Camping on Scotland's most Remote Mountain | 2 Days in The Great Wilderness

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[Music] so tucked away in the northwest corner of scotland is an area known as the great wilderness and this mountainous area is far from any roads and civilization and contained some of the best mountains in scotland and on today's trip i was aiming to venture into this area with an aim to wild camp on the top of one of the finest peaks in all of scotland [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] ah look at this absolutely magical and today i'm in uh i'm in a remote part of scotland but it certainly feels remote and these holes that you might be able to see in the in the shot or the hills i'm heading to so probably yeah the area is called fisher field and those of you that know scotland that's probably about as remote as it gets so i'm trying to speed things up by taking the old white trusty steed along this track but it's quite uh quite lumpy and bumpy so i'm just taking my time another thing is it's roasting warm but this is going to be some expedition it'll be interesting to see if i can make it to my uh the top of the mountain to do the camp which is what i'm hoping to do but you know what it's that warm i'm not sure if i'm going to manage it so i better shop and get moving and see how we go let's go i was certainly glad of the bike and the relatively good track into this point it was about eight eight or nine kilometers with about 150 160 meters of ascent so it would have taken a lot longer on foot so the the bike certainly came in handy and up until this point the weather as you can see was looking rather fabulous and i was looking forward to getting that bike pack unpacked and into the into the backpack and the hiking to begin so uh i found a spot where i could yeah leave my bike and unpack the pannier and put everything into my backpack right so here i am oh this is where the hiking begins i'm gonna leave my bike here and it's probably been about i don't know eight or nine kilometers to this point and it saved me a bit of time to be honest with you that the track isn't tired and it's quite pebbly because it's on the floodplain so you do need to have a half decent bike this old old fella did fine so yeah i'm gonna unpack the um the pannier now and get everything into this rucksack which is the first time i've used first thing i've used this for exactly i'm hoping it's all going to fit in but what a day it's just glorious absolutely fantastic it stays at this we're in for a treat so yeah time to get the the kit out of the bike bag into my rucksack and then we'll start hiking along and i'll report back when i'm at the loch shore to let you know which way i'm going in why i'm going in that way and what the plan for the evening is but uh for now time to get sorted moving all the gear out of the the bait pannier into the rucksack always takes a bit of time and you do have to be careful not just to throw everything in i'm a bit guilty of that sometimes i get excited and i want to get going so everything is gets thrown in but it's worthwhile just taking your time and packing the the rucksack properly and carefully to make sure everything's where you need it to be and the weight of the sack is sitting correctly because there was a lot of hiking ahead of me and i didn't want to be carrying an uncomfortable backpack so i did all that i put the bike away and hid it in the long grass with the padlock before saddling the backpack and yeah starting the long long hike into the mountains the good track that i've been following on the bait continues a little further to the head of the big lock and before long i was on the shores of the loch and skirting round to try and see if there was a path that would continue along the the loft shore side to take me towards the mountains but it was still fine the weather was just absolutely fabulous and the only downside of the weather being so good was i could see the mountains ahead of me and i could see just how far away they still were after following the shore for quite a distance it was time to to break away and start to traverse up across the the hillside towards the the start of the ascent and i was really quite lucky i'd left this for some dry weather because this ground here would have been absolutely sodium wet had it been any other time but it was relatively good there was no paths but i was making progress all right we see here oh perfect oh right oh right where am i i'm not gonna leave it to camera for a while and i've come along the shore to the the lock that you saw me walking along is loch ness eagle see seal silma silga silga i'm not sure how to pronounce it correctly so i do apologize for missing that anyway there's a big big old block down there and i fold the shore for a wee while and then about a third of the way up i've cut up um a bit high rocks there's a lovely breeze here and i'm heading towards the uh the mountains behind me i think you can maybe see them now there's the the first mountain here and then there's a second one just beyond it and i've always yeah these are these are quite hard one uh mountains to summit because they're so far away from anywhere and there's a lovely scramble that goes over the top of them i'd always thought that's the way i'd do it but i'm not doing it that way mainly because i've got the big pack on and it's a long way and i don't know how tired it would have been by the time i got to the scramble so i'm not taking any risks i'm going to go in between the mountains into corey which leads up to bilic and from there i'll just go up and down and up and down and camp round about there somewhere and