Create a Lower Third in After Effects & use it in Premiere Pro with Live Text Templates

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favority will come into this video editing tutorial brought to you as always bite vidcom we have a little bit of a mash up today After Effects and Premiere Pro it just started as a premiere pro thing but then I was like yeah let's throw some After Effects in there and well I've never done any After Effects tutorials before so we're waiting into new territory we're going to take a look at creating a lower third yeah kind of like that one that just popped on screen right there somewhere around there we're going to create that in After Effects from scratch and then we're going to save it out of After Effects and import it into Premiere Pro via dynamic link and then use text or it will be what is called a text template and we'll be able to adjust the text so when we duplicate that lower third across one single video project we can obviously have multiple lower thirds all with different text all editable right there within Premiere Pro now I am going to have this lower third file if you if you're not interested in After Effects I'll have this as a download down there in the description to this video you can download the after effects file and just follow along the premiere pro part if that's all you're interested in and that's totally cool too so let's jump into After Effects here and take a look at what I'm talking about I've got this thing right here and if I just play through it you can see that out pops that little bit but I should probably set this to fit so we can see the whole thing and out pops the animation just like that so that's what we're going to create and as I said we're going to create from scratch so we go file new and choose to create well in this case I have a project but you probably need to create a new project I'm just going to go ahead and create a new composition here within this project and I'm going to name the composition lower third cut vid so to you TV ID the width I'm going to set it to 2560 by 1440 so in theory we'll have a big enough file here that will work great with a 1440p image we are working with all shapes and stuff though so probably doesn't matter and I'm going to go with the frame rate of 30 duration is 10 seconds you can change that honestly all of this can be changed down the line as well so it's not really a huge huge deal but this is what I'm starting with so I'm going to hit OK and we get this blank composition here with which we are working so first thing I'm going to do is grab the rectangle tool up here and I'm just going to draw out a rectangle decent size down here in the bottom corner so something kind of nice and intrusive like that I'm going to change the fill here I get the fill option I'm going to change my fill just to a solid white and I'm going to hit okay and then I'm going to go window and my align panel is open it's actually right over here right align I'm going to open that up and I'm going to align this well first of all I'm going to make sure the layers are aligning to the composition and I'm going to align to the left and to the bottom to just push that shape all the way down into the bottom then I'm going to grab my move tool here so I'm going to grab that or selection tool and I'm going to hold down shift and use my up arrow key one two three maybe four times and then I will probably nudge it into a two toward the right so one two three four will do it will just Center it off nicely there from that corner now if when you draw your rectangle you have a stroke you can see up here I don't have a stroke but sometimes by default you'll have some kind of stroke especially if you haven't done a lot in After Effects before you can just select your shape and just click on the word stroke and then choose the no stroke option just a quick way to just cancel off your stroke hit okay and you'll have a nice white shape just like myself here and we can even name this shape layer here if we right click and just choose rename and we'll name this under shape or something just because it's going to be underneath everything else now we're going to grab our text tool and we're going to type out some text so I'm going to just click over my shape here and I'm going to type the word and Nathaniel my name and I'm going to hit command return to be control enter to commit that change in the type and over here on my character panel which by the way you can go window character if you don't see it over here in the character panel I'm going to go with the font Ariel just because I think it's a font that at least most of us are going to have so if you download this template in all likelihood you should be able to use this I'm going to set the style here back to regular for the first name I'm going to set the size to 60 pixels so we're going to boost the size of the type and we can even set some spacing here maybe for the first name will have spacing for the last name we won't have spacings I'll go 50 on my horizontal spacing there and also I have checked on this all caps option right so I typed everything out in lowercase letters I'm going to go all caps that way no matter how you type it or what you type it's going to be all caps and lastly I'm going to go down to my paragraph panel and I'm going to make sure that I'm aligning this here to the right so I'm going to right align this text just like that I'm going to grab my selection tool and I'm going to move this over and just place the text where you think it kind of fits I'm going to go right about sort of the of my little white rectangle there and with my text selected here I'm going to go command or control C to copy and command or control V to paste and you can see I have a second nathanael to layer I'm going to drag this over while holding down shift to keep it in kind of a straight line like that then I'll double click on my text and I'm going to type the word do DSO and my last name Dodson and I am going to go back to my paragraph panel here and I'm going to make sure I align this to the left so I'm going to left align that grab my selection tool and I'm going to drag this over until it's kind of where it is will fine-tune in just a second because we do need to go back to the character panel here and change this from regular to bold so this is just going to help set off the first and last names and we can also get rid of that horizontal spacing so we can get rid of that and then I can deselect yeah it definitely needs to be nudged a little bit closer because I almost want it to be like as if it's it's one word there's no real letter space in between the L and the D alright cool so that's great and let's copy and paste the last name