CALM YOUR MIND in God's AGAPE Love for Rest, Relaxation & Relief from Anxiety & Insomnia

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find rest as you listen to this peaceful bedtime story for more bible stories that bring you refreshing sleep download the abide app in the itunes or google play store [Music] welcome to this abide sleep prayer a short peaceful prayer to end the day and be still in god's love and personal protection tonight may you sense the nearness of god and feel yourself wrapped in god's loving arms may you be comforted by his presence confident in his protection and calmed by his peace here is a benediction the apostle paul prayed over the church in thessalonica tonight let me pray it over you now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way the lord be with you all god thank you for being with us thank you for sending your son jesus to be our peace our prince of peace and to reconcile us to you thank you for sending the holy spirit to be our comforter god we're so grateful that you have promised never to leave or forsake us thank you for your presence and your promises [Music] your eyes god are on those who fear you on those who hope in your steadfast love you are our help and shield you make our hearts glad and so we put our hope in you we trust that you will bless and protect your child as they rest tonight we trust that your steadfast love will guard and encircle your child help this beloved person surrender to you help them release every worry every anxious thought every item on the to-do list help them to confess any sins and to receive your forgiveness help them let go and trust that you are holding them that you are holding everything that matters to them as this child surrenders to you now fill them with a sense of calm of ease of rest may they feel absolutely at peace and able to sleep knowing that you will keep them in that perfect peace [Music] god we ask that you would be god that you would bring your kingdom to earth that you would bring your peace to this listener's heart to this room to this house to this city to this country to this earth be god over it all and help your child to be still and trust [Music] take away any troubles still plaguing this listener's mind or heart and replace them with your holy spirit with joy love peace patience kindness and self-control now may our lord jesus christ himself and god our father who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love and given us a hope that will never fade away you comfort and strengthen us we are so thankful for your gift of salvation thank you for taking on flesh and becoming like us thank you for being a savior who has suffered and been tempted thank you for living a perfect and holy life and for humbling yourself and accepting death on the cross so that we could be reconciled to god thank you for bringing us into god's family and loving us with a love that will never end you are worthy to be praised you are worthy our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being we join with all creation and with the angels and archangels in singing your praises [Music] god help this child now to trust wholly in you to entrust their heart to you [Music] their feelings all of them good or bad to entrust their mind to you their thoughts all of them good or bad to entrust their bodies to you every whether strong or weak help them to entrust their soul to you tonight knowing that you are good and that you are love that you are the trustworthy one hear our prayers lord and send your spirit to comfort and to guide may your grace flood this child's heart washing away any sins or troubles that still remain and refreshing them with living water and may the lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow just as our love for you overflows may he as a result make your heart strong blameless and holy as you stand before god our father when our lord jesus comes again with all his holy people amen help this child grow strong as they sleep strengthen their heart nourish their growth in holiness and enable them to stand before you in the power of your grace gracious god you rejoice over your children with singing and dancing you hear our prayers and you delight in answering them in showing your glory in our lives be present to your child now and always protect them through the hours of this night let them find rest and refreshment in you defend them from all perils or dangers as they sleep and wake them renewed and ready to live as the beloved of god we ask all this in the name of your precious son jesus who reigns with you and the holy spirit now and forever tonight we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen the god of the universe is protecting you and taking care of you like a loving shepherd watching his sheep god will always provide for your every need you have no reason to worry long ago jesus told his followers do not be anxious about your life what you will eat or what you will drink but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness in today's story we'll travel two thousand years back in time to a judean hillside as jesus talks to his followers about worry and about god's providence as you prepare for today's story get comfortable let your head sink slowly into the pillow stretch out your arms and legs and let your muscles relax if something's not right then simply pause the abide app and come back in a few moments finally choose your favorite background music on the app if you fall asleep during the story that's okay the app will stop on its own the god of peace is protecting you and providing for you lay your burdens before him rest in his promises join me as i pray for you dear father you are the creator of all that's good of love joy and peace but too often god we worry about the future we don't have peace in our lives because we're focused on what we don't know too often our eyes are not on you too often we're worried and anxious god we lay our troubles before you now help us trust you give us peace in the middle of trials in our lives and troubles around the world grant this child of yours a wonderful night's sleep and dreams about your kingdom it's in jesus name that i pray amen as you keep your eyes closed imagine walking through the countryside of judea in the days of christ it's a day far removed from our cluttered lives there are no cell phones no computers no video games no cars it's just you and god and his creation oh and a few hundred other followers of jesus you're one of those followers but it doesn't seem crowded everyone around you is patient and happy and full of cheer it's as if they've waited all their lives for this moment it's as if their people have waited centuries for this time in history no one's in a rush no one is pushy they're savoring every second a mother and her young son are in front of you laughing the boy he appears to be about five turns around and gives you an innocent wave you smile back near them is a short gray-haired elderly woman she asks the question everyone else is thinking is he the messiah no one answers but you've heard enough stories about jesus healing the sick and giving sight to the blind that you've already formed your opinion he claims to be god's son and you believe it at the head of the crowd is jesus himself surrounded by peter james and john and the other disciples he's led his followers to an area near the sea of galilee it's a beautiful day and you're enjoying the walk it's warm and mostly sunny with only a few white wispy clouds high overhead they're moving ever so slowly across the sky as if they too are hanging around and watching jesus wanting a glimpse of the messiah the warm sunshine massages your skin and a cool breeze off the sea of galilee ensures you don't get too hot the breeze carries within a dozen earthy aromas water and dirt and freshwater fish and even the unmistakable scent of wildflowers from the nearby shore to your right you spot two fishermen in a small sailboat pulling their net up from the sea of galilee they've caught perhaps a dozen fish today and you watch as they carefully pluck each one from the webbing suddenly one of the fishermen looks in your general direction and motions to his friend who looks your way too you quickly realize that they're not looking at you but at jesus both men rushed to the back of the boat and grabbed their paddles they hurriedly place them just under the surface of the water and begin rowing to shore they're wanting to see jesus and if they hurry they will up ahead on your path you spot a squirrel searching for food within the rocks it's cleaning its face oblivious to the crowd around it you hear a joyful child's voice commenting on the squirrel's bushy tail and furry ears all of a sudden the squirrel dashes away from you and toward the front of the crowd perhaps it's chasing an insect or maybe it's just like those fishermen and it wants to see jesus too a few minutes have passed and jesus has led everyone to a hill overlooking the sea of galilee it's filled with large and small boulders alike with green grass growing everywhere else please gather around he tells the crowd he's sitting halfway up the hill on a large flat rock underneath a tall juniper tree the hill is spacious enough to give everyone plenty of room just as important it's quiet enough so that anyone in the crowd can hear you find a small boulder to sit on to listen to jesus he's about seven long steps directly