Naruto, Sasuke vs. Uchiha Shin. The Complete History of the Uchiha Family (English Dub)

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what's wrong with wanting to know a little about my dad the noble uch Clan its bloodline ranks among the most venerable the ability to wield the Shaden Gan is considered their greatest trait even among the clan the Shaden Gan awakens in the eyes of very few members enabling them to see through tautu genjutsu and Ninjutsu acute emotions cause the brain to release a unique form of chakra that affects the optic nerve and transforms the eye into the shotting gon at the present time the only known family members still alive to carry on the bloodline are Sasuke IA and his only child may I see the volume of data pertaining to Sasuke IA sure it seems access to material specifically about Sasuke has been restricted why hasn't Dad decided to come back home yet you know where he spent all this time and what he's been doing don't you so we're back on that again every time I ask you just tell me you don't know how can you call yourself his wife you actually married to my father why are you so full of questions all of a sudden it's not sudden what's weird is the relationship you have with my dad and it's not just kind of weird it's definitely weird s your father is on a mission but it will end one day and then he'll come home you still believe that will happen your dad and I our feelings connect us to each other so don't worry the loan's not paid off we've been very busy lately I guess the fatigue finally caught up with her I bet you she'll be fine in 2 or 3 days I'll meet you there later I want to pull some important things out of here before I leave a woman wearing [Music] glasses you were looking for pictures of your dad that's not what I was doing do you know what my father looks like nowadays oh right you haven't seen him since you were a baby it's been years now I checked every hospital and now I know that there are no records of my birth anywhere in the hidden Leaf she's wearing the same glasses that I wear well you see I'm thinking of going on a journey I'm going to find out who my real mom and dad are and naturally you'll be coming along [Music] right [Music] h huh it's Sasuke's Hawk he's so analog when it comes to this stuff well it's not his fault there's no place to charge a device on 80% of his missions give him a break huh well if this guy really does have the Shing gun which is highly unlikely he's either an U Survivor or maybe he's someone related to him so you've seen him him then and how was sasuka he was really strong I could not overpower so he he killed Itachi unforgivable must kill that's right Sasuke the disgrace of The Proud ucha Clan I'll contact you again if I learn anything new it looks like I'll need to get the details from Sasuke myself so in that case I'm going to take off go meet up with him sorry to keep you waiting sarda what's going on you seem a lot more excited than me JoJo check it out I'm prepared for anything oh wow look at you tell Boro I'm really sorry mhm hey that's Lord sth I'm afraid you just missed him oh now I get it you guys brought his lunch he said sorry hold on a minute you want me to deliver that lunch box for you huh Sara I'm taking it back to Mom and giving her a piece of my mind she just keeps on making lunch boxes for him she should know better you actually know the person who's going to deliver it so what's the big deal besides I'm qualif ified to make the delivery why is this so important to you because a lunchbox isn't just about the food that's in it Naruto is heading toward the chicaro pass boruto you should let her take it fine Cho let's go uh okay I finally get to meet you Dad bring me his daughter H the one with the glasses she's wearing the crest of the I Clan just like you we have to hurry or we won't catch up besides what's the point of all this if he doesn't get to eat it who are you tell us I'm Sheen ucha how can you be an UA my dad and I are the only only I survivors left I'm taking you [Music] away Cho paral expansion CH don't you think this is a little much for a kids fight shingun I see so you're the one I have some questions for you as well look at that the Shan gun too remotely controlled weapons huh I get it so that's your power is this what they say is inside of Lord s's body yeah that's it it's the ninetail Beast look at all that enormous chakra he has and he's controlling it so accurately it appears you're well trained oh wow take note that's the power of the nine Tales of the Seventh Hokage he's widely known as the greatest Shinobi of his T this is not an adversary you can take on yourself [Music] I guess it's over am I like a fair Maiden who everyone's fighting over nah I don't think you're the one they're targeting Choo it's probably sarida that they're after listen you don't have to worry about a thing okay it's all right I'll always protect you I think both of you should come with me that will be the safest option oh are you sure all right oh yeah I came to deliver this to you oh ah that hit the spot thank you again it was really thoughtful of you oh no you can think boruto it's all because of him sarda tell me about what your dad is like you know I've never met the guy not even once I don't remember him how would I describe your dad he was super popular with a kunoichi at the Academy just like I was but also he was antisocial grouchy arrogant and rude totally not like me at all you reminded me a lot of Sasuke and Sakura from back in the day I mean Sasuke never wore glasses but I swear you two have the exact same eyes no matter how far apart or how long it's been since you've seen him it's never going to change the fact that you're Sasuke's [Music] daughter it's coming into view I can't run anymore let's take a break I guess there's no getting around it um I need to use the bathroom all right then Don't Stray too far I'm very impressed that you found me are you one of [Music] them dad is that you s when I saw you I knew immediately that you were my dad oh hey there you are