The Last Knights | Pathfinder: Knights of Everflame | Episode 1

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I really like how the DM explains some of the rules during combat like when the shield is raised he says it gives the AC bonus, explaining how the "striking" weapon works and taking a moment to talk about the critical failure on a 1 even though it wasn't really applicable to the weapon attack. I've only glanced through a little bit of the 2e stuff so I don't know the rules well at all and I'm really appreciating the little bits of info he's throwing in there.

I wish we could see more info on the players though, it'd be nice to see their level / stats and whatnot.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/UpTheIrons78 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

This must be very exciting to see so many people playing your game. I've loved Pathfinder for a long time, the lore is amazing and every bit of the game has flavor and so much amazing potential.

Never the less, The first edition brought many frustrations with it for me, the disparity of casters Vs. martials, legacy rules and carry over text from 3.x that didn't hold up, a wonky action economy, and many others. I can tell with every book your company has released since the CRB... you've wanted to fix these issues. I'm very happy to say, 2ed looks fantastic, it looks to solve almost every imaginable problem I've had with the game, and give me ample time to think of new ones that I can complain about. Haha.

All the best, Jason! Remind me to never attend a fey wedding when you're in charge!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/LostVisage 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watched the first 15 minutes of this episode and really liked it. Is there a mp3/audio version available, so that I can listen to it during my daily commute?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/theunpire 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched it from beginning to end and while I appreciate the intent and the rules explanations, the party felt... awkward? I assume it was the first time they played together as a group and they were feeling their characters out, which is normal. The story was good, the GMing was fun and engaging, and some of the characters pulled me in. Gina's dwarf barbarian and Rachel's odd little cleric of Sarenrae were especially intriguing. The rest felt sort of bland by comparison, but hopefully that will change as time goes by.

I say this because I would LOVE for Pathfinder to have a smash hit like Critical Role that pulls in massive numbers of new players. I love Glass Cannon and they renewed my interest in Pathfinder, but I know they aren't going to appeal to everyone. I guess what I am saying is that I hope Pathfinder finds a group that can act as ambassadors to the game to pull in new players. I am just not sure that this group will serve that purpose.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WaltherBBQ 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just came in here to say: That face is prime meme material.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wyvernjack11 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I am only about halfway through but Omlette Stonebreak is my favorite character so far.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Zaedulis 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought this was like a sequel series to the Price of Immortality series, guess I was wrong.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tels315 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
(adventurous music) - Welcome to the series premiere of The Nights of Everflame, a special eight-part adventure to celebrate the launch of Pathfinder, second edition. I'm Jason Bulmahn, Director of Game Design and one of the game's lead designers. I'll be your host and gamemaster for the session, but before we begin, let's take a moment to introduce our players. We'll start over here. - Hi, I'm Jeremy Steven Walker. - Hello, I'm Gina DeVivo. - Hi, I'm Aki. - Hello there, I'm Erica Fermina. - Hi, I'm Rachel Seeley. - Let's get started. Our adventure begins in the forested kingdom of Nearmethaus. (storytime music) There, outside of the mountain city of Skelt on the shores of the Mindspin Mountains, there is an old, creaky wagon just outside the city. Standing there outside the wagon is two tough as nail looking soldiers, a tall proud woman in battered old armor with silver hair pulled tight behind her head and standing next to her is a gruff looking dwarf holding a clipboard with a long sheath of paper on it and a quill. Standing in front of him are a group of people. They have been sent here through various means and methods and the dwarf starts calling out names. Iculus! Do we have an Iculus here? - You do. - Step up. - Yes? - The woman looks to you with kind of the look of someone appraising a side of beef. She just kind of eyes you up and down. All right, it says here you signed up to go bust some heads. Is that true? - All I want to do is smash. - Fair enough, sign here. The dwarf flips the clipboard around and there there is a spot for you to make your mark. Very well, on the wagon with you. And why don't you take a moment to describe what you look like? - They call me Iculus, I wear a mask. I'm very large, as you can see and the rest is my business. - You look fully armored, you stand like almost three or four inches taller than the lieutenant who signed you up for all of this. She kind of looks up at you but doesn't seem intimidated by you at all. She looks down at the dwarf, as you climb up on the wagon, and says next. And the dwarf looks down at the clipboard and says Liss, do we have a Liss here? - Yes, you do, you have a Liss. Hello, hello, hello. What a lovely little tete a tete this is. What can I do for you? - The lieutenant looks down at you and says, ah, another one avoiding the cells. We get plenty of your kind up here. - Look, I just want to see the sky. You can't put me in a prison, that would be death for me. - It says that you are to serve eight years in the last war military. - Oh, we'll see. - I don't need your signature. Get on the wagon. - Okay, then okay, you have a pleasant day monsieur. - Uh, could you do us a favor and describe what you look like? - So Liss is a halfling wearing mottled greens and browns and gray leather armor and with short, curly black hair that peaks out from underneath a straw hat and a cloak which goes over that. So a little bit of an eclectic kind of way, if you will, but very a bright head and rearing to go as long as it's outside and not inside some building. That would be terrible, no, no. - The lieutenant looks at you sternly but takes you nonetheless. Looks down to the dwarf, next. The dwarf looks down at the clipboard, looks at it funny, looks up at the lieutenant. The lieutenant's like, that's what it says. The dwarf says, Omelet. - Great, hello, yah. That's me, is it my turn? Sorry, I just come up there and I sign me name there? - Yes, the dwarf says. What's-- - Can I take your hand? It's a great honor to finally be here. - Uh. - My family's been serving for generations and it's finally my time. Do I just sign my name? - The dwarf looks really flustered. He's like, it doesn't have a family name listed. - No, no, sorry, just it's sort of a family name of mine, Omelet. It's so nice hearing my name coming out your mouth. Okay, so I come from the Stonebreaker's clan, you know. - On that the lieutenant's eyebrow arches. Ah, another Stonebreaker. - Sure, I know. Don't have me whiskers yet but I'll have 'em right all after the battles. - We've heard that they were sending another, welcome. - Yah. - Well, you're signing up voluntarily. Here, please sign here. - Good all. - All right, you signed. Very well, up in the wagon then. - Sure. - We'll get you off and trained right away. - Okay. - Can you describe yourself for everyone else? - Sure, you see a very broad-shouldered dwarf, long, red hair. Sort of unkempt but at the sides you see fresh, unscraggled braids. Sort of fresh-faced, sort of big, puffy cheeks, deep, deep blue eyes. Her armor is a deep, dark sort of muddy browned leather. Looks a tad large on her but has been quite fitted for her body. That's her climbing aboard. (everyone laughing) - All right, the lieutenant kind of nods as you pass, almost deferentially. Apparently your family reputation precedes you. - I note that approval (laughing). - Looks down, the dwarf looks down, let's see uh, Terrial, Tarrial Windhaven. - Tarrial. - Tarrial. - At your service. - The lieutenant kind of eyes you up and you hear an audible sigh. "Are you going to be playing that?", pointing at your instrument. - Of course, why wouldn't I play? - It says here that, is this true, your parents signed you up? - Yes, unfortunately. - All right, well sign here. - Do I have a choice? - Mm, not according to this (laughing). The dwarf hands over the paperwork to you and you sign away a six-year term of your life. (Tarrial sighing) In the wagon. - All right. - Maybe you can play some traveling music. - I will. - Can you describe what you look like? - I am tall, very dark skin, black hair, brown eyes, wearing studded leather armor and playing a little violin. Not little but just playing a violin, not like this. (everyone laughing) - Very tidy. - It's a Bard Feat, thank you. - Looks down to the dwarf, next. And the dwarf goes Lucky Longfinger. And at this moment a small halfling comes out of the crowd, one of the few people left here, and is like yeah, I'm here, whatever. And the lieutenant looks down and says it says here you get a 10-year term for horse thievery. And he's like, the horses were running free, I tried to catch them. And he says yeah, whatever, sign here. And he's like, yeah, whatever. And what you see is a halfling in like a crushed red velvet coat. He has high bridge boots, he's got a tunic on that has ruffled sleeves, his hair is tussled and he's like all right, and he hops up on board and sits down next to the rest, who are up on the wagon and he says (long exaggerated sigh), when's lunch? Later. All right, next. The dwarf looks down, last not least, Linnaeus. Do we have a Linnaeus here? - Oh, hello, that's me. Hello, my name is Linnaeus. I'm sorry, I'm a little late, I got on the wrong boat. - Looks down and says, you were supposed to arrive with the caravan three months ago. We've had you on this list for three months. Where have you been? - On the wrong boat. I've never been outside of my monastery and I got on the wrong boat and then I ended up seeing quite a bit of the world and collecting more friends and I finally got here but it took me a while. - The lieutenant goes yes, yes, that's quite enough. So it says here the Monastery of the Dawn Flower sent you. - Yes, I am here to spread the light of Saren Ray for everyone. - And at this point, can you describe what you look like as you proclaim that you're here to spread the light of Saren Ray? - Um, Linnaeus looks freaky. (everyone laughing) - Tell me about it. - Linnaeus is very clearly a half elf woman. She's very pretty but she has these stark white eyes, they look kind of crazed. She's got these like dark purply underskirts and she's wearing hide armor over the top of it but on top of her hide armor it's covered in these iridescent beetle wings and she's got this long, white hair and this deathly pallor to her. It's kind of obvious that she's not quite half elf, she's not quite human and also not quite alive. It's a little something else, something different. And as she kind of (storytime music) saunters up to the two people, a live beetle falls out of the top of her hide armor and she grabs it and she goes oh no, Elton, you get back in there. - Lucky up in the wagon goes, oh, does anyone want to change seats (laughing)? - Oh, that's very nice of Linnaeus. - Wait, there's a seat next to me, if you'd like. - Oh, okay, thank you. - You're gorgeous. What's all this, do you mind if I touch? - Yeah, go ahead, this is my armor. - Neato. - Thanks, I made it. - So who was that inside your body there? - This is Elton and she like just climbs up over the side, not even taking the stairs. She climbs over the side of the wagon, pulls out this beetle, it's a little fig-eater and it's iridescent green and blue and she goes, this is Elton, he's one of my friends. - Right, that's so much nicer. I thought a bit of your body was falling off there. - Ah, no, that's not my body, no. - Is he poisonous? - No, no. - Oh, that's good though, right. - Do you want to see the rest of them? And she brings out this whole handful of beetles. - How many have you got? - There's five altogether. That one's Elton, this one's Freddie, this one's DO, this one is George, this one is David. - As you're introducing the beetles, you notice the lieutenant and the private, the two who signed you up, they put up the back of the wagon, they slide up the back and you see them both look at the crop of new recruits that they have and you're not sure whether or not they're happy about this situation or not but they both just kind of share some knowing nods, shrug, and make their way to the buck board in front of the wagon, where they're about be underway. - Elton's my favorite. - Right, well it's a pleasure to meet you. - He's the one that likes people. - Are they aware that you have a favorite? Do they ever get into fights? - Oh no, they're all very peaceful. They just kind of hang out. They're my friends, they help me spread the light of Saren Ray with their iridescent wings. I talk to her through the beetles. - Oh, Saren Ray-- - Uh, huh, the Dawn Flower. - Well, it's good to have something that you're good in. Sure. - You didn't have one named Ringo? - No, no Ringo is, he's over here and she points to one of the dead beetles that she's kind of used as armor. - Why Ringo, who's that? - So Lucky is picking his nails with a dagger at this point in time looking at the six of you going so who's in for what? - What do you mean? - Dig it, who stole what? Everybody here is a thief, right? - No. - No. - My monastery sent me to spread the light of Saren Ray to everyone. - If anything, I have been sent here because something of mine was stolen. - What? - Do you need help retrieving it? - What did you lose? - Unfortunately, I have left it where it was and that was in Germany. - That's far away. I might visit it when I get free of this. I'm not sticking around too long. - Didn't they say your sentence was for 10 years though? - Shh. - You're serving longer than I am. - Yeah. - Yeah, I sure am. Uh huh, that's gonna be what happens (laughing mischievously). I think this is the third time I've been signed up to be in the Army. - I'm not sure how I feel about this one right here. - You must make your family very proud. - (laughing) Yeah, yeah I do, yeah, yeah. - Three times it last was, how exciting. - Oh, you're a true believer, aren't you? - True believer, must be. Does that mean I agree with it? - What does that mean? - Well I mean considering the duty you're about to undertake, I hope you're a true believer. - Sure, sure, must do the duty. - What is duty? I don't know too much about it. - Oh, he's like don't ask me, the lieutenant will probably talk all about it. They always like to talk. - Why is it that you do not feel compelled to stay and do your time? I mean that means you would be free after you are done unless it is that you are inclined always to get into trouble. - I wouldn't say that. I just think that the laws are a little arbitrary, it's fine. But listen, I'm sure you're all gonna do just fine spending the rest of your days staring at an old, musty tomb. It's gonna be great, I'm sure you'll love it. But me, that's not the life for me but I'm sure it's gonna be great for all of you. I'm sure it's gonna be great. - Good all. - As soon as he says that he's served three times, Tarrial is just gonna stop playing and lean forward, so what you're saying is that you haven't been here