Calvary New Testament Church of God Live Stream

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before this is a song that i wrote amen in the year that coveted 2020. and this is the words that god gave me i said right amen go ahead son i turned my back for one moment to destroy the human race i turned my back kill and destroy he does not care who you are and what race you belong yes jesus christ with a passion and he's also on a mission to destroy god's creation our only hope today he released diseases fear this disease has constrained me everywhere in the world what he does how confused the virus is spreading people like die here repent of your sins call upon jesus christ and he's blood he's the cure look what he has done look at satan has done he released his season he released diseases a holy god he's the cause of this disease the wages of sin is death but god's righteousness giving life today it is time to get real we judge by devil call on god he will heal from heaven and he will heal our life yes amen that's the covet song that need to go around the world and finally amen the song bring your family to jesus amen glory to god in today's huge sunday amen give me number one written by me 2020. jesus bring your families to jesus oh bring them to the line to the foot of the cross just freeing from all jesus blood can wash them jesus blood can save them of jesus christ and set all sinners free god they are wondering with no hope hopelessly lost i bring your families what you bring them to the lord lord of the rest jesus lord can save us under the blood of jesus christ live a holy life before while you'll keep the name in prayer my god will answer prayer we'll bring them home one day if you do not give your heart to jesus christ when you die you will be eternally lost in the lake of fire i cannot make enough forces to serve the lord to serve the lord but by the grace of god i'm going to fight against satan and people with demons until i break free stars are built preaching and set them free bring your families to jesus oh won't you bring them to the lord jesus blood can wash them oh jesus blood can save the lord of jesus christ and said all only the blood of jesus christ oh hallelujah rise to your feet everybody amen it's only 2 out of 17 get your album all of them wonderful father we thank you for today thank you for your servant in our mage you brought her here safely while she's here in this country lord god this is that around the world preserve your child here let no harm come to them now she come to serve god i pray for the unction that come from your throne room young shall not come from another world to destroy yoke strap hold of the devil the anointing that will set captive free even cause your people in discovery time to find themselves oh god satire looks low and so today god i pray for clarity and for precision of speech hope in heaven here today let it be a time of the miraculous in the time of the supernatural thank you father sign up bind you whatever form you comes in whatever contrary spirit in this house whatever spirit of confusion in this house i release the blood of jesus christ here around the world and pray god that you will speak to the hearts of your people and mankind even know how to humble themselves in your present and receive what you have for them not to be a hearer but god receive and go and work on what the years have heard and the heart receive we thank you today in jesus name ladies and gentlemen put your hands together welcome to the podium welcome to the podium evangelist tamara blake come on don't put a cake you can do better than that somebody cry out preach god bless you put your hand one more time together god bless you as we circle the globe today enjoy god's servant amen it's so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his words just to rest upon his promises just to know thus set the lord the writer said jesus jesus hallelujah how i trust him i feel the anointing how i prove him oh lord i feel like we are under an open heaven this morning jesus jesus precious jesus oh for grace to trust him more so great to be in calvary again it's so good to see you all again when we learned that we would have been traveling it would only be for a few days and then when we recognized where we were going we went on the map and we recognize that we would have been so close to you and so we turned a few days into more days hallelujah and we wanted to surprise bishop but uh i think i would get a flag if i do that so i said you know what it's better for me to let him know that we extend our time so we could we could pass through you have an amazing pastor man of faith confident trust served with integrity what an example as a young preacher i just admire a lot of our elders who have run the race and have kept the faith there must be someone that you learn from that you see that their faith and you learn and one of the things i learned is that you can learn from a distance there are many persons who have impacted my life from a distance one of those person is bishop long before i know that i would have come to calvary i always threw into facebook and i said oh i always watch this bishop and i recognize he's a church of god and didn't know that one day we would cross part but calvary has become home to the point where we had to stop by and just grace you with our presence bishop i want to greet you thank you for the opportunity to share with god's people you're looking great man you're looking good have you ever heard the saying you don't look like what you've been through just look over to your neighbor and say hey neighbor you don't look like what you've been through i feel the anointing you know i wonder if there's somebody sitting across from you that you know their story and know that they should have looked like some break down but hey look at you today shout you're looking at a miracle a blood wash miracle a sanctified miracle i feel something in this house hallelujah and so i take the time out to greet minister edwards the beautiful voice and the next end of the phone minister young and it's so great to see minister who is always sitting in for bishop online it's good when you can depend on persons and i i admire that by your commitment my car okay minister bless you and learn it after church okay praise the lord hallelujah at this time it's so great to have my husband with me about a few weeks ago we celebrated 23 years of marriage i'm gonna ask him to come and greet the congregation put your hands together for him he has been such a faithful husband i don't have to say i need your support he always shows up for duty he's always ready to serve ready to do whatever it takes to help me to do what god called me to do and to make it easy and i tell him that you know i would marry to him again yes i admire to him again he's an amazing husband hallelujah praise the lord you know we need our young people need example when we look at these marriages person who can say we are married for 30 years and 40 years i love to be around those persons i just love to be around persons i know that marriages are not perfect but if for you to live for 30 ad and 40 years it means that you weathered the storms and you made it and you're an example if you are married for that long you are the praise god because it means that you fight some battles and you have won and as young people we can you can be so much example to us i'm gonna ask my husband devon blake to greet you amen let's praise the lord praise the lord i just want to greet bishop blake and his team are the ministers and congregational evangelists everyone visiting friends greetings in the name of jesus this morning we're here to praise god and to worship him we're here to expect it we are here to lift him up because he's the reason why we're here this morning i just want to put your hands together for my beautiful wife amen she's my joy and my pride wherever i go i just feel tall even though i'm short i feel tall yes and it's not because the goodness that i have done but because of god in everything that we do we include god in it anywhere we go we include god in it we don't go without him anything we do we involve a minute that's why we can stand here together as a team and say we celebrate 23 years and for the young people in our midst this morning and across the globe just put god in everything that you do elderly people no one is old elderly people you put god in it the time is tough the time is rough but with god we all can make it and so today we are here to lift him up and just continue to not to sit comfortable but to get uncomfortable sometime and to stand up and worship god as we continue in jesus name you did well praise the lord my brothers and sisters i want you to get your bibles in hand