MODERN WARFARE 2 Remastered All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p

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[Music] it's the FNG sir [Music] what the hell kind of name is soap [Music] [Music] Nikolai's inhale right now we're gonna walk him out we take care of our friends [Music] in brain Sakaya [Music] we're shocked the lot once there had we paid [Music] [Music] [Music] the more things change the more they stay the same boundary shifts new players step in but power always finds a place to rest its head we fought and bled alongside the Russians we should have known that hate us for it history is written by the victor and Here I am thinking we'd won but you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him locations change the rationale the objective yesterday's enemies are today's recruits train them to fight alongside you and pray they don't eventually decide to hate you for it too [Music] Sam [ __ ] different day you know what I'm looking for sergeant Foley keep your eyes open got a new batch hit in the pit today sir I'll send you the best I find welcome to pull the trigger 101 private Allen he is gonna do a quick Levin's demonstration to show you locals how it's done okay could I see a lot of you guys firing from the hip and spraying bullets all over the range if you don't end up hipster dance thing and it makes you look like an ass private Allen told what I'm talking about grab that weapon off the table and fire the targets behind you turn around and fire at the targets you see what I mean he sprayed bullets all over the damn place you've got to pick your targets by aiming deliberately down your sights from a stable stance private Alison show our friends here how the Rangers take down the target crouch first then aim down your sights at the target that's all there is to it you want to talk us to go down you gotta aim down your sight aiming down your sights also works for switching quickly between targets aims down your sights then pop in and out to acquire new targets show them private if your target is close to where you're aiming you can snap to it quickly by aiming down your sights [Music] now that's how you do you want to take down your tacos quickly and with control now if your target is behind like couple remember that certain weapons can penetrate and hit your target the private here will demonstrate last but not least you need to know how to toss a frag grenade private Alan pick up some frag grenades from the table toss the grenade down the range to take out several targets at once note that frags tend to roll on sloped surfaces so think twice before tossing one up here alright thanks for the help private Alan now get over to the pit general Shepherd wants to see you run the course hey private welcome back to the pit her general Shepherd wants to pull the shooter from our unit for some special op anyway he's up there in observation go ahead and grab a pistol well smile for the cameras and don't miss Shepherds gonna be watching the best shooter gets to join the prima donnas squad okay head on in timer starts as soon as the first target pops I don't know why they don't [Music] very impressive man you made that course your [ __ ] okay head upstairs we'll regroup with your team where you can go back in run the course again I owe you names me and be your victors we're headed out [Music] everyone get to your vehicles we're moving out we are the most powerful military force in the history of man every fight is our fight because what happens over here matters over there we don't get to sit one hour learning to use the tools of Modern Warfare's the difference between the prospering of your people and utter destruction we can't give you freedom but we can give you the know-how to acquire it and that my friends is worth more than a whole army base of Steel sure it matters who's got the biggest stick but it matters a hell of a lot more who's swinging it this is a time for Heroes a time for legends history is written by the victors let's get to work fala copy I have fo 1 1 2 items and 15 line [Music] mr. devil what one fighter two f-15 time on station target acquired which really is it sir sets all 101 o'clock they which building the 101 o'clock the top hey Dave which one is it is it the one on the left or the right and one on the left hey isn't this danger clothes for the task force come on since when does Shepard care about all right we're asking Mike one or two Breaking Away copy hunter - let me buy a first pair the rooftops hospitals stay frosty this place is dead Oh Lord how the two one we're passing tunnel hobby cross Butte Elizabeth Roger that hundred to one proceed with caution alright stay frosty you guys this is the Wild West right of the watch those alleys I bet they're scouting us but that don't mean we can shoot can you see it can you see him I don't see jack [Music] get up fast back in there they're moving around upstairs two one actual dishes Overlord send traffic the school is securing hostas that we've grown from the area we just loved them solid copy hunter two one actual proceed with caution to the rally gentle the good work on taking the town private island you'll be taking orders from me from now on I'll brief you on the chopper let's go [Music] so how do I look like one of the bad guys perfect for your undercover assignment so Makarov is the prize Makarov snow prize he's a [ __ ] a mad dog killer for the highest bidder just remember your new identity it'll keep you alive