Calling things into Existence

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well we've been on a series the last few weeks talking about faith we've called this series manifests breakthrough and the reason we call it manifest breakthrough is when you go home today you don't have to break into your house do you why it belongs to you it's your house it's where you live you have keys you have access right and the kingdom of God is the same way you're not trying to convince God you're not having to break through to get something all the blessings of God already belong to you well somebody said well why if all the blessings of God already belong to me why am I not experiencing them in this area or that area that's what faith does it receives what Jesus has already paid for in his death his burial and his resurrection he did the heavy heavy lifting and so now we get to receive freely with what he provided for us to have isn't that great news so faith is not like moving into works and trying to work our way into something that's not what faith is faith is knowing what belongs to you and freely receiving it and it's easy everybody say it's easy it is easy and just quickly reviewing the main points that we've covered so far number one faith is being fully persuaded to the point of confident expectation quick question how many of you believe that God is faithful to perform his promises what he said he'll do how many of you believe that okay how many of you can say glory to God then you have strong faith that's what Abraham did he believed what God said and he said glory to God if you can do those two things you've got enough faith to receive all the promises of God isn't that easy and isn't that great news I like easy things I like easy things number two faith takes and possesses the promises of God now so you're not going to get saved someday you're not going to get healed someday you've got to decide today is the day that I'm going to receive my healing today's the day that I'm going to confess Jesus as my Lord and when you do that today is the day that it happens and you receive it so faith doesn't wait faith goes to taking things now faith is not passive faith is proactive can you say I'll take it let's try that again I'll take it that's it that's now somebody somebody you know people get into this idea that well you're being greedy no it's not greedy to take what belongs to you it's not greedy what jessica plan has told this story and I loved it I think I haven't shared it a few weeks back how Jesse Duplantis walked into this store as a disney store and he just loved what he saw and loved all the kids there and he just went up to the cash register and said I'm just buying everything in the store it's all sold every single item I'm buying it now and then he made an announcement to the kids go ahead and take whatever you want it's already paid for is it greedy to take when it's already been paid for no God wants you to have it he wants you to have his blessing so much he already paid for him matter of fact if we don't receive what Jesus paid for for us his blood was shed in vain and I don't want one drop of the blood of Jesus to be shed in vain for me or this church I want every one of you walking and everything he paid for because you're going to be real happy and you're gonna be really good advertising everybody's going to want to find out about this Good Shepherd that we serve right the next thing is number three we're moving right along here I'm going to get to my message the strength of faith is contingent on two things the promise of God and the integrity of the one who made the promise you know you could go up to an atheist and quote a promise of God's Word and they would laugh why they don't know the author and they don't know his integrity but for us who know him and know how good he is and how faithful and how he watches over his word to perform it you can take every promise of God to the bank amen the promise of God and the character of God and then we found out that the faith of God works in faith originates in the heart and is a product of what you give your attention to so we have a choice of what we meditate on what we ponder what we think we have we can spend time reading God's Word meditating on God's Word putting the word on the inside of us and we do that faith activates in our heart and the word of faith Paul said the word of faith with which we preach is in your mouth and in your heart what's that mean at first it gets in your heart by meditating and then it comes out of your mouth and you decree what God has promised you because the promises get on the inside and your mouth is the overflow of what's in the heart anytime you have think you have a mouth problem you don't have a mouth problem you actually have a heart problem right if you're saying the wrong things out of your mouth it's just a reflection the the speech is a reflection of the heart right and so if we find ourselves saying the wrong things we just need to change the input and the Bible says we can store up treasure in our heart and we can decree a thing and it will be established so the god-kind of faith' works in the heart and you can have doubt in your mind but the faith of God still work for you in your heart isn't that good news your head your your heart will go places your head can't follow amen at times it's like your head will go what and raise the dead but your heart will go yeah you can raise the dead right okay that brings us to today and I believe today's message is one of those message that could cause you to miss an early death this is a message that can get your body healed this is a message that will cause your life to turn around 180 degrees if you get ahold of what's being released today amen and this is the fifth point faith calls into existence the things that do not exist faith calls into existence can you say this at your