sarda why did you run off so fast like that why did you bring children with you I came here I came here to see you dad I found out Lord seventh was meeting with you so I followed him here I want to know his mom my real mom she probably never asked you about the others in the photo either sarida is a very honest child if she ever found out Sasuke was an enemy of the Hidden Leaf Village at one time I'm a failure as a mother aren't I answer me now is she my real mom or not did something happen do you even care that you've forgotten what your own daughter looks like and who is this woman standing next to you wearing the same kind of glasses as me mom won't tell me anything and you are never around I can't trust either one of you my entire life is a big mess forget it hey wait you are a super insensitive person don't you think it's about time you told Sara what really happened come on at least tell her why you can't return to the Village are you leaving already I'll be sure and send word if if I find anything the threat of someone like kaguya whose existence nearly destroyed the world could arise again if we don't remain diligent enough truth is this is also a journey of atonement for me there's no need for that nobody has any bitterness toward you anymore I suggest that you do what you're meant to do and I'll do the things that I'm meant to do listen I want you to treat my whereabouts as classified information that only the top brass know about she has Sakura she will always be there they'll be just fine sarda there's one thing that I know for certain just trust me on this one your father is the finest Shinobi around Sakura after this test the next one we'll have to do is H where'd she go for the purpose of finally achieving our goals let us now begin we will revive the akatski [Music] yes what is it it's consum flavor you can have it you should use it to make up with sarida then I'll go find that woman with the glasses myself and I'll ask her straight to her face try talking to Sasuke one more time let's go Sheen he's all yours [Music] [Music] Sasuke Fireball chsu [Music] that's amazing he's incredible actually this is nothing he's even more skilled than this I see sasuka when the hell are you I go by the name Shin ucha he's the boy who attacked us you can speak the truth freely after we've captured you and that means he's using his own son his [Music] shield seventh no you don't need to worry sarda I'm okay that guy can control other people's weapons with his power he must have marked my [Music] sword God no these things are making it hard to move without Evolution All Creatures shall eventually perish so I'll be taking your Shing gun right now just what the hell do you think you're doing to my husband and my precious daughter are you going to be okay Naruto yeah I'll heal soon enough huh for real well this whole thing is over now thank goodness you're okay I'm sorry I thought I'd made things clear to Sara but I guess I didn't no it's actually my fault s huh Transportation technique mom no Mom come back [Music] it's no use they either went really far away or somehow they escaped inside of a barrier I'm not able to sense Sakura's chakra at all whatever you do don't take your eyes off of her yes Father certainly weren't afraid of holding back were you it's because you tried to kill my husband husband and my child not to mention my close lifelong friend and not of IA blood but we can still use you at this point that's the only good reason I have for letting you live listen that child needs immediate medical attention or he could die I can help him I'm sure you don't want to lose your child to these children are clones created from culturing my teeth and nerves clones my mentor was Orochimaru that guy who called himself Shinu huh I happened to see that his left arm was implanted with multiple shoting gun not just anyone's capable of that it had to have been Orochimaru it can't be true because we've had Leaf shobi keeping strict surveillance on him I don't think he'd be directly involved in this it doesn't make sense let's head over to his research lab wait Dad sarda huh aren't you worried at all about how Mom's doing hey sarda Sasuke is personal feelings don't matter emotions will only get in the way of a mission how about you two come with us what do you say huh Naruto come on remember they came after sarda as well so I think it'll be safer if we all stay together you know how horrible even if they are clones didn't you raise them as if they were your own Sons they only exist provide me with replacement organs without a doubt the body of every living creature decomposes in time but despite that fact genes survive Forever Without change through reproductive cells in progyny you are sorely mistaken if you think that the body only serves as a disposable vessel the body is where one's feelings and one's will reside weak genes will eventually perish and strong genes will always hybridize to generate even stronger beings that is a Evolution through countless battles new Ninjutsu and other Arts were developed rapidly and strong Shinobi were selected for the sake of human evolution I will revive the akatski and carry out the wishes of Itachi Lord 6 filled me in for the most part but I'm sorry this is the mission I was assigned and I can't leave my post I understand don't worry Sasuke will take the lead from here hey Sasuke it's not like we're going to one of your favorite restaurants here long time no see Sasuke the gu's in the photo oh my goodness we have a most unusual visitor Orochimaru wow you look a lot younger than you did back in the day you should know me better than that by now evidently one of your underlings placed my child in danger and kidnapped my wife what's the watch her outside for then just tell us everything you know about the man who calls himself Shinu let's go to the other room he's gone off on his own already but he was one of my old experimental subjects danzo shimura the man you all fought his right arm came from Sheen he was like a shadow clone that never disappears what