the other thing that's in that quarry is there's a lock-in and it's about 400 meters i'm going to fill up with water there that just means i don't have to carry all my water up and over a ridge which would have made the bag even heavier than it is so yeah that's that's my plan how far only i don't know what time are we at time is now 24. i've been on the go for probably just over three hours and covered maybe 15 16 kilometers maybe i'm not sure exactly but it's a fatal take into the middle of nowhere but what a day fantastic anyway i'm gonna sit here i'm gonna take his backpack off for a while to give my shoulders a rest and just enjoy the sun for a while so i did sit for a while here and just rested my backpack on the boulder just to give my shoulders a rest i had been on the go for a for quite some time and i was starting to feel a bit tired and starting to question on whether i would actually make it to the summit that i was wanting to go to to wild camp i was half thinking that um yeah daylight might run out and i might have to end up camping somewhere else but anyway i plodded on and made a diagonal towards the uh towards the corey and the lochen with the first mountain right above me in it at one point there was some load load um rock fall that i heard just as i was sitting taking it all in and i turned around expecting to see an avalanche of stones coming towards me but i just couldn't see where the rockfall was happening but it was certainly echoing right around the mountain oh so we are we change a plan i can't remember the last time i did a bit of camera i think it was a way down before i started climbing anyway my i looked at the map and i thought take a diagonal and um traverse around the side of the hill and my god it's been rough there's no paths which i which i knew but um i'm just glad it's been a really dry spell because especially further down it would have been a bog fest anyway i decided to cut diagonally across the hill heading for the walking but just the way the crags have been on the hill it's pushed me higher up and i'm actually higher than the walk-in now so my plan is i've just come across this stream and i filled up the water there so i'm thinking i'm just heading straight up um pretty steep rough ground to the summit of the first hill which is called benjamin or beg and that will save me going down to the locker and up to the be like dropping stuff off and it'll just make it a more direct troop but it's going to be uh going to be a bit more work for the heavy on um that's a plan whether it happens or not i'm not entirely sure but it's still lovely we're at half past five now and i don't know if you know what this mountain is behind me have a think and see if you recognize that i'll reveal all later in my canter but it's a very very famous mountain in scotland so lovely can't complain these are fantastic let's just get cracked on and get this hard work done right let's get this heavy uh heavy circle having collected my water water from the stream high in the hillside yeah i was going to be heading directly towards the summit and the weight of the bag was increased because the water was full and as i headed more directly towards the summit the the ground got rougher and rougher and there was no paths the last path was way down at the beach at the lock and the ground got a lot more rockier and a lot more heathery as i headed up the slope and that slope just got steeper and steeper and steeper as i made made it towards the summit of the first mountain ben gerard [Music] do as i got closer and closer to the summit ridge the gradients started to ease and after what seemed like an age i was starting to crest the hill and getting towards the top of the ridge where the views started to open up and gave me those views i hadn't seen all day out further west it was rather nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got a scramble look at our view though i'm so glad i'm here so you know far until the summit [Music] what a place fantastic what a place indeed and this ridge up to the summit was just absolutely beautiful and there was some easily scrambling at this point but i could see further back there would have been a few steeper sections which might have proved tricky with that big backpack on anyway i was soon approaching the summit of the first mountain well this is the top of the first mountain ben gerard beggin the wheat pile of stones is a bit of an injustice the the majesty of this peak is it's hard to say it's hard to put into into words this should be a big massive care and announcing the summit because it is just fabulous i mean it's been it's been hard work coming up the quarry there but this view the view when you come over the ridge when you see the view that you've not seen all day it's just out towards the seaboard side i can see a way down the river that i've came up and baked in and out to the out to the summer isles and the western seaboard and the next mountain is looking rather imposing and right into the fisherfield forest and this mountain over here that was talking about earlier on the mighty anceloh what a fantastic mountain it looks like from this view as well and of course over here is seal more we'll talk about that later as well but yeah i'm gonna sit here for five five minutes and i'm gonna drop down i noticed on the the map there's a burn just off to the right so i'm gonna go down and try and find that because i don't fancy going all the way down to the the walking that i originally planned to go to but yeah i'm gonna sit here for a while and enjoy this fabulous view what a place so look at this whoa having sat for a wee while taking in those absolutely brilliant views