Call of Duty Ghosts All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] [Music] it was a different time a different enemy 60 men from Tier 1 teams were sent to face down a force of 500 enemy Fighters their objective to force the enemy back from a civilian hospital and keep its occupants alive for 3 days they held their ground but the enemy's numbers were too great the 60 were cut down to 15 they wouldn't last another night and the enemy knew it under the cover of Darkness they evacuated the hospital sending only one of their own to lead the way the rest returned to the line and took up positions beneath the bodies of their fallen Brothers as they lay in wait the blood from the dead poured over the sand stuck to their skin like a shroud changing them anointing them when the enemy Drew near the remaining 14 rose out of the desert sand they were like Hunters that couldn't be seen using stealth their enemies couldn't defend against when the men ran dry of ammunition they used their blades and when the blades ran dull they used their hands when the dust and sand had settled only one of the enemy had survived he was picked up in the desert wandering aimlessly traumatized he expressed warnings to others of a force so menacing and unbeatable It could only be described as Supernatural he called them ghosts and this really happened so the legend goes come on dad you don't honestly believe that story is true yeah I do come on let's head back to the house let's go Shake A Leg oh little trimmer there those things used to freak the hell out of your mother another one yeah we'll get a couple more of them before everything settles down wind's starting to pick up too let's just get to the house make sure nothing got damaged Dad what's happening OD it's OD to the house boys now careful it's not an earthquake what are you talking about you boys get to the house and stay there I'm going for the truck but just do it son come on Logan what the hell is going on this way Logan climb over got safe out here get inside what the hell is Dad talking about what's Odin come on this place isn't going to take much more of that we're not going to die here come on it's Jam help me out okay 3 2 1 [Music] push Oden control the orbital weapons got a successful test fire ping Roger Mosley track and weapon Drive fire signal hey Baker here's our ride let's head in payload this is Odin control ready to receive Odin control we're heading back to debrief the new crew Roger we're prepping airlock seat shuttle is in final talking sequence payad 10 me hey Baker give me a hand with the unload holding M repeat contact on the shuttle we have an enemy foothold on oding control we need to move it g OD control we are taking [Music] fire look out sh him no Houston their Federation they've broken the truce Odin control Odin's kinetic rods are readying for launch this is not a simulation we can't let them take control of Odin Odin control generation forces are out Baker look out there's all of them payload one uploading targeting Los Angeles locked San Diego locked Phoenix locked targeting Houston locked targeting Miami locked estimated casualties oh [ __ ] over 27 million they're uploading more targets to pay 2 three and four Houston what do we do OD in control we have no choice we're scuttling the station I'm sorry Mosley comprehens Baker We need 10 seconds All crew get to a secure area storage isfor follow me in 3 2 1 Lo in control Oden control are you copying yes it's mostly Baker I still here holy [ __ ] copy mly Odin targeting on payloads three and four have been aborted but payload 2 is still sequencing targeting lock San Francisco Denver Kansas City Chicago Washington DC we're nots on Baker let's move to Odin and bring it down I don't think we're making it home Baker alas M how many degrees off access to destabilize it 23° port or a but remote RCS systems are not responding 23° dump that tub in the ocean how they get this open off ignite those RCS fuel lines you heard him Baker fire I've got your Baker just keep shooting 15° 23° that's it that's enough to drop it into the atmosphere specialist Mosley Kira we have Los with the the crew of Odin control repeat lot of signal with Odin [Music] [Music] control 2 one push come on dad said he was going for the truck we have to find him get across quick keep running we can get through this through that house we got to [Music] J run upstairs we have to get him on ground just keep running okay you right Dad we're okay boys come on Logan get getem me now we got to get out of here you're going to be all right son hold on boys the Federation 's rise to power had started years ago when the Great energy producing deserts were destroyed the world powers that depended on them collapsed and in their wake the Federation began to rise the Federation United all of South America under one banner and devoured everything in its path as it moved relentlessly to the North after turning Odin against us the Federation stood on the doorstep of America poised for the kill they thought we we were weak