Down Pour - Covered Fire Camping in Heavy Rain - Thunderstorm Camping Adventure

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[Music] my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor give review I hope you all are doing well I just made it out here at Al Lone Wolf Mountain after driving for about 4 hours I drove 2 hours out to the high mountain mountains where I discovered it is way too windy to film an adventure from there I drove two more hours to Lone Wolf Mountain and this is where the adventure begins as it stands right now there's a big weather system moving in and in about 4 hours it is going to begin raining half an inch today up to 2 in tonight and 3/4 of an inch tomorrow I was thinking with this being such a good weather event we should test out the MC 2 Mount tent let's set up the tent let's set up a tarp and let's see how this goes while this is not the backpacking Adventure that I had planned this will have to do folks thank you so much for joining me let's go ahead and get started let's set up the tent then we'll set up the tarp and we'll get this adventure underway [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d sh as a quick update the tent has been set up I did that real quick now it's time to move over to the tarp now with this tarp setup I'm going to set this up next to my tent I do not want to cover this and that is because I am waterproof testing this tent if I was out for a typical camping trip I would cover this up and I would enjoy maximum protection but this episode is all about a rain test with this tent is it going to be waterproof place your bets down below with the tarp setup that I'm going to do here it is going to be freestanding which means there's no trees to connect to so I need to go out I need to find some limbs so I can set this up for bare minimum I need two but I would likely need three so I can maximize the space you'll see what I'm talking about in just a minute we are in really good shape everybody the tent has been set up the tarp has been set up now all we have to do is await the rain I'm looking at the radar here and rain is indeed very close it should begin raining within the hour why don't we take a second here and let's talk about this tarp setup so we have two tall sections holding up the sides the back side's been Stak down to the ground here in the front I have two longer pieces basically holding the front of the tarp up if I need to later on I can lower this down to the ground for maximum protection in the center of this tarp I have a post holding up the center and that's because this tarp is made from seal nylon seal nylon it stretches especially when it gets wet I put that post there to assist with the stretching in other words I'm being proactive and I'm thinking about the future once this stretches this is going to give me more livable space underneath this tarp w [Music] in [Music] what [Music] as far as the time goes it is only 4:30 but yet it's quite dark in fact underneath this tarp I have to have this light on of course we have to talk about the MC 2 Mount tent this is a tent that I've been very impressed with since I first took a look at it it has so many good features to it it's huge and it's also inexpensive I did a test with this last week and it performed exceptionally well not only is it very stable T but it has excellent ventilation and I had no condensation at all but the big question is whether or not this ttin is waterproof in this episode we are going to find out next my friends as far as this stove goes this is the camping Moon stove it cost $24 on AliExpress it used to be $7 on AliExpress but now it's 24 on Amazon it's like 32 bucks something like that this is likely the most powerful fastest acting stove I've ever used it can boil 2 cups of water in less than 1 and 1/2 minutes it is very very impressive at the same time it's very lightweight and it's not very expensive I almost forgot folks when it comes to this jacket here this is from heel Contex this is the wind Runner this is a picture of the retail jacket now I'll take a look at my jacket I modified this I put in a center zip so I can easily put it on and take it off I have improved this jacket 1 million per. [Laughter] my friends this is disgusting exactly the way I like it strong and awful how do you like your coffee strong and awful you can't get this at a coffee shop I promise you that it's still raining very little out but it is coming down every once in a while we'll have like a really strong wind gust but this is so much better than the high mountains I mean as soon as I got out of the vehicle steep foot to dirt man it was on it was so windy so loud I hiked into the forest just a little ways and it was still just so loud even in there plus the entire Forest looked like a Battleground there were limbs down everywhere you could tell that it's been really really windy recently I don't know if it was from that event or another one but the whole place was just covered in debris that is why I have a backpacking load out here folks I was going to go backpacking with this two Mount tinent this is a twers it's almost like a threepers it's so big but this