from the summit i was very much aware that i was still on a race against time i had to get to this other mountain which you can see just over my shoulder there and that involved quite a bit of a a descent and then a reassent on the way to getting there and we were yeah we were certainly cracking on for time i'd been i'd been walking and cycling for most of the day and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't quite tired so i still wasn't sure whether i was going to get to the summit of this mountain but i was really really determined to try my best and see if i could get it because it just looks like such an amazing summit i was soon ascending the second mountain ben gerard moore and it was a tough it was it was tough going because i'd had to stop again i'd managed to find the water source on the way down off the first summit and that increased the weight of my bag because i had to have enough water for my tea later in the evening and also for my breakfast and coffee the following morning so i'd filled up as much water as i could which would see me you know water and fed but the other thing is it just adds so much weight to the backpack it also got the thighs and calves working as i headed up oh oh just doing a wee piece of camera on my action camera i am tired it's a quarter past eight i'm able to see from my shoulder that's where i've come from and way down there's uh the walk but what what an evening it's lovely not much intense but i'm able to do this hopefully you can hear me okay i've not got my microphone on so wait till i turn around you can see what the final sting in the tail for today is look at that that's 200 meters of a near vertical screen that i need to tackle now before getting up there i'm going to be pushing it for uh getting the tent up and enjoying tea before sunset i think it's going to be a bit of a rush when i got there but this was a better stop procrastinating and start tackling this bad boy let's go [Music] as expected the final pool to the summit of ben gerard moore was steep there was lots of city and much care was required but after about an hour of toiling up here i was soon striding with an extra spring in my step towards the summit of ben gerard moore where i was hoping to camp and what a place this was [Music] [Applause] oh look at this [Music] oh my god what summit wow right i need to get somewhere to pitch unbelievable unbelievable well right now so after gathering my breath because it really was taken away by the views and just just the location of the summit it really is one of the finest tops i've ever been on anyway i had to take the backpack off because i've been on the go for quite a bit of time and now it's time to get the tent set up and the sleeping bag out and the sleeping pad set up and then once i'd done that i was gonna get my tea and just settle down and enjoy this fantastic fantastic perch on top of a mountain [Music] do [Music] once i've got the tent up and you know what it was actually relatively flat up here there was nice nice places to pitch the tent usually i'm searching about for quite some time to find a level untussocky unrocky part of the ground to put the tent but surprisingly on such a dramatic peak there was a small area of flat grass with magnificent views it was almost a perfect pitch anyway once the the tent was up i had to get the sleeping pad blown up and then fish the fish the sleeping bag out of the bottom of the rucksack and get that into the tent and once that was done i could then start to concentrate on getting some more calories inside me and getting something for my tea it was going to be a late late evening meal for me [Applause] so [Applause] so so [Applause] [Applause] all right i need to leave that for really well that's my tea on finally oh sorry i've not done much pieces to camera or many pieces to camera it's been such a rush it's now 10 to 10 sunset there's not much happening there's something happening over there our way out towards the outer hebrides lovely you never know what my uh it might catch as the sun goes down anyway as you've probably seen i've spent the last maybe half an hour putting the tent up getting everything ready and i've just i'm having a late a late tee but what a summit this is i thought the views from the views from ben gerard beg were fantastic really good and there was some nice lovely ridge walking going along along there but this summer as you've probably seen oh my god it's a bit uh a bit out there a bit airy and just absolutely stunning um i mean you can't really convey how how amazing it is and literally there's ridges going down that way there's big massive cliffs just over there i mean the tents pitched on the uh i don't know maybe 10 foot wide piece of ground that takes you up to the summit you've got views over to fisherfield toured in back out to the sea and the mountain i was talking about earlier on over here is ancelic and it's just looking absolutely fab the sun's gone away the cloud is coming which is which is fine if i'd actually helped um because if the sun was out the whole way i would have been really struggling it's taken me probably just shy of nine hours to get up here and with the big backpack on i expect that i will sleep well tonight so i'm gonna shop now i'm gonna go and have my uh have my tea and i'll maybe report back once i'm snuggled down in the tent but yeah this is just absolutely brilliant wow what a place i'm gonna shop me so a settled bone the lovely dry flat piece of ground to have my tea under those cloudy skies i was a wee bit disappointed that the sun hadn't reappeared but you know what i was just keen to get some calories inside me it had been a long long trip