Solo Hiking and Wild Camping The Tour Du Mont Blanc in 7 Days | ALIVE

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[Music] my name is Abby I'm deeply passionate about all things world and have made it my mission to document many of the world's most stunning trails be that through day hikes or multi-day long-distance walking each route is totally unique some traverse expose moorlands and rugged mountaintops others pass through bustling market towns and historical cities they follow world-renowned archaeological discoveries and travelled through some of the most tranquil valleys and mystical forests accessible on foot it's not surprising then that they attract walkers from all over the world many seeking a challenge others looking to break free from the monotony of everyday life and be inspired by nature my reason for hiking though is one of discovery and awareness getting outside is now more important than ever before with obesity rates maintaining record highs and mental health issues affecting over 1 in 4 individuals their incredible landscapes all around us but so few of us dare to venture into sets seemingly inhospitable lands for fear of failure or becoming lost well I'm here to show you otherwise and inspire you to Don your walking boots and spend more time in the world for the benefit of mental and physical health I've realized that sometimes you don't have to do something crazy or radical to change how you feel about your life you just have to walk I face my own trials with mental ill-health as no doubt you see throughout my travels but alongside building the strong support network getting outside and taking the time to reconnect with nature has helped me move further along the road of personal discovery so here's me inviting you to join me on my adventures as I explore this beautiful planet there will be challenges along the way and we're not guaranteed to succeed but it takes a brave heart and a courageous soul to commit to the unknown now all you have to do is decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it are you ready let's go [Music] [Music] module at Bonnaroo or Simoni welcome to so many folks I'm in the heart of the Alps I currently wandering around trying to find a campsite and the goal is once I have a campsite I need to get some gas and some final supplies why may you ask well I need some supplies because I'm going to be walking the Tour de mont blanc 105 miles around Mont Blanc who France Italy and Switzerland can take 9 or 10 days I'm going to camp a little bit here and there is illegal to well camp in Italy in Switzerland so we see are we get on with that I have one or two refuges aware of reserved some space know that I'm keen to stay in a massive dorm but we'll see how we get on anyway first ask let's find a campsite and I bring you up to date once we found one there were a number of campsites for me to choose from but Laser on earth was one of the closest to the center and had space for me so that's where I pitched up it was 10 euros 80 for the nights and full use of the facilities with great views of the surrounding Peaks it is surreal to be camping underneath Mont Blanc with the glacier just spectacularly falling down the mountainside and they are guarded a MIDI in the cloud now and then all around these peaks that I'm gonna be walking in this is a place I'm gonna call home for the next 10 to 12 days I feel like I already belong here shamily is considered by many to be the birthplace of mountaineering what with Mont Blanc being a metaphorical stone's throw away it was a lively and friendly place filled with rustic looking buildings Street cafes and outdoor stores catering for the year-round visitors I loved how the water fountains seemed to be a place of connection between travelers from all around the world it proved to be more difficult than expected to find camping gas but I eventually picks them up as now sports afterwards I wandered the streets taking in the statue of Michael Packers who in 1786 became the first person to summit Mont Blanc alongside Jack's Belmont nearby was the fame monument or sucia depicting Bauman's and horace benedict DeSousa looking up to mont blanc sucia is widely recognized as the founder of alpinism oh boy I've been enticed by the fruit look at these colors this is my kind of shot look at this heaven see this smile this is me very happy right what should we get apricot peach fix can't say no to fix this is what we like no waste that's cool shop being on the trail is always quite difficult because you want to keep things as light as possible and of course you want supplier calories for minimal weight so you usually end up sort of in the cereal bar section I've actually got quite a lot of stuff with me but I'm just seeing what's around and then when I reach some of this or bigger places on route then hopefully I can sort of resupply things that we furs are quite good and it's got to be something you enjoy as well you've got to look forward to the food but of course it's not have anything perishable like fresh fruits and just you know if you get things like figs you've got to eat them straight away and not drop them I wouldn't rush them in that got big be home I've discovered my fig sat beside some beautiful flowers I went to check out the Saint Michel Catholic Church dating to the 12th century then I popped into Maison de la montaña where I picked up a one two fifty map of the trail for 12 euros and enjoyed looking at their interactive displays about mountaineering and the history of the Tour de Mont Blanc I chatted to the helpful staff at the tourist information had a peek through the windows of the mountaineering guides office and finally rounded off my tour with a visit to the Alpine Museum housed in the former shaman II palace it specialized in the history of mountaineering and skiing in the region but highlights included an old bobsleigh from the 1924 Winter Olympics and early examples of ice axes and crampons used in the late 18th century so this is the map I bought you can see the route and how far it looks in yellow all the way around I've just been looking at it it's quite good because it shows all the different mountain huts and settlements and stuff so you can really sort of make a plan but it just looks a long way I'm gonna sleep with that in my mind right we're leaving the campsite I mean a quick dash for the bus stop I might miss this just sort of my gear out took a little bit longer than planned it's never taking me that long before so to know what's going on movie time has a different dimension here anyway let's get to the bus stop catch up with you there and yes I still have a brew but I might have to just let it go the official start of trail is inland which proved easy enough to get to with buses running direct from Xiamen II every half an hour or so here we go there's no denying it now we are at the start of the tour no Mont Blanc the official plaque shining in the sunlight so this is where it all begins our 105 mile journey around the Mont Blanc massif this is going to be a spectacular walk it's gonna be strenuous but it's spectacular and I can't wait to following the footsteps of some early explorers who first forged a trail around the Alps around this area in the early 1700s I'm going to be passing through petite villages and get grandstand views right across the mountains it's gonna be hard work that's one thing for sure but I know that the landscape is going to encourage me onwards so talking about moving on which I think it's best we get started underneath the sign we go let's do this thing so we're gonna be following these two Lamont Blanc signs which are quite obvious which is good so cold it was that's the top of this sort of five mile climb just do we've got a massive stairs there I'm gonna get my stick out and we'll just plot it and enjoy this should take about two hours and five minutes to be exactly so this is it when we go it was a relentless and punishing 600 meter ascent to colder water though there was plenty to keep me moving as I passed through shady forests alongside open hillsides and past beautiful chalets welcome to the alpine pastures of hate suey help us conserve the quality of this region how cool just take your garbage with you grass is precious fences are necessary and keep your dogs on elite module Wow check this out here commodore buzzer i go a bit season they're not expected actually so you can see next up is Bell vu and bonus a bonus a it's got a water fountain so I'm moving to refill their everything this beautiful spot here nestled in the mountains it's a quite a big building I think it's like a hotel but there's a cafe is where I'll say if you wanted to just break today up you could stop there briefly it's lovely because if I just be quiet for a bit and can you hear that just 360 cowbells everywhere a 1653 metres above sea level the coal was an interesting place framed on all sides by immense snowy peaks there was the tramway de menthe long heading up to over 2,000 meters a water tap and a little cafe selling cold drinks the route also split with a variant option heading up to Calder tree cots though I stuck with the main trail I realized that of course we're in Europe so all of the distances in the guidebook are in kilometers as opposed to miles so to the top of cold of Oz there was five kilometers as opposed to five miles so about 3.2 miles and then there's about a kilometer Avenue they did it again down to bone assay where we're headed for now Olivia the trail dropped sharply pass an uber Giovanna say and following a track all the way into the village which was a sleepy place made up of a collection of buildings clinging to the mountainside I had a look at the chapel dating to the 17th century and then pressed on along the trail there's our first river crossing over the bridge so this is Glacia and it's fed by Glacia de fauna say and as quiet fries coming off it feels I see so just on the edge of the champale we've got these immense views down Val Manju II gosh it's a lot of buildings but they're just curtain by the mountains on all sides the valley is renowned for his waterfalls and gorges Meadows forests and breathtaking mountain panoramas though it wasn't until the 1800s that it became popular as a place for outdoor pursuits so we're in Valmont juhi and basically we're just walking through alpine village after our home village for a bit he's so pretty I just adore the designs of the houses everything about this I'm loving it laqueer river once again glistening blue I like it's just heavenly I can tell you something I am NOT going to get bored of