in front of you although the twelve disciples are the closest to jesus peter is sitting on a rock to your right he's laughing and talking to andrew his brother jesus is patient as everyone continues to find a place to sit an older woman sits down to your left in an empty spot of green grass she appears to be in her 60s and she begins chatting her husband she tells you is a farmer things have been tight lately during the drought her brow is filled with wrinkles she looks anxious it hasn't rained in days she says i'm worried she asks you if you think jesus is the messiah you smile at her and give an approving nod a hush quickly falls over the crowd jesus is speaking blessed are the poor in spirit he says for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you [Music] you are the salt of the earth but if salt has lost its taste how shall its saltiness be restored it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light to all in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven jesus has been speaking for about 15 minutes you're struck by his calm demeanor his knowledge of scripture his love for the people above all you're struck by his wisdom he's unlike any rabbi you've seen his words seem as if they're straight from god himself your mind begins drifting as you think about jesus role in your life a thousand questions swirl in your head if jesus is the messiah then what does that mean for your future what does it mean for your people is he the answer to every problem in your life is he god suddenly jesus looks straight at you and smiles he continues preaching but you think to yourself was he reading my mind did he know what i was thinking whatever the case you continue listening no one can serve two masters jesus says for you will hate one and love the other you will be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve both god and money that is why i tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds he says pointing to a few sparrows on the tree limbs above him you don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing how they grow jesus says pointing to the valley below they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon and all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today an hour has passed jesus has finished preaching he and his disciples are huddled together further up the hill about 20 paces from you straight ahead some of jesus followers have walked back to their villages others though are still gathered on the hillside in groups of two or three discussing this sermon on the mountain the elderly woman who sat to your left is one of those who has hung around she's smiling now her demeanor has radically changed she's no longer worrying she approaches you with tears of joy and shouts the lord will provide the lord will take care of us she points to the western horizon a storm is building a cool wind is blowing your direction much needed rain is on the way you look up at jesus and his followers who are also looking at the growing storm he briefly glances down at you and smiles tears of joy stream down your face as you recall jesus words look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need as we transition back to the present day let's meditate on jesus promise to his followers as you relax and fall asleep listen again to the words of christ i will pray for you throughout the passage remember god will provide for your every need jesus said do not worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food in your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing let me pray for you father your word tells us that we are more important than the birds of the air genesis even says we are the pinnacle of creation that's because we are made in your image you sent your son to earth to die for the sins of humanity we affirm your word i pray for peace for this child of god as they fall asleep jesus said look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs father god we know you care for your creation you are the master artist the birds of the air and the lilies of the field and the colorful wildflowers they're all just a small part of your masterpiece they don't plant or harvest or store food and yet you take care of them they're never worried or anxious and yet you always provide for them your word tells us you already know our every need we praise you for who you are promise keeper and provider we love you seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today father we lay our burdens before you and we thank you for everything you have given us i ask that you will grant this child of yours a wonderful night's sleep and pleasant dreams it's in christ's name that i pray amen listen once again to the comforting words of jesus the creator of the universe and the provider of everything you need that is why i tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring his own worries today's trouble is enough for today the savior of the universe is watching over you he's protecting you he'll provide for your every need you have no reason to worry he's taken care of you in the past and he'll take care of you in the future you are far more important to god than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field you are a child of the living god just as a loving mother or father takes care of a helpless infant god will take care of you trust in his promises rest in his peace let me pray for you dear father your word tells us that when we seek your kingdom first you will give us everything we need father we are seeking your kingdom we want to know you more we want to abide in your presence i ask that you will grant this precious child of yours pleasant dreams and a peaceful night's sleep help them to wake up refreshed ready to serve you another day it's in jesus name that i pray amen the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you it might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you [Music] like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face the warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go [Music] you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity [Music] as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill-treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack [Music] questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution at god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god in 1st john chapter 3 in the message translation the apostle john writes these stunning words what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are you are called a child of god because of the great love that god expressed through jesus and because you are loved by the god of the universe you are most certainly precious you are precious in his sight imagine that you have been invited to the home of a dear friend for dinner [Music] when you arrive you park in a familiar spot under the big oak tree that hangs over the street you step out of the car and walk up the stone path toward the door [Music] admire the bright pink azalea and the soft yellow buttercup flowers that fill the garden in front of the porch you see the white jasmine mixed among the pink and yellow but you know the jasmine couldn't be missed with the strong lovely smell as you approach the front door you hear a stirring inside the door opens before you have a chance to knock and you are greeted by friends who are more like family as you walk inside hugging them tightly you see the joy on your friend's face as you know she has something to tell you she leads you into the living room where you notice a hutch that has been arranged differently than the last time you were over for dinner you notice something on the hutch illuminated with a back light on the center shelf as you walk closer you see an incredible elegant vase the cobalt blue and rich gold stands out against the emerald green and rich burgundy the floral design is regal yet simple it's beautiful it's ornate and it's treated with such care because of just how very precious and special the vase is you learn that your friend inherited this precious heirloom it has been passed from generation to generation and now it's hers she tells you how special this piece has been to her family for so many years and you begin to understand the elaborate setup on the hutch [Music] what else could you do with something so special something that has been beloved and dear for generations ought to be treasured and treated with great care yet a vase a simple piece of decor no matter how antique and special pales in comparison to how incredibly precious you are in god's eyes you are precious in his sight but marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are god's love for you did not settle with salvation though that would have been enough even more than that he delighted to call you his child and like a good good parent he looks on his children as the most precious things in all the world you are precious in his sight you walk away from the hutch with your friend who leads you to the sofa just a few feet away as you sit down you glance back at the vase and imagine what it would be like to be as cherished and protected as that to be cherished in a way that sets you apart and shines light on your unique nature to be set on a platform simply because your great worth leads others to notice that something is different what makes you different is that you are a child of god your accomplishments and