CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 1 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS UHD

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[Music] wake up wake up where am i where's razna you will answer our questions do you understand who the hell are you that's not important what's important is who you are what's your name [ __ ] you where were you born kiss my ass [Music] your name is alex mason he's born in fairbanks alaska in 1961 you served in a cia assassination team known as operation 40. is that correct is that correct yes where's the broadcast i don't know what you're talking about the numbers what do they mean where are they don't know anything about any numbers do you remember him give us what we want we'll guarantee your safety let's start at the beginning cuba 1961 the bay of pigs we know you were there no do not [ __ ] with me mason i know when you're lying 61. af what happened got killed there's no use lying mason we know you went in with woods and bowman what bowman [Music] we went in to kill castro occupants leaving their vehicles armed with shotguns volume and carlos lay down covering fire we fight our way through the streets mason on me let's go oh keep moving talk it down confirm this way into the alley get to the car reinforced oh yeah [ __ ] hurry hit it go get the [ __ ] out of the way [Music] you escaped from the police [Music] we have no choice a compound causing his men should be in the airfield any minute there's a signal now look up this is it wake up perfect you're all focused on the airfield sit tight let him pass quickly this way upstairs got it castro's paranoid for three years today's the day we succeed he searched room to roll to his fine castro all over the place come on is ready [ __ ] he uses the human shield and she still protects him in the devotion the target is down okay get the [ __ ] out of here this ain't good it's too many of them take out that 50 cap here they come home god bless you carlos this way into the sugar field there's the airfield let's hope carlos secured that evac he ain't let us down yet rebels are kicking the ass bring it down there hook up we're leaving hurry run give us confirmation runway's clear damn no choice woods knew what i signed up for gotta be fine just go get out of [Music] here you're dead we killed you no you killed a double you think we didn't know of your plan we always know do within what you wish general he's my gift to you in honor of our new relationship just make sure that he suffers he will know suffering beyond his darkest fears i have plans for you american oh he did greg of it sure did what did they do what didn't they do [Music] [Applause] why didn't castro just kill you why did he give you the dragon because castro and dragovich were working together where did dragon ball take you for cuda i had to fight just to survive what happened i was on my own almost a year frank mason what did they do to you i've given up hope of ever getting out but victor has not found a way my friends [Applause] yes every journey begins with a single step this is step one now we think what is step two [Applause] six [Music] [Music] okay yes you should trust america with my life he and us are not so different we are all soldiers without an arm betrayed forgot abandoned in for we are all brothers [Music] hey rest of your men must know this is sorcery victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice mason we russians know this better than anyone prepare yourself nation over here right we will not pause break open the arms lockers mesa climb the tower and support the uprising in the south let's go we have all given reinforcements will soon arrive to defend the main armory just as we planned how do we achieve step five mason's weapon will soon be ready [Music] shoot the lock mesh hope this works choose your moments [Music] sergey oh let's go step seven they are using gas [Music] you never left me the door will not hold them forever we do not have much time within this shy to the hypocritical decadence of our kutuz leaders place the key to step eight freedom come on animation keep it jump go mason go your turn come on step 8 grizzner freedom for you mason not for me but that was the last you saw victor at least for a while after you escaped you were assigned to jason hudson at the c.i.a how could he trust you when he knew that victor reznoff helped you break out of vorkuta that's nice he's my friend but he didn't make it out victor resnoff was a communist how did the cia know you weren't compromised they tested me they knew i wouldn't break and i won't break now the government wanted they wanted you to kill him yeah and there were others others i was supposed to kill whom [Music] so you were cleared for duty and summoned to the pentagon jason hudson was my new hand this is it hudson couldn't tell me he didn't have clearance your convoy's ready sir welcome to the pentagon we're late mcnamara your reputation precedes you step on it nothing less than our national security is at stake he has no fear no conscience no weakness this is nikita dragovich i believe you two have already met when do i kill him we're lucky to have you back mason [Music] vip easier i felt like everyone was watching this and watching me i think you couldn't trust anyone sometimes even yourself that's why we're here right here 24 7. it never ends we were watching you the whole time clearance prospero [Music] couldn't get them out of my head ariel he's waiting something ignoring it the nerve center i believe i'm correct in saying that civilization has