American Words That Completely Confuse Brits!

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station wagon you know what that is what the heck is station one faucet do you know what this one is is it sink or basin sophomore huh i did not know it was spelled like that hi i'm lauren and i'm from the uk i'm cherry i'm from america hi nice to meet you so you're from the uk yes where from exactly i'm from northwest of england okay little pool i went to liverpool really because i'm a huge beatles fan so i was like i did the whole tour i also did it when i was i was really young okay so nice yeah yeah i stayed like three hours in the museum just like taking my time like with the big headphones yeah yeah yes they're very different there's a lot of different dialects in america as well i'm pretty sure there's like thousands of dialects in england too slang is very different obviously the way we pronounce things extremely different we have the hard r there's a lot of ours and england doesn't have yeah as many say the rs ever yeah in america they're just pants but in the uk pants is underwear yeah it's always a confusion like you know when english people come to america they're just like pants uh jumper is jacket we don't really say jumper in america yeah as a sweater okay so we don't say jumper at all in america so it's kind of like confusing when they say jumper yeah we've i think some people have heard of it but they're like wait what's the jumper yeah [Music] uh the first word is realtor do you know what this one is i do know what it is um but in the uk we say estate agent okay but realtor yeah what the heck what real talk realtor a realtor you just go to a realtor when you need a house a state agent an estate is just like a house like your land but we don't really say a state agent yeah realtor just sounds weird like real what real what real estate is from real estate right okay but then where's the tour coming from [Laughter] um no idea i think we just we just like make it up on as we go station wagon you know what that is what the heck is the station wagon huh like think of a wagon a modern wagon that's kind of a hint i thought it would be like on a train a train station but a wagon oh that makes sense that makes sense i don't know what this is it's a car and it has it has like the back it's kind of like a pickup not a pickup truck it has a um so in america they actually have a lot of these but um what the heck is that station wagons are like really old cars right oh i thought there was something else okay i know what it is now okay so um a station wagon is kind of a longer car i think you would you could say but not quite one that carries a dead body oh yeah it's not a hurt so in the uk we call them estate cars i feel like they're not that popular though in the uk maybe yeah they just have a really long back yeah they're getting they're a little bit out of fashion they don't really make as many but they're kind of vintage now so people are kind of wanting them yeah i i really like them actually [Music] uh the next word is sneaker do you know what this one is i know this one it's trainers trainers is a whole different word in english so like a a trainer would be someone who trains you trains but also the shoes are being used whilst you're training right like strainers well actually the interesting thing sneakers was actually a brand and a lot of american words they kind of take on the brand name and then they use that in everyday life like xeroxing do you know the word xerox it means to print something but the original printing company was called xerox so now we just use the brand name as just a verb so we use it as an action yeah that's a lot of american words are the sneakers is one of them i didn't know though yeah cool cilantro my favorite do you know what this is i do know what this is because i said before i watched barefoot contessa oh okay i would always laugh when she said herbs oh cilantro i was like what the heck is that so that is coriander coriander in the uk we say coriander yeah i've been confused with this because i've heard coriander as well and then cilantro so it's been i looked it up quite a few times like what is this like apparently coriander is the plant and cilantro is the leaves i've heard yeah okay eggplant this is a weird one to be honest i know what this is in english so eggplant i know what that is because it's a widely used food and emoji in the uk we say aubergine which we get from french i wonder how we got to eggplant because you know the english people came down to america how did it change into eggplant and where the heck did egg come from you know even really like an egg shape yeah i think aubergine sounds a lot more better it's just weird like no offense no no no none digging an egg plant because it doesn't look like an egg oh shoots in ladders okay i can guess what this is i think it's snakes and ladders yeah yeah yeah yeah okay shoes are i think they're shoots it's like kind of a slide when i was young i played snakes and ladders so i know both of them yeah it's like the like trash chutes yeah shoot some ladders so you go down also snakes and largest is weird like you don't slide down snakes mine my when i played there was a real snake so it was like not not a real snake it was a picture of his name but yeah i think in england it's not like a real snake like the little the game yeah a picture of things no i mean the picture with a picture of a snake [Music] faucet do you know what this one is is it sink or basin basin not basin tap yes like it's one of these like bath things actually when i went to england my aunt had a hot water tap like it just came up boiling for tea yeah is that is that no i wouldn't say normal but like i've seen it kind of become a trend and i really want one sophomore i did not know it was spelt like that actually i didn't know there was another o in the middle we but it's pronounced just sophomore yeah softball i had no idea what this like the system was for you guys um until i moved here and they use the same they call it the same thing um sophomore freshman sophomore [Music] yeah we say first year second year it depends if you're like what kind of course you're doing third year but usually our degrees are just three years so we will just do like first year second year um final year but also the first years can be called freshers which is like freshmen is that the same is that in sixth form are you talking about sixth grade um no i'm taking my university okay so in sixth form it's like lower sixth and upper six four years twelve and year thirteen why is it called sixth form i have no idea okay bangs things i know this one of course is friend and in the uk we say fringe yeah that sounds better to me it makes more sense why why do we say veins i don't know american english is so weird i mean bangs i have no idea where it came from but fringe yeah it kind of looks like but you know like um even like fringe on like a piece of clothing we in america we call that fringe but why do we why don't why don't we say bangs but that's that would be that'd be really weird so yeah it's kind of kind of confusing there [Music] bugger bugger wait yeah this one what do we call it bugger isn't no that's an english boogie oh booger oh yeah oh yeah okay i'm thinking two different there's bugger like oh you bugger i mean whatever yeah i mean america we say booger okay this you know the thing inside your nose we say bogey we say booger booger yeah but booger in the uk means something completely different so yeah that one's a weird one so today we compared american english and british english how was it it was great okay did you guys think it was great if so please like and subscribe bye [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 605,614
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Id: ujxqogMFsUE
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Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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