we go to first samuel chapter 30. to all the evangelists missionaries to the entire leadership of calvary the entire leadership i want to greet you this morning to all the visiting friends it's so sweet to see many of our elders it's so happy to see you so happy to see you and to know that you're keeping strong you're keeping the faith you're still holding the charge for us as young people we're glad that we have a shoulder that we can lean on in person of the adults our elders we have to log on them they have hold the church and blaze the trail so that we can have what we are worshiping and have today anywhere i go i salute the elders i don't like when they're treated anyway bishop i love when we young people love them here yeah man love them up let them know what's elizabeth you we have what we have today because of your sacrifice we didn't just come up and see somebody labor somebody press somebody toil somebody pray in some places they want to throw them out of the church it grieves me no they must have they must be comfortable are you there my brothers and sisters first samuel chapter 30 from verse one we just read a few verses and it came to pass when david you may stand there you don't have to stand again but i'll just ask you to stand for the reading of the word and it came to pass when david and his men came to ziggler on the third day that the amalekites had invaded the south and he had taken the woman captive that were therein and they slayed not any i want you to pay attention to this verse too it's a powerful verse listen what it says and had taken the woman captive yes that were therein they slayed not in either great or small but carried them away and went on their way powerful so david and his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire and their wives hallelujah and their sons and their daughters were taken captive and david and the people that were with him lift up their voiced and wet until they have no more power to weep we go over to verse 6 and david was greatly distressed for the people speak of stoned in him because of the soul of the people was grief every man for his sons and his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord i i love the butt of the text listen what verse 6 says again david was greatly distressed for the people the people he was going through the same thing that the people were going through but the people speak of stone in him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons for his daughters but david but david encourage himself in the lord i want you to put your bible down and i want you to look at somebody and say tell yourself that's what that's the team this morning tell yourself i want you to look at somebody and say neighbor tell yourself tell yourself sometimes you can't find nobody to tell you and sometimes you can't find nobody to talk to you but i want you to raise your hand and declare i will tell myself i feel about kotosha not a messiah thank you for your presence thank you for your power thank you for the holy spirit thank you for a move of god thank you god thank you move from bench to bench touch heart speaks this morning speak lord speak who speak lord somebody's in a battle somebody's in a fight someone is struggling speak this morning father you said in your word that when we go into a strongman house we must first bind him then we are able to spoil his goods we bind up principalities and powers we pray over your people this morning touch their ears and their hearts and their mind and their spirit minister to their soul let somebody leap for joy and give you all the praise when we come to the end of today's service in jesus name you may be seated with a praise i want you to tell yourself tell yourself look at your neighbor one more time and say neighbor tell yourself turn it around turn it around turn it around turn it around turn it around turn it around yes turn it around turn it around turn it around turn it around somebody give him a praise hallelujah my brothers and sisters as i get into this word permit me to just set a little standard so you can understand what is written and why what was happening in this text happens where were david and what happens why he had to be in the situation he was in somebody lift up your voice one more time and declare tell yourself bishop tell yourself because there are times when you won't find nobody to tell you especially in this covet season many have find themselves in loneliness many have find themselves alone nobody around you many have died and isolation many have recovered in isolation but they have to tell themselves somebody say tell yourself this message my brothers and sisters is about encouraging yourself there are times and periods in our lives when we get discouraged somebody say amen and frustrated over what is happening in our lives david finds himself a discouraged ah but david understand that there comes a time in your life when you got to encourage yourself i feel the anointing already at eight at the age of 17 david went out to fight battles with goliath somebody said goliath my brothers and sisters and the woman marched in the street and celebrate after david conquered goliath and they said saul have slain his thousand and david his ten thousand my brothers and sisters and the king got jealous in his heart and decide in his mind that he was going to kill david david was the king's servant amen somebody david was the man who played the harp david was the man who encouraged saul when he was discouraged my brothers and sisters this is the same man who got the victory over the philistine instead of celebrating the man saul want to kill him i'm coming to you my brothers and sisters we must understand not because you are doing well does not mean that you will always be celebrated ah let me preach a little bit not because you are doing well does not mean you will always be celebrated i feel like repeating that again because there are those who think that you must always be celebrated there are times when you deserve to be celebrated and you don't get it what do you do when you do everything in your power to serve and to do well and you're not celebrated i come to tell you encourage yourself i feel the holy ghost somebody shout hallelujah somebody give god a praise what do you do when those who are supposed to celebrate you want to kill you i'm gonna take my time preach this morning can i take my time church what do you do when those who are supposed to support you want to kill you what do you do when those who you support hallelujah want to kill you what do you do when those who you stand with in the midst of their trouble and their trials and their tests wants to kill you what do you do somebody shout hallelujah i will encourage myself i come to tell the church the time is now when everybody has to have a praise somewhere on the inside of you you can't wait for somebody to praise and celebrate you you got to go to work with a praise you got to come to church with a praise you've got to drive on the bus with a praise you got to wash the dishes with a praise you don't hear me because the devil can't stand praise there's something about praise when you begin to worship god you begin to put dagger in the enemy's camp you can't leave your praise you've got to praise him anyhow somebody give him a praise i look across from the island's neighbor what do you do what do you do when those who you serve and those who you care for and those who you help and those who you stand with and those who you encourage hallelujah hallelujah what do you do when they want to kill you saul wants to kill david i come to tell somebody encourage yourself my brothers and sisters let me run on because i want you to understand this morning before i get into what i want you to get in follow me follow me saul launched an attack against david trying to kill him david had to run away david had to leave home david had to leave family david have to run away trying to escape saul trying to escape the man who should be celebrating him are you hearing me what saul did to david is what the devil wants to do to the church but the blood of jesus christ i want you to look across the island said don't run away stand vast in the liberty where christ had made you free and be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage i want you to declare i'm under pressure but i'm not running away saul won't get me out of god's presence what saul wants to do is to kill you spiritually he could he could not kill david spiritually but he want to kill him physically but i couldn't tell that what the devil want to do with you he wants to paralyze you he wants to kill you spiritually he don't mind you existing while you can pray and you can't fast and you can't worship and you oh god somebody