Calvary New Testament Church of God Live Stream

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you're gonna give me number amen eight on that number eight you may be seated amen glory as we get ready we're going around the world i want to welcome every one of you watching by way of live streaming around the world amen so many countries amen and we thank god go ahead jesus people want things crazy about things but give me jesus i rather have jesus then save and gold i rather have jesus than have riches and told i rather have jesus than i see someone i rather be laid by a snail [Music] than to pierces a key yes half of us today can't be here [Music] i rather have jesus [Music] today 14 is fairer than lilly's the nearest room oh god he's sweeter than the honey out of the corn oh he's all that my lingering lingering spirit needs oh god i rather have jesus i rather have jesus in this time to let him lead jesus oh thank you god i rather have jesus within me i'd rather be faithful to hear his fair calls i rather have jesus than words [Music] be true to his whole [Music] don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] church i'd rather [Music] have jesus without anything this world [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] stress way i rather have jesus than anything this world i thought today oh lord jesus [Music] than this world today oh lord jesus today some men in the world are looking elsewhere for answers when you look on us as human beings you realize that we only hear for a season everything comes and goes the only thing that lasts forever amen so because the only thing of value and loss and that eternal value amen lasts forever is your soul you are going to have to protect it you have to do what you got to do to go to the next level we're not looking to go down into hell we are living to be caught up to be with jesus and i never can't remember or feel so excited about delivering god's word and feeling it so urgent us today for those of you praying minister keep on praying then zion travail should bring forth and turn to your neighbor and say don't worry god got your back this ministry don't belong to bishop blake it belong to jesus and all that god wants from every one of us is faithfulness loyalty and commitment to kingdom expansion you don't answer to me you answer to god amen somebody i don't to you i answer to god finally he has a last say and i must hear well done i'm leaving and working to hear well done amen god is speaking to us and said the church has missed it many coming to church don't know why they're going to church they say i'm seeing a viable believer but ask them what it means they don't even know what does it mean to be a christian how should a christian live they don't even know amen so we're just going on just telling i'm safe but we cannot explain salvation and how do you know you see if there's no change in our lives amen and what the devil has done over the years by impenetrating the kingdom of god and bringing this counterfeit tongue and counterfeit anointing people living like the devil in the hell and mix up in all kind of rubbish and still today talking in tongues and hearing from god which god you're hearing from holy ghost on the work to clean vessels amen somebody amen glory and so i'm trying to deliver what godly in my heart john's amen 16 and verse amen but let me read john okay okay 17 16 from verse 7 to 13. amen let me read that nevertheless i tell you the truth is expedient for you that i go away for if i the comforter which is the holy ghost will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you when he's come when he's come he will reprove the world of sin who gonna do it the holy ghost can't be no conviction amen if holy ghost not take that word and cut up cut up cut out some stuff and bomb that heart amen that man prioritize surrender what must i do to be saved take that holy ghost anointing the ocean to win souls i hear what i'm saying and when he's come he reprove rebuke the world of sin and righteousness and of judgment of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because i go to my father and he see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged have i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now so you must get the holy ghost oh when he the holy spirit of truth the holy spirit of what light truth life falling in the street people want to hear truth from the truth can set you free you're not getting it when the spirit of truth is come can't lie he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself o glory to god amen but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come say when he come that he will speak and will show you things to come john 14 and 12 amen glory to god says hallelujah john 14 and verse 12. 14 and 12. okay very verily everybody know that mean truly truly sandy we that believe that on me let me silent for a moment because we've been going to church for years and just believe only a few of us that god handpicked to expand his kingdom and to win the loss read it again very very i say unto you he that believeth on me gonna sit down in church at one bench gonna walk around in fear and unbelief be intimidated by the devil he that believed it on me the works that i do shall it do also and greater works than visually do because i know so when somebody get cured from cancer a walk blind eyes open our limbs grow back amen people say you're trying to pray a god garden like you're holding it and now no this is what should be happening in the church every day every time we come together somebody should get a miracle and they don't have to be bishoply and not touch them hello but you are believer empowered by the holy ghost when you open your mouth amen think signs wonders and miracles follow your life that's what god planned for you and i and these signs shall follow them that belief he that have been here to hear today let them hear what god is saying and the spirit of god is saying amen he not believe it on me be saying you're going to do and greater works than these shall you do because i go unto my father amen that was only 120 of them amen glory but today we have millions in the world saying jesus amen believe in jesus the greater works while revival breaking out in british port it should be in amendment it should be in jamaica it should be in england the same holy ghost amen because amen your is in you can anybody give the lord a praise today oh god have mercy let me read the scripture glory of god ox 8 acts chapter 8 glory of god acts chapter 8 let me read what the word of god says glory acts chapter 8 from verse 3. to 8 from verse 3 to 8 verse 1 said and saul amen was consenting unto its death and that there the time there was a great persecution against the church which was a jerusalem the wall scattered abroad to the region of judah in some area amenities accept the apostles and devote men carry stephen i was just stoned amen so since i'm reading letting us continue amen stephen deacon stephen to his burial made great lamentation over him and as for solely made avoc of the church entering in every house and healing men and women committing them to prison i'm talking about paul who was then saul amen glory to god therefore they that was captured went everywhere preaching the word in spite of the imprisonment and the beating and amen everything they've been going through it never stopped them there was a fire in them that could not goes out so everywhere they go they could not live quietly [Music] then philip went down to the city of samaria and preached christ unto them and the people with one occurred gave eid unto those things which philip speak hearing and seeing the miracles hearing and seeing the miracles which he did far unclean spirit crying with a loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them and many taken with the parsley and that were lame or heal and there was a great joy among them lord have mercy there was a certain man called simon every city have a simon every city and they are at church they even come to church too uncomfortably in church simon you hear what i'm saying simon will call amen certain man is called salmon which forbid