Rainy Night in the Smallest Car Camper

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oh God it's rain can you hear it Jesus ah I need to get in under there now it's coming down hello everybody I'm back I'm happy to introduce you to Siri my hyai I 10 runaround car I've had this for about a year now since uh my Ranger was off the road because of mechanical issues and I just had to be getting about so I picked this up for a good price and it served me well now it's coming to uh the time I have to say goodbye to Siri and um I thought I'd take her out and see what she's like as a camper I've held on to Siri uh while I've had my Nissan because that is 17.5 m per gallon and doesn't make sense to take to the shops so uh yeah I've kept hold of her with all of her extras such as um heater Matrix not working and the uh paint peeling on the bumpers and all the plastic Parts Plus the fact that I reversed it into a tree in the woods and uh she actually does quite well here in the woods considering the tiny wheels and the clearance now I come to this Woodland because the tracks aren't too bad uh there is hard standing under there somewhere but um let's take a look at that now with the tailgate open you can see it's a a micro car um this tailgate and this bumper I had to replace myself and I had to pull out kind of a dent behind it from the um spare wheel well there as well now this is a car tent for hatchbacks like mine this is the smaller size I tried it on cuz it is a very small car and it just about fits um probably a car a tiny bit bigger would be better but I got to put this on quite quick because it's been raining all yesterday all last night and pretty much all this morning um just got a bit of a break in the weather now I was expecting more coming in so I'm going to get this on and then I'm going to have a bit of a overhang to work in as you can see when I put it away I couldn't quite get it in the bag from when I did a test fit so that's no problem talk tomorrow when it's wet so I just have to get these corners on the corners of the towelgate there and uh there's hooks inside so I can hook it onto whatever's available various hooks on the bottom here that I can use to hook onto the bumper another hooks wherever you can put them really maybe in there seems to work now this awning can be rolled up to the top there there's a net inside but um I'm going to use it out so I'm going to need a couple of poles actually see some of them might be the right size there I think these are from one of the previous tents with an awning I used here they actually come with I think yeah some pegs and some tensioners and a couple of bits of Gage and I've just noticed a load of magnets that's going to be really helpful actually I didn't even think about that just for pinning it to the uh body of the car didn't think I'd see any good ideas this and trust these little pegs I might get some of mine out of the pack it's not perfect I can adjust it in a bit but it's up in case it does start raining just G to open up the bug net now just to get some of my kit out it's the fire pit for later and a table hopefully there's room under the TP for the table and chair got the matching pair today that's the exterior set up it's just the interior now I'll do some now and some later before bed because some of that doesn't need to and there's other gear in the way so I'll set up fire pit I guess big airplane no I haven't bought the XL fire pit yet I really want it but it's sold separate from the grill the gridle and everything and the bag it just comes to so much money I just can't justify it but I do want it right that's that set up this piece of birch which is kind of a wire stick should be good for hanging a lantern on don't don't worry we will get to the interior feeling a bit warm actually I know it's going to cool down later right now it's not too [Applause] bad G very simple with the stove got some extra gas with me as well I've got two bags for life full of uh firewood here all sorts from Oak to Chestnut um Beach everything's in here uh just whatever I had laying around from previous truck camps and stuff and uh reason I brought this is a to make it a kind of relaxed car camp and also cuz I thought it wasn't going to be dry at all so uh I'll probably supplement this if the rain holds off it is very overcast so here I am inside I've kept the um cover that goes over the spare wheel in the back here the boot and I uh unbolted all of the seats got rid of the front passenger seat put the backs of the back seats across the foot well here which um pretty much levels it out and then uh used the bottoms here for kind of a headrest and um just padded this under um underneath for uh the rest of the bed it's about just over well I think it's 6'5 without the headrest just over 6t with it there um I've I'm like 510 now I've got I'm in my kitchenette area here I've got a little table to put up and a power bank and uh these are my window blinds they're magnetic kind of curtains which uh go on just around so uh hopefully they work well cuz I've not really tried them and uh I've got a windscreen Shield as well I've actually got two cuz they've not been tried either go under there so I was actually going to do the back out there with plywood and kind of spacers have a nice flat surface and like a built-in kitchen area and then I've been planning this for a while decided to get rid of the car and I thought that's just too much money and effort just for one overnighter in it cuz I really wanted to do it to see how it would go in such a tiny car so yeah I played around with it a couple of days ago