for serving your entire sentence each time? - Oh hey, I mean I would not want to say anything like that in front of the lieutenant. I mean, I think some things are best kept to ourselves for now. - All right, well we'll talk later. - So at that note, the wagon slowly begins trundling north. You have a long journey ahead of you. The path from Nearmethaus up into Lastwall is several hundred miles long and on a wagon that isn't on a particularly well kept road, that's a rough journey indeed. So as we get started and as you make your way north, there's one thing I forgot to do here in the intro and that's to give out hero points because in Pathfinder, everybody gets hero points. - All right. - So everybody's gonna get one hero point. I'm gonna hand three this way and they're coins. So you all are going to get one hero point. You get a hero point at the start of every session and you get to use those for re-rolls. You can spend a hero point to re-roll a die or if you ever find yourself in a dire situation and you need to stabilize because you're dying and on the brink of death, you can spend all the hero points you have left and cheat fate. And because you've all been such great sports to join us here today, I'm gonna go ahead and give you an extra hero point each to start. (awws and excited crosstalk) Here you go. - Love it. - You get a hero point. - Yes, I want you to remember that I am a benevolent gamemaster. - Now. - That is the truth of this entire story. A couple episodes from now we'll see how that holds. All right. - I called down something without meaning to. - You're doing just fine. All right, so the wagon continues to trundle north for the rest of the day. Lucky goes quiet and isn't interested in talking about his past. The lieutenant, after about an hour, turns around while the dwarf is guiding the wagon, turns around and says, all right, well I suppose it's time you know what you've signed up for. I am Lieutenant Andla Ellison and I, Adla. - Adla. - Andla, sorry. - Andla. - Andla, A-N-D-L-A. - A-N-D-L-A. - Andla Ellison. You can call me Lieutenant Ellison. - Lieutenant Ellison. - And my job is to assess, well to be honest, to assess whether or not you're worth a damn. If you're gonna be serving in my Army, I need to make sure that you're capable and competent. It's dangerous out there. There are orks and things far worse than orks prowling in the hills and mountains beyond Lastwall. Ours is a noble duty that we have done for 1000 years and I won't have it fail on my watch. - Iculus reaches down and pulls out the bastard sword. - Decent weapon. Soon we're gonna see if you know how to use it. My job is to ensure that you know how to fight because in Lastwall we fight. There isn't gonna be a lot of talking. The dead don't mince words, they come for your soul. They'll rip out your organs and feast on 'em while your friends are still left alive to watch. - You must be really fun at parties, no? - You think there's gonna be parties where we're going? No, we're heading to Castle Everstand, where you're going to be completing your training. I hope you're ready for six months of hard labor and exercises, drill regiments everyday. You're going to come to love it. - Just like home. I've been training for this my whole life. - One of us has to, I guess. - The lieutenant nods. You've got potential. - Good, oh, did you hear that, potential. - Lucky in the background kind of leans back so the lieutenant can't see him, like get me out of here. (everyone laughing) - What are we laughing at? - I'm willing to shake that one first. - And she goes on a spiel talking about duty and honor and it's all terrifically boring to everyone except for Omelet. So I'm not going to bore the rest of you with it. It goes on for about an hour. - We already know everything you're saying. It's just nice to hear it. I'll never get homesick. - If you could relate it to Saren Ray, that would be so much better. - No, no, no need to worship the sun, it just goes around. - You notice that the lieutenant has the holy symbol of Iomidae around her neck. Iomidae is this warrior goddess who herself fought in the crusade from the lands that you're about to head to, into Lastwall. You'll hear more of that story later but you recognize the holy symbol of Iomidae. After about, it's about three or four hours, you guys got picked up but you got picked up in the afternoon and after about three of four hours, the wagon trundles to a halt. It's getting a little late. You're still in Nearmethaus, you haven't left Nearmethaus yet. Nearmethaus is a forested nation to the south of Lastwall, where you were all picked up and now you're being taken up to Lastwall to serve. Then she says, all right, that's about enough for today. We'll make camp here. And she looks, private, begin to set up the camp. The rest of you, come with me. - Ah, we are going on a field trip this soon, no. - Okay. - I've never been on a field trip before. - Somehow that does not surprise me. - Do you want to be my buddy? - Yes, okay. - She looks at you, you don't need buddies. We're just going over there. - It's a field trip, you always need buddy. - She marches you off into a field that's a non-descript field and she says, all right, first thing we're gonna do is see whether or not you know how to handle yourself in a fight. If you've got weapons, I suggest you draw them and make yourself ready. - Great. - So the lieutenant watches you all draw your weapons and get yourself ready. If you have shield or a blade or a sword, you can get that out for free right now, right. You're before combat. And she says, well array yourself however you want and what are each one of you gonna do to prepare yourself for combat? I'm just gonna go around the table, I want to know what you're doing. So it sounds like some of you have drawn weapons and stuff. Let's just let's start over here and we'll go around the table. - Well Iculus is gonna get on his knees, pray to Shalen, his deity, and bring the power of Shalen into his sword. - All right. So you have a giant, just gigantic, what is that a bastard sword? It's huge. - A bastard sword. It's like bastards. - It is a giant weapon. - Yes. - All right, so you are ready to go. Omelet, what are you up to today? - Sure. Before she just sort of stands there, you can very clearly see the weapon that's on her back. It's a giant great ax. You know which weapon she's going to reach for but before she does, you can sort of see her sort of talking into herself. Right, right, this is the moment, you can do it. This is the moment you've been waiting for. This is the moment you've all been teaching me for. I'm gonna do it and it's going to be great. She reaches forward (everyone laughing) and just straight into the air and then settles back down, blows the hair out of her face and gets ready and you can see her sort of shake and then she starts gripping the ax with great intensity. There may be a bit of anxiety in the stance. (everyone laughing) But it's confident anxiety, if that makes any sense at all. - Liss? - Liss has drawn the short bow. - All right. - And you see round and round the top of it a lavender ribbon and then some Elgin inscription. If any of you can read it, it says Reanwar. And they have started checking the flexion on their arrows and they are just kind of drawing and stretching and rolling their shoulders back and they don't seem too bothered by the displays but there are also not doing too much to like flare or show off or anything like that. They are just getting themselves ready. - All right. Tarrial. - Yes. - Yeah. - I've loosened my held that holds my rapier but before I draw it, I start doing lots of stretches. Lots of something you would see a dancer do to prepare. She like folds herself in half and goes into the splits, very casual stuff, and then she pulls out her rapier. - All right, so you're limbering up for battle. Yeah, all right. Linnaeus? - Linnaeus is squatted in a corner with her shield and her scimitar up and she's talking into the hide where all of the beetles are and she's kind of giving herself a pep talk but also praying to Saren Ray through the beetles to channel Saren Ray's light into her weapon. She's like crouched in the corner going Lady of the Dawn Flower, smile on me today as I try and prove myself in battle and in front of all of these new friends. - Lucky draws a dagger and it's just like he's drawn a dagger and he's just staring at you pray to beetles and he's just like, yeah right, I got a knife. He's got a knife and he just kind of backs up. You're all up there and he just kind of takes five steps back. Yeah, right, let's do this. - And at that moment, the lieutenant goes, ready? - As we will ever be, I guess. - Always. - All right, let's see what you're made of and she gets out of her pocket, she gets out a brown crystal. It's about this big and it looks like half of it's made of granite and the other end is just this sharp brown quartz. And she takes it and throws it on the ground and as it hits, it shatters. And the earth suddenly begins to churn and rumble and rising up out of it like built out of the rocks, pulling itself up out of the ground, is what looks like a large humanoid form made of earth and rock. And as it pulls itself up into shape, it raises itself up and a mouth opens and it just lets out a guttural (roar) and begins charging forward to you. And at that point, we're going to enter combat. So here's how this is going to work, everybody. The first thing I'm going to ask you to do is roll initiative. And in Pathfinder, initiative can be a lot of things. You could be hiding, you could be sneaking, you could be following tracks. But in this case, you're just kind of in the middle of an open field waiting for a fight. So what you're gonna do is roll your perception and the perception is gonna be your ability to see the fight coming and be ready for action. So everybody's gonna roll a D20 and add your perception bonus to it. All I want you to do right now is roll it, add it together and hold up the number and I'm gonna go around the table and ask what it is. So go right ahead. - Now I have my perception but I also have a plus two. Is that included or is that separate? - The plus two is going to be included, generally speaking. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, all right. So, I'm gonna go around the table and ask what your total was. So Omelet, what do you have? - Finding out (harmonization noises) 19 plus 12. - 19 plus 12? - Yep. - Huge. (everyone laughing) That's like a 31. - I told you I was anxious and confident. - Yeah, no obviously. Liss, what do you have? - I rolled an 11 and my perception is plus 13 but I also have this great cloak that makes it easier for me to spot things and so I have a 25. - A 25. - It is okay? - That is great, I have you down. - You're going to be all right. - Iculus, what do you have? - I rolled a six plus perception nine. - So that's a 15. Yeah, you're busy focusing on that sword really hard. - I have to look at it. - Yeah, no, I've got this, I've got this. Tarrial, what do you have? - I also rolled a six and perception is 10, so that would be a 16. - So slightly above Iculus, yeah, all right. And Linnaeus. - Rolled a 10, I have a 12, so I have 20, 22. - 22, all right. And let me go ahead and roll for Lucky. Lucky got a 14, so that is going to come out to a 23. And last but not least, let me roll for the Elemental. - Uh, oh. - Elementals are so awesome, I just want to say. - Well, this is my first time encountering one. - I have never had to fight one before but we'll see how this goes. - All right, the Elemental is quite slow moving but it is ready for the fight. So Omelet, all of your preparation, all of your training has led to this moment and now's your chance to prove yourself. The Elemental is about 20 feet away from you. It's been summoned in the middle of this field. It's just reared up out of the earth. What do you do? It's your turn, you have three actions. - I do have three actions so first things first, I yell at it. You should know that my clan is called Stonebreakers and then I run at it. I can get within one movement's stride of it? - With one action, you can be right on top of it. - Right upon top of it. For the second action, I would like to climb its body because it's made of stone and I'm quite good at that. I want to give it a right good whack in the face with my straight ax. - All right. So let's go ahead and have you roll an athletics skillset - Sure. - as you basically are trying to like hop up its knee and arm as you get up - Sure. - kind of towards its head. - Well, I do have the rock runner trait. Does that come in handy in this? - (laughing) Well, let's get the athletic skill check and see how it goes. - All right. Athletics (die cast), 18. - An 18 total? - 18 total plus 13, 25. - So you run up to the creature and attempt to climb it. - Attempt is a very dangerous word you just said. - Yeah, because an 18 is to that great. So you run up and your foot gets on its knee but it slides right off. The rock just crumbles and instead of it being a solid surface, you find yourself back on the ground. But you do still have one action left. So you can still attack, you just won't be up on top of it. - And as I sort of, my foot looses, I didn't take into consideration it might be made of sand. (everyone laughing) I cleave into the gut to try to hold on to stay on top. - All right, so you are going to go ahead and make an attack roll against it. So go ahead and roll that D20 and add your attack bonus. - Okay (die cast), 21. - A 21 is exactly what you needed to hit. (Omelet screams) Your ax comes slamming down into the Earth Elemental. - Actually, no 23, sorry, sorry, 23. - 23 is even better. That's still definitely a hit so you're all set there. So go ahead and deal me some damage. - All right, two D12s. Oh, that's cocked. - All right. - Oh, (screaming) 21. - 21 points of damage. So you have a magic striking ax so instead of dealing one D12, it deals two D12. So your ax slams into the Elemental. A huge clod of sod and stone falls off from one side of it and that looks like it hurt it but not enough. It's still standing and it's looming up ahead in front of you right now. - Well I'm just sort of feet dangling, while two hands are holding on. - All right, but that is going to be the end of your turn. Next up, Liss. - Liss is going to maybe back up a little bit, create some distance - Sure. - from this creature. And then they are going, so they're going to move as far back as they can, while still being in reach to take their shots. - Absolutely. - And then they are going to make two shots against this creature. - This Earth Elemental, all right. So you stride back, you draw your bow, pull back the arrow and let fly. Go ahead and make the attack. - Oh, that is a natural one plus a 14, which is a 15. - So a 15 is a failure and a one demotes that down to a critical failure. Fortunately for you, there's no bad effects on a critical failure on an attack like this. So it's just a miss. The arrow goes soaring off in the distance. Behind the Earth Elemental, you can see the lieutenant kind of tilt her head and just shake. - Oh dear. - Looks very disappointed. - I'm going to try that again. - All right, so you're going to make a second attack in one round. - Mm. - Whenever you make more than one attack in a round, remember you take a penalty on the second attack. - Yes. - You can attack as many times as you have actions but you start taking a penalty. - Yes. - So this second attack is gonna be at a minus five. So go ahead and roll, add your normal bonus and then subtract five. - Let's try this again, shall we? - All right. - Not much better, that is a three plus nine, which is not going to hit it at a 12, no, no. - The arrow goes soaring past it on the other side. The private back on the wagon is just marking things on the clipboard, just so much training to be done. - And you just see Liss start cursing at the weapons like how dare you. (women laughing) - So Lucky