Turkey Ninja 2020 E20: KING KONG OSCEOLA - 5 Bearded Gobbler with a .410 - Calling in thick cover

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[Music] so all right it is what time is it people five ish 5 15. we're going down to meet randall marsh my buddy with salsa on outfitters he's got us a spot picked out it's an oak hammock on the edge of an orange grove birds love to lounge in the orange grove the temperatures are soaring we got i think low 60s this morning it's going to get hot fast but we're going to be in the shade turkeys are going to end up being in the shade they should be roosted near us he's roosting them several mornings and uh it should be a really good set up i love sitting on a live oak in central florida so it's going to be awesome it is the opening day of turkey season 2020. huh no sounded like a party horn yeah it sounded like a it was like it wasn't even a normal freight train you know a husqvarna it was more of a yeah it was a really bizarre sounding snore actually but oh [ __ ] are you going hunting flip flops or what are we doing here my boots are in the truck we're taking your truck right yeah we got to there's too much there's no way we're getting all this interest in slides though i have forgotten my boots before i believe that i do believe that all right so all right we're here right here well i think that yeah we're facing this right oh we're facing orange grove okay so there's that opening right there on the edge of that orange that's got to be where we're at right here okay yeah that's got to be that opening so the road's right there right all there all right so the birds are cameron pretty good exactly where we thought they would be where randall said they'd be um it's a waiting game we're gonna give them some sweet love talk sexy to them we've heard a few hens with them already too so we got that and they worked their way from the groves into this little hammock so a lot of this is a waiting type game we can't go chase them so patience is a virtue and this type of situation comes up he's way over there i mean like hell i got a time to get a [Laughter] dip [Laughter] just some quick backstory we're out in this little oak hammock in the middle of the orange grove the gobblers are roosted off of the property on the other side of the grove a pretty good distance away so we've got to call real sexy and try to call them from long range because we cannot chase [Laughter] them that sounds so far away it sounded way closer when we were slipping in here so there's either a blow closer to us or he's on the ground already one of the two [Laughter] whatever so quick update birds on the ground we didn't expect him to come running in um just because the distance i'm calling really aggressive and really loud because of the distance that is away from us that's what i always try to do is when i can't close on one i get nasty and sexy with them again just a waiting game right now there are reports at some mornings there was four or five different birds gobbling in this area around this grove so we got to keep our eyes peeled and stay on pretty high alert because we're pretty sure one could come in here quiet so we don't want to get busted got some birds closing in [Music] we have every natural locator known to man around us crows owls red tail hawks anyways we hear some jake yelps and then he just short jake gobbled so they're working their way over we're not sure exactly what's going on but we get a little bit of action a few little vocalizations so all right guys the birds are making the circle around i think they're going to come right back into the hammock with us but we're going to have to do a 180 from where we're sitting because we face strong direction so up [Laughter] there you go i found a different bird so we're in the game we're in the game people we're positive or confident all right departure close to us [Laughter] up oh [Laughter] he's on the road hopefully they come right in here [Applause] ain't farther i don't think we can move ben we can't no he's right there i'm gonna try to spin around on this [Applause] cable [Music] i that last gobble you can clearly see my reaction and i knew if we did not get around that oak tree in that lane where we could see that bird we never get a shot never killing so sometimes you have to move and improvise right last second and take a risk of bumping the bird it's a risk-reward situation and it often pays off ah all right yeah but he's not on camera yet when he gets under that overhanging oak limb i'll have it let you come i'll have it he's not in frame okay he's starting to come in frame [Applause] [Applause] get his head open starting to pick his head up and i said i'm not letting him get going holy crap are you kidding me right now look at that baby apex turkey ninjas 410 stevens true glow ignite red dot smell that's that little brush pile where we started this morning yards i was focusing through the weeds and i'm like all right i got his head if you want to kill him that looks like a decent sized bird too look at the beard on that thing let's go see what he is i mean middle the neck [Applause] absolutely oh my god look at the hooks on this thing john you don't want to get them too oh my god dude are you kidding me right now with the 410 hold that right hold let me get where let's see would you look at that my friend hold on look at this look at him look at that that's even longer dude that's the best spur i've seen in a while and he's probably 18 19 pounds are you kidding me right now let me look at those things look at those monsters right there boys and girls dude that is a good spur persistence and patience it was paid off 410 killed that bird we wouldn't make that move we got there boys and girls what about that it's been a long time since i wrapped my hands around up spurs like that i can promise you let's walk out take this thing to the house celebrate a little bit maybe give a random and you don't have a bird's afternoon [Music] gentlemen what a hunt fellas my biggest turkey to date with the 410 the apex turkey ninja 410 the little true glow ignite what an amazing hunt um five beards spurs pushing an inch and three quarters i don't have the words randall marsh salson outfitters had us down good friend of mine great friend of mine we go way back probably almost 10 years now and randall called this bird king kong we're not really into naming turkeys like we do deer but he called this guy king kong and for good reason as you see um it was a great hunt we were in a small spot it's a fairly small pocket of oaks and we had to kind of stay put but luckily we had hens yelping and we had grim goblin and we had the jakes kalkin jake elfin they were half goblin it kept us entertained the whole time because it took about two and a half three hours um about nine o'clock i changed calls and went to a ninja hammer would have ninja hammers changed to a rollover style yelp and i've been doing my normal transition you up all morning and you know we were getting interaction i was running the tube call as well and he would gobble at that and ultimately change calls changed the voice of the hen and that bird broke and as you saw it unfold which was absolutely epic we had to crawl out of the blind where we had set up and get around the corner on this turkey because he was strutted right by us and he never came in front of where we were set up it was an amazing amazing hunt um can't say enough about randall marsh and salson outfitters for having us down here and randall does his homework he knows his turkeys and there's what they do and that's why he knew we could get in there and do our magic and just stay put and uh i killed my biggest turkey today and lo and behold did it with the little 410 the little uh stevens 410 with the turkey ninja apex and the true glowing knight red dot scope 35 yards as you saw it hitting like a 12 gauge with two and a half ounces of number nines but we did it with the apex tricky ng410 so super happy um he's going to the taxidermist people i can promise you that this one's going on the wall so thank you fellas for being a part of it and coming along with me couldn't have two better friends and two better camera guys to come along and capture that moment so thanks again
Channel: WoodHaven Custom Calls
Views: 3,955
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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