commander controls C commander control V and I'm going to drag this down here we're going to put this I don't know maybe right around the beginning of my name I'm going to double click and I'll just type owner adjust owner none I could vote owner operator we'll keep it simple here we'll go back to our character panel we'll set the size of this text to 30 pixels cool with the selection tool we can we'll just nudge this over and kind of move it into place I've only hide my eye bar down there it's a little distracting alright so let me just nudge it over a couple more times there we go something like that's cool so it's nice and small down there Daniel Dodds an owner boom we've got a little lower third now how do we begin animating this well let's begin by animating the shape first so we're going to animate this and the idea is we want this to slide in from offstage over here on the left so what I'm going to do is with that white shape selected I'm going to hit the letter P which is going to bring up my positioning down here in the layers right you can see under shape a selected we got positioning now before I do anything in terms of moving it I want to kind of choose where I want my animation to stop I think I want the animation to be a little over a second so you can see our one second marker there I'm going to go a little over one second and I'm going to hit this little stopwatch here to sort of activate the animation so I'm going to drop keyframe there and I move all the way back to the beginning and all I need to do with my selection - all right I got my selection tool here I'm going to hold down shift and I'm just gonna drag well I'm going to start dragging then I'm going to hold down shift and I'm going to drag this all the way off stage just like that and after effects will automatically create that animation in between now it looks like hey look the letters just show up automatically that's only because we have this red are the red that we have this black background back here so the text appears to be invisible but we have video underneath there if we don't do something with this text it's just going to be black text floating over the video until this white lower third slides underneath it so let's animate the text as well but as I look at this and I watch it the animation really seems kind of static it's very flat so let's enter into the graph editor right here and just throw a quick ease in ease onto this animation so you can see I can click on this red line here which is that under shape animation right you can see it's this massive graph here let's come over here and try to fit the selection to view so we can see what's going on here maybe oh yeah there we go fit selection of your so you can see this is that sort of one-second animation and we're just going to choose this right here this easy ease it's going to give us a little bit of easing and then I'm going to click on my graph editor to get out of graph editor and what we've just done here is if I play through this you can see it just makes the animation so much smoother and more beautiful I'm going to zoom out here hitting the minus key so I can see both of my keyframes you can see even the way the keyframes look has changed because there's some easing on them now and our lower third just kind of drifts right into place much more smoothly and beautifully than it did before all right so let's go ahead and mask the name Nathaniel first so we can have that sort of appear so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the Nathaniel layer and I'm going to come back over I probably want the animation to begin right about here or so these sort of unmasking of my name so with my names selected I'm going to come up here and grab a new rectangle tool now when I draw with this it's going to automatically create a layer mask or an around really a layer mask just a mask for this little object so I'm going to begin over here on the right side of the text box so I'm going to begin right about there I'm going to pull back and I'm going to pull back way beyond my name the reason I'm doing that is because maybe the person's name isn't that they know maybe it's something that's much longer than the thing now my name is nine letters long so most names are a little bit shorter than mine but you know hey let's prepare for somebody that has a 15 letter name or something so we'll make our mask much longer than it needs to be and if I move over a little bit we'll see that yeah we're covering all of Nathaniel it's it's overlapping the D a little bit as well but that's fine and what we need to do now is we'll come over here you can see we have a mask applied to this Nathaniel layer so when the Daniel layer drops down twirl this little arrow down there's a mask and now on that layer and we want to even open up this mask mask one is what we just created so I'll hit that little arrow to twirl it down and I'm interested here in mask path so I know where I want the mask to culminate I want my name to finish being unfurled by right about here when the mask or when the underlying shape is starting to slide out into the stage so now that I know that I'm going to go ahead and click on the little stopwatch next to the mask path option and then I'm going to move back to where I want the animation to begin I think I kind of want the animation to begin right about there so what I will do is with my selection arrow I'll just double click on the mask and it's going to give me these transform handles and I'll just push it all the way back like that and you can see my name disappears but as we move forward my name will sort of unfurl just like that right so we've created that first animation voila my name unfurls so we'll do that same exact technique for both the word Dodds and owner so we'll come up here to Doug's and we will create a mask and I'll just drag a mask out uncover the name I'll make it a little bit longer in case the person's last name is longer there we go and we'll twirl down the mask settings here we'll choose where we want the mask to begin or the effect to begin probably right about here is where we want it to begin and we want it to be finished when the lower third finishes drifting in maybe a little bit beyond where the lower third finishes drifting and so I'm going to add that keyframe first by hitting that little stopwatch next to mask path there we go we're going to back this up to right about there and I will once again grab my selection arrow we'll double click on that mask and we're going to use those transform handles and we're going to just push that back so the idea is the the name Nathaniel and Dodson will sort of peel out of the middle because that middle is kind of like our anchor point if you will all