gets to go now. The plucky little halfling throws his dagger at the Earth Elemental. He's gonna participate, it's fine. And he is going to hit and deal a mighty four points of damage. - Ohh, halfling pride. - And then his second action is to move over to a nearby boulder and duck and that's the end of his turn. (women laughing) Very useful. He just ran off to a corner, that looks like it might have been his only dagger, and now he's hiding. Yeah, all right, Linnaeus, it is your turn. - I look at this creature that's so much bigger than me and I'm going to use my ray of enfeeblement on him. - Oh no. - Going to make a range spell attack (die cast) with, what is that, 17. - A 17 total? - Yes. - So your ray goes shooting off through the air and it just barely misses. It goes right over the Elemental's shoulder and once again you see marks being put down on the clipboard about your efficacy. So that was only two of your actions. You do still have one action left. Spells cost two to cast but you do still have one left. - Damn. I'm going to raise my shield. - All right, you raise your shield to give yourself a defensive bonus. That allows you to add two to your armor class, should the Elemental attack you. But there's no need to worry about that because it's now the Elemental's turn and there's a dwarf right in front of me with an ax. - Sure, and I've been watching a lot of things fly past me head there (laughing). - Sorry about that. - Sorry. - So the Elemental is just going to attempt to backhand you with a fist. - Come at me, dust breath. - The fist goes flying through the air, hitting an armor class of 23. - Oh, you just got me. - Just got you? - Yeah. - All right, the fist of earth slams into you. You can feel bones kind of crunch and shift under the weight of the hit as it does 21 points of damage to you. - I'm coming, I'm sorry. - 20 what, 21? - 21 points of damage. The Elemental, satisfied that you have been defeated, it strides right up to you, Iculus, because you're still up in the field and it's going to swing at you as well. Now it's going to take that same penalty for making multiple attacks in the round. But I rolled a 20. (women gasping) So the Elemental comes and it raises its fist up and just slams it down right on top of you. Just like trying to drive an iron stake into the ground. It's just trying to plant you. So that is going to be a 20 plus my bonus minus five is still going to be 31. That's a hit. The 20 takes it to a critical hit. So I'm going to roll my damage and then double it because that's how critical hits work. (die cast) Oh, oh, my. - I'll avenge you. - So welcome to playing Pathfinder. I'm glad you're playing. (women laughing) We're gonna need to clean up the set. (everyone laughing) So take 34 points of damage as he just drives you into the ground. The fist hits you so hard, you're covered in dirt and earth that's like showering earth on you as this thing just slams into you. - Oh, Iculus, Iculus hurts. - I'm on it, I'm on it. - That is the end of its turn. Tarrial. - What is around it? - So you're kind of just in an open field. There's some rocks and some grass but that's kind of it. The area that you're in is just kind of an open grassland. - Okay. - Off the side of the road. (storytime music) - Well, Tarrial points her rapier at the creature. - Yes. - And then casts telekinetic projectile on a rock nearby. - Oh, nice. - Yes. - All right, so you call upon your magic and a clod of earth and rock rises up out of the ground and just zooms across the field, slamming into it. Go ahead and make the attack roll. - Uh, that is a 26. - A 26, a clean hit. The rock slams into it. And for a moment, you almost thought you just added more rock to it. But the rock blasts out the back side and you clearly hurt it. Go ahead and deal damage. - That is seven points of damage. - Seven points of damage. All right, the creature looks like it has taken some wounds but it's still in prime fighting form. That was two of your actions, you still have one more left. You can move into better position, you could-- - I might move away from it. - All right. That's a good call. You back up from it because you don't want what happened to Iculus to happen to you. It's brutal over there. - I do not, no thank you. - I'm hurting. - Speaking of which, Iculus, the creature is before you. You just gonna take that critical hit or-- - I'm not gonna just take that, no. - All right, all right, I see how this is. - So what I want to do, Iculus wants to do, is use his legs, sweep kick the creature. - Sure. - And as I hit him in the back of the leg, rear back and passes the sword in the back of his leg. - So you have a choice there. You can attempt to try and trip it. That's going be an athletics check. But it's gonna be a hard thing to do because it is a very large, Elemental creature. - Okay. - But you can try it if you want. - I'm pretty athletic. - All right. Why don't you go ahead and give me an athletics check. You're gonna want to roll high on this. - D20, huh? - Yeah. (everyone laughing) Ah, the offerings to the dice god begin. (everyone laughing) Pathfinder. - Dice for the dice god. - 12 class 13 so that's 25. - 25, so that's enough to make it stumble. So you slam your leg into it and all of a sudden it's kind of teetering like it's off balance. That's gonna give you a bonus on your attack roll. So go ahead and make the attack roll now. - Come on bastard. 11 and let's see, where am I at here, plus 12 so it's a 23. - A 23. A 23 is going to be just enough to hit it. So go ahead and deal damage. And this was the last guy who dealt you damage so your retribution on your ax is going to kick in, I think. - Okay, so-- - It adds another two on top of the damage. - Okay, two and then this is a nine so-- - And plus four. - Plus four. - Yeah. - So we're looking what 13 plus-- - Two more so 15 points of damage. - Yeah. - All right. You're bastard sword slams into it and it takes 15 points of damage. It looks pretty badly hurt by that. As a matter of fact, you've slammed your blade into it, the blade dives deep into the rock of stone and it just collapses. It just crumbles into rock and earth. - Feel the wrath of Iculus. - It's a pile of rock and earth sitting there. - Good done. Nice shot there. - I didn't even get to hit it. How did this-- - Can I run over and try to heal them? - We're gonna stay in initiative order. - Oh, okay. - Iculus, you still do have one action left but it's just a pile of rock and dirt right now. - I want to finish this off. - All right, so you just start beating the pile of rock and earth? - Smashing it. - All right, sure. - Just smashing it. - You're just attacking the ground. - Yes. - Which is pretty easy to hit. - Yes. - Yeah, if you miss that, then the dwarf is just gonna be like oh no, no. (everyone laughing) - He'll never hit me again. - Omelet, it's your turn. What would you like to do? - I suppose I'm just gonna gather me strength. This is not the first broken bone I've had. Should have named us bonebreakers instead of Stonebreaker. So I sort of gather up and I sort of pretend like I'm not in pain and I walk over and I'm just like good on, you. Don't mind me, I shot right, the way your mood right now, what you're doing, that's a mood. I'm gonna just, just gonna grab the ax there. Don't, don't, don't look at me. I'm just gonna grab, right, I need two hands for this (Iculus laughing) so gonna go and no, don't help me. They're watching, no don't do that, they're watching me. - The dwarf is back there - I'm grabbing-- - leaning forward with his clipboard. - I lift the ax and then sort of in a swinging motion back onto the shoulder there, the one that's not in pain and give a nice like ah ha, down there at the dead creature there. - All right. - Did it, did it. - Liss? - Uh, Liss has done this too many times to think for it to be, it can not be this easy. So I am going to take a good look at the lieutenant and see what it is she is up to. I would lik to uh-- - So interesting you should ask that. Give me a perception check. - I shall do that. That is what I am going to do. - Yeah, so go ahead and roll D20 and add your perception. You're trying to read her expression. - Natural 20 plus a 13, that is a 33. - You are 100% positive looking at her expression, she's kind of looking at the rest of you with kind of a little wry smile on her face and she's just kind of sitting there with her arms crossed just kind of watching and almost like she's waiting. - I am going to put myself in a sort of, if I can do some stealthing to sort of give myself a little bit of cover. - So there's the rock where Lucky is hiding behind. - Oh, yeah. - But there's another rock that you can go and kind of take cover behind. - I will go do that for sure, yes, I will roll that stealth for you if you would like me too. - So actually you don't need to roll stealth. The great part is you can just say I'm going into stealth and if something actively looks for you, we'll deal with it then. So you are hiding right now and that's fine. - I am going to do my hiding thing. - Fantastic. All right, Lucky does the same thing. That's all he does this round, he just stays hidden. Linnaeus? - Linnaeus having no idea that this thing might still be alive runs straight for these two and goes, I'm so glad you're both in the same place. I just need you both to stay here. 10 minutes on you and 10 minutes on you. Okay, let's go. She's gonna start to try and treat wounds. - All right so you like run up and break out your medical kit. That's moving there is one action, getting out the medical kit's an action, and you start treating wounds but that takes 10 minutes. - Yes. - And combat rounds, by the way, are six seconds. So you're only talking about 100 rounds before that check will be made. So that's Round 1, we'll put a mark down. - Yeah, she doesn't know. - That's good. All right, yeah, no, that's perfect. So as this is happening, the two of you are standing there, looking at her, getting your wounds bound, the rest of you can see this happen, rising up behind them out of the ground is the Elemental. The pile of rock is still there, it's just now it's rising up behind you. And it rises up out of the ground, takes its fist and just attempts to bring it right down on top of Omelet. - (screaming) What did I do? - Wait, we've been getting real help. - All right, you're a mailey fighter. That's how it goes. - It's true. - No. - So-- - What'd you hit? - A 14 plus 16 is going to be a 30. - Well, you know that definitely hits. - It doesn't exceed your armor class by 10 though, right. - Um, 22. - 22, so it's not a critical hit. - No. - So that's fortunate. But it is definitely a solid hit. - Sure. - And that fist is going to slam into you for 15 points of damage. - That's okay, that's part of the test, see how much damage you can take. - Now Iculus, I do want to remind you that you have a reaction you can use. She is within range and so is it. So you could use your liberating step to prevent some of that damage, if you wanted to. - Yeah, sure. - Yeah. - All right. Well, the healing that she did, is that-- - Yeah, that's not effective yet because it takes 10 minutes. - Okay. - So that's barely started yet. So instead what you can do is call upon your reaction to heal or prevent some of the damage to her with your liberating step. It allows her to kind of step out of the way and avoid some of the damage. - Jason, - Yes. - I am a battle medic, so I can do this in battle, right? - Oh yeah, you could do that but you didn't know so I thought you were going into the 10 minute version. - She was, she was. - All right. But next round you can totally use it as battle medic. - Thanks. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So you can use liberating step, that's your reaction for the round. But you don't have anything else to spend it on. - Yeah. - And in this case, Omelet, you will take I believe it's your level plus two less damage. So it's gonna be seven less damage. - Oh, that's so nice. - I do what I can. - Yeah, what that'll create, the way that works is you're able to call out the blessings of Shalen and you are inspired to dodge out of the way and the blow kind of misses you a bit so you take seven less damage. - Nice, so the other good shoulder gets a nice whack in it. - Yeah. - Unfortunately, the Elemental does have one more action this round. - Oh, great. - So it's going to attack again. - Me? It does seem intent upon hitting you, yeah. - I did swear at it a little. - You did, you did. - Sure, so I only took seven damage that last round. - You did only take seven damage. And this second attack is going to be a 23, which is going to hit. And it's going to do another 18 points of damage. - Oh, sure. Well, it was nice living out my family legacy. (everyone laughing) - No, wait, I can heal. I'll heal you, just wait a moment, please. - Sure, 100 rounds I can last. (everyone laughing) - Only 99 more of those to go (laughing). - I'm so close. - Tarriel. - How many actions is it to switch a weapon? - So it depends. If you want to put away a weapon, that would be one action to put the weapon away, one action the draw a weapon. You can just drop the weapon for free and then draw the other weapon, which would only cost you one. But then your weapon's on the ground. The choice is yours. - I'm not crazy about either of those. So I'm just gonna keep throwing more rocks at it using - All right. - telekinetic projectile. - All right and that's a can trick for you, right? - It is a can trick. - Which means that you can cast it as much as you want today. - Yes, I can. - Awesome. - And I will. - All right. Go ahead and make an attack roll. - That is a 21 to hit. - 21 will hit. - Great (die cast), for eight points of damage. - That looks like it hurt it. Chunks of rock and earth go flying off of it as your stone strikes it. You do still have an action so you could like put your weapon away, if you wanted to draw the next weapon. - Yeah, I think I'm going to just go ahead and put my rapier away. - All right. Not interested in running up there and trying to poke it? - Oh, definitely not. - All right. Iculus, it is your turn. - Iculus turns around, smashes the Elemental - Awesome. - right in the chest. - Yeah, go ahead and make an attack roll. - Do it. - Calls upon Shalen first. (everyone laughing) Touch my sword and then I can smash this Elemental and save us all. (die cast) 12, 22. - That is going to hit. - Yeah. - So go ahead and roll damage. This is just gonna be the D12 plus four this time around. So you rolled a five? - Yes. - So a total of nine. All right, it has taken 64 points of damage but it is still standing. It looks like the magic that is holding it together is slowly starting to come apart though. Like parts of it are like falling and then hover in the magic and then pull back to it. The magic that's holding it together is starting to come undone but you're not quite there. - Do I still have an action? - That was one action. You still have two, still two actions. - I'd like to hack into, aim for the chest. - Sure. - And then one just body blow punch. - (laughing) All right, so what you're gonna do is go ahead and make the attack with the blade. - Okay. - And I'll describe how this works because you can totally do what you're describing. So go ahead and make the attack. - 17. - Oh, that's very good. - What is it, what do I want to do plus 12? - 17 plus 12, but it's gonna be minus five because it's your second attack. - 22. - So it's gonna be a 24, which is still a hit. Go ahead and roll damage. It's another D12 plus 4. - 10. - 10 points of damage. It's now taken 74. And then you release your grip with your hand and do your last attack as a punch. Go ahead and make me an attack roll. That 12 and 20 already. - Misread it. (women laughing) - 11. - So you're not gonna have this written down but it's pretty easy for us to figure out. So what's your strength? - Four. - Four. - Or 18. - Yeah, so it's a plus four. So you're gonna be a plus four and your level is five so that's nine