these rivers doesn't matter how many they are every single one blows my mind so so beautiful can you hear all the crickets crickets and grasshoppers as i ambled along i passed by an old hay barn once the home of alexis Bouvard an astronomer who discovered neptune in 8 comments the sound of the river is so stimulated it just pulses through me like electric I love it really love it and just walking through this forest this is completely heavenly we haven't got the mountain views but there's still plenty to go Appa after reading a billboard detailing about the local wildlife I left the river borne an torrent and headed up Tellez Kanta means a real jewel in the heart of the Montblanc region the village has restored over 70% of his old farm buildings giving it a cheerful mix of old and new I headed to the supermarket to enjoy a few minutes of air conditioning and to pick up some scoff mm-hmm it's just what you need on a hot day a sweet peach so good with my peach well and truly devoured I went to check out the Church of Holy Trinity dating to the mid 1700s though the interior decorations were added over a hundred years later and there you have it that was less quante means so I watched some supplies now I'm just gonna get some water from this fountain and then we'll trace back down the hill to the river and follow the river onwards here we are back by the river happy days here you go here's your sign for camping sheets camping do pani that way so it seems to me like it's been the sort of amusement park area so there's a archery going on and pedal boats on a little lake and all sorts of different things so I guess if that's you've seen how a good campsite firfer along the valley I noticed a spire poking out from the forest canopy ahead this was the not redondela Gorge so the notes Adam Delacroix is a thirteenth century baroque chapel it was like she rebuilt in 1699 it's hard to believe that this was the place of worship for everyone in the manju Valley crazy the chapel also marks the point where the trail to call Devon home begins historically travelers crossing a pass would have visited the chapel either to pray for a safe journey over the call or have come in from the other site to give thanks for a safe passing even a chapel behind after saying my own prayers I joined the Roman Road which ran straight and true and in this case very much up passing sweet-smelling pine forests and vibrant wildflowers oh my gosh I've been saved from the heat by bilberries has a few about no many oh happy days mmm if any of you watched my videos before you know I'm a real sucker for girl berries I love them can't get enough of him get some vitamin C polyphenols you like all that stuff on the trail so it's good that sounds like a waterfall and a half can't really see it it's a shame there we go this is the Roman bridge should be able to get good views up the gorge from around here Wow look at that yeah hey hey here we go shall a refuge Danann Bora this way 300 meters the refuge was a lively place with lots of people sat outside having concluded their first day's walk on the trail it also proved to be popular for its food but I pressed on leaving the noise behind in favor of a more natural ambience oh wow oh wow oh wow okay that so is actually here that we leave the official route for today say goodbye to these views we're just gonna head down here about 100 meters and then there should be the informal wild camping site ha so we didn't leave the views behind after all we're gonna be camping underneath them let's go honey welcome to my humble abode so this is it I'm all pitched up I was gonna sign off for the day but I've got to show you this place is it's so cool I haven't even properly explored it yeah so I have access down to the river just there and that's where I'll go get some water in a minute I want to show you my Sawyer micros so come back along here I mean you see just in that little Hut there is a composting toilet I probably won't use that to be honest and if we just come up here this is the way we came into the little area and these are the views were camping in incredible there's two things I want to do so I mentioned first is to try out my soil micro squeeze and the second is to wash my feet or maybe my face as well I just want to keep rising up especially with my feet skill every college it was no bigger rating and reviving wash in the river and my micro squeeze a portable water filter worked really well most of the water on the trail is safe to drink especially when coming from snow patches but in the valleys is always worth being cautious glacial rivers are also silty so my filter cut out some of that dirt okay they really are out and about the police people so this is a specific campsite but apparently you're not allowed to pitch before six o'clock so she's just came and told me off basically I didn't want to film the conversations that she wouldn't look good that she kind of let me off because I've just entered into the reserve and I'm not English and I didn't know that so there we go that means tomorrow I mean I've just been spending the whole afternoon since I've got a really looking at the maps trying to work out where I could well camp further on tomorrow because tomorrow is a really short day but I mean that just goes to show they're on foot they're like Ranger police people so I'm not gonna risk it the people I've met who have managed to camp the whole way I mean respect but I just can't really risk it so tomorrow's tomorrow I've got to get some of these flies out can you see this there's so many flies I mean they're all on the other side but they're just filling this tent so get them out I'll finish eating my couscous nope finishing my couscous and then go to bed good morning let's just gonna half by 6 a little bit of breeze but I'm on the trail I keep feeling a little cold but I know of warm up because I can see there's a climb ahead of me it is just the most glorious time to be out this is what I wanted to say the mood is now just going behind the tops of the mountains and the Sun is kissing the gnarly peaks of the rocks there and then behind me the mountains are silhouetted against the morning sky what a privilege to be here it's nice to be out my 10 I slept okay when I slept but my head was giving me a bit of trouble fortunately Mental Health comes with you wherever you go but we managed to sort that out and I'm out and about now anyway today's is she quite a short day but I still wanted to go early I think I've only got like seven miles or so to sort of the southernmost point on the trail which i think is pronounced layers chef's pay something like that I need to check I've do I heard anyone say it so I really need to check that and then what I'd actually wanted to do is press not a bit further today and tomorrow's a long day it's longer than yesterday but there's no way to stay and from the sounds of it it's very few places to walk Camp Eva and then once you get into Italy there border police ER or camping police they're even more on it I think I don't know I could risk it but it sounds like it's quite steep as well so it's really not worth the trouble could just sweat it out tomorrow I made good and steady progress along the trail as the Sun dripped down the wall of mountains ahead and I felt truly humbled to have the space all to myself a little further on and I passed by a permitted bivy sites opposite which were Chalet Lebon we're a few walkers were getting ready for their adventure ahead it feels almost criminal to speak in this landscape right now I just can't stop looking around me taking in the varying shades of light as the Sun comes up and all you can hear is the birds and the river and the clang of cowbells it's getting steeper now heading up towards that beast of a pylon tell your eyes cause it takes a while for your legs to warm up I'm loving these climbs they just make you feel so alive heart rate comes out controlling the breathing controlling the pace I know my goodness there's the Sun Wow lots of words of the beauty they say I proven to be quite difficult the grounds quite scree there's a bit rocky and I keep slipping because I'm constantly looking at the flowers I mean every corner there's a new one oh I'm loving this so much I felt dizzy with the diversity of colors and shapes exploding from the rocks and grasses all around there was bladder Campion and Mountain thrift alpine buttercups and causation stone crops all kids arnica bell flowers violets Mountain forget-me-nots and more it seemed the higher I climbed the more diverse the species became and I could scarcely breathe for the beauty looks like we got a snow crossing up ahead not to speak though so that's all good I was really hoping we find some snow on the trail earlier in the season a lot of it's covered makes for tough going right now mid-july I expect we won't be seeing a huge amount on the pass and anyway because it's been trodden so much the part really clear it's all good just approaching cold upon home 2329 meters above sea level we got about just over 200 to go to the highest point for today check this out who the coal housed a tiny dollar shelter offering a place of refuge in harsh conditions and boasted far-reaching mountain views in every direction with the clear weather I was even able to see the guitars dam built in the mid 1900s to form a 164 meter long reservoir I tell you what this stretch is just magnificent and after that climb has taken you know a couple hours we're still very gently ascending but it's nothing like we've already conquered that's the stupid so far for today I felt really at home in the mountains and thankful that the weather was being kind allowing me to take my time and observed the interesting geological formations in the rocks around me I could see layers of limestone strata hinting in the formation of the Alps maybe there come on oh my gosh heatwave me Wow here we go two thousand four hundred and seventy nine meters above sea level not quite the highest point but still I salute spectacular I'm just trying to make a decision I don't need to decide now but whether or not to go on to a refuge two months there is a river there and there is quite a lot of trails about definitely but I don't know if I kids have an evening meal there and then pick up when it's dark something like that and pretty unsure but like it's not even 11:00 o'clock yet so I'll be down there probably by half 12:00 1:00 and then that's it that's my day done I just really want to get further on if possible so many unknowns at the coal there was a very intrude by a colander floors though I stuck to