help me i'm trying to take my time but i want you to look across the house encourage yourself i feel the anointing is it's not backsliding time it's not time to quit it's not time to run away it's not time to back down it's time to spear your shoulder and say bring it on devil i'm ready to fight i feel like i'm in the right church at the right time preaching the right message just give somebody a high five from a distance and say fight up and no saul want to kill you but fight i know the enemy want you dead but fight i know the enemy wants your backslide but fight somebody's here ain't backsliding i'm pressing on the upright way new heights i'm gaining every day still praying as i onward bound lord plant my feet if i have to fight i'm gonna fight somebody shall fight my brothers and my sisters let me just bring it down to another level and talk to you i want you now to come with me close everything that i'm about to say to you is insa is in first samuel chapter 29 and then we will get into thirty let me set the stage so you can understand what was happening david run into a cave in chapter 29 when he got into the cave the bible said he met some men somebody said some men he met some men that were distressed he met some men that were discouraged he met some men that weren't troubled men he met some men that were cast away david my brothers and sisters drawing himself to these men ah somebody help me david joined himself to them and they asked david to become their leader they got the job they become the soldier these men become soldiers bishop in the philistine army somebody said philistine my brothers and sisters that is shocking because because it was the philistine goliath that david killed come now but now david was running from saul saul want to kill him i feel the anointing but david find refuge among the enemy oh god sometimes you do you know that god will use even the enemy to protect you sometimes god will use the same people that want to kill you to be your coverage i'm gonna preach it's not everything that bad happening to you is really bad i want you to put your hand on your head and say god is gonna get some glory out of this somebody shout glory shout glory i come to tell calvary the children of god can survive anywhere you can survive in the lion den you can survive in the belly of hell you can survive even among those who want to kill you for if god be for us somebody shout who can be against us let me take my time i'm getting a little bit older so i think i'm getting a little bit the holy ghost is maturing me a little bit let me bring it to where you want to get it so my brothers and sisters david went with these men somebody said men these were broken men bishop these were abandoned men these men are they find refugees among their enemies and let's go close enough they joined themselves to the philistine army then something happened when they were getting ready to go to the battle the bible said the army general bishop went among the people and began to search the camp before we go into battle when he start searching the camp guess who they broke upon brother david the giant slayer the giant killer do we have any giant killer in this house and i hear them say to the giant killer we don't want you among us we can't trust you if you stay among us just as how you kill goliath you will kill us the devil must know who you are when they see you i believe that we have some giant killers in calvary that's why you're still standing according to the system you should have been dead but look at you today somebody who knows that you're a giant killer give god a praise that's why some people can't stand you that's why they don't want you near them because my brother they know who you are they said that the army general said david it's time to go according to first samuel 29 and verse 4. david said dismiss them the army general said dismiss them the army general said fire them the army general said we don't want david any man among us because we know who they are when you get up in the morning the devil must say here he comes again here she comes again i can't stand this woman she have too much power i can't stand this man he has too much fire come on it's time for the fire to burn again the fire must burn until hell can't stand it demons can't manage it devil can oh god somebody shout something take time preach preacher oh shout out messiah ah the devil must know the church the devil must know who we are so the bible says according to the text when you go home just read just read first samuel chapter 29 we always read 30 but we know what are we 29 but 29 set the standard for 30. so the bible said the army general said david paco pack up david pack up leave down there believe tony you and your men go and the bible says and those men along with david they find about their city they leave back to ziplock which took them three days surely come on and the bible said when they get there there was a shocking discovery the amalekites invade the city out their wives took their children burn down their city can i preach in this house in verse 4 the bible says david and his men weep until they have no strength these men somebody said these men this situation was rough the situation was tough when they came back and they saw that ziploc was flat every man started crying i heard there's a cry in this house there is a hollering there is a ball in ha there is a crying the song said this poor man cry and the lord heard him and deliver him out of their struggle look across i said never cry but don't die cry but don't quit cry but don't give up for whipping me and do it for a night but joy is coming in the morning somebody showed a joy somebody shouted joy somebody open your mouth and show something my brothers and sisters you know it's a tough situation when men begin to cry we are the brothers men don't cry so easy so when men begin to cry it mean that something happened they cried until they have no strength left i come to tell somebody your crying days are getting ready to come to an end god will hear and answer brian don't let the enemy intimidate you don't let the trouble intimidate you don't let the fire intimidate you don't let the don don't tribulation and the job intimidate you stand up stand strong skull very stand firm somebody shout talk to yourself there are those who would never cry yet but i come to tell you don't worry if you have never cried you will get there one day be careful or you treat people when they go into this arm if you know god you know yet hold on pain is not prejudiced it will find you tell somebody pain it's not prejudice trouble is no respecter of person when you see me under pressure you better help me because oh god somebody shout hallelujah somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise somebody said the men cry they cry because it was a tough situation they cried because they were under pressure have you ever been there when everything in your life looked like it's getting out of order you think it would get better bishop but it get worse what do you do somebody put your hand in your ear and declare talk to yourself my brothers and sisters not only that david wives were taken hallelujah somebody said amen he was in a place of discouragement not only because of what has happened but because of what they want to do to him all of them were going through pain have you ever seen people who are going through pain but they have no business with european them only business would feed themselves the men were going through situations they have lost their wives david has lost his stool or somebody shouted hallelujah somebody praised god the men who were supposed to encourage him want to kill him the men who were supposed to know better the men who were supposed to stand with him want to kill him i come to tell somebody sometime the people that you are depending on they are the same one that let you down but don't let that backslide you press ahead sometimes the people that you're depending on to hold up your right hand is the same people then push it down somebody let me go let me preach in this they want to kill david because they said david mommy edwards they said david how do we not follow you might be we would have been here to protect our family what do you do when the people who supposed to support you reject you come talk to me now when these people supposed to stand with you want to stone you want to kill you turn their backs on you i come to tell somebody talk to yourself just put on yourself as yourself you will make it self you will not quit self you will make it talk to yourself take time preach evangelist my brothers and sisters the text says something beautiful after they want to kill david after they want to stone him hear what the text says i