right so that looks cool let's collapse this and then for the owner layer we'll just do a simple you know unmasking from the side so once more with that text layer selected we'll just create a long thin mask just like so and we'll pick where we want this to culminate probably right about where the last name culminates that's fine or you know what maybe it should come in a little bit after that let's bring it out like here here's where we'll finish we'll open up our mask but hang out a little arrow we'll add that first keyframe for mask path we'll back it off till about right there let's say and we'll double click well I'm going to eat the letter V to grab my selection tool we'll double click on that and we will just collapse the path way over collapse that path for the mask and now when I play through a boom boom boom it all just unfurls beautifully just like it should so we've created a very simple animation well very simple in some ways but very complex and others just a lot of moving parts we've created the base of our lower third now there's one other thing we can do that I think would be kind of cool if we sort of group these three owner duds and nathanael layers together we can do something neat but before we do that actually this reminds me we should name these layers because but presumably throughout your project not everybody will have the first name Nathaniel so let's right-click on this layer and choose rename and we'll rename this first name this is kind of what premier is going to pick up and say okay hey premier pro user enter the person's first name into this text field and we'll right click here and we'll rename this last name and owner will we'll rename this and we'll call this like position or you can call it occupation or you know whatever I'm going to say position and there we go that's great now I'm going to hold down my shift key and I'm going to select last name and first name so we select all three of those layers then I'm going to right click on those layers and choose pre-compose right you see that precomposed it's going to kind of lump these together in their own composition I'm going to call this text stuffs and there we go text stuffs you can see it's in its own little area now what I want to do is I want to basically make the text stuff punch a hole in our white rectangle and I'm going to do that by here in the the track match settings of my under shaped layer I'm going to set this to the Alpha inverted matte and use text stuffs which is the layer right above it alpha inverted matte and what that's going to do is it's going to cut a hole into our into our lower third now it doesn't look like anything's happening but if we just deselect everything here and if I double click on the rectangle tool here it's going to place a new shape layer just with a solid color and we can choose anything we want we can go with like a blue here so I could just choose some old blue and if I drag this down beneath beneath my under shape and we play through this you're going to see that in fact the text is simply cutting a hole in our lower third and that's cool because it's going to show through whatever video we have behind our lower third now a very important point here before we drag this into Premiere Pro we probably want to set this under shape layer or it is just here as a kind of a reference but just as another side tip we can right click on this layer and set it as a guide layer that way it's not imported via dynamic link when we import the rest of the stuff we'll just get our text stuffs and our under shaped lower third with its animation so that's pretty cool all right we can just save our document here and let's jump right over to Premiere Pro and here in Premiere Pro what I've got is a couple little video clips one of this guys sitting on his porch and another of this woman cooking something and we want to apply lower thirds as though this is some documentary so we'll apply this guys the lower third first and it begins I'll come over here into the project bin and and you can import any way that you want you could right click and choose import you commander control I and import I'm just going to go to my finder and I'm going to drag the after effects file right in touch vid lower third a EP I can drag it in and drop it on my project file and you can see that the premiere is going to say hey what do you want to import well we remember we grouped everything into this text stuff but we really want to import our entire lower third composition this lower third and this text bits that was just that original one that I showed you you can ignore those for this tutorial lower third we want to import the entire composition that we made and that includes that precomposed composition of text stuffs so we're going to hit OK and you're going to see it's going to bring it in right here now it doesn't look like much but we can tell right off the bat hey look we haven't brought the blue background in so that's good well let's drag this out and place it here and you can see it's well it's a little bit too big for the video why is that well remember when we created the composition we made it 2560 by 1440 this is 1080p video so it's a little bigger than we need that's not bad though we can simply select that composition right click and choose scale to frame size and it's going to scale us or right to where we need to be right you can see there's the animation everything looks good and maybe the lower thirds a little bit too high but you know what we're going to leave it the way it is you could selected and adjust the positioning here in premiere and just dump it down a little bit and the animation will still do its thing and everything will be great so we could do that but I'm not going to do that because we're going to be duplicating this animation this After Effects project so I'm going to just leave it the way we made it and and presume that we had something in mind and we knew what we're doing all right so now if we want to go ahead and change the text in this this is where the magic can happen here you just select that file actually click on it over here in your project bin and up here in the effect controls panel we right now are working in our sequence the text template sequence but we have this other little tab here master lower third if we select that we have all this stuff position lastname firstname just like we had filled out in our After Effects composition so I can change the first name here I can change it to like Joshua we could change the last name too I don't know Jemmy or something I don't know we'll just throw some some letters in there and we can change its position here to relaxation expert or something right he looks pretty chilled out so