Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Campaign - Ending Explained

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ladies and gentlemen I have to say it we got to start this video out by saying it this is your spoiler warning if you have not played the Modern Warfare 3 campaign and you do not want it to be spoiled for you if you don't want to know what happens cuz you're going to play it later do not watch this video yet guarantee you after you play the campaign you're going to want to watch this video but if you have played it this is for you if you've watched it if you know what happens and you are confused I will answer all of your questions today because Modern Warfare 3's ending is confusing it's one of the most confusing endings to a Call of Duty game that I have seen so far so what we are going to do is break it down plain and simple so you know exactly what happens at the end of Modern Warfare 3 so that is your spoiler warning now let's get into it as far as the ending of Modern Warfare 3 goes there is two things that happen that are a little bit confusing the first of which is the death of soap MCT aish red wire got it take us to hell with you Captain never better your enemies Alive Now why this happens and why marov just runs off into the sunset after it does is very confusing and to understand that we have to go through the story of Modern Warfare 3 but that's not the only thing that happens at the end of Modern Warfare 3 because in the post credit scenes this is what happens oh I am not going to beg for my life not from you or anybody else Captain wouldn't do you any good now what's weird about this is that Captain Price isn't the kind of soldier to just go in guns of Blazing and literally assassinate a member of the government it's just not his thing it's completely breaking his character but I will tell you now that throughout the story of Modern Warfare 3 it is explained why he does it and it is probably not what you think so for me to fully explain the ending we have to start at the beginning actually we have to start 4 years before the beginning cuz the earliest thing that we have within the Modern Warfare 3 campaign is actually in the city of verdance but before the war started there there was a bustling City and at verdance Stadium there's an attack going on being carried out by none other than Vladimir marov and at this point the good guys go in by the way if we go back to the end of Modern Warfare 2 remember that scene in the bar where Kate lwell pulls out the picture and everyone recognizes of Vladimir marov well the reasoning for that is because they have seen him before in verdance when they move in and go in and capture him we find out that he is none other than the one responsible for the initial attack on verdance but the good guys Task Force 141 bring marov into custody but that's not before marov can make one last comment I'll BL your [ __ ] brains you I swear to God I'll do it do it come on you shut your mouth let me finish him John we have him he's in custody he's not going anywhere Stand Down Sergeant I thought you were the good guys you going to ride in hell for this you'll die in the gak with the rest of the Russian rats I'll be seeing you again m davish how prominent and this decision for soap to not pull the trigger would be the decision that would change the outcome four years later because in four years time in the Russian goog Coney alra nationalists move in on the prison to rescue Vladimir mov and after this things start to go wild the Russians move in on yuzihan invading the area and makarov's next move is to go into a facility and steal a whole bunch of sarin after this we have a conversation between Captain Price and Farah Kim where we get to hear a little bit more backstory on how the American government was supporting The ekhan Liberation forces in their fight against Alcala and barkov's forces Russia's back in aakhan contractors Cony group pull a static chemicals from up North yesterday stole my missiles at Sunrise all less than 24 hours after Vladimir Makarov walked himself out of a prison Works quickly he's making a for lost time in let's move who sent you the missiles Shadow company Shadow company that have that kind of Firepower they're eron boys with tack vest they're allies They carried out a hit on my men Commander Graves did this yeah well he had his orders yeah from home General shepher [Music] did Shepherd sent you those missiles my weapons out of my business he's a very dangerous man Farah we are all dangerous captain now this little conversation is one of the most important things in the entire campaign because what we find out here is that shadow company the entire time was working with urzikstan and working with the Liberation forces they sending them missiles this explains two things number one why the those three missiles that got stolen in Modern Warfare 2 were there in the first place it's because Shephard and Shadow company were trying to support them it also explains why in the Modern Warfare 2 Seasons Farah and Alex who were in Yik stand the entire time were so ready to fight alongside Shadow company and Commander Philip Graves they never actually knew that they betrayed Task Force 141 Captain Price soap ghost or anyone else they did and still do see shadow company as allies now makarov's next move is twofold the first thing is to take that seran gas that he got put it in yekan missiles that shadow company gave them and fired them making it look like this attack was carried out by urzikstan the second thing was an attack on an airplane carried out by a Yukan Liberation Force exmilitary officer again making it look like Yukan planned these attacks now for the next little while in the campaign you end up thwarting makarov's attacks stopping his attempt to frame your ex fan capturing his right-hand man slowly gathering information on him and eventually you find out about a prisoner being transported in Siberia so you