been saved more than once in this room i don't know what goes in a dream it was working it never gets old overwhelming isn't it not yet sycorax the center sanctum was built in 1943. we rarely use it thank you mr secretary good luck mason mr president agent mason great honor mr president sit we are in grave danger from the communists our freedom our very way of life is at risk drego [ __ ] [Music] i'm told that you are the very best that we have anywhere you will need to be mr mason take care of it executive order operation rip out the heart of their space program eradicate their long-range missile project take out the ascension group nazis scientists co-opted by the russians after the war needed their knowledge what they'd learned operation 40 had planted a double agent working with the ascension group echo girl you either his mission was to sabotage the rocket if something went wrong i can't get these [ __ ] numbers out of my head no sponsor weaver we gotta move stay sharp mason let's go pick it up whiskey come back go x-ray soyuz one launch is imminent we're on our way over roger time mason let's go no no no something's wrong it's way too much activity yankee one three report yankee one three report we've just gone dark here see what's out there they're at final countdown there's soyuz too scheduled to launch 10 minutes after soyuz won nation we get activity on the road check it out damn it's weaver he's burning our colleague is unwilling to explain his presence in this facility who the [ __ ] is this surrender now and you will be allowed to leave it's krav jenko dragovich is second in command this is your only warning there's nothing we can do mason we've just done but no your choice this is not good roger all right let's go chopper's inbound moving we're good pick it up we need those uniforms i'll take the one on the ground ah let's get him out of sight was saving weaver more important to you than your objective to kill dragovich weaver was rushing he was all right i hope your time for coup to help you russian mason you're [ __ ] better we gotta save weaver oh you fire work to disguise hostiles in sight what happened to weaver he's compromised continue as planned we'll make a new opportunity all right let's move just do what they do get him out of the way [Music] clear he's four before you move up [Applause] mason mason get over here crossbow explosive bolts now i'll cover the ladder enemy moving in from the north we're pinned down you got company the pin down take out those vehicles couldn't fire strong attention those [ __ ] on the way back i'll secure the line you take the shot make it quick mason go go go weaver clear right through that you able to continue on mission weaver let's do it did you sabotage the guidance system i was compromised that's what through being subtle moved to plan b there may still be time to abort the launch we need to get to the auxiliary control bunker you saved his life now you had to locate the ascension group and kill the scientists oh i had to kill dragonfish we've been made with the balacapas wall set we have to destroy the rocket no matter what it's too late i can't stop it plan b boom and set it up this will do it load mason now oh [ __ ] tell him a way to test the prototype foreign no one sticks out that back door mason and weaver you're on me okay time we got the hell out of here not yet we're going after dragonfish we're losing it again stay with me kavchinko escaped before we could get to dragovich him there wasn't he searched the whole base couldn't find the best of this waste of time then we ran into dragon bitch's limo i had him satisfied not yet not until i see the body did you confirm the kill trust me that rap bass is a [ __ ] charcoal briquette somehow dragovich was still alive he became your obsession he spent the next five years trying to track him down he was he was he was everywhere he just couldn't get him out of her head she's just like the others he doesn't even know what he says just always in my head no i want to keep pressing you hey who are you people what do you want from me you want the numbers mason that's all we've ever wanted take us back again mason after baikonur where did washington send you next vietnam [ __ ] case this was in 1968. yeah i was part of the sog unit led by frank woods it was recon on covert russian activity in laos what about your caa antler was he in case do you remember him there hudson mr shades the guy was an ice cube this is the psychedelic music show at afvn i'm army specialist zach johnson our apo here is 96309 if you send a request to that number what we do is we open it like this now aside from being a base for the marine corps k-sign is our launching point for our cross-border activities mostly laos and cambodia this is our s d sabotage black propaganda strategic recon p.o.w risk mix it over here get into the book i'll cover it go ice cube i'm okay god come on give me coffee guys you nice one okay standing by go go oh oh boy do not repeat do not engage fire put it right there i'm coming around again stay with me this thing yeah but a damn sight more maneuverable here 1.3 authorization oscar gold x-ray priority one audience to my commandments x-ray engaging you're the controls to steer the tow missile beginning bomb run arc light two minutes out understood standby x-rays you look like hammered [ __ ] mason banana do that too good to see you alex jason hudson cia we're here to talk about your encounter with russians and laughs we got word of defector like being played today communications are in chaos and commercial flights