love to preach the scripture the text says my friends the texas and david come on talk to me and david encourage himself in the lord the dead said david stren himself in the lord when you can't find nobody to help you the son said in the middle of the night when my back against the wall me no had no friend at all i call on jesus jesus taught me how to pray somebody said to me glad the night 12 o'clock another night when corbett wrecked your body one o'clock in the night when your sun getting out of control two o'clock in the morning when the devil planned to kill you i come to tell somebody encourage yourself come on put your hand on yourself as yourself be of good courage be of good share shout i will encourage myself shout encourage yourself my brothers and sisters watch the preacher this is where many people miss it oh god we let ourselves become so discouraged that we want to quit come on now know this david encourage himself in the lord he did not even look for others to encourage him one of the problem we are facing is that we are looking for people to encourage ourselves lord jesus somebody look at yourself as yourself don't look to anybody for encouragement sometimes you got to look on the inside and pull out what is on the inside and encourage yourself from the inside many people backslide because them surpassed and never encouraged them they can never encourage them members reject them but i come to tell somebody look at yourself as yourself encourage yourself mister look at yourself as a high self encourage yourself when there's no one to talk to encourage yourself i come to tell somebody talk to yourself i feel like a mad woman right now somebody need this word encourage yourself when husband now encourage you encourage yourself when children turn against you talk to yourself encourage yourself in the lord there comes a time in life when you got to talk to yourself when your finance get low and your children mess up come church help the preacher and your children are not acting right and your best friend walk out on you and your health is under pressure and you feel disappointment and you feel like you are defeated and you feel like you now have no friend and encourage yourself look at somebody tell them encourage yourself say never encourage yourself if you get to take it but if you not get to encourage yourself come on there's no room for pettiness there's no room for pettiness we've got to have tough faith we may make a nervous somebody say tough we need some tough people to faith serve god tough we are god almighty it says that tough times don't last but tough people do oh that god will give us some people with no faith who will say whether or not i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth no matter what may have gone through i'm gonna praise him his praise is on my lips young people where the young people at stand up we have a piano give god a praise shout something when you get to himself to the children encourage yourself look at the family i said let us encourage ourselves you may not get it from nobody some of you work hard at your workplace and then act like you're not doing anything what am i preaching to you work off your back and in return you get nothing what you going to preach encourage yourself you got to let the devil mad is there anybody that guy upset satan this morning i feel like upsetting the enemy come church let me upset him what do you think that we're going back down and get miserable and start back by telling quarrel we just step up and say i thank god for this i bless god for this it might not be how i want it to look but i'm gonna praise god anyhow come on church we want some tough people in church in the moment when your job is gone and your husband disappoint you and the children disappoint you those moments you got to learn how to speak to yourself when the bills and the money aren't there when the money aren't there to pay the bills come on somebody you got to learn how to say i know the lord will fix it for me come on somebody come on somebody i know the lord will fix it for me somebody put on an attitude and say hey devil open your mouth and say hey devil i know the lord will fix this marriage i know the lord will fix this business we ain't gonna have no nervous breakdown we're gonna lift our head onto the hills from whence comet our help our help commit from god somebody shout hallelujah encourage yourself somebody shout i will encourage myself sometimes it's good to talk to ourselves because sometimes we have been talking to some people i feel like preaching now sometimes we have been talking to some people and they have been telling us the wrong thing come on a man sometimes we have been talking to some people and they have been giving us the wrong injection the wrong medicine ah somebody help me oh god somebody give god a praise in this house some of the people that you are telling your trouble has never been to what you've been through preach evangelist preach they can't counsel you they can encourage you they can't identify with you they don't know what you're going through sometimes hallelujah they are telling you the wrong things like job friend they say job the reason why you're suffering is because your sin the reason why you're suffering sometimes when people come instead of encouraging you they begin to accuse you you better find something in you to encourage yourself by the time they are true with you you feel like you want to backslide you've got to you got to learn how to talk to yourself preach eventually by the time sometimes you've got to be careful who you talk to like your wife job wife woman curse god and die job wife man curse god and die hallelujah the man grew up to kill david they want to kill him david was discouraged he was frustrated somebody gave god a praise david feel distressed somebody said distress but the writers are in my distress i cry unto the lord and he heard me and he delivered me out of my struggle let me hurry up and pray i couldn't tell somebody when david feel discouraged but the writer said but somebody said but somebody said but somebody said but whatsoever you say you've got to have a bot attitude the bible said but encourage himself somebody praise god i want everybody to just wave your hand you know what you're wasting your hand for thank god for the butt in the text oh god somebody said but somebody shout butter but david encouraged himself in the lord sometimes when you begin to talk to yourself then say i'm not your mouth is there anybody in church who sometimes you're walking down the road and you got to talk to yourself and they said there goes a mad woman tell them i'm not mad i'm just communicating with almighty god i am not mad i mean not battling if god no help me i can't come out somebody say i'm not mad i'm just talking to the right person i'm not mad i'm communicating with my helper i'm communicating with my maker i feel like running i feel like shouting somebody shout hallelujah my brothers and sisters i'm running on the question is not that we are speaking to ourself it is what are we saying to ourselves come talk to me that it is not that we are speaking but it's what we are saying to ourselves some of you are talking to yourself but you are talking the wrong thing make sure when you open your mouth you are speaking life over your life somebody said life over death somebody speak life over your life speak blessing over your life speak blessing and not curse speaks health and not sickness speak peace and not confusion somebody speak hope somebody speak joy somebody speak life somebody speak love somebody speak peace open your mouth and declare when peace like a river attended my way when sorrow like she belongs roll whatever my lord the ones taught me to say it is well i'm going to start but it is well this time is passing over somebody showed it's passing over it's passing over so this time is passing over and it stand up to stand up i don't know who you are but i feel like telling you and it shall come to pass oh lord god can i tell you again and it shall come to pass somebody point your hand on somebody and say it it it said never i don't know what your it is but can i preach to you for a second it shall come to pass when you go and look at the children i said don't worry rock steady it shall come to pass this time is passing over i feel the holy ghost the star is passing over this time is passing over this time is past i feel like encouraging calvary i heard that the holy ghost said go encourage my people and tell somebody encourage yourself but david encourage himself in the lord somebody shout encourage yourself encourage yourself david used the word to encourage himself somebody opened the bible get the word in your spirit and when the enemy come out pull