Can A Glowing 1000 Degree Sword Slice A Car In Half?

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oh here we are using our precise three flames to get the ball to exactly 1,000 degrees when it turns orange that means the ball is a thousand degrees that's what they taught you in public school our first science experiment is proving that size doesn't matter look at how easily that little ball defeated that big ball my fellow small ballers we have a chance [Music] next we took the thousand-degree ball and tried to forge a flute to play a song for the gods will PewDiePie hear our cries [Music] - one very few people know this but it's actually a scientific fact that SpaghettiOs scream when they feel threatened next we wanted to make sure the ball was using good hygiene because it's very important to brush your balls do you brush your balls I've brushed my balls daily I live brush my rifle and this next clip we attack the onions with all 3000 degree items but little did we know that stretch warning was actually crucial layers onions have layers these are onions like antennae I guess all right well this is the terrible idea next item we decided to test which a thousand degree object is better at cutting a watermelon the thousand degree knife started quick but could barely make it through the thousand degrees sword couldn't even make it through the watermelon skin the thousand degree ball is clearly the winner I mean not only did it go through the skin but it also made boiling hot water melon soup which clearly the thousand degree King enjoys third next we want to see what would happen if we cut an already cut pizza with a thousand degrees sword and you guys won't believe what happened after cutting the pizza we decided to see what would happen if we cut a pizza with a thousand degrees the prophecy is true global warming is not a myth this ball represents the Sun and this ice-cream is clearly the polar icecaps wake up sheep this thousand degrees sword represents all your co2 emissions just look at how much you're damaging the polar ice caps stop with the ax bridge [Music] and finally this a thousand degree knife represents your carbon footprint carving into the earth [Music] name let's get some cool stuff burning all these objects clearly made that thousand-degree knife involved very drive so we the thousand agreed a bottle moisturizer to hydrate them thousand degree metal skin matters to you guys obviously know the world is flat but for some reason the government keeps telling us it's round and that's because they are trying to keep globe sales highs because globe manufacturing actually makes up eighty four percent of the Earth's economy but screw that I don't care if eighty four percent of the Earth's money goes to making round Earth's we're gonna prove to the world it's flat now kids make sure you always wear protection and during your ninety times even thousand degrees swords need to be careful that's sorted why don't they make fireproof condoms for a thousand degrees swords we wanted to test an experiment and see if we poured hot sauce on our thousand degree ball would it make it hotter because you know it's hot sauce so it should make it hotter I don't think that's how that works that is how it works here we wanted to use a thousand degree knife on a sandwich please that's a hot dog no it's a sandwich I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be between me and you fish it is next we decided to torch what is this this is an alien egg [Music] you know that looks like to me after we penetrated the alien egg we dropped our hot bomb in its egg when you're like me you go through a lot of microwaves and sometimes you just don't have one laying around so you decide to use a thousand of green ball to pop some popcorn [Music] let's see how it tastes just try our popcorn out it's not good the toilet paper on the right is when you use toilet paper on a normal day the toilet paper on the left is after you eat talk about as you guys know I still don't have a microwave so I wanted to test and see which is better at cooking a pop-tart a thousand degree Bowl or knives the results might shock you have you ever wondered what a thousand degree knife does to an egg well the results are excellent it's like cooking it but that's crazy like it doesn't want to stick to it don't you hate it when you try to put butter on your toes stay - won't spread because it's just too cold drop a thousand degree ball on it and then it's easier to spread as you can see since PewDiePie is clearly our god even his picture cannot be harmed by a thousand degree ball this test basically proves he's immortal next we're gonna see how my channel holds up against a thousand degrees sword it's no uploads for two weeks ah oh look No ha ha let's do monetization half a month since we donate it to a toy stream now for the pinnacle here's for being a beauty backbone it hurts everyone knows the standard unit of measurement is pizza box it's not your stupid metric systems so we wanted to see how many pizza boxes a thousand degree ball to go through Oh watch it watch it this one was a side foot' whatever it takes man whatever it takes dude we're throwing a sh is everyone okay let's do four boxes this is the strongest substance ever made it's stronger than obsidian for Minecraft are good so you tell me that can break up CD guess so - a Minecraft app sword oh wait that was magic I'm still confused as head watch it back play that back wait we also wanted to see how well a thousand degree ball could play four nights and it turns out that a thousand degree balls are actually better than ninja why don't all guys just play with their balls I wanted to take revenge on a pool because the pool almost made me sick in one of my recent videos Chris wanted to do a joke about cutting his nuts so here you go Chris is cutting his nuts Chris has no nuts confirmed next we wanted to try to cook cookies with a thousand degree knife because I'm sick of people baking cookies you're supposed to cook them it's literally in the name cookies [Music] the Viking has a thousand degrees sword and is going to attempt to slice the card huh this is a dumb idea dude Jake is so strong I see some smoke don't stab me next we're gonna attempt a thousand degrees song versus car calm down we definitely didn't cut a hole using this all in the car so now cut it with your thousand degree sword he literally just took the sword and just cut the car in half it's cuz he's a Viking what a mad lad how'd you do that Wow now what you're looking at right now is us doing the thumbnail obviously as you saw earlier we cut the car in half so now we're just trying to get a cool toughen alike look at that pose that one oh that's a good pose whoo I really like that one that one's my favorite is it I'm so shocked and saying I can't believe someone would do this leave a like if you are depressed [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 64,879,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1000 degree, 1000 degree ball, 1000 degree knife, hot knife, 1000 degree hot knife, Giant, Giant DIY, Satisfying, life hacks, diy ideas, hacks, simple life hacks, easy life hacks, how to, simple, lifehacks, diy, life hack, viral, experiments, satisfying diy, very satisfying, diy hacks, diy life hacks, how to make, diy activities, viral video, diy experiments
Id: q0OK-zHnvnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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