before time in the same city you sorcery amen and bewitched the people of some area turned a bunch of help is on the way oh god it take persecution for the people of samaria to get the truth and be delivered from the satanic from the satanic and demonic bondage and oppression but a certain man certain man the people of samara giving out that himself was some great man to whom they will have god you say why we need the holy ghost to whom they all give heed the least the greatest saying this man is the great power of god we want to silence the sacrifice around the world let them know they have no power amen satan is very effective in trying to seduce and con people with his lies he said the man said i am the baddest law but they never run into the real power you understand what i'm saying to you they give you to the man to him that means they were looking for hope a way out but this man give them false hope every sas or every witchcraft worker every you name it it's fast hope they have a mankind false hope a bucket with no bottom a basket that cannot hold water anything that they will have for you is to trap your soul to whom they are gave heed amen from the least of the greatest leaders everybody bowing to this man saying this man is the great power of god let me stop for a moment and let you know amen that the enemy satan today come like angel of light the master amen glory to god of disguise he is a master of deception and everything that god does he tries to imitate he try to perfect it in his own way he don't tell your full truth he tell you half truth i understand that even the sorcerer has used the bible see a barbarian satan will tell you things amen the woman said the man came the woman came to her and said i am begun to quote scripture to her and telling her all kind of stuff and i know what you're going for and i can help you all you need to do is give me seven hundred dollars and follow me to the ocean and when i baptize it a demon will not rape you anymore the woman said i listened to her because he said she was a woman of god i was desperate i need deliverance every night the demon tie me up and beat me you can see the wheel and the swelling on my body because she leave church he meant to find a hobby a man a sassara to tell her who's hurting her i know what i'm saying to you unbelievers are doing the same thing today all you need the word of god in your heart get a hold of god and i'll get him entirely wrestle with god until the holy cow sends you with power hello and the devil have to run the saucers have to back up hello somebody amen a woman said i'm not working she said all right go buy the money and come amen the woman borrowed the money she baptized her in the sea the woman said bishop and all the demons get mad satan cannot cast out theatre hello somebody i know the woman said the demon getting mad he roughed me up at night hello but somebody said there's a man in bridge in in florida named bishop blake is only for a short time get in touch with him call him at this number when they call me i said woman the woman called at the same time and said i want my money he said but ladies tell me when i get the when when i get the baptism in the ocean in your deep me the curse will be broken he said worse now he'll never work your life to me i don't care i want my money no woman's even said if you don't give my money you try to get anybody else to kill you i said woman tell us bishop blair from bridgeport kennedy court and if she called you one more time ask god to take her out back up the devil you're alive you're deceived but i said i don't care who you are amen when the holy ghost rise up your luck shot your name in your clothes you're gonna send everything back i said woman back up back off all right don't call me again don't call me again that was the last time she hear from her don't let no devil intimidate you hear me or glory to god and satan today trying to let me look like say he have power hey man listen let me read the bible let me read the scripture trying to behave myself because it's happening and i tell you sir get holy ghost because you're going to be challenged on your job you're going to be challenging your home hello somebody you're going to go to your bed and demon come try to reappear i'll hold you down in your bed and you can't even say jesus you're dumb hello woman look at me and he said bishop look at my hand they swell up look at my neck or the demon on my neck shut up with all the marks demon when people set these evil on you they torment you just set yourself in a zion set yourself in church no mix up turn to your neighbors and i don't care what them i tell you your grandmother name you nice your grandpa named james whatever they tell you hello let's pass hello you don't want to hear that that don't deliver you but from the moment you can tell your phone number you're going to know nonsense there's a man down the road in real because then tell your phone number how we are so ignorant and so stupid amen every power and heart and in hell have to subject to the higher power the powers of god you don't bow to the devil you don't power worship no man you worship the king of glory the one whose blood set you free oh come on no no you can't stop this devil you can't stop the move of god amen is a wind coming to calvary amen glory is a win coming to southern new england that one turn our churches upside down from the russian to the pew and the church of the living god gonna become glorious we're gonna rise up like a mighty army and word christian soldier marching us to war with the cross of jesus going on before you can sit in church and rampant there's a person there's a people coming to take your seat because god is tired of you being quiet and he said world be unto those [Music] he meant for the stars of heaven shall far and the moon don't turn into blood and the son of man shall appear amen but until he gets here we must occupy we must occupy until jesus comes the world is turning to sorcery the right hand of satan don't kill yourself they're producing proof because the church is silent stood before several people the demon tormenting and i said said i just ask him to say the lord's prayer and when i get to thy kingdom come he said whose kingdom my kingdom has shut your mouth if it was your kingdom while you hear tom mentions this man man saying a flying demon on the third floor i said hold him and go and fly oh there was a man committed suicide i said come out of him when i lick him with the blood he said i'm coming out i'm coming out i'm gone i have to make sure that i'm gone because some of them lie they said all right all right i'm gone but they remain the same that's for you to shut up something you cast them all demon and they go sleep on you the person you're praying to get deliverance the demon put him to sleep hello are you free say oh lord i got the victory all of a sudden in the rise of it anybody ever had that experience he doesn't rise about getting any worse this time but i'm telling with this power with this power this infilling human glory and a god hallelujah when you open your mouth the demon bow i'm gone and they're gone they have to fly out how many times you'll see me i suck today i remember one sunday morning i sat on this woman a little demon flashing off everybody i dropped her in the church and then i sat down and said you devil fight me fight me no fight or fight me come on i said blood when is there start to cry that's it god [Music] god has given us power to stop the devil becoming a plain church there's no pressing there's no pressing there's no pursuing after god that we get the power to even set the gift in our guts and fire hello god when you carry your portion of the weight and god is speaking to calvary because revival i told you i told you no this is not the church i told you this is not the church you know what i'm saying to you this is only the dorms i said brace yourself for what is to come because revival is coming to southern new england and no devil from hell can stop it because i believe in what god says don't you believe that all these people gonna die and go to hell and god gone god is comfortable with it now he is not