Remove Green Screen in After Effects Tutorial - The principles of KEYING in After Effects (1 of 2)

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[Music] hey hello and welcome to this new video from promotion today's topic will be green screen and keen in general so in the first tutorial of a 2 tutorial series we'll talk about all the basics you need to know to set up a green screen how to set up your camera and all the basics with in After Effects and in the second tutorial we will bring all of this step further by looking at different tweaks techniques and tips with in After Effects to really sell your shop so let's record some Queensland footage for that we obviously need something in front of a green screen and our second shop will be the background plate with the exact same light settings so just get rid of the green screen [Music] so here in after pegs I've already imported the exact same footage that you just saw it's this green screen footage and let me just drop it into a new composition by dragging it over this new composition icon and let go and I just threw up through this to find a nice-looking image and I'll just try to find something without motion blur and where we have all of this nice hair detail this is exactly what came out of the camera as I said in the intro I want to tell you a little bit about how to set this up so first things first of course we need a green-screen so now you don't have to think that I just hang this up in this scrappy way I just wanted to show you an easy way to do it without hours and hours of preparation so this took me like one or two minutes and obviously the less wrinkles you have the better the key but I also took care that the main wrinkles are not going through my hair and in other ways I framed the image so that I'm sitting in the middle and not at the corners where the wrinkles are worse so let me just show you some pictures how you also could do it those are pictures from me and set reaching from really big stages to really small ones now it's important to position the object in the right way in front of the green screen I am just about 3.5 meters away from the green screen believe it or not I'm shooting on an 85 millimeter lens on a Canon 70d which has a cropped sensor so this makes it about a 120 millimeter lens so this is why the green screen looks a bit closer to me but if you want to find out more about different lenses and what they do with the back and foreground you can just watch one of my tutorials over here at p-- explosion I didn't use my Canon 5d for this but it shows the 70d just to show you that you can get really good results with cheaper equipment there are not just two important things for the camera settings first thing is you have to choose the best quality available in your camera so the less compression the better the result so just choose the highest quality you have available within your camera and the other thing is just choose the lowest is oh you can find on your camera normally this is 100 and this is exactly what I went for for this shot because the lower the is oh the less noise you get on the image so again if you want to find out more about ISO and if you want to find out what this does with your image and how you can set it up you can find some camera tips and tricks on my explosion channel but for now let's just get this started as I told you I chose an ISO of 100 and if you watch on the screen screen here there's almost no noise in it and if you hold down the Alt key and press 1 2 3 & 4 you can jump between the different color and other channels so one is red - it's green 3 is blue and 4 is the Alpha Channel and if you head it twice you can come back to the RGB view but now let's just reduce the noise even more and there are many many plugins out there but also the built-in effects in After Effects are really really good so we just use remove grain by default you just get the preview area but let's just go to the final output and now let's just watch what this has done so I go to the green channel by hitting Alt + 2 and turning this on and off you can see what this is doing but you may not even seeing in the screencast here but once we have set up the key you can just enable and disable it to see what this is doing with the key or how much this really helps so let's just pre compose this by hitting ctrl shift + C for composition and call this our key and we want to move all the attributes into a new composition so now I would always start by making a quick garbage met and there are basically two good ways to do it the first one is to just use a garbage matte by clicking on the pen tool or hit G to get the pen tool and then you just draw a mask roughly around all the parts of the image you want to keep and in that way you don't have to deal with all of the extra stuff or you can mask our tracking markers but now let's just quickly undo that or delete the mask because there's another really cool way of doing that and this is with the colour keyer and the colour key is somehow the basic tool for keying you can just pick a green tone here and increase the color tolerance and then you get a basic key and play a little bit with the edge feather and believe me or not this will really help later on let's just quickly bring out another version of the color key to click on that color and now we're done no this just helps for creating the garbage met because now what we can do we can extend the alpha outwards and then we have the same met but it will follow the shape but before we do that let's just delete the tracking marker by getting out another color key and pick the tracking marker color and it's gone so now for our garbage matte trick we need a choker because a choker simply shrinks the Alpha Channel or does exactly the opposite so let me show you by bringing this up it shrinks the Alpha so let me click on alt plus 4 to get the Alpha and reset this so this is what it looks and this is what it gets but if you go down with negative values and for that we maybe want to watch the RGB image and let's just go all the way down to minus 100 and by the way if minus 100 is not enough for you you can simply duplicate the whole effect and then it's extended even more and the nice thing about this is as I told you the mask will now follow your object and now for the King we can only concentrate on the parts that are close to the edges but now let's get this thing going and for that the go to keyer and after effects is called key light and this is a really powerful tool so you only have to click on the color you want to get rid of so green or blue and you already see that this does a really great job click on this checkerboard icon so now we can see the Alpha a bit better and we click output form you can see that this is really looking great so normally within the key light effect I just changed two different settings and this is the clip of black and clip white and as a rule for me I always take care that the difference between the two values don't go beneath 80 so in other words if I crank that up to 20 on here and when I'm going up about 10 I would just bring this down until about 90 but let's reset it to its default and have a look we get some gray areas here and also in my eyes so let's just bring down the clip white and I'm holding down control while doing that to get finer control and I would say that this is already looking pretty nice perfect let's just bring out the footage the original one once again because as you have seen at the very end I just removed the green screen to get a clean plate so right at the end just click on the footage and create a freeze frame for that I go to time freeze frame and let me unsolo this you can see that this already looks pretty convincing but let's just play with the clip white a little bit and we have done our first basic key within After Effects and this is already at the end of part 1 of this mini series so if you like what you've seen so far just give me a click on that nice subscribe button so I can do more of those tutorials because I really love doing those tutorials and then just follow me to part two of this tutorial where I explain you a little bit about how to find tweak the key maybe we will work a little bit more on my fine hair details and I'm also going to show you what happens if I am going to bring in another background for this image so what do I have to take care of then and by the way if you're wondering why I am filming this in front of a green screen if I'm sitting in the same room so as you may have seen I've put it in videos in those two monitor screens and all my curly hair goes over it so this is kind of a typical workflow if you want to bring something behind an object so I really hope you learn something about keying and how to set up green-screen a basic setup and how to set up your camera and how to create those kind of shots with a really really small budget so see us in [Music] [Music] you
Channel: flomotion
Views: 48,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keying, The principles of KEYING in After Effects, greenscreen, beginner, lesson, tutorial, easy, after effects, adobe, keylight, set up a greenscreen, color key, blue, green, garbage matte, basic, basics, flomotion
Id: 2Qd9NkZBT2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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