Campfire Cooking: Fish & Chips | Catfish & Triple Cooked Chips!

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come with me I've just stopped I was doing me fancy little walking in filming myself walking as you do he can't can't be an outdoorsman if you don't film yourself walking about and I find this it's just a stick but it's cinched on at both sides with paracord and he's obviously just been used as some sort of lean-to but this is exactly what I mean by leaving no trace it's not it's not just you litter or your fire Scotch in the ground you know someone will have done this and thought Arnett school it's natural it's fine it in fine for one that's choking the tree that's not going to go anywhere that I'll stay there for ages in it's so tight it's bad for the tree and it just looks unnatural it looks man-made it's just not cool you know you need to we need to be leaving it the way we found it so I'm just going to stick can go edge back and these little bits of paracord can come with me might even use them in Summit yeah man look and I'll survive just look hacking away at a live tree on the main trunk of it yeah not cool humans come on be better we're better than this we are better than this yeah well I ain't got a problem with you which you soon well I don't care if he's in his bedroom asleep right mrs. Mears I'm going after I'm gonna track your son down by Q track for Elmer and you can tell him that from me because you by the way me I've got me firesteel sir luckily I always bring the mood it's lighter every mergency lighter in my backpack at all times so I'll use that get these little big light is a bio multi pack of these and just stash them all over your bagging all over your person and whatever and you'll never be without and one little pretty easy to get going kind of cheating but use what you've got come at me brother just got some bits of Clematis dried out it's quite ways there it was raining all night last night and this calamitous was just wrapped around a tree so there's no what are really getting it's quite dry yeah lovely time of year man lovely time of year everything was frosted over this morning and it still is frosty in the shade but it's stunning me and then your fire actually warms yeah it's nice to get though the benefits of it right I don't want it to I don't want a big fire I'm just doing a spot of cooking cook my sin up a treat scoff it and off engine off scoffing off and this is some elder some dead older so old you know so parboiled them me chips and then we'll cook them on a low heat in this oil till they cooked all the way through and then we'll blitz them on a high heat to crisp up the outside so it'll be fluffy and soft in the middle and crispy on the outside triple cooked chips about this for a good while now I made it I made it a few years ago it's a spoon it's a spark but it's got spoon on one side hawk on that side and then a little cutting bit here now just copied it off for me titanium one but it's gone it's lasted me a good quite a long time but it's got a split down the middle down the fork bit and that I can't clean out so it's just probably gonna it'll make me ill you know food gets in there and a cart clean out so this is the last time I'll ever use this needs a fitting ending cuz it served me well I have pushed them more into the fire now so this will be the final stage over a hot heat and this will just crisp them up crisp crisp the outsides up Rahmi chips just finish off I'm gonna make a simple butter okay somewhat like that's somewhat like I don't want it too thick just wanna cut it cut them perfect perfect chips triple cooked crispy as you like they are perfect they don't just to give the old cod and haddock a bit of a break I'm using basa here which is a it's a catfish dip it in the in the butter he was side yeah perfect up lovely stuff have to make a few scraps don't ya okay I don't even got some peas drain a little bit the water out and then I'm gonna mush him up cuz cuz mushy peas that's why cuz mushy peas I've got a newspaper I didn't buy it I picked it up for free I don't read this garbage I've never read the red top's especially the Sun newspaper shout out Armour Liverpool mandem there's the leaves start to fall beautiful right let's get her out yeah she's right she's already a sizzler she'll get these scraps off cut off scraps me I'm from seaside Anna shout out Whitby stone her Stone Cold Stunner that is Stone Cold Stunner popper on that a few scrapper Rooney's that newspaper say what I could burn it highly recycle a piece oh well not the made your so mushed few more she's and some vinegar a splash of malt vinegar and salt salt and vinegar him up and there you go there you go spot-on man looking forward to this way I'm hungry and this is a British classic and especially where I'm from some from the seaside shout out with thee look at that beast hmm well that's good that's really good hide my face look hmm good ma'am a few scraps as well amazing mud bounce out the way I dropped a bit of fish I'll pick that up look chips triple cooked chips and they've got the bike trim on the outside and there's some fluffy in the middle mushy peas they're just peas that have mushed what are mushy peas mm-hmm classic with salt and vinegar um I know that maybe people out from the UK are watching hoping gets a bit mad vinegar on your food on your fish and chips but not me yeah I've got family for it were fishermen and I've got family owned fish and chip shops it's in my DNA it's knowing my arteries absolutely nailed it I couldn't do it better and you have to serve it another newspaper it'd be from the seaside although thanks bad for you just rub it straight onto the newspaper because the the ink from the newspapers not good for you all