to reach the summer of this mountain right it is it's 10 30 now and it's uh as i said earlier the sun disappeared but it was a wee sliver look at that i don't know if you'll be able to make out in this reaction camera i'm using the main camera to do a time lapse with the sun this big yellow ball of fire has just showed itself again it's just touching the horizon though but what i'm really excited about is there's this cloud there's a small chance that as the sun dips over the horizon it might illuminate this closing if that happens well i'll be very very excited but let's just wait and see this is just fantastic look at that wow wow that was absolutely spectacular i mean when i saw the uh the sun i think i just did a bit the camera on the um on the the action camera and when um when i saw the sun appearing in that slither i just i was just really hoping and praying that it was going to catch the clouds and i did it's just been lovely it's just something special about being on these mountains which are quite close to the sea and when you get the the sunsets like that it's just brilliant especially because i was not expecting it as i said earlier on the sun disappeared this cloud rolled in and i wasn't really holding out much hope i'll take a few i've taken a few pictures just on my phone because i was doing a time lapse on the camera so i'll stick them up now i've no idea how they'll come out on the phone but wow still spectacular uh it's hard to it's always difficult for me to convey the beauty through the video camera because it's never as good when i look at looking back at the footage to actually being here and seeing that and the whole western sky just going this lovely pink color over the northern uh part of the outer hebrides just absolutely spectacular it's dying away now but it was just it was just that the whole bit of this cloud was just pink absolutely superb and then i don't know if you can make out just over my shoulder here there's a wee lump that's a hill called sail more and i'll talk about that and then another bit to camera because we've still got lots of adventure but that was the last time i was here and had a fantastic day on that hill it just looks like a wee a wee bump from here but um anyway back to the sunset fantastic um i'm gonna go and chill in the tent now it's quarter living at night believe it or not there's still there's still quite a bit of light around um the longest day was a couple of weeks ago so it doesn't really get dark so i'm not be doing any astro stuff uh i might get up early to see if there's uh to see if there's a nice sunrise because i've got a big day planned tomorrow as well i'm gonna descend off these two hills these are both corbett's but by the way and it's two corbetts i haven't done before and i tell you what they're two of the best mountains not just corbett's i think i've ever ever visited and there's another core but i'm hoping to do tomorrow which i've got a bit of a a story about because i've come to do that before but didn't make it up so i will um i will tell you all about that tomorrow providing all goes to plan but uh yeah i'm gonna go and sit in the tent and have some peanuts no whiskey today because i know i've got a bit i do had a big day uh tomorrow so i thought i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have my wheat tipple tonight sorry guys but anyway i'm gonna enjoy the the rest of this sunset and i'll see you later wow so enjoyed the last embers of light as they faded from the western horizon and headed back to my tent to try and get some sleep before the big day tomorrow [Music] [Music] um uh so uh wow what a morning it's now it's actually nearly six o'clock and i've been up i woke up at four and it was uh yeah it was bright daily uh sudden rise was just about five past four it was actually raining at that point it was a light rain and i was just kind of milled about all i sat in the tent for a while but i've been milling around camp i've had my coffee and my scotch egg and my bar snickers which has been good and i'm glad i didn't have any whiskey last night because one of the things about camping on top of a mountain when it comes to resources is water and i had to use some of the water because of the dehydrated meal which i had to use some watering last night and then use the rest of the water for my coffee this morning it is a big cup of coffee mind you but anyway the sun is starting to come out it's just there's sun rays um over the top of ancillary now in the landscape behind me is all speckled with light it's absolutely gorgeous this really is one of the top places in scotland in my opinion and i can remember looking over to this bracelet holes that i've done yesterday ben gerard begg and ben gerard moore when i was on the top of salmore and just the views over here it just looked like such a wild and remote place and i've not been disappointed when i've come here i mean look at this look at this view behind me that's looking away down to shenaval uh both a there's a way down there somewhere but what a grand setting is there a better peak in scotland i mean this is so dramatic there's just ridges everywhere as i said yesterday and it's just straight down exposure uh an airy perch for sure so uh yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna mellow around uh yeah around the campsite for a bit longer but i do have a big day ahead of me so i'm going to um i will have to sort of pack up 10 and get cracked on i think there's more distance involved today and another monroe sorry i'm going to go another corporate to do which i'm looking forward to so yeah let's just enjoy the views just now before striking cam wow although i had