the main path but due to my uncertain plan passing refuge delicata bond home along the way as with many refuges along the trail everything was being carried in on foot check out this waterfall coming down [Applause] whoo this is a good descent yeah it's funny because your legs work so hard on the way up and then on the way down it's like brace so they're really working oh that's nice well how old that is the river coming down brilliant oh we made it on this hey sir first be getting up to 32 today in 35 in the next couple of days so shade I'm very grateful for let's check this place out this looks hopeful let's have a look inside sandwiches where's your poison whiskey ah I have some nice cold fresh couscous really good the main campground in there shapur was free as was use of the toilets than the water fountain nearby was the all Bosch della Nova which is over a hundred years old and served as a refuge for French resistance fighters during World War two and my name is Jerry used up a fair bit of time there so II ate my kiss kiss and then just had a little snooze and now I feel really lethargic which is not good but it was just so nice to be in the shade and then stopping trying to start again it's like that's a big boulder I'm guessing that's a neurotic left behind by Glacia the trail of the valley was easy to navigate and there was also the option to follow the road all the way up to la ville de glacier named after the glacier de glacier which capped that our guard iglasia head-on and up the path climbed following the river passed cascading waterfalls and a hydroelectric dam further on and a footpath overlooked the road and la ville de glacier a tiny hamlet made up of a cluster of buildings and a little chapel Kars is relentless just keeps going up the road looks much more mellow I don't mind it will be hotter over there what does that mean camping interdit disasters are illegal I don't know what that means shucks that's messed up my plans interdit well I can't Google that so let's go to the refuge get a drink and just ask if you have any space very very unlikely but if someone doesn't turn up there know how space okay that's okay I don't even need a bed I have a roll man if they final out I would be grateful okay 17 that's good isn't it hey the big dog now where do you stay here - ah on da oh I see oh wow yeah cool okay I'm actually quite enjoying this obviously everybody hasn't arrived yet because there's literally all of the beds empty and it's gonna be full in here just sort of faffing to be honest oh I do feel very anxious about being here but I think it's good to sort of test myself and this is such a traditional dormitory as well this is what life has been like for hundreds of years in the mountains when traveling in the mountains so I mean that's quite cool but also let's just set out there at the front and I could see the marmots which was amazing they're these sort of rodent like animals I've been keeping my eye out for I haven't seen any until now that I finally stopped somewhere which is quite cool for the horse wasn't having any of it you didn't want the marmots in his territory that was great funny but I'm just gonna do my writing and then just don't use up the time somehow to be honest I think it's good so black my body rest and I'm really pleased as well I managed to knock some miles off of tomorrow and actually some funder storms are due in the night so it's probably not a bad thing to not be in a tent that should be real then tomorrow I think just overcast and then close to sunny so that's it day two done another amazing day we had some stunning mountain scenery and all I could say as I know it's gonna get even better I've good dreams about them tonight he's officially happening day three on the total Montblanc I'm glad to be heading off first one this morning actually I was quite cool has a real sort of bubble of activity the refuge how did I sleep fitfully people were sort of all in bed by half ten were they I was in bed by eight house kind of my new routine in bed by a sleep by nine waking up at 5:00 anyway I'm headed to Italy called it I seem that's the border between France and Italy and that's our first Dame ha music got a bit climbing today about two hours of up and then we'll be there say goodbyes the refuge and really keeping a close eye on these clouds probably say I've seen the forecast but the mountains don't necessarily evade a forecast it's the other way around and they're softening a little bit lower some of them are quite dark which means it's uh probably a bit cold and wet out there I don't know if they'll be present at the call or not but just trying to keep a sensible oh wow look I'm mad I think that's gonna be one of the most amazing things I've ever seen we made it cold Allah seen my friends hello in today oh I'm in heaven look wow oh my gosh oh my gosh Wow it was a monumental moment to reach the call alone as the Sun filtered through the clouds to dance on the nard Peaks all around including Mont Blanc itself whose summit was lost in the clouds okay time to get moving it shouted behind the can but as soon as I walk out I'm gonna get blasted I've got gloves on I got a windproof on we've got about 50 minutes to refugio Elisabetta which is interesting actually because I'd looked at were camping there but apparently this season and now on they are being really strict about camping and it's not thing now so there we go anyway Italy here we come goodbye France which is now in the sunshine let's go really what triangles on this stuff is properly nasty terrain to be moving through see there's a footprints from yesterday but what I'm doing is I'm just making sure I've got a strong foothold before I put my weight in the snow they re not gonna fall that far but I'd rather not fall to be honest ik and my weights going on the side of my foot and that way I can lean into the slope also got my stick on the uphill side not that it is an ice axe but if I needed to try to stop myself that's where you want you stick up hillside nearly there here I on another patch this one's a bit steeper I don't want to fall down there this is the trouble of being the first person during a day is the paths aren't cut up save all frozen over and this is like slippery stuff so just trying to cut some wit jeez whoa we survived that one boys nasty if you want to call it that right oh my go I felt uneasy as I made steady progress along the exposed path something felt wrong though it was only when I stopped to watch some marmots that I realized I had made a major mistake oh no I've taken the wrong side of the call I've just realized there's some reason I had to go right when it's left oh I feel sick ok a little bit of panic just let the panic go I have to go all the way back up to the Col this route isn't on my map I just wanted to check so I saw that building I'm like that looks like the exhibition thing that I was gonna tell you about ok all right let's go back then come on up to me so just got some extra miles in I'm feeling good to get to go back over the snow what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna fast forward to me being back at the coal so see you there okay now I'm confused I always go in the right way this was the exhibition I wanted to tell you about now I decided not to film up topics it's so busy and everyone was confused too actually all talking but basically check this out so you see the snows up there that's where I was I was following that trail so if you wanna head to refugio Elisabetta which I do you want to stay on this side of the river you want to ignore the signs saying that it's that way you want to stay low so basically from the boundary marker at the border you want to basically go straight down and you'll pick up quite a well-worn trail anyway exhibition let's go have a look oh wow is that llama go yeah laughing names that's good okay have you been to the top no do you want to yeah Oh Luis yeah god it's eco yeah and yeah okay usually the hut is unoccupied but on this occasion there was a group raising awareness about attitude sickness and trail first aid they proved to be a lovely bunch and I volunteered to have my blood pressure taken and to fill in their questionnaire I definitely wasn't thinking straight though as I couldn't even remember how tall I was [Music] - thank you guys have a good day see you bye that was so much fun they were so nice in there good to see that my blood pressure is pretty much perfect if a little bit below actually but yes and now I'm just pressing on so Refugio Elisabetta is the next place we'll finally get there today and then I don't know I haven't looked at the mouth for the rest of it so I'll look at that about that when we get there the path gently descended to the floor of la langue de la li block which was carpeted with yellow Kipling fetch the flowers rippled in the wind giving the appearance of being a river of gold then I passed by a small historic shrine before reaching the base of refugia and isabetta even though it's a bit of a climb before I might just head up to the refuge have a look at the view from there the cluster of buildings around the refuge for the ruins of a former Army post from the days when crossing European borders was less straightforward the refuge itself though was much more lively and had a really well-kept appearance with great views across the valley I had just traversed and down towards valve any ahead behind the refuge was Glacia distill it and Glacia dilib wash a mass of tumbling ice frozen in time soon though I descended to rejoin the trail and hike through valve any to Lac des Campbell if this isn't a glacial Valley I don't know what is it's so clear the lawns in front of time this whole area would have you filled with ice for what is interesting right now is looking up the glacier here the one we were looking at from Elisabetta you can see how smooth the rock is and that's because it's been carved away by the ice and that's recent when compared to how long ago this would have been full of ice but that place you there as are many here in the Mont Blanc region are receding at a very rapid rate and that's just proof right there the path runs straight as an arrow through the flat alluvial plain framed by a massive moraine wall erected by receding glaciers this feels familiar kind of like a mini Alaska I guess because you've got like almost like the tundra here the really sort of thin layers of soil and how you can see the different layers of succession with the plants and the flowers and the trees and then as you move higher up the green gives way to gray and black