Cursed Prince Can't Have an Heir, so he Marries a Witch To Break His Curse | 2024 Anime

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the story starts with Prince Oscar traveling around some Plains with his Aid Lazar and we find out that the two of them have sneaked out of the castle they are heading to meet the witch of azer moon and Oscar wants to ask the witch how to lift the curse that has been cast on him Lazar is not fond of the idea and he asks Oscar to head back as there must be some other way to lift the curse but Oscar tells him that he has been looking for 15 years but he has found nothing he states that if he can't meet The Witch of the Azure Moon he will find the one who cast the curse called The Witch of Silence they then arrive at the Azure Tower where the witch resides and Oscar tries to head inside but Lazar tries to stop him telling him that the risk is too great and his plan of finding the witch of silence is also not a good one because the witch of Silence hasn't been spotted in the last 15 years he states that Oscar can meet the witch of Azar moon in this Tower if he manages to reach the top but no one has managed to reach the top in many years Oscar states that he is sure that it will work out and Lazar just asks him to turn back as he won't be able to return to the castle if something happens to him Oscar doesn't listen to him and he heads into the tower he notices that the entrance is just as the records say and Lazar reminds him that according to the records a number of challenges await them Within These Walls Oscar mentions that the one who will overcome those challenges to reach the top will have his wish granted and he heads up the tower he asks Lazar to wait here but Lazar states that he can't leave the prince alone and he accompanies him they then reach the first floor and Oscar notices a stone tablet in front of him with a question Lazar tells him that this floor is filled with snakes and Oscar mentions that he can see that but the snakes aren't venomous he then notices that the stone tablet has a mathematical question which was famous for being unsolvable back then but Oscar manages to answer the question as some people solved it a decade ago after he solves the question the snakes disappear and they get teleported to the next floor meanwhile at the top of the tower The Witch's familiar informs her that they seem to have their first challengers in a while and the witch mentions that this is rare and she thought that the humans had forgotten that this Tower existed her familiar states that there was another Challenger a month ago but he was unable to solve the first tablet these Challengers are steadily making their way up the tower and she wonders if the witch would like to observe them but the witch states that she will wait until they reach the top she asks her familiar Lola to take care of them if they fail and L Ola leaves the witch then thinks that they might be progressing steadily now but most of them don't make it past the first guardian beast we then see that Oscar has defeated the first guardian beast and he notices that they have come a long way up the tower they then continue ahead and Oscar thinks that they must be halfway up the tower by now he states that the last person to reach the top was his great-grandfather and Lazar mentions that it was 70 years ago and back then 10 men embarked on the climb but he was the only one who made to the top Oscar mentions that things have been easy till now and Lazar still asks him to turn back Oscar then enters the next floor and he notices two Stone gargoyles there he figures out that they are going to come to life and he goes to fight them the Gargoyles then attack him and he manages to defeat one of them Lola then informs the witch that the challengers have made it to the stone statue room and the witch wonders how many there are Lola states that there are two but only one of them is fighting the witch thinks that a single person won't be able to defeat the Gargoyles and litol states that it looks like he will clear it easily Oscar then kills the second gargoyle as well and he tries to head to the next floor but they are hit by an earthquake and the floor starts to crumble this separates Oscar and Lazar and Oscar tries to come save him but Lazar stops him and he tells the prince that he won't be able to return with him he then Falls and this saddens the prince but he still moves on to the next floor he manages to make it to the top floor and he is greeted by the witch of azure moon named tinaa Oscar states that she doesn't look like a witch to him and Tina Shaw mentions that it's foolish to question a witch's appearance she states that Oscar doesn't have to worry about his friend as he is sleeping down at the bottom and he is uninjured she serves him some tea and Oscar asks her if she used magic to alter her appearance tinaw mentions that her looks are natural and Oscar wonders why she doesn't have wrinkles as she has lived for hundreds of years Tina sha mentions that witches live longer than humans and she states that her body has simply stopped aging she then asks Oscar to introduce himself as he is the first person to climb this Tower alone and Oscar introduces himself as Oscar lith in Cato's L farus Tina sha realizes that he is far's royalty and Oscar mentions that he is the Crown Prince Tina sha is surprised that he is related to regius and Oscar mentions that he is his great-grandson tinaa states that does look like regius but his face is manlier than his great-grandfather's she mentions that regius had a childish side to him and Oscar asks her if she lives here alone tinaa mentions that she does have a familiar with her and she introduces regius to liola Lola mentions that Oscar's friend is asleep outside thanks to her spell and Oscar then asks Tina sha what happens to Challengers who never make it back tinaa states that she doesn't want to end up with corpses in the tower so she makes sure that no one dies and Oscar mentions that one hit from