out the weapon and chop off his head somebody i feel like instead instead of beating up yourself instead of beating up about your past mistake encourage yourself ah say the right thing the right thing somebody said the right thing somebody open your mouth and answer neighbor don't beat up yourself over your past failures your past mistake encourage yourself use your past as a stepping stone because god has something bigger something better open your mouth speak to yourself shout i will i will encourage myself when you can't find nobody you gotta get up get up get up get up get up get up get up me as i'm coming home now i'm almost there instead of telling your situation how bad it is tell your situation how good god is somebody i feel tall in god i'm glad to be a christian i'm glad to associate myself with a god who never lost the battle are you going through a battle if god be for you who can be against you talk to yourself somebody tell yourself open up your mouth and tell yourself shout i will tell myself i want everybody to show tell yourself tell yourself isaiah 55 and verse 7 nowhere god that formed against you shall not prosper somebody shall tell yourself tell yourself to deuteronomy 28 and 13 and the lord somebody said the lord shall make me the head and not the tale somebody tell yourself i'm the head i'm not the not the tail i'm blessed in my going out i'm blessed in my coming in somebody stand up on your feet and tell yourself tell yourself somebody said tell yourself somebody tell yourself psalms 20 and verse 7 some trust the narcissism some trust in chariot but we shall remember the name of the lord for the name of the lord is a strong torah i feel like preaching bible somebody said tell yourself tell yourself psalms 18 and verse 2 the lord is my rock my fortress my deliverer my strength in whom shall i trust tell somebody say tell tell yourself something is happening in the atmosphere somebody shall tell yourself somebody said tell yourself tell yourself romans 8 and verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conqueror tell yourself philippians 4 verse 3 i can do all things through christ who strengthens me god has not left the church defenseless he left us with the weapon of the word pick out the word and give it back in the enemy's face tell yourself the only thing that can help us is god's word the only thing that can transform us is god's word somebody opened them up and say tell yourself look at your neighbors and neighbor tell yourself job 13 and verse 15 so he will i is him take time with the musician take time with the preacher tell yourself somebody said tell yourself do he slay me yet will i trust him in all my appointed time give me pass with me praise god in all my appointed time i'm gonna wait until my change come somebody open your mouth and say tell yourself say tell yourself saint john 14 verse 1 to 3 let not your heart be troubled he believe in god believe also in me in my father's house there are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i have gone to prepare a place for you i am coming back somebody watching me somewhere in the world tell yourself somebody shall tell yourself somebody said tell yourself when i ask god for a word so what do i tell calvary he said go to calvary and tell calvary tell yourself oh can i take it one step further tell yourself psalms 140 and verse 7 oh lord the strength of my salvation that was kept on my head in battle the devil can't shoot off your head he can't god help me my head is covered i'm in a fight but i'm covered i'm in a battle but i'm covered somebody's in my head it's covered my head is covered in this battle i won't lose my mind in this i won't backslide over this i won't quit over this somebody shall decover me he covered me he covered me i have oh god somebody said my head is covered in this battle this message is not for everybody it is for somebody who is fighting a battle and you must win you can't quit i come to tell somebody he covered my head in battle somebody saying cover me he cover me i am under the rock and the rock is higher than i go tell my enemies i'm under the rock stand with me church as i close somebody open them up and say tell somebody tell somebody jude 1 and verse 24 no one to him who is able to keep me from falling and to present me faultless before his presence touch somebody yourself as yourself tell yourself i close with this tell yourself psalms 24 psalms 27 the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat of my flesh they stumble i feel like preaching though and hosts shouldn't come against me my heart shall not fear the war shall rise against me in this in this in this will i be confident somebody said one thing somebody said one thing have i desire of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of trouble somebody said trouble for in the time of trouble he shall hide me lord god i feel the holy ghost i say he shall hide me look at him i say he hide me i almost died but he hide me i almost backslide but he hide me i almost lose my mind but he might hide me kobe almost killed me but he hired me somebody say i have a shut up he hide me i am under the rock he hideth my soul i feel like preaching shout he hired me there's a place where the wicked shall cease from troubling there's a place where demons can come there's a place where a devil can't come there's a place where which can come there's a place where demons can't touch me he hired me somebody better praise god i'm alive because he hired me i had my marriage because he hired me my children is in the right mind not because of my goodness but somebody give god a praise behind me god i feel like preaching ah yeah he hired me behind me no wonder the 23rd psalms david said the lord is my shepherd hallelujah hallelujah i feel deliverance in this house something is happening lord jesus miracle somebody's getting a miracle healing in your body mental healing physical healing financial healing psychological healing emotional healing the lord is my shepherd i shall not beg the lord is my shepherd i shall not steal the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makeed me to lie down in green pastures he leaded me beside the still waters he restored my soul yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for the lord with me somebody says the lord with me i'm closing now but you've got to go on knowing so hard with me when sickness rock your body the word with me thy rod thy rod and thy stuff somebody shout hallelujah thy rod and i staff they comfort me when i need concert i rod and i stop they encourage me when i need to talk to somebody to talk to somebody said i rode and i stopped back me up i feel like preaching thy rod and thy stuff they comfort me though prepares a table before me somebody said not behind me but before me i feel the anointed look at this enforcer itself don't prepare us a table before me in the presence of my enemies you shall eat your dinner in the presence of your enemy you shall buy your house in the presence of your enemy you shall fulfill god's purpose for your life in the presence somebody said in the presence your enemy can't stop you don't give attention to your enemy praise god for the blessing don't pierce a table before me in the presence of my enemy the anointes my head with oil ah somebody say yes surely surely surely goodness and mercy shall follow me somebody said goodness and mercy shall follow me somebody said goodness and mercy shall follow me i come to tell somebody you're not alone you've got goodness and you've got mercy and they're following you do you feel lonely do you feel abundant do you feel rejected somebody said goodness messiah in the name of jesus goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days all the days in the prison in the pit in the lion dead somebody said goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life i got goodness and i got mercy and they're following me because every now and then the devil will try to hit you my brother why goodness and mercy didn't go before me because i don't need an eye for my back i don't need to keep looking behind me i got protection behind me come christian don't look back ooh somebody prayed for mega few black people under the holy ghost somebody out there watching ah the enemy will hit you when the enemy hit you you got goodness and you got mercy who is behind you who you who will catch you and who will hold you have you ever stopped to wonder why you are not dead yet have you ever stopped to wonder why your children ain't crazy mad it's because goodness hold you every time the enemy hit you goodness gets you covered lick you oh but you're still standing because you've got goodness and you've got mercy i come to tell somebody encourage yourself stand with me everybody i