Calving in -3 Degree weather

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[Music] pulled out yesterday we kinda had like a little Blizzard going on last night it got down to about 14 degrees we have currently I think five pairs actually something calves last night so we have six pairs in here let's see one two three four five six so this building got dirty so we're gonna clean out both our buildings also there might be some chilled calves this morning since it got so cold last night and so we gotta we have to check on everything make sure everybody's doing good [Music] dang I need an adult this is pretty nuts not only do we have six pairs in that building one cabbed overnight and then we had five already in there but three cows calves in this building which makes six out here so we got 12 ready to go last night the windchill is negative three and so these calves hitting the ground sopping wet they wouldn't have made it but we sorted them up we did her due diligence and everything safe and healthy off topic here when I woke up this morning I saw a shotgun laying on the floor upstairs with some bullets laying by it I asked my dad what was going on he said there was some guy that drove by our house like three times really slow last night I just want you guys to know that he's in the garage she barks and we got tons of guns and ammo so if you're thinking about purging I would think otherwise if I were you [Applause] a couple days ago we switched something up and in that pen behind the barn where we feed our heifers before they get moved to the barn it was getting too muddy in there so we couldn't really Drive the feed when I get in without getting stuck and so what we did was we moved the bunk and we made it so we can just drive in with the loader drive straight and I dumped the feed right into the bunk that's in the feed leg and he's just gonna dump the feed into the bucket of the loader and then we're just gonna drive in there and dump it into the bone so yesterday morning like I said it was raining before I started snowing and that cow on the back there she decided a cab and a less-than-ideal pen and so we had to get it up and so I went out there with the sled and I said hey ma'am could I have your child the weather is bad and she said Moo and then she hit my sled with her head and so she was an upset cow and so hopefully we can get her out of here without debilitating injuries that they it got really dirty in here because the cattle were in here extra hours and closed up tighter than normal not letting much air move through because it was so windy so I'm not real happy with the way it looks but we're gonna have it clean here in about an hour [Music] so we're gonna take all six paths one two three four five six you can't count we're gonna put them we're gonna put them where we walk because it's clean there and it'll be out of the way and then we'll get cleaning [Music] pretty well cleaned up the Cavs settled down the Mamas have not and all I got left really is to scoop out that back part of the calving pen because they always think they need to pee and poo when they're in there as a matter of fact it'd be nice if they just didn't pull it here at all then I wouldn't have to clean it but somehow it got it all on the spreader and part of that is due to the bails we have been shredding in here if we're really shrunk down having less bedding in there makes a lot easier when we're hauling it out because there's not as much stuff and we can get it in one load but it also gets dirtier a lot quicker because it's not a stick not as deep and so this time we're gonna put more bedding in here that way I'll last longer and it'll be nice for the calves in the cattle have y'all seen the shovel [Music] just in time for shoveling you're so good at shoveling then I decided that four of the pairs in this building are old enough we're gonna start moving them to the next pasture because that other one nineteen overrun our other pasture but capacity is 20 and so we're just gonna take if we ever got just one pair we'll take them over come on in this master is what we call Kenny's last year I was spraying thistles out here had a couple videos I don't know if we were doing anything with cattle over here that we made a video of anyway we got some fans over there they got a couple buildings they could hide behind pile of trees and then they got this whole shelter belt flowing well which Flowing Wells down there and the top is broke off it's just shooting out and it's not connected to this hose to us it just so this is the line it should be on you know you think if a cow were to knock it off it'd still be connected over here so we're honestly kind of think it's only kicked it off stole the brass and then cut the hose off which I mean how desperate you got to be to do that I mean we don't we don't want to think someone did that it'd be sad if someone did but situation we got going on as hell broke it off it'd be hanging from the other part you know broke off there it'd be there vice versa you know it's gone it looks like it's been cut off here oh yeah remember at this time you are the chosen one I'd say there's a lot more in them millet bales than the Mayo bales where he grinded earlier just got done eating had some chili so I'm kind of worried about the size of the cab on the Bobcat because it might be filled with gas here in a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't one time we're loading balls to haul him to customers and I got here the bowl was there and it was in the back compartment and I grabbed the gate but I wouldn't slide it was up against this here and so I looked at the bowl and it was looking at me and I thought ah crap and so I jumped up and it came out and kind of like ran as long it's back should have been in a movie or something did my first grape the Bobcat beef javi said it's almost out of fuel son-of-a-gun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're getting to the end here we got the building's cleaned we got them back filled and the last thing we got to do is get up the cows and that middle pen there's about 18 left and cent feedlot nuts in the middle of the other feed Lots and so we're gonna sort them up and make sure the ones that are closer to calving are up in the building someone good yeah boo that scoop poop and snot I'll tell you why this stick short the people I buy feed from some of them saved a dollar by getting a foot shorter stick way to go fellas saved yourself a dollar you know who you are and if you don't know who you are I'm gonna remind you next time you pull in the yard want to sell me feet about this short stick jelly that tastes like chicken just don't care it into the garage all right oh yeah let my team get demonetized I gotta go run to the bowl place our pasture where we put them first 20 pairs at and we haven't been there yet today and so I might have to run some water got to make sure that all the calves did well last night I can see there's a calf on the other side of the fence down there but and for it's snowing yesterday this thing looks nice oh oh not that way go that way that's the spot that's not the spot that'll work well I feel like that's gone about do it for today got everything checked everything's healthy everything's doing good we got two buildings cleaned it seems like that took all day because it kind of did and putting new bedding in got a lot of bedding in so that should be able to last for quite a while and it should keep the calves healthy and keep them warm so I hope you enjoyed watching this video sorry there wasn't much of my dad in it I know y'all love him keep watching keep washing your hands stay healthy out there make good decisions and I just want to thank you all for hanging out with us and having a good time so see you next time have a good one [Music]
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 78,083
Rating: 4.972796 out of 5
Keywords: calving, baby calves, farming, ranching, cold weather, calving in blizzard, cows, angry cow, hauling cattle, john deere, saving calves, skid loader, bobcat, barn, calving barn, sonne farms
Id: GeVdFbStsBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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