Overnight Camping w/ The Outdoor Boys!

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today I'm starting my adventure here in Fairbanks Alaska but last night I got a call from one of my new friends Luke with the outdoor boys and I'm going to go help him in his off- grid cabin so I'm excited to help him out with just some tasks around the off- grid place got myself a rental car and I'm out here in Alaska this year Alaska has gotten insane amounts of snow over 100 in in some areas so I originally came up here to start trying to do a snow camping video but of course when I got here the weather switched and now we're kind of in a heat wave here uh it's getting up to 40° in the day still staying below freezing at night but building a Snow Camp in soppy wet snow and going to bed wet does not sound like a very fun idea but last night I got a call from one of my new friends Luke with the outdoor boys and I'm going to go help him in his off-grid cabin so I'm going to knock out some of this drive might have to stop for gas and some groceries along the way it sounds like he's having some snowmobile issues some mini truck issues and I'm excited to help him out with just some tasks around the off- grid place I'm going to go ahead and knock out this drive and before you know it we'll be there I'm about 2 hours into the drive and we're going through Denali National Park right now it is an absolutely gorgeous day 40° full sun feels like might as well be 70 out here right now it's it's nice I ended up stopping at a local Asian market to grab some groceries lote gave me word that his kids love Japanese mabu style tofu so maybe we'll cook that up for dinner [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're closing in on the drive got about 15 minutes left it's about time for me to give Mr Luke a call here hey howdy sir okay you're about 20 minutes away yes sir all right we'll see you at the parking lot all right sounds good see you soon all right see you soon bye go sweet I'm really about 10 minutes away but I definitely can spend uh 10 minutes cleaning up the truck and getting [Music] packed there it is in all its might and Glory the Kei truck Luke was saying that this apparently has some uh starter issues right now so imagining we're going to have to jump it but first things first I've got some camping gear that's brand new that I got to De package so I'm not bringing a bunch of trash out to the house I hear something Tomy you guys having a good day over there oh it's nice the weather's about as good as you can hope for so got a gift for you oh thank you yes sir [Music] right all right you want it right behind there okay yep I'll leave the engine running does he let you drive it ever no Dad one of the cables came on hook oh did it right there here I'll get it all right it should be hooked back up now wait yeah the neg the negative is hooked up too is it diesel or gas oh oh it worked nice you know we got to we got to figure out what it could do and you know now is a good day to try you know yeah okay coolo oh yeah we had to get a snow machine to full mines out so badly Frozen to the ground the your snow bill was yeah this one that one's cool yeah that's sweet my first anobile was an tic cat too oh sweet yeah you think we'll make it Tommy you're 50/50 on it I've I've only taken it on the snow one time so this is going to be a learning experience but uh yeah like today like I said we're going to get stuck today's the day to to learn things I'm excited all right well I'll just follow how do you how do you get here yeah little yoga practice it's tight yeah it's it's tiny and cute in here yeah nice and cozy all right all right we're uh I'm driving the Kei truck we got it started luckily it was only a dead battery so those jumper cables those jumper cables worked now I've got a little bit of experience driving right hand drive stick but I've never driven anything with tracks on it so I'm hoping I don't stall this thing and embarrass myself first try you going behind me yeah I'm going behind you back it's always nerve-wracking driving a vehicle that isn't yours I haven't like I said I haven't driven anything with tracks on it before so it is definitely eating up all of the horsepower as Luke [Music] said the biggest thing is is we're on a pack Trail right here but it just got narrower so we're surrounded by chest High deep snow I'm really trying not to get this thing stuck can't break 20 M hour with this thing she's kind of screaming at me but when I get it into third it doesn't have enough power to keep traction oh big Dion all right this is the part where it gets sketchier so Luke's taken over in the track truck and I'm hopping on the snow machine for a little bit here woohoo all right we're going to take this thing Offroad see how it goes okay we're off the road we're far bying now it's doing pretty [Music] well woo it's a little soft in some places oh shoot [Music] oh uh-oh [Laughter] that's deep so those aren't little trees those are actually the tops of trees we're going to have to get turned around here and see if we can get Luke out oh my gosh oh man I think need a bigger yeah I think so too Tommy just stop it down a little bit yeah just try around the edges and stff like you know it's kind of pushed the big pile y so we can kind of kick that snow out of the way all right so we got the machine stuck here holy cow but