crippled prey waiting to be taken we fought hard we fought well we fought them to a bloody stal man and here just beyond the craters of No Man's Land we find ourselves in a defensive war against a more powerful enemy Viking six you there Hesh Logan uh copy yeah we're here go ahead reports are coming in Dallas got overrun last night command wants another sweep of the wall as [ __ ] any survivors negative sorry I didn't wake you thought you could use a sleep quiet boy listen hey R's got something grab a gear let's move team two are you near our position native we're outside boys got some Riley does we checking it now we'll SEC the exit to cover me Ry follow it's clear come on up take the door in the right guess ri's getting hungry you don't want to eat anything out here boy let's head back and get you some real food 61 just some local Wildlife we're good check moving up to RP silver copy yeah we'll join you meet us at the wall we're on our way out this way come all unit we have fation contact at the wall we need back up now repeat we are under attack we got you li Charlie pause book we're headed to you Rog that P smoke in our position grenade friend at the green smoke that's friendly to the Green Smoke let's keep moving [Music] Char the company load up and need reinforcements at the wall let's go This Is Us Sergeant by theed all Supply stay come on let's go find the old man I heard about the attack you boys okay always walk with me Dad they're executing civilians I know their Recon teams Round Up scavengers Drifters hoping to find a way into the city it's how they took Dallas practically overnight so how can we help Dad listen you boys you're the only thing I've got left in this world dad listen but you're also the only ones I can trust hey look whatever it is Logan and I we're ready you two are going to No Man's Land wait for real we've been on the defensive for far too long so I'm sending you outside the wall you'll link up with a Recon te gather any intel you can on the enemy and get your asses back here so where in no man's land are we going somewhere you know better than anyone you're going home we call it no man's land span of Destruction between LA and San Diego created when Odin was turned against us the beaches and surf breaks of my own childhood were now mined and abandoned dad told us you men got to operate in no man's land it was too dangerous too unpredictable if he was sending us out there it must have been important to him still I couldn't help but think this was another one of his tests a lesson he was trying to teach us is it on okay looks like we're good beginning sector scan contact enemy Patrol approaching from the West do not engage let him get closer get ready do [Applause] it take him out it's a third group in 20 miles ice PE could be Logan seink up with Riley here we go the vest is sync with your camera feed it'll help guide him where you want to go he'll follow scan around for a bit all clear good boy Riley let's move sounds like more inside Stack Up search clear on me jackpot stalker we're seeing a massive enemy camp ahead moving to investigate s on Riley here we go a guy on the trailer you see him zoom in let's see what's going [Applause] on well hey you see that guy's mask so nice you could join us what's matter you look like you just seen a ghost you won't get anything from me well that's too bad then no you didn't think it was going to be that easy did you oh no you and me got a lot of catch up to do move everything to fire base Charlie including him operation homecoming will proceed on schedu Firebase Charlie operation homecoming Viking what's your position you boys better double time it or you get left behind Roger that we're on our way marking the rally point now get rally out of there we'll regroup at the exit oh [ __ ] up go you look lost we're not lost looking for you Captain America Walker I believe you have something for me we came across some feds moving a guy at Firebase Charlie one of yours yeah Ajax all right we don't have a lot of time time you can stick with us but you do what I say when I say it understood yes sir K take Point get us headed toward the stadium Ajax doesn't have long [Music] they emerged from the shadows and vanished into sunlight outside the wall their reputation lingered over no man's land like a shroud of fear a weapon far more effective than brass or Steel American Keegan these were the men dad had spoken of the ghosts and someone dared to go against them they were headed to San Diego Federation territory to find their man Ajax ghosts we'd only imagin them now we were determined to be one of them all right remote snipers online scan around we need to get eyes on aent zoom in on the stadium for a closer look enemy patrols keep searching look around the Press Box he's now on the field got something on the second floor right above home plate he's out on the left side there 12:00 zoom in right there zoom in that's him that's our boy they're moving and we should go now we're going in there what about backup why do you think you're