comfortable with it because what he said because he said my heart is not in it but because the people have turned against me from the pulpit into the restroom to the pew he said my people have failed me and they have failed the people amen and there's no way for them to turn they're looking for truth and when the church feel them they go find this psychic they're going to find this saucer i hear what i'm saying to you people when they come to church bound up and discouraged and frustrated and suicidal you must hear a word from the pulpit for god so when i send my word it heals them when the world go forward it comes go forth quick and powerful you're gonna cast them devil down see it and can hang around where god shows up anywhere in the presence of god calls boy young man clear that thing get over there and pray that give me some sound on that thing sometime i said amen when the power of god began to move i hear what i'm saying here may definitely have to back up demon have to scream out and go back to hell you know he would have said to you oh god almighty awakened the church we excited jesus let me read this scripture some of you believe now which go after shall we exist hello when moses stood on his right the sarsara stored on the road look at was look at the media look at them full i'm gonna have lunch today hello i've been working hard and i need some energy i'm gonna have lunch today three of them hello that's what god intend that's how we intend to work through his children who say i'm a christian and when you open your mouth man something must happen signs and miracles must follow your life it's not the theologians and the deities and the worlds that will pull people to god is that the sahasrara that go on you seducing spirit to bring people people to church to get thousands they're going to change their life you take the truth john 8 32 so you shall know the truth and the truth gonna set you free you take the holy ghost to bring conviction to change your life meant to open up your laundry show your heart show you where you are and where you should have been who are the gospel and somebody shouted in there holy cows that's what the church need that's who the church needs satan try to distract us so we want it hard but we don't want no power you think power just come like that you're in church for a year donkey years you still get holy ghost number one they're talking tongues the initial evidence oh god help me today i'm trying to read this scripture let me tell you something bought there was a simon a lot of simon come after me for years because of what i'm doing when they can kill me [Music] that's why you get holy ghost you make a mix when somebody tongue you get hello oh commander somebody you know make sure you get make sure you don't get that demon tongue because when you get this power in you you're going to walk right you're going to talk right you're going to have the full at the foot of the spirits temperance which is self-control self-conscious you can't control yourself although something you have to run to maintain your integrity hold but listen to the holy ghost listen to him who gonna teach you all truth we're gonna lead you into all through the holy cows and he's listening the body of christ how can we call ourselves pentecostal and we don't have no power it's going to be a challenge but there was a simon who's going to stop you the assignment will mess up your life you hear what i'm saying to you get the holy ghost and can't stop you somebody give the lord a praise the bible said when he saw what the people were following philip and taking heed to what philip was saying he said but when they believe amen glory to god in philly preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god in the name of jesus christ they were baptized both men and women then simon himself believed hypocrite also and when there was baptism he was baptized even he continued philip and wanted amen glory to god the beholding the miracles and signs which were done why did the people minister me began to believe in philip what he was saying of life conviction was taking place deliverance was coming to them he meant something better than what this sarsara was given to them it had no substance what they give you no you have no substance understanding give you this this oil to rub up yourself and put all the god chain around your neck and around the waist and whatever whatever to protect you no you don't need that junk you don't need the holy ghost he lives inside you the woman came in the church there and she came with a guard ring around her neck and remember he said i come for deliverance because when i lay my hands on the woman's head even though man said fire [Music] fire when i look rip off the children from my neck hey man on the chin to burn and turn black i have it upstairs i said here you're not getting about this i want to show people you don't come before an anointed vessel with no god ring of faith god let anything catch a fire crazy sit and trying to equal himself with god and when people walk away from the church and go mix up have a name god ring all kind of garbage and parchment paper and then boots and all kind of junk amen that kind of blood sacrifice he may set him up in the name of jesus christ fires for you if you don't repent you're going bad in hell mocking god the boy said he believed and baptized he have something of him sleep because his god was defeated he run into real power what did the men do what did philip alone did he was not in doing an enchantment and i caught chicken neck and all kind of rubbish hello he just lays hands he just preached and lays hands out of his hands with flowing the ocean to win souls he meant that bring conviction amen glory to god i asked the question last week and it's a theme amen glory to god amen the church subtitle did they do it we need to get back to basics get back to pentecost can we miss it not one of those that get the holy ghost was silent they were going to hell go to prison beating him and paul even saw it at the time were accusing them the more they persecute that early church the more the church grow the more the kingdom of god grow look at christian today he doesn't want to preach something they don't like and they don't come back you know see him number one you can do what you want to do you have to move in the will of god before you move you have to ask god for his will and a lot of people are out of god's will because they don't have their own agenda settle themselves down and learn to follow order and leadership that god established to help them to get to somewhere in god amen they take on the whole they have their own ways and nobody can talk to you amen god said give your pastors and preachers and teachers after my own heart to build you up and to help you to lead you to green pasture so you can amen glory to god be strong in god you can feed and grow strong in god i hear what i'm saying no you don't want it let me tell you something clear from this pulpit hello if you're in rebellion god can't use you it's a rebellion like the sin of witchcraft and stop our nations as idolatry hello and we pentecostal we have lost it so bad we badly we don't have any respect for another god now man you want to go to heaven you want god to use your better line yourself but read by read the record read it the people that go places in god and get power are people that honor god and honor his servant and show reverence respect don't touch him he's my anointing miriam he's your brother moses he may marry your sister but i'm going to kill that so i come to you in vision and dreams miriam and iran but i come to my servant and talk to him face to face don't equalize yourself with a man that god call and empower humble yourself and let's go somewhere together everybody can be doctor master surgeon everybody can be a nurse everybody can do policeman somebody somebody have to watch the patient hello but there's a gift in your life search for the holy ghost get him and he will let the gift come alive in your life somebody gave him praise somebody said find your lien and steal your lying man when you cross over another man and you're running and he's