Can Boruto Be DEFEATED By Kawaki & Delta's Sneak Attack?

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Boost collector's box which comes with both the Energy Formula tub and this super amazing Duke Nukem Shaker or you can buy the Energy Formula itself on top of having zero sugar you also get a healthy dose of antioxidants and vitamins and just enough caffeine to bring out your inner hero so don't hesitate use my affiliate link down below or use my promo code KAG at check out to get yours today after the official leak for Bor to TU blue Vortex chapter 9 the next chapter officially coming out next week on the 18th so we will be getting full leaks very soon we got that huge panel of borto versus kawak taking place in the hidden Leaf Village but while all the attention was rightfully on board so once again handing kawaki another L this time without even kawaki having a hand laid on him there was something else in the spoiler that grabbed my attention that I wanted to see if more people brought up in the comment section before I decide to make a video dedicated to this or not which is the fact that boruto wasn't just fighting kawak in the chapter but he was also throwing down with Delta who was there with kawaki in the panel and I think this pose is a bigger question now that we know it's a two versus one battle because that changes a lot in terms of what you can expect moving forward which is we might need to start a conversation on whether or not Boro could potentially be in trouble here now I know the knee-jerk reaction to all of that is to say look there's no way Boro has any issues with these two and generally speaking I would be inclined to agree if we weren't faced with the current circumstances that we have presently while I do still think borto who has already shown that he is strong enough to take down a gan plus level threaten code while only using his base power not even his full base power at that Boro shouldn't lose his fight I do think there is a conversation to be had about whether or not there are some other factors at play that we have to consider when looking at this two versus one battle because I think there's potential for us to be swerved and have our expectations subverted by The Narrative itself boruto right now based on this panel is back in konaha and he's in a populated area for that reason boruto isn't going to allow the fight to get too wide of a scale which means we're very likely going to see the trend from Boro narut to next Generations continue which I know this is something a lot of people don't enjoy I particularly like it however that's basically where you're Shifting the focus more so from being more so based on destructive capability like we saw with Naruto fights and more so focusing on attack potency and limiting the area of Destruction which is a testament to the skill level of all the combatants involved in the battles that we're about to see unfold because it takes more control over your power and more skill over your power to hit someone with the force to say destroy an entire continent or mountain range but contain the area of Destruction to only whatever part of the body that they're being hit with while it's likely this two versus one battle takes that very similar approach there are a few other factors at play here that would benefit Boro from fighting to seriously particularly because he will be prevented from fighting seriously say the trio combatants a take off to the sky something that I am very much expecting and have been expecting from the moment that a model told us in boron n next Generations how Boron kawaki would be zipping around naturally before no time due to both of them being ouski and ichimoto own admittance that Dragon Ball not only inspires his art style but he uses Dragon Ball for references when drawing the fights I definitely see flight battles being something added to the upcoming chapters because it allows to a larger Battleground where there's more freedom for the attack patterns and as we saw with Dragon Ball the 360° potential that's added for the fight it adds another layer of fun to the battles in terms of creativity that the mangaka is able to use to express themselves in the fights that we're going to see and just as how flight was something that was largely credited with taking Dragon Ball to another level I think that having battles that showc flight could do the same thing for Boro boruto's battle is going to be very interesting because kawaki rather through his own delusions or due to having something up his sleeves that we don't know about some super handy dandy secret BL or Jutsu that we don't know or Suki power at the very least he believed that he and Delta they were going to have some kind of a chance to stand against Boro if he had the element of surprise at his side and while we all can agree it's more than likely delusion more than anything else we do have to factor in kaak at least knows boruto well enough to know that while they're still in the village and in the surrounding area boruto is going to be fighting with a bit of a handicap that he can exploit kawaki doesn't have the same attachment to the village that Boro has and it gives him more options when going into a fight with them that brings us to the next point also boruto facing these two isn't necessarily a walk in the park because there are some hacks abilities that each has it opens up the door for boruto to be more cautious in as approach that even he might have ever thought he needed to be when going into a battle which might sound crazy for a guy who know diff code and blew the guy clean across the village with this ring on but allow me to explain we've seen before that kawaki when he shrinks himself down it becomes harder to track him unless you have a shing gone like Sasuke has which allows Sasuke to track Jan even when he suppressed his chakra signature and eras his chakra presence which bypassed Naruto sens ability but due to the shingon being able to see chakras a color Sasuke was able to see Jan's location despite him being so small because erasing the chakra signature doesn't erase the chakra in the body itself hence Jan said Sasuke was the more dangerous one that needed to be eliminated despite Sasuke being much weaker than Naruto we've seen that when kawaki shrinks down boruto he isn't able to get a full read on where he is and in a battle situation not knowing where your enemy is it can lead to a problem because all you need is one good offguard moment to take down on your enemy however to play Devil's Advocate we do know that using sukuna hikona does take a lot of chakra to perform the Jutsu and given kawaki when it comes to Chaka control isn't the best it does open up the door for him to run into those issues when fighting Boro if he over relies on that Jutsu during their fight especially given that as we've seen in the past kawaki isn't necessarily A type to take too kindly to shobi methods of training where sard was