Attorney Grills Amber Heard On Failing To Donate $7M From Divorce Settlement to Charity

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that's correct you stated you would be donating half of the seven million dollars to the aclu that's correct and you would be donating the other half to children's hospital of los angeles that's correct and you also stated with respect to the seven million divorce settlement that money played no role except for the extent that you could donate the money to charity yes that's correct if we could please pull up plaintiff's exhibit 1259 this is an article entitled amber heard donates johnny depp divorce settlement to charity read her statement in full is that correct that's what the title says yes directing your attention to the portion on the second page where it says quote read the statement below [Music] is that the statement you released misheard that is correct your honor i moved to admit the statement and the article as redacted objection hearsay it's her statement it this is not her statement this is something she just testified your honor may i say the full uh everything else is redacted okay then i have no objection all right one two five nine and evidence has redacted the statement reads as described in the restraining order and divorce settlement money played no role for me personally and never has except to the extent that i could donate it to charity and in doing so hopefully help those less able to defend themselves as reported in the media the amount received in the divorce was seven million dollars and seven million dollars is being donated this is over and above any funds that i have given away in the past and will continue to give away in the future did i read that correctly that is correct i don't remember that last line but i have no it doesn't stand out to me is wrong there's nothing inaccurate in the statement not that i recognize no mr depp donated a hundred thousand dollars of the divorce settlement directly to the aclu is that right right at the beginning of the divorce settlement he uh a hundred thousand to each charity on my behalf or towards my contribution so hundred thousand dollars to each to the aclu and to the children's hospital and in response you publicly demanded that mr depp pay the divorce settlement directly to you instead of the charities right that was always the agreement actually is for him to pay me directly it was not his money as per the settlement agreement to give away and reap the tax benefit from i said if he wants to do it and give to charity all of a sudden then he should pay the correct amount and not try to get a big tax break for it so effectively for his tax bracket he should be paying double that amount to the charity directly and if you wanted to pay the charity directly he could he could do that was fine with me but he would need to pay the adjusted amount ultimately the rest of the 7 million divorce settlement was paid directly to you right over time yes mr depp didn't end up paying the rest of the seven million dollar divorce settlement directly to the charities you identified that is correct he paid the installments to me you stopped that from happening didn't you i don't understand what your question is i'm sorry you stopped mr depp from paying the charities that you had named directly that is incorrect i said if you want to pay the charities directly pay the adjusted amount or pay as per our agreement in the settlement are in the divorce as per our agreement you also chose to do the former not the latter i mean the other way around you also publicly stated that the 7 million divorce settlement should be paid to the charities immediately in full right if he wanted to pay it in the way that he was suggesting yes and and you said publicly that the payments to the charities should not be drawn out over many years right i said that i don't i don't recall the duct words that i use but basically that he shouldn't use this as a novel interest in getting a tax break that if he wanted to do that and not pay me the settlement that was fine but he would have to pay the adjusted amount and not make it you know a commitment he would not fulfill or try to avoid in some other way and that's because you wanted the entire world to think that you were donating every penny of the seven million dollar divorce settlement as soon as you received it from mr depp isn't that right no i was going to be receiving it in installments and i would be paying in installments the donations in fact you released a statement in response to mr depp's hundred thousand dollar donations to the aclu and chla didn't you i don't recall let's see if we can refresh your recollection if we could please pull up plaintiff's exhibit one two six zero this is an article entitled amber heard in johnny depp row over divorce donations and if i could direct your attention to where it says i believe it's on the second page her spokeswoman responded in the statement the language that follows the statement you realize you don't hear say spokeswoman it's not her right a spokesperson is an exception your honor oh really you released a statement we approach again okay before we ask the next question i'll just hand you a copy i want to see it before you ask that's what i'm saying that's exactly what i said your honor would you like to see one as well no that's right that's fine thank you you're could you please turn your microphone on i'm sorry i was very happy um they gave me a redacted but i don't have the unredacted to be able to see the fault i plan to admit it or asked that it be admitted in redacted form i'm taking away any hearsay and i'm just trying to lay the foundation but this is a statement she released through a spokesperson how would i know whether there's more to it that shouldn't be redacted you wonder if i don't see the full document your honor the witness can testify as to whether this is a full statement or not the witness can't do we have the right to be able to see the documents do you have a document that's not redacted we can pull it up on our computers okay just give us a moment your honor i can represent this is the full statement that's reported okay give an opportunity to look at the unredacted one thank you so hmm may i approach yes [Music] so can we have a copy of this you can get a copy that uh happily later later yesterday okay right i mean i think she should be giving us copies of the photo i understand but we'll take care of that but okay as of right now can we continue we can hear but i have an objection because of uh there's some quotation marks missing okay come forward okay [Music] all right so directing your attention miss heard where it says her spokeswoman responded in a statement language that follows your