tracking in in this race amen glory to god you're going to cause somebody to to follow hello stealing your lion man if god called you to sweep the church i do just fix up paint up and make sure everything look good do it with all your might everybody gonna get the reward some of the gifts of help commander somebody don't try to be if you're a missionary be a missionary don't try to be a pastor when you're a missionary someone aiming somebody you get yourself in trouble let me run on i'm trying to read the scripture man maybe i got too much to read but i want you to hear it now when the apostle which were in jerusalem heard that samaria has received the word of god huh they sent unto them peter the dangerous pete and john just come out not too long ago came out of the upper room the upper room not the super room hello the church of today we are fat and some of us getting sick can we overweight eat too much i won't even fast when the fast i can't fight to break the bond of wickedness people are bound up people are dying before the time because of wicked sacrals hello can't prosper come on the college and can get a decent job the list goes on keep your marriage together and all kinds of stuff because i kind of devil sending arrows at you somebody give me give the lord a praise and john came when their head revival breaks out in scenario when they would come down pray for them that they might receive the holy ghost for as yet he was falling upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus then laid their hands on them and they received the holy ghost and when simon saw amen that the simon who believe i'm baptized you know listen to this now and when simon came and saw the true lane hannaf of the apostles amen glory hands the holy ghost was given he offered them what money say give me also this power and whosoever i lay hands he glory to god he that receive they may receive the holy ghost but peter said unto him thy money perish with me because that was brought thought that the gift of god may be purchased with money that's neither part nor lot in this matter thou has no part in this matter for thy heart is not right in the sight of god this thing is not for seal huh go live right love glad that you'll get this power repent fearful of this wickedness and pray if perhaps god the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee if i perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness how did philip do this how hmm how did he do it how did the holy church did it under all that prostitution little covey come on some of you run gone all over the place gone out of god's will don't even know what god's plan for your life is you don't know if you're saved or not god is a god of order you don't make no circumstances and nothing come upon this world drive you from where god put your nothing don't become a rolling stone you're talking tongues i said you have holy ghost okay nothing hello people who are filled with the holy ghost of thick skin and serve heart look at the disciples look at them i'm ready to go jesus said no you're carnal go and tarry don't leave jerusalem until i give you this power even because revival is coming amen something new is coming that the jewish people have never seen that the nations of the world have experienced no never experience when the power touched down lies are going to change anywhere god shows up amen glory to god the anointing is there people going to get delivered philly palone stood up and philip declared jesus christ and him crucified to the people who were bound by simon simon the sorcerer i said there are simon in the city right over there in stratfor there are many simons over there amen that march against me in the 10 meetings and i release the blood and fire of the holy ghost and the mass of the business men of fear not all amen watching around the world you're in the call of bitterness amen sign on simon there's that young man over there lay my hands on him pray for him with seizure three o'clock one morning god fill me white man amen glory the demon attack him and the people laugh at him because he was that one kind of manager in the workers fears and everybody walk away leave him to heat up him tongue and the government said the blood the blood of jesus i'm blind and i sent it to hell come out and the man calmed down before ambulance come he was back to now myself never experience it again but the woman i know of god she went to object manage 60 000 over how many years to kill somebody from siege siege of this command amen epileptic the command to demonic spirit no medicine can control to kill you from that you take the power of the holy ghost and these signs shall follow jesus said greater works than these philip catch it and they began to do greater works amen is one thing about god he will never amen sit back and not confirm in what you're saying when you're preaching from a clean heart you always confirm his word with signs following greater works than this a little not nobody stop you from becoming what god intend for you to become satan trying to duplicate everything that god does i told you last week that god didn't use amen glory to god energy to speak things into existence amen he just use authority hello i told you that even the same holy ghost that came upon jesus that everywhere going inside the dead were raised people were cleansed amen him in your name it came and dead coming back to life lazarus come forth that same power he said you can get that same power he said as my father sent me so send are you the power is there what are you doing all these years you think god does save us to sit down we have something that the world needs we don't got what they want and i said to you last week i said in chapter 2 the holy ghost come upon them with cloven tongues of fire how did they do it before that they could not do it even somebody there was no exploit there were no greater works amen glory to god because amen glory they never had the holy ghost but amen now they got the holy ghost human persecution to stop them people stop them starting and stop them no matter what come against them don't stop them they had a mission to carry on the assignment he said as my father sent me so sin that you are come to tell calvary today people are going to hell every second right now somebody just died amen glory and you need to keep switzerland god quiet quantic after the water broke so planted my soul after me cry out to god use me lord if you can use a donkey if you can use a rooster to bring back peter use me lord god to have to see a full man out of hell fire anybody here that know what i'm talking about [Music] we are zion are weird church is sleeping no matter how you preach god said i give you the authority i give you the keys to binding to loose you're not performing the miracles it's not you doing it all i want is a vessel i will flow through you and as you walk down the street the bible says peter shadow the same peter who swear and said i don't know jesus no peter's shadow and passed by and the sick are jumping up healed from all manner of sickness the power i told you how important this power is that when elisha died he mended through him and he had him buried there and they were burying a man and they floated dead man on his body because his appearance were coming when the army was coming against them and they threw the dead man on elijah's bone and the man dead born come on him and the dead body come alive my god even a man died him until anointed people you don't know what you're missing someone you're not enjoying you're just enduring because you don't know the joy that the holy ghost brings get him not make nobody stop you no no man no woman on church brother no sister no pastor no make nobody stop you are you most hungry after god are you almost hungry and the bible says a reward of them that diligently seek him the church of today is too complacent the church of today is too lazy we won't rest and it's wrestling and cause us to die to self amen jesus too much flesh too much pride hello too much flesh too much pride we need to get it together the 9-4 how did they do it bishop the nine gifts of the spirit i said later on when god finished