go there to find out who the prisoner is and see if marov is there along the way when you find out who the prisoner is there's a big surprise steon Jesus Mavish the [ __ ] Captain fu is there a single [ __ ] show that you are not a part of ghost you seeing this in my sides let smoke him and call it a day six who do you have gold [ __ ] Eagle actual Shepherd and the C flesh holy [ __ ] C we're sitting ducks out here then let's moveing why are you here they're haunting us John they found me first what did you trade for your life not a goddamn thing I'm a fourstar United States General and they kept you alive let's toss this [ __ ] back in the lake I know makarov's next Target now I want to be really clear here from everything that I have gathered and everything that I have found it doesn't appear as though Shephard was working with macarov whatsoever but rather he was hunting them trying to track him down and stop him in his tracks really for fame and glory and to have his name in The Record book and by the end of the mission Task Force 141 ends up striking a deal with Shephard Shepherd has to go in front of Congress and tell the truth about everything that he did alongside his lap dog AKA Commander Philip Graves but as it turns out they end up turning against each other quiet quiet please General Shephard in October of 2022 did you authorize Shadow company to fire on a task force under your command in lasas Mexico no I did not Mr Graves were you given orders to use lethal Force against tf1 141 yes I was quiet quiet in this chamber who gave you those orders General hsel Shephard did you act on those orders Mr Graves no absolutely not sir quiet quiet so they both end up lying in front of Congress throwing each other under the bus just to save their own butts and essentially this is the last straw for Task Force 141 they know they have to stop maerov and they're very very mad at General Shephard however with the Intel that was given to them by General Shephard they are able to track down macarov to London and eventually find out he's doing something with the trains and as it turns out he has planted a bomb in the train station so they go in go to diffuse the bomb and that is when this happens red wire go it take this to hell with you Captain never better your enemies alive so from the campaign we know that marov is a character that plans everything well in advance and it appears as though this attack wasn't actually planned just to blow up the trains but rather to get back at soap but why you may ask it is all back from verdance when he was captured he swore he would get revenge on soap just like we saw before and this was him doing so and then he runs off into the distance and as we heard marov say I'll be seeing you again Mavish how prominent but as Makarov said to price at the very end never bury your enemies alive in other words take no prisoners this would be something that sticks in his head because if he thinks back to verdansk if he would have just let soap take care of marov none of this would have ever happened and soap would still be alive so he feels responsible and then he takes the advice of marov taking no prisoners not bearing his enemies alive so then he goes to his next enemy General Shephard you're better than escap we both will this job is about making sacrifices for the greater good agreed you got a body count of your own John it'll come back to haunt you oh I am not going to beg for my life life not from you or anybody else Captain wouldn't do you any good so why show this at the very end of the campaign that is the question and I believe it's to show that Captain Price has changed we see a darker side of him Ma coming into the picture and taking out soap has made him rethink the way that he does things and taking no prisoners is going to be his new way of life really if we look at Modern Warfare 3 as a whole that is kind of the motif beginning to end we see at the very beginning a prisoner being released that being macarov and prisoners cannot be trusted so now a darker form of Captain Price has taken place really we are looking at an origin story An Origin story of how macarov has escaped and is now spotting a bigger plan a plan to start World War II and Captain Price is now in a darker place of his life swearing revenge and to take no prisoners with Vladimir marov really this campaign was just to set up the next part of the story a deeper dive into Vladimir macarov versus Captain Price so ladies and gentlemen that is the ending explained of the Modern Warfare 3 campaign hopefully I could fill in some blanks for you answer some questions and if I did I would love it if you could hit that like button it shows me that you want to see more Story videos like this one I have a lot of them planned but the more likes these video gets the more likely I am to put out those Story videos sooner and sooner so if you want to see more like this be sure to hit that like button subscribe turn notifications on let me know what you thought down in the comments and as always thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out we [Music] are you are and I wonder where you are oh M yes that's the part you always show
Channel: Inkslasher
Views: 399,165
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Keywords: Shooter Game (Media Genre), inkslasher, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Modern Warfare 3, MW3, COD MW3, Modern Warfare 3 Story, Modern Warfare 3 Campaign, Modern Warfare 3 Story Explained, Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Explained, Modern Warfare 3 Ending, Modern Warfare 3 Ending Explained, Ending Explained, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Ending, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Ending Explained, campaign explained, MW3 Ending Explained, MW3 Ending, Modern Warfare 3 End, MW3 End, Ending
Id: fFEMdEql-18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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