here Convoy incoming pick your shots careful here they come tag the trucks watch and learn kid to a ja this Atri move move move almost to the tget let's up got to re this should be where they're holding Ajax check it out with a remote sniper use the remote sniper we breach on your shot on left clear right who secure he's not here where is he where is he where did you take [Music] him where is he where is he I don't know what he is got to said let's go no no we found another door no guards we'll wait for you to go Logan get over to that door we'll H him with the gas [Music] first Foundation ay Jax how is he it's bad son of a [ __ ] hang in there Ajax hang in it was Ro he's targeting look the wall come on hang in there Ajax he's gone damn it you got to look at this Ro's targeting ghosts who the hell is roor no time to explain kid they're coming in we need to move Keegan bring him we leave now now your Bo did okay but you need to get back to LA now remote sniper so we can take off take out the turn shoot the truck command this is Viking we've acquired an enemy Hilo and an rtb from south of the wall do you copy hey fogus can you hear me Dad we've got a full Federation division moving on Fort Santa Monica you boys have to get back here quick Dad Dad I'd seen soldiers recover their fallen before but not like these men it was a reverence to how the ghosts treated Ajax the exact opposite of how he must have died if this man RoR had killed him he'd taken his time now he was actually hunting the ghosts but here once again the Federation was attacking us and we were headed into the chaos somewhere in the middle of that battle was our father we had to find him hold your fire hold your fire those are our GS weapons down you Vikings how can we help command needs more men on the front line okay meet us by the command center I'm going to leave our dog with you the rest of you are with me let's move out command this is Viking are you still there affirmative Viking but we're losing ground we need you to help reinforce the beach front on our way anywhere from Captain Walker's Command Post negative defensive teams are holding that position I'm sure he made it out we're losing the now get on that L on fire I'll direct C support A10 drones are rtb at this time it's going to take some time to get them back to you come in [ __ ] come on let's move command drone control is down we're moving to Evac the injured all units this is command A10 drone support is Now offline fall back to secondary defensive positions I repeat all units Retreat from the beach fall back fall back come on move we got that place is down the next street hurry there's Riley Riley come on boys enemies end the street we got enemy from that helicopter take these guys down fast up the stairs we need to make sure Dad got out here see if you can move under this thing let's go let's go watch out through just go upstairs and find Dad I'll look for another way around Logan [ __ ] you're bleeding looks worse than it is you're going to be okay watch out [Music] all right get us out of here hey we're not going anywhere calm down kid hey we just saved your asses we didn't need your help the hell you didn't St it all of you we have to go back our dad's down there and we're not leaving without him that's real admirable of view but your father's not there anymore dad this whole time you you were one of them ghost try the ghost that's your commanding officer you boys have no idea how hard this was for me but once I make a choice there's no turning back you and your brothers still have a lot to learn but you passed all your tests welcome to the ghosts we're ready we won't let you down there's no way you ever could I'm proud of you both of you it's all well and good but what the hell are we going to do about RoR RoR that's the guy huntting the ghost R yeah he's good very good and he knows how we operate how's that possible it was one of us it was 12 years ago when the federation's military threatened all of South America their leader General Almagro demanded all us born citizens be imprisoned or executed it was roor who convinced Washington to let the ghosts solve the problem the US sentin invasion forced to destroy the Federation roor led us to eliminate Almagro but roor became obsessed with him he talked of the man as if he were a bounty and it was clear he would stop at nothing to claim that prize to us roor was a legend the man could walk through hell and not get burned ghosts were the best of the best we are here for one man Amo Follow My Lead mer ax Left Flank Alliance you're with me7 in take that launcher out what we got we got to get up the street move come on let's go the city's fling we need to move down the alley catch your breath what is it I think we should call this one I mean that [ __ ] just flooded the damn City and took out half his own guys and half of ours too we're GH we finished the miss this is anything else you want to say Sergeant no sir it's hot out there all right let's go get this son of a [ __ ] at least three Tangles 10 m