from the airport have been cancelled while some kind of defensive was the beginning of the end when america really started losing the war inside the mcv compound in way city you established contact with the russian defector no we know you did he turned himself in at mcphee you were there mason he had intel on dragovich everything but it was a lost cause shut the [ __ ] up the nba had surrounded the city mc had all but burned to the ground the defector was surely dead he wasn't dead it was a lost cause and you still went in why his protection team had gone dark i couldn't accept that he was dead i needed that [ __ ] dossier that's when things really started to unravel for you the defector backbeat compound in sight you are jumping into some deep [ __ ] woods we're here to yank a defector with vital intel on soviet involvement in nah we lost contact with his security team he may be holed up in the macbook we are going down you got nba is isn't going to the nba have overwhelmed the entire north wing what is that lima niner moving on the window embraced so where's your contact you might have fallen back to the command room you may still be alive let's move on me x-ray the nba have retaken the macbeth south you are cut off [ __ ] roger that lemur niner you better get your asses in gear if you want an evac you should be in one of these rooms mason take the door at the far end of the hallway booming i'm me miss resnoff how did you get out of hakuta never thought i see you alive not are you my friend i am here with a warning your government would do well to heat is planning an attack on the west thank you you get what you came for i knew we'd see him again his influence spreads like a cancer even the kremlin does not know what he is truly planning he must be stopped [Music] stein what took you so long mason that intel better be worth it leave a niner with a hazard pickup x-ray be advised marine forces are engaged in heavy fighting west of the mac throw to rally point delta two clicks north of the river we'll make it you just be there texas this is sierra oscar gold x-ray priority one order to my command i authenticate those two over there right thank you got it i couldn't believe reznoff was here in white city he was the defector he came back we'll see you at the rally point ready restart good work nation there's a right i'm not so sure x-ray air support is offline while we evacuate the wounded looks like we gotta wait everyone load up i want this lc secure mason set up charges around the perimeter get the wounded first four birds is oh go to the boat so much for the tent ceasefire the enemy's courage could be the result of their newfound ally we have the dossier that the defector gave you with mcv we've id all of dragovich's men grachenko steiner clark you know them masterminds what do you know about dr clark we know that clark was the chemical engineer who formulated number six malignant narcissist degenerate prodigy your handler jason hudson was sent to kowloon to interrogate clark do you remember why keep asking you already know everything no listen we don't know what the numbers mean we don't know where their broadcast from but why don't you ask hudson kowloon was his mission he interrogated clark don't you morons get it if you think your government sponsored brutality intimidates me you clearly don't know anything about dramature i have nothing to gain by talking to you think about what you have to lose we do this all day we've got plenty of windows or you can give us what we want and we guarantee your safety i'm already a dead man i've been hunted across every corner of the globe if you found me so will they they know everything you know they're probably on their way now why dragon doesn't like loose ends i've never even dealt with him directly only steiner the german what was the nature of your business i was hired to help stabilize saturn volatile compounds what kind of compounds nova six biochemical weapons this way [Music] did you inhale the gas spits nice and bound we need to get to the opposite tower you gotta be kidding me [Music] help me moves grab what you need they'll be here before you know it you're very well prepared for a dead man just because i accept the inevitability of my faith does not mean i'm in any hurry to embrace it whatever you say english [Music] into a lot of trouble to shut you up what are you not telling us i told you about number six where is their base nam laos cambodia it's home to euro mountains whispers rumors anything steiner talks with dragon [ __ ] about numbers what kind of number the kind that their plan relies on to steal what's left of my research well no thank you dragon [ __ ] i can clean up my ownness this way watch my back i need to unlock this door [Music] i got you what about the numbers foreign i see your way down ah his name's steiner we're going to russia mount yarmouth we know that jason hudson briefed you on the intel extracted from doctor clark hudson said that clark was insane paranoid fixated with numbers a nerve toxin that can rupture a body insert dragopitch is second in command kraftchenko tested in vietnam on them on us on his own he doesn't care [Music] mason listen to me it was a long time ago far away all must die but he told me what they did what kind of men they were why they all must die my father was a musician in stalingrad during the german occupation the sound of his violin filled the air with magnificent music corsico stars of many of the great nationalist composers to my countrymen it was a symbol of hope to the germans it was a symbol of defiance