mouth face the faith calls into existence the things that do not exist now you may wonder well how on earth are you going to call things into existence that do not exist well it's real simple scientists have discovered finally took them a long long time to catch up with God that's usually how it works right they've discovered that the building blocks of all matter and every everything that we see is made of molecules and then they discover the molecules are made of atoms and then they discover the atoms are made of protons neutrons and electrons and then they discover those protons neutrons and electrons are made of quarks and to the best that they can discover from there there is a unified theory that says that that matter responds to the voice and that the sound waves are involved in creation and string theory and it's all tied together so that God spoke and here comes quarks and protons neutrons and electrons and atoms and molecules and everything that you see so that what was made was made of things which you cannot see and then God invites you and me into this process and says hey guys imitate me Jesus said it this way have the faith of God so we're going to look at this today this may be something that you're unfamiliar with but you're already doing this all the time in your life in the natural realm you just need to learn to do it in the spiritual realm and it will revolutionize the results you get in your life I'm telling you this is a way to call the things in your life that you want in your life that God has promised in his word and he's made some awesome promises so let's get this in the Word of God Romans chapter 4 verse 17 will be our theme scripture for the day although it's likely we may cover some other scriptures if you've been here very long Romans 4:17 says as it is written I have made you a father of many nations now let's stop for a second God is speaking to Abraham right he said I've made you a father of many nations this is a promise made in the book of Genesis to Abraham and God said I've made you a father of many nations when Abraham had no kids zero so God was calling the thing which be not as though it already were as though it already had happened isn't that interesting so let's go on and read this as is written I have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him whom he believed God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did God calls things that do not exist as though they did this is God's method of you releasing heaven on earth this is how Christians are supposed to release heaven on earth you may have never heard this today all I ask is that you listen to the Word of God and hear me out because I have experienced this in my life and I've seen the results of it and it works and it we see God doing it we see Jesus doing it we see the Apostles doing it you're already doing it in your natural life bring it into your supernatural life the erv translation says God speaks of things that don't yet exist as if they are real the ESV says he calls into existence the things that do not exist the Moffatt translation he's a God who calls into being what does not exist finally the Youngs literal says and is calling the things that be not as being okay so reading this passage we we learn a couple of things here number one God is against death we know that right death is an enemy he calls the dead things to life doesn't he Jesus messed up every funeral he attended and everybody who is dead came back to life didn't they he's like you're not going to die around me I'm gonna raise you from the dead every single time so he messed up every funeral he went to God is against death now what does that mean God is against death in any area of your life if there's anything of your life now if there's any area of your life what would death look like maybe there's an area of your life where healing hasn't come into your physical body maybe there's a financial problem in your life where it looks like your finances are dying or they're not they're not thriving and succeeding it could be any area of your life that doesn't look like heaven God want is he wants it to change but he's given you the our to change it he's given you the power isn't that great news number two God calls those things which do not exist as though they did and so we're going to talk about that so faith is exercising your spiritual authority in the Covenant promises of God to change your surroundings and circumstances by decrees of faith if it's a natural temporal thing it is subject to change second Corinthians 4 talks about while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are unseen for the things which are seen are temporal which means subject to change but the things which are not seen are eternal now all of us live in the realm of the five physical senses our whole life and so we get the idea that our five physical senses what we can see in taste and touch and smell and all these different things and feel all these things that's the real things and here but listen the Bible says that's not the realist that's not a good word but that's not what reality really is right because everything you can see was made from a more powerful realm the realm of the kingdom of God the spirit realm and is subject to the authority and power of that realm and Jesus said I'm handing you the keys of the kingdom of God to unlock and release heaven on earth and change your life change your circumstances this is so awesome because the Bible says verily verily I say unto you whosoever shall say into this mountain be thou removed be thou cast on sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he say saith or says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith mark 11:23 and I read that and I start thinking this whosoever whatsoever whosoever whatsoever the faith of God will work for any one it'll work for any person it doesn't matter if