particularly trying to work with him on his chakra control unless he's got Naruto standing over him and walking him through the teaching the concept of Shinobi training for kawak and the manga it goes out the way because if Naruto doesn't say it then the guy he's more inclined to rely on using ninja Tech and the power of the K seal then the shobi Arts and that was something that Naruto was trying to break him out of that mindset of doing but with Naruto gone that authority figure that reinforcement that Idol figure that method of power in terms of acquiring power through that type of training gone as well kawaki is more inclined to go back to the methods that Jan and Carr they drilled into him and it's worth noting that he literally said himself that the methods of Jan's training it was better than the shobi methods if he already had those doubts in his mind to begin with if he was already predisposed to think that that method was Superior they weren't going to go away anytime soon and you could argue even if Naruto was there he would have still reverted especially when he had 3 years to sit in Kona and brood over ways to kill Boro if anything he's leaning even stronger into ninj Tech and the K seal because of that because he referred to using his power to kill ouski the thing that Delta that we have to keep in mind is that while we have a rough idea where she is in terms of power stronger than Naruto out Kur by a wide margin and it's implied that Amato upgraded her body to be able to fight out cold with limit or so redhair code the thing that makes Delta an issue is those eye beams of hers which came destroy the body on a cellular level if you're hit by them which not even nanotech in kawaki's body was able to repair the damage and it's implied that not even aen Cher's regeneration ability would have been able to handle the salt on the body either however much like kawaki with the sukuna hikona that power also comes with its own downsize as well most notably that it too consumes a lot of chakra and it's something that Naruto mock Delta for because even someone as stupid as Naruto who can't draw his way out from under underneath the blanket with the GPS in his hand and a shadow clone shouting instructions even Naruto could see the effects of spamming those eye beams what it had on Delta and he could see the early signs of it wearing down her body and boruto was there for that fight so boruto would know the weakness as well those ey beams are very likely why Boro won't let the fight drag on because what's to say Delta fires off one of those eye beams and Boro teleports away and some random old lady is walking across the street and gets lit up by one of those beams while insurance companies in konaha might be getting excited about raising the premium prices on konaha citizens after this battle Boro is going to be in the same situation that Naruto is in when he and iiki mixed up in konaha before boruto teleported eiki away from the battlefield which is worrying about the Damage Done To The Village as a whole and wanting to mitigate any losses if possible however here's why I say Boro I don't think he has a ton of trouble in the fight that's coming up and it's more reasons than just Bor till stronger than both of them and by stronger I mean being strong enough that he can take them both down at the same time which that requires a ton more power than just being stronger than them as individuals something I don't see get brought up enough when we talk about this whole thing can someone beat a whole group like the akosi and we say well this guy's stronger than pain or this guy's stronger than that guy fighting a collective is a lot harder than fighting individuals a perfect example being for how to look at this Bor situation is Momo shiki's own words and the Bor movie novelization where fuse MOS shiki's monologue is very revealing he says that if there was a one-on-one fight against those versions of Naruto and Sasuke who weren't at full power due to Sasuke's renegon Dimension travel and Naruto having half his chakra absorbed before the fight if he were fighting them oneon-one he'd be able to win the fight with e because he was stronger than each of them as individuals but taking them on as a collective it was very frustrating for him because their Collective power and how ins sync they were in combat was making him panic because he could feel himself losing the battle which is why he kept trying to separate the two of them multiple times throughout the course of the fight because he needed that one-on-one situation to walk away with the win kauke and Delta's Only Hope right now it is to fight together in syn but Boro literally hasn't used the kamasu yet so there's another tier power at his fingertips that he hasn't even used yet and he's got the benefit of also having the flying Ren so the moment that he marks either of them they're done for because he can just teleport to other places that he has marked around the battlefield or because he's already marked them he can forcibly teleport one of them from their current spot on the battlefield and battle them while the other one is left giving Chase to rejoin the fight Bor to right now isn't just strong he's pesky and we're about to see what happens when you combine the genius genetics Amino and Naruto's unpredictable combat Style with someone who knows the use of the flying Ren it's not something as simple as as being strong enough to compete with borto in a battle maybe even defeat borto in a hand toand combat setting because that combination that boruto has between mito's genetics and Naruto's unpredictability is enough where you run the risk of overthinking because you aren't sure if this is part of some larger plan on boros in or if he's just winging it and due to those genius genetics he's taking very subconscious calculated moves that just happen to pay off for him in ways that you wouldn't expect again I think Boro wins this fight I think he wins it without much difficulty but it comes down to the manner as to how he takes them on because he has a few options at his disposal and while Delta isn't the strongest person on that Battlefield she is still pretty strong and one of the strongest characters at the end of Bor to narut next Generations which this video on the screen ranks the 15 strongest borto characters
Channel: Naruto Explained
Views: 62,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto explained, boruto manga spoilers, boruto two blue vortex, Boruto spoilers, boruto time skip, boruto two blue vortex spoilers, kawaki, boruto karma, boruto manga, boruto spoilers, jura's invasion, jura boruto, anime, boruto part 2, boruto two blue vortex chapter 9, boruto two blue vortex chapter 9 spoilers, himawari bijuu chakra, himawari, boruto spoiler, Boruto vs kawaki, boruto vs kawaki and delta, boruto vs Delta, boruto vs kawaki
Id: tFvip7GkLyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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