want you to ask me say preacher why you're not alone verse two i think is verse two of the text it says that they took the people captive bishop god showed me this i was up until about 2 30 last night god showed me this he said they took the people captive but they did not kill them hey somebody better shout right there there are those who have been held captive through this scope but you're still breathing come on let the devil know you're celebrated you still have life just shake your foot do something and say i'm devil i'm still breathing i've been held captive i feel sick in my body and kept him by sickness but i'm still breathing somebody said but but but but that's why david when david learned that they were not dead david said what shall i do shall i pursue you shall i hold my peace i come to tell somebody pass you overtake because there's something to take the enemy held them captive but they were alive you know what caused david to encourage himself david saw hope he said this has to be god my enemy took them captive but never killed them they are still alive and as long as they are breathing they will the battle is still on as long as they are go get them saved again bishop say it again go get them their mind their mind their mind your children is still breathing your marriage is still breathing there's still hope in your body there's still hope over cancer in the name of jesus somebody better shout there is hope i am still breathing my son might be on drugs but i'm not gonna leave him i'm going for him i feel like i'm in a battle i feel like i'm going into the enemy's camp there are some backsliders that must come back your husband must come back your children must come back somebody get radical get radical get radical and said there's hope devil i'm bringing on the fight i'm taking the fight i'm taking it to the enemy i am getting ready to pursue and overtake and take back because there is double for every trouble that the devil put me in don't give up on your children let others do if they want doesn't matter what state they're in are they still breeding whoa i feel this i feel like i'm not on earth come on somebody you're unclear and come on we're coming up we're coming out with them we're going back for them there's still hope vero let god's people go in the name of jesus we're going back is there anything that you that the devil had for you that you want that is there anything in your life that you want back because if sickness in you is in your body jesus says he was wounded for my transgression he was bruce but my iniquity the chastisement of my peace is upon him and by his stripes oh somebody shout we are healed oh he said he carried my sickness to the cross it is finished in the atonement he bled for me he died for me i have a right to healing lift up your hand everybody every person that's not well i speak healing now settle for cancer don't settle for high blood pressure don't settle for kobe don't settle for diabetes heart disease lungs disease kidney failure liver failure in the name of jesus let me ask you this morning as i get ready to pray whose report online whose report in church whose report do you believe i speak healing receive it now in jesus name receive it we don't have to pray long for it no jesus has already died he's not going to die today it is finished the battle is over it is finished come on somebody there be no more it is finish the end of the conflict it is finished and jesus is lord somebody claim you're healing now well your head's right will you you're in this house you have not yet given your life to jesus what an opportune time to give your life to him i know we are doing social distancing but i want you i want to have a social distance and the altar is long you can all and sweet rest as you heal him your body peace you have not yet given your life to jesus you don't know what tomorrow ladies wherever you are oh my god as we get ready to close and the peace and sweet rest i want the believers just above your heads at this time so we get ready to pray since we have no we are all christians in this house we're getting ready to pray jesus the door is still open my god pardon not your heart stiff not your neck the door is open if you are not saying come what an opportunity that you have right now you may not have it god bless you the door is still open one day the door will be shut one day you will hear the gospel for the last time you don't know man know what tomorrow holds god bless your son god bless you we're still waiting we're still waiting the door is still open just before it closed hallelujah and the door is still open and the peace and sweet rest i'm getting ready to pray but i want to tell somebody the time is running out suicide is not the answer jesus courage is man's greatest hope only there is no other hope outside of him i just feel led to wait one second for somebody else for the next hands you shake could be the hands of your savior the next step you take could be the streets of periscope the next meal could be the marriage supper the next touch you feel rise with the blessing we're getting ready to pray have you won dirt along on life's part way i'm singing this for somebody it's a question have you lived a life of sin without cake have you searched for the long hidden meaning ears oh how full foolish have you won one dirt in darkness and shame this is what god is saying this morning turn around turn around oh god god is calling he is calling you from my life of wasted years one last time and then we pray wasted darkness and shake today is your day for jesus but turn around turn around god is calling oh god we thank god for the hearts jesus that have moved to this altar jesus my sister my brother and the altar look at me jesus he died for you so that you may have life more abundantly life beyond this life you can have it today and as you walk from your seat it is a step of faith god will meet you where you are bishop i preached a message last week god met jonah at the bottom not the top jonah said i cry unto the lord belly of heaven from the belly of hell and i learned that grace run downhill grace is grace grace grace run downhill grace met jonah at the battle he will meet you where you are right now sir all you need to do is sell this lord i serve will you surrender to him will you surrender to him god bless you with tears in your eyes god bless you yes holy ghost somebody hallelujah what about you sir god bless you oh we celebrate in this house they didn't just say yes i believe they said it with their hearts god's grace oh yes welcome home into the family my brother welcome home into the family my sister you have done well to surrender your life to jesus the best decision the word of god said with my mouth i confess the lord jesus christ with my heart i believe that's what it takes to be saved believe that he is the risen lord who died for your sin died so that you might have life confess him as lord believe him in your heart that's all it takes i am happy for you today i want to be the first to congratulate in you as you make the decisions to walk with jesus can we give a shout of praise i mean a big shout out praise hallelujah young man i write unto you i call you because you are strong here comes two young people who is getting ready to be champion for jesus somebody praise god for them father we cover them with the blood with the red rich blood that flows from calvary you said while i was in the world none could pluck them out of my hand when you were leaving you said i leave the comforter oh comforter comfort them strengthen them lord guide them in the right direction that you have guarded many of us over the years we know you're able to guide them we thank you for them we break every chain every shuttles i pray that god they will not be just ordinary servants but i declare over them today that they will be more than an ordinary servant in the kingdom of almighty god use them for your glory i pray that for weeks and for months and for years to come they will just continue to rejoice and they will have an encounter and an experience with you like never before keep them god preserve them hold them i feel like praying for these two young people hold them in jesus name cause them to be a weapon in your hand against the enemy in jesus name bow your heads and repeat this prayer with me father i thank you for this day i thank you for salvation lord i confess you with my mouth i believe you with my heart i repent of all my sins i lay them at the foot of the cross today i rise in power i give myself away so you can use me thank you lord for opening your heaven and letting me in in jesus name i don't know about you but i feel like running skipping and praising the lord somebody shouted hallelujah let me see how you shout when