and you are trained in armed attacks so that's going to be a plus 11 on armed attacks. So what's 11 plus what you rolled? - Uh, 22. - 22, unfortunately it is your third attack though, so-- - Minus. - It would be minus 10 but fists are agile. So it's only minus eight. - Okay. - So you slam your fist into it but at a minus eight, you really just kind of slam your fist into it and you hit like a clod of sod and grass and your fist just kind of pulls out and you're like dah, and it didn't look like it hurt it. But it looked really awesome. You saw the dwarf go, hmm. (everyone laughing) Well, that was brave. All right, top of the order, Omelet, it's still there standing in front of you. It seems intent upon ending the family line right here and right now. - Sure, I've taken quite a beating but as I'm sort of not lying there, I've not been knocked prone or nothing but I'm definitely not showing my best form and I just sort of say to me self, (dramatic music) I know it's me first day but I could really use the help. And as she says that, she's going to fly into a rage. So you sort of see almost like a smokey mist sort of envelope and sort of seeps out of her leather and envelopes around her head and goes into her eyes and they sort of become this sort of smokey, glazed over look. And she stands straight up, as if she's sort of being puppeted and she goes to dive right in. Now question. - Yes. - Can I also do a feat along with my second action? Fly into a range and then do-- - What feat are you trying to use? - I'd like to furious finish this mother. - So you're betting the farm? - Yeah, this is my first D. - You can totally do this. So what furious finish allows you to do, it allows you to expend all of your rage in one attack. Rage lasts for 10 rounds normally. - Sure, maximum 10. - But if you furious finish, your rage immediately ends. So you go into a rage and then you're immediately ending it for a plus 10 bonus to damage. - Sure. So right now, if this is a success, that would be an extra 12 damage I'm doing because of the first rage. - It is and before you roll, I do want to remind you, you have hero points, just I case. - I know. - You've got to make a good impression here. - I know. - So make the attack roll. (Omelet exhaling) - You got this. - No, I'm re-rolling that. (everyone laughing) Hero points (kiss). - Go, hand that coin down this way. - All right, passing. - Thank you. - Come on. Come on, you can't let me down. Literally, my whole family's watching. What's the target? (everyone laughing) - What did you roll? - Right. Come on, a 23. - A 23. - Does it hit? - It's a hit. (everyone cheering) All right, so you are gonna go ahead and roll, what is that two D-- - Two D12s, plus four, plus 12. - Oh, my God. - That sounds about right. - Sure. - Do it, do it. - So two D12 plus 16. - Whew, that's an 18 on the dice there, plus 16. I'm too overwhelmed right now to do the math but you tell me how that goes. (everyone laughing) - You deal 34 points of damage. - 34, good. - Whew! Okay, do you want me to tell you what happens or do you want to do it? I'm too excited, my heart's pounding. - Summoning up all the rage of your ancestors, you slam your ax. As this is happening, the Elemental itself looks down on your kind of like (confused mouth noise) and you just slam your ax right into the middle of its chest and with a crack, it almost sounds like thunder, because you hit like a solid piece of granite that was in the middle of it. You just split that in half and the Elemental just, it's mouth first starts to crumble, then its head slowly falls to sand. Unlike the last time, where it fell apart in chunks, almost as if it was diving into the ground, this time it literally just comes to pieces. All of its body pieces just slowly fall away and it crumbles to the ground. (woman cheering) - I didn't even get to hit it. What is this? - Linnaeus looks up and is like oh, oh, there was fighting still. Okay, let me heal you now. (man laughing) I can do that. Yes, okay, all right, you sit here. I'm going to treat wounds. - You probably might see this huge square. She was floating a few inches off the ground until the smoke dissipates and she full form falls out and just is on the ground. - Oh, my God. - We'll heal you too, don't worry. - That's a lot of work. - The lieutenant just kind of (slow clapping)-- - That was very good. - Well done, well done most of you. You've done admirably well against my little challenge. I hope you aren't too hurt. - Don't look after me. - Not anymore. Seeing you with bandages, the lieutenant looks and says ah, a useful skill. You should take care of that. - I am, that's why I'm standing here. Yes, heal. - Iculus, come closer. Oh my friend, don't let anybody know. Did I do it? - You did it. Oh, my God. - You know I'm standing right here. - Did it just crack like a big old egg? - It cracked like a (roar). - Omelet, Omelet. - It smashed. - Don't tell anybody, I think I'm crying. - Omelet. - Sure, okay. - Want me to heal you, yes? - Oh yeah. - Okay. - God, I could go for that. - Okay, sure, yeah sure. - All right. So you're gonna start off with some medicine. Let's go ahead and use that skill. You're not in combat anymore so you can take 10 minutes to bandage up their wounds. Now, because you're an expert at medicine, you can try and really triage their wounds or you can just kind of do some surface stuff. Triaging their wounds is a harder check though. It'll heal more but it's harder and you might fail. Or you can kind of go for the easier check and just heal them for a little bit of damage. Which would you like to do? - I'm gonna do the easier check because I still get a D10 instead of a D8. - Oh, yeah. - Healing hands, so I'm still pretty effective. All right. - I'm just going to lie here while you do that. - Woo, I already beat the DC, I rolled a 16 and I have a plus 11 to my spellcasting. - Awesome. So I believe the Healing Hands actually applies to spells, not to medicine, but that's okay. - Yeah, my spell bonus is 11. - Yeah, are you doing medicine or are you doing a spell to heal? - Oh, no, you're right, I'm doing medicine so I'm doing plus 13. - Yeah. - Yeah, so I'm still 10 over. - As a matter of fact, that's a critical success so you heal him for four D8. - Four D10. - Four D8, the Healing Hands only applies to spells. - Oh. - Yeah, no worries. (whispering) We're all new, the game just came out. (everyone laughing) - That would be 19. - 19, so you get 19 hit points back. - All right. - So go ahead and take off 19 points of damage. Would you like to treat Omelet as well, while you're here? - Yes, I'm going to cast a spell. - Well, you can do medicine on Omelet first, if you like. - Okay, I will do that instead. - All right. - Liss is kind of doesn't seem too happy with their performance. They have unstrung their bow and stuck it back in the sheathe and they are just observing, kind of kicking rocks, a little bit disappointed. - Lucky kind of comes over to you and is like, yeah, you did the smart thing. Staying out of the fight is the way to go. - That was not my intention. I was hiding in order to have a better shot not so that I could be labeled a coward like you. - He's like why, I never. I was hiding to find a better shot as well. I need to go get my dagger and he wanders off to go get his dagger. - If that is the case then can I also go and look for my crossbow bolts, just to kill some time. - Yeah, sure, absolutely. Yeah, you can go find them. All right, so did you roll another - 16. - medicine check? You got a 16? - I did. - 16 is just enough so you heal two D8. - Or you. For you you get seven points but I'm also-- - Thanks so much. - Well I'm going to give you another heal because you are so low on health. So we are going to cast it at first level to give you one D10. - So the great part about that is because you're not in a fight and you don't have to worry about healing anyone else, you could spend all three actions and heal everyone for one D10. - I'm going to do that instead. - Wow, very good. - I'm going to do that one instead, definitely. Okay. - And is this a heal out of a wand or is this a heal out of the staff or is this a heal-- - Out of my staff. I'm going to heal out of my staff. - All right. - (harmonization with mouth) Seven, seven. - All right, everybody regains seven hit points. Anyone who was damaged regains seven. - Oh, eight because I have a plus one. - Oh, nice. - Oh yeah, because of the staff, yeah. - That's on top of what-- - That's on top of everything else, yep. You can't go above your max but you can be healed back up to full. - Okay. - I'm useful. - I'm just dusting the dirt off my boot. - You're feeling better? - Iculus feels way better. - Perfect. - I have stuck my last curved short bows back into their sheathe with the arrow. - All right. Well, the lieutenant comes over to the two of you as you're kind of picking up gear and stuff and says, never worry, we'll get your skills up to snuff. You gave it a good try, it happens to all of us. - Thank you, I appreciate the vote of confidence. But I'm actually quite good at this. I guess today my aim was just off. - She says the Earth Elemental is a dangerous creature. That's why I tested it against you. It's not easy to see it and quite dangerous. - Well, I don't tend to get close to things. As a general rule, I like to keep my distance. - She nods. Don't worry, we'll find a place for you in Lastwall. - Great, I am so excited. - She just looks over the two of you and just like nods and returns to the wagon. The dwarf is busy setting up camp and he has put down a cook pit. He's kind of broke out a cook firing, got a kettle going, and he's lit a fire. And by the time all of the healing is done and you've done all the medicine, he's already like slicing up potatoes and onions and stuff and throwing it in the pot with some water and he's like eh, gather around, we're gonna have ourselves a stew. The lieutenant nods and she kind of wanders off to go like sharpen her blade. And it looks like she's off kind of doing some prayers. So the private goes, eh, by the way, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Private Carr. - Carr? - Carr. - Char? - Yeah. Linnum, you can call me Linnum though when the lieutenant isn't around. - Linen? - Linnum. - Oh, okay. That is cool but that's fine. - Carr Linnum. - Yeah, I pretty much get to do all the grunt work but you know, welcome aboard. We're happy to have you. Listen, the lieutenant's, the lieutenant's really, she's got a long sword driven up her backside, if you know what I mean. - Is she okay? - No, no, no, that's a figure of speech. - Oh. - Figure of speech. - No, she just believes in the cause of Lastwall. And you know, it's a good cause, it's a good cause. - Sure it is. - No, it's great. Yeah, no I mean, you're gonna go serve in one of the greatest armies ever. It's the army that took down the Whispering Tyrant. It's the army that put him away forever. - I don't know who that is. - Oh, well we'll tell you all about it. We'll tell you all about it. - You do know the story of the three armies and the shining crusade? - So, so-- - Some of us have better things to study. - I lived in a monastery. - A thousand years ago-- - You can study more than one subject you can. - Oh, I have? - Good all. - A thousand years ago, the Whispering Tyrant, a terrible leech, ravaged these lands, slaying children, killing their mothers, killing their fathers, raising them up as his zombies and ghouls. He ravaged these lands. He nearly killed us all. Nearly put an end to the living life in all of Everstand. Ah, but then there was the Shining Crusade. Three armies come together from the nations of the south. They drove north across Lincoln Carthin and they founded Lastwall. They landed their beach head on the edges of his vile domain and they drove, for 40 years they fought forward, fighting their way to his doorstep and there, in the shadow of Gallow Spire, his foul tower, the forces met him on the field of battle and brave General Arnisant took to the field, wearing resplendent armor and wielding the Shield of Araden, God of Humans. He took that shield into battle and the terrible leech wished for the General's beating heart in his hand. He spent powerful magics to summon his heart right from his chest. But that leech, he didn't know that the General's heart belonged to Araden. And the shield shattered into its sacred pieces and diffused in the leech's hands and he was destroyed and vanquished. But they couldn't beat him. Leeches, you see they're sneaky, they come back. So they sealed him up under his tower and they founded Lastwall to keep and eye on it. Make sure that that mean old leech stays dead. And that's where you're going. You're gonna serve. It's been 1000 years we've been watching that tomb, it gets kind of boring, but he's still down there. It's important that we keep an eye on him, make sure that he doesn't get out. - How would he get out? - Well, I don't know. Nobody knows but we've got to keep an eye on him. He's terribly powerful. He could get out at any time. - Well that sounds spooky. - I mean at least that's what they tell us. It's been 1000 years, not really all that worried about it. - How are they sure that he's still down there? - Well, I figure if he wasn't, he'd be out here killing all of us, wouldn't he? - Well how do you know he's not out here? - Well, that's a grim thought. - Sorry. - Don't want to go open it and find out? - Well, I can't say I'm not glad to see ya because I know ya ain't exactly excited to be here but I'm excited to have you, I really am. Yeah, I can tell you're one of us. - I'll bring Saren Ray's light right into the tomb. - That's fantastic. - And I have a swing so. - It's grim times here in Lastwall. I got to admit, strange things are happening. The lieutenant will tell you more about it but-- - Strange? - Yeah, it's been a weird summer. Volumus, the port city, has been having strange fires. Rossler's Coffer, we're about to pass it probably tomorrow, but we ain't gonna go near it. Something terrible happened there about two months ago. - Like what? - I don't know. They ain't telling me about it, I'm just a private. They won't tell me what happened there. But everybody in that town is dead. - Well that seems like a nice little mystery to me. You see, I tend to be curious about those kinds of things, as a general rule. But if we do decide to go about taking a peek, I think my skills might be useful there. - He's like, if I know the lieutenant, we're gonna pull a wide arc around Rossler's Coffer. We're not allowed to go there. - That is unfortunate. - Apparently, the military's been sending folks there to try and find out what's happening but they ain't telling little grunts like me. - Are they coming back? - Who? - The troops that you're sending? Do they come back? - Oh yeah, no we've-- I guess. I don't really think it's been killing more people. Some sort of terrible calamity happened, we're not really sure. - It's a leech. - No, don't say that. That's bad luck there. Don't, I got a good feeling about this. You say it's been quite grim. Well look at us, we've got some beautiful music player. - Oh, thank you. - Would you like to play some music? I've been dying to hear some. - I don't get to hear music very often. - I love the arts. - The dwarf nods. He's like yeah, let's have a song. - You don't have to ask me twice. - All right. So if you'd like to perform, let's see how well you do. Why don't you give me a perform check? - Okay, if you insist. That is a 32. - Wow! - I weep openly. - So what do you want to sing about? Or what's the song, is it an uptempo song? - It is an uptempo song but the origins of it are really kind of sad. - All right, so it's got some kind of low durgy notes. And by the end, you look over to the private and he's chopping up onions and he's just like it's the onions. I swear, it's the onions. - I'm just crying. - I'm just giving them a knowing nod like yeah, I know. - It's beautiful. - See that's what I'm talking about, the