even now his music still haunts me the nazis slit his throat while he slept collaborating with any nazi is a betrayal of a trail against all of mother russia dragovich krashenko they look only to advance their own interests and agendas everything is loaded they are waiting it is time yes immediately time to hunt down the last remnants of the flash is right grab the gear we are moving out the men and i have fought through the most bitter of winters on the eastern front we were no strangers to call but even now the blood in my veins chills when i think back to the events of the day ah the hero berlin graces us with his presence are you not tired of battle rhythms as long as mother russia has enemies i will answer her call put aside your petty rivalry krafcienko captain reznoff will do as he is told we are here for one german and one german only dr friedrich steiner this man has offered his cooperation to our cause he is not to be harmed disobey this order and you will be shot what happened in stalingrad between under gorge when the german occupation began he and his lab dog trichenko left my men and i hopelessly outnumbered promises and reinforcements were made may but not care dragovich and krachenko are opportunists manipulators they are not to be trusted to meet the new tree potrenko was one of the bravest men i had ever known he fought by my side from the siege of stalingrad to the fall of berlin the wounds he sustained ensuring our victory should have wendy my heroes welcome to russia but stalin had little need for heroes the german must not be harmed we need steiner alive now move both of you let's go it is good to fight for your side once more yes one final thing search every corner of this campaign do not let me [Music] he is not here we must be closer to the ship we must be getting close to steiner it will be where all cowards reside as far away from the battlefield as possible after this mission do you think we will go home i hope so dimitri i hope do not point that weapon at me russian dog you will take me to dragovich as i looked into the german's eyes i saw the flash is like still burning strong [Music] at that moment every fiber of my being yearned to put an end to his wretched life but i was a soldier then [Music] [Music] what is here that is so important general dragovich wishes to make a name for himself he believes this outpost houses something of great value to the motherland dragovich and steiner are talking like old friends i do not like this reznos you must hurry there are germans who would soon as he had destroyed and captured you assured me there would be no problems i cannot control the actions of the ss general they are sworn to defend the right till their last breath noble but futile gravchenko finish up here you and your man will lead the way tell me more about your association with the gift eager stone project in 43 a few realized the allies could not be held back for much longer we begin to look for more unconventional solutions throughout the war my own research was focused on chemical weapons it was meticulous and frustrating work however what we finally developed was a weapon more effective than we had ever dared to imagine the weapon now housed within this vessel however effective your nervous six chemical may be you still have to find a way to unleash it long-range v2 rockets to be launched from this outpost the targets were command and control centers washington dc was our first target then moscow ambitious and commendable but we were too late the british were upon us and their bombers crippled the ship locked in the eyes we tried to salvage what we could but it was too late germany had surrendered and a russian flag flew over berlin the ss had orders to destroy the ship if we were attacked clearly they failed the explosives were never activated this is it fresno open the door we have found what we were looking for mother sis the german weapon of mass distraction now belong to mother russia also it seemed our victory was to be short-lived dragovich wanted to see the effects of the poison first hand it was also an opportunity to remove a thorn in his side i had long known of their distrust what kind of men they were it was a betrayal i should have foreseen he deserves the hero's death instead of giving his life for the glory of the motherland he died for nothing like an animal he shot up died in berlin [Music] as i watched my closest friend die it became clear we were not the only ones seeking the german weapons the western allies circled like vultures of course dragofish krashenko and steiner scattered like rats leaving me to contend with the british british commandos assaulting our positions [Music] explosive forever [Music] hurry get exposed we have to get off the sheep now the door's sealed shoot the support beams we can break down the gatherings yes go my friends go keep moving this is not our wall and what do we find everyone we stand alone we have to get off the ship down the road hurry [Music] prevented it from falling into the hands of the british but that was a fool to think that the threat was over it was only after i was captured and sent to volcano but i learned of dragovich's true intentions he will die before he gives up on novice 6. [Music] listen to me we are running out of time my friend can you trust your leaders to destroy it or do you think they will use it the flag may be different but the methods are the same they will use you as their used me you must decide decide what you think is worth fighting for dragovich kravchenko style these men must die hudson's mission