contrasted with the snow the white their array stimulating place there's so much to see and take in gosh look at the color of that whoa soon the paths split with an option to visit Glacia de Mirage and kabandha Campbell though I chose to continue along the main trail tackling a long steep ascent where the path was bordered with flowers of pink and purple I could feel in my bones that my efforts were soon to be rewarded as I climbed ever higher into the mountains crossing streams and Falls and meadows as I went then rounding a corner I felt my knees go weak at the sites ahead gosh I can't take this in look at it Glacia is up there mountains over there mountain river oh my gosh literally my heart is gonna explode right now I was practically skipping along the trail with joy soon to reach Maison VA where I was due to stop for the night once again though I could sense a change of plan coming on this is those crickets crazy and there's a refuge the refuge was a delightfully rustic place which on this occasion must have been holding some event since it was really busy even so I had a little nosy around then stopped to chat to some of my new hiking buddies before shouldering my pack and heading off along the tour ok we are on the move so I'm gonna leave the refuge where I was due to stay and I'm gonna head down into the valley so valve any there should be a campsite there in fact this - there's the main campsite and then there's hobo camping which I think it's free so when I go check that out and then I'm gonna get a bus into town to get some supplies so that's the plan let's see how it goes you'll find the path first yeah thank you though literally everywhere every step they just jump out the way alright I think this is us so here we go refugio Mont Bianco so you can stay there that's kind of the next refuge down off the main path and the camping should be along here and then left along a road so we're getting there Sweden hot on the tarmac there okay so I've come down the hill in a matter road camping is that way but I'm just waiting here for the bus I only had ten minutes so I thought you know what rather than go and pitch I'll just wait for the bus so it should be here any minute now go into town get some supplies and then take it back to the campsite and crash out for the rest of today and I'll let you know about tomorrow later the bus ran director corps mayor via a steeply switch backing road making for a thrilling ride once in town I didn't really look around as I figured I could do that in the morning instead I stopped to the streets searching for a supermarket which actually proved to be a bit of a challenge as the place seemed to cater for the more shield out folk and not so much for hikers finally found one that was a struggle oh I need some of that oh ok let's see what they've got I'm at how about camping this is not the free place that I was expecting it to be it costs 14 euros 50 for this and for me for not even 12 hours which frustrates me a little bit but I got off the bus and I'm here what I'm gonna do actually it's try to get the bus down in cool mayor again in the morning because that road is ridiculous like I can't believe that the alternative route goes down that mountain pass the road because everyone drives like crazy it's really narrow really twisty and I don't think that's very safe especially in the morning when it's going to be a bit dark so I might see if I can get a bus down even if it means it's a later start but that's tomorrow so I'm gonna get my stuff sorted out here I'm gonna try to get to bed as early as possible so I think I just need to sleep and then we'll do it all together tomorrow yeah see you then good morning it's just gonna clock and I'm in Cormier so I caught the bus down which works really really well just had a bit of a lie-in and being here at 8:00 I probably wouldn't have been here any earlier if I set out on foot so that feels good I'm just headed through the town which is so just waking up and then we'll pick up the trail somewhere around here my maps don't tie up so it's a little bit confusing but I'll fill you in with the day once we get to the trail it felt good to wander around the town in the cold and quiet of the morning though it's still proved difficult to navigate around I was mainly interested in visiting the mountaineering center an Alpine Museum but I completely forgot it would be shut so early in the morning never mind onto the trail it was then so there's two things this morning that I'd like to note that have occurred as a result of moving starting this little bit later so by now I would have been walking for two hours if I was sort of on my usual time scale but because it is just gone eight there's a lot more people out on the trail and I know that cuz I've already let some big groups pass but also the Sun is or C reached further down the valley so instantly it's hotter for me as someone who likes the cool it makes a noticeable difference so my energy levels so we see here we go giveaway gotta keep plodding but I just wanted to put that out there if you're coming on this trail and you want space or quiet and try to get out a little bit earlier the climbing through sweet smelling pine forest to refuge bertone was one of the steepest on the entire trail but I felt strong after a good night in my tent so I whizzed past the crowds offering Bonjour nose and showers as I went and as always the higher I climbed the more intense the views became I just couldn't wait to reach the resolution we're really close to the refuge now we're just nearly over the brow of this climb Anna check out what's coming to you completely breathtaking and now I'm struggling because I was trying to use my breath for the climb high utterly amazing what a reward quad time that every day to get up you and then refuge is just up there brilliant refuse Bertone certainly had its fair share of inspiring views and I imagined it would be a magical place to wake up after spending a night within his walls so that was refuge by Tony just walked right on past that's where I always used to stop today it's not even ten o'clock yet so it's a little bit crazy so I'm definitely doing the right thing pressing on see all the snow fences up there is to stop it all falling down in an avalanche thankfully not today they and look at this wall of glacier and rock in front of us wow look at this trail this is bananas and the flowers oh gosh he breathing for gnarly pine tree yeah I've been finding myself feeling really excited when I look at the undulation z' for each day just checking out the profile and when I see that there's lots of ups and downs sure it means I'm going to be sweating but it means I can access views like this and enjoy open meadows like this with the flowers and the cricket and I just you know talking about how blessed I am utterly humbled and so grateful just to be here and you know I don't think I've ever felt quite so alive just the air is pulsing through my mind and the mountains and the flowers are igniting me for words it's just utterly stimulating and sure this is a strenuous walking you need to know how to moving around since to read the weather to operate in this kind of landscape you need to do a bit of training but for me you know I'm just really powered on by everything around me and when I see that it's gonna be a challenging day that excites me I wish I could hold on to that feeling forever but right now is what matters let's just enjoy it Joe oh I found an ant's nest look at that can you see that flip good shed on that definitely don't sit on it ah service Jade it's happened again so it's just following the signs refuge bond out to you which is the next place is this way but my guidebook doesn't even show this trail it just shows a little dot dot dot so ie there's another path going this way I really really really wanted to go over caller subpoena which is from the highest I think I will have been maybe 2500 odd meters and that was the route to the right where there were those snow fences it was round to the right so you can basically get to refuge but not to you that way and I only realized that doesn't show in my guide book because I have this map this has been an amazing investment doesn't matter that was 12 euros this has helped me no end I know it's not so down no end on this trail because I can see what's going on what route I'm at what trail you know I'm on and which one I want to take ah let's go to come to peace with that so this is definitely an easier route hence the contouring I was expecting more climbing now we're talking phillup we get to cross that Oh exciting oh look at that Waterville Hogan is bad we're just on the final we sent up to refugee party which is great it's just gone 12 so basically this is where the higher route joins this route the main route I would you recommend this route especially if the weather's bad or you're feeling tired or you like wildflowers because there's pretty spectacular up high will definitely be a bit more challenging you might get further views but this is still truly wonderful anyway let's get some refuge benvenuto 2025 meters awesome here we go refuge L&R 2 hours 30 minutes is very durable the refuge was really busy likely due to the fact that is sat at a convergent point of lots of different trails as there were just as many day hikers as backpackers I popped inside for a quick look but was quickly coaxed into buying some homemade bean soup which I scoffed while sat in the shade and overlooking the surrounding Peaks we were on the move again so we've left the refuge and I'm feeling very very full I was good soup expensive but what do you expect when everything is man hauled up the mountain although there was a helicopter positive areas dropped off by helicopter I don't know whoa check this out now I know I've been going on a lot about the world flowers and that might be the understatement of the year but I have been keeping my eye open a full wildlife have you wanted to see some ibex and these sham wats I think they could these small Mountain ounce antelopes haven't seen any haven't seen any Golden Eagles or llama gyres they're Birds they are frequently seen along the trail I've seen some marmots obviously but really that's about it even like I think they put black red stars and different birds like that I just haven't seen anything I don't know if it is because it really is peak season and everything's like let's just get out there but well at least we've got nice waterfall so these beautiful ruins just up ahead nestled in this valley they mark the descent down to Chalet vada ferret and then