stay Al on [Music] I got you looks like it's just you and me now brother Follow My Le [ __ ] stay down this will be useful hold up two more up ahead go under here I'll flank around go underwater we'll get the jump on them we'll take them out on your mark grab a gun off one of these guys any call signs on this frequency please respond this is Ghost 22 got you in the clear Merck Rock We Have Eyes on alra but are taking fire just west of the hotel Roger we're on our way let's go looks like we're saving Merck's ass again run get him we're going down hold on everyone good we're too heavy Elias I need you to shias liar yes so what did you do I made the hardest decision of my life I let him go and save the others so what happened to him we searched for his body for weeks finally we were pulled and he was declared Mia but why is he hunting ghost the Federation got to him first whatever they did if they can turn him they can turn anyone and a ghost won't stop until he completes his mission so find him before he finds US exactly there's a man in Caracus who knows where he sleeps Victor Ramos he heads up R&D for the FED few men get close enough to call a man like roor friend Ramos is one to find roor we're going back to karacus where this all started he's right on time time to earn the mask there's our Target Choppers Landing confirm visual ID scarecrow this is 62 prepare to receive Optical feed copy actual receiving transmission cleaning up the signal we've lost the feed our Targets on the roof Dead Ahead we need to hide DM focus on the chopper nearby rooftop uploading image incorrect Target negative ID wait till he's facing you target confirmed mission is a go hard copy scarecrow 62 out set up your watch just check your shoots for xville hook up 2 1 detach control center is on this [Applause] floor Power Systems in the a let's go quick hideing the alov [ __ ] what are you doing Target down let's get back to the ropes and hook up Kill the Lights beautiful two on the left balcony move down and take them out I got him one right below you move above and we'll do this quietly all right take him out remember we got to shut down the elevator seal off his chance to bolt I've got the main bank in the West Wing we run de in the junction C second for me keep pushing in position likewise all right let's do this damn it he's not here HH I got him he knew you would come where's roor where is he I know no one knows H you have 5 Seconds to deliver coordinates it's on Ro four he's not here three his location isn't there in an encrypted file well well well if it ain't The Walking Dead Ro I knew you'd follow the breadcrumbs you tried to kill my father you piece of [ __ ] H the sons of Elias Walker boy sent to do a man's work where are you rock where I am doesn't matter what matters is a decade ago you left me to die in this city and from this night forward Elias lives with the knowledge he sent his own Sons to their death it's a setup let's move you he Command Mission is compromised attempting an aerial X from the 52nd floor C 62 reing emergency seem to a new Rally Point we need to find a window before the whole damn place comes down your Sho scarecrow we're Airborne Ro to Rally Point Echo good work you two now let's get the hell out of here Ramos's laptop was badly damaged but NORAD made a big find L he moves every 12 hours but for the next 12 we know exactly where he'll be a floating industrial complex out in the Gulf occupied by the Federation they call it the Free Port NORAD made the find and they want him alive you're getting some salvaged Birds to hunt with and I'll be an inspector coordinating the multiple units could it be one hell of a hunt big game but you know what to do fire this is Outlaw 11 we're 2 minutes out Roger 11 remember we're here for an hbii extraction so keep the infi team covered until we can get our guys on the ground confirm 5 spots out Tad's heading 077 see if we need clearance to engage checking on that now stand by 10 seconds out we need to be able to fire on these guys all right we're clear to engage 5 do you want the 30 mm or missiles everything you got Roger one e 30 missile loose thanks for the help there 11 G team is on the de repeat team is on the ground to move going into you've got enemy ordinance outside your building we're engaging danger close repeat danger close [Music] missile coordinat destroyed you're good to go got enemy Fighters coming out the building ahead of you Roger that Eng he just pass those doors under ground down you you boys sure know how to make an entrance shut up pirate this is go 63 mer SEC moving to extraction point now scarecrow this is 61 we have him Roger that out law will bring you to the RV we need to be mobile and 30 mics there are ancient tribes deep in the Amazon who have perfected the art of torture over 100 hundreds of years the Federation embraced this Heritage enhancing it with more sophisticated methods they kept rock in a hole for months feeding in food mixed with the poisons of exotic plants as they broke down his body they went to work