with this part i'll go into the nine gifts of the spirit amen the nine gifts every one of you have a gift in you for the building up of the church the expanding that when you go out and talk people don't have to worry because god is confirming his words right before their face the answers are coming to the problem amen glory that's what people want today they are broken they are hurting where can we go where do we find time to oppose and fight and covet one another go in the upper room the little things that bother christians today instead of foot men weary how you gonna keep up with horsemen we need holy ghost somebody shout out we need the holy ghost and if you get the infilling you need another one and you need another one amen start down here but you must grow and grow and the more you grow the more mature you'll come make it i do not understand amen how you're in a church for so many years and amen doing a work for god and say hey man you can't go to nothing you're not growing you're just stagnant stagnant the holy ghost is life he revives he revitalize flesh the one i said for you to get this boy if you deny yourself jesus said i must go when i go i'll send you the comforter give your power amen when you get the power you got keys you combine and lose no matter how things look around us you can fix it amen somebody done the time to read or what i want to read here but amen glory to god we need glory to god to win the battles of life we are losing too much battle for us to win the battle of life we have to get the word of god in us we got to get the holy ghost in us we must arm ourselves those nine gifts are the armor that we used to fight with you're able to look at the devil you know his strategy you know he's about to plan are you moving for victory christian god never intend for you not me to experience any defeat hello he looked at it and said we have issues what do we do we run to the government we run to lawyers and all kind of things to fix it he said but if you're gonna judge the world you get hungry because something's going on between the both of you hello no no no no no you're going to judge the world that's what i'm trying to say when you get hold it goes everybody have to line up with the holy ghost and when you're lining up with the holy ghost everything will be in order in your life the moment you take over from the holy ghost you have nothing to work with not no one are you no match for the devil somebody clap your hand for jesus amen look a woman going to this country the story is told and it's true i'm a missionary i went in this country side where hundreds thousands of people were living there was a source over there that control the people so she got there doing a missionary work and while she was doing a missionary work even glory to god people were getting listening to what you were saying and coming away from and coming to our meetings our gathering and then this man shop at one of the meeting and said a young missionary inexperienced and he said this town is my town and the two of us can stay here somebody got to go tell you what let there be a showdown say go home he said any one of us win the other one have to leave town so he went home and he do all his enchantment all night he reached scripture down fast to lord satan all night come again elijah's this look here just go and read that bible and pray and go to our bed and thank you lord for wonderful service today and go to our bed not knowing what to expect tomorrow morning tomorrow evening when she came in the man said are you ready she said yes he said to her i will go fast almighty so now the line is back in the restroom and began to say a few words all of a sudden her body start to flow his body start to float in the air knee eye to his head the clear is scared to back up he said god what must i do he said take your thought god everybody looking you know you think god easy let me tell you something when you're fierce with a demon a fierce demon when you're being challenged do you know whose name and whose word is that stick number one god not gonna send you there if you're not ready people are running all over the place and i said no talk to me let me pray for him and send you you don't want that army i am controlling you i'm not controlling you i'm i'm teaching you how to go about doing things in god's business because you're not fighting flesh and blood a principality and over the years i know a lot of ministry mash up because they left anger do they think we don't even say ask for pastor covering no respect hello no order i tell god i want children that have risk become manners i will follow order becoming one lie to you and i say whatever god is doing in and through my life he must do it to you hello anywhere you go you must not live quietly somebody must know and ask you who is your pastor bishop the lord jesus hello are you doing the same i said the blood licking me lick that try it try it you live right and try it god will not make you be ashamed when you become afraid the devil back up and because you don't have no power because you have no knowledge of i know who you are you'll back up and be afraid and that's when it never stepped forward like in bad but you must read the bible elijah said let the goddess answer by fire let him be god the woman said the holy ghost spoke to her and he said god what must i do jesus and the holy ghost said put your foot on him and you might lift up a foot and step in i'm stomach i'm drunk that was it i know where the devil belong where does the devil belong he's a defeated foe you sass our your masters i feel you your masters are defeated for stop jinxing the people and rip off what they have they let the hood amen glory to god and get real power and said are you listening to me were called by god but you set up god fulfilled tanuka you and your money shall perish jesus is coming falls a lot of falls the bible says were possible even a very elect would be deceived it was possible because it looks so to let's say you have to have spirit he said try this spirit try them to see if they're off guard i'm saying here the woman step on him put that man under her feet a foot and the demand in god and no strength gone the demon and fly out the crowd are people looking on amen when a man rise up and say i have to go i cannot stay here she said no you're going to help me with these people you're not going nowhere hello i will be the governor you'll beat me hello come on but now not as a sasera but as a man of god amen let me tell you something what can cause the psychic the atheists the muslims and all those in a cult to come to know god it's not our fancy preaching there must become something you must give the people something to convince them that god is real hello but i've spoken to some people live they said bishop you bought me phone i will tell you i said nobody tell me nothing holy ghost get him you look a girl god but her business i'm messing up all of a sudden holy ghost said i asked her when she come home where she was six o'clock yesterday evening [Music] oh you know by the time the devil back up again no no no no god saw me every movement holy ghost you see the gift of discernment is coming back to the church and i don't care who it is god gonna reveal because the church that is coming for cannot be it must be spotless the church must be a glorious church without splattering there's too much packaged christian in the body of christ and all that god said the man repent simon repent i mean i don't never repent really peter said it looks you're in the god of bitterness he said pray for me that god will forgive me it's time to expose the satanists and those that doing the wrong thing i'm not condemning you to condemn nobody where i preach like this i'm here to help you to understand wrong cannot be right it's holiness or hell and it goes close how did they do it persecution how they do what they cast the greatest army in the world to bow the feet of god and declare everybody become christian huh to the nine gifts of the holy spirit amen we can break down nation and plunder hell and set captive free amen somebody give the lord a shout here amen use me lord use me i said we