just went through [Music] um you can see it busted through quite a bit there I think there's a good chance I can back it out but if I'm wrong it's going to dig a big old hole and we'll really be in [Music] trouble we probably shouldn't Goose it too hard right cuz he might get dug in or both of us might get dug in go slow all right he's going to give a thumbs up when he's ready for me to pull so we were out and then we we weren't well he pulled it out and got stuck again Luke's moving the snowmobile right now probably been stuck for like I don't know 45 minutes going straight back straight back am I doing good yep turn more this way all right where on stack Luke's grabbing the snowmobile and we're getting this thing parked because it's a liability right now absolute liability these treads on these aren't very thick so like it's just sliding all over and on that unpacked snow it was so unpredictable I'd be like oh you're going you're doing good and then all sudden he'd slide to the right and be like right next to a tree so he uh knocked the snow off the roof at least you can see all nice and clear up there now we tried it it's just little little sketchy she's home snuggle up buttercup here we go it's beautiful oh there you go my battery dies that's good timing yeah that was perfect timing hey here I'll show you the the main sounds goodin hey boys hey guys we introduce you what you pause the show Mr or Mr Mr MAV Mr M yeah if I call you MAV yeah you can call me MAV that's cool can I call you MAV yeah you can call me Maverick whatever you want nice to meet you what's your name Nathan Nathan jecob I'm what's up Jacob what's up Jacob Tommy Tommy all right I come bearing gifts so since you're watching Japanese movies they're Boba milk tea flavored jelly beans o here you go those are crazy awesome there you go wait you got Boba flavored jelly I know righted and then I got some stickers for you guys if you want some I iue you like blue and what do you guys say when you thanks you're very welcome here that was really cool here you go Tommy and then I got you guys a frisbee too if you want to play Frisbee that's awesome you want frisbe Dad L I got something for you too oh a back roll here because you're probably get so camping oh God I'm so old yeah so oh seen these yeah you like roll on them and stuff yeah oh that's cool I have to try that outome yeah please I got you a couple CH jeez man I don't buy chocolate much cuz my wife's allergic but I really love it perfect thank you those bobas are great those you like them yeah yeah we made it to the cabin we're moving some bunk beds metal bunks instead of the wood ones the wood ones unless they're built like with 4x4s they always feel sketchy I can send you a link to the one that I got it's actually it feels really stable oh nice um it's that queen queen with the twin on top but I don't know probably like one B like 90 box uhoh let's see here all right if you want to scoot that that over just enough so it fit okay okay now I got to figure out which I think so this this one back and we're good we ohly cow once you get some weight in your hands that's s you fy do all right so we got the two bunk beds in sleeping in the shed but here we are at the out door boys's or Luke rather his offrd cabin here in Alaska it's really really nice out here it's beautiful this is the uh shed that started on fire in one of Luke's First videos of it oh crap that's on [Applause] fire Luke's going to be building some furniture I think I might see if he wants me to cook dinner I think he said they had tacos ready to eat but we're at some groceries so I'm going to see if uh see if he doesn't mind if I cook were those Boba were those Boba jellies good yeah they actually all but the taste actually changes do you want to show everybody your hideout spot your fridge Hideout spot hey that's pretty cool Jacob that's sweet get the Flies up there you got the F water that's awesome build new furniture hey are you guys hungry I heard you guys like Japanese style Mau tofu yes I heard that you like that stuff that's my actually that's actually my favorite food in the whole world your favorite food in the whole world I haven't tried it but I did bring all the stuff to make it right well Luke's building some furniture I'm going to cook up on that t [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that smells good yeah that's Ginger and some ginger and garlic yeah [Music] you know this yes [Music] sir yeah all right as much as I love that song YouTube will not like me for a second sauce going in smells good I did add a little bit of extra pork but are you guys going to complain about that okay like pork this soft tofu is tough to grab huh there we [Music] go well that's that's definitely you can mom you just pour you just pour this in the water you open the bag no no no just jump the whole bag okay bag it all wait the whole yeah oh oh did you open up the bag I did okay you just like that my bad no problem it's my fault do you have another third bag okay sorry about that I've never done that before so is all done that I have nine of those screws some extra beef in there or pork in there for you all right for you first thank you very welcome oh look at that legit hopefully it tastes good it's my first time trying it okay all right who wants this much rice me me okay everybody everybody wants that much rice okay all right