on his mind when his mind broke they went to work on his soul they re built what was left twisting him to their purposes the process was excruciating and exacting Ro was their ghost now the perfect weapon to use against us that's enough what did they do to you same thing you did they set me free you taught me a long time ago ghosts don't break now I'm going to ask you one more time everyone breaks Elias why don't you ask your buddy Ajax well he were still with us grab his chair grab his chair bring that bastard over [Music] here so this is how it ends Elias you're going to throw me out of this plane you're going to tell me all about that dick side in San Diego what you going to drop me Lieutenant again answer me rock you really think you're going to break me Elias bring it on come on here I am it's over Rock we beat you you haven't beaten me Elias you just made my job a hell of a lot [Music] easier if you make it out of this kid come find me there's always room for one [Music] more a everyone report in it's he I'm with Merck good Keegan's with me Logan I saw him get snagged on some trees before we landed [ __ ] get down looks like we got company we're coming to you Logan we can see you on the tractor you're almost to us we heard gunfire you okay Logan I knew you'd find us good job son water ball we J back you're coming in hard Arro NORAD was able to say conclusively the missile launched in the Yucatan did not hit the USA where did it go that's exactly what I'm sending you boys to find out the president has authorized operation Clockwork an assault on a Fed facility high in the Andes that could give us the answer you will infiltrate the facility and gather any information you can on their missile program what about your old friend RoR he won't stop coming for us RoR will get his but as of now Clockwork is the priority time 2235 move out kick we've acquired enemy uniforms and are headed to the security checkpoint we hit the checkpoint and get in position for the returning patrol checkpoints ahead you got 10 minutes to acquire transport and be inside Blackbird before we cut the power copy on there it is hold your fire the guard on the tower makes nine take him out first right side Tower radio tower right side time's wasted take him out all right we're going in P inbound Showtime these uniforms better work let the BTR pass you've got the driver once inside keep your spacing and minimize shots After the Blackout H be ready to hook into their system when we get to security Roger ready your nvgs C clear hostile down me keep moving we don't have much time got get that bug in place SP yeah kick we've entered the nest prepping for transfer everyone drop the bags off on the command platform drop your bag on the table over here Hesh get started on this computer back I'll need 2 minutes 30 to complete the download Roger that we'll cover you D is secure make the call check good work boys time to cover our action pop some smoke back door's open is clear time check 2356 check we're going out the same way we came in keep your weapons low but ready time time to blend in leg help him lip don't shoot unless you want to fight your way out of here here we go got the drill they're starting to round up their own guys we can see that I suggest you start moving a little quicker hurry up and get in wait for my signal before engaging mer the data we just grabbed contains kill estimates kill estimates for cities all over the US to Lexington Chicago kick we're exiting the base now good luck guys keep it tight XO will be here in 2 minutes they're stopping Vehicles keep to the script St be ready the exraction point it's over one is on station surfing [Music] now sir they're on board did the data give us anything yes we believe the Federation missile program is being developed in a factory near the port of Rio that coastline is locked down by the fed's thirdd fleet that's why we're headed south to make a diversionary attack on their Atlas platform in the heart of the Drake Passage that's pretty far behind the line we'll see advantage of taking it now the atlas provides enough fuel to keep the FED running for years and I don't want you to take the Atlas I want you to sink it we're in position [Applause] likewise eyes coming up last patol is inbound cop is that all over Roger it's a full house to your top side Logan pull the cam let's go charges are set in everyone's home let's introduce ourselves on you drop [Music] them drop them take them out we're clear let's move what are you doing quiet shut it down kid no no no don't do it you brother st stop what are you going Keegan flare stacks off stay clear to the Derek it's about to get nasty up there Roger that we're clear all right let's head top side stay frosty do not fire until K my canand keep the pressure in the green while I overload the pumps in the green Logan hold it steady okay here we go just keep us out of the red this won't take long first pumps down keep it steady almost there last one hit it mooving Keegan we're on our way to the pipe de copy we'll stay