a big day ahead of me i was keen just to i don't just slow down a wee bit this morning and enjoy this summit because it really really was such a fantastic place so i yeah i did a bit of exploring around the summit ridges and went up to some of the other peaks nearby just to take in the views and watch the morning light and take some photographs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] after spending some time exploring and taking some snaps it was soon time to get back down to the pitch or back up to the pitch on the summit and get the tent away and the sleeping bag away i never look forward to this but when i actually get around to doing it it never seems as bad as what i was thinking it was going to be it doesn't take very long so i took the to the tent down got the sleeping bag rolled up in the sleeping pad into the back of the backpack and yeah just just looked forward to my day ahead so off i headed further into the wilderness and i had to negotiate that steep slope and i was aware that i was actually going further and further away from the road at this point and in fact the area i was now heading into is one of the most remote in the uk and furthest from any road in scotland ah this is some pretty rough rough pathless hillside i'm on now oh it's now quarter to eight and it was a steep steep descent of more i benjard know if you remember that screen path but my god i had to be careful coming down there so it was all dry and loose and i just had to watch my footing anyway i need to head i'm actually heading what you what usually happens with me anyway on a summit camp is i go up to the summit camp and then the next day i head home so the summit camp is usually the furthest away point but today because i'm incorporating another a third mountain i've actually got a head further away from the car so i'm heading even further into the the wilderness of fisher field before uh heading back down so it's going to be a long day anyway i need to get some water i'm just about so i'm heading for the the head of this lock down here where i'm going to fill up and then it's a steep pool up along and then other mountains over there so yeah i need to shop and uh let me stop talking let's get walking or enough talking let's get walking i can't even remember one catchphrase maybe a system tired right let's go so i headed down to the loch where i needed to get some well well needed water because i was quite dehydrated but at this point having used all my water for the evening meal the night before and the morning coffee and this lock in just another side of it is apparently the most remote spot in the uk in terms of distance from the nearest road so i was pretty well pretty well out there at this point that's me on the monroe bagger's path now this is going to make a big bit of difference big bit of difference a big difference even it's been pretty rough coming down off uh ben gerard moore no path so i'm really looking forward to having a lovely path to hike up anyway are we setting up this uh obvious steep pool now and then i'll maybe stop the stop up there and report back the path was just lovely having spent so much time on yeah pathless ground and rough ground it makes such a difference to get your feet in a path anyway i was just going to mention at this point here how useful these buffs are um in the hot weather like it was at the moment i i soak them in water and give myself a wee i'll be soaking over the head and then put the damp buff back on underneath my cap and it helps to keep me cool and having the buff underneath my cap also helps soak up any sweat in the hot weather and protects my ears and part of my my neck from from getting sunburned so there's plenty of uses for the buff look at this after quite a bit of walking along the path i was searching for a place to stop just before the final ascent up the third mountain and came across this beach which was just idyllic and it must be one of the most remote beaches in the uk anyway i had been here before and yeah it's not a bad place to sit and take it all in and rest rest the legs and shoulders before heading up the final summit of the trip what cracking we spot this is i tell you i almost forgot about this at this wee beach but i remember that and i'll tell you why i can remember the speech i was going to tell you a wee story about the last time i was here and i was all set to do this corbett which is up behind us there it's kind of up and over it's not it's not as steep and as dramatic as the last two mountains i was on but i'd then i'd come in from pool u which is a long way to the west and i'd spent the day before going up another few mountains and had wild camped maybe a few miles over and on the last day i decided i was going to come up here and head up this core but it's off a set and i brought my bike in there's a place called carmore and i left my bait there and trundled all the way up the hill and i was just at this point here and we're about 300 meters vertically and the weather was deteriorating and uh i noticed some some fact there's some ponies over there i'd love to see their wild ponies but they're not they'll be the game keepers ponies because once again i know this because i came across a couple of game keepers or gillies beside a pony sheltering behind the big rock with her full tweeds on and i could just see an old chap and a stalker heading off for the rifles now this was stalking season and i had contacted the estate before i left to make sure there was no stalking going on and they told me there wasn't but what i didn't realize was the estate that i contacted finished or their boundary was maybe a mile that way and this was a different estate