sweetness. That's a sad song and you made it beautiful and happy. That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go to dark, sad places and we're going to make them happy again. - I love that. - I believe it. I'm a true believer, that's what I said when I climbed on the cart. True believer. - Well one of us has to be and if it's going to be anyone, I am glad it is the young among us. - I know, I know and she sort of self consciously grabs at her sort of face. - We don't understand though you are beautiful just as you are. You don't have to worry about a thing. - Thanks, yeah no, I was a bit nervous. - I love a fighter as well. - Really, you think so. Coming from you, that's quite an honor, you in all your fancy get up. - At this point and time the lieutenant's kind of come back, overhears your conversation and says, well I'll be the judge of that then looks to the private and says, is supper ready? And the private goes, yes, yes, sorry lieutenant. I'm almost done. It's, and he's wiping the tears away from his eyes from your beautiful song and he finishes putting the last of the potatoes in and it stews for a bit. And it smells good enough. You see him reach into a pouch and get out some salt and some spices and throw 'em in there but it's by no means fine food. Lucky is kind of turning up his nose at it. He's like ew, vegetable stew. And he's like, it's fine. It raises fine, growing dwarves. - What a feast. - So Private Carr spoons out the stew to all of you and you all enjoy a meal together on the road. (slurping) - I'm never going to be mad at stew, stew is delicious. - I've never seen a stew that looks like this. - Neither have I, frankly. - It looks like this when I make it. - Are we allowed to have seconds? - He kind of tips the pot. Eh, there's a bit more, there you go. You see in the ladle. - Can I have the ladle? - Yes, absolutely. And you're served out a meal. You break bread with the lieutenant and the private and well, Lucky's there as well although he's kind of put his bowl on a rock and is just kind of staring at it. - It's a little tangy. - Don't waste it. - It's actually not incredibly well-cooked. Like he didn't leave it on the fire really all that long. - The potatoes are a little bit under boiled but eh-- - It's the dwarven way, they're harder to chew that way. - Aw, the challenge, I see, I see. - Yeah, gotta have some snap in 'em. - He has a strong jaw. (everyone laughing) - It's almost like the way some people like to eat a noodle, you know, it should bite back. - The lieutenant shakes her head. Enjoy your meal, get some rest. We're going to be pulling out early in the morning. We have many, many miles before Castle Everstand. And with that, the lieutenant goes and starts putting up a small tent. You are all provided bedrolls and blankets but no tents. Fortunately, the weather is fine enough. It's late summer, early autumn in Nearmethaus, so the colors are out and the nights do get a bit chill but it's nothing you can't handle. So you're able to all bed down and get a pleasant night's rest. So you wake up the next morning, you're able to do all of your preparations, you get all of your, everything you spent you get back. So if you spent spells or uses of your things, you're able to spend time re-preparing spells, re-preparing your staff and everything like that, so it has full charges. - Is my life points back? (everyone laughing) - You do get back some hit points. - Okay, just some. - Yeah, you get back, because you can't sleep in very comfortable environments, you get back a number equal to your level. - No, not quite used to sleeping outside. - Yeah, no, you usually have a nice, hard rock to sleep on. This soft grass is no good. - And on top of that a bedroll. - So you could just throw the bedroll to someone else. - Is it too cushy for you? There was some rocks over there that I hid behind. You could have slept on one of those. - I'll take your bedroll. - It felt rude to sort of not accept from the lieutenant. - I'm pretty sure she understands the cultural differences. I mean she is traveling with dwarf, no. - She might have been impressed. - Damn it. - So if any of you are down hit points, you can use medicine throughout the day to restore them back to full hit points. In fact, you're traveling for so long, I'm not even gonna really make you roll for it. You're just able to slowly bandage them up over the day. There's no point in rolling checks for just regaining a handful of hit points. You'll be back to full. - You said what our level is. - Yeah, you get that back. - Okay. - You might be able to get more if you were sleeping in more comfortable environments. - Sure, sure. - But you're kind of sleeping on a bedroll in the middle of a field. - The perfect place to sleep, you can see the stars. - As a matter of fact, the stars above were beautiful last night but it has broken into a cold, bitter morning. As you all wake up and the wagon packs up, a cold breeze begins to blow from the north. Leaves start coming alose from their trees and you see great kind of gusts of autumn colors blow by as you make your way further and further north. - The light of Saren Ray will keep us warm. - I think my cloak will suffice just fine. - I'm going to press this. - (laughing) You're gathering leaves and as the wagon trundles north, you reach a point where you're approaching the border and you can hear the lieutenant talk to the private. All right, we're taking the side road. We're avoiding Rossler's Coffer, we're going nowhere near there, it's orders. And the wagon turns to the west and begins to do a long ark away from the village. - I'm missing out on an adventure. - Was there something down there that we could see? - The lieutenant looks back over you, that's above your pay grade. - I heard something bad happened. - Are we getting paid? How are we getting paid? - Not yet, you have to complete your training first, the lieutenant looks at you. - Well, can I send my payment back to the monastery? - Sure, if that's what you want to do. - Oh yes. - The people who are sent here involuntarily get paid? - Your pay will be sent to settle your debt. - But I do not have a debt. Do I have a debt? - She turns to the dwarf and shrugs and he looks down and he, our paperwork doesn't say but they'll know at Castle Everstand. - If that bastard has someone managed to incur a debt upon me, I will finish him when I see him again. - You sure you want to say that in front of the guards? - I am happy to come back if it means I have wrought my vengeance. - Lucky looks at you, and he's back to picking his fingernails with his knife, and he's like eh, vendetta, huh. I like the cut of your gib. - Only against this particular person. - I'm not here for the money. - You thinking about a little knife work or maybe-- - I do not need the help. I don't like your persistent speaking. You are scaring me. - Poison then (laughing). - What are you here for if you're not here for the money? - I told you already, to smash boots. - Oh, just fight, just punch a lot of things. - No, not yet. - But that's what you want. - That's what I want, yes. - Have you trained long? - Well, let's just say that's my business. - Sure, sure, but I was asking your business and I would like to know your business, if you're willing to give it out. - I'm not. - Okay. - So to be clear, you slept with the mask on - I did. - all night. - All night. - You have not taken it off yet. - Not yet. - All right. - Does that get very sweaty under there? - It stinks. - Oh, I'm sorry. (Jason laughing) Do you have to just clean it? Can we take it off to clean it? We want to know what you look like? - That's my business. - He's not about to give his business out. - No, I guess not. - I already asked. - Oh. - I'm then guessing that we are the ones who have to suffer from this smell that might be permeating off of that. - Well the upside is the wagon is trundling along (everyone laughing) - Come on now. - So as long as we keep forward momentum, he's always downwind. - You may want to just stick a little rag under there. - Do you have something? - Yes, of course, and she like rips off part of her tunic, she says there. - So kind you are. - Oh, thank you. - It's like I'll have to check the equipment chapter to see if we have mints (laughing). - Perhaps some leaves under there. - You know, we may be able to find you some flowers as well. - You know, stick it up in there and just eww. - So that is actually a very traditional remedy. You can get a small pouch and fill it with herbs and flowers. Then at least you're smelling something nice. - That's nice, right. - Jasmine. - I'm going to go collect more. - Please. - I'll collect a whole pouch for you and one for me. - So the wagon begins a slow trundle kind of off on a rather bumpy, it almost looks like a game trail. This isn't the proper road, you left the proper road. And off in the distance, to the east, you can see what looks to be like the burnt out ruins of a town. It's far away, it's kind of on the distance. There's no smoke or anything coming from it. Whatever happened there, happened quite some time ago but it looks like a ruin and the lieutenant says yeah, I see you gawking but that's none of your business. That's Lastwall's business and maybe once you're trained and sworn in, you'll be let in on what's going on. But for now trainees, keep your eyes forward. - Is there anyone to help there. - She looks back at you, there's no one there left to help. - Oh, that's sad. - No survivors? - Was it a fire? - We don't know. - Oh, that's bad. - Bad times, the private looks back. Yeah, I told ya, yeah, bad things happening. Why, I heard rumors, and the lieutenant looks at him, silence, they're trainees, they're not knights. - Could be. - The wagon continues to trundle forward. - This is so difficult. (everyone laughing) - About another two hours goes by as you make your way across this bumpy road and eventually it circles back around to rejoin the road that has now passed by the town known as Rossler's Coffer and continues heading north. About another hour and a half later, up ahead on the road, it looks like just off to the side of the road there is an entire pair of merchant wagons off on the side. They're knocked over, they're not on their wheels anymore. So it looks like something knocked them over off of the trail and the whole thing looks like a mess. The crates and barrels that were in the wagons are just strewn about all over the place and the lieutenant kind of calls for a halt. - Yeah, this is definitely on guard the moment they notice that too. - But there might be people to help here, we should get out. And she starts to climb over the edge of the wagon. - I don't know if there are people here who need help. - She's already off the wagon. Hello. - Wait, hang on. There still may be some heads to crack. I'm coming over with you. - Okay, let's go help some people. - I'd like to kind of cast my eyes about and see if I notice anything. - All right. - I'm looking for people. - I'm joining them. - I'm staying in the wagon but I'm looking for things moving about, yeah. - All right, so Tarriel, you're staying in the wagon. - So am I. - Liss is staying in the wagon. - We're going. - I'm going. - Helping people. - The true believers. (man laughing) - The light of Saren Ray will help you. - Unsurprisingly, Lucky's like, yeah, that ain't for me. (everyone laughing) - You're a jerk. - Yeah, come get this Longfinger, fuckticle. - So the three of you get out and the lieutenant hops off the buckboard and says private, stay here. And she looks back at the three of you, all right, follow me. - Okay, perfect. - Readying my weapon and my shield. - You protect the wagon. We'll go forth and see if there's anything needs doing. - Very smart to stay here and protect the wagon, very smart. - So it's not too terribly far. I'm gonna be honest, by the time the wagon stops, you kind of crested a hill and, not much of a hill, but enough of one that you didn't really see the wagon until you got to the top. And these two wagons are off to the side, a little bit further down. And as you approach, you notice like a trunk looks like a barrel lid goes spinning off as if something behind the wagon just kind of threw it. It goes kind of spinning off. At that, the lieutenant draws her long sword. - Righto, can I see how long the side of the curve on? - She looks at you and nods as you kind of move off and start getting low. - How many feet away are we? - You're about 40 feet away or so. - I'm gonna use detect alignment. - Okay, so you pulse out, I think you have to ask for a specific alignment. Are you looking for evil? - Yeah. - Okay, so you throw your senses out at the wagon and all that it would give you, if there was evil was like a ping, like ah, you sense evil. You wouldn't necessarily know where it's coming from. With that said, you stop and focus on the spell as the others continue moving forward but you don't get anything. - Okay. - There's apparently no evil here, but there is something. The two of you are advancing along with the lieutenant. You've moved off to the side to be stealthy. - Iculus. - I'd like to draw my weapon. - Draw your weapon? You moving up side-by-side with the lieutenant? - Yes, I am. - All right. The two of you back on the wagon with Lucky, Lucky looks to the two of you and he's like hey, hey. - What? - He's kind of (hissing). And mind you, his head nod is just kind of off towards the forest. He's like, (everyone laughing) because there is a forest kind of off way to the east and he's just like. - Is that how you haven't had to serve your sentence? You just run off every time? I'm trying-- - Hey, I never give away trade secrets. - You hate that this is what he does. - Well, if this is what you want to do, we're not going to stop you but we are not going anywhere. There might be like something that is-- - You're gonna run in the forest? - He kind of just shrugs and he's just like, I'm not gonna go by myself. - Well then, I guess you are stuck with us because I'm not going anywhere. - Yeah, we don't know what's happening. - The more of us there are out there, the more likely we are to be caught. Are you serious? - (sighing) Fine, fine, fine I guess we'll go be knights. And he just looks frustrated. - It seems to me that you could use a bit of rehabilitation. - I'm fine the way I am. Such a winner. (everyone laughing) - You named a halfling Lucky. What do you think was-- - So the four of you are approaching, you're a little bit further behind. You and the lieutenant are heading straight toward it and you're kind of flanking off to the side. When you draw close, you see another like scrap of like, looks like tarp or something goes flying off as if something's trying to rip through stuff. And you hear kind of the sound of tarp ripping and then you see a chunk of it go flying up. And when that piece kind of falls to the ground, behind it you can see a pretty big bear trying to paw its way into like a crate and barrel. It's like digging around looking for food, it's just crushing things. This bear is huge and the only way you didn't see it was because the wagon was tipped fully up on its side and it was behind it. That said, the bear sees you and snarls. At that, I'm going to need everybody to roll initiative. - I would like to use this moment to use my scout warning, to give everyone plus one for their initiative. - Oh, very nice. - All right, so you sense that you're like something's not right here, watch out, and everybody gets a plus one. I do want to say, Omelet, you may roll Stealth instead of Perception, if you want. If you do, you will start the fight off hidden. - Oh sure, sure, okay. - Assuming you roll pretty well. I mean you have to roll pretty well but if you do, you'll start the fight off hidden. - Well, my initiative's better the other way around but I did say that I was sneaking so I'm gonna roll that. - All right. Can I get to everyone to roll Perception otherwise? - So hypothetically speaking - Yeah. - -were I could roll one on