as low as we can there they are mooving [ __ ] K in go go go we got to get get off this thing we lured the Federation Fleet away but the factory is still guarded by one ship a destroyer packed with Advanced Weaponry its air defenses prevent an attack from above but it's vulnerable in one place 60 ft below the waterline near its thermal exhaust Port Keegan Logan I'm tasking you with this clear us away to that factory Roger that we're going to add one more ship to the graveyard descending 50 m oxygen levels look good scarecrow start the clock area clear Ary there it is sink up on me okay Ro's missile is online we've only got one shot take out that ship I'll line it up you got it in firing nice you got it [ __ ] hang on talk to me Logan you okay stay with me let's get the [ __ ] off you you okay what move come on time to go scarecrow this is 62 target has been neutralized you're clear for phase two overy 62 sounds like you close quite a s just make sure to get those birds here 62 out scarecrow this is 62 we're approaching Rally Point Echo you're clear for phase two Roger that 62 it's good to hear from you I hear you the birds are spinning up and ready to go we're green lit for Phase 2 Roger that 62 out and through it all hanging over me like a black cloud was RoR we destroyed an oil plat platform lured away an entire fleet sunk a destroyer and I was still wondering one thing where's R here ahead of us waiting is that good a ghost what happened to him there was something in that factory something the Federation never wanted us to see and we were about to find out exactly what it was you got two contacts approaching low another they're down we're moving to entry a scarecrow we have eyes on the factory over Roger make your way into black Zone copy that approaching entry scarecrow we're inside black Zone we're seeing what looks like rocket components solid copy continue searching pressure lock door this must be it kick Roger Bingo looks like some kind of satellite with a hell of a weapons scarecrow we founded copy actual Hy a feed for identification get youred in get the main heat shield open visual feed is up you're coming in clear Roger that scarecrow send your traffic give us a look at the main unit up a bit higher right there that's it it's a kinetic Rod delivery system like the ones that took out San Diego yeah these are smaller but there's a lot more of them definitely based on our Odin design we need to find out how many they've built good work boys this was a big find Park like entire Wing confirmed for bombing run total coverage is go for effect drop everything let's move copy scare Cur jic is confirmed 8 clicks out minutes on route for full effect AR light 11 1 2 and 13 Target Romeo and birdhouse AR light 21 22 and 23 Target Cooper Dixie and Tango pattern bombing absolute coverage mer find any data they can give us a bigger picture of their progress then get out of there you have an entire airwing on route to level the whole complex copy that looks like manufacturing data satellite's label is 24 how many are there there's encrypted data here appear to be launch events dates predictions I don't understand have they launched we got movement out here lots of it grab the data and get out of there [Applause] now hold this position negative Mar is 20 click out past PNR Genesis cannot be diverted got back here we're clear nice driving kick we destroyed number 24 but where are the other 23 we ain't going to be a 25th J will give us our next steps time to head home [Music] boys our worst fears are confirmed the Federation has revers engineered a space weapon system from the wreckage of Odin how long until it's operational unclear the data you recovered has been sent on to NORAD SE def wants the debrief in person Keegan I'm sending you to Colorado Springs you got it we'll Rend de at the Vegas safe house at 1200 hours tomorrow J's going to want to move fast on this so load up before you get any shut eye we got 6 hours till Keegan gets back hold up something feel off to you Security's working h not going toak well I guess we want something done right do it yourself ah you're awake good nice to have the family back together isn't it we're just missing our quiet friend where's Keegan you know I'm not telling you a damn thing no let's see if I can change your mind son of a easy Junior I ain't even started with you yet Logan look at me look at me son that's right you look at him that's it show him how much pain he's causing you funny thing about your old man he lets his men die to save his own ass damn it Brook this is between you and me leave my boys out of it you're talking to a superior Lieutenant show some discipline you were never one of us you're not not a ghost well that's just cuz I'm better than you I've always been better than you but you you call yourself a ghost you're nothing you and your sons they're dead your name dies with you oh he still got a little life in him didn't he ever tell you not to aim guns at people they could go off that's it just a little more that way come on St