rewards don't make you valuable you are precious because you are a child of god his love changes everything you are precious in his sight it may seem simply unbelievable but you could ever be that cherished you may scoff at the very thought of being highlighted or set apart and looked at and yet the joy of christ making you new is that you are truly undeniably so incredibly loved you are cherished by god who calls you his child you are set apart and like the vase with the light shining upon it so that the light of christ shines in you jesus once said you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven in christ god has restored and renewed you because of the love he has because you are so precious he made a way for you to be his and when god redeemed you in christ he did not just redeem you from your sins he made you his child he brought you into his family with all the rights and privileges of a child the ornate elaborate vase that you admired in your friend's living room is an heirloom that is indeed special but even more precious than an heirloom you his child are an heir not just a thing that is passed on from one to another you are in the very lineage of god's royal family you are precious in his sight what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are and all the noise of a busy bustling confusing world may you find rest in your identity as a child of the most high god may you see yourself with more value than an heirloom positioned with honor on a shelf may you see yourself as one beloved by god you are precious in his sight you are so very precious in his sight as you fall asleep tonight may the truths of god's word the reminder of his great love for you allow you to sleep in peace you are more precious to god than any earthly possession that you prize more precious than any jewel may you find rest deeply in god's loving arms receive this benediction from romans 15 13. may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope you are precious in his sight may your dreams be sweet and may you wake in the morning reminded of his great love in 1st john chapter 3 in the message translation the apostle john writes these stunning words what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it called children of god that's who we really are you are called a child of god because of the great love that god expressed through jesus and because you are loved by the god of the universe you are most certainly precious you are precious in his sight imagine that you have been invited to the home of a dear friend for dinner when you arrive you park in a familiar spot under the big oak tree that hangs over the street you step out of the car and walk up the stone path toward the door admire the bright pink azalea and the soft yellow buttercup flowers that fill the garden in front of the porch you see the white jasmine mixed among the pink and yellow but you know the jasmine couldn't be missed with the strong lovely smell [Music] as you approach the front door you hear a stirring inside the door opens before you have a chance to knock and [Music] you are greeted by friends who are more like family [Music] as you walk inside hugging them tightly you see the joy on your friend's face as you know she has something to tell you she leads you into the living room where you notice a hutch that has been arranged differently than the last time you were over for dinner you notice something on the hutch illuminated with a back light on the center shelf as you walk closer you see an incredible elegant vase the cobalt blue and rich gold stands out against the emerald green and rich burgundy the floral design is regal yet simple it's beautiful it's ornate and it's treated with such care because of just how very precious and special the vase is you learn that your friend inherited this precious heirloom it has been passed from generation to generation and now it's hers she tells you how special this piece has been to her family for so many years and you begin to understand the elaborate setup on the hutch what else could you do with something so special something that has been beloved and dear for generations ought to be treasured and treated with great care yet a vase a simple piece of decor no matter how antique and special pales in comparison to how incredibly precious you are in god's eyes you are precious in his sight but marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are god's love for you did not settle with salvation though that would have been enough even more than that he delighted to call you his child and like a good good parent he looks on his children as the most precious things in all the world you are precious in his sight you walk away from the hutch with your friend who leads you to the sofa just a few feet away as you sit down you glance back at the vase and imagine what it would be like to be as cherished and protected as that to be cherished in a way that sets you apart and shines light on your unique nature [Music] to be set on a platform simply because your great worth leads others to notice that something is different what makes you different is that you are a child of god your accomplishments and rewards don't make you valuable you are precious because you are a child of god his love changes everything you are precious in his sight it may seem simply unbelievable but you could ever be that cherished you may scoff at the very thought of being highlighted or set apart and looked at and yet the joy of christ making you new is that you are truly undeniably so incredibly loved you are cherished by god who calls you his child you are set apart and like the vase with the light shining upon it so that the light of christ shines in you jesus once said you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven [Music] in christ god has restored and renewed you because of the love he has because you are so precious he made a way for you to be his and when god redeemed you in christ he did not just redeem you from your sins he made you his child he brought you into his family with all the rights and privileges of a child the ornate elaborate vase that you admired in your friend's living room is an heirloom that is indeed special but even more precious than an heirloom you his child are an heir not just a thing that is passed on from one to another you are in the very lineage of god's royal family you are precious in his sight what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are and all the noise of a busy bustling confusing world may you find rest in your identity as a child of the most high god may you see yourself with more value than an heirloom positioned with honor on a shelf may you see yourself as one beloved by god you are precious in his sight you are so very precious in his sight as you fall asleep tonight may the truths of god's word the reminder of his great love for you allow you to sleep in peace you are more precious to god than any earthly possession that you prize more precious than any jewel may you find rest deeply in god's loving arms receive this benediction from romans 15 13. may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope you are precious in his sight may your dreams be sweet and may you wake in the morning reminded of his great love prepare your heart to rest in jesus's gift of peace his peace reconciled us to god as no other act could do when our faith is in jesus his gift makes us righteous and able to come into god's presence what an amazing gift to pay the cost for a relationship with god now before we begin i want you to get into a comfortable place take care of any physical distractions like noise or light find a temperature and a place to lie down that is most comfortable for you you might take this moment to choose some music on abide that is peaceful for you or you may choose to simply listen in silence when you're ready close your eyes and relax allow your breathing to slow down gently place your head on your pillow in john 14 verse 27 jesus said peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid may you feel that same peace during this time of rest pray with me jesus thank you for leaving peace that passes all understanding for me peace and knowing that i am in you peace in knowing where i am going that i have eternal life that you have conquered this world and that i am chosen and loved that the struggles of this world are dim in comparison to your glory and ultimately knowing that i have peace with god be with me now in the quiet and stillness with the thoughts of the peace jesus brings thank you jesus for this gift that was yours to freely give thank you for not making me earn it because i never could in jesus name i pray amen now with that separate yourself right now from the day-to-day hustle the concerns of the day and visualize your true self as seen by jesus the king of kings and lord of lords did you know that there is a table at god's place of grace with your name on it and you are invited to come and dine with the one who loved you so much that he provided a place where you could come and receive a new beginning for free as you draw closer to a deep sleep come just as you are you will be kindly received there just as this story describes i shook my head in disbelief this couldn't be the right place after all i couldn't possibly be welcome here i had been given an invitation several times by several different people and i had finally decided to see