Guess What Country I'm From ㅣ English Accent Challenge

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isn't it too hot today isn't it too hot today it's not too hot today isn't it too hot today oh man oh that's really hard can i speak english yes i can speak english native speaker quite often especially when traveling you hear people from a lot of different countries and usually they speak in english if they can't speak the language in the country they're in so i hear a lot of people from different countries speaking in english quite often there are a few accents that i think i can really distinguish i think maybe spanish accent french accent japanese korean i think those i'm quite comfortable with hearing and i'll be like oh yeah they're from that country for example for japanese i worked at a japanese university when i lived in the us so i often heard their pronunciation and i think with the lr sound it sounds a little bit different and also the v sound so when they speak english it sounds a little bit different and i can distinguish from that and with the french accent it just sounds quite different it's a very strong accent so i can really distinguish it well [Music] okay this will be fun should i put on now okay [Music] okey-dokey [Music] hello my name is anna nice to meet you oh man oh that's really hard it's not a very strong accent that's why it's very subtle but i really it's it's hard to say where hello my name is anna nice to meet you okay i think i may know france i think i heard kind of like a z pronunciation like z like and sometimes french people have that type of pronunciation so i'm guessing france but i'm not entirely sure hello my name is anna nice to meet you that sounds like very very like from the u.s almost it's hard to oh man again a very subtle subtle accent so oh i really don't know i really don't know what this one okay i'll have to think about it hello my name is anna nice to meet you you know i thought i was gonna do okay but you know i'm kind of struggling now isn't it too hot today isn't it too hot today it's not too hot today isn't it too hot today the third almost sounds like from the u.s but i'm not sure shall we meet five then shall we meet at five and show we meet at five then shall we meet at five deaths i think number three is maybe germany maybe sounds a little bit like the the pronunciation like my german friends would say i think just a very slight slight pronunciation so i think number three is germany so i think i have two guesses so far i think france germany and yeah i'm still i'm still thinking about one and four i just finished the hunger games trilogy i just finished the hunger games trilogy i just finished the hunger games trilogy i just finished the hunger games three lives this is really hard feel relaxed after watching netflix feel relaxed after watching netflix feel relaxed after watching netflix really relaxed after watching netflix [Music] okay i'm not sure if this is correct number one this is kind of a random guess switzerland number two i think france three germany four um oh man thailand i don't know how far off i am guys i'm really sorry if it's totally off i'm very non-competitive person the only person that i do compete with is myself and then two every time i feel that i could have done better in a movie or a dance i still guess maybe switzerland i don't know you have a really nice voice though it sounds really cute but i think maybe it's switzerland it is the most difficult thing to balance your work life and your private one i try to take one month out each year so that i can just run away from it all with my family i try not to work over the weekends unless i have a commission that is not in the city where i live somehow this arrangement works yes i'm going to say france i think that's my final answer very subtle subtle accent though i am an extremely organized person so i tend to be able to get my work done at work however if they need a rose i would not be against taking work home i try not to make it a habit since i do value my free time i do realize though that the work we do is important and sometimes you have to do what needs to be done sounds like she's on the u.s so it's really hard very very subtle accent i'm not sure maybe i'll stick to germany i like the job that i can do with a sense of duty of course there is it is on responsibility in every job it will be much more helpful to work personally if i can have such sense of beauty that everybody can recognize [Music] i'm gonna say maybe i think thailand maybe the way she says do sounds like maybe thailand's but i'm not sure i think i would go with thailand hopefully that's right final decisions number one switzerland number two france number three germany and number four thailand it's so bright hi i'm jane i'm from china oh nice to meet you nice to meet you oh you're from china yeah oh man i said switzerland oh okay hi you are right i'm from france and my name is nice to meet you nice to meet you okay very very subtle accent okay hi i'm elena from germany oh great hi nice to meet you indonesia okay i was wrong nice to meet you i guess right oh that's true close close okay so so i think i did yeah but it was totally off with switzerland i don't i like your voice though it was really cute oh that was fun i did so so today it's hard listening because there's so many different countries right yeah germany i have some german friends and i hear france uh the french accent quite often so i think those two i was able to distinguish was totally off with you sorry but kind of close kind of close so today i heard some different accents and i guess what country they're from so if you like this video please like comment and subscribe and see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
Views: 925,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rlZdBZG2yoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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