you're high IQ or low IQ it doesn't matter your background it doesn't matter where you came from it doesn't matter what part of the city you live in there's nobody that can stop you the faith of God will work for whosoever are you a whosoever then it will work for you but not only that the faith of God will work on whatsoever it'll work on anything it doesn't matter if it's a natural thing if it's a thing that you can percieve with your five physical sit senses it'll work on it it'll change it it'll transform it the faith of God will work for anybody and it'll work for anything and it's available to you right now today isn't that good news I am thankful that God and market when when when they asked how Jesus how how he cursed the fig tree that he said oh that was the deity trick that I learned with the father and eternity past and don't try this at home it's not for for you he's you just did you just learn to suffer through whatever you're going through that's not what he said he said hey guys come here let me show you how this kingdom works let me show you what I just did and I invite you to do what I did because you can do it it'll work for anybody and to work on anything glory to God amen hallelujah Romans 4:17 even God who quickens the dead and calls those things which be not as though they were calls those things faith calls things faith calls things so we're going to talk about this so we are not to be like a thermometer we've got three thermometers and thermostats in this room now some people themself that they're gifted to detect the atmosphere and what's going on that's nice that you can do that and and that's part of our spiritual gifting and that's available to a believer to have a level of discernment and perception to perceive what's going on around you in the atmosphere but that's not that that isn't where you should stop because God hasn't called you to be a thermometer he's called you to be a thermostat see the thermostat has something called a goal setter what is that well if it's 65 degrees in here and we want it to be 72 degrees we set the goal setter for 72 degrees and we call for 72 degrees which delivers the heat until the temperature rises from 65 to 72 degrees we don't call it as the wayy as we call it as we want it to be right in your life don't accept what is if it is contrary to what is available from the redemption of Christ Jesus and if it doesn't look like heaven don't accept it start calling for what you want it to be based on God's promise and there are so many promises that cover every area of life there's nothing left out nothing God's got a promise for everywhere everything right so faith calls for what it desires based on the promises of God jesus said what several things you desire what sort of things you desire when you pray believe that you take them and you shall have them notice he said the word desire and yet so many people think God is moved by need God says what is the desire of your heart and it doesn't line up with the word of God when you have holy desires and there's promises of God that backed them up Jesus is telling us go after that if you have a passion to see people's bodies healed go after that desire if you have a desire to prosper and be successful so you can be a blessing and bless your family and be a blessing to the kingdom of God go after that right don't love money but use my in the service of the kingdom of God make it obey you make it serve you how do you make money serve you by giving that's part of what the tide does when you take the time out of whatever you get you're making that money serve you it could have been drug money and don't be a drug dealer I'm not saying that but it doesn't matter the history of the money as soon as you take it and you tais on it and you say God everything I have belongs to you and you can recall it at any point do whatever you want with it when you live like that God can trust you with some things amen because your heart isn't wrapped up in things it's wrapped up in God and how can I get the gospel out that's your priority right that's our priority as God blesses us but God gives us the power to call things that be not as though they were amen 2nd Peter 1:4 says by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises write that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust now we have been think of the promises of God all the promises of his word they're exceedingly great they're precious they're valuable they're more valuable than silver or gold or diamonds or anything like that they're the most valuable thing is the promises of God right now his promises think about this they're Almighty they're omnipotent promises why because his promises will release his kingdom to overshadow whatever is going on in your life right in 2009 I crashed my motorcycle and broke my wrist pretty bad and I didn't have a great plan in place I just said he forgives all my iniquities and heals all my diseases and I spent a few hours just muttering he heals all my diseases he heals all my diseases he heals all my disease and within 24 hours a miracle taking place in my wrist I received prayer that I broke it on Saturday on Sunday morning I received prayer I didn't need the surgery and I didn't have to wear a cast that's a good deal isn't it and that's available for all of us how did that happen real simple faith comes by hearing I took the word of God the promise I needed I began to meditate on it and mutter and faith got in my heart and then I received anointed prayer and isn't it wonderful that faith is a team sport there's a paralyzed guy and they couldn't get into the meeting with Jesus and so they ripped a hole in the roof about they thought well they looked in the door but they couldn't get to Jesus say that he's about fifty feet up there so they kind up on the roof four guys with this guy on his on his bed on his couch paralyzed they took