he's a relaxation expert now a couple of things happen you can see that our lower text is now a little bit out of whack and maybe not quite where we want it to be maybe we really want this to be shifted closer to that center point we can do that or maybe we just like the fact that every lower third is going to be a little bit different that's going to be sort of a style that we roll with throughout our video so a couple things you can do you can just leave it or we can jump right back over to After Effects and we can say hey you know what in the text stops and now it's all grouped together so we have to double click on it to get within it so now we're in our text stuffs composition here I can select position and I'm going to be working blind here because the stuff is all just pitch black but I'll drag out to about here and I know that my word is right here the word owner and the center of my text is well there's one piece of text there's the other piece of text so the center is right about here so maybe I'll take this and I'll say you know what why don't you slide over a little bit to the right so I'll hit the letter P which will open up my positioning really quickly there and I can just slide this guy over just like that I can see all right now we're closer to being lined up maybe the way I want to be there we go something like that but what I also have to remember is I we'll have this text center-aligned this text is a line if I open up the character or not the character panel the paragraph now it's a line to left so maybe I could align it center but we do have to be careful because we have that mask applied in fact I'm going to just stick with it align to left and I'll just kind of I'll live with the consequences here so there we go something like that let's just leave it like that and if it's a little staggered I think that'll work that'll look cool this is more or less to just give you an example of what can be done here I'm going to close my tech stuff since I'm going to close the close the old lower third as well so now we just have we're back to our regular a regular composition we're going to save this commander control s I jump back over to Premiere Pro and there you go with just the the whole thing updates automatically and this is really really great when you have done a project you placed 30 lower thirds and the client says oh it's really cool except the color of the lower third shouldn't be white it should be a light green well you can bring it back to After Effects boom make one update one change and everything changes across the board but that's not it let's say you need a second lower third right we need one for this young lady here who's cooking well we can simply right click on our After Effects file here and choose to duplicate it so let's duplicate it and we'll drag that duplicate out let's say we want to place it right here when she enters frame and once more we'll just right click on this and we will scale it to the frame size and we'll move the playhead over so we can see her full name and once more will come up here and select a master make sure you have the correct After Effects composition selected your project now will go master and we'll change her name to a Betty we'll just say Betty Crocker because I'm not great on coming up with names on the spot so we'll say Betty Crocker and we'll call her a chef right so there we go ready Betty Crocker chef and you can see there there's her lower third now if we go back to Josh's lower third it still is there it retains all the information nothing has changed it is what it is and I probably should show at this point since we have two of these in place if I go back to After Effects yet again and we say you know what the under shape we actually don't want it to be white I'm going to grab my selection arrow here select that shape you can see our fill is white we want this to be I don't know a light pink or something let's go with like a very light pink I can hit OK I can save this we can jump back to premiere and you can see his updates the Joshua guy and also the Bettye hers updates as well so that's a perfect example of how a something that should be a small quick change actually can be a small quick change even when you've placed multiple lower thirds already from an after effects file and by the way if you're just downloading the after effects file that I'm giving down in the description to this video you don't even need a license for After Effects to edit this stuff here in in Premiere Pro you this is all stuff that can just be done in Premiere Pro you don't need After Effects in order to make these changes if you wanted to go on make color changes and stuff like that then yes you will need After Effects now I just went and change the color back to white really quickly there and we can jump back over to Premiere Pro and yeah well number one there you go it's updated but yeah there you go you can see that you can quickly and easily create a nice little animated lower third in After Effects but the the real thing the thing that the whole tutorial started out being based around was that text template idea in Premiere Pro and it kind of spiraled into this whole lower third tutorial but I think it's good I think it will be useful for a lot of folks out there you can see how to create and animate your own custom lower third of course you can download that free custom lower third down at there in the description to this video and that's pretty much it for this one if you've enjoyed it please make sure what number one subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any tutorials in the future and also go ahead and give the video a thumbs up if you really did enjoy it guys for creating a lower third in After Effects and all the stuff that comes along with that from motion tweening and all just everything the masking and the animating and the text under this and then the back link to Premiere Pro and so on and so forth that's it get it got it good nathaniel Dodson to tuck vidcom I'll catch you you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: tutvid
Views: 188,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lower third in after effects, create a lower third, how to create a lower third, how to create a lower third animation, create lower third animation, lower thirds in After Effects, lower third After Effects, how to make lower third, how to make lower third After Effects, smooth animation After Effects, lower thirds Premiere Pro, lower third Premiere Pro, After Effects tutorial, Premiere Pro tutorial, dynamic link After Effects, text templates Premiere Pro, PREM
Id: OLml0LgBkAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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