and managed to get it pretty flat with just the seats and some padding I've actually used two tents under the front whe uh foot well there and I think it's worked out quite well plus this uh kind of awning tent thing um don't know how waterproof it is um wouldn't worry too much about the company because it's one of them Chinese reference designs you'll find loads of them this one was just from Amazon UH 60 odd quid something like that but I know someone that will have it off me afterwards right it's still not raining so I'm going to make an attempt to get a little bit of firewood just to sustain me or replenish if I use it all it's always good to have firewood especially in the winter well autum nice dead bit of sick of this big tree that'll do someone's feasted recently ahuh this was from one of my previous trips you see where I've already cut it f I'll cut down my Lantern hanger while I've got the so [Laughter] out for you may recognize this Lantern if you saw what should be my last video which was the um teu Camp it's I thought batteries are still going might as well hang it up that could be better my log store might be down here so nothing gets wet some kindling for the fire suppose I should test these out really not sure how they go they should stick to the metal uh starting there actually not bad that's not bad should uh block out a lot of the light in the morning unless I get up early anyway at the very least no want to be walking past and peering in I've got two windscreen blinds one of them is a popup like yay and the other is more like a um umbrella but obviously not round it's come on rectangular try the umbrella first works but it's not perfect I'll try the other one well if you can see in there I've actually gone with both of them the smaller one was kind of falling down so the umbrella one is kind of holding it in well I think it's time to have a cup of tea oh God that's good I had a cup of tea in well since this morning it's uh quite dark though it's not getting dark yet there was a few gusts of wind but uh no rain yet which is nice if that holds out while I cook dinner I'm a happy boy heard the owls out and about squawking see if they come out tonight got my firm arrest mat with me and I've got that small pump as well this is that Flex tow zero pump I've been trying out I've not charged or changed the battery or anything and I've taken it on three or four camps now I can't even remember um not got the right adapter but this seems to work in the out hole on this so I can do the most of it now you can see it just about fits in it's going up the back rest a bit there but that can move back even further looking cozy up to a free season bag now it's chilling down to be honest it's gone a bit more mild um last few days were bloody freezing even got a little spot to hang a lantern in there well the birds are starting to roost and it's cooling now that the sun's well what the was of the Sun is going down so I'm just going to get this lit with some wood wall my favorite for of course the smoke is blowing straight towards me and the back of the car should die down soon just as them damp Twigs burn out and the drywood is burning hopefully I didn't really think about that the prevailing wind is going in that direction in this Woodland but I needed a uh sort of flat spot which there's not many of around here and I haven't got like levelers like on the truck it's quite funny really isn't it bit of a difference from the truck feeling little relaxed now actually don't mind this setup and I manag to fit quite a lot in there once you get them chairs out it's kind of like a small van if I wasn't such a truck guy and had to get into you know some pretty risky woods with the uh mud and everything something like this could definitely work like if he wasn't proper off-roading it's not a bad setup you can fit a lot in there got full Camp setup here chair table fire pit bed kitchenet definitely could work I don't want to speak too soon because I've not slept in it yet it's probably time I put the net down keep any bugs out friend just uh messaged me and informed me it's actually a storm tonight and tomorrow and probably the next couple of days I think we've been downgraded down here but up in Scotland in the north it's pretty bad uh beet I believe is the name of the storm I think here it's going to be raining about 7 8ish a couple of hours um so I'll get a few coals and I'll do dinner and I'll be ready to bug in if the case should be I'm might lower the um awning as well so it doesn't pull kind of by the um towelgate and just runs off instead in this fetching blue bag I've got some lamb shoulder stakes and I've got some tandori marinade here so I'm just going to get that marinading now yeah it should have been going longer but I've made a hash of that iway so like this should mean less washing up get that in there give it a massage I was just having a little Wonder as we was losing light and uh there's a big old ash tree to split in half over there must be the strong winds yesterday I'm guessing I'm glad it didn't happen while I was here it would have scared the life out of me but it's time for a beer is that rain or oh God it's rain can you hear it Jesus ah I need to get in under there wow that come out of nowhere it was like perfectly still quiet then maybe it's just a shower before the rest comes I'm not going to move the fire bit just yet that surprised me I was about to say I'm going to have a beer and it's a a ghost ship a beer I do like to have in the pub but I don't feel I've read one in a video or on a camp at all plus size they're big cans get many