the chains they walked up about 50 feet forward cut a hole in the roof and lowered the guy down in front of Jesus and he says man your sins be forgiven you and all the Pharisees flip their wig because who can forgive sins but God and then of course Jesus released the kingdom and he got healed and said aha right what's the point faith is a team sport everybody needs four crazy friends who know how to believe God with him amen it's it's not just your faith if you surround yourself with the right people you'll never have to go to lone you'll have people holding you up you'll have people strengthening you and releasing their faith with you to receive from heaven right isn't that a blessing to have covenant relationships like that they're precious and they're priceless but we have omnipotent promises from God Almighty promises from God they're absolutely unstoppable Genesis 13 14 this is about Abraham and it says the Lord said to Abram after lauded separated from him lift up now and look from the place where you are north south east and west for all the land which you see I will give you and your descendants forever now this is a faith principle you can have whatever you see you can let me qualify this see Abraham's promise lien was a physical land that he went up on a mountain and looked out and that was his promised land it was a physical promised land your promised land and my promised land are the new covenant promises of healing of salvation of deliverance of joy of prosperity a piece of fruitfulness of destiny and purpose and an abundant life that is our promised land those are the problem whichever one of those promises that you see you can have because God's already said you could have it he's already given you the green light we're not trying to twist the look I don't have enough faith to convince God to do anything I don't have to he's already got promises of his word now Joshua he talked the Lord into you know stopping the universe so he could keep whipping somebody right that's pretty awesome but hey I do have enough front I do have enough faith to look into the promises of God that I need for my life for this ministry and for what God wants to do and believe those promises in mixed faith and receive from heaven how about you you can do the same thing can't you so God was actually showing Abraham because he right before this God Abraham had said to God Lord what will you give it give me seeing I go childless now God had already promised Abraham that he'd be the father of many nations but Abraham gave his belief system away in that statement didn't he he said seeing I go childless what was he believing he was believing sight he was believing what he could see with his eyes I don't see any child so I'm childless instead of seeing what God said and so God said I'm gonna work with Abraham he can't go to Romans 10:17 and find out faith comes by hearing he can't go to James and find out releasing your he doesn't have all these scriptures I got to work with this guy and I'm going to make him a prototype of forerunner of every Christian a father for every Christian that ever comes after that right that's you and me Abraham is our Father right amen and so God says Abraham it's nighttime go outside look up can you Number the Stars Abraham's like no gods like so shall your seed be takes him out in the daytime to the beach hey Abraham look at the sand to the shore can you count the sand of the shore nope so shall your seed be so God begin to give visual images to Abraham to stimulate his faith so he could see an example of what God was going to do and the promise of God before him in his life because words transmit images don't they if I say the word kangaroo you're thinking of Australia and one of those big rats with a pouch right if I think of hippo you might be thinking of that game hungry hungry hippo in order that I'm thinking of something else a video that Levi showed me one time that I don't want to see talk about that here today and then zebra what do you think about the stripes right zebra stripes so words actually transmit images part of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit is to inspire hope in you the Bible says in Romans 15:13 now may the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit did you know when you are worshiping and spending time with God and praying you can see visions and you'll see visions of your future in your in your in your sanctified imagination so your imagination is not of the devil God made your imagination and your your your imagination becomes a projector screen of the promise of God in other words you meditate on the promise and you see it in your imagination what would it look like if I was prosperous what would it look like if I can't walk I'm walking again right what if what would it look like if I'm blind what would it be like to see all these things you go through and you begin to meditate on the Word of God and the promise of God and they create an image on the inside of your st. of your imagination and you begin to see the promises of God and the Bible principle is whatever you see you can have that's the power of the word when you meditate on it you get it on the inside and you can see it on the inside and once you can see it on the inside glory to God you can decree it and you're going to see it on the outside amen thank you Jesus so God told Abraham look at the Stars look at the sand and then job 22:28 says this you will declare a thing you will also declare a thing and it will be established for you so light will shine on your ways you're a king right mm-hmm according to the book of Romans chapter five and verse 17 we are kings right according to Revelation chapter one we're kings and priests Kings decree things right because they have absolute sovereign authority in their territory in their life right they have the power to decrease make a decree and change their