from there it's an ascend so climb back up to refugio Ellen ah it was an exhilarating descent down the switch backing trail to the bottom of valley ferrets home to Chalet fire ferrets famous for their huge menu of affordable and good quality meals L&R fifty minutes uphill let's go well that's gonna be the best waterfall yet check that out I was really feeling the heat as I climbed the steep and gravelly trail so I stopped often to look back over the valley shaded in green and brown it inspired me no end and I felt reassured and strengthened as I pushed onwards and ever upwards you just see the glacier moraine their huge pileup of rocks and debris just left behind by the glacier that is huge actually again this whole valley once upon a time especially during the last ice age about 10,000 years ago could have been filled with a huge glacier I would be underneath meters and meters perhaps even kilometers of ice and now all that's left is these bits of glacier sat high up on the mountains proudly declaring their presence that they will remain and we need to do everything that we can to protect these glaciers and that means we need to be talking about global climate change and our impact our carbon footprint and food waste and all sorts of different things that's a huge subject that fits the glacis and the mountains and the valleys and the oceans and the reefs and the deserts and the forests it affects everything and it definitely affects us as I neared the refuge the trail became busy with walking groups some were out dressed for the day but others were hiking the entire trail it was great to connect but deep down I was grateful that I could spend most of the day alone almost there I don't know just over 2,000 meters above sea level sat underneath Galicia Aprilia bar once again a stunning mass of ice whoo that's not a bad view point at 2054 metres above sea level the refuge offered inconceivable views back across val ferret and ahead to glacier played a bar the building itself is said to be named after a young shepherd s who lived in the area many years ago after taking it all in I had it inside to ask about bets or to see if I could count nearby yeah okay um are you fully booked completely completely okay no beds okay okay okay okay Rosie ciao I knew it no beds okay so as expected they're full so I'm doing something I never do and drinking a fizzy drink I'm gonna need the sugar it's like gonna keep moving I didn't have an exact plan as I began the ascent to ground called ferrets but I figured I would ever try to camp we'll walk all the way to life fully like the arriving to the dark I felt deeply unsettled by the warnings given by the staff of the refuge saying that the police checked the area each night for campers but more so by a group I had encountered whilst I was resting at the refuge and though we only had a brief interaction it left me feeling threatened and overwhelmed as I walked on it it really knocked my mental space and confidence and I had to fight back a panic attack everything felt wrong that was until I looked up and into the eyes of a curious Marmot where I saw my reflection I remembered who I was and what I was doing ok I am walking and I like walking right now is the best place that I can be I do not regret my decision today definitely best decision I'm not good at sitting around I got a pass we're supposed to be at 9:30 this morning and I am walking now at nearly 6:00 p.m. but wildflowers are still beautiful the mountains are still beautiful the Sun is still with us just need to appreciate this doesn't matter if I don't have a specific plan I have options find somewhere to walk and if not five-hour walk and I'll be in La Folie so downhill from the call there's a campsite at La Folie even if it's dark is possible so all is well I rang a friend talk through my doubts managed to get some signal being a little higher so important to have those people in your life who you can ask for advice who create space for you to share your worries and concerns and they still love you and that's all the matters right now so there we go I'm on the jail I'm happy about that and hey I'll keep walking all night if I have to I love being out this is home this is where I belong the way the forecast is good all will be well yeah yeah I could just see the call up ahead we're almost to a contour that I believe we follow and that'll take us to it huh you know I've been saying about feeling alive it's just gone to a whole nother level I've never felt this this alive in my life look at where I am look at one doing I didn't know if this trip was gonna happen I didn't know if I'd be well enough and look where I am now always stronger than I think we always stronger than we think and the other night in the refuge I was thinking about purpose and how the trail gives you such a sense of purpose so there's none of this what we're gonna do today can I do this like you just know you have to walk for me to be it doesn't happen make a plan and then go with that there's always options if you have the skills and the ability and the support around you and this is the kind of place you can end up oh it feels good to feel a life just got to take a little picture memory here I must never ever forget this here it is then two thousand five hundred and forty seven meters above sea level that is Italy a nice Switzerland job dad whoo nice the coal had an amazing vibe and I chatted to the various hikers and campers enjoying the space it was an emotional experience and even though we didn't speak the same language I knew we understood each other on a deeper level so you know something's happening when the pack is off it's on the floor this is where I'm gonna camp so just to run through as to why this is where I'm gonna camp so it's flat there is fresh water here coming down just from up there so that's as fresh is just ever going to get and I have this wonderful amphitheatre of mountains all around me 360 and this will be my home for the night the Sun is still up enough for me to pitch up and you enjoy the views and perhaps in the morning the Sun might come up over there and we'll just get the most mind-blowing sunrise that I think I probably will have ever experienced how high are we we're about two thousand four hundred and fifty that's my guess since that's two thousand five hundred something so I think this is the highest I've ever wild camps as well so I'm happy and you know what if the police have walked up here and they find me I will quite happily give them the money because it's very impressive if they walk up here so let's get myself sorted tent up food bed so got pasta or funghi tonight so I just basically rehydrate it so I put warm water in it I always put more than it needs because then it's sort of a soupy and it helps to rehydrate me as well it's basically pasta vegetables herbs there's quite substantial 600 calories nice mix of protein fats and carbohydrates - good - as the Sun beat me farewell with a soothing light over the mountains ahead I knew everything would be okay an hour later though and my tranquillity was shattered as the group I had been intimidated by earlier in the day pitched up nearby creating more noise than a full campsite in the end I just put my earphones in and focused my mind on what I was grateful for happy to be in my little tent and excited about the day ahead [Music] it is 20 past seven and we are on the trail the border between Italy and Switzerland just up there there's quite a lot of people were sort of appearing over it so I've packed up and we're moving says all down here till a fully which is about six seven miles away maybe so I'm just gonna storm out and get there whether or not I stop there for the day I'm not sure obviously I have accommodation but there again but if I let them know that my plans have changed then see if we can negotiate something but it is just such a beautiful morning I didn't really sleep at all I don't know why but it wasn't until like 1:00 o'clock I decided to take some of my so anxiety medication and that helped me sort of relax a little bit more and I got a few half hours of dozing and then 4:30 the light started to appear so I've been up just sort of wandering around getting different shots and stuff so really enjoyed the morning actually and you know sleep socially very important so clearing out the brain stuff and helping our body repair itself and rest and recover but the same time I get a lot of energy from the lands that were walking through I'm just so pleased that things worked out and that's just a real triumph for me last night bursting through that worried to having this incredible potentially slightly life-changing experience actually because I'll draw on this for strength for a long time to come that's one thing I'm sure how cool is this chair you can just see it winding along the side of the mountains there into the shadow where the Sun hasn't yet warmed up the land as I walked I spotted a number of marmots and took great joy in watching them scurry around in search for food mammals are the heaviest members of the squirrel family with 15 species living across Asia Europe and North America and being herbivores they feed on grasses berries and other greens it's been a fast descent down from camp obviously we're not quite there yet but we've got I'll paddle a pool here and you can see they've got some Mongolian style yet put up what a cool place hey mornin you ok ha how you did oh sorry though this is a really cool little place so it's a converted barn building and they've sort of made it into accommodation individual accommodation and dorms type stuff but what an amazing place to wake up this is so great I'm kind of being chased by the light so literally I'm walking at the same pace as the Sun is coming over the mountain so I'll be in shade for like half a minute and then the Sun will catch up and then I'll be in the light again so just stick with me wait for it here it comes see what I mean it's so cool it's like shining over the lighting the way love it as I chase the Sun the path drop down into the Swissvale ferrets where I crossed over the river and passed by our campsites the tour then picked up a road which it followed all the way to the village of ferrets passing proud pine forests along the way Wow ferret is tiny so we're here these beautiful houses these like chalet like buildings absolutely adorable alright we're going down to the river let's do it your ass a bit wonky Wow look at this bridge amazing oh the cut high up the paths crisscross the river as it twisted this way in that flowing forcefully are filling the valley