Point dead Logan Logan you got fire in you kid I like that risking your life to protect your captain you could learn something from him AAS he's my son yeah and he's going to get to watch you die I'll kill you you hear me I'll kill you you son of a [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] I'm proud of you Logan everything's going to be okay you are right Elias I'm not a ghost I'm the man that hunts them and sends them back to the other side the boss wants the youngest one alive [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] left go left through here go go get to the window Logan Logan you okay how about you Merck I'm good but we need to move before those Choppers find out where we are if we can make it to the strip I can find us a ride out of here take it slow we're going to be outnumbered come on Logan we're leaving command this is Prince 20 we're loaded up in rtb solid copy nice work 20 in the event a ghost is killed his remains are placed face down with his head pointed in the direction of his home his weapon next to him we do it this way so that when our fallen are taken to the other side they can watch over us and keep an eye on our enemy dad was gone nothing could change that but Logan and I we were still here the Federation was still here RoR was still here this war wasn't over not by a long shot goodbye Dad I'll never take your place but I'll die trying to fill it USS Liberator this is Phantom 22 on Final Approach copy Phantom 22 you are cleared for landing deck is pressed mer we got to go after him I want Ro negative Hesh the Federation satellites are moving into position if they go live the feds can strike targets anywhere on the globe so what's the plan we risk everything we have left including our last carrier and we take it straight into the heart of federation territory we hit him on the ground and we hit him in the sky It's All or Nothing Lieutenant ma please report to the flight when the assault starts we need a ghost team on the ground we'll be ready and you'll be leading this one Hesh you're not coming I'll be in Elias's seat coordinating your resources your father was a great man a great leader he saw the same potential in both of you here Logan this belonged to him sorry boy your job's done you're going with Merck he'll be safe all call signs Federation forces have entered our airace report to your station launching aircra inter we got to help them clear the deck then find transportation to the ground aray prepare for incom attack we are being boarded repeat all hands to stations we are being boarded they get their satellites operational they can hit us anywhere anytime they'll wipe us out we got to hold them off and deliver the invasion Force Tango on De how long until the osprey's up and functional we're loading her now she'll be airborne and ready in two Ms grab the targeting controls we need to direct the drop should come back around on tight runs just be ready to Mark those targets we need transport to join the assault hitting the ground array yes sir Choppers are inbound but it'll be 10 plus me the transport use the oppr to clear out those forces understood 31 31 coming in high Mar the target operation all squads be advised the Federation gunship is in the AO is hammering the Terina weing your squad we got to get the missile launcher online and take down that gunship get to the hel come on Logan get on let's go they have to be for Federation satellites they got the damn thing operational we've only got one shot at this we need to join the main assault and take out the ground array or this war is over we'll strike two Targets at the same time theault team's launch is headed for the Federation space station their mission is to breach the station and take control of its orbital weapons to make their approach possible we have to destroy the Space Station's early warning array on the ground Hesh you lead a team to seize control of their Command Center and launch a missile at their ground array L could be in the area but this takes priority an armored Battalion will punch through the fed's defenses expect the most intense resistance of the entire War succeed and our forces in space will have a Fighting Chance parachute ready take breath clear the area for armor drop all tank Crews prepare for drop ETA 2 minutes command we're entering heavy anti-air traffic half a click from the Drop Zone do not deviate from your course we need those tanks on point command out we got the green light prep all systems run Badger two ready system coming online GPS is functional tanks prepped and ready damn it I got this side ready live incoming multiple Bogies headbound man down man down opening cargo bay doors cargo bay taking heavy damage Stevens give me a hand hang on on I'm releasing the tank we missed the Drop Zone command awaiting orders bravo team has pinned down ahead your position we're under heavy fire command tight bger group is moving in copy command we need to push through to Bravo Team outed Target 12:00 on the way save loaded move all enemy defenses