Kingdom the place they live the realm they exist in you have the power part of the place that you have authority over is your physical body you have authority of your physical body to speak and decree a thing over your body to speak and decree healing and divine health and drive sickness out of your body right that's one of the areas here's one of the things that Christians do is they call things that be as though they be they call the thing that already is what would that look like well if you're sick that would look like why I'm sick well I'm sick I'm sick what are you doing you're calling the thing that you're not calling the thing which be not as though they were you're calling the thing which be as though it be but yeah I'm sick now here's here's something to understand faith does not deny fat so some people trying to approach faith like this I'm not sick I'm not sick I'm not sick if you've got a fever and you're sick and you say I'm not sick you're actually just lying you're not exercising faith now you could say this I command these lying symptoms of sickness and disease get out of my body in the name of jesus and i reaiiy loose healing in my physical body from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and divine health and I refuse to prevent sickness and disease in my life now that's a good prayer that's a prayer of you exercising authority to kick out what doesn't belong to you and to release heaven into your body right that's that's that's what we're to do and so don't declare how it is but declare it how you want it to be let's see here that this is see I told you guys earlier everybody already does this right everybody does this so let's let's illustrate this for a moment let's say you have a big big backyard you live out on a farm and you have a lot of acres and you have a dog out on the farm somewhere in the backyard so you walk outside it's time to feed the dog and you walk out and you set the food down and you look around and you say the dogs not here the dogs not here the dogs not here the dogs not here do you do that the big a little silly wouldn't it the dogs not here the dogs not here the dogs not here your neighbor walks over and says what are you doing but dogs not here I just call it like I see it the dogs not here the dogs not here the dogs not here right you could say the dogs gone the dogs gone the dogs gone and that would be the doggone truth right now God doesn't want us it doesn't do any good to call it out as it is if you're broke it doesn't do any good to say I'm broke you already are broke it's obvious that doesn't help you right no what you need to do is call for what you want so what do you do with the dog everybody already does this the dogs not here so what do you do here dog right and whatever your dog's name is you call for your dog you call for what you want you don't call it as it is you call it as you want it everybody does this right so faith and then faith doesn't lie about it and say the dogs here when the dog is not here the dogs here and the dogs not there now you call for what you want faith calls for what you want to be you're calling something into existence to wipe out what art exists that you want to eliminate so if there's sickness in your body you're calling healing into existence because you have the power to do that right and so you're calling you're calling things and you're not calling it as it is you're calling it as you want it to be so you're calling things into existence you have the power to do this I have the power to do this right you know does God do this well there was a day that we read about in Genesis chapter 1 before they're actually days before there was time space or matter when God stood on the brink of nothing in the middle of of aching void and he didn't say there's nothing here there's nothing here there's nothing here he didn't call it like it was did he he called what he wanted he called for light and what happened there was light he was showing us how this works call for what you want don't call it as it is call for what you want you have the power to call things and change things right now where's this in the Bible there's another example this is in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 says this for you see your calling brethren this is a good scripture that not many wise according to the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called everybody say Amen he's talking about me ha ha ha that's a good humbling verse isn't it verse 27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen and the things which are not bring the nothing to things that are you know there's a lot of people that despise the message of faith that I'm preaching today here's why they despise it because as soon as you talk about this it eliminates no-fault religion what is no-fault religion that's where we can just say we don't understand why that happened it's just the sovereignty of God God's a big God he does whatever he wants and that that's just the way it is and praise God now here's the thing about that there are things that all of us will experience in life that are difficult that are that are troubling and they'll even be times maybe you exercise your faith to the best of your degree and you didn't get the result that you hoped would happen maybe for somebody else I've prayed for people and and it didn't turn out the way I've wanted it I've decreed and spoke and spent hours in prayer and and releasing the kingdom of God and still see at times the seen the result that I wanted didn't happen you know what I do with that stuff I take it and I put it in the cloud because if I focus on what hasn't happened I'll stop my faith and it stopped the kingdom of God in its tracks but what I do is I focus on all the good results that have happened I focus on the miracles that have happened the resurrections that have happened the salvations that have