honor again she can't read it she has to show the language that follows right if you want a foundation to that good you released a statement after mr depp donated a hundred thousand dollars to the aclu and a hundred thousand dollars to chla correct ms hurd i think so yes okay and the language that follows is the statement you released in response to mr duff's donations right i don't know if this is this the official statement i really i have no idea the statement that reads starts in your honor amber heard that's the only thing i'm going to say would you please read that to yourself it's hard yes okay did you read all the way to the very bottom where the last word is supported yes that's the statement you released through your spokeswoman after mr deb made the donations to the chla and the aclu correct ms herd i do not recall exactly what my statement was i don't disagree with anything in the statement but i just simply don't recall what the statement was we were released is there anything inaccurate in that statement no okay i'm going to move to admit objection you're on a lack of foundation i'll overrule the objection to what one two six zero in evidence over objection thank your honor statement reads amber heard appreciates johnny depp's novel interest in supporting two of her favorite charities the aclu american civil liberties union for domestic violence and the children's hospital of los angeles this is great and unexpected news and it continues however if johnny wishes to change the settlement agreement we must insist that he honor the full amount by donating 14 million dollars to charity which after accounting for his tax deduction is equal to his 7 million payment obligation to amber and it continues we would also insist that the full amount be paid immediately and not drawn out over many years anything less would be a transparent attempt by johnny's council laura wasser and patty glazer to reduce their clients true payment by half under the guise of newfound concern for charities that he has never previously supported and quote did i read that correctly yes thank you after this you kept commenting about the donation of your divorce settlement right uh i don't know what you mean by that okay you spoke about donating your divorce settlement on a danish tv show correct uh i believe i said i had um i believe i said i donated it to charity but it was already printed or already commented on and stated in the press i had already released that information in the press i think i just confirmed it on that show you appeared on a show called rtl late night right i don't recall it what show it was if we could please play plaintiff's exhibit 346 which is a portion of your appearance on this program and we would ask that it be moved into evidence and ask for commission it contains it's has hearsay contains other communications with other individuals your honor if we may approach very briefly so if we could please play and publish to the jury plaintiff's exhibit 346. all right 346 in evidence and actually were all kinds of accusations flying your way when you said all this and then there was a divorce seven million dollars in total was donated to and i split it between the aclu and children's hospital of los angeles clu is a human rights organization sorry aclu is a prominent um organization non-profit organization in the united states it's called the american civil liberties union and they work on behalf of marginalized communities on the ground and legislative reform and more power to you because that's that's something that i've never wanted nothing this interview was in october of 2018 right miss herd i don't recall when it was it was in 2018 right miss heard i don't remember when this was done this was after you had received the full seven million dollars of your divorce settlement for mr depp wasn't it again without knowing when it was recorded i have no idea seven million dollar divorce settlement was paid to you in full by february of 2018 right that's correct let's take a look at defendants exhibit 1458 which is already in evidence this is the deal point memorandum from your divorce settlement right miss herd yes that's what it looks like if we go down to the bottom of page four there's a heading labeled equalization payment do you see that yes and underneath so the first payment is scheduled for august 31st 2016 and that's two hundred thousand correct yes that is correct mr duff's accountant edward white testified that he made that payment directly you gotta turn on your microphone and spread it off i'm not gonna hear you objection to her testifying to what mr white testified to them it's that actually he literally testified to it in court all over world objection thank you your honor mr depp's accountant edward white testified that he made the payment directly to the aclu and chla correct i believe this were all made to you weren't they that is correct and the final payment of 2.3 million dollars is on february 1st 2018. right the final payment yes and you were here in court when mr white testified the payments were all made on schedule i'm going to object to her testifying to what mr white testified go ahead thank your honor and you were here in court when mr white testified that the payments were all made on schedule right i don't believe they were uh he might have tested my question my question was you were here in court when mr white testified under oath that all the payments were made on schedule i was here every day in court i i heard his testimony yes okay so back to october of 2018 this was before mr depp's studio for defamation correct yes that's correct he didn't sue you until after the op-ed came out in december of 2018 right he sued me in 2019. and the op-ed came out in december of 2018. that is correct so in october of 2018 you had received your entire 7 million divorce settlement you would agree with me that is correct and you hadn't yet been sued by mr dupp this is uh october correct so in this october 2018 interview you said that you had quote donated end quote your entire divorce settlement to charity right that's correct and in fact your exact words were quote seven million in total was donated to i split it between the aclu and the children's hospital of los angeles end quote right that's correct i made that statement as soon as i got a divorce and we reached the settlement that's when i pledged it right then and you say this because you quote wanted nothing end quote that is correct that you hadn't donated your entire entire seven million dollars settlement to charity at that point had you that's incorrect sitting here today ms heard you still haven't donated the seven million dollars divorce settlement to charity isn't that right incorrect i pledged the entirety of