destroy command air strip is secure solid copy Badger one rally with fourth Battalion and run hot to Echo 32 high value acquisition underway in foxtrot 9 ghost team are active repeat ghosts are on Route launch facility ahead we secure the control room and launch the Federation missiles up the target site H this is mer medic confirmed the or is at the facility but you have to get that missile launch first understood take [Music] down command trajectory updated preparing to launch Warhead be advised the area is covered by multiple v75 mantis turrets understood sending Bader Battalion to clear the way command out let's launch [Music] this command payload is away we have a successful launch command copies off good work gentlemen hear this it's he's here they're evacuating on the train below mer missiles away we got a lead on ro we're going after him negative Hesh return to Rally Point we'll track him down together sorry Mar your mission's complete let's get we to get the roar keep pushing it's coming down command the complex is down repeat the complex is down to all call signs communication with the satellite array is severed green light on Phase 2 I repeat we are go for phase 2or actual ground mission successful they're blind down here starts your attack Roger second stage separated vectoring to Target this is command you should have visual on the station it's big command there's a whole ring of federation satellites and they're all powering up AEL this is mer we won't last long down here get in there and get it done Roger going in heavy Federation reinforcements are in pursuit of ground forces sitre mer be advised we made it to the station make it fast axol we're taking heavy ordinance down hereis on Final INF will be high let's get control of this station then we'll start raining some hell of our own Eva's engaged contact get to cover Target down all clear move up our forces have falling back to the Airfield they have an entire division moving on top of them take that station copy we're breaching now PL your charges charges set you're just hoping these things work up here clear take the control console may be advised we have control of the station copy acas we're sending you enemy positions hit them hard milco set 3 4 and eight loaded and ready Thompson initiate launch all runs away connecting to targeting drone drone ising tated AO oh man inchorus Focus fire on the heavy armor battalions targeting online fire one ready holy [ __ ] they felt that reinforcements neutralized good work Icarus local units can clean up remaining hostile forces prepare to Target remaining Federation Naval vessels location at hold icus incoming traffic Icarus action do you still have eyes on the Southwest train affirmative belay previous order Target the train and fire on it sir there are ghosts on that train the order comes from the ghosts you're confirmed repeat confirmed fire on that train Thompson fire when ready dad taught us many things but one lesson always stood out good men are defined by the choices they make Logan and I made a choice a promise to the Fallen ghosts before us to Dad we'd fight roor and we'd stop it no matter the cost we coming for it why don't you just tell me yourself you're done RoR let's finish this looks like Icarus got control of the rods all that's left is Roar mer you copy copy HH we're moving in on work if you hear the word Checkmate you will fire in our position confirm say again repeat your ass mer our Checkmate hit this train we can't take any chances Logan even if we fail Ro dies okay 3 2 1 you can't win Ro it's over Checkmate Checkmate confirmed what was that what'd you do lost work it's over [ __ ] grab the gun shoot it Lan here Logan do it [Music] sh [Music] you got him Logan he did Merck come in mer did you copy Hesh hes is that you yeah I'm with Logan we're okay and Ro dead he's dead copy that the federation's in full Retreat the rest of the payloads inbound to finish the job sit tight Recon coming for [Music] you I'm proud of you [Music] l [Music] [Music] it [Applause] look at what you did you're good you'd have been a hell of a ghost but that's not going to happen there ain't going to be any ghosts we're going to destroy him together Logan Logan [Music] Logan [Music] [Music] yeah
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,090,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, Call Of Duty: Ghosts, cod ghosts all cutscens, new cod all cutscenes, new cod game movie, cod game movie, ghosts game movie, Cutscene, call of duty ghosts movie, riley dies, dog dies call of duty, call of duty ghosts 2, cod bops 3, bops3, call of duty ghosts triology, moab, nuke, k.m. strike, kms, k.m.s., km strike, Call of Duty Ghosts All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD, all cutscenes, game movie, call of duty ghosts game movie, call of duty ghosts cutscenes movie
Id: syAz3v3pOmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 21sec (6201 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2013
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