that have happened right I focus on that that's how I encourage myself and that's how I I keep moving forward in the kingdom of God right but he says God has chosen and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen and the things which are not what are the things they're not the things that don't exist that you can't see to bring to nothing the things that are so that means there's something you can see in the visible realm and God says there's something in the unseen realm that you can call into existence because it really does exist already in the unseen realm right and it will change the seen realm now think about this in Scripture do you remember when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt and they're on the banks of the Red Sea and it looks like they're toast the Egyptian army is coming up behind them done what are they going to do they're going to all get slaughtered right and God says Moses stretch out your rod over the sea and guess what his rod released spiritual power question what was more powerful the two billion pounds of water or the spiritual power the spiritual power moved over 2 billion pounds of water I did the math on at one time it's over 2 billion pounds of water that were moved out of the way for the children of Israel to walk right through the Red Sea right 2 billion pounds so we look at like an ocean and go nothing could move that ocean no God's power can change anything and the lights won't blink in heaven come on oh my gosh how we going to do that he won't even who only happens there like flexes his pinky you know it'll be like nothing there's nothing that we do or say a release with all of our faith that is difficult for heaven to receive right or having to bring the pass so the things that that are our the observable reality in your life and mine that's the things that our God uses things which are not things which are currently unobservable to bring to nothing things which currently are so we're getting this method right this is God's method of releasing faith so this means that things which are unseen have power to change the scene regardless of the current conditions the unseen kingdom of God the realm of the Spirit God's power has power to change anything that's in the natural it doesn't matter if it's called heart disease it doesn't matter if it's called cancer it doesn't matter what its name is if it has a name there's a name above it the name of Jesus right so maybe in your life right now something exists which is contrary to the word will and promise of God that would probably be just about everybody in this room that there's something you're in the process of eliminating and moving out of your life that the enemies tried to put in there right somewhere somehow it could be sickness it could be paying it could be defeat hopelessness depression poverty unfruitful labor you know what it is the Bible calls these things mountains doesn't it but we can move mountains can't we so God uses faith in his promises believed in the heart of man and decreed and acted on to bring supernatural change and transformation to make your life look like heaven on earth his he wants your life and mind to literally look like heaven on earth that's his will so we never move the bar of the will of God based on our personal experience or lack thereof do we that's a grave mistake that some Christians make they try and interpret the will of God based on their personal experience the will of God is not subject to my personal experience the will of God is forever settled in heaven and what His Word says and what heaven looks like that is his will matter of fact if you really want to find out what the will of God is read Genesis 1 Genesis to Revelation 21 and revelation 22 and in between are eleven hundred and eighty five chapters were sinned bad decisions the devil demons and other things have affected and corrupted the ultimate will of God when you look at those four chapters you'll really see God's will and its really really better than you and I can ask think or even imagine amen praise God if you need healing you take a promise of God on healing and you meditate on it he forgives all my diseases he heals all my sicknesses and if he gives all my disease if it gives all my sins and heals all my diseases and you start meditating on it faith comes into your heart then you begin to decree healing I decree when my wrist was broken i decree healing into my wrist i decree the bones are going back together i decree that i will not have to have the surgery because i'm healed by the power of god amen you begin to decree something decree it and it will happen amen and there was a time that I wanted a business and so I saw that I needed some money to have this business and so I asked Holy Spirit what is you know what seed do I need to sow and I felt like I needed to break a barrier in my sewing so I sewed a bigger seed than I'd ever sowed and you know faith is specific it's very specific faith is that you can't operate in faith and and be real general and vague God is not a general and vague God one time David Young he choked pastors the biggest church in the world prayed for a bike and a desk he wanted to bike in a desk and he prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and decreed that he had a bike in a desk but nothing was happening and then he went to the Lord and said Lord what's going on why are you not giving me the bike in the desk you know these are things I need for the ministry and the Lord's like you weren't specific what kind of bike do you want what kind of deaths do you want and so he said okay I got it I see where I missed it I wasn't specific I wasn't specific so he went he said I want this type of bike and I wanted to be this color and I want this desk that's got this type of wood and I want it to be so-and-so and he got super specific almost immediately the desk and the bike just