those stone statues is enough to kill anyone Tina Shaw mentions that she teleports The Challengers to the bottom floor when a fatal blow is about to land on them and those who fail have their memories altered and they are sent off to random corners of the Mainland most of them come here just to prove themselves or gain Fame so it's more than a fair price to pay Lola then states that for Challengers who come to cure their child's illness or any other selfless means her master is kind enough to grant their wish even if they fail Oscar mentions that Tina sha sh is a mystery and he wonders why she never goes into town he states that he has heard that other witches show themselves to humans more often and Tina Shaw states that she doesn't want to interfere too much with humans she mentions that her powers are not meant to be wielded on a whim and Oscar states that things would have been different if the witch of Silence thought the same way as her Tina sha wonders if she is the reason why he came here and Oscar states that he has been cursed by her he mentions that the witch of Silence cursed both him and his father to never have another Heir and she mentioned that the far's bloodline will end with them tinaa wonders why they ended up with a curse like that and Oscar states that he has never asked his father about this as he doesn't wish to talk about it but it seems to be related to his mother who passed away just before they got cursed he mentions that he did try to find a way to break the curse but no matter how many books he read or how many ruins he explored he found nothing this is why he came here and Tina tells him that there is no guarantee that a curse can be lifted she mentions that unlike magic curses don't follow any rules and to cast them they just imbue arbitrary words with meanings that they Define this means that Every curse varies based on the person who has cast it and in most cases breaking a curse is left undefined at the time of casting and not even the Caster can undo it due to this curses don't hold much power and they can't directly kill people they can only work in roundabout ways Oscar States that the curse on him seems to be powerful and Tina Shaw mentions that it's because what he is Afflicted with is not a curse she states that it's a variant of a blessing and she shows him a part of the blessing that's been cast on him she explains that blessings are cast the same way as curses but they vary in the direction of power they magnify the energy that's already present and this is why they are more powerful than curses the blessing that's been cast on Oscar tries to protect an unborn child with extremely powerful force and this is impossible for a normal mother to Bear if the blessing can be analyzed he can use magic to alleviate it but there are around 20 layers intertwined in his Blessing Oscar realizes that she can't break his curse and Tina Shaw states that since Oscar came all this way to meet her she can't let him go empty-handed she mentions that she can't lift the curse but she can find a woman who can withstand the child's protective power Oscar wonders if such a woman really exists and Tina Shaw is sure that there must be one or two of them in the mainland she looks for one such person and Oscar wonders what will happen if the woman is married elderly or a child Tina sha states that Oscar can't do anything if she is married but the elderly should be fine with some magic and if she is a child he can raise her to be his ideal woman she mentions that marriages with gaps of 20 years are quite common in royalty she asks Oscar to not worry as she is surely going to find someone and Oscar then asks her if she will be able to withstand the witch of silence' magical power tinaa states that she is not going to have any trouble with this and for his wish Oscar asks her to leave this Tower and become his wife Tina sha mentions that she can't accept that and Oscar wonders if she is married he finds out that she is not married and she doesn't even have a boyfriend and Tina sha wonders if he is all right with introducing witch blood into the royal family she mentions that the Royal council is not going to like this and Oscar states that he wouldn't mind seeing this Tina Shaw mentions that she can't Grant wishes like these and if she did then she would be his great-grandmother right now Oscar figures out that his great-grandfather asked her the same thing and he mentions that his great-grandfather might have backed down but he won't do the same he asks her to change her mind but Tina sha doesn't listen to him and she states that she is going to erase his memory and return him to the castle if he insists on this she tries to use her magic to do just that and Oscar prepares to fight as well she then notices that Oscar has the Royal sword AIA and this sword has the ability to resist magic completely she wonders why Oscar is walking around with a royal treasure and Oscar mentions that these things are best when put to practical use seeing the sword Tina backs down and she asks Oscar to just take back his request Oscar mentions that he won't and he states that he has heard that tinaa stayed in the castle for a while during his great-grandfather's time Tina Shaw mentions that it was only for half a year and she states that she was teaching magic r in flowers and so on Oscar wonders if this was his great-grandfather's wish and tinaa states that it wasn't Oscar then asks Tina sha to leave this place for one year and live with him in farus and he mentions that this is his request as the champion tinaa agrees to this and the both of them leave the tower Oscar then wakes up Lazar and he states that they should go back home he mentions that he is all done here and Lazar asks him who the girl with him is Oscar states that this is the witch's pupil and she will be staying with him to help him remove the curse Tina sha introduces herself and Lazar asks Oscar if he met the witch as well Oscar states that he did and Lazar is surprised that she didn't