what this place was all about but this just couldn't be the place quickly i glanced down at the invitation that i clutched in my hand i scanned past the words come as you are no jacket required and found the location yes i was at the right place i peered through the window again and saw a room of people whose faces seemed to glow with joy all were neatly dressed adorned in fine garments and appeared strangely clean as they dined at this exquisite restaurant ashamed i looked down at my own tattered and torn clothing covered in stains i was dirty in fact filthy the foul smell seemed to consume me and i couldn't shake the grime that clung to my body as i turned around to leave the words from the invitation seemed to leap out at me come as you are no jacket required i decided to give it a shot mustering up every bit of courage i could find i opened the door to this restaurant and walked up to a man standing behind a podium your name sir he asked me with a smile jimmy d brown i mumbled without looking up i thrust my hands deep into my pockets hoping to conceal their stains he didn't seem to notice the filth that i was covered in and he continued very good sir a table is reserved in your name would you like to be seated i couldn't believe what i heard a grin broke out on my face and i said yes of course he led me to a table and sure enough there was a place card with my name written on it in a deep dark red as i browsed over the menu i saw many delightful items there listed things like peace joy blessings confidence assurance hope love faith and mercy i realized that this was no ordinary restaurant i flipped the menu back to the front in order to see where i was god's grace was the name of this place the man returned and said i recommend the special of the day with it you are entitled to heaping portions of everything on this menu you've got to be kidding i thought to myself you mean i can have all of this what is the special of the day i asked with excitement ringing in my voice salvation was his reply i'll take it i practically cried out and as quickly as i made that statement the joy left my body a sick painful ache jerked through my stomach and tears filled my eyes between my sobs i said mister just look at me i'm dirty and i'm nasty i am unclean and unworthy of such things i'd love to have all of this but i just can't afford it undaunted the man smiled again sir your check has already been taken care of by that gentleman over there he said as he pointed to the front of the room his name is jesus turning saw a man whose very presence seemed to light the room he was almost too much to look at i found myself walking towards him and in a shaking voice i whispered sir wash the dishes or sweep the floors or take out the trash i'll do anything i can do to repay you for all of this he opened his arms and said with a smile all of this is yours if you just come unto me ask me to clean you up and i will ask me to allow you to feast at my table and you will eat remember the table is reserved in your name all you must do is accept this gift that i offer you astonished i fell at his feet and said please jesus please clean up my life please change me and sit me at your table and give me this new life immediately i heard the words it is finished i looked down and white robes adorned my body something strange and wonderful had happened i felt new like a weight had been lifted and i found myself seated at his table the special of the day has been served the lord said to me salvation is yours we sat and talked for a great while i so enjoyed the time that i spent with him he told me me of all people that he would like for me to come back as often as i liked for another helping from god's grace he made it clear that he wanted me to spend as much time with him as possible as it drew near time for me to go back outside into the real world he whispered to me softly and lo [Music] i am with you always and then he said something to me that i will never forget he said my child do you see these empty tables yes lord i see them what do they mean these are reserved tables but the individuals whose names are on each place card have not accepted their invitation yet would you be so kind as to hand these out to those who have not joined us yet of course i said with excitement as i picked up the invitations go ye therefore into all the nations he said as i turned to leave i walked into god's grace dirty and hungry stained in sin my righteousness as filthy rags and jesus cleaned me up i walked out a brand new person robed in white his righteousness and so i'll keep my promise to my lord i'll go [Music] i'll spread the word i'll share the gospel i'll hand out the invitations and i'll start with you dear one have you been to god's grace there's a table reserved in your name and here's your invitation come as you are no jacket required continue resting soundly resting in the truth that god calls you to come as you are our father in heaven loves to hear from his children trusting in his promises we bring all the fears and distress to him in prayer so hear this prayer now as if from jesus himself dear child i heard you cry last night [Music] i was there in the darkness when the tears slipped down your face and your heart broke within you did you think i didn't see and didn't care do you really think i don't know how tired and weary you really are child i've been with you when life has dealt its bitterest blows i've watched you handle all the sorrow and all the pain but you are weary now and i can see the broken spirit the faded hopes and dreams please do not forget that i care my touch and caress can restore and mend your broken heart and kindle the flame of hope once more within you let me love you take down the barricades around your heart and lean on me because i am not tired and i am not weary and i have the strength enough to carry you if you will let me you are not alone and you never have been for i am your friend and creator and i will never ever leave your side trust me sleep well my child your friend and savior jesus and jesus said peace i leave with you my peace i give you [Music] i do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid god thank you for being with us thank you for sending your son jesus to be our peace our prince of peace and to reconcile us to you thank you for sending the holy spirit to be our comforter god we're so grateful that you have promised never to leave or forsake us thank you for your presence and your promises your eyes god are on those who fear you on those who hope in your steadfast love you are our help and shield you make our hearts glad and so we put our hope in you we trust that you will bless and protect your child as they rest tonight we trust that your steadfast love will guard and encircle your child help this beloved person surrender to you help them release every worry every anxious thought every item on the to-do list help them to confess any sins and to receive your forgiveness help them let go and trust that you are holding them that you are holding everything that matters to them as this child surrenders to you now fill them with a sense of calm of ease of rest may they feel absolutely at peace and able to sleep knowing that you will keep them in that perfect peace god we ask that you would be god that you would bring your kingdom to earth that you would bring your peace to this listener's heart to this room to this house to this city to this country to this earth be god over it all and help your child to be still and trust take away any troubles still plaguing this listener's mind or heart and replace them with your holy spirit with joy love peace patience kindness and self-control now may our lord jesus christ himself and god our father who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love and given us a hope that will never fade away you comfort and strengthen us [Music] we are so thankful for your gift of salvation thank you for taking on flesh and becoming like us thank you for being a savior who has suffered and been tempted thank you for living a perfect and holy life and for humbling yourself and accepting death on the cross so that we could be reconciled to god thank you for bringing us into god's family and loving us with a love that will never end you are worthy to be praised you are worthy our lord and god to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being we join with all creation and with the angels and archangels in singing your praises god help this child now to trust wholly in you to entrust their heart to you their feelings all of them good or bad to entrust their mind to you their thoughts all of them good or bad to entrust their bodies to you every part whether strong or weak help them to entrust their soul to you tonight knowing that you are good and that you are love that you are the trustworthy one hear our prayers lord and send your spirit to comfort and to guide may your grace flood this child's heart washing away any sins or troubles that still remain and refreshing them with living water and may the lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow just as our love for you overflows may he as a result make your heart strong blameless and holy as you stand before god our father when our lord jesus comes again with all his holy people amen help this child grow strong as they sleep strengthen their heart nourish their growth in holiness and enable them to stand before