tent weighs like 9 lb something like that obviously I was not going to hike very far with a tent that heavy I don't know if I mentioned this but the temperature is 45° it's almost 5:00 we are at 3,000 ft and the sun goes down at 737 but 44° 45° in my opinion that is perfect for [Music] [Music] is as you all can hear it's raining it's actually beginning to come down now so far today it's been rather light just enough to kind of like wet the ground a little bit but now it's actually raining as you all have seen seene I've gathered a bunch of firewood and I've set this up in basically four different piles ranging from the easiest to burn to the thickest here in a little bit after dinner we'll get the fire going and that is how we will wrap up the night it is now on for the evening wish me luck with the MC two Mount tent we'll see I have no idea how this is going to go it's always an adventure my friends oh yeah [Applause] for dinner tonight we are having biscuits and gravy from Beyond outdoor meals this everyone is fantastic I love breakfast for dinner when I was packing for this trip I saw this and I'm like oh man I want biscuits and gravy right now now that it's dinner time I want it as well I may have put too much water in this though just a little bit let me ask you all do you ever actually measure the amount of water called for for these meals I would say most people don't this calls for one cup of water I probably put two and a half in there oops now that I'm thinking about it I'm not sure if I've ever measured for a meal ever there's going to be some viewer who knows every single episode who's going to say like in this episode you did but most of the time you don't [Applause] [Applause] everybody this is perfect I didn't add too much water it's the perfect amount look at it now respect it is it the best biscuits in gravy H I don't think so but still it's really really [Applause] good how was just just thinking folks it is so nice to be underneath the tarp the conditions are cool and it's raining it does not get much better than this you know what I mean this is a very simple trip not the trip that I planned I plan to go backpacking but still this is really nice it's a shame that winter is over spring is here and already it's beginning to warm up everything's growing everything's sprouting we still might get some snow here and there but it's pretty much over here comes the hot conditions here comes the [Applause] humidity I guess I'm ready for it transition over to shorts just about all the time shorts and a t-shirt I guess I'm ready for it maybe let me think about that for a little bit but am I ready for it I guess that was a close call there I might have to transition from using the spoon to just drinking out of the bag you know what I mean I'm sure you all have heard of a company called nent right there is a reason for that there's a big marketing push taking place right now the company did contact me offered me any tent that I wanted but the thing is this because it was a large marketing push I declined I didn't want anything to do with it here with my channel I'm completely agenda-free and I just didn't want to be part of a big marketing push over the last month or so something like that I've been hearing from viewers they've been saying that nent makes tents just as good as heilberg and I asked him well you know why do you say that exactly have you seen someone actually testing out these tents in fourth season conditions every single person has said no and basically what they're seeing are mailbox reviews you have these YouTube channels who are getting very expensive tents for free they're opening up the packages and saying hey this tent is amazing that is not a review and I'm not knocking on anybody I don't know who has done videos on these tents and that's because I generally do not watch outdoor related content on YouTube I make it I don't need to watch it there are a few exceptions though anyways additionally it's a little bit too late into the season to review a fourth season tent winter time is over spring conditions are here for much of the country and it just doesn't make any sense to review a fourth season tent as it's warming up maybe in the future I will get one in and test it out but it's not going to be because of a big marketing push or anything like that [Applause] [Applause] this is nice everybody nice warm fire luckily this firewood is really really dry so I can have a pretty small fire here and it'll stay going I have the fire here I have the cool air coming in it's nice a little while ago I looked at the radar and it looks like heavy rain is on the way within the next hour or so it should be coming down pretty [Applause] [Applause] good tell you everybody I'm excited to get inside of that tent I want to know how well this tent is going to perform the tent I purchased for like $72 I think it was on sale I think the going price is around 100 bucks something like that if this tent turns out to be great and it's waterproof it's going to be the perfect tent for most people outside of it being just a little bit heavy that really is the only con so far with the tent now of course if it leaks