arrived into his life he didn't buy him they were given to him they came into his life exactly what he was looking for because he was specific God taught me about being specific several different times but one of the times was when I wanted a printing company he he dealt with me to sell an eleven hundred dollars seed and I did that and then the the finances came in to get this business and a few weeks later I was praying up at the church on Saturday night just laying on the ultra praying for the service tomorrow and he said hey you never calculated the revenue stream on that lease to get that equipment that I you know that I did this miracle for you that's like okay I didn't know why he was that he was talking to me about it so I got the lease document out and I added the payments times the the monthly payment times the number of months and I found out it came out to exactly 100 times what I'd sowed I'd sowed $1100 seed and I got $110,000 harvest finances so here's the thing listen God's kingdom is very specific and exact it's not vague it's not vague and this is a mistake we can make and receiving from God when we're veg and not specific right so be specific in your believing be specific and what you're when the blueprint of your faith is what you're believing God for you know it wouldn't hurt you to write down what you're believing God for I'm believing God you know if you're believing for a spouse I'm bleeding for a spouse that loves Jesus this sold-out filled with the Holy Ghost right I guess filled with the Holy Ghost amen loves Jesus has a passion for God has a passion for the local church has a passion for missions whatever it is you write those things down and you begin to say thank you Lord for my spouse that has all these and beautiful or handsome don't leave that out right amen amen glory to God so let's wrap this up I know it's getting late do we ever see Jesus or the father ever operating this the answer would be yes all the time all the time when okay let's talk about the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee they ran out of wine Jesus says hey go fill the waterpots the wine pots and film with water to the Brin brim right and they did it they said now draw out and take it to the governor of the feast wait a minute it's you're supposed to drink wine at the wedding not water right but no he was taking him water but he was calling the water wine and when the governor of the feast drank it what was it it was wine wasn't it first miracle Jesus what about the Pool of Bethesda the man at the Pool of Bethesda he's he's sick he been there 37 years can't get healed somebody gets in the water when the angel troubles it he can't get there Jesus comes up says rise take up your bed and walk what did Jesus call him he just called him healed if you're paralyzed you can't get up and walk Jesus said rise take up your bed and walk he was calling the sick healed wasn't he he was calling the sick what about the man with the withered hand and the Pharisees were getting mad at him because he was going to heal on the Sabbath and this guy has this withered hand and he can't stretch forth his hand and Jesus says stretch forth your hand you can't stretch forth your hand if it's withered it's impossible what was Jesus doing he was calling for the healing and his hand came forth what about the woman with the spirit of infirmity that was bowed over and couldn't raise herself up Jesus said woman you are loosed from your infirmity some said he lied because she wasn't not until he walked over and laid his hands on her then she was made straight he was calling for the healing before it even happened he was calling those things which be not as though they were we can go over and over and over through the scriptures all through the scriptures right I want to finish with this I'm not going to read the verses for times sake when God wanted Abraham to operate in faith and have his Isaac and become the father of many nations Abraham had that promise for 724 years with absolutely no fruit no manifestation no results whatsoever but God said he can't read Romans chapter 10 verse 17 he can't read about faith in Romans chapter 4 about his story you and I can he couldn't so God said I'm going to do something I'm going to manipulate the situation for the desired outcome and I'm going to teach him something God appears to Abraham says your name is not Abram anymore it's Abraham instead of exalted father your new name is father of many nations Abraham is okay that's my new name and so what happens he has 318 hired servants and every day they're like hey somebody just gave you a thousand more camels where we put them father of many nations hey there's more gold that just came in where do we put the gold father of many nations the other the other storehouses are overflowing and and everyday all day long he's hearing his new identity meditated into his spirit father of many nations father of many nations father of many nations and what happens within two months two and a half months hallelujah Sarah's pregnant with Isaac what couldn't happen for 24 years even though the promise was in place when Abraham began to meditate on the promise and shift his identity and believe in what God said the promise came to pass well I will finish with this story this is a Zachariah at Elizabeth and Zachariah is doing his sacrifice in the temple was his turn to sacrifice and an angel appears to him now Zechariah is very old his wife's very old they haven't had kids they're barren right and all of a sudden an angel appears to him and said you're highly blessed and highly favored and God is going to do a miracle in your old age you're going to have a son you're going to have John is going to be his name John the spirit-filled Baptist hahahaha I'd said to slip that in because he's spirit-filled from his mother's womb so he was a spirit-filled Baptist hahaha I've just had a