welcome to the one floor one best hand-picked group of warriors on the planet it's an honor sir when do I meet the rest of the team they're on a mission recovering a downed ACS module behind enemy lines their feet wet imagine they're just about freezing right now [Music] you [Applause] breaks over much Oscar stay here and spawn me wait for my go I mean the ice is good follow me good luck me I'll see you in the far sight [Music] Roach check your heartbeat sensor you should be able to see me on the scope that blue dot is me any unrecognized contacts will show up as white dots approach these Muppets have no idea about here let's take this nice and slow you take the one on the left one city one storm is moving up let's split up I'll use this down with scope and provide overwatch from this rich he's the cover of the storm to enter the base ghost this blizzard so the guards want to see you know you're very close keep an eye on heartbeat sensor [Applause] I'll take this one the other side some activity in the runway like 20 foot Mobile's headed your way [Applause] to Cassini let's go go upstairs and look for the easiest module which have been compromised keep a low profile and hold your fire no the plan [Music] [Music] take that snowmobile let's get the hell out of here chosen one to plan ahead full pointed compromise example into projects we have your visual is your board the rest of taskforce one-for-one brought in the ACS Allen two men took down an entire base I ask much more from you now yesterday you are soldier on the front lines but today front lines are history uniforms are relics the war rages everywhere and there will be casualties this man Makarov is fighting his own war and he has no rules no boundaries he doesn't flinch at torture human trafficking or genocide he's not loyal to a flag or a country or any set of ideals he trades blood for money he's your new best friend you don't want to know what it's cost already to put you next to him it will cost you a piece of yourself it will cost nothing compared to everything you'll save Sammy Baugh [Music] come tears go they're right on time check your weapons enamel I've waited a long time for this haven't we all this way let's go go in our generating the mobile breakage expert in the Telestial let's beat them up [Music] [Music] all right clear hold your fire no civilities get it we've said mister dunne message of this attack knock it off that was no message thought he could deceive us when we find that body I love Russia across the war [Music] you the Russians ain't gonna let his massacre go unanswered it's gonna get bloody too late me now in the eyes of the world they're the victims no one's gonna sale what when the Russians Club every American they can reach Makarov was one move ahead now he's left thousands of bodies at the feet of an American we're the only ones who know it was Makarov ZUP our credibility died without we need proof follow the shell Alejandro Ross never had to himself you know him as Alex the read he supplied the assault one bullet to unleash the beauty of a whole nation which means that he's our ticket to Makarov ghost the plates in a match copy any sorrow has Ryan man negative stuff twice already no signing wait stumped again stand by got a positive ID whether these guys are they're not happy to see [Music] [Applause] non-lethal takedowns of only we need him alive he's dying Roge this is gonna take some time go with meat and rice and check out the favela for any signs or less that's where this guy is headed let's go remember there are civilians in the favela watch your fire out there me get these civvies out of here Roger that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] front runner this is Bravo six we've got the package I repeat we have got the package come on ready for Dustoff send the chopper coordinates to pod bollocks the skies are clear send the chopper now commands got a red up their ass we're on our own san Bravo we're reading 70 bogeys in your sector please verify very funny station that's a big negative over San Bravo be advised running Diagnostics to scan for malfunction the skies are clear station you've got yourself some phantom dots over Zulu x-ray six signs in your sector some 100 bogies please advise negatory station scope is clear I don't know what to tell you Solar interference heavy sunspot activity today jeera Delta we may have a minor ACS fault here do you have anything on your scope Sierra Delta repeat stand by attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector I read you started Paulie acting commander one-to-one do copy over all stations be advised satellite surveillance has been disabled Souza signals [Music] [Music] utter to one all air support is already engaged additional ground support is in route to your position but has encountered and the resistance over run to that oval or be by we have encountered enemy armor and are proceeding on foot over overlord copies all good luck now hold your fire don't engage that BTR they have in Florida hang right stay behind it I got a visual on this book of it from the birthday that's well wrap the window whispered Ramirez uses smoke grenades duck cover him smoked potato let me dr he was the cover of this book we have a Supply Drop on the roof with an m5 sentry gun stable everyone check your weapons and ammo they'll be back to be advised to beat the arms coming in from the north I have a visual on an enemy UAV operator remote piloting those missiles he's inside that diner to