you in the power of your grace [Music] gracious god you rejoice over your children with singing and dancing you hear our prayers and you delight in answering them in showing your glory in our lives be present to your child now and always protect them through the hours of this night let them find rest and refreshment in you defend them from all perils or dangers as they sleep and wake them renewed and ready to live as the beloved of god we ask all this in the name of your precious son jesus who reigns with you and the holy spirit now and forever we will seek god for deliverance from overthinking as king david once said you lord perceive my thoughts from afar search me and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts let's seek the lord together asking him to test our anxious thoughts every single one of them and deliver us from the negative cycle of overthinking [Music] but before we get started please make yourself comfortable settle your head on the pillow pull the soft covers around you and breathe inhale and exhale allowing yourself to fully relax feel every muscle unwind feel the crease in your forehead relax and your jaw loosen feel the turning of your thoughts come to a halt as the gears of a machine slow down and eventually come to a full stop allow your mind to slow down gear by gear until all of your thoughts are fully settled in the lord rest peacefully in the stillness of god's presence feel the holy spirit drawing your attention to the things of god to the wonders of his love to his mercy to his peace breathe in [Music] and let it out feel the steady beat of your heart aligning with a heartbeat of god he is with you he loves you holy god we come to you in search of peace and soundness of mind we are weary of overthinking things we are worn out from negative thoughts circling around and around we are tired of stressing about things we cannot control oh how we need your calm presence and spirit of peace lord please touch the mind of this listener tonight and break the cycle of overthinking as a weak chain is pulled apart with ease please set them free from unwanted thought patterns turn their hearts and minds toward you your word your will your way these are the things we think of tonight as we find rest in your holy presence thank you god in the precious name of jesus amen now take one more deep breath in [Music] and let it out think only of jesus whisper his name jesus feel the turning of your mind come to a safe resting place of tranquility calmness and ease it is time to be delivered from constant thinking god is your deliverer rest in that truth for a few moments overthinking is a human tendency to dwell on the past fixate on the present or worry about the future but these thoughts do not deserve our time and attention overthinking can make us feel as though we are being pulled into a spiral of mental activity without any way to stop it perhaps you know exactly what i'm talking about but don't worry there is a clear peaceful solution to these destructive thought habits all it requires is to follow the words of paul to the corinthians when he said take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ please let me repeat that take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ imagine yourself with a large net that easily captures every wayward thought that enters your mind with a quick swoosh of the net you capture all negative thoughts before they get stuck in a cycle of overthinking as you catch them you're able to evaluate them and determine if they are worth your time and attention ultimately you're able to bring your thoughts into obedience to the lord you are able to release them to him catch and release every thought captive to christ jesus as you release every thought in obedience to the lord ask him to replace your thoughts with whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable and whatever is worthy of praise think about these things lord jesus help this beloved child finally be free from overthinking deliver them as only you can set them free from endless cycles of negative thinking and dwelling on things that aren't honorable settle their minds on truthfulness loveliness and holiness in your name amen being free from overthinking requires the simple practice of mindfully stepping down from the treadmill of revolving thoughts and getting in step with the holy spirit take god's hand as he leads you out of negative thinking and into a peaceful state of mind with him you find sanctuary from everything going on around you you are completely safe secure and shielded from unwanted thoughts rest in the sanctuary of his love it's going to be all right the lord knows all about what troubles you he knows your thoughts from afar there is peace here tonight be still in god's presence let his words of comfort wash over you replacing every turning thought be transformed by the renewal of your mind set your minds on things above set your mind on the spirit who is life and peace do not be anxious about anything let not your hearts be troubled there is no need to be troubled no need to think about things from the past no need to replay things in your mind your savior wants your mind to be set on him on the wonderful things he has done for you and the wonderful things he has yet to do he alone has done great things recall his favor on your life recount his promises spoken over you renew your mind on his purpose for his glory and your good lord god in the presence of your holiness and peace help this listener find rest tonight please lord calm their mind hush their soul and ease the troubles of their heart in the name of your son jesus i pray for complete deliverance from overthinking i pray for you to halt the constant activity in their mind and help them settle on one thing only your presence for it is in your presence we find true rest as you said to moses my presence will go with you and i will give you rest thank you god for being with this beloved child tonight thank you for drawing their attention to you and away from restless thoughts in you they find serenity stillness and peace of mind be with them lord through every hour in jesus holy name amen for so long you've wanted to be delivered from overthinking from dwelling on negative things from replaying conversations in your mind and from being fixated on certain situations now is the time for deliverance as john 8 32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free there is freedom in the truth of god allow the holy spirit to pattern your thoughts on jesus the way the truth and the life come to the father through jesus his son be set free from toxic thought patterns tonight remember john 16 13 that says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak hear him now words of truth and peace thoughts of clarity and assurance holy god we hear you now speaking words of truth and life into our souls all other thoughts are fading away as your spirit fills us with divine words of faith and trust please help this listener to hear you tonight help them hear your still small voice of comfort that says i am with you there is no need to think about those things anymore release them to me and find deliverance the transformative power of god's love casts out all fear you can trust him in all things be still and know that he is god trials may last through the night but his love endures forever cast all your cares upon him he cares deeply for you he is your protector deliverer and vindicator simply rest in god's goodness you belong to him you do not belong to your thoughts or to this world you belong to your father in heaven who is the wonderful counselor and mighty god like an eagle that hovers over its young so the lord spreads out his wings over you allow yourself to drift into a deep restorative sleep knowing you are safe under the shelter of god's wings heavenly father please grant this beloved child a very real sense of your presence so they can release overthinking to you i pray that you would pleasantly fill this child of yours with so much peace that every anxiety stress and worry will be replaced with thoughts that are lovely pure and good and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of jesus christ peace of god beyond understanding guard our hearts and minds turn our hope to you lord each and every time every thought captured in the net of your grace released into your care never ours to embrace delivered from the burden of dwelling on hurtful past delivered into your truth for eternity it will last lord god our mighty deliverer work as only you can in the life of this dear child tonight as they sleep cleanse their minds from every thought that isn't from you help them awake in the morning renewed by your spirit with a clear mind to discern every thought give them a sense of purpose to live with intentionality focusing on your will for their life teach them how to take every thought captive in obedience to your son help them make it such a practice that all overthinking will become a thing of the past be with them tonight every minute of every hour in jesus name amen the god of the universe is protecting you and taking care of you like a loving shepherd watching his sheep god will always provide for your every need you have no reason to worry long ago jesus told his followers do not be anxious about your life what you will eat or what you will drink but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness in today's story