and they were stalking so i came up here and i obviously wasn't going to interfere with the stalking so i ended up going over and having a wee play there's some lochen's over there and round here around the beach uh under average and and really stack more and i didn't go up them but i remember then having to head down and i got back to the tent knackered it was starting to rain the wind was picking up and i sat on my ground mat in the tent and it exploded there was a battery or something underneath it and i didn't fancy sleeping on an uneven surface i ended up bailing and my wife managed to get me hot i think it was a hotel called the loch marie hotel anyway that's the story of when i was last here so i'm going to sit here enjoy the sunshine at the beach before uh tackling this monroe i think i am about as far away um from civilization as i can be at the moment so from now on i'm heading back towards the car a lovely remote spot i love you just in case you've been thinking i've been walking the whole time there's been plenty of bits like this would have happened mars absolutely knackered a bad place to set marshall be absolutely knackered though [Music] what a place and behind me up there is where i'm going at some point soon [Music] so eventually pulled myself up from my perch no i still had a wee bit of a scent to get up to this remote corbett being a hush gun war and yeah i was certainly certainly very very tired and very very glad to be approaching the summit of this prized and remote corbett which lies right in the boundary between the fisherfield area or the fisherfield forest and the letter u forest a prize mounted indeed and a welcome sight the kiln was [Music] oh i tell you what i'm glad to be at this third summit it's taking me well what time are we at now it's 12 o'clock midday and i left i think i left the campsite on ben jericho more about seven this morning so that's four and a half five hours shall we say to get around to the big pack i think i'm going to be on the go for another i'm i'm no by no means uh home and dry yet i'm still miles away miles away from my bike and then when i get to my bike i'm still miles away from the car so i still need to keep my um keep my wits about me um it's pretty featureless and wild up here another thing i was going to say there's a change in the weather as well it's a wee bit more hazy and i think this i don't know i've just got a feeling these these clouds are bubbling up i think we might get some rain later on i just hope that i'm back in the car by the time it starts now we're forecast thunderstorms um later today and tomorrow but yeah just have to have got waterproof with me but i don't want to be in the hill there's a thunderstorm anyway i'm going to sit here about for a bit longer have a few more uh treats and having some milky monkey bar buttons to give me some sugar rest my feet but i tell you what this is the comfiest whoever's compile to ever be this caring together than a grand job and and this bit here is the comfiest seat that i care and i think i've ever had or it's maybe just something to do with me being absolutely knackered anyway i'm i'm going to show up now and just taking the views i'm not sure if it was the fact that i was absolutely knackered but the the wii seat that i found on the side of the side of the scan really was the comfiest seat i think i've ever encountered at a career and i was able to lie back and there was even a wee stone as a headrest it was lovely but anyway as i said there was still a long long way to go this was by no means over yet and i had to descend off the off the hill and i could see the two ben girard mountains over to my right as i was descending and they looked so far away i had covered a lot of ground anyway descending the hill it wasn't too bad it was quite grassy but there certainly weren't any paths until i got to the stalker's path ah path so if you can see that ask me on the path again this is a bathroom i think it goes from carnivore down and round it's gonna take me back hopefully to er where the bike is smart on the os maps is not going quite as far as that but i'm hoping it continues round oh so nice to be in the path again oh i haven't been on the path since i started well since the beach and that was a long time ago so yeah thank you in the past [Music] [Music] so [Music] wow ah right stop for a bit of camera well it's uh it's moving on a bit it's two o'clock now and i've just come down into a valley and back up the other side and any uphill now is really it's really taxing although this path i think it's a stalker's path is helping massively i'd probably say since i left the track with the bike was uh eighty percent of it eighty-five percent it's been off off path uh really just this bit and then when i came down uh after i filled up with water and before ascending up the the third mountain at the beach there's where there was any tracks and it does make a massive difference i know i've said that before if you can get a track it's so much nicer than having to bash your way through the heather and bogs and all that sort of stuff anyway the sun has been coming and going but there's still some black clouds about i'm still feeling a change in the air perhaps i just hope i can get down off the hill of any before any thunderstorms come or materialize because it's that really sort of hot muggy way there is a slight breeze though so the midges haven't been much of an issue right i can see where i need to go and it's still miles away so i better get going try and get back down to this bike let's go whoa it's off a set down the stalker's path and unfortunately it did end and i had to cut off and uh yeah from here back to