do you mean never disappears so what happens when you're all done with them then if you want them gone the only option is to kill them but why does he call himself an oh yes that's the name he claimed for himself granted he's just a reproduction but as someone who possesses the shoting gun he was obsessed with u family name when are you going to tell us where he is my word such one-sided questioning it's surprising to see how Shameless you've become of owe you one right Naruto how is the child doing well I hope yeah the kid seems to be doing very well excuse me but all of you guys are my dad's former partners isn't that right can you tell me where this woman is that's cutting she's not here she's at a different Hideout well right now it's still only a possibility until I can prove it but a genetic test would show it right then it would be clear whose child I really am all right then we'll compare the jeans that we harvested from you with the jeans from Karen's umbilical [Music] cord your dad and I our feelings connect us to each other so don't worry well your glasses are similar damn it I kind kind of feel like I did something that I shouldn't have done it's too late now how could Sasuke be such a bastard well you can take it from here hey suatu wait you lied to me Lord seventh why should I have to go and rescue someone who I just found out isn't even my real [Music] mom at this point I'd rather not look like that person in any way shape or form I've told boruto the same thing as well time and again to a Hokage every person in the village is family I guess I finally need to face the fact that none of this is what I thought it was I don't even have a real family and you're not [Music] me bond isn't just about history or blood it's something much stronger tell me what is it then go ahead it's love [Music] sard so he's not able to come home just yet yeah but how come Daddy doesn't seem to care about you or me what don't ever think Daddy doesn't care have you ever given daddy a kiss before Mommy what's the matter nothing I was just remembering something even better ew that's icky I guess I do want to rescue my mom it doesn't matter whether she's your real mom or even your fake mom as long as you feel the desire to save her that's all what have you two been doing where have you been Sasuke listen there's something we need to discuss later but I do want to thank you for telling me where Shin is I can sense him now I'll take everyone there right away it seems my visual prowess just came back in order to revive the akatski I will kill Sasuke and take his sharing gun for myself he doesn't deserve to carry on [Music] the [Music] [Music] a [Music] I'm sorry I thought I'd made things clear sarda but I guess I didn't no it's actually my fault I wonder how he really feels about Mom and what's the real story what happened between the two of them I'm going to save all this thinking for later right now I just want to save Mom that's all that I am the only one truly worthy of carrying out Itachi's wishes all I have to do is take take you down and everything will be settled so this is she 's Hideout they're coming hey sarda first we'll shut him down come breathing just how many more of these weird guys are there whether they're clones or whatever they all think of Sheen as their father parents should never do something like this to their child it's wrong and it should never [Music] happen Dad let's go no one can escape my Sharingan you can heal your wounds yourself right yes thank thanks dear I appreciate it you won't be moving far with that leg we'll examine you thoroughly back at the leaf I will not I will protect father I'm not as soft as Naruto don't do it [Music] dad [Music] SAS it seems to me now that the tables have turned you are a disgrace to the U Clan it's okay sarda trust us your father and I we will protect you no matter what [Music] never underestimate a parent no l what's going on this is over Sheen you're done I'll have to use the sheen as a distraction and Retreat for now oh not yet what are you doing enough we are to dispose of old useless flesh from this point on we will evolve exactly as you taught us that is logical we will do [Music] it get made we made more of ourselves we don't need you father not anymore wao it seems like they made some plump ones too don't kill him Sasuke you're coming with me now medical Ninja s don't get in our way I'm getting protect you I [Music] swear I don't think so [Music] CH [Music] amazing calm down Kur as I said you're still way too soft they're really all just a bunch of kids we have to teach them the difference between right and wrong sarda way to go the O Clan's abilities are amazing that was some awesome power sarda why do you make me worry so much you're squishing me too much oh sorry about that um Dad are your feelings really connected with moms yeah how can you say that and be [Music] sure because you exist s first of all we'll need to give each one of you a name for convenience in other words we're all going to be a family my name is Kabuto there's no need to be shy Sasuke it's been a long time uh what's the seriously come on you guys of course you are my real daughter and I definitely gave birth to you silly kid Sara is truly an indisputably Sasuke and Sakura's daughter but what about that umbilical cord it belongs to Sara and Sakura I was the one who delivered Sara when Sakura went into labor but never mind that go apologize to Sara suigetsu and you can take her this new pair of glasses while you're at it I bet she's entirely outgrown her old pair right now when will you come home again don't make such a sad face till next time okay so then tell me what's even better than a kiss huh I'll tell you about it next time we talk here I packed your lunch [Music] thanks uh see you I have to get going another rain check for me CH a
Channel: Muz Almaz
Views: 424,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto, sasuke, anime
Id: 879ST4JirxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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