little fun there but anyway so this angel I am great Gabriel Gabriel stands before John the Baptist stands before him and gives him this message right and says you're going to have a son as Zechariah's like oh how I know this what sign will you give me in other words he was dealing with some heavy-duty unbelief you know sometimes when people have been through a situation for a long period of time that hasn't changed it's hard for them to break out and believe that right but God's still big enough to do whosoever for what you know whatsoever for whosoever right so we should realize that doesn't matter how long a current situation has been there God can change it in a second so here's what happened he says this is the fortune translation dude I am Gabriel and I stand in the very presence of God and because you haven't believed it you're going to be mute until the baby is born now is God being mean to him no God was protecting his harvest cuz look John Zacharias never ever would have been able to have the promise cuz he would have killed the promise with doubt and unbelief coming out of his mouth because he didn't believe the word so God did in the favor and said I'm gonna hit the mute button so you can't kill this promise and once the baby's born and they're like what do we name the baby boom his voice comes back and he says his name is John amen isn't God awesome hallelujah he protected the harvest that's the kind of power and authority you and I have to call things why don't you stand on your feet right now why don't we call some things can we make a couple confessions together let's make some decrees what are we doing we're calling for what we want if the dogs not here what do you call for you call the dog here pooch here Fido you call the dog in don't you you call the dog to you you don't say the dogs not here the dogs not here the dogs not here right and when the dogs there you don't say the dogs there the dogs there the dogs there what would that be saying that be saying I'm sick I'm sick I'm sick sure you're sick if you're sick but faith does not deny the facts that's denial and denial is a river in Egypt that's not how our faith works right know how our faith works is we call for the thing which is not to take out the thing which is and this and the kingdom of God the power of God in the spirit realm is more powerful than anything that is of the curse of the of death of the devil in the natural realm working in our life God's kingdom is more powerful so can you repeat after me Heavenly Father thank you that you've given me power Dominion Authority and the faith of God I'm a king in the kingdom of God I have power to decree the word the will the promise of God I speak over my salvation I confess Jesus as my Lord I believe in my heart God raised him from the dead therefore I'm saved I decree over my body with long life you're satisfying me and showing me your salvation i decree you forgive all my iniquities and you heal all my diseases thank you Jesus that you came that I might have life and then I might have it super abundantly superior in quality thank you Father i decree prosperity blessing increase favor hallelujah in my life glory to God you said whatever I set my hand to will prosper thank you Father everything I do prospers excels and succeeds glory to God thank you Father that I'm rich in faith rich in good works that I'm a blessing going somewhere to happen when I walk into an atmosphere people get healed because I carry the glory of God when I walk into an atmosphere demons leave people's bodies creative miracles happen because I carry the king thank you Father I am a son of God I'm full of joy I'm full of peace I have the spirit of a I'm victorious in every situation hallelujah all the time hallelujah glory to God hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father hallelujah say this with me no man will be able to stand before me all the days of my life as God was with Moses he's with me he'll not fail me he'll not forsake me he'll perform every word he promised thank you Father you're a good god hallelujah thank you Father glory to God thank you Father thank you Father thank you Jesus your faithful Lord your faithful Lord there I just saw I just saw a bunch of angels let's go and take off ha ha you know why because they hearken unto the voice of his word they're listening for somebody to speak the Word of God and when you speak the Word of God angels get activated and they move out and the Angels just moved out where are they going they're going to bring your words to pass hallelujah father we just thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for teaching us to call for the things that don't exist and call them into being in our lives because that is your method to release heaven on earth so father I just decree the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the minds of your people they get this revelation and they begin to act on it in their life and their circumstances and the thing which things which are in the scene that are contrary to your promises in your word begin to change and transform before them because they have the power of God to change their situation and we thank you for it in Jesus name Lord
Channel: James Fortune @ Oasis Church
Views: 26,748
Rating: 4.810811 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Healing, Miracles, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Atheism, Revival, James Fortune, Holy Spirit, Oasis Church Edmond, The Bible Project, Clayton Jennings, Joseph Solomon, Terry Savelle, John Jorgenson, Real Truth Real Quick, The Skit Guys, Heather Lindsay,,, Bethel Redding, Kenneth Copeland, Joseph Prince, Pewdiepie, Todd White, Joel Osteen, Bill Johnson, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Randy Clark, Rhema
Id: GutosEkKOOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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