can that we have the same anointing in our life that jesus used we draw power from the same power source amen god almighty as the lord jesus christ which is the holy spirit acts 10 30 it will tell you how many who got anointed jesus i said here withdraw power from the same source so why we can't do it i mean tell us that greater works than this shall we do john 14 12. huh because i go to my father somebody give him homecoming praise ah we need the power to meet the needs of the people power to drive demons to hell amen this church god said when they're coming here they're not going to leave the way they came for a deliverance center i need a people that will unite with me to get the job done i hear what i'm saying i don't need wanderers and roamers and human rolling stones and people you're talking and them aiming doubting what you're saying after they see the miracle join in because some of you experienced the miracle no man can do these things except god be with him you have to connect with god hello so let's get real people are dying people are hurting look at it we want to get to the place where we walk in the hospital and say look what people carry on and said dry up die and then breathe and get up out of there i know somebody no medicine no injection just the blood of jesus the key the key and to the kingdom what we bind on earth is bound in heaven but i can't get the church to believe with me our god we're faithful and we are afraid and i'm gonna tell god i said god i want you to tell me what to do amen he said i give you power to heal all manner of sickness and disease i said god when they come to that door when they come to that door god again i say from then touch on the premises god let miracle let miracle let cancer die let emerging stop let demons scream out god if i have to go there and loose them then let it happen but this church this place is holy ground mouth since take off your shoulder off your feet for the place where you're standing is holy crown anywhere god is and we are the presence of god is it's holy ground somebody shout first [Music] glory to god hallelujah i have to close we have to close god want to use you and me the greatest force that the devil have cannot prevail against the house of god you can you and i brothers and sisters here and around the world can take these nine gifts amen and whip that devil trash him real good he mean one chase a thousand phillip alone and when jerusalem heard that revival breakdown in some area they sent to them a dangerous weapon only named john you remember peter and jonathan the temple kid huh we don't have what you got but we you know we want boy but we got what you need get up come in by hand and say why walk go work the prayers gonna work and make a livelihood hello anywhere you go that's the kind of authority that god gives you hold your peace and come out lord why we can't do this he said lord said these things come too much prayer and fact you want power if there's no prayer life no return to god you don't have no power anybody here you know what me talk your vex with me i'm going to give you in the nine gifts the nine gifts you and i can take this weapon of a waffle and give the devil a good trashing with them what are they bishop what are they amen the word of wisdom matthew 24 the word of knowledge john 1 45 to 50. amen glory to god hallelujah the spirit of discernment amen john 6 61 amen glory the gift of faith matthew 21 for amen verse amen for what 19 whatever yes matthew 21 and verse there amen you can read it for yourself my i'm sweating i can't see too clearly but give the lord i praise somebody amen glory amen working of miracles matthew 14 19 gift of healing amen glory to god matthew 8 verse 10 2 2 3 amen glory and verse 16 amen you have the gift of discernment yeah go to that already amen glory to god the gift of prophecy amen matthew chapter 5 from verse 12 on chapter 7 chapter 7 amen glory we have the tongues amen glory to god hallelujah we have the interpretation of tongues amen all of this glory these are the tongues and the interpretation of tongues is two different gifts and paul said you must amen when you're praying for tongues also pray for the interpretation of tongues because tongues in an unknown language you're talking to god you're not talking to man and when god sent a message to the church and not even with that one person start to speak in tongues the other person keep quiet hello because you can when the holy ghost is pushing me no he said the prophet is subjected to the proof to the the spirit is subjected to the prophet hello you can read until god give you a word yes but the whole bottom line if one person on the floor the holy ghost not the art of confusion if you're going to talk to tongues and tongue tongue tongue tongue and no but not interpret interpreting amen glory no make no sense not a message to the church are you on god you can pray in tongues you can sing in tongues you can worship in tongues are you on god but when it comes on to the body of christ and tongues come there must be an interpreter to explain because every language you don't understand no finite man couldn't understand the holy ghost and their pentecost amen he came in a way that everybody there could hear the language in their tongue you can go to a country and speak in chinese it talks in chinese they understand this in their language you don't understand how the holy ghost works he's gonna lead you into all truth and i don't let that teach you i'll think that's a holy ghost teach me to him mutual english hello and i look at folks and say amen diablo diablo mucho marlo satan the devil is weak very wicked huh but i want to learn it amen the holy ghost can't make me because i didn't have spanish people he amen somebody give the lord a prayer but these are the gifts that you and i can use to destroy the kingdom of satan stand your feet it is a crime and i see the reason why many people don't want a weakness and come to church and you're quiet because you're afraid to step out into the water you have no power get the holy ghost you can't sit on fire am i talking here i'm preaching to myself you can't keep quiet when you see the cry the pain the hurting and afflicting people you cannot be quiet knowing that you got the keys you got the power oh god almighty real power i'm not talking about imitating power that's what they're ungodly and they really just folks have something you have to do we are some ring everybody now all you need on your hand is your watch and your married man if you're married hello but nobody as i said i preached a message years ago and i can't find the message but i can't preach it again let the holy ghost dress you say the dear you get the church revival break out in the church and and and and holy ghost shows up in church the preacher job become easy and god said the work ahead of me is great but it's gonna be easy because he's coming to visit his people and clean up the church too much worldliness in the church that's why the church is so powerless and we are so early minded we want we're not having the good however i want is things things things things things and understand that when you run after jesus all these things gonna follow you hello that's it you know nothing good will i be told from them that walk uprightly and when you said father you the holy ghost directing you're gonna pray according to the will of god father i need so and so and all of a sudden it happens because the holy ghost direct you how to pray in the will of god people of god there's a gift in you what are you going to do with it hold on bury it and then god said depart from me i don't know you don't watch no fears don't make no excuse about non-coveted because before covered somebody wasn't doing nothing somebody said calvary ain't doing nothing but calvary i said i am reaching thousands around the world four days a week i'm saying hello we're not sometime after this virtual leave me i'm saying here people are getting delivered they're pulling from me the very shirt with the picture on it and the olive oil and the prayer cloth people that lives are changing people possess and people mix up in their cult they see the shirt