Initiative-- - That would be a very bad initiative, yeah. - But that's not gonna like cost me? - No, it's not a critical failure or anything. - Okay, good. - Initiative is just a roll. - I mean technically, it's a two. - And how far away is the bear? - From you and the lieutenant, only about 30 feet. - 30 feet, okay. So we're rolling Initiative. - Yep, go ahead, and that's gonna be a perception check for you. - Okay, okay. Let me roll for the bear here. The bear, ohh. - What'd you get. - 18. - Oh, that's not bad. - Omelet, what's your stealth check? - That's a 19, eight on the die. - 19, all right. So you're hiding with a 19. Liss, what do ya got? - Liss got a 21. - Liss, yeah 21. Lucky, let me roll for him. Yeah, sure he'll go there, that's fine. (everyone laughing) He's not gonna do anything. You know, I rolled his Initiative just so that I could know when he can feel like, what are you doing. - When he hides? - Yeah, yeah, when he hides. Linnaeus. - 14. - 14. Tarriel? - 23 - 23, that's very good. Iculus? - 24. - 24. And let me roll one last die for the lieutenant. And the lieutenant's gonna go on 30. So, the lieutenant goes first. The moment she sees the bear, she holds her arms out, her sword is drawn. She does an action called sudden charge. She spends two move actions to run up to the other side of the bear, she comes dives around it and slashes at it with her long sword (die cast). Ah, she is going to hit and her magic blade is going to bite into the bear, doing a grand total of, let's see, that's 21 points of damage. - Wow, we are going to eat well tonight, hey. - Whatever you say. - So her blade slashes into the bear and then she takes one more action to attack again. This is also going to hit and she is going to score another 18 points of damage. So she has done 39. - Wow. - Okay. - She took the action to go forward, right? - Yeah, she did. - So I'm gonna use my short bow. - So you would go next - Yeah. - if it weren't for the fact that the bear goes next. (ohhs) - That bear rolled a high DC. - Yeah, it did. - So the bear is going to attempt to bite the lieutenant with its jaws and is going to score a 33, which is going to hit. - Oh, that's not good. - Bye, lieutenant. - And that attack is going to do 20 to the lieutenant. The bear slashes out its claws, like rip across her arm, pulling off one of her pauldrons, and blood starts pouring down her shoulder. The bear then attempts to swipe at her with claws, taking one attack with each. The second one's gonna miss and the third one's gonna miss because of penalties. It swipes out far to the left, far to the right, the lieutenant dodges back and forth. And as she does the last dodge, you can tell that she's put herself in a position where you can run up to the other side of the bear - Oh, okay. - and flank it. - Okay. - It's now your turn. - And that's what I'll do. - All right. So it will take you one move action to move up to the bear. - Okay. - And you may now attack. - That's a four. - A four plus? - 12. - 12 so you get a 16. A 16 is not gonna quite be enough. No, I'm afraid that's not quite high enough. You still have one action, you can try again. - Okay, well, I have no choice. - Yeah, well. - I've got to save the lieutenant. - You need to roll well. - Shalen. (everyone laughing) Come to me at this morning or evening, or whatever time it is. - It's early afternoon. Come to me in this early afternoon, yeah, yeah. - Shine down upon us and protect us (die cast). - You can keep it. - That's a 10 so that's a 22. - A 22 would miss except for the fact that I'm flanked so that's gonna hit. Go ahead and roll damage. - (die cast) Eight, I'm sorry. - So it's an eight. All right, yeah, no problem. So let's see, the cave bear has taken how much damage? It is bleeding profusely but it looks like it's maintaining its attention on the lieutenant for now. - Okay. - But you did manage to hit it in its flank and blood is pouring down its fur. That is the end of your turn. Tarriel. - Well, as soon as I hear the growl or, does it growl? - It roars. - It roars. - Yeah. - Yeah, okay, then I'm gonna hop out (Jason laughing) and try to hit it with my sling. - All right. So it might actually work better. You don't even have to hop out. You can just stand up in the back of the wagon, get out the sling and throw rocks. - Oh, then I'm gonna do that. - Awesome. - I like flinging rocks. - Yeah, go ahead. - With a 17 to hit. - That's a total of 17? - Yeah. - Yeah. So your stone goes bouncing off the wagon and off into the field. It didn't quite manage to connect. But that was only one of your actions. You did have to draw the sling, so that's two. But you still have a third. You could attack again. - Yeah, I'll give it another go. - Sure. - Oh, that is a 20 - oh, and that's a 20. - A natural 20. (everyone cheering) all right, so you're gonna add your bonus to that but remember you take a minus five because it's your second attack. So 31 minus five is 26. - So 26 is a hit but a 20 turns that into a critical hit. So here's what you're gonna do? You're going to roll damage, add up your damage bonus as normal. You may not have much of one. What's your strength? - It's a plus one. - It's a plus one. - Plus one. All right, so you are just gonna deal a D6. How much damage did you do? - Five. - Five and then you're just gonna double that, so you do 10. - 10 plus one. - Plus one, oh okay. - It's five plus one, so it's six. - So it's six doubled to 12. - Neat. - Awesome, all right. - For that rock. - You score a critical hit and deal 12 points of damage to the bear. It (gargling) and is just like hit in the back of the head and you can kind of see it shake it off. The bear has been pretty badly beat up but it is still up and fighting. Liss. - So Liss will draw the short bow and load it with an arrow and they will say to themself this time I will not make a fool of myself in front of the lieutenant. I will save her life if it is the last thing I do and it very well may be. - All right. - Eh, that is not bad. I will hit it. I rolled a natural 17 plus a 14 so that is, wow, I do not do math, I am an English teacher. - 31. - 31. - That's a 31. A 31 is a clean hit. It's not a critical hit, close but not quite. So go ahead and deal damage. - I shall do that. - (die cast) That will be a four damage. Oh, is it possible for me to also use my feat, where is it, my hunter's edge and deal an extra one D8 because it is my first time hitting it in the round? - So since this is your first time trying to use it, I'll let you walk that back just a hair, you designate it as your target so you are now hunting this bear. - I am. - That is something you are, you focus on the bear and it becomes your target. Your vision narrows and you can only see the bear. And you pull back the bow and let lose. So yeah, you do deal the extra eight points D8 but that does burn your final action for the turn. - That's fine, that would be an eight max damage on that dice. - Eight and how much did you get on the dice? - Eight plus the four. - Four, so 12 points of damage. - Yes. - All right, that arrow finds its mark. Your query has been sighted. It lands right in the bear's rump and it's just been taking a beating from the back. It's focused on the lieutenant, who's up there with the sword, but behind it, it's just like getting hit with rocks and arrows and blades (roaring). Omelet. - Sure, I've been focusing on sneaking around. It's kind of difficult to sneak because of my size and all. - Yeah and all the armor. - And the weapons. There's quite a lot of things on me that jingle. - Yeah. - So taking my sweet time coming up to this bear. - Yeah. - But I'm finally here and I'm going to just very silently unsheathe my clan dagger. - Okay. - Keep tiptoeing up to the back of this bear. (Jason laughing) and go right for the back of the kneecaps of the bear. - All right, so you're gonna come up and try and just like hamstring the bear. - Sure. - Yeah. All right, go ahead and give me an attack roll. - Okay (die cast). 15 plus 14 there so-- - That's a 29. - 29, yeah, that's a clean hit. Go ahead and roll damage. - Clean hit. Okay, and I'm at a one D4. - And this. (Omelet laughing) - Plus four, okay, seven damage. So that's my two actions right? Moving up, take another dagger-- - Yeah, so your blade slices through the bear and it roars out in pain but it still manages to stay up and continue fighting. It's Lucky's turn. (everyone groans) - I'm dusty. - Come on, Lucky. - Is it dead yet? - Oh, you are worthless. - Useless. - It's Linnaeus' turn. (Jason laughing) - How far way am I? Coward! - So you're about 30 feet away. - Okay (die cast). - You are a little bit behind the others but it's only by about 30 feet. - I only have a speed of 25. Can I get over there using two actions? - Yes. - Okay, I'm going to do that and then I'm going to attack with my scimitar. - Ah, your blessed blade. - Yes, Saren Ray's favored weapon. Mm, 15. - All right, your blade flashes out but it gets kind of caught in all the bear fur that's flying everywhere with all these attacks hitting it and you don't quite manage to connect. - Oh, that's fine. - Top of the order. The lieutenant goes. Her blade flashes out. She looks like she was hurt by the bear but not terribly. It doesn't look like it's slowing her down too much. She looks like an experienced soldier. And she throws her blade out, slashing at the bear, and she does manage to connect for, ohh, that was terrible damage but for her still pretty decent. That was 12. It's up to there. She's going to swing and attack again and miss. And she's gonna try one more time and that's not gonna hit either. So she may to have been slowed down on that first hit but it looks like all the blood loss is slowly starting to get to her. She's slowing down a half step. Unfortunately, now the bear goes. And it slashes out at her, trying to bite at her, and is going to hit a 23, which is going to miss the lieutenant and then throws a claw back at you. And a 19 plus 11 is going to be an armor class of 30. - That's fantastic. - Yeah, but I'm wagering that doesn't beat your armor class by 10 so it's not a critical hit. - Okay. - Yeah, so it's just a hit. - Okay. - And as a result, you are going to take, let's see, that is 16 points of damage. - Okay. - The bear claw slashes through your side and then it's going to throw its final attack at let's see, I have two targets. The bear doesn't know who's been hitting it and it's throwing its attacks around and I have Linnaeus and I have Omelet here. So let's see-- - Sure. - Omelet, it's-- - It's me. - It's decided to attack you, yeah. - I've been doing so good about the stealthing but I gave myself away with a pokin'. (everybody laughing) - There's a catch phrase. We found it. I gave myself away with a pokin'. (everyone laughing) - And unfortunately, I just rolled a 20. - No! - No! - Never get close to a bear's bum, that's what I always say. I should have known. (everyone laughing) - Oh, no. - I mean now that you have a catch phrase - Sure. - We can kill you. (everyone jeering) - I still haven't even fully recovered from my morning. - Well that's unfortunate because you just took another 30 points of damage. - All right, y'all, I'm saying this now, help me. (everyone laughing) If my father were to look at me right now, he might be a little proud and ashamed at how bloody I am. - So in the travel that you got to here, some medicine was done to you. You were at four but started at five. - Oh, I was a four? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, that is, makes a difference, okay. I'm no longer quite as critical as I thought. - All right, so the bear's claw has slashed through you. It left a ragged wound right through your midsection. Blood is pouring down you but the bear's turn is now over. Iculus, it is your turn. The bear looks severely wounded, but it is still fighting. - Okay, I'm still close. - Oh, you're right next to it. - Okay. - Blade in hand. - Iculus pulls back the bastard sword, aims right for the back of the head, - All right. - Just going for the-- - Give me an attack roll. - (die cast) 19 (storytime music) plus 12 so that's at 31. - 31 and you're flanking it. That is a critical hit. - Oh. - So roll me a D12 plus four. - Yes, oh D12, yeah sorry. It's gonna be, what is this, 10. - 10 doubled to 20. You bury your blade right in the bear's skull and it just (roaring) and it just slumps down to the ground dead. - Is anyone hungry? - That part where the arrow is sticking out, I claim it, it is mine. (everyone laughing) For the bear, thank you. - So you use the arrow to mark your bear stake. (everyone laughing) - That is the way that we do it. - The lieutenant drops to a knee with the blade in her hand and you can see her muttering a prayer and she looks to all of you and just says well done, well done. - Lieutenant, may I heal you. - She looks down at it and is like ah, if you must, it's not too bad. She's flexing it and you can see like bone. - Oh, don't do that. Oh no, I'm a trained medical professional. Don't do that. I will heal you, it's fine. It will be better than before, don't worry. I'm going to heal you and I'm going to heal you. (woman gurgling) (everyone laughing) - Ah, that means I will finally alight from the cart and take a look at the spoils of battle. I want to see what got overturned. - All right, okay so you're gonna start doing medicine. The two of them are coming up to get healed. Everybody who was up for getting healed. Tarrial, do you want to go and take a look at the contents of the wagons as well? - Yeah, that sounds good. - All right. - Oh, steal me something fun. If you steal things, steal something fun for us. - No, never mind, don't do that. - Duty is not what we do. (everyone laughing) Lucky's like, did somebody say spoils? - No, you can sit down. - No, we did not say that. - Okay. - Someone said spoiled. - 16 for her, which works. And you've got, this is just for scores to see if it hits and you've got a 25 so that's a critical hit. - Correct, so that's 48. - You're going to get 48. Can I see the date to my left? - Thank you. This is all for you. Eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 15, 14, 17 for you. - Ah, yeah. - And for lieutenant, dear eight, nine, 10. 