we'll travel two thousand years back in time to a judean hillside as jesus talks to his followers about worrying and about god's providence as you prepare for today's story get comfortable let your head sink slowly into the pillow stretch out your arms and legs and let your muscles relax if something's not right then simply pause the abide app and come back in a few moments finally choose your favorite background music on the app if you fall asleep during the story that's okay the app will stop on its own the god of peace is protecting you and providing for you lay your burdens before him rest in his promises join me as i pray for you dear father you are the creator of all that's good of love joy and peace but too often god we worry about the future we don't have peace in our lives because we're focused on what we don't know too often our eyes are not on you too often we're worried and anxious god we lay our troubles before you now help us trust you give us peace in the middle of trials in our lives and troubles around the world grant this child of yours a wonderful night's sleep and dreams about your kingdom it's in jesus name that i pray amen as you keep your eyes closed imagine walking through the countryside of judea in the days of christ it's a day far removed from our cluttered lives there are no cell phones no computers no video games no cars it's just you and god and his creation oh and a few hundred other followers of jesus you're one of those followers but it doesn't seem crowded everyone around you is patient and happy and full of cheer it's as if they've waited all their lives for this moment it's as if their people have waited centuries for this time in history no one's in a rush no one is pushy they're savoring every second a mother and her young son are in front of you laughing the boy he appears to be about five turns around and gives you an innocent wave you smile back near them is a short gray-haired elderly woman she asks the question everyone else is thinking is he the messiah no one answers but you've heard enough stories about jesus healing the sick and giving sight to the blind that you've already formed your opinion he claims to be god's son and you believe it at the head of the crowd is jesus himself surrounded by peter james and john and the other disciples [Music] he's led his followers to an area near the sea of galilee it's a beautiful day and you're enjoying the walk it's warm and mostly sunny with only a few white wispy clouds high overhead they're moving ever so slowly across the sky as if they too are hanging around and watching jesus wanting a glimpse of the messiah the warm sunshine massages your skin and a cool breeze off the sea of galilee ensures you don't get too hot the breeze carries with it a dozen earthy aromas water and dirt and freshwater fish and even the unmistakable scent of wildflowers from the nearby shore to your right you spot two fishermen in a small sailboat pulling their net up from the sea of galilee they've caught perhaps a dozen fish today and you watch as they carefully pluck each one from the webbing suddenly one of the fishermen looks in your general direction and motions to his friend who looks your way too you quickly realize that they're not looking at you but at jesus both men rush to the back of the boat and grab their paddles they hurriedly place them just under the surface of the water and begin rowing to shore they're wanting to see jesus and if they hurry they will up ahead on your path you spot a squirrel searching for food within the rocks it's cleaning its face oblivious to the crowd around it you hear a joyful child's voice commenting on the squirrel's bushy tail and furry ears all of a sudden the squirrel dashes away from you and toward the front of the crowd perhaps it's chasing an insect or maybe it's just like those fishermen and it wants to see jesus too a few minutes have passed and jesus has led everyone to a hill overlooking the sea of galilee it's filled with large and small boulders alike with green grass growing everywhere else please gather around he tells the crowd he's sitting halfway up the hill on a large flat rock underneath a tall juniper tree the hill is spacious enough to give everyone plenty of room just as important it's quiet enough so that anyone in the crowd can hear you find a small boulder to sit on to listen to jesus he's about seven long steps directly in front of you although the twelve disciples are the closest to jesus peter is sitting on a rock to your right he's laughing and talking to andrew his brother jesus is patient as everyone continues to find a place to sit an older woman sits down to your left in an empty spot of green grass she appears to be in her 60s and she begins chatting her husband she tells you is a farmer things have been tight lately during the drought her brow is filled with wrinkles she looks anxious it hasn't rained in days she says i'm worried she asks you if you think jesus is the messiah you smile at her and give an approving nod a hush quickly falls over the crowd jesus is speaking blessed are the poor in spirit he says for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you you are the salt of the earth but if salt has lost its taste how shall its saltiness be restored it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light to all in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven jesus has been speaking for about 15 minutes you're struck by his calm demeanor his knowledge of scripture his love for the people above all you're struck by his wisdom he's unlike any rabbi you've seen his words seem as if they're straight from god himself your mind begins drifting as you think about jesus role in your life a thousand questions swirl in your head if jesus is the messiah then what does that mean for your future what does it mean for your people is he the answer to every problem in your life is he god suddenly jesus looks straight at you and smiles he continues preaching but you think to yourself was he reading my mind did he know what i was thinking whatever the case you continue listening no one can serve two masters jesus says for you will hate one and love the other you will be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve both god and money that is why i tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds he says pointing to a few sparrows on the tree limbs above him you don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing [Music] how they grow jesus says pointing to the valley below they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon and all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today an hour has passed jesus has finished preaching he and his disciples are huddled together further up the hill about 20 paces from you straight ahead some of jesus followers have walked back to their villages others though are still gathered on the hillside in groups of two or three discussing this sermon on the mountain the elderly woman who sat to your left is one of those who has hung around she's smiling now her demeanor has radically changed she's no longer worrying she approaches you with tears of joy and shouts the lord will provide the lord will take care of us she points to the western horizon a storm is building a cool wind is blowing your direction much needed rain is on the way you look up at jesus and his followers who are also looking at the growing storm he briefly glances down at you and smiles tears of joy stream down your face as you recall jesus words look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need as we transition back to the present day let's meditate on jesus promise to his followers as you relax and fall asleep listen again to the words of christ i will pray for you throughout the passage remember god will provide for your every need jesus said do not worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food in your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing let me pray for you father your word tells us that we are more important than the birds of the air genesis even says we are the pinnacle of creation that's because we are made in your image you sent your son to earth to die for the sins of humanity we affirm your word i pray for peace for this child of god as they fall asleep jesus said look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs father god we know you care for your creation you are the master artist the birds of the air and the lilies of the field and the colorful wildflowers they're all just a small part of your masterpiece they don't plant or harvest or store food and yet you take care of them they're never worried or anxious and yet you always provide for them your word tells us you already know our every need we praise you for who you are promise keeper and provider we love you seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries today's trouble is enough for today father we lay our burdens before you and we thank you for everything you have given us i ask that you will grant this child of yours a wonderful night's sleep and pleasant dreams it's in christ's name that i pray amen listen once again to the comforting words of jesus the creator of the universe and the provider of everything you need that is why i tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or enough clothes to wear isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life and why worry about your clothing look