the west over Ramirez get away Kevin sob I'm sending part of this one to help you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is over over Oh Lord to do Levi precious cargo you repeat precious cargo is secure copy zone good job now we do got yourself into dark area if you got a family there with your lucky day we're gonna go there live we're sorry all lines are busy at the moment get anyone on the whole the Russians must have copied ACS module got the key of your lock in America and they're killing a thousand Americans for every dead civilian in Moscow looks like all our friends I know a guy let's find a payphone if they still exist oh we got our row heads is the only guy Makarov hate worse than Americans is locked up in the gulag that's all we've got this cons the bait to catch that psychopath let's hang him from a tree so the militias closing in almost 200 of them front and back we're gonna have to fight our way to the LZ let's go what about Rojas Street I'll take care of it works for me okay my friend I am on the way walking load let's do this [Music] [Applause] I'd be more malicious holding it on the market hit up the page let's do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my friend [Music] someone turn off that damn TV my task force is out of the country I'm commandeering your unit sergeant foaming yes sir Oh Leo sir I've requisitioned a striker from the 8th armored honey badgers a mean [ __ ] sir she'll walk you and the Russians are burning through our defenses and our Intel can't let him take this corner just point it out on the map sir they won't take Roger attacking your target they'll be lucky to take for labor now proceeding into our Haven 7/7 road after you have eliminated the drivel a divert the four six seven seven from erode the gums restore the coordinate confirmed firing Oh hunter two one actual triple-a has been neutralized we're heading two four six seven seven Brooke main road interrogative what exactly are we looking for over sergeant Foley this is general Shepherd your objective is to extract a high-value individual from a panic room on the second floor of that house yes sir he'll be expecting you challenges ice pick counter scientist Phoenix get him out of there report back to Overlord Shepherd out four six seven seven through barrel I stay together ice pick something's not right here check the panic room move no sign of forced entry Ramirez get that briefcase what's left of it [Music] so let's check out these tats not your average trooper why huh get a couple of photos for g2 and check the bodies for Intel who up Shep is not gonna like this overlord the HPI is dead seems what head of the wrong direction son shouldn't we be coming back to the fight plenty of fight to go around there tablished glad you made it out of South America you're meeting up with a sixth Fleet leading the Counter Strike prisoners six to seven we believe that two macarons got the mat on four but we can't get through our links some Russians are using them as SAM sites oil workers are human shields so we can't just blow up the rigs wholesale and this one is the least defended boys I know I'm sending you into the meat grinder on this one they're defending it so it means we want it especially if it gets us the six to seven USS Chicago actual to drydock shelter we have a go tedious anger flooded full pressure again deployment [Music] contain more des TVs away Hotel six bearing zero one USS Dallas deploying team to army the objective and 20 meters the team toward the objective [Music] [Music] but small easier to drag like the opposite section 1 alpha moving up the section - Roger that Hotel 6 keep it tight people coefficient water right in I need to engage and suppress weapons only wait Clea civilian hostages at your position watch your fire Roger that team one moving technique Austin is secured in Section to echo Roger that Hotel six team two will secure an evac get topside and find the rest of the civvies okay move upstairs control we're advancing detective eyes open watch your sectors Hotel six more hostages are at your position copy that clear cool secured enemy right yeah I think we're gonna have company sir set up a plan B get some seafood on those buddies go c4 placer get to an elevated position we'll ambush them when they discover the bodies there's a Patrol hold your fire until they're closer standby reinforcements to handle the SAM sites over Roger that will call in for exfil the nails that Bravo take the top deck ASAP so we can send in the Marines same choice on the door go ahead throw from both sides control all hostages have been secured I repeat all hostages secured proceeding to LZ Bravo / good job Hotel six Marine reinforcements are inserting now to dismantle the SAM sites get your team ready for phase 2 of the operation hunter 2 - this is bad as your actual go flat secure all the EOD teams are cleared for landing Roger Punisher hunter - 2 copies all Punisher this is Phoenix 1 one flight a few f-15 and route 2 4 into 5 but assured all flight of identity of brand-new five five zero two local Eric Bates insecure I repeat local airs made insecure seed on board the dark area along Route November - butters - the desire of actual in southwest corner of main deck the Derrick building and it's on the explosives Punisher actuals wall strike teams all SAM sites neutralized repeat all Sam sites have been neutralized this guy in effect [Music] six fleets mopping up time to move in long history of this building know much