10 for the lieutenant. - She kind of is working it and she's like oh, good work. - Thank you. That's why they sent me here. I'm going to heal you too. - Oh, that'd be great. - The two of you arrive up near the wagon and they've been overturned. And it looks like this is just like a merchant's caravan. It doesn't look like anything particularly special about it. It looks like the two wagons had barrels and crates in the back. It looks like they were filled with food stuff and textiles so there's grain and there's fabric and stuff like that. And the whole thing just looks like it was knocked over. - Is there any particularly nice fabric? - I mean it's mostly rough spun linen. It's nothing too special. - I'm still gonna take some. - I can't imagine that the Lastwall would say no to some rice to fill up the stocks. It doesn't appear that the people who were chased off from these carts are going to come back to claim it so we, spoils of battle, eh. - Any thread there? - Huh? - Thread? - Oh, thread. - Yeah, thread. - I'm not sure if there's any thread. - I sort of look down at my clone, torn up clothes-- - Oh, I might have some in my barrack's kit but it would be for sewing a balloon. Do you mind? - Did you say you work on leather? - Can I work with that? - Yeah. - What was that? - No. - Good point. - Okay, going to try and sew up ya. - So you're trying to do some surgery on the leather. All right. - And I'm gonna also look for thread I think and stuff amongst the textiles. - Good, could the two of you up at the wagons both give me perception checks? - There are five more bears. - Oh, that sucks. - They were just hiding behind the other bear. - That's a number. - That's better. - There we go, 26. - Okay. - I have a 27. - That's pretty good. - Plus one, 28. - So you both learned kind of different things. The first thing, Tarrial, what you learn is across the front seat of one of the wagons, there is a splash of blood. - Eww. - But the thing that is unusual about it is that it looks like it's a few days old. - Oh. Liss, come look at this. - What are we looking at? Oh, I see, I see. This happened awhile ago. I wonder what, they really aren't going to come back for any of this stuff, I guess. - Definitely not. - Does it appear to be arterial blood? - It's hard to tell. It's gone to like full rust color. It's just dried across the side of the wagon. Whatever happened here, it happened several days ago. What you do notice is that the bear looks like it was knocking apart barrels and stuff, trying to get at some cidering apples in one of the things, that it had just cracked open and was trying to get into. But it's pretty clear that the bear just like got here. You were kind of looking around and it looks like the bear is just opportunistic. - We get to have roast bear with apples. Oh, this is the best meal I think I have ever had on the road. - Who's cooking, who's cooking? - I can do it maybe. I'm pretty good at it. - I have a weird question. - Yeah. - Can I use my medicine skill to see if I can tell anything about the blood spatter? - You sure can, yeah. - Oh, detective. - I am here. - So the lieutenant, by the way, is back talking with the private about what she saw. - How do you know that? - Well, you can decide if tray rolls are mandatory or not. But I'm gonna make you stick to it for the entire show. - Yes, tray roll. Okay, that's I mean whatever. You know what, dice, it's fine. (everyone laughing) It's fine. - Yeah, I mean if that's what you want to roll. - If that's what you want to give me twice, that's fine. It's a 20. - 20, so you can't tell too much but it does look like by the patterning of the blood that this isn't just like oh somebody cut themselves or something. It looks like there was a fight. There's like spatters of blood. And looking around, you actually find a few more on the wagon so it looks like there was fight of some sort. - Since there are no bodies here, is there like drag marks? Is there blood in another direction on the side of the road? - I would be happy to age you to help you figure that out. - Does anyone have survival? - That would be me. - If you have survival, you can give me a survival trick to search around for tracks or any signs that creatures had been here. You can feel free to make those tracks. - It was almost an 18. - That would be an 18 for me. - Okay. - I had a nine. - All right. So you got a nine and you find a nice big pile of autumn leaves, it's very nice. (everyone laughing) Liss, you found something that looks like of like tracks. It looks like something came upon the wagon several days ago and there was a fight. And you find one area in the grass nearby that's all matted down, as if something was laying here for awhile, but tehres nothing there. - Curiouser and curiouser. I have found this place that looks as though somebody has lain upon it but there does not seem to be any evidence of anything else. I am a little bit perplexed, I have to admit it's a mystery. - I don't trust it. - I am worried. Where did the bodies go? - They tried to buried it? - No. - No, you don't know. Maybe it had a quick snack before it started munching on them-- - Bears do not eat human flesh. - Do they not? - There's definitely, that is not what happened here. There was some kind of tussle, there's some blood here and there and then I guess somebody laid down to catch a breath and then trotted off and whoever did it probably made a clean break away. - I should note that there's a very large blood stain where that body was, or whatever the form was. - But does it-- - It's a body, I mean-- - Does it appear here that the, I know I'm asking questions but does it appear that that blood is smeared across the grass or does it appear like it's settled in one place and then that person's-- - It looks like the blood pooled in that spot. - Okay. - Someone dragged the body. - No, the blood is all in one place so it was not-- - Maybe they laid there and bled out but then someone took the body because it's gone. - Maybe they buried it. Maybe one was a survivor and sort of laid there for him to rest there. - Is there any mounds around? - Not at all. - No mounds. - I think that they were not dead and they stood up and they walked away from this somehow. - Or they were dead and they stood up and walked away. - Ah, eureka. - The lieutenant comes over and sees you all discussing the crime scene. She listens to a number of you and says, I have to get you to Castle Everstand. We're going to file a report about this. I'm interested in hearing what all of you have discovered but we need to keep moving. There's nothing more we can do here. - We should harvest some of the bear meat. I mean, it is good meat. - She nods and the private's getting like a cleaver. And he's coming over, he's like I got it. (everyone laughing) - I just hope he's collecting the heart after because-- - The lieutenant's about the learn what a party is. (everyone laughing) - Lieutenant, do you think this might have something to do with the town that we passed? - She's like (mysterious music), Rossler's Coffer? That happened months ago. - But were there undead there? - No. - Well, there goes my idea. - She says no, and then she's like it's none of your business. - Sorry, I'm just trying to help. - So she kind of packs you all back up. She takes your information, she talks to you about what you learned and figures it out and she says, damn troubling. We'll send a patrol back out, see what they can find out. We should be able to reach the castle tomorrow afternoon. Let's get moving. - Okay. - So you get back on the wagon. Everybody's back assembled on the wagon continues trudging its way north. The rest of this day passes in kind of a blur. The wagon continues to trundle north, there's a forest slowly rolling by on the east that the private so helpfully declares, ah, that's the Northern Fang Wood. Deep, mysterious woods, easy to get lost in there. - They are beautiful. - Quite. - They remind me of home. - Spent many a time there myself. - Have you ever met anybody in there? Who are the locals? - Plenty of folks live there. Not too many of us Lastwall guards though. Our castles are out in the open. So that evening, you finally break down, make camp, and enjoy a feast of bear steak. You have some meat for your stew tonight. Private Carr even grills up a couple of them, basically running them through with he's got like a short sword and he just runs the steak through and just turns it over the fire until it's roughly done. (everyone laughing) - I'm cutting the apples up into slices and passing them out for people to enjoy. You know imbibe a little bit. - That's very kind. - The lieutenant takes one and bites in a goes, I'll allow it. Enjoy it now. Once you get to Everstand you're not gonna be enjoying any bear steaks and apple cider. It's gonna be nothing but training. - We'll see about that. - Oh, oh my. (everyone laughing) - I had a full apple. - Here you are dear, enjoy that. Go slowly. - Oh no. - Or not. - I'm just going to take a bite too. - I'm gonna play an upbeat little diddly. - This will definitely get drug in to dance. - Is that for eating alcoholic apples. - How good of a song are we getting? - Let's find out. - Yeah. - You're getting a song worthy of 26. - Oh, my God. - That's a very good song. Private Carr is doing some toe tapping while he's grilling your bear steak. - May I have this dance, me lady? - Oh sure, okay. Just sort of, I don't let go, I've taken my clan dagger, which has gotten its first kill sort of, aside from my blood but it's just been stabbed into a flank and I just stand up with it and just (growling). (everyone laughing) - For just the briefest of moments, even the lieutenant cracks a small smile. As the autumn winds blow and the leaves slowly fall from the trees, the evening passes. The next morning, the lieutenant's all back to business. I'm gonna wager that Linnaeus is having a bit of a struggle this morning. - Pulling her hood up over her head, she sets all of the beetles in a circle and she says a prayer to Saren Ray that is very much like (heaving). (everyone laughing) Go and fly for what you've given me (gagging). - Saren Ray's light this morning is particularly bright. - You are going to be fine, you'll bounce right back. Here, have a little bit of water. - This feels like death. This feels worse than death. This is terrible, why, why did we do this? - Good morning. - Ow. (everyone laughing) - Unfortunately, Omelet did not partake in any of the apple so she's bright and cheery this morning having a grand time. - Carr is like (sigh). - How's Saren Ray today? - She wants to be-- - Hair of the dog, hair of the dog. - She wants to be very quiet today. Saren Ray wants you all to be just very quiet. - But we've got a big day ahead of us. - Please. - The lieutenant is shaking her head and you just hear her say under her breath, rookies. Everybody mount up, we're moving on. - Get ready for a bumpy ride. If you need to puke. - We should be able to reach Castle Everstand by mid afternoon, if we hurry. - I just want, I offer my hand for ya. - If you need to puke. - If you need to puke. (everyone laughing) - Lucky is just back there like ah, come on. - Thank you. - I'm enjoying it though, I'm enjoying though, I'm chillin'. - Yeah, I know. - You've saved my goat twice in the last two days. It's more than I can offer. - We appreciate this so much. - Just occasionally scoop out the side. (everyone laughing) - I am so happy with what I have brought. - All right, so the wagon moves on. All right, so the wagon is incredibly bouncy all morning, as you make your way further and further north. After a few hours, you leave the forest behind and continue making your way north. Now through the plains of Lastwall. You're in Lastwall, you entered Lastwall when you went around Rossler's Coffer. But now you are deep in the heart of this military nation. And the strange thing is this entire time you haven't seen a patrol or anything. It seems like the southern regions are kind of lightly populated. Now, for those of you who know the geography, and in fact, Private Carr even goes so far as to explain, most of the castles are on the Northern front. They're the ones watching over the Gallow's Spire and the tyrant's grave. Down here it's mostly just farmlands. It's nice. So your journey takes you several more hours to the north and in the early afternoon you reach a point where the wagon is just kind of bumping along and you round kind of a bit of a bend. It's lightly hilly here, nothing extreme, but enough that until you clear certain areas, you don't get very good long distances. And you clear a bend and the lieutenant goes, ah yes, Castle Everstand? And she looks off in the distance and there about a mile and a half away, on a hill, is a tall castle. At the foot of this castle is a small village surrounding it. It's very common that castles have small villages around them. That's where the workers and what not live. But the castle itself stands strong on this hill, kind of a beacon on the horizon. However, that beacon is currently blotted out by thick plumes of smoke coming from inside the castle and the village itself. The lieutenant has a very gave look on her face. She stops the wagon, turns back to all of you, secure yourself back there, we're about to go fast. She looks to the private, he nods. Lucky kind of gets down. Lucky just lays down on the floor of the wagon and he's just like ah, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. - I'm going to puke. (crosstalk) (everyone laughing) Just to give you a bit of angst. - Ah, never has the arcane arts been used for a more disgusting. - I definitely want to be casting my eyes forward using my scouting ability too. - All right. - I'm definitely going to be standing and sort of holding on so I can get a clean view. - The closer we get there, I want to keep my senses open and see if I can detect any evil when we get there. - All right. Well, anybody else doing anything special or just holding on? - I'm holding on for dear life. - All right, so this wagon's being pulled by a pair of draft horses. These aren't war horses, they're not fast sprinting ponies. It's a wagon being pulled by draft horses. But even then, with a bit of whip, and a lot of encouragement from an angry dwarf private, they can get up quite a bit of speed. So the wagon begins to bundle and trundle as it makes its way up towards the city as fast as the horses will carry it. The lieutenant and the private are both sitting up in the front kind of grit tooth, they're like holding on to things and the private's kind of whipping at the horses as the wagon draws ever closer to Castle Everstand. As we get nearer, it becomes clear a couple of things. First of all, whatever's happening inside the castle, you can't really make out much about it. There are walls and they are relatively high. There is smoke coming out from inside those walls but you can't really see what's causing it or what's going on. The smoke coming from the village is a lot more clear. Some of the buildings are on fire. But the cause of that fire, it's not like you see something, it's not like something's swooping around breathing fire or anything like that. There isn't an obvious cause, some of the buildings are just on fire. And even from this distance, you can see a few people kind of running around here and there. Some moving kind of fast, some moving kind of slow. It doesn't make sense right now. You're kind of too far away to make heads or tails of it. But the lieutenant, you just see her shaking her head and she's drawn her blade and just has it across her lap as the wagon trundles ever forward. - The closer we get, I would like to sort of use my knowledge of warfare to see what's the best position. If this was attacked sort of strategically, where would it have started? What's the best way whatever is possibly infiltrated has gone about this? - A place like Castle Everstand is going to be a fortress. And you just know from your training that if you are going to attack a fortress, I mean, you can attack the village but that's just kind of a waste of your time. It's the fortress filled with soldiers and siege weapons that's going to be the challenge. So you'd attack the fortress first as best you can. - Sure. - But this appears that the village is on fire, the fortress is on fire, or something inside the fortress is on fire. It's kind of unclear what's going on. - There's no evidence? - Well, looking out at the landscape around you, you don't see an Army, you don't see invading forces. - No. - You just see trouble. - Sure. - So the wagon continues kind of trundling forward and after about another half hour of kind of frantic making your way up this path up the hill towards the village, you finally arrive on the outskirts of the town, the small village. And there a lazy signpost says Squirestone. The lieutenant hops off the buckboard and says all right, form up on me. I know you're not trained but it's the best I've got. We're gonna go in there and find out what's happening. Please stay behind me, get your weapons ready, this is bound to get ugly. And the dwarf, he draws his, he has like a large morningstar and the lieutenant has her long sword and Lucky draws his dagger and the rest of you, I'm assuming brandish your weapons and armor and stuff, all right. - Am I detecting any evil? - When you arrive in town, you cast your detect alignment and you do sense evil somewhere nearby. But it's not precise, you just know it's somewhere within range. - I'm going to take a sip of medicine because I'm still not full up. - For an entire hour when we were riding up, I would have been-- - Yeah, you all could have at least gotten some hit points back. - Great. - I would have been doing my long hair. - And then what about when we rested obviously the night