with an electric atmosphere okay so we are on tarmac in this time I will take us into La Folie so we're nearly there which is crazy because again it's nearly ten o'clock and this is where I'm due to stop for the day so I actually have accomodation booked here which I've paid a lot of money for I thought that AI would be completely naked be I would probably be soaking wet having been stuck in storms which struck by lightning and si fed up with dormitories so I paid for a single room here at the hotel but I really can't just stop so what I'm going to do is check the bus timetable and see if there's a bus that goes to basically the end of my day tomorrow which is where I could walk for the rest of the day is about nine miles and then perhaps get the bus back so whoever look and if not I might just knock on their door and see if they'd be willing to come and get me because I believe that there's a road the whole way so we'll see the folly was a vibrant place busy with hiking stocking up on supplies at the supermarket or purchasing gear from the outdoor store every other building seemed to be a cafe of sort and I instantly felt at home amongst the rustic wooden buildings okay so right near the end of town that's the bus stop and this is basically the hotel this is where I'm supposed to stop for the end of my day so that Elvis maybe that's how you say I'm just gonna ask them about buses that might be simple I yes there is a bus okay you need to take the best to us yeah you can buy a ticket for love fully okay yeah game on so that's what I'm gonna do so it sounds like I have to change which is why I couldn't see it on that timetable so I'm just basically gonna walk to Champaign and work out from there so it's about a four hour walk probably add on another hour we've stopped some filming so what I'm gonna do is head to the supermarket here and just get some supplies for the day but then I'll get bus back so don't need to get anything additionally and then tomorrow we're getting a bus back champey and what that means is I can finish the trail in eight days boom I'm so excited man I'm loving this whole wookie thing you know what it's tough it's great right just buying for today nothing else Oh mmm smells good Wow we've got a dam here just walking over it I'll get a silt in that water so I look over this side there letting some water through whoa look this streams dried up oh you know what so far who so you can really see how the down is controlling the flow of the river that's just nothing there now but you can see how big it would have been filling this whole base in there gosh there's quite a difference as I'm sure you can tell it's quite difficult to really capture the depth of this landscape on camera but there's one thing that just keeps evading me and that's butterflies they are everywhere I can't express to you how many there are but what I'm struggling with is filming them and there is one specific butterfly that I keep occasionally seeing is quite big it's white and black and it's got little Spurs on the end of his wings and it is really mesmerizing but then there's these beautiful fragile blue butterflies there's the sort of coppery color butterflies I mean I'm no butterfly Pro let's be honest but there is every color Under the Sun here just flying around my feet all the time and it is uh I always gives you the impression that you're flying with them oh look at this up ahead we got metal ropes here hold on to if you find that a little bit dizzying wish personally it doesn't bother me suppose it can be helpful we've just turned away from the sighting of the mountain we're heading down towards the river now to plaster force I just want to get there because honey of water sort of been rationing it just because I'm trying I need to drink so much in this heat it's really really hot should I do it I'm doubted is that not just the Dreamhouse gosh loving the prayer flags uh pres de fort was a blissful place comprised of a fine collection of wooden buildings overlooked by mountains on all sides I don't need a lot to keep me happy but I tell you what having one of these chalets what a dream I just loved every single one of them and they've got so much weed around them goes to show that winters here can be pretty harsh we've found the water fountain yes good champagne one our fifty cool it to ours nice one let's hope there'll be no avalanches today blimey one thing I've really taken in about the buildings and homes and chalets that we've walked past on this trail is people really care for their land and they care for their properties there's flowers and vegetable patches and perhaps a few livestock like chicken or sheep or goats and it's just really nice to see that it's valued and I don't know whether that's because the winters are so difficult and dull and cold and snowy so that when the Sun shines everyone's like right let's get some color in this bear landscape but it really is so inspiring and it just really lifts my spirit to see the care that people put into their homes next up I found myself walking through is such an interesting jumble of buildings constructed around rocks and boulders then it was on along the trail climbing steadily upwards hello swiss cows do what I agree know these little sculptures there's a snail and a mushroom house and then look at this one up here how cool is that have a drink that's great hey this one's a new vex look at that oh that's made out of a tree the 437 meter is sent through the woods took me all the way to Champaign and along the way it was possible to see right down through the valley you can see why that is called Hotel splendide look and this view boom champey proved to be a popular place famous for its lake and mountainous surroundings so here we are then the bus stop is just there I don't see this is the lake which is utterly beautiful I think the next bus is in about half an hour so I'm just gonna sit here and wait and ask the next bus that comes through if I can get a lift to Nepali what a nice place to wait so that's it at the end of day five and then I'll get the bus here in the morning and continue on along the trail I could push on a little bit further because there's several bus stops but actually this will do me just fine I had the best time waiting for the bus to arrive soaking up the Sun whilst eating my leftover snacks and survey the glistening blue waters at the lake the bus turned out to be a classy coach costing 12 euros 50 to reach la folie via Aussie air it was a hair-raising ride as we did free point turns at every Bend on the dizzying mountain roads I really really want to be in my tent tonight I just love my tent so I know this is a fancy hotel but it's not really my scene at least I can get stuff charged anyway so let's make the best of this reservation poor Abby bombs we breathe I'm actually clean and it feels so weird I just had a proper shower but I wanted to show you my humble abode so this is what I've got and also never mind the roof we have a balcony and look at this view not bad is it little relish on Paluxy play good morning good morning we're back quickly left the trail yesterday this is champale AK it is utterly beautiful right now with the Sun reflecting off and the mountains and the cheese is really heavenly except I have some bad news for you always kind of get on bad news I'm still struggling to digest it today might be the penultimate day on the tour of Mont Blanc other weather's due to change perhaps tomorrow afternoon and then from Friday over the weekend dust and thunderstorms in and whilst I don't really mind walking in the rain thunderstorms are not sensible to be out in and also they don't make for very good filming if it's pouring down so today I thought I might do is have a long day and walk right across the trailer jump so basically again combine two days now the nice thing about this route today is a the weather is going to be good but also I still have options if I do get tired or I want to stop or take come off the route there's different trails that I can take so I can play today by ear which is great but that is the main plan is to go right through the trailer jump so just at the top end of town this is where the campsite is so I know a lot of people who are staying here last night heard it's quite good come up the road a little bit from the campsite and this is the junction so main tour de mont blanc route today goes that way on towards bovine but we're gonna go up towards our pet a which is this way so that's so the next refuge up and then we're head up to the call from there the trail quickly left the hustle and bustle of champagnes in exchange for the tranquility of a pine forest and a bubbling irrigation channel and river which grew more forceful as I climbed ever higher this is the third crossing in about 150 meters here's the art Pele the refuge place so from here it's about three hours now to the high point for the day so basically it's just uphill this would be great I could use a bit more uphill you know not we've done enough of that good now are we good initially the paths climb gently making a bit easy walking but that quickly changed as the ascent took me for a rough gully and up the steep mountainside really enjoying this climb I haven't had one this this scrambling for a couple days it's how do I can heat so working around all the boulders but it's good here's your brain occupied always trying to find the path of least resistance and look at the views back pretty decent it's gonna be good it's hot flip there's a path through there somewhere that's crazy obviously quite a lot of rock fall from these cliffs a coming down it's probably during the winters that this rock fall happens when the water gets into the cracks in the rocks and then freezes expands by 9% so you can imagine it's like something in the middle going like that loosens off the rocks and then perhaps pummeling by the rain or the additional weight of the snow and then fall down this with every step the gradient grew steeper and ever more brutal and in the 30 plus degree heat I was finding the going tough that being said the views behind continue to inspire me onwards and I paced myself as best as I knew how soon though I found myself in a massive boulder field rocks the size of cars thrown all around sounds quite hollow somewhere this not a lot to say about this except hard work really hard work actually ah no need some of that right now ah a head I could see the switch backing path that would take me up to the coal and it wasn't long before I found myself tackling that very stretch fighting to stay upright on the