the bike was some of the roughest ground i'd encountered on the whole trip it was just horrendous but being honest with you this bit here isn't too bad i couldn't even film the bit that was which was really bad because it was on really steep steep ground and with lots of boulders and holes and what have you anyway i soon got over that well didn't soon get over that two mages and i was back on the flood plain heading towards the head towards the bike and at this point those big black clouds well yeah they caught up with me and it started to rain as i got back to the bike so i'm certainly glad to get the big backpack off but uh that rain it wasn't sort of fine drizzly rain it was those big dollops of rain that you get when when there's thunderstorms around although the thunder didn't arrive it was it was wet enough for me to get my my waterproofs on and yeah i had to do that whilst i got the bike and the pannier all set up and then basically unpacked my rucksack to get as much of the contents of it out and into the pannier bait to take the weight of weight off my shoulders for the final cycle out hey guys there's not been many pieces to camera in the last few while because well i'm absolutely knackered and the last stretch coming back once i came off that stalker's path was just honestly absolute nightmare vertical heather boulders holes ah you name it it was just a nightmare and as you can see i'm now back in the bike i've got another eight kilometers to go until i'm back at the car i then have well i'm talking back at the road then i've got about another kilometer to go uphill because i couldn't get part at the end of the roads i think we'll go further up the healthy part uh anyway the rain's on as well so i don't think i'm going to be in the mood for doing many more pieces to camera so i'm going to end the video here what a fantastic job even though i'm feeling it now hope you you guys enjoyed it um yeah stay safe out there i'll see you in the next adventure providing i can make it back out here oh man right let's go right folks sorry for that it's rather rapid end to the video uh by the end of the the the walk and when i was on the bike i was absolutely knackered uh really did take me out take it out when we got into the great wilderness but what trip what a trip and um i just thought i'd do this little bit to camera and this was the weekend after i did the trip so i've recovered and i just thought yeah just just talk a wee bit about it give you some um information about and what to do maybe what not to do now what i would say is that peak ben gerard moore which i eventually got to the one that i wild camped on what a peak i mean it was just sensational you don't get the same feeling of how good it was from the video but really is sensational and i think what adds to it is the fact that it's so remote it is really one of the most remote uh peaks in in scotland um you can do it from other directions as well you can like the the more common way is to come in via a route takes you via both equal chenoval but you could potentially access the the area from kindle hue and also pool you but yeah whichever way you go it's a long way so that was it that's that's the first thing i was going to say is if you're going to do it just just be wary of that it's it's a pretty remote and serious area with a lot of rugged landscape and a lot of it as you saw doesn't have paths certainly the the areas i were on i was on uh there was hardly any paths which was a nightmare in times which i didn't feel uh i was also um i was keen to leave it for a dry period which i did it had been dry for the week before so the ground which would have been really bulgy was quite dry so if you're going to go and do a route similar to that keep it for a dry spell plus the weather was great you know you don't want to go up there when you can't see those views because those views were practically it was just some of the best views that i've ever seen a few other things i did because i knew it was it was summertime in scotland and and for me i know that most people talk about the midge but for me as you you know if you watch the videos uh ticks and lyme disease is a big thing now i made sure i've already treated all my clothing with permethrin spray but i soaked literally a few days before i went on this trip i soaked all the gear that i was wearing in my shoes and the tent and permethrin and two days out in the wilderness i didn't pick up a tick which was good and i was going through as i said pathless terrain where there was lots of deer about so that stuff really does um yeah does does do the trick so that's just a few things i hope you really enjoyed the video um this will be the first video that i've done that's nudging the hour mark so i'm hoping you're still watching at this point it might be a bit too much but uh anyway i'm gonna gonna end it here and i'll see you on wednesday for another adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Scotland's Mountains
Views: 113,429
Rating: 4.9674373 out of 5
Keywords: Camping most remote mountain, wild camping uk, wild camping scotland, wild camping, remote solo camping, remote camp, backpacking, mountain camping, mountain backpacking, summit camping, remote hike, Fisherfield, fisherfield, fisherfield round, an teallach, beinn dearg, camping in a remote area, solo camping survival, long hike, longest hike, most remote area of the UK, Wild Scotland, camping expedition, long outdoors video youtube, Scotland's Mountains, scotland
Id: jAPc0DuZ4j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 29sec (3629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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