at the lilies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if god cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you why do you have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs seek the kingdom of god above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need so don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring his own worries today's trouble is enough for today the savior of the universe is watching over you he's protecting you he'll provide for your every need you have no reason to worry he's taken care of you in the past and he'll take care of you in the future you are far more important to god than the birds of the air or the lilies of the field you are a child of the living god just as a loving mother or father takes care of a helpless infant god will take care of you trust in his promises rest in his peace let me pray for you dear father your word tells us that when we seek your kingdom first you will give us everything we need father we are seeking your kingdom we want to know you more we want to abide in your presence i ask that you will grant this precious child of yours pleasant dreams and a peaceful night's sleep help them to wake up refreshed ready to serve you another day it's in jesus name that i pray amen the apostle paul knew firsthand just how powerful the love of christ was for much of his life [Music] he found himself on the opposite side of grace he didn't affirm jesus as the messiah and opposed anyone who did for years and years he positioned himself against the followers of jesus but then one day [Music] everything changed no matter what your background is you can find hope in god you can be restored as a beloved child of god and spend all the rest of your days living in the reality that you are loved you are loved by god paul went on to write a number of letters to various groups of people who belong to the family of god in one of those letters he gives a reminder of god's great love romans 8 35 and 37-39 in the new living translation says can anyone ever separate us from christ's love does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loves us and i am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate us from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord god's love for you is irrevocably confirmed you could search the world from top to bottom and you would never find a single thing that could separate you from the love of god but sometimes it might feel like his love has left you it might feel like you've been left right now you might be desperate for a reminder that god's love will never fail imagine that you decided to go looking for evidence that god's love had left you like an explorer from days of old you pack up for an expedition surely god's love isn't always there you think so you grab a backpack from the closet and pat it down a few times to remove the dust smells musty after months untouched in the back of the closet unzip it to fill it with the necessities for a long trip you grab a compass from the shelf and put it in the bag next you add a map a water bottle snacks and a jacket grab a notebook and pen to keep track of the things you come across [Music] lace up your boots and prepare for the long journey ahead of you you head out the door and instantly feel the heat on your face warmth of the summer sun beats down on you but the promise that god's love is always there no matter what just seems too good to be true so this is a journey you must take you have to find out if the words of the apostle paul that nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god is really true so off you go you pull the map out of your musty backpack to see what your first stop will be when you unfold your map you find that your path has already been traced out you identify your spot on the map and find your first stop is trouble and calamity as you walk toward trouble and calamity you remember the struggles you encountered and the pain you endured did that mean god's love had run out but as you pass trouble and calamity looking at the various moments held here remember the ways that god was present in your pain despite all this overwhelming victory was ours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god as you leave trouble and calamity continue your journey under the bright hot sun you feel the exhaustion as you walk but you find the resolve to continue as you look to the map you see the next stop is persecution was it here that god's love ran out you wonder as you continue walking was it in the midst of hostility or ill treatment that you were separated from god's love though the pain of words spoken by those persecutors stung you remember the way god's love brought you comfort in the midst of the hurt despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god sweat drips down your forehead and your feet ache from the journey as you continue to walk you notice a breeze that begins to stir shaking the leaves of the trees that line that street you notice the petals of the trees blowing off and falling to the ground the breeze is a welcome reprieve but as you look to the sky notice the dark clouds moving in unable to turn back you carry on you pull the map out yet again and find the next stop is hunger and destitution you shove the map back into your pack questioning why you began this journey in the first place just as you begin to wonder if it was here that god's love left you you feel a raindrop on your face one drop quickly turns to many and you're now walking through the rain as the rain falls you remember the stress and strain during a season of hunger and destitution had god's love left you then is that why you struggled despite the struggle you remember the ways in which god provided he was near to you in the midst of your loss despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god your final stop is further down the way you walk the winding paths in the fading rain wondering if it's here that you will learn that god's love had left your final stop is danger and death you remember the moments where fear or anxiety were present and your suffering felt overwhelming yet even in the midst of danger and the threat of death you remember the nearness of god despite all this overwhelming victory was yours through christ who loves you his love hadn't left he was faithful even then you are loved by god tucking the map away in your pack turn back toward home through it all you are reminded of god's kindness and grace you have seen his faithfulness and feel the depth of his love convinced that nothing could ever separate you from god's love neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither your fears for today nor your worries for tomorrow not even the powers of hell can separate you from god's love no power in the sky above or in the earth below indeed nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord his love hasn't left he was faithful even in the pain you are loved by god [Music] i am loved i am loved i am loved by god may you rest tonight convinced that nothing can ever separate you from god's love no matter where your journey takes you nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from the love of god that is revealed in christ jesus our lord may god bless you as you sleep may you be filled with the comfort of his love and as it says in second corinthians 13 13 may the grace of the lord jesus christ the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all amen rest well in the presence of god tonight as you sleep remembering as you dream that you are deeply loved by god in first john chapter 3 in the message translation the apostle john writes these stunning words what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are you are called a child of god because of the great love that god expressed through jesus and because you are loved by the god of the universe you are most certainly precious you are precious in his sight imagine that you have been invited to the home of a dear friend for dinner when you arrive you park in a familiar spot under the big oak tree that hangs over the street you step out of the car and walk up the stone path toward the door admire the bright pink azalea and the soft yellow buttercup flowers that fill the garden in front of the porch you see the white jasmine mixed among the pink and yellow [Music] but you know the jasmine couldn't be missed with the strong lovely smell as you approach the front door you hear a stirring inside the door opens before you have a chance to knock and you are greeted by friends who are more like family as you walk inside hugging them tightly you see the joy on your friend's face [Music] as you know she has something to tell you she leads you into the living room where you notice a hutch that has been arranged differently than the last time you were over for dinner you notice something on the hutch illuminated with a backlight on the center shelf as you walk closer you see an incredible elegant vase the cobalt blue and rich gold stands out against the emerald green and rich burgundy the floral design is regal yet simple it's beautiful it's ornate and it's treated with such care because of just how very precious and special the vase is you learn that your friend inherited this precious heirloom it has been passed from generation to generation and now it's hers she tells you how special this piece has been to her family for so many years and you begin to