somebody come to jesus let me see how you rejoice when souls come home come on somebody we rejoice with you today go in the strength and in the power of god and matter of fact you are bishop will have the last word he will know what to tell you god bless you my sister come on give the lord a praise the blood of jesus i'm gonna ask the church to stand i rebuke that rebuke i mean rebuke somebody you stretch your hands towards this child the blood of jesus the devil is a liar it won't work somebody shout you don't know how have to know what it is you can trust my judgment declare it won't work devil it won't work devil you will not have your way with this child it won't work we break every chain shatters now the powers of darkness we strip the enemy in the name of jesus lord i pray you'll cover her mind with the blood yes in jesus save her satan the blood is against me you spirit your it's a spirit yes we rebuke this spirit in the name of jesus you shall live and not die in the name of jesus every demon that is a sign over you we break them now we break every chain every spirit that is talking to you every spirit that is not of god that every voice is that is not of god that is speaking to you i break them today we come together as a church and we say no more jesus no more we shout no more in jesus name lord i pray that you'll transform her inside out and as young as she is she will have an encounter with him in the name of jesus satan i rebuke you spirits you spirits you murder in spirit we curse you in the name of we crush in the name of jesus we pull you down in the name i cover her bed with the blood her home with the blood in the name of saturated with fire come church with fire in the name of jesus christ of nazareth devil you won't have this one take your hands off jesus i declare transformation oh god inside out holy spirit lift our spirit now god lift our spirit give her strength on the internet as young as she is put a warrior spirit in her a spirit to fight against principalities and power the forces of darkness which devils in the name of jesus jesus pray that god educational wise you will bless her spiritually you will bless her oh god she will have a relationship with you god she will grow up to be a fine young lady jesus one who knows you thank you for what you're getting ready to do through her god oh god i see you working holy ghost thank you for the work that you're getting ready to do in her i pray that god she will walk in total victory as of this day no defeat victory she will excel in all their endeavors yes and your hand will be upon her i declare that god you will bless her indeed and enlarge her territory and you will keep her your hands upon her and you will keep her from evil keep her from the evil one in the name of the fatherless son of the holy spirit lord i thank you for bishop we cover him under the blood i cover the entire leadership of this church all the ministers god the board members those who sit to make plans for this congregation oh god god will lift them up in jesus name spirit of god in this time of pandemic god may you continue forever to give them the wisdom to lead and to and to do what you have called them to do and to be successful in this season i cover the congregation under the blood from the disease in jesus name not one person in the name of jesus arise in jesus name over this congregation cover this congregation with your blood yes cover your manservant god cover bishop in the name of jesus and all the leaders and their children and their and their their spouse oh god and may their families be blessed and their ministry be blessed god and calvary become the lighthouse in this community the lighthouse god the place where people oh it will become the city of refuge the place where people will come and be fed and be filled and be empowered and be encouraged in jesus name god will give you praise i pronounce the blessings of the lord that may get rich and added no sorrow to you i'll put in your people in the name of the father of the son and of the holy ghost in jesus name amen god bless you amen the ministers will get your young believer's name now not yet dismissed will you give the lord some praise amen they love what god sent here the first time i spoke to her is this morning when i came in here god has spoken to my heart i don't know about you but this is for everybody here and around the world speak to yourself encourage yourself amen i'm happy to see some of you all of you but there are those of you i've not seen since coving amen but you better get it together because god making us wiser for years we have carried you you have seen miracles you have tasted god's power you need to encourage yourself and understand exactly the lord said you have built them through me you have built them a place of worship and i don't have to run after you to beg you to come to church if you're not god you must assemble yourself it's not don't it's not going around the bend david said a zeal for god house has eaten me and he said in hebrew 10 25 forsaking not the assembling of yourself and i told people and i've said it for years one of the sign of backsliding we lost interest in the things of god and the house of god one of the signs that you're going backward because the bible said i unsharped it higher not only that but god said amen we must come together and we pray that we be united together and finally paul said there's gonna be a great falling away from the faith when the coming of the lord is near we are busy and i say it over and over we can find all this time to go to work all day in kovid and you're left there on your right but you can't come to church because a kobe that devil is a liar hello the devil is a liar you can't keep on our mass rubbish rubbish amen glory we have it on for eight 16 hours a day and we come to church for three hours listen let us repent and turn to god and don't look at a man look under god that's in this house i'm getting the calls and one that said god i shouldn't even wander people are calling me from all walks of life my loved one is in the hospital this morning amen my brother is telling me what happened to one of his cousins amen not responding it's final graduating and the fluid get into the lungs and into the brain and the brain is swollen man is nothing i've listened god serve and preach i believe the first time and i'll tell you in this pulpit if you can't preach a comedy or preach amen she could not even control ourselves amen glory to god the word has gone forth in power in fire when i listened to the spirit of god i said god you allow this to come he said i allow it i don't like it but i allow it because i am trying to get my people's attention individually payments of the day of plane church is over did god's servant bless the lord this morning they bless us today and around the world you know what happened i i felt i feel like i should just let payment the engineer just played again this evening and go home the rest just play it again because somebody didn't get it around the world amen glory to god amen i'm not going to trouble you this time you know i'm not gonna trouble you this time because you have had a plan you just pop in and pop out but it was like at the time you shut it down you know for the weekend yeah you're going yes yes sir let me tell you something he doesn't care who comes doesn't matter who comes if you don't catch what they are saying and go practice it it's the same old same old god send way to get you to another level for in this time of coving amen sister williams i pray that god will strengthen you now and encourage you to go to what you lost your father amen glory to god amen and the young man in jamaica amen the pastor's son is in hospital amen belly problem and i want to catch him before i'm going home to catch him just remember before she go there that i can pray for him that bad badly got to go if i could just get him a battle of olive oil oh god anything they have to come out anything in there but amen there's no distance in prayer i use water too to catch water i'm too baby to dedicate come quickly we're going to dedicate them see if somebody can find engineer for me amen my brother harris and see if we can just i feel like just repeating this message it's encouraging to people around the world they need to hear this in this overtime you have to have tough faith strong faith to encourage yourself hello somebody amen glory to god and so the baby to be dedicated come quickly if you're here if not amen i will just put these up until another time amen aria jenny morgan alright i hope your parents are really checking out their name before and give them to your children you know and there's something this kind of things are happening today parents are staying away children are