loose rocks and gravel just about reach that point where I don't feel comfortable putting pressure on my legs because I'm making poor judgment a little bit sly dear now this is what I get for having not stopped but we need ya the voice feeling good and totally mine Balloon Boy this landscape I knew reach in the car would be a monumental moment and I found myself rendered almost speechless as I gave one last push to reach the pass here we go nearly at the top 2665 meters check out the view that way oh my gosh I stopped to eat a celebratory peach which I had carried for such a moment looking out over the massive mountains ahead I can hardly take it all in notice you can see the route that we're gonna take so we dropped down to the river and then climbed back up to lizard bronze and then basically roughly contour and then climb up called a bomb and then argent here in trailer jumps on the other side of that we got a real long ways to go perhaps the star of the view was the glacier de treant a mass of ice clinging spectacularly to the mountainside looking closer however it was possible to distinguish the recently scoured rock below this now to the glacier at the start of the 20th century the stamp rested close to the village of trails some two miles down the valley this is the stuff I really don't like because you just can't get a grip on it you slip and slide I've got a really sort of lean back so that if you do slip you fall on your bottom as opposed to your front that's when things are going to be bad looks interesting but some steps coming up taking us down into the valley for a little bit hey it's quick wet only put in places I wasn't sure which was more strenuous the ascent of descent either way I trod carefully for one wrong footing would lead to catastrophic injuries eventually the gradient eased off as I neared the base of the valley and the split point in the trail where I hoped to leave the main route behind and continue onwards to refuge in a grants and called about as you can probably need we are finally down by the river I need to give my legs a little rest especially if I'm gonna carry on I think there's a little cafe or something down here I might do what I seem to start doing and that is to get a coke I think now we really help actually the sugar just get me up this next climb [Music] he persuaded me to buy this and I figure I need to use up my francs anyway mmm okay that is good it's like a apricot tart all that's gonna really help much-needed calories so here goes I would not recommend this but I'm heading on to corner bomb into France down to trailer shampoo dungeons here I do like a challenge hopefully I feel accomplished after this my guide book called this route a shortcut to called a bomb but it certainly didn't feel like it twisting this way and that too through forests and past waterfalls constantly ascending steeply that being said I was really enjoying myself and I felt glad to have left the crowds behind look at this clip don't look down how's a bit of encouragement oh there is the refuge shuttling getting there okay so here's a good marker refuge let's groans it's now and a half continuing along to the cold that's the next goal just gonna sit down for five minutes the view from here is utterly spectacular you can see all the way up to the high point where we were earlier today and you can see just how far that descent is it's a big deal we're on the other side of the glacier now which is amazing just getting that second angle look what I've just spotted really needs to keep my hydration up so let's grab some water oh well okay time to go one hour thirty called a bomb let's do this thing as I loo with a view down there this is a interesting and unexpected sticks getting in the way out of way oh that's fun Oh who seriously my thighs have better be toned after this got a big step here so I'm gonna use the rope and hope it doesn't ring all right we're good stick keep walking Hey look there's no that's where we'd be hanging out tonight if I hadn't carried on check out that view Wow that's a very manicured mountain floor as well oh how beautiful is this look what is tumbling down the rock face it knows where it's going certain of its destination and it is down to the river in the valley below Oh magic pure magic more boulders just gonna keep working fruit I'm ready these are the things that tire me out today just walking through the rocks it's tough despite the refuge and the car that is a very good feeling high isn't even the end for today but that's a good marker can also see the other trail here that's the official tmb route it's much clearer Chapman s also let's say we've got a bit of snow to cross oh that's exciting still happening now ou is slippy not like I'm gonna how not walk in the snow the trail finally leveled out as it reached the call a 2191 meters above sea level the refuge itself held a somewhat abandoned appearance but I put this down to exposure to winter winds and snow ahead lay a dark wall of peaks including Mont Blanc which seem to be watching my every move okay no time to stop let's keep moving so I'm absolutely overwhelmed to be honest to be stood here everything feels right it's been such a good decision but you can see these serious clouds are coming in sort of becoming strata and it is definitely getting overcast so just keep moving we're roughly heading down we've got a couple more insulation and then we'll be a straight down to trailer Shum has a pretty crazy view Mont Blanc there Wow so if I'm not mistaken which in my fatigued state I might be I think we could just see the beginning of the Sham a new valley that signals well nearly a full cycle gosh hey yay trailers jump one hour 40 minutes okay 22 722 8 so probably half eight alright fair enough no worries lover needs purple flowers right now they're really pretty giving me some energy to keep going there were paths everywhere and I found it hard to stay on the main trail but eventually after a few frustrating wrong turns I began to sending through the pines and an hour later dropped out onto a quiet road that took me into the pretty collection of houses that made up trailer shop with the Sun disappearing behind the mountains I made a beeline for all those dollar burn where I planned on camping for the night I just want to get my boots off they're like we're ordered to my feet and they're full of rocks and dust and just you wait till you see the lines my socks have caused that dirt the actual showers here so just eight euros to stay here you can use their little kitchen you can't get food unfortunately but I was kidding yeah it's nice little place actually that's quiet although there's a road up there it's just really pretty but I feel really pleased with how today he's gone it was tough it was a push but we did it and now I'm just gonna have a quick wash it's got some food go to sleep I'll check the weather and then hopefully just walk as planned tomorrow to the end and there's ruch see you in the morning day seven total Montblanc here we go final day rain/storms supposed to come in this afternoon let's get some miles under our belt we've got some ladders that we're gonna be ascending it's gonna be rather epic 16 miles to let loose ha breathe let's do it almost instantly the path entered into the Argyle huge Nature Reserve famous for its wildlife sightings my mind though was less focused on animals and more on maintaining a steady pace as the trail climbed up the craggy mountainside I know you would've thought I did enough climbing yesterday but I'm really enjoying this I just love it every step in this chair has just ignited something deep within me that's laying dormant for a long long time I just always felt so excited exhilarating and engaged and uh well as we talked about definitely felt alive as well and the mountains around us just getting kissed by the Morning Sun have you never gets old the morning air filled me with so much joy and soon the Sun reached the peaks and flooded the trail with the most uplifting warmth as I stood basking momentarily in the hopeful orange glow I spotted movement ahead he Beck's there were two families one wandering through the meadows and other scaling the steep mountain walls above I was absolutely transfixed and sincerely impressed by the agility and ease at which they can move through the landscape especially the kids interestingly you can tell the age of an fx by the number of ridges on their bandit horns I let them move on and then it was my turn to scale the cliffs all right really excited about there's these ladders going up a rock face I reckon they're pretty much as exciting is that path we walked yesterday that went up the rock face as well so let's keep these short try to pull it off hold on tightly let's get it done so cool his pie is basically crawling up the ladder oh nice little Ridge here up and up the ladders went and I soon lost count of how many are scaled some were metal others wooden but also my heart rate saw in both elation and exertion whoo how is exhilarating I think that's the last of the ladders now oh that was good fun actually hard work they my hamstrings in particular hamstrings and knees I'm feeling a bit sore from yesterday huh no bit of a wobble a few of those steps but that's good oh I might have been wrong about the Lana's look say there's a few more up ahead that's a long one wait all right I much prefer the metal to these wood pieces some of them are quite rotted just approaching one of the high points for today tato Avant about 2100 feels incredible to be here I had a brief sit down at the truth point and then walked on though there were so many paths I basically just ended up making up my own route and so I'm going up to Lac longer now I couldn't really figure out exactly where I was from on that spot so like ronk is actually on an alternative to Mont Blanc Trail but from there I can sort of read pick up the main trail and continue along the way there were some lovely meltwater lakes along the path many of which were being enjoyed by hikers taking a swim after a hot morning's walk or a nights camp nearby oh we got more ladders we go then move on left alright and here we go block long and the refuge boo the lake was somewhat dried up but still truly magnificent surrounded by high rocky peaks and its calm waters cast mirror images of the stones and snow refuge still have long overlooked the scene and the surrounding mountains it would have been an ideal place to spend the night rejoining the trail at on to my next destination pleasure just over there I think that gliese use the murder glass because it has a