and the picture and then turn the life over to god get out of it delivered they're going to come here one day hello somebody this is my man everything we touch god turn it around for his glory he must get glory so now i said to people the church that even know how many people are getting food i have to be helping all many people no no becoming not come and tell nobody hello i do and many times that i can't even use church money it's my little sea of things man they're trying to help people you know what i'm saying here because what who cares people are hurting you understand and when you have the heart of god jesus said give them to eat give them to eat you see anything somewhere you start to open up and be under lord is there any poor people you're feeding is anybody reaching out to you that twenty dollar yoga fifty dollars hello your final money once your children are going to be blessed your money will multiply but it's just me myself and nobody don't care oh carefully don't care so you don't know the pantry not free you have to pay for this after up with money to buy food you know what i'm saying and i said god bless calvary and during the time of this i mean pandemic people are getting homes they're getting cars they're getting jobs god blesses people calvary are blessed and i close with this when you listen to the holy ghost he said set a death and burn the mortgage i said god put me in the i'm house to god he said i said set a beat we never know what will happen in 2020. hello we never know but the bottom line he knows he said set the deal and the very moment i said they did the very dear one hour later somebody come knocking the ring in the bell and said lord i must give you this towards your mortgage hello and the money just flowing in flowing in and it's november the 12th i never forget it we burn we pay off the market and by the 15th we burn that thing and look what happened in january got to understand somebody called me and said one of my good friend amen he lost his church so many people losing church even kevin clone for one year we know nobody can't touch this because it is of god hello so this is it people you are blessed please don't make nobody come to you no negative vibes because listen to me i am watching the rumors and those who are running all over the place for people don't people don't want to pay a price when they go to storm when things happening unchanged they don't want to be there to hang around they run and you see when everything going smooth huh hello they want to come back and be a part of it i'm saying here people that you can't trust can't trust so i'm watching and god said i'm gonna have people around me that i just trustworthy amen that i can pour into them and wherever i go in the world while i'm gone they are going to be ministering under the same anointing and do even greater works for the revival the gathering about your head please how did the early church do it it's not by my people not by power amen it is by the holy spirit i hear god spoke some time ago and said my people don't talk about the holy ghost no more like they're in malice with the holy ghost he's the one i send to teach them and to comfort them and they take them through their storm and give them power to trump trade upon scorpion and serpent look a madman on the street how many pastor mad people in black and dirty and raggedy and a human being like you create an image of god how when you pass and you're flicking one just lick them with the blood and say come out of that mud demon come out of them and some of them have appearance wickedness some of them imagine glory and wickedness them what they did and the curse come back on them reverse curse but we don't care what reason it is the power that god gives us is to set captive free i know so that nobody can be clothed in their right mind to bring glory to god do you learn anything here today give the lord a praise what the church need is holy ghost power if you're here you're not saved raise your hand because the holy ghost cannot go into dirty vessels you have to be safe amen for the holy ghost to use you to come in you and use you there's a tongue that came from a hell and i told the rulers of darkness is a really just demon see a ton that's how you see it on the the manual i've seen it be called the anti-christ is not the christ is the end time amen we don't deal with phonies we deal with the real amen the real but not deal with counterfeit jesus is real anybody want him today you can come stand on me i'm not gonna touch you but you come and if you don't want to come you can stay right here and raise your hand if you're not safe you want jesus amen search all over [Music] anybody else nobody [Music] the world is desperate looking for an answer i told you over and over that the world is bankrupt is there anybody else active person let me do the talk again if you're not safe [Music] one moment one moment we don't know what tomorrow holds people are dropping dead like flies the cdc are helped if people healthy people whatever you call them health organization they're very concerned now because they said now it's getting cool that this thing gonna spike up again and it is amen but god allows us to start up back in september and i want this church to become militant god cannot lie and i saw when i was home everybody's saying come i said the moment calvary opened people gonna come from all walks of life to come here to get delivered but are my people ready are they ready and i can only move when god said you understand because nobody must come here and this church must not be closed down because there is a case here you're coming at this anointing you must get your deliverance you hear what i'm saying to you believe what i'm preaching i believe in the god i'm serving hello and god said to me build me the house of deliverance and to sign wonders and miracles that's how the church is going to build people going to come with the problems demonic possession or whatever it is and only god can set them free amen are you praying amen or you're christian you're a believer what about your son you're not a christian sir i'm not a christian no you don't know okay so you never heard about jesus christ okay but to be safe it mean you believe what you hear about jesus and confess him accept him in your heart then confess him with your mouth that's all it takes so what you do now you ask him to forgive you of your sins i'm saying here and to give you a new heart so i'm going to lead you to the sinner's prayer okay the both of you okay god i said the same god that uses me give you a gift you have a gift god can use you too i'm saying but you've got to know surrender your life to him say these words everybody bow your head and pray with them dear god in heaven say with me sons all of you here standing at the altar say with me dear god in heaven i come before you today as a sinner i am on my way to hell i heard you died for my sins and that you are our only hope all there i have done all these sins they have committed god forgive me i come here today because i'm tired of my whole life i want a change i don't want to go to hell i want to go to heaven when i leave this world so wash me in the blood of jesus cleanse me from all my sins give me a new heart and write my name in the lamb's book of life help me that from this day i will say no to the devil note of self no to the flesh no to the word system no to sin and yes to jesus christ save me now lord thank you for hearing me i confess you know as my lord i receive you now as my savior in jesus name amen my head remain with your head bow father here and around the world your people are listening they want hope they're searching god they're tired of the whole life the tired of the devil come to steal kill and destroy but god are looking for you another way out you're saying you come to give us life and give it to us more abundantly i pray today in this coveted time so many are dying god and going into hell with no hope i've ever get out of there that these souls and the altar you will transform their lives under the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your dear son satan are you a jewel satan i rebuke