there you go sir more bit more that looks perfect sweet enjoy a spoonful like this kind of Spoonful no a bit less a bit less I'm sorry that's F there you go thank you very much you're you're very very welcome thanks for having me here is it spicy yes like really spicy yeah uh-oh it's good thank you the toast is amazing nice and soft all right there we go mofu what you guys enjoying is good I love how soft the MAA tofu is just you like the tofu theying the soft tofu sweet no oh that's good the tofu go from sweet to immediately spicy oh that's good it does have a little more bite than than they're probably used to be you guys like it though I might have added an extra scoop of the the red stuff well some mobu R are have like a lot of fire to them um we always got the mild mild kind that looks like chili pepper I'm just the food was delicious I definitely put a little bit too much of the red spicy stuff in there but I think that's traditionally how it's supposed to be but I thought it was awesome I thought it was awesome too I appreciate it Luke thank you a that is so stripped oh this couch is going to kill me do you know how hot a hot tub is I don't know to be honest you would cook yourself in 140 140 is a good s heed temperature yeah you'd be a medium rare steak you want to know something interesting Tom you know shower mode okay the diagram looks like I should have Dad don't worry three more I can get you long but you know you might want both of these tonight yeah a little but uh you know what I can do too is I can just SC the matches you're not using out of the other one okay guys have a good night bye see you guys see you in the morning all right home sweet home for the night the shed all the boys are back in the cabin we finished building the couch and got to hang out with them while they were enjoying their evening pudding so I'm going to get my bed set up in here all cozy I think Luke and I are going to head out and try to burn some of the cardboard mess we made [Music] one thing that happened earli I didn't show you was that uh was that when Luke came out here to dump out the sink bucket there was mice in the bottom of it so they were probably attracted to the food that was in it and ultimately ended up drowning in the food soup so nice nice uh double use there for their sink bucket and some mous trap I was telling them that I also at my pole barn shop where we keep all the vehicles we made a m trap out there that is just a 5 gallon bucket with peanut butter on the bottom and mice find their way in there and find Eternal sleep tell you what I hopefully don't find Eternal sleep inside of this place there's no shortage of flammes inside this cabin I think we'll be good it's already pre-fired so we're fine get out of here by uh 900 a.m. leave here by 9:00 yeah so I'm probably going to get everyone up by at 7 okay and little bonfire down the night hanging out on the beach burning some cardboard righty little true fuel on it 50 to one yeah here we go it'll find it oh yeah there you go ooo there he goes see now having these on doesn't seem so crazy I didn't know Alaska had such nice beaches all right Luke see you in the morning thank you see it was a good fire all right shut this for warmth not super worried though because I did pick myself up a nice negative 9° sleeping bag today so we're going to get to test it out together see how good it really is well it's not supposed to be getting super cold here tonight I think it's getting down into the 20s but I'll be toasty in this bag long day driving digging out snow and meeting new friends it's been a good one s like a rock and stayed very warm I hate those stuff sacks for sleeping bcks they're just terrible [Music] [Applause] see if anybody's on [Applause] here hey morning morning you guys are so quiet over here I didn't know if you're going to be awake or [Music] not oh okay only one you can't really understand You No One Believes that I can do it I know I'll never be able to work harder than Scrooge but I you guys plastic forks or spoons I don't know were you just using metal ones for breakfast this morning yeah a little bit of oatmeal for breakfast and some Donald Duck drying off the socks seem like they're dry now nobody like starting off the morning with wet socks eh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] starting to get stuff packed away getting the trash taken care of and snowmobiles covered up before he takes takes off and leaves him sit for a little while it is crazy quiet out here and [Music] peaceful all right time to pack everything up got a whole sled loaded full of stuff and three kids and a MAV to get back okay okay okay I'm going up into the all right all good easy it's like I'm on a bean bag W all right [Music] safe travels have a good Sunday all right all loaded up and ready to go made it back in one piece super fun hanging out with Luke Jacob Nathan and Tommy thanks to them again for having me out at the cabin if you guys haven't seen his videos for whatever reason I'm going to leave a link to their Channel Down in the description below but as always until next time you already know the drill let's keep on trucking
Channel: Mav
Views: 1,162,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mav, Mavrikjoos, mavrik joos, Truck Camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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