eat him alive Tina sha doesn't like the sound of this and Oscar and her then ride together with Lazar to head home tinaa lights the way with her magic and Oscar thinks that magic is really handy Tina Shaw mentions that she can use it as Oscar wants her to and Oscar States that this won't be necessary as he just wants her to be by his side he mentions that she can always make fares her home if she changes her mind and tinaa states that this won't be happening the scene then cuts to Oscar's residence in fara's Castle and tinaa casts a magic spell on Oscar she tells him that this spell will negate all external attacks whether they are physical or magical as long as she is alive no human will be able to break this spell and Oscar thinks that this seems like he is practically cheating Tina sha mentions that this is the least she can do as he did make a PCT with a witch she mentions that he is still vulnerable to poison and psychological attacks so he should be careful Oscar states that this is not bad for an apprentice Mage and tinaa reminds him that this is just her cover story and she left the tower to lift his curse and be his protector Oscar mentions that he just wants to marry her and tinaa states that she has already declined his proposal the scene then cuts to Lazar giving tinaa a tour of Oscar's residence and she asks him if there isn't anybody else who is part of the Royal bloodline she states that she remembers there being some Branch families and Lazar tells her that 15 years ago there were a series of cases where babies disappeared around the kingdom and back then all of the prince's cousins also went missing because of this there aren't any Royals who are younger than him and we then see a pair of Mages and named Cal and Silvia lighting the chandeliers in the hallway but Sylvia messes up her spell and the chandelier Falls tinaa makes the chandelier fall gently to save her and Kev tells her that this was Tasha's doing and the prince brought her here from The Witch's Tower afterwards tinaa hears some Ruckus outside and she notices some knights fighting Lazar tells her that those are General Alice and mirina the general wins the match and Lazar mentions that he is quite the fighter and he is one of the younger generals but he is also the most skilled but the prince is still stronger than him Tina sha thinks that this explains why Oscar was able ble to conquer the tower and she then goes to do some sword practice herself the scene then cuts to her fighting General Alice and we see that she can easily Parry all of his attacks Alice realizes that she is a veteran and he mentions that she should become a knight instead of a mage he then takes some rest and mea asks him how tinaa was Alice states that she seems to be more than the prince's pet and he has heard that she is the pupil of a witch meina wonders if this is all right and Alice States that she shouldn't be jealous and this annoys her afterwards Lola appears in front of tinaa and she mentions that her master seems to have found an interesting individual as she is enjoying herself much more now Tina Shaw states that she is right and Lola mentions that she has something to report to her Tina Shaw then pays a visit to the prince and noticing that she is geared up for battle the prince asks her if something has happened Tina Shaw mentions that she is going to leave for 2 to 3 days and Oscar asks her where she is going Tina sha mentions that she is free to go wherever she wants and Oscar reminds her that he has formed a contract with her and he can't have her leave at any time he asks her to at least tell him where she is headed and she mentions that she is going to the magical Lake in dza Lazar states that this is dangerous as a demonic Beast was sealed away near that Lake 70 years ago and Tina Shaw explains that there are large surges of magic power occurring there and she needs to find out who is responsible for this and what they are plotting Oscar mentions that he will join her in this case and Tina Shaw states that this won't be necessary Oscar insists as that land falls under fara's jurisdiction and he mentions that even the state won't like it if she investigates the place alone Tina Shaw states that it might become an even bigger problem if the two of them go and Oscar tells her that he will gather some able soldiers Tina Shaw states that she will only protect him and nobody else and Oscar mentions that he already knows this she then gives him one hour to prepare everything and the scene cuts to the magical Lake in drza we see a man and a woman there and the woman asks the man named Vault what he hopes to find here Vault states that the witch of azure Moon should soon notice what's happening here and the girl wonders if she is really going to come all this way Vault states that she will as she has her eyes all across the mainland and she is also looking for that person afterwards we see that Oscar has prepared some soldiers and Sylvia notices a baby dragon on Tasha's shoulders she finds it cute and she introduces herself to tinaa she then tries to touch the dragon but tinaa tells her to be careful as the dragon is not used to people Oscar then comes there and he asks tinaa why she has a dragon with her tinaa mentions that she was going to ride it if she went alone and Oscar finds this weird he then informs the soldiers that they are embarking on a survey of the magical Lake in dza and they should stay vigilant as they have no idea what they are going to find there he also tells them to not go against Tasha's orders and tinaa wonders if it's okay to say that and Oscar mentions that it's fine he then states that they should leave and tinaa remembers the last time she was here she thinks that no one from back then is alive and just like always everything she knows leaves her behind but she still remains in the same place Oscar then tells her that they should leave and they use a teleportation Circle to go to inuri Fortress which is bordering drza afterwards they head to the lake and