American and British react to USA vs UK meme!

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hello hi i'm christina and i'm from the usa hello i'm emily and i'm from the uk the size of the country the size of the people yeah the size of the trucks you guys use way bigger exercises with houses the size of the food the type of food the humor yeah we have better humor yeah i think like in the us the humor is a bit more like savage slapstick is it like dry humor the uk is dry so if you think about coming they would never laugh with their own jokes they would do something and just let it there yeah if you get it you get if you don't you don't it's like smart smart dry humor smart jokes i got come on really you don't get it did you get it losing wait wait wait 20 pounds i was only thinking of like pounds wait wait but then i was like ah pounds that's money exactly brett says like 20 quid is quite a lot 20 squid we didn't say do you have 20 pounds on you it's like do you have 20 quid oh that's funny okay i get it i have 100 cheeseburgers for coffee for free because i rock oh diet coke and a shock oh that's so stereotypical that is so stereotypical to be fair like fancy a spot of tea madam or good afternoon my good sir because like in a lot of movies that's how yes 1800 movies but then america was like yo let's bomb these cattle oh yeah yeah the cowboys and the big cigars you know the malbury the cigarette i think i think like when you when you see stuff on the media it shows like you know extremes really yeah the extreme oh no is that a dog is that a dog that's a goose it's a goose this is true because the goose in the actual goose but swans in the uk are property of the queen so nobody can touch all the swans and so there's like a whole group of people taking care of the swans because they're like property of the queens really it's so like there's so many weird traditions in the uk like you can't carry a fish suspiciously on the street by law so there's like a guy who actually just tried to break all these weird laws you can't like whistle in front of like the prime minister's house oh and you can't serenade like very weird songs like sexual songs if you do that it's in theory illegal the thing is in the uk people don't really respect the police do they not like take them serious are they are they very aggressive oh there's no guns the police doesn't have any guns for example oh that is so mean that is so mean but like in my my hometown on the east coast we would we would get like pretty bad like lizards and snow as well but then like hurricanes and sometimes tornadoes but it definitely does not rain as much as i heard well the thing is it's not that it's not that there's heavy rain the uk doesn't have like tropical rain that we get in other countries right it's more like a continuous drizzle it's just it's always there and it's always great and i remember walking to school and you're just like oh it's like dark and black and the thing is uk in summer for example it gets dark at like 10 p.m half past 10 in the afternoon like at night really but in the winter it gets dark at like 5 p.m 4 p.m so there's like a big time difference so it's like in winter it's just like so gray and sweet oh that's so true i'm sorry i was like right here in the uk it's just what i know from movies right and then everything is in london most movies if it if if it's shot in the uk it's all in london i think like the same with a lot of american movies like you see the big cities right you don't see small towns oh really i think all british people know that there's like all the south and it looks like there's deserty and there's like south and seven and then there's like you know there's new york and everybody knows about california and then everybody knows about alaska i think a lot of people in the us they just don't think about the uk ah yeah yeah yeah the thing is uk we see america such a great power that we actually think about it but the uk is like oh the uk the little people drinking tea in the corner ah you know you guys don't really think about us yeah only london color color humor humor flavor flavor what the duck are you doing getting rid of you why do you find it so funny no i remember finding this to be quite hilarious i like that one the thing is there was like a test on the street people asking like each other like what was the independence thing for they didn't know that it was like from the uk yeah especially nowadays people don't know anything yeah oh wait what so cheap in the u.s so expensive yeah i've heard about that actually i'm not sure the gas price is always changing but i used to like drive and i had a car when i lived in the us and yeah like it would be about that price or even maybe cheaper i remember like if it like when it was really low 299. but this is like a while ago and you guys do it for like gallon no the thing is i must say i don't drive but i remember my friends getting very poor from driving filling your tank must be like yeah it's like imagine in the uk having a cause we're expensive so probably public transportation is good though right oh well what do you do that's the thing well we don't i was i was stuck at home i lived in like a countryside and like there's one bus okay guess who guess who's american and guess who's british from the two men oh i can tell every time i know the one who's elegant and well-made like he's just like well-mannered you want to get in shape just don't do it like that kind of people from the us uh for the most part really depends on the person casual like direct kind of yeah talking it's just more it's just more friendly yeah like really friendly i do know where each is from if i didn't see like what he was saying even just the gestures you can just tell i can see that he's just going like well you know the force in the movie were very deep and yes and the other guy's like you know if you're gonna do this you're very bad actually i think the last one was kind of funny oh i actually like the first one the first one yeah 20 pounds yeah yeah i like that one i think i think the last one i like the best because you can really like see like you know from just their gestures and like how they're presenting themselves the differences it was really fun looking at some of these names i've never seen these before so today we actually watched memes from the uk this america and we just reacted to it if you liked please like and subscribe and comment and if you like us follow us on instagram bye next time bye [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 390,088
Rating: 4.9313307 out of 5
Id: 8H9X99R2wkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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