that's a con but we don't know if it's going to or not for a twers car camping truck camping tent if it's waterproof it's not bad this is like the most perfect spot ever right I have this little fire here whenever it begins to die out put some drywood on there it smokes a little bit but because of my placement here underneath this tarp all of the smoke goes away for me so I could sit here you can see the smoke traveling through but yet I'm perfectly fine it's kind of funny now that I'm sitting next to this fire I'm getting warm I'm also getting a little bit tired I'm full I'm warm I'm listening to the rain all of that is making me [Applause] sleepy [Applause] the key to having a fire underneath a tarp like this is to have a small fire when you're under a tarp a little bit of heat goes a long way I can have a fire this small but yet I mean it's got to be like 80° I'm about to start sweating tell you what everybody I'm going to sit here for a little while enjoy this and then call it a night as it stands right now it's a little bit after 9:00 and it's almost time to turn in [Applause] in [Applause] as it stands right now there has been no leaking at all so far this tent is waterproof [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] for good morning my friends good morning as far as the time goes let's see what it is it is almost 8:00 7:53 temperature 35° humidity 100% it is without a doubt a wet morning talking about wet last night it absolutely poured all night long heavy rain and guess what this tent did not leak the mc2 Mount weird name it did not leak I am super super impressed with the shelter I picked this up off of Amazon for $72 the company claims it's a fourth season twers tent it is not a four- season tent no way this is a three season tent it is definitely large enough for two people the tent is like almost 7t long so if you're really tall this tent is going to work great for you this is a car camping tent a truck camping tent that's it it weighs almost 9 lb so it's quite heavy with my testing here the tent has been 100% waterproof and there's virtually no condensation inside of this there's a little bit on the vestibules and that's it without a doubt this is a major go as far as the rain goes we are pretty much out of that light rain is going to fall but like the heavy stuff it's over I am so thankful that the forecast was was wrong for this weather the forecast stated winds all night long up to 32 mph as you all have seen that is not the case I am thankful filming in the wind is extremely difficult and it makes like the editing process very difficult too now when you're editing videos and audio when there's a loud noise and you're going between like clips and cuts it'll pop so you have to go back and adjust every single clip every single cut so so in a video that's like an hour long there might be I don't know 500 Cuts maybe more because of that it just makes the editing a nightmare so anytime that I don't have to film In The Wind I'm not going to because it's so much work it sounds so bad anyways the point of this is I am so glad the forecast was wrong for this elevation no wind perfect rain just came straight down it wasn't sideways life is good I've mentioned before in the past that I like watching bad movies so there is a streaming app called tuby Tubi that is home to the bad movies there is so much junk on there if you like bad movies you're going to be in Paradise you know the thing is is like Susie and I we've been watching a bunch of movies on that app and for the most part they're pretty good with one exception it was um vampires from Mars or something that was truly awful it was as bad as it sounds I know what you're thinking how could a movie called vampires from Mars be bad I know I was surprised too this everybody was a nice trip we had a good rainfall the land needed it everything out here is growing we have leaves on trees leaves on briers grass is growing the forest is coming alive at the same time we've done some good gear testing I've mentioned a few products that I've been testing out there are others which I'm not going to mention right now such as this chair but yeah folks all in all this has been a great trip e [Applause] all [Music] my friends I really do appreciate you all joining me for this adventure it has been a ton of fun if you enjoyed this trip hit the thumbs up I do appreciate it until next time take care be well strength and honor [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 186,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camp, cooking, survival, surviving, wild, wilderness, woods, mountain, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, winter, Ice, cold, weather, Freezing, Backpacking, winter camping, off grid, forest, Stealth adventure, winter camp, truck camp, thunderstorm, Truck camping in a rain storm, van life in rain, truck camp thunderstorm, toyota Land Cruiser camping, rain truck camp, land cruiser camping, Japanese Import, 4runner, 4runner camping, 4runner overlanding, 4runner overland, MC Tomount tent
Id: CCm1yTkolr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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