at kowloon was accomplished he had discovered dragovich's end game nova 6 a nerf toxin so deadly that have exposed you'd be dead before you hit the floor dragovich's weapon go back to vietnam mason was victor resnoff still with you after you escaped from the macd compound reznov was with me the whole time aren't you sure north we went north vietcong we were shut down and reznov even survived that dragon bitch's laptop krebchenko was there he knew it coming this is hotel 9-1 we are going down in sector bravo tango seven niner davis still with me come on davis talk to me frank you okay [ __ ] my leg i'm bleeding i need some health here [ __ ] you're coming we're going under twenty-one 0. x-ray head ahead covered sergeant woods is very capable you have chosen your manual i will move to high ground to look for crescent os compromise stay the valley point is just ahead boma should be waiting for us no noise knife charlie stuff [Applause] hey charlie somewhere near this village is a military outpost under the command of general kravchenko been losing our fac to triple a probably a cpu we'll disarm it it'll bring the hornets whiskey team you cover the bridge in east river mason with me on the west perimeter rendezvous point the village for five minutes you got it whiskey team on me later boys [Applause] sierra's at the north perimeter here oh oh x-rays clearing west flank eta three minutes we gotta split up i'll take the high ground you cross the river find a place for the syntax explosives are primed and ready roger x-ray inbound you got that detonator right here put a little present in the fuselage keep your eyes open cpu get your hand down objective clear next to the hood on the river you see it x-ray this is in kentucky over here lead the way clear the rest of the village mason over here he's mine push through let's go basically make sure that hooch is clear up ahead nice charlie nine o'clock right tunnel up ahead i see it lehman irons is x-ray prep for recon sweep 3k radius take this stay on we'll find your kevchenko we'll make it out of there alive bowman point keep that light steady mason no one fights alone i will work my way around all right but move quietly what the [ __ ] wrong with you mason you got to keep your [ __ ] go ahead swift's dead we got vc crawling all over we will mourn him later mason there are signs of soviet presence in these towns we are on the right path here help me move this careful nice i heard your turn my friend i will follow it looks abandoned anticipated our arrival and left in a hurry look around february 4th 1968 stabilizing agents supplied by the could grab the documents the restaurants fear tests on the local population have shown this to be the most effective strain of nova 6 produced thus far [ __ ] kritenko had the place where i had to blow x-ray do you monitor damn it i do not wish what the [ __ ] happened we're seeing fire for the tunnels where the hell are you well they can't only pair until we have eyes on [ __ ] they see mason where are you what come on let's get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] you confirmed that dragovich's second in command kavchenko was operating in laos yeah that reznoff said they killed more people than i could count listen to me carefully mason rezanov cannot be trusted no matter what he tells you no matter what he said but he gave us the dossier and clark he led us to nova scotia he's my friend he he helped me escape oh god betrayed forgotten abandoned all brothers forget grace not focus mason we are out of [ __ ] time the world is on the [ __ ] break of war who's war who the [ __ ] are you anyway huh god just keep hearing the [ __ ] numbers it's a broadcast basis the numbers are a broadcast you've been brainwashed [Music] the [ __ ] psycho was spraying nerve gas all over vietnam i had to kill him you understand i have to kill them all loud you were heading up the minecon river into laos you received word from jason hudson's handler what did he tell you hudson the cia down the soviet cargo plane carrying nova 6 it it went down in laos our sod team went in what happened i keep hearing the [ __ ] numbers it's a broadcast mason the broadcast we gotta get to the nova 6 before the soviets clean it up [Music] all right let's move that's all right let's go sog right right you couldn't make it man the gun don't get killed sir all right and 202's bowman started sight armored up mason you're driving let's see they think of this rpgs he's coming down something big is on its way this is it boys that young kid didn't make it i swear to god the woods was crying but he never let us see no tears nothing so far wait something's in the trees we just missed get a down bird here talk to me there's nothing out here [ __ ] robin what happened there's nothing here right the plane must be close mason cliffshinko is near i see paradise i [ __ ] hope so they found it just ahead patching it through i have visual confirmation ground zero bodies and cargo all over the place i say again i have visuals follow me you can land over here i have limited ground support rescue men follow my lead now activities enemy helicopters incoming snipers in the trees went away i can't leave any evidence chicago must have been nova 6. kochenko wouldn't go to all this trouble for nothing but to climb that wing that reached the fuselage i'll stabilize this angle first easy thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] chemical weapon nova 6 must have dispersed after the crash grenade launchers channel lakes the hell the russians with american weapons must be some kind