on the way tinesha explains that 70 years ago the neighboring nation of dza invaded farsas and farsas drove back the enemy with a steady Army dza then Unleashed their giant magic weapon a demonic beast and since the Beast was not fully under their control it laid waste to foes and allies alike and even the land itself ultimately the Beast was sealed Away by The Witch of the Azure moon but it's my Asma poison the Earth turning it into a Barren Wasteland devoid of Life Oscar then mentions that this place is like a nightmare and tinaa tells him that back then there were many humans in the area so sealing the Beast was the best she could do and the outcome would have been more gruesome if she kept fighting she then senses someone in the miasma and an old drizen Mage reveals himself he mentions that he didn't expect to see tinesha again and he states that she looks the same as she did 70 years ago and he refers to her as The Witch of the Azure Moon the soldiers are surprised to hear this and Tina sha tells the old man that back then he was just just a child the old man mentions that normally he would be long dead now and we find out that his master was beheaded by tinaa 70 years ago Tina Shaw mentions that she will let the old man share the same fate but the old man states that he is no match for her and he then tells the others to depart this place he attacks them with his magic and the attack manages to get two of them but Oscar saves the rest the old man then leaves and Oscar wonders if tinaa knew that man tinaa states that he is one of dz's Mages involved in controlling the Beast and the surge in magic power was most likely him trying to revive the Beast she then heals the injured soldiers and Sylvia asks tinaa if she is really a witch Tina sha states that she is and she apologizes for keeping this a secret Sylvia tries to tell her that it's all right but Tina Shaw stops her saying that witches are objects of fear so she shouldn't feel bad Oscar then states that they should Retreat for now and they will come back with more forces later Tina Shaw mentions that she is going to go after that Mage as they will try to undo the seal faster now that they know that she is on to them she tries to leave but Oscar mentions that he will come with her tinaa states that she knows that Oscar is strong but if he wants to be king he should learn to delegate Oscar tells her that he won't let her do all the dirty work for him and tinaa mentions that this is why he dragged her away from her Tower Oscar states that he can't let tinaa bear this burden alone as their target is farsas and Tina sha mentions that Oscar really is stubborn she states that their contract lasts for one year and he should feel free to have her solve his problems while she is here she mentions that he shouldn't worry about her as she is going to return to him as long as she remains his protector and she will definitely not die before him Oscar then lets her go and tinaa rides her Dragon before she leaves Oscar tells her that they should get married when she returns and Tina Shaw mentions that this won't happen the scene then cuts to Mages from dza trying to break the seal quickly after finding out that the witch of azer moon is here and the old man thinks that he is going to make sure that power is restored to dza with the help of this demonic Beast tinaa then kills all of the Mages and she states that she will undo the seal for them if this is what they want she then uses her magic to remove the seal and Unleash the Beast afterwards she tells her Dragon to stay away from here until it's safe and the dragon leaves the Beast then attacks tinaa but she Dodges and she attacks him but her attack has no effect tinaa then places some bombs on the beast's body and she blasts them and this does damage the beast but it heals instantaneously tinaa then binds the Beast with some chains and she states that this time she is going to kill him she then prepares a powerful attack for the Beast and the Beast manages to attack her midc Casting but she completes the spell and this obliterates the Beast the scene then cuts to the Dragon bringing an injured Tina sha to a uad fortress and Oscar calls for a mage after seeing her injury afterwards Oscar asks Sylvia how Tina sha is right now and Sylvia mentions that she has examined her entire body but there are no severe wounds she seems to have patched herself and Oscar wonders if he can go check on her Sylvia allows it and Oscar then goes to tinaa but he notices that she is naked and he leaves he then enters the room after she is dressed and Tina sha tells him that she had severe organ damage so she recovered by accelerating her body's growth Oscar asks her if she is okay now and Tina Shaw mentions that she is fine she is just a bit anemic and Oscar wonders if her appearance is going to change back tinaa states that it won't as her appearance was the result of her halting her growth and Oscar then thanks her for saving them he mentions that no one was injured due to her actions and Tina sha states that this is the least she could do as a witch afterwards we see and the girl at the magical Lake and they pick up a magic Crystal there thanks for watching Parts one and two the rest of the parts will be on my Channel please like and share the video If you enjoyed it and make sure to hit the Subscribe button and turn on the notification Bell to keep getting new anime recap updates
Channel: Funkey Anime
Views: 52,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funkey anime, funkeyanime, anime recap, anime capped, anime cap, anime summary, ani recap, recap anime, anime recaps, ani capped, recapped anime, overpowered mc anime, anime with op mc, isekai anime, anicap, new anime, best anime, anime explained, anime explained in English, anime plot, anime, anime recap reincarnation, 2024 anime, new anime 2024, isekai anime recap, OP anime, spring 2024 anime
Id: 5T43jQVZb2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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