this settlement seven million to charity and i i intend to fulfill those obligations that's not my question please try to answer my question sitting here today you have not donated the seven million dollars donated not pledged donated the seven million dollars divorce settlement to charity i use pledge and donation synonymous with one another ms heard i don't use it synonymously that's how donations are paid misheard respectfully that's not my question as of today you have not paid 3.5 million dollars of your own money to the aclu yes or no i have not yet and as of today you have not paid 3.5 million dollars of your own money to the children's hospital los angeles correct i have not yet johnny sued me so as of today you have not donated paid seven million dollars of your divorce settlement to charity right i have not been able to fulfill those those uh obligations yet and that's because you did want something didn't you i didn't want anything and i didn't get anything you wanted mr duff's money didn't get it wasn't interested in it i loved johnny that's why i was with him you wanted praise for donating the money right that's incorrect you wanted good press in general one does want good press yes you wanted to seem altruistic publicly wasn't my interest my interest is uh in my name and clearing my name and at the time i was being called a liar and my motives were being questioned i did see it as important to clear that up i wanted to make a statement to make sure that there was not any doubt that i couldn't be labeled these things just because johnny was a bigger star and had more publicity reach you wanted to remind everyone of your claims of domestic violence against mr depp right no i wanted to move on with my life you wanted to make those claims seem believable they are believable they wanted them to be seen you wanted to be seen excuse me as a noble victim of domestic violence you never never wanted to be seen as a victim nor have i ever called myself one you testified under oath that quote the entirety of your divorce settlement was donated to charity end quote didn't you that's correct i pledged the entirety no miss heard my questions your counsel will have time to redirect you after you testified under oath quote the entirety of your divorce settlement was donated to charity end quote that is correct i pledge the entirety i'm going to move to strike everything after yes all right i'll sustain the objection and we'll just move forward let's move forward next question under oath that statement wasn't true was it misheard i'm sorry i don't follow your question sorry you testified under oath quote the entirety of my divorce settlement was donated to charity end quote that statement wasn't true it is true i pledged the entirety to charity the statement when you say you buy a house you don't pay for the entire house you pay it all the time all right next question please thank you that statement isn't true today as you sit here today is it it is true i pledged the entirety but you didn't donate it unfortunately you didn't donate it's a yes or no i haven't been able to obligate i mean to fulfill those so that's the number right i am i made the pledge i want to be very clear i pledge the entirety i haven't been able to fulfill those pledges because i've been sued you had all of the seven million dollars for 13 months before mr depp sued you and you chose not to pay it to the charities you pledged it to correct me i disagree with your characterization of that let's look at your sworn testimony from the uk all right yes ma'am thank you it's fast because do you want me to close the shades just there's this light coming across them so i appreciate them probably good light thank you ross this is uh your third witness statement that you submitted in the uk action right miss herd correct and this statement was made under oath true that is true i'm directing your attention to the last page of that statement that's your signature right yes it is so you made the sworn statement on february twenty six two thousand twenty that's correct and directing your attention to paragraph four it says quote i remained financially independent from him the whole time we were together and the entire amount of my divorce settlement was donated to charity end quote that is correct did i read that correctly yes you did the hymn you were referring to is mr depp that is correct most of the money that was donated to the aclu and chla in your name came from someone else isn't that right i don't know what you mean by most of well at least five hundred thousand dollars that was donated to the aclu in your name wasn't paid by you right uh i believe elon made a donation in my honor on one one of the years yeah and it didn't come out of your seven million dollar divorce settlement right no nor did it count towards my pledge and at least 500 000 that was donated to the children's hospital of los angeles and your name wasn't paid by you either right those were made at the same time and it didn't come out of your 7 million divorce settlement nor did it count to my 3.5 obligation those 500 000 payments came from your new boyfriend elon musk right uh he i don't know if he was a new boyfriend at the time you got him to pay part of what you promised to these two charities didn't you incorrect because you wanted to keep at least some of the 7 million dollar divorce settlement for yourself right i'm very wrong about that i think this if you're honored okay you said this is a good breaking point okay that's fine all right ladies and gentlemen we'll stop here for the evening remember tonight do not do any outside research and not discuss the case with anybody i know these days are a little longer and i appreciate your patience patience and uh you know in your uh taking care of everything here please take care of yourself tonight okay we'll see in the morning at 9 a.m so all right and again again mr since you're still uh on the witness stand please do not discuss your testimony with anybody to include your attorneys okay all right nine o'clock tomorrow then all right we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 2,554,112
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard Defamation Trial, Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, johnny depp, amber heard, johnny depp amber heard, amber heard johnny depp, johnny depp lawsuit, johnny depp appeal, johnny depp v amber heard, johnny depp defamation lawsuit, johnny depp defamation, johnny depp trial, johnny depp defamation suit, amber heard lawsuit, amber heard trial, defamation trial, defamation lawsuit, defamation johnny depp, depp v heard live
Id: gHy6oiuUyEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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