of it pretty started out as a castle with an actual dungeon built to withstand any seeds building survived every brutal winter the occupants they weren't so lucky monastery didn't survive the pudges over the last sensitives played host to anyone the government didn't want but couldn't kill places filled with living casualties of the last war and I thought we'd won and I suppose this all a day the races you back to losing a horse and this is where you end up 67 is the piece of meat Mack it off once so let's cut a moose [Music] Bobby sergey's pointed to one this is just a one one flight of two f-15 four songs for the section stamp I foresee at over [ __ ] three good kill good kill according to one you're cleared all the way in good luck about forty to one copy during solid copy going on Roger guns guns guns good effect on diapers mr. MacTavish right right glass clatters I was hoarse one man in a gulag doesn't mean much to the Navy at this point bloody Yanks good good good color cha stay frosty second wave going in standby five three going into overhead matter provides a never cover over five three this is it be going that prism of 67 get I check your comments let's go that's a control room up hate I'll tap into the system on the foot of Britain er it's gonna take some time copy that Roach but Unseld G follow me tell Claire Oh talk to me ghost [Music] let's go [Music] use your light sapphire we can make you bypass the lower floors by rappelling out that window follow me captain metabolites more clear will link up with you at the bottom the camera feeds in solitary confinement it state the power must be down in that section Shepard weather how was that get the Navy to cease fire the Navy is in a talking mood right now stand by Bravo six they've agreed to stop firing for now keep going talk to me ghosts don't wanna be that in here with no ships top final again hate going I'm detecting two heat signatures one of them should be prisoner six through seven [Music] drop it nice this belongs to you sir who's so [Music] Bravo's big-time player firing all the way Hey it'll be okay on your feet we're Oscar Mike Roger - Annette July listen up the Seebeck sides getting hit hard and we need to buy them some time huh all gold sides potential targets they got off dakota typers RPG teams and heavy arms fire all floors negative one actual all available air units are currently cast with all cast back to the target building it provides for mouth Roger brigade combat team volunteers already peeled off an lav to provide some pressure Oh Roger that [Music] 100 to 1 be advised hostiles on the southwest corner that will be a floor our hammering [Music] oh boy secure the enemy cluelessness to the southwest hood overlord copies all the evac site at the Washington Monument report several transports away but they are still vulnerable and you'll provide support from your position over Ramirez get on that sniper rifle scan the darkest to the southwest run all call signs on this vest this is the Washington Monument evac site we're holding our own but have glad enemy to the west and are taking fire from that direction - what you bought the back side values done well done now get your asses please after in danger of being overrun atlas - 6 is now away all remaining evacuation unit executes level 3 evacuation protocols urgent circles with building I've got a man we've linked up with the seals on the rooftop and are heading up negative one they're still pinned down by infantry in line from the world war ii memorial that look good over those dudes weekend with the air o first wave of civilian transports is away to proceed with second stage evacuation later urgent personnel mostly the world war ii memorial pull that trigger chile don't get up everyone get the hell out of there dagger new line we are going down dagger 2 1 this is overlord new you copy over beggar 2 1 it is over Lord how copy over sir you [Music] uplink nearly complete general Shepherd yet online with Captain Price back from the brain you Hansen out of the frying pan is more like it this world looks more like hell than the one I just left we thought we'd recover the ACS before the Russians could crack it we were wrong then Makarov turned the u.s. into a scapegoat next thing you know there's flames everywhere what's this image you're sending me you want to play out no fuss you set off a bigger explosion right next to it sucks the way the oxygen snuffs the flame price even locked away too long better get your mind right son Shepard are you willing to do what is necessary to win a horse we got ourselves a pretty big fire gonna need a huge bang you've been in the gulag too long price focus on taking out Makarov no time sir we need to end this war today I'm not asking your price this is an order [Music] does that we lost our connection price I can barely see rotary shooting my satellite feed too much interference do you see him over Roger that so I'll found roach it appears to be intact when I Northwest for some place copy that the rest of the team landed near coast pretty far to the east don't look for proceed with the mission we'll regroup if possible approach follow me stay outside contact enemy Patrol thirty meters to our front five men automatic rifles frag grenades one German Shepherd dogs dogs these rushing dogs are like Pussycats compared to the ones in Pripyat don't do anything stupid we'll have to take them out at the same time convoy coming get outside [Music] tell them uh stop for a smoke take one