of setup number six is all gone see here map of the area it's got to be kripchenko's compound deep inside okay mason let's go down there look bowman sniper rifle mason use the channel lake blow these [ __ ] the king would come you got it three lines oh 13. we must make up for lost time you were captured by dragovich a second time your unit was m.i.a in laos presumed dead your handler hudson had no choice but to continue the hunt for nova 6 without you he went to mount yamadao [ __ ] soviet doomsday bunker that's right a fully operational military complex very deep in the euro mountains that's where hudson was contacted by frederick steiner the nazi sinus that developed the initial strain of nova 6 for dragovich hudson learned about the numbers there the broadcasts i've been there missing i've been to the yamato complex oh my god the numbers are real they've always been real missing this isn't a game we face annihilation unless you cooperate where is the broadcast station hotel golf gravel hotel 12. big i6 requesting takeoff big i6 clear for takeoff runway 4. cad confirmed refuel with kc 135 and sector bravo 6-9 affirmative big i6 kc 135 is in the sector they will meet you there big i6 you have the sky copycat nice guy we are rolling copy big guy b1 check we want and we rotate velocity use your target indicator to find kilo one on the tax cp affirmative i got him kilo one this is big i6 i have you on the trp we have zero visibility on the crowd we need you to guide us to the comms relay kilo you need to move east rogers attack recon i see enemy vehicles inbound get the squad off the road looks like there's a structure to the north get them inside cp passing by the house wait no enemy has stopped in front of the house enemy infantry incoming take him out kilo you are clear kilo one the road is hot exit through the rear of the building good job kilo move your squad onto the barracks first objective is inside [Music] kilo stop and drop holding position confirm kilo juan you're out of sight all clear kilo one coming up on the barracks multiple targets inside reach and clear kilo one [Music] run internal calms line cut faces dark moving to second objective kilo move north [Music] rogers kilo one we have infantry inbound i count at least six targets too hot stop and drop stay out of jason hudson sight the attack on yamato [Applause] stay low cause they come home clear more soldiers are on their way get to that guard house go don't move clear big eye this is kilo one you still have us on tech affirmative visibility has improved we're starting our insertion moving to the substation tracking center roger that big guy we're going in power realized just below us four targets let's go ready ready when you are yes hey guys this is kilo one we've taken the substation understood recalibrating focal spread okay we have comstat on tack proceed the next objective main facilities located at the base of the ridge if we're going to find evidence that nova 6 has been weaponized it'll be there once we knock out the external columns they'll realize something's wrong we'll need to move fast before they can destroy any intel so stay sharp kilo two targets just enter the power room roger that big guy shoot the hinges be advised we have about three minutes left before we need to refuel with kc-135 understood they got a kilowatt or at the constant copy that your team is in position at the window we're clear hudson shut down the relay dish big guy this is kilo 1 confirm that the relay is offline over affirmative kilo 1 all outbound communications is seized it won't take them long to figure out we're here let's move i'll [ __ ] on the ridge go go hudson do you see these wires yeah running all through the facility they've got the place rick to blow make it fast people we don't have much time this time is not here it's locking down what is that [Music] he's jamming our radios he knew we'd be here we're on camera he's watching us connected to weaponize number six the number is broadcast what do they need six hours the sleeper agents will receive their final orders only i can tell you how to stop the [Music] broadcast [Music] make it go is fully weaponized and deployed nova 6. he has sleeper cell agents all over the u.s just waiting for the signal to release the u.s was invaded decades ago missing the communists have been waiting now they're ready to strike [ __ ] am i supposed to do you know about the sleeper cells i'm trying to help you dragovich uses silver sequences to communicate with the slipper cells those numbers are broadcast from one location listen why the hell do you think that i know where it is we know what happens in gokula they programmed you you can translate the codes but reznov was [Music] we are on the brink of war where is the broadcast station where is the broadcast station dragon's head is like rats engaged we were all [ __ ] and we knew it [Applause] [ __ ] you charlie mom and don't you dead america [Music] you cry you don't scare me communist piece of [ __ ] bowman bowman you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] next [Music] i'm gonna kill you all [Music] don't you touch me [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] i'm gonna make them pay you no talk play what's the plan i'm thinking i'm thinking no talk one chance mason will take it okay you can't kill me lying ready play six and eight o'clock good i'm sorry the russian now let's go along there a piece of shit's trying to escape bring them down anywhere you got them for bowman for bowman let's go we ain't got time to waste [Applause] compound can't