of a sudden they used to give us it in newspaper back in the day then all of sudden they just stopped because it was bad for you then say hey why just stopped so now you're getting fancy cardboard boxes and stuff and the white paper but we're going traditional here at me it's all thinned out the end and got all crispy come at me it's a it's a British classic [Music] wait stood in there's a big old oak tree in front of me and the leaves are just just systematically dropping off and and creating lovely little shadows of the godown it's quite quite beautiful very happy [Applause] last bite me if you worried I'd give it to you but you're not so I enjoy it for you enjoyed every mouthful of that right let me spark come on it's time it's time for it there you go mate you can become part of see it's got a split down middle and it's just not high genic sir fallen soldier he's gonna become part of the absent friends so see you later mate we regretting it getting back out I regret it no getting mean he's gone that's it he's in he's in he's gone namaste young spoon EDD he's gone where is he there's his ball oh ah from whence you came hoo hoo that tells the what it's a chilly one today chilly and minor and that's the beauty of having a fire that's ah I mean I had all the intentions in the world that's what I wanted to do is I wanted to come out and I wanted to I'm always messing about with cameras sorry man I wanted to come out and I wanted to make a a British classic and I thought what mob how you know fish and chips is where I grew up on the seaside and we used to have a chip fish and chips every Friday which is so wonder I'm not I think I put all the all the way it's gone on these bits and on me but yes wonder I'm not flabbergasted yes I did it and uh it worked perfectly and it tasted lovely so I'm happy with that absolutely I'm absolutely buzzing with the outcome of my fish and chips and that's me t foot there that's me done I was also testing out a new knife that I was kindly gifted actually it's not my neck knife it's another one but I'll put that I'll make a separate video about that because it's it's something quite special and but I didn't want to speak on it until add we know at least played with it for a little bit give it a little bit of a a little bit of a beast in outdoors which is the name of my new channel subscribe to beast in outdoors anyway yeah I'm not gonna dunk me joke I don't have time because I've got important things to do this afternoon I'm also alice is coming to see me the weather's been lovely in crisp I love love this time of year it's just gone past or ominous well you know we're getting into winter we've dipped a toe in and it's starting to get frosty and and whatnot the next video that I upload will be out with Joey Daly I'm gonna try and get a Q&A together with him so if you leave a comment in the comments if you put your question below that comment or try and get around to answering it so that's lazy that in it getting you to supply the content but that's how it goes we'll try and try and get a Q&A because it's rare it's rare that Joey D gets out within being a full-time moppet he needs to work so we're gonna make it worth his while so we're going on a Britain on a two-day two-night no two night three day adventure with Joey date don't know where yet don't quite know what we're doing as per usual we just go with the weather where's got the best weather and then we'll go from there it's just nice not having rocket pouches on so you can move your hands back but I'm gonna put you in my bag because I don't want to carry your fruit woods because it's cold on my hands carrying this thing so I'm gonna pretend I've walked off and then probably fade to black and then I'll come back and get ya sir thanks for watching also a thanks to everyone who bought a patch and sticker again eternally grateful to you blown away by the support and I thank you and also please be patient it takes me a long time to I've got I'm handwriting a thank you note to every single person it's got one and drawing C and B's if requested and it it's taking me a while so please be patient they're on their way and they'll be with you soon thank you right au revoir oh he'll come on let's get you up long let's get you up lager yeah that work come on get you out of here come on there you go look yeah battery's about to go as well perfect take care of yourselves and be kind to yourselves don't bury ourselves and you know just it's okay to not be okay and if you want to just if you want to do nothing add into your covers because it's winter and you want to hibernate that's fine do it I give you my I'll give you my blessings to do that and don't feel bad about it and don't let anyone else make you feel bad about it you do you you do you don't conform to all these other people's ideas of what you should be doing you look after your mental health and then you know the rest will come good but anyway we'll talk about that another time getting getting a bit too too carried away with it so I go so I look at leaves falling it's simply beautiful simply read write and waffling I'll see you later love you bye yeah I'm trying to be a high phone from the jumpy before then I live but ëcause be back on city bus a local firefighter mom yeah I'm trying to be your iPhone from the jump people war then I let bygones be bygones heavy bustle of gonna cry by the month
Channel: Haze Outdoors
Views: 42,315
Rating: 4.9145555 out of 5
Keywords: campfire, cooking, bushcraft, survival, food, cook, camp, wildcamping, hiking, catfish, triplecookedchips, campfirecooking, woodlandcooking, homested, foraging, shelter
Id: agavhtw61Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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