I'll take out the other I repeat the side of doors are opening under Sun India mr. with the air code black code black [Applause] gentlemen mrs. vector puts it in route to the east coast we will lose the white house we've rebuilt it before we'll rebuild it again casualties possibly 30 to 50,000 depends on the exact location of the detonation all systems will go down general Shepard you warned us we should have listened when they speak at this moment we will not be the ones who stood guard while America died one man is responsible for all this Makarov must be brought to light whatever you need general you've got a blank check dagger to 1 if his overlord do you copy over a beggar to one is this open Lord how come over [Music] come in sab one this is ISS control Houston is requesting a feed from your helmet cam over they want you to look over towards the dark side of the earth should be cresting the horizon about 15 degrees east of the starboard PV arrays that one rotate your view a little further to the right will you there it is we're getting your feet set 1 come in Houston are you getting this copy that ISS video feed for San Juan is clear that Juan keep tracking the bogie we're looking into it stand back Houston we're not scheduled for any satellite launches today are we ISS Houston standby we may have a problem here Houston this is ISS [Music] [Music] [Music] the sky we're screwed you going out there are you nuts it's over come on you still have a water what that'll happen here oh that's quiet as you read not working mines out this is where brah looks like optics law ecology town it's not even a streetlight for blocks damn it all right we gotta regroup with whoever's left out there corporal Dom take point the proper response is Texas soldier what do you got Colonel Marshalls assembling a task force at whiskey hotel you guys need to keep heading north so where are you going you heard the man let's go whoa check out the seal on this door I thought the president's bunker was under the West Wing no that's just for tourists this must be the real thing open it up real or not man this place is history they got out [Music] get to the roof [Music] aborting weapons released rolling out so we'll be going to Moscow not soon enough man I know we're gonna burn it down we get there by The Times right when the time's right it's been a tough week gentlemen we've lost more than we ever dreamed but we will recover [Music] I've got a blank check and we're gonna use every cent of it killing Makarov despite what the world may say we are not savages we don't kill civilians we use precision there's an evil man hiding in these shadows and we're gonna bring him into the light once his face is revealed we will write history gentlemen these are the last safe havens left on earth for Makarov in his man sounds like we got to be in two places at once impossible not for the one for one 50-50 chance to take our marker off a captain price request permission to take the safe house for Roche granted serve and I will take the boneyard in Afghanistan very well we will cut off all avenues of escape this ends now strange could have sworn we ended this war yesterday strike team go engage Makarov on side a copy let's go let's go [Music] you're gonna get be advised we have no I repeat we have not spied marker off and no one else has left the house those tribes may have been decoys over Oh scarecrow photographs Roger that Shepherd this is ghost no sign of Makarov I repeat no sign of Makarov captive rice any luck in Afghanistan 20 at least fifty hide comes here but no sign of Makarov Harry until self well the quality of the Intel was about a change this safe house is a bloody gold mine copy that ghost have your team collect everything you can for an Operations playbook names contacts places everything we're already on it sir Makarov will have nowhere to run that's the idea I'm bringing up an extraction force eta five minutes get that Intel Shepherd out Roach get on Makarov computer and start to transfer ozone you're on real secure II I've got the front go on my way Task Force mrs. price more of microcement just arrived at the boneyard don't cover me I'm gonna slow that guy over there and uses radio to tap into their comms for a few minutes good luck out there in Russia price out roach there's an armory in the basement better stock up where you can beccarose man I gotta do whatever it takes to keep us from leaving with his Intel we need to protect the DSN until the transfers done use the weapons caches and south your flame was if you got any left differential positions let's go ready to engage [Music] so I produced six stand by the raucous deck over Roger hit him hard on that he'll make sure there's no Roger I got a blind up that's one less elusive Karia sanitize all targets destroyed solid copy no movement detected just eggs going into holding pattern [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Roots ghosts come in ghosts you copy there's anyone copy they're dead so ship its cleaning house I'm working my way back to you Shepard that lead us have to trust someone to be betrayed I never did nicolai come in do you have our location [Music] we'll have to take them all out they're gonna let them take each other out give it away I'll see you on the other side my friends [Music] hey brother that girl friendship is men kill each other off as much as you can we can use their crops to listen in on their radio traffic I'm gonna try and contact my girl [Music] I'll take care