staying away the best thing my mother could do for me is forced me to go to church make us go to church and all of us have that you know that when means jewelry and fallout morning cold we don't want to come out of the bed you're going to church family devotion be careful what we do in our home what we are entangled in because spirit follow hello come quickly and let the folks go home would you like her to come back tonight by your yard attack patwa go home and chew regurgitate what you've heard show on it it's dangerous children follow the cdc guideline or watch nobody keep your mass on they said eleven percent twelve percent of those who get the covet without a shot will die ten percent no you'll 12 percent will go to hospital i believe 10 percent will die because they cannot they have 90 bodies to fight it and right now in jamaica it's taking lives in jamaica like a wave because people are just careless and don't even care about their own life that is the world we are living in i know that there are a lot of you who are not saved but the preachers deliver her soul thank you for your gift amen glory to god thank you for your gift i wish you if you have a little extra you can leave it amen and take care of her real good amen not only that but amen right as they finish dedicating the baby but the clive playing number six on the new album for me please amen written from my heart and they brought those two babies here one baby where's mr burke i think there must be a pound yeah i must sit down with her now you're on you all all right what a word today i know she excited to be home do you know not true excited to be home i was sure of your husband come on to you know oh dear child amen glory to god it is good to be safe it is good to be safe amen in a day like today and they brought young children unto jesus that he should touch them the disciple rebuked those that brought them when jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such as the kingdom of god i say unto you whosoever shall not come shall not receive the kingdom of god as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took them up in his arms put his hand put his hands upon them and blessed them now the greatest gift sir ma'am amen sir ma'am out of jesus christ with the child in your hand amen glory to god the moment you get a child your life is on not really important yes it is but you see that little one your house is blessed because of that child amen it takes two to get a child and you take two to you're listening to me boss you take two together no no worry about the child all right take two to get a child you take two to raise them and there's a certain cycle we need to break because when you grow up you didn't have a father around you to love you and care for you and given necessities of life so therefore you break that cycle that curse by you sticking with your fiance get married and raise great children don't fight don't curse blood with no smoking guns around them no drink no leak around them you may hello do the right thing read bible to them sing gospel no ungodly song sing you want him to become great you cannot become great without god all right so now who is mr kelly dante that boy can i hold that boy why you take so long to bring that boy dante in the name of jesus christ was that before you today before you god you know why he has to be here so many the 60 million been slaughtered in the womb but god you brought this child here for a purpose i lay my hands upon him i pray that ancestral generational curses will never torment his life but this boy will be an angel in the family he'll make a difference in the name of jesus christ he said a little child shall lead them and i pray today that god no harm will come to you no disease no untimely that not even the virus corona will affect his young life but that god will grow in the fear of god in the knowledge of god to become a great man take off the limitation where he can so that he can learn straight student in school in the name of jesus christ there'll be no luck let there be no suffering in his life if it never has to be born i pray your bind mother and father together in love let them married and break that sinful cursed thing called fornication in the name of jesus christ release blessing on this child in the name of the father the son the holy spirit amen dante burke god bless you amen straight up straight up body straight up amen area morgan amen father we thank you for morgan almighty god and angel i pray today god that your hand will be upon this child the shall be great this child will make a difference in the family the child will be a blessing to the family i said again let me ancestor with our generation stop the progress and the blessing the success of this child in life in school should be brilliant there there'd be no untimely no abuse no rape in the name of jesus christ no lack no hunger she would always have a roof overhead and clothes on her back and a bed to sleep in in the name of jesus christ your blessed mother and father and god from the moment a man gives a woman a child what a gift nine months to carry that child in pain in agony and then pain to deliver ah god what a blessing when the man look around and see his offspring may this bind them together and cause them to love and care for each other they can raise the child right in jesus name let them bring them to the house of god that he can learn our god as they brought them today to be blessed and no presenter little morgan before you are margin dedicated and blessed in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit amen and amen you love your princess take good care of her mama you love him you love her nobody else all right be a man be a maximized man no no no all right stand your feet everybody that's about it okay god bless you you already talked to the secretary all right bring my babies once i bless them they belong to me bring them to the house of god for satan will destroy them you'll see what the devil trying to do god bless you stand your feet everybody amen every member of this church get your album get your heart out and play them in your house amen and have to beg you to do it amen but i tell you should whatever god allow me to produce you should get your copy and want a price ask the secretary that's 20 it should be 30. it cost me a lot of pain to bring it my wife died in eight days i got covered i'm saying i'm working hello and you'll have 17 beautiful songs 17. amen father we thank you for today bless your children go with them now let no harm come to none of them in the name of jesus christ we thank you for your servant daughter and son who have not met before but you always be a blessing and god we're not on zone she's here in person and we thank you for keeping her keeping them keeping their child my god i pray that god everywhere should go the fire of god the fire of the holy ghost will saturate her clarity and precision of speech signed wonders and miracles that need to be seen today that men believe witchcraft leave the evil and the creature and worship jehovah god go with them and take them back safely bless everyone here present today those watching around the world those who have given their lives to you those who have gotten a word today that they must encourage themselves but david encourage himself in the lord they have to know you to do that in time of trouble so draw your people closer to your god until you can feel the breath of sovereignty of deity gave me thank you for today in jesus name and on to him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us fartness before his throne to him be dominion majesty and power but no until we meet again on tuesday evening that everyone said amen please be careful amen we have not lost any and when the first wave that came along amen sir i'm finished with you ma'am i'm finished with you but let me see your face at the place yes brother it's sisters but hold on to your cross the cross that i carry out sometimes seems so heavy sometimes jesus each day for me they might cross but like billions before one day i'll exchange it sometimes you see so heavy for everyone to see the glory of god hey you've got to carry your cross there's no game it's a time of sacrifice i tasted and i've crossed many reapers but i'm determined to seek jesus the cross that i can sometimes
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 383
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, livestream, Calvary, new testament, Church of God, faith, love, hope, salvation, deliverance, truth, redemption, Bishop Blake, Fearon Blake
Id: lHRhqrI_Ogc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 18sec (7398 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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