understand the elaborate setup on the hutch what else could you do with something so special something that has been beloved and dear for generations ought to be treasured and treated with great care yet a vase a simple piece of decor no matter how antique and special pales in comparison to how incredibly precious you are in god's eyes you are precious in his sight but marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are god's love for you did not settle with salvation though that would have been enough even more than that he delighted to call you his child and like a good good parent he looks on his children as the most precious things in all the world you are precious in his sight you walk away from the hutch with your friend who leads you to the sofa just a few feet away as you sit down you glance back at the vase and imagine what it would be like to be as cherished and protected as that to be cherished in a way that sets you apart and shines light on your unique nature to be set on a platform simply because your great worth leads others to notice that something is different [Music] what makes you different is that you are a child of god your accomplishments and rewards don't make you valuable you are precious because you are a child of god his love changes everything you are precious in his sight it may seem simply unbelievable you could ever be that cherished you may scoff at the very thought of being highlighted or set apart and looked at and yet the joy of christ making you new is that you are truly undeniably so incredibly loved you are cherished by god who calls you his child you are set apart in like the vase with the light shining upon it so that the light of christ shines in you jesus once said you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden [Music] let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven in christ god has restored and renewed you [Music] because of the love he has because you are so precious he made a way for you to be his and when god redeemed you in christ he did not just redeem you from your sins [Music] he made you his child he brought you into his family with all the rights and privileges of a child the ornate elaborate vase that you admired in your friend's living room is an heirloom that is indeed special but even more precious than an heirloom you his child are an heir just a thing that is passed on from one to another you are in the very lineage of god's royal family you are precious in his sight what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are and all the noise of a busy bustling confusing world may you find rest in your identity as a child of the most high god may you see yourself with more value than an heirloom positioned with honor on a shelf may you see yourself as one beloved by god you are precious in his sight you are so very precious in his sight as you fall asleep tonight may the truths of god's word the reminder of his great love for you allow you to sleep in peace you are more precious to god than any earthly possession that you prize more precious than any jewel may you find rest deeply in god's loving arms receive this benediction from romans 15 13. may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope you are precious in his sight may your dreams be sweet and may you wake in the morning reminded of his great love in first john chapter 3 in the message translation the apostle john writes these stunning words what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are you are called a child of god because of the great love that god expressed through jesus and because you are loved by the god of the universe you are most certainly precious you are precious in his sight imagine that you have been invited to the home of a dear friend for dinner when you arrive you park in a familiar spot under the big oak tree that hangs over the street you step out of the car and walk up the stone path toward the door admire the bright pink azalea and the soft yellow buttercup flowers that fill the garden in front of the porch you see the white jasmine mixed among the pink and yellow [Music] but you know the jasmine couldn't be missed with the strong lovely smell as you approach the front door you hear a stirring inside the door opens before you have a chance to knock and you are greeted by friends who are more like family as you walk inside hugging them tightly you see the joy on your friend's face as you know she has something to tell you [Music] she leads you into the living room where you notice a hutch that has been arranged differently than the last time you were over for dinner you notice something on the hutch illuminated with a back light on the center shelf as you walk closer you see an incredible elegant vase the cobalt blue and rich gold stands out against the emerald green and rich burgundy the floral design is regal yet simple it's beautiful it's ornate [Music] and it's treated with such care because of just how very precious and special the vase is you learn that your friend inherited this precious heirloom it has been passed from generation to generation and now it's hers she tells you how special this piece has been to her family for so many years and you begin to understand the elaborate setup on the hutch what else could you do with something so special something that has been beloved and dear for generations ought to be treasured and treated with great care yet a vase a simple piece of decor no matter how antique and special pales in comparison to how incredibly precious you are in god's eyes you are precious in his sight but marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are god's love for you did not settle with salvation though that would have been enough even more than that he delighted to call you his child and like a good good parent he looks on his children as the most precious things in all the world you are precious in his sight you walk away from the hutch with your friend who leads you to the sofa just a few feet away as you sit down you glance back at the vase and imagine what it would be like to be as cherished and protected as that to be cherished in a way that sets you apart and shines light on your unique nature to be set on a platform simply because your great worth leads others to notice that something is different what makes you different is that you are a child of god your accomplishments and rewards don't make you valuable you are precious because you are a child of god his love changes everything you are precious in his sight it may seem simply unbelievable [Music] you could ever be that cherished you may scoff at the very thought of being highlighted or set apart and looked at and yet the joy of christ making you new is that you are truly undeniably so incredibly loved you are cherished by god who calls you his child you are set apart in like the vase with the light shining upon it so that the light of christ shines in you jesus once said you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven in christ god has restored and renewed you because of the love he has because you are so precious he made a way for you to be his and when god redeemed you in christ he did not just redeem you from your sins he made you his child he brought you into his family with all the rights and privileges of a child the ornate elaborate vase that you admired in your friend's living room is an heirloom that is indeed special but even more precious than an heirloom you his child are an heir not just a thing that is passed on from one to another you are in the very lineage of god's royal family you are precious in his sight what marvelous love the father has extended to us just look at it we're called children of god that's who we really are and all the noise of a busy bustling confusing world may you find rest in your identity as a child of the most high god may you see yourself with more value than an heirloom positioned with honor on a shelf may you see yourself as one beloved by god you are precious in his sight you are so very precious in his sight as you fall asleep tonight may the truths of god's word the reminder of his great love for you allow you to sleep in peace you are more precious to god than any earthly possession that you prize more precious than any jewel may you find rest deeply in god's loving arms receive this benediction from romans 15 13. may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the holy spirit you may abound in hope you are precious in his sight may your dreams be sweet and may you wake in the morning reminded of his great love i feel like when i listen to the sleep meditations that i have a friend next to me [Music] you
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 31,234
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: floating relaxation, deep sleep, calm your mind, calm mind, sleep, calm, mind, sleep relaxation, sleep meditation, meditation for sleep, guided meditation sleep, meditation, insomnia, can't sleep, floating, overthinking, anxiety, sleep music, music sleep, guided meditation, relaxation, Christian meditation, guided meditation for sleep, Let go of stress, fall asleep, Bible verses for sleep, Alone with God, Be Still, Bible sleep Talk Down, Let go of fear, Fall asleep fast, wind down
Id: RRdh2zdoZNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 1sec (11221 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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