of the forward [Music] yeah join Reichstag [Music] neutralized drop the flag so rookies down take the wheel [Music] you we've got one good UMP they've got a thousand we don't even know if Makarov syntel's any good trace right the healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is his last day on earth but I think that's a luxury not a curse to know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom good time to take inventory outgunned outnumbered out of our minds on a suicide mission but the sound and we rocks here stained with thousands of years of warfare they will remember us for this because out of all our vast array of nightmares this is the one we choose for ourselves we go forward like a breath exhale from the earth with figure in our sand one goal in sight we will kill him [Applause] I'll wait for you at the exfil point three hours don't bother this was a one-way for like my I didn't good luck my friend Slava Volga so pup picking up a thermal spike up ahead the cake must be somewhere over the edge hold up enemy Patrol ultrafire it looks like that cross Intel was solid this is it good they're splitting up they let them separate this decryption code better be list and price of a plate go ahead alpha living-dead all clear over bravo sandstorm not much to see right now over silver we're starting our Patrol east along the canyon north side access road over focus on the group on the right directly beneath us let's take them out first I'll take the two on the left on my mark [Music] just like old times alright we're going to take out the other group before they come back we don't have much time before they find the bodies keep moving here we go we'll help here disciple four oxide what's your status over disciple four oxide do you copy over go hey I'm not getting anything from disciple four at the North Ridge Road could be a bad transmitter two tangos down below contango up head do not engage patrol coming our way don't let them quickly at the moss butcher 7 oxide we've lost contact with disciple 5 probably just the sand storm that's rolling in or a bad transmitter sends a team to check it out over Roger that oxide I'll send Vincent and Lambert butcher 7 out I'd have a guard having a smoke or wait for it to move along good time let's go disciple 6 go dark reaching clear Billy go get ready door charge planted ready to breach in it preaching preaching Foxtrot elements sweep left search pattern F go Charlie go to our area clear check your corners therefore keep him in check disciple 9 your rear guard just flatlined not possible we just cleared that area nobody's that good ox second its price backup priority items and burn the rest fire teams just to lay them until we're ready to pull out riot shield 12 a Calvary idea oxide avatar Wan we have uh North arise personnel on the catwalk I repeat we have unauthorized personnel on the catwalk you get this oxide disciple 9 with gun hostile contact approximately 50 metres of the necessary pressure Isaiah I love it put your 1/5 rendezvous with the nester prepare to escort gold eagle to the LZ the gold equal must be Shepard oxide butcher 5 actual I got a severed Ted Kord we're gonna Mike's to get the 12 rig and the EBC primed over negative Gold Eagle wants those charges hot and less than three Mike's get it done out there seal the control room get a frame charge of override the door controls use the cable overnight the dual controls hurry Excalibur this is called eagle fire mission target back it's Romeo take your clothes that's what they have a hundred meters of your position sir that's not a suggestion Roger sir sandstorm activity is picking up here it's too risky from flight on understood head for the tunnel we'll take the zodiacs jet sir let's go Jeff attention zodiacs there must be river access nearby let's go this is for the record history is written by the victor history is filled with liars if he lives and we die his truth becomes written and ours is lost Shepard will be a hero that's all you need to change the world is one good lie on a river of blood he's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history his truth will be the truth but only if he lives and we die sup get on the boats [Music] I am me that water spot one be advised we're coming in on Roger dropping a hatch give up learning on no I from vertical clearance golde goes on [Applause] [Music] let's shove the Skype [Music] five years ago I lost thirty thousand men in the blink of an eye and the world just [ __ ] watched tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers no shortage of Patriots I know you understand [Music] yeah [Music] so so it'll hold for now come on get up I thought I told you this was a one-way trip looks like it still is they'll be waiting for us you know Nicholi we're gonna get so bad here yeah I know a place [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 469,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MODERN WARFARE 2 Remastered All Cutscenes, gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, MODERN WARFARE 2 Remastered All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p, modern warfare 2 remastered, modern warfare 2 remastered 2 all cutscenes, modern warfare 2 remastered game movie, modern warfare 2 remastered gameplay, modern warfare 2 remastered walkthrough
Id: jTmrwWsb9kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 39sec (7299 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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