more whacks before taking off around the Skull Rock keeping my distance as I waited for my cooldown timer to end when suddenly it spit out baby blobs and a skeletal Warrior I take a few steps back and I lure them into a quick attack killing one of them as bone mass up chucked on top of me I move out and I come in for a couple of more strikes killing two more blobs before running out my timer the skeletal Archer attempted to flank me but quickly regretted it the last blob fell shortly after that my healing Brew cooldown is off right when bone mass decides to drop more blobs on me I deal with them as quickly as I can and I Retreat just in time for a puke attack I await bone mass and then I charge in popping the potion and Swinging like a madman the healing effect ends and I Retreat again I recover some health naturally before going in for a few more swings and retreating so I can deal with any ads along the way once again it throws more babies out but my potion is ready again and I go in and this time I use a stamina potion to get in a few more hits bone mass is now down to half health and I am doing great I sneak around the rock to destroy its babies and with the cool down nearly over I charge it again and after a moment of retreat I charge back in for one final strike but I ran out of time and I have to retreat again but with bone mass and a sliver of Health Victory is near almost got him almost got em almost got him oh got him after obtaining the wishbone and Bone masses trophy I was thrilled to be able to uncover hidden items in the world using the wishbone including the much-needed silver ore for traversing the snow I set out on my search for both silver ore and Motors location braving Odin's crazy tests starting with the mountain behind my home I searched high and low bending off wolves and Drakes along the way as luck would have it I stumbled upon a cavern and I ventured inside curious to see what I might discover although I encountered some cave dwellers and explored the depths of the cavern all through the night I found nothing that would Aid me in achieving my goals after finding nothing on the mountain I went back home and rearranged my portals in my haste I accidentally went through before it reconnected and found myself stranded at the Merchant's camp Oh no I had no choice but to run back home along the way though I stumbled upon a new Mountain that had silver veins on it which was perfect for my needs however if the locals weren't happy about my presence here and I had to defend myself hahaha dude I did nothing to you on my way back home I also found a nest egg which I decided to take as it may come in handy later on unfortunately my journey was interrupted by a surprise attack from a pack of wolves and I didn't come out a bit unscathed after recovering my gear I upgraded my cooking pot with a spice rack and I crafted some new more powerful Foods I realized I needed more iron as my copper pickaxe was no longer efficient and on my way back I had to defeat another dangerous creature before heading home I set up a new portal next to the mountains with the silver veins for easier transport upon arriving home I crafted a new iron pickaxe and it returned through the portal to start mining for silver and I attracted the attention of a rock roll a powerful creature that hits hard but after some blocks and hits I managed to defeat it I continued mining for silver until the vein finally broke apart nice nice very nice after setting up a storage box I collected all the silver and transferred everything through the portal back home as I made my way down the Treacher's mountain with a heavy Lotus silver ore my heart was pounding with fear but I reached my ship safely and as I went to set sail I was interrupted by a sound that sent chills down my spine I quickly bended it off and I continued on my way back home once I've reached my Foundry I started the tedious process of smelting the silver ore into metal bars after working through the night I finally had enough to craft a wolf or a cape which provided me with enough Frost resistance to no longer rely on the potions with only five days left to complete Odin's challenge of defeating motor and the remaining bosses my confidence is not at all the highest I realize that I still need to upgrade my bow and locate Motors later determined I set out to gather the necessary resources to create a powerful dragger thing both and I even have enough left over to craft a new wolf armor chess piece with my upgraded bow in hand I am Burke on a thorough search of Another Mountain putting my new weapon to the test as I hunt for Motors lair I discovered another egg and I collected to bring back to my ship knowing that one might not be enough despite clearing the entire Mountain I was unable to find any clues to Motors Lair so I set sail for a new location I established a portal in an abandoned castle and I even obtained a new queen bee explore the mountain peaks finding many Treasures but still no trace of my target as night Falls I returned to my ship and I set sail for another Mountain after realizing that the previous Mountain didn't have the big vasir I made my way to a new Mountain which was massive I battled my way up and I hope to find what I was looking for but I was sorely disappointed however I stumbled upon in an abandoned castle and hoped that the big Messier was there but a powerful Rock Golem attacked me and I barely survived even with the help of a skeletal Archer he's stuck inside the castle I fought off its former inhabitants and thought this might be a nice place to live so I ask you for help if you like my video request that Odin gives me an extra 100 days so that I could claim my rightful place in Valhalla and I will live in this Frozen Wasteland as retribution despite looking around the mountain and exploring several run-down castles and houses I still can't find motor's location as I started to head back to my ship a wolf attack and Loki played another trick on me causing me to go flying with the wolf whoa what the was that I went to retrieve my gear the next morning but Loki is still hanging around thoroughly amused by my recently even hardly fall oh man after shaking off his presence I set out in search of a new mountain with the ever ticking clock of Odin's challenge Weighing on me as I navigate the treacherous Waters I come across a kraken lazily lounging in the ocean taunting me with its imposing presence Nightfall approaches again and my hopes of finding the lair begin to fade until I finally come across a smaller mountain in the distance I set my sights on the new mountain and I head for its peak fueled by determination and hope that it will bring me closer to my goal however my search proves fruitless yet again and I'm forced to set sail once more with only one more chance left to find the Forsaken as I follow the wind's path through thick fog I catch a glimpse of another mountain in the distance and though it appears small I am determined to explore thoroughly sadly this mountain also proved to be a dead end and I continue my search through the night until the silhouette of a much larger Mountain comes into view I can sense that this is the one I've been searching for but it's guarded by hordes of fuelings it won't be an easy feat to conquer hey one 100 I make landfall and I set up my portal for the final time I make my way up the mountain and I start my search but after what felt like hours of searching I still haven't found what I'm looking for and as night falls I realize I have no choice but to head back home hoping that I'll wake up to another chance at defeating the remaining forsaken
Channel: Chaotic Gaming
Views: 15,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WGBkuGtu9cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 1sec (4501 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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