be far evil bastard stays a number [Applause] you see that hind [Music] firewood clear let's fly this bird okay let's unload out uv 32 rockets 12 millimeter nose cannon these bastards are ready for world war three chain load systems on the 32s voters on my stick uv 32's a sign full power you ready ready i'll take her up above the canopy then hand over the stick clear i'll call targets as i see him all enemy targets are valid understand we have coordinates and kraft jekyll's compound we follow the river all the way give me the stick you're a bird keep your eyes on the dirt i don't wanna get shot in the falls in the river right across the river take it down hit the bridge holy [ __ ] we hit the mud go in here clearing [Music] so who's out there hey hey help us please nice the pows you're here for us please hurry restaurant get you out this way we cannot let him sleep through our grout i thought you were dead when we were captured at the river they brought me here nice what the [ __ ] are you doing let's get [Music] we're in charge of our own destiny now restaurant let's shake on this guy [Music] not this time american you okay i should have what [Music] i got you mason what you're okay are you okay mason griffin is dead for god's sake where is the number station all must die you killed jeff draco you obliterated their base mason woods and bowman were both killed your entire sound came wiped out only you survived mason you no one else no there's no survivor just you mason no no reznov is still with me since bakuda after you left craft channel's compound in laos after your team were killed you went wrong no i wasn't rogue i was continuing the mission you went to rebirth island against orders why jason steiner was there we had to kill steiner but hudson and the cia were already on their way to get steiner at rivers steiner they all had to die we wanted steiner alive why did you have to kill it because the numbers were telling me to why don't you [ __ ] understand they will use it moscow is going dark we are out of options a preemptive strike on russia is prepared the president will authorize mason for the last time where is the number station how many times steiner was at rebirth island we had to kill steiner we victor reznov i wanted the same thing we're losing him again oh god he's back in rebirth i ride with resner of rebirth island finally stone was ours we are here three words i the source of the glory of jesus christ they are preparing bye kill me we should be able to access steiner's lab from the roof follow me or use the elevator future this is hudson we know you're on rebirth island talk to me those no longer essential to his plans are being executed you must hurry before they kill me too friedrich steiner this is the hill [Music] i know my name is victor lisner oh and i will have my ribbons [ __ ] i swear to god that's how steiner died reznov did not kill frederick steiner hudson saw what happens mason's still dark we work our way through the research facility and extract stein we're moving up squad let's roll copy that we're on the move they've already begun to evacuate hello moving forward looks like check the roof [Music] in here this is where steiner will be this way the bio lab is below us he's there we need to pass to decontamination mason this is hudson we know you're on rebirth island talk to me mason [Music] what the hell is he doing killing everyone between him and steiner steiner what's the situation mason we have to stop him now damn it's bulletproof mason what are you doing we need him alive stand down and i will have my revenge [Music] myself i'm fine check steiner he's dead what about resin of the defector we need to find him we won't he was never here i didn't believe it till i saw it with my own eyes what did they do to you invocative steiner dead nissan's our only link to the numbers broadcast we need to bring him back let's go this way it will take us to the dock this is weaver we have the package we're on our way [Music] what the hell did they do to you mason mason my friend tell me what is left to believe in when you are betrayed by your own when all that you are all that you have done is buried beneath the lies and the deceit of corrupt men i will die in this wretched place the only thing that keeps me alive is the thirst for vengeance they must be must die it's no use we're out of time we can't give up now he was in for cuda he knows how to translate the codes he's heard the broadcasts which we know contain the location it's all in his head somewhere he does know where it is we have to get to the bunker we're at defcon 2. you've tried everything not yet i have one more card to play get out of here weaver tell them i failed you want a time with him your choice damn it why can't you remember reznov's dead mason do you hear me he's dead weaver's right we're out of time the russians [ __ ] you up i know you you're not a trigger the numbers what are they saying where are you 14. numbers when he regains consciousness double the voltage i remember the subject has been successfully implanted with the knowledge to translate the number sequence so what is the problem his responses to our orders have been sporadic unpredictable he chose a remarkable resilience why [Music] he is unusual atypical few men possess such will our other test subjects have been far more successful than he to is we are all [Music] betrayed for god are the best we have we are in great danger from the communists your very way of life is at risk kill steiner victoria but pain is difficult isn't it we are brothers we brainwashed