railway line going up to it and then you can go down into the glacier there's like a tunnel underneath it so they sort of drill and it's like a touristy thing but you can see the whole valley and how much the glaciers retreated and actually on that Glacia the sort of walks around it and they've got a little sign saying where the glacier was up to in like 80 and 50 2012 that sort of thing and it's it's startling how much the glaciers retreated and also how quickly when you look at the last soar mm you know the years in the last tooth out here since the Millennium that's one Wednesday it's yes quite terrifying actually hundred meters - hello Fletcher there are so many parts around here I feel a bit confused as to which one I should be on the signing seems to have sort of dissipated a little bit or it's not very clear I don't know why this isn't sign taller Mont Blanc it's definitely going to the right place there's a lot more people on a path up there wondering if I'm supposed to be higher does it really matter that much at least I've got this place all to myself everywhere so dry it's like walking through the desert just checking the temperature it's 30 for a moment and this way like 11 o'clock nice views down the valley day argentiere and so on we have a sign all I want it to say he's taller Mont Blanc I said well I want to see right now yes it does finally it's all in one block brave on 2 hours 45 s are probably three for me cuz I'm flippin naked I'm up here last the cold three hours come on we can do this there's something about this sense of fatigue that I'm experiencing right now this kind of I don't know I feel quite accomplished for it I feel quite it almost energizes me in its own self own way because it's like okay I'm tired so now I could already dig deep and that excites me the idea started pushing limits and boundaries like so often we put boundaries on ourselves or others put limits on us but actually we're always capable of way more than we believe and right now I am digging deep and pushing and that excites me because it's new territory see what I can do see how far I have to go before I do break like I don't believe this tour is gonna break me I think I'm in the running for it to make me actually and so this feels good it does feel good after some confusion I eventually made it to plan prize at 2075 meters of our sea level where I decided to take a break at the cafe altitude restaurant mm I went for lemonade and check out that view the spot was evidently popular for paragliding and I had a merry time watching people land and take off whilst keeping an eye on the brewing clouds on the horizon there was just over 350 meters to go to Calder Breville and then 200 more to the final high point on the trail I followed the narrow zigzagging path feeling revitalized after my little rest check this path out incredible slightly walking up to Mont Blanc yourself there it is that's where we going through you ask around these mountains now I didn't good clouds are coming in no it's uh made the air a bit cooler those ones over there looking quite black so let's get up here we are two thousand three hundred and sixty eight meters of our sea level boom alright by the snow I think we got that way oh yeah we do like 45 minutes up snow this place it's got a bit of a weird vibe to it just sort of picking up on something don't know whether it's cursed we've come from sort of hustle and bustle further down at the restaurant and now there's nobody or what it is just feels a bit bleak maybe the trail was often rocky and covered with squeak making it a little slow going but it was clearly marked and the few ladders were short and easy to scale in terms of angle still it goes up this is the stuff I find knackery that's a huge step not sure I've got it in me to do that three two one oh just the vow I walked slowly along the final leg till everyone feeling a deep sense of gratitude in connection with the mountains I'm proud of how far I had come it was odd though to suddenly be surrounded by people in flip-flops jeans and summer clothing they had all caught the cable card from Xiamen II here we go then 2525 metres final high point on tour of Mont Blanc slip how was great yes 360 air thickness definitely one of the best viewpoints on the whole trail I felt a little overwhelmed by the number of people but it wasn't hard to lose myself in the fine views of Mont Blanc and the Argyll de MIDI I also spotted my first Alpine shots clearly on the lookout for scraps of food alrighty we're going down it's a long way down to let loose and behind me the valleys that we've been walking through over the last couple days the weather is coming in it's raining when you see it so I don't even bother to film it let's just get headed down okay having to up my pace just realized that okay so there's a refuge down here and I was just doing some quick math I think it's supposed to be about three hours to let loose from a refuge 4 5 6 and the last bus from Mizzou Specter Shannon is at 7:30 and this can be very tight for me to make that it's way gone 4 o'clock now and I'm not even at the refuge so I think I might have to run this last bit really so just got my speedy boots so I'm trying to be careful I don't want to fall now let's get to the refuge and then keep making progress down to Liz Lucia nice camping spot and here's the refuge don't look at the sky keep moving bear lush it that's what this place is cool Wow okay that really does go down flip all the way down alright let's get going I managed to catch it on camera yet but there is actually Thunder rumbling around now so there definitely is a storm moving in so that and the bus are two things that are keeping me going quite fast wouldn't normally be a problem arriving in legislate but this season the campsite shut so there's nowhere for me to stay so I've got to get back to Germany so cool being out to sea down into the valley you just feel you getting closer with every step I wish I had wings oh I just glide down the descents did not make for fast walking with some stretches crossing steep scree and others jagged cliff faces still I was making good time as the store continued to ride ok so we're in the trees we know what that means progress I have not rushed any of this trail I can honestly say that yesterday wasn't rushing it was just fast walking and really enjoying that pace but right now I'm rushing my body is screaming at me slow down but I want to keep moving here don't want to miss that but don't want to be found probably all right now height wise for the storm but I'd rather seek shelter as possible actually my tent is soaking wet from last night with condensation that's gonna be fun anyway trees I like trees trees are good down and down the path twisted and turned sapping my energy and seeing me dig deep to keep pushing forwards in some ways I was grateful before to walk the chair slowly would have taken a long - a long time whoa flip is that Oh Yosh it's kind of cool because the sky is darkened the atmosphere grew heavy and lightning flashed overhead but I felt at any moment the Thunder would burst the heavens open in an intense tell usual it's right overhead actually okay feeling a rising excitement amongst the exhaustion I dropped down out of the woods and into the noise of civilization joining the shaman II Valley and crossing over a railway River and a motorway here we go our skirts of loose who keep moving I've never had to rush to finish like this before normally it's quite casual with one final push I stumbled along the pavement fighting to hold back tears as the end of the trail came into view oh my goodness me as the Thunder rumbles we are back the LA Zoo where we started the tour a month long this is it was originally gonna be a nine-day adventure became eight and now southern a week ago I stood here and headed out for the tre 105 miles around the Mont Blanc Massey oh my gosh what unbelievable experience it's challenged me like no other tre always challenged me and taught me so many things most notably actually about what it really means to be alive to be thriving in a landscape that you feel so connected to and to have that sense of purpose day after day after day and how that can really just help you to chase life I've never felt as alive as I have on this trail and I just hope that the times that I'm struggling with the day to day that I can look back and I can remember this experience and I can say no look there is hope there is better you've done that and you can do it again if not this trail and definitely on another so guys I haven't got much to leave you with I'm absolutely spent and the storms still moving in and I'm open any minute now thank you so much for joining with me around Mont Blanc it has been the adventure of a lifetime I hope you've enjoyed it just as much as I have and guys if you've been inspired to join your walking boots its head outside and spend more time in the wild then please enjoy it take it in listen see and make sure you're taking whatever adventurers who might be teaching you until next time guys you know what we say stay wild you know sit down seconds later the bus arrived and I collapsed into a seat with my trusty pack sat by my feet expectantly waiting for the next adventure half an hour later and I was back where I started making my way to the shaman II campsites as the rain began to fall I used the little walk to look inwards and to say thank you for I felt truly indebted to the trail knowing that it had changed my life the walk had been both a mental and physical challenge but I have made it emerging so much stronger than when I had started I spent one last night in my little text my home listening to the rain forward I breathed in and smiled I felt accomplished I felt hope and I felt truly alive [Music] you
Channel: Abbie Barnes | Spend More Time In The WILD
Views: 397,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abbie barnes, Thru Hiking, Backpacking, Song Thrush Productions, Adventure, Hiking, Day Hikes, Gear review, Foraging, Walking, Mental health, wellbeing, physical health, Nature, mindfulness, Trekking, National Park, Mountain, spend more time in the wild, travel, trail, community, long distance, national trail, scotland, lake district, snowdonia, dogs, camping, wild camping, expedition, stay wild, chamonix, summer, mont blanc, gr20, long distance hike, france, italy, switzerland, refuge, alps, solo, female
Id: 8dwl7SLf3x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 36sec (7596 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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