of them these days wow a little worried this top awning is about 1 M wide if that but there's not too much wind so it shouldn't be coming in sideways I got my jacket I can put that [Applause] on Cheers everyone another wet one [Applause] sounds like it's slowing a little bit I was getting a bit worried about the fire cuz it's um yeah right out there that really come out of nowhere well hold off for a minute thing is I don't think there's really room for the fire under here unless I'm move the uh table the rain's calmed down a bit so I'm going to get some of this lamb on as we've got some coals now didn't put that Grill on very well just letting that rest for a minute but I've got some kind of chapne that I'm going to put there with it hopefully it's nice apparently it's a mint Chutney I've got that teu knife I thought it'd be quite good as a sort of Kitchen steak knife for camping seeing as I've bought it it should be oh just a little pink in the middle bleeding perfect oh yes that looks gorgeous got the old headlamp mark got another Ghost Ship as well so cheers again everyone and there she is I'm just going to tear off bit of the bread get a little bit of that meat dip it in the mint chutney that'll do nicely what is think fairly simple in case it was pouring with rain and cuz I'm using the fire pit rather than just like a a campfire and uh yeah this will do nicely oh every last bit that was quite sensible portion for me seeing as the rain has stopped at the moment I may as well Stoke this back up and enjoy it while I can oh still bit of a Zing from that Tandoori marinade was really nice actually nice and simple too love come the other side of the fire for the moment because the rain's holding off again um should be with us again soon enough I just heard that uh Scotland's being hit pretty hard so my thoughts to you guys hope you're all okay like a red weather warning up there or something for rain lots of flooding yeah I'll uh enjoy this fire while I can before retreating into the car camper [Music] oh oh that's good it keeps trying to rain but it's not quite getting there just while I've been sat here watching the fire I think I'm going to let it burn out now and um reduce the height of the uh poles so when it does rain which should be soon that's why I've made my hot chocolate it'll run off nicely I'm quite looking forward to getting in there and trying it out I've not actually even laid down in there be an experience well it was starting to rain so I've come in the uh fire smoldering away I just dragged it to the side a little bit cuz uh it was getting a bit smoky in here but yeah I'm in bed's behind me my kitchenette is next to me there I might uh lay down watch a film on my phone wait for this rain to come in I think it might get a little noisy in here we'll see but uh it's cozy and I can I can sit up without bang in my head plenty of [Applause] space now it's coming down it's like someone tapping on the roof I love it though hopefully I'll be able to sleep through it I dip down one corner of the top but it's uh still collecting water so uh little worried about that but I'm not getting out there I'm sure it'll burst its banks at some [Applause] point well that was a wet one didn't stop all night really it was uh you know coming in bursts but it was constant um I woke up about an hour ago but uh to be honest I was tired it was dark and gloomy and still raining and I think it's starting to rain right now um so yeah I stayed in bed basically which was very comfortable it reminded me of bit in my roof tent really but yeah very very spacious um happy with that yeah it's starting to rain okay right I'm just going to tidy up like my sleeping bag and that and um produce some breakfast still waking up here I'm definitely using the stove because it could obviously downpour at any moment so uh I'm not going to light the uh fire oh getting dripped on yeah I've got some sausage bacon an egg nice and simple really um yeah shouldn't take long to actually cook I was just looking at the tent and it's actually done quite well other than it was seeping through a little bit where it was all catching but I've seen others do that I mean it didn't come through the sides or or anything I know the tailgate was doing most of that work but actually quite like it as a setup I must admit shame I'm saying goodbye to the car squeaky sausages just dropped two rashers in the mud so it's just two rashers for [Applause] me crispy bacon some nice cuming sausages oh good I break the Egg of course I got some ketchup there she is breakfast is served would like some bread or think really I didn't really think about that just to have something warm it's nice [Music] right it's time for me to pack away and I don't think it's going to take long at all really once I've put away the table and chair and um taken down the tent awning whatever you want to call it which I don't really want to pack away with but but it has got me thinking how muddy the track is on the way out so we'll see how I go with that in this it's been through some we of [Applause] this right on Q it's starting a rain right guys that's me packed up we're going to see how she does getting out of here I'll stick on the camera so you can follow me thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] goodbye
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 1,476,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rain, storm, camping, camp, car camper, bushcraft, campfire, cooking, smallest
Id: mqTz3WxNur0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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