you but reznov had plans of his own he was never in vietnam the real defector with the nova 6 dossier died during the attack on the mack v it was never in the rat tunnels what the [ __ ] wrong with you take this he was never at rebirth island my name [Music] been dead for five years he died at vorkuta during the escape all the years you thought he was with you that was just in your mind i trusted him that's why it worked it was their attempt at mk ultra dragovich programmed you to kill kennedy but reznoff sabotaged you he wanted revenge for all the dragovich dundee dragovich kurchenko steiner three new victims there are gaps in your memory periods where you went mia and we couldn't account for you but now that the brainwashing's been broken all that lost time will come back we need to leave the nova 6 strike is imminent hundreds of sleeper agents hidden in every state capital are about to unleash this poison on your own countrymen when steiner died we lost our key to unlocking the location of number broadcast you were programmed at borkuda to translate the number codes only you can tell us what the codes mean nova 6 was just one of the sleeper operations but i'm sure there were others ones we didn't even know about we have the broadcasts we played them to you over and over again for hours but we haven't been able to break through your programming yet mason this is our last shot listen for god's sake listen again 21 7 21 4 2 14 3 14 7 18 13 6 22 [Music] you don't know what we did to you the subject has been successfully implanted with the knowledge to translate the number our sequences allies in dubai have graciously permitted the construction of a new and permanent broadcast station within their borders from now until project nova's initiation all instructions will be broadcast from the result our plan to strike at the very heart of the west is now in motion await further instructions permanent broadcast station within their all instructions will be broadcast i know where the number station is it's a ship i saw it a long time ago the resalka where cuba [Music] we are in grave danger from the communists our freedom our very way of life is at risk our plan to strike at the very heart of the west is now in emotion he must be stopped mason he has no fear no conscience no weakness all across america i'm told that you are the very best that we have anywhere you will need to be these men must die mr mason we're approaching the number station from the deck i think we're expecting take you can't take much more go go no sign of the transmitter it has to be here no it is keep looking we're on our way there's more to the ship than we thought broadcast stations beneath us [ __ ] [ __ ] dragovich is starting to broadcast command this is alpha one we have confirmed that rusalka is the broadcast source bring in the airstrike we're on our way out not yet we need to find dragovich in less than 15 minutes the u.s navy is going to blow this place apart i made the mistake of not confirming the kill five years ago at baikonur you sure you're still not brainwashed would it matter the son of a [ __ ] needs to go down once and for all get out of here we were we're gonna finish this let's see the boys they have to transmit from the surface that's why we could never find the broadcast source the structure below us it's more than a transmitter the supply station of the soviet submarine fleet part of dragovich's plan for invasion once a nova 6 was released um [ __ ] so we need to find dragonfish before they bring the whole place down down you should have been my finest agent it's all been so much simpler yes i'm gonna kill you i can make me kill my own president right [Music] mason this way come on major go go go you did it mason you did what i could not mason it is over we won [Music] so [Applause] 0 11 24 11 1 7 19 20 10 14 2 3 19 0 8 11 22 21 5 17 [Music] 17 0 10 2 23 [Music] [Music] 0 12 16 11 22 12 8 4 1 6 2 10 2 1 texas [Music] [Music] ascension for time and the world do not stand still change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future i said are certain to miss the future i miss that prime minister castro this missile crisis was the last straw we almost blew ourselves up now we invited you here today good faith in good faith to sort this thing out and why is he here he lost as i always say forgive your enemies but remember their names now gentlemen as i like to think from the long history of the world that there are only a few generations sounds like someone breaking in just a storm dick sit down oh my god it appears the pentagon has been breached zombies gentlemen at times like these our capacity to retaliate must be and has to be massive to deter all forms of aggression gentlemen lock and load any last words mr president yes jack any superlative words of inspiration for our humble troops do not pray for easy lives my friends pray to be stronger men
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,776,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, call of duty black ops 1 all cutscenes game movie 4k, black ops 1 ending, black ops 1 boss battles, call of duty, call of duty black ops 1, black ops 1, all cutscenes, movie, game, cutscenes, story, full story, 4k, gameplay, gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 1 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS UHD, call of duty black ops movie 4k uhd, ending
Id: VYWSKyWdg8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 16sec (9856 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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