in the name of jesus christ say that i break your power and i command you to loose all of your lives they don't belong to you father the purpose for which you came let it come to reality in their lives let them experience the new birth today help them to surrender all their lives to you oh god so that you can make them into a warrior and get them ready as a part of the bride bless them now in jesus name amen may i ask you a question after praying if you make up your mind to serve god make up your mind to serve god son beautiful i was 17 when i got saved huh that over this year by 47 years ago and god trained me and used me to touch light around the world god can use your purpose you make up your mind to serve god are you willing to surrender everything to him that's it that's all it takes we're not doing any baptism now but when the time comes i will let it be known but you can go back to your seat and come again come again all right god bless your son god bless you guys yes i want to see you after service okay all right amen put your hand on your chest we're hurting yes but the hall good to see you amen put your hand in your chest amen we're going to pray minister for all those who are praying amen pray for the will of god to be done in this election we're not politicians we are servants of god pray because you see satan look for every opportunity to create havoc he hates america he hates america when you're also praying pray for us in the studio it's a message i'm going out and it's ripping the devil's heart out you don't like me you don't like minister mark you don't like the engineers but it's well people are hungry for truth yummy i'll be back on there a little more from this amen listen to your broadcast and make other people get all the jews out of this thing because i said i never know it was so effective the message was so deadly until i sit down and listen to them so now i have to run out of the room i want to scream out you know what i'm saying because when i'm under the anointing i'm moving i don't even recall hello but when i sit and listen to it again it blesses my soul pray for those who are not here pray for those who are coming amen we have something to pray for talk to god ask god to stir up the gift in you he knows what it is you don't know the holy ghost now give life to the gift you understand what i'm saying i say something humbly and i want nobody to get jealous i may not say because in the family no how many years ago minister mark came here how many years ago praying all over the place amen don't understand much but look at the young man i sat there at home sick when i listened to this young man i said oh my god this is a setup this is a setup how many of us in there six four five six and only one remain in the studio what a job i sat and i listened to this young man teaching and revelation and and the zoom and bible study i said oh my god if he just started if he just stopped why why why why there's a hunger he came here he saw three years okay he came here and he saw something that he'd never seen before he felt something coming from the servant of god amen and you remember elijah and elisha remember moses and and joshua and his humble himself and listen and he studied three years in the bible school here amen and he used to go from here to new jersey come here hungry this is what the bible said eat that hunger and first listen to me people i alone can't do this and philip preach in samaria the prosecution scattered them philly preached and when revival record philly could manage it alone hello philip call no for the general and when you come and say that in the hilly hands that's it and the church establishes that this stronghold of satan crush and god get glory so when you lift up jesus i'm gonna use you i saw the father get glory so no tell god you're not satisfied you're hungry come on everybody talk to him use me lord come on aaron come on son ask god to use no music don't worry you pray ask god to use you on a keyboard like david hello that's right you don't know what's inside of you when around me something is imparting something is imparting and if the world is getting it the one the children to get it father you're doing a new thing in calgary so it's a new chapter you're doing this sifting it's a new chapter he said be at peace don't be troubled in your spirit i am doing a work i pray god those who have been crying out to you will experience what i'm saying if as i preach god let the anointing flow there are people in this house that should have been dead and gone why you saved their lives may they ask themselves the question it got to be a reason their gifts in their lives oh god when you heal a man from cancer when you open up blind eyes and have deaf ears will you let the walk that gift that spirit is upon that man that spirit is upon that woman give them the courage to lay hands on the sick and because they to experience a miracle let them know the power is in them to lay hand the same power that touch and heal them is in their eyes it's upon them for them to touch somebody oh they know what you can do they're not guessing it god they're not questioning god they know it because they experience it ah glory you must get glory from their lives to their lives you must get glory god we want more we want more we're not doing nothing's taurus oh god shake us out of our lactage complacent oh god where's god and help us to become militant warriors sterile people you can't just use me alone you didn't intend for that god you intend to use these people as an army i pray today and loose them for whatever binding them whatever stronghold that simon have upon them lord god whatever stronghold that jezebel have upon them god your people break them loose break them loose break them to the blood of jesus liberate them today whatever paralyzing their spirit let them become warriors indeed it's time to catch what's inside of me and more it's time god and they go forth without fear and say what thus said god in the name of jesus christ god tore them in their sleep trouble them god on the job trouble them god driving on the road in the name of jesus christ back up satan and father pray now the lady hands on themselves themselves that miracle power will flow the pain in the hands in the arms the pain in the wrists the pain is in the leg and the hips oh god touch your children touch your daughter even now and i command that pain to dissolve that pain to disintegrate hemorrhaging to stop our god in the mighty in the name of jesus stomach pain and heart condition go to hell father pull up root up in the name of jesus christ satan we rebuke you and we send you to hell we liberate your people today go with us and protect everyone everyone is listening to me today god let not corona ever consume any one of them in the name of jesus let them be immune let them draw closer to your god understanding that in your bosom they're unpluggable they said no you shall be faster than any player coming your dwelling unless god you have a purpose i pray today that god your calvary members will become our investors our vesters soul winners and god almighty for your being good to us we thank you from asylum street to barnum avenue we thank you we can't stop praising you for the blessings you've given us out of nothing you've given us much we are grateful and the greater is yet to come cover your son cover by your children as we work hard to reach the world through the broadcast provide the money that is needed god bless bless bless we pray comfort those who are weak and feeble today in jesus name and now may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father fill full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all but now until we meet again in jesus name every saturday eight thirty days prayer meeting here amen you
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 718
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, livestream, Calvary, new testament, Church of God, faith, love, hope, salvation, deliverance, truth, redemption, Bishop Blake, Fearon Blake
Id: ij7_v4GcXMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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