before, so is-- - Since the fight with the bear, it's been a few hours so I mean, you can all be back to full again. We're not worried about it. - All right, so forming up behind the lieutenant, you begin to make your way into the town of Squirestone. When you first enter the town, you're passing small shops homes, you don't hear anything. But you see, like you pass like a place that sells clothing, that makes tunics and trousers and stuff. Or at least it used to, it's currently just on fire. But you don't see anybody. There's no one around. But you do pass another business that just makes horseshoes, a common blacksmith. They don't make weapons, they just make nails and horseshoes and stuff, and across the front door is just like splash of blood. - Just so you all are aware, I detected alignment in a mass when we came in and I detected evil. - Does this blood splatter look similar to the one that we saw on the wagons, like a similar type of attack pattern? - I mean in a grim fashion, most blood splashes look alike. But it's not like someone's spelling something out with blood or something or it's identical. It just looks like someone took like probably like an ax hit or a long sword hit right in front of this and just splattered blood all over it. - It did, thank you. - So the lieutenant like just kind of looks at all of this and she just has a very grim look on her face. And she looks back at all of you and says, you're not ready for this. - We have to help people if they're there. We can't leave. - What else are we here for? - No you can't. All right, form up. And Lucky is like, I mean I could go back and watch the wagon. She's like slugger, get up here and he's like (groans). - Don't worry, lieutenant. - How about you earn that name you have been given, hmm? (Lucky groaning) And she's like all right, we're gonna make our way to the village square. If there's anything going on, it'll be there. So the group of you begins ranging through this village and you find more buildings that are just messed up. Like windows smashed in, blood running between the cobblestone street, just like from, up ahead it literally looks like someone just dumped a bucket of blood in the middle of the street. And it's just running down the cobblestones. - There's no bodies? - No. - This is not that-- - It's a little eerie. - I would like to stay ahead of the group kind of. If the lieutenant will allow me, I could do a little bit of scouting up ahead. - Sure. - It is what I specialize at. - The lieutenant says, are you sure? - It is my job to warn people if there is something up ahead and that is what I am willing to do. - All right. Lieutenant nods to you. - I draw my bow and knock and arrow and I start to scout ahead. - I won't be far behind. - Right with you. - So the Lieutenant urges you forward and you make your way to the town square. Rounding the corner coming out of kind of the main street that leads up ahead of you, Castle Everstand stands tall and imposing. It's a large, squat structure of gray marble. Very broad, very tall at the edges but the center is pretty low. In the middle, in the center of that is a keep. There is smoke pouring out between the wall and the keep, as if there's a fire in the Bailey Yard. There's something going on in there but even from here you can see that the hill rises up to the castle gate and the castle gates are closed. - There's no damage done to them? - None. - I don't like this. The lieutenant looks at that and is just like, 'cause you're looking through the edge of the square right now and can see the gates and the lieutenant goes, that's damn peculiar. And that's when you make your way into the town square and that's the first time you see one. - One what? - On the far side of the square, there's a chapel, a church, to Iomidae. Above it, the blazing symbol of the inheritor, that's Iomidae's name, her like nickname. So that's like this golden angelic symbol. The building itself is a small, stone structure. Most of the buildings in town are just made out of wood, kind of waddle and dob construction. But over there, the church is stone, which is good because it's able to hold up to the attack. Because in the square are about half a dozen corpses shambling about. Three of the them have no flesh upon them at all, they are skeletons, and they are walking forth dragging their swords along the ground leaving a trail of sparks behind, wielding old, battered shields. They are marching on the church, battering at the door. Behind them are three, bloated, rotting corpses, their bodies distended with disease and rot and they are shambling forward. And on that, I need everyone to roll initiative. - I will use my scout's warning. - Liss, you may also roll survival as your initiative, if you want, - Yes. - because you were kind of following the tracks and you suddenly realized they were very fresh and you're like oh no, oh no. - I need to give you all a plus. You get a plus one with the scout's warning. But that's not great. - No, no. - I mean that and perception for me are the same thing so that's not what I want to do. - You also have re-rolls. - That's true. We'll see what happens. - Don't want to go after 115 soldiers. (everyone laughing) - I'm sure it'll be fine. All right, we're good. - You protect me, I'll protect you. - Thank you. - All right, so I've got my undead on the chart. - You all had a plus one to your initiative, just in case you forgot. Linnaeus, what do you have? - 19 - 19. Lucky, I didn't roll for Lucky. (die cast) Lucky has a 23. Omelet, what do you have? - 32. - Well, all right. Iculus. - I rolled a one, so a 13. - Your dice don't like you. - No, they really don't, no. - Nice job, man. - Yeah, not that's a-- - You can send them to heaven. - I have plenty, you can borrow one of mine. - Goodbye (laughing). - Now learn what you did in this beautiful setting until you feel calm and ready to roll better. - We have a bunch of D20s over here, if you want. - We have so many over here, if you want to borrow, quite a bit. - What color do you want? - Pass this one over. - Whatever the power of Shalen. - I have a whole pouch for you, if you'd like. - Oh, look at this, look at this. This is lovely. - There's a dice donation going on here to find some die that is good. - I feel like that suits you. Hopefully it will roll nicely for you. - Tarrial, what's your initiative? - Well, with that plus one, I got a 14 (die cast). - All right, well that's a number. - Liss? - 27. - Well, I got to add - 27? - a 14 as well. - Awesome. All right, I have the initiative order set. Omelet, just like the previous fight, you've trained for this. - I have trained for this and I'm coming off the high of getting my first blood on my clan dagger so I'm just re-reading this for a moment (mumbling), okay. (everyone laughing) How far away are they, two actions, one action? - They are about 50 feet away from you right now. - Is that one action or two? - Nah, that's gonna be two. - Two actions. - Yeah. - All right then, perfect, I will use my sudden charge. - Would you like to rage first or-- - Yes, yes, sorry. - Yeah. I mean if you want to rage later, that's fine. - You never know when it might come in handy. So, this is the moment. Everyday is the moment I've been waiting for. So I reach within, there's a couple of holes, so I sort of reach in my pocket and squeeze and you see that familiar smoke start enveloping me body again and sort of slight hover, eyes milky white. - Here we go. - And now I sudden charge (everyone laughing) - So the spirits surround you, you go into a rage, you're being surrounded by positive energy now? - Quite positive because they're dead. I'm going to imbue them with life-- - Life energy - Life death, basically. - All right, so you are filled with life energy and you sudden charge. You move double your speed, charging right up to the nearest zombie or skeleton? - Hmm, are they not the same thing? - No, no, not at all. - Okay, well then-- - The skeletons look more dangerous, they have weapons. The zombies are kind of slow, bloated corpses. - No, I'll go for the big boys. Yeah, the skeletons, yeah. - All right, the skeletons. All right, so you charge right up to a skeleton. - Sure and I do a big 'ole swing. - Awesome. Go ahead and make an attack roll. - Okay, so I'm charged with spirit energy, so I get plus three now. - Yeah. - Okay (die cast). Okay, so that's 24 - Nice. - to hit. - A 24 is a clean it. - Great. So two D12s plus four plus three (die cast). So plus seven, great. 12 plus seven, 19. - 19. - 19 damage, 19 positive damage. - Absolutely. All right, your blade slams into the skeleton and it explodes. It literally just comes to pieces. Your blade cuts right through it. Your ax just slams right into it and its bones just shatter across the ground. It sounds like the sound of someone playing a xylophone (mouth noise). (everyone laughing) But that is it for the skeleton. That one is destroyed, so there's only two skeletons left and three zombies. But that is the end of Omelet's turn. Liss. - So the first thing that I am going to do is I am going to spend two actions to activate my hunter's aim. - All right. - And I am going to focus in on one of the zombies. - All right. - And then I will use my hunted shot as my action, - Awesome. - Which means I can attack twice in one round as one action. - Absolutely. - So I am going to do that. - So your second attack will still take the normal penalty - It will be a penalty. - but you get two. - Yes. - For one action. - Correct, so I'm just gonna go ahead and roll both of these dice. - Absolutely. - (die cast) I will do that one first so that is a five plus a 14, that is a 19. - A 19 is a hit. - Oh, just a second, yes, wait, let me look at this. Oh, that's plus two then, that's a 21. - 21 will hit. - Yes. - That is a nice, clean hit against the zombie. - Sorry, taking the dice out first. Goodness gracious, could you roll better please, that's three for the first one and then that's the 13 plus 14 minus nine. The 13 plus 14 is 27 minus nine is a seven, nope 18. - That's a clean hit. Go ahead and roll damage. - Thank you, that's eight. - Eight. So eight and three, you do 11 points of damage to the zombie. The two arrows go sticking into its dead flesh. If it is in pain, you can't really tell because it's a zombie and it's continuing to shamble forward. All right, that was Liss. The monsters go, all right, so one of the skeletons goes charging straight up at Omelet and is going to swing at you with a long sword. - Okay. - And I'm going to get an armor class 29 'cause I rolled a 19. - That hits. - All right, so you are going to take 12 points of damage from the long sword. - Okay. - And with its third and final action, it raises its shield. - Coward. (everyone laughing) - All right, the next skeleton goes running straight past you, now that there are living creatures in the square. It looks like they were intent on beating their way into the church. But when you arrived they suddenly all turned and now they're charging at you. So the next skeleton goes charging straight at the front line and is going to charge at Tarrial. - Oh, no. - It has to spend two actions getting to you because it's a little far away. And then it goes running up to you and swings the sword wildly but just misses. - Oh, good. - Like a complete whiff. It swung like a flip away from your face. So nowhere near. Then next up are zombies. So the zombies spend, all three zombies spend their entire turn just moving up because zombies don't get three actions. They're really slow, they get two. So they have to spend both their actions just moving up to the group. One moves up to the lieutenant, one moves up to Iculus, and one moves up to Liss. So the zombies just come shambling up. The one you hit with arrows is now right in front of you. - Got it. - All right, so that's the undead. That's all they do this round. Next up, Lucky. Lucky is gonna run up to one of the zombies that is fighting against Iculus and it's going to run behind the zombie and start stabbing it in the butt. - Good job, Longfinger. - Yeah, he tries, he's doing his best. He tries to stab it once and hits (die cast) and he's gonna do 10 points of damage to it as he stabs it in the butt - Lucky! - with a dagger. (everyone laughing) - And he's going to take a second attack and that's going to hit as well. Cause another 12, he's done 22 points of damage. He's like (screaming). - Lucky! - And he's just screaming and crying at the same time. He's like (screaming and crying). - He didn't run. - I'm actually a little bit proud right now. My halfling heart is beating very happily. - You can see him being like, I don't want to be here. - But you are. (everyone laughing) - Linnaeus. - Okay, quick question. If I cast heal on one of these, will it injure it because it's positive energy? - Yes. - Awesome! - Very nice. - Okay. - So you have two options on that. You can target one with a two action heal and do a lot of damage on that one or you can do the three action heal and deal damage to all of them. - I'm gonna do that. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. - So you'll damage all of them, except for the skeleton that's way up front fighting against Omelet. - And that's three D8, right? - So you're going to use your-- - The whole three? - Yeah. - And then a third level. - So it's a third level spell, it's a third level heal from you, so that's three D10. - (laughing) Ohh, never mind. We're gonna do the D10s instead. Ha, ha, ha, suck it. (everyone laughing) It's only 12. - 12, all right. So they're gonna get saving throws to reduce the damage. The skeleton is going to, and your DC on spells is? - 21. - 21, all right. So that's going to be make zombie one fumbles and will take double damage. That one takes 24. And that's the one that Lucky already stabbed so that one's almost, the holy light washes out from you in a big wave. And as it hits, everyone except for Omelet, who has any damage, heals 12. That may not be anybody but that's what happens. But as that holy energy rushes - Everyone except me? - across the dead-- - Too far away. Yeah, you're too far away, you're 50 feet up. - Why don't you run up to me? - Nah, I'm afraid not. - Damn. - So everyone within a 30 foot range, when it hits the zombies and skeletons, the light hits them and they just burst into white fire. So one of the zombies takes 24 points of damage and is very badly hurt. Now it's still standing, zombies are really tough. - Hello. - I see. - I love fighting the undead. - The other one takes, the one that was fighting you takes another 12 so that sees up to 23. - Ah ha, how do you like that? - And the third one is gonna make it and critically make it and take zero, and then the one skeleton is gonna take six. There we go. So it washes over them, a bunch of them take damage. They're all still standing but they look really badly hurt, at least two of the zombies do. Okay, that was Liss' turn because that was all three of your actions. - Yes. - All right. - Oh sorry, no that was Linnaeus' turn. Tarriel. - First off I'd like to play a little ditty on my violin - Ah. - to inspire courage, which gives everyone a plus one status bonus to attack rolls. - Is she within 60 feet of me? - No, I'm afraid Omelet is not in range, no. She charged forward bravely to destroy the skeletons and is now fighting one all by herself. - You're welcome. - Don't worry, I'm sure she trained for this too. - I did. - So that is a composition canned trick, which is something dwarves can do all day long. So you perform a action-filled violin performance there, getting everyone pumped for the battle. That was your first action. What do you do with your second action? - I'd like to stab the skeleton that's on me with my rapier. - All right, your rapier goes flashing out and you attempt to stab the skeleton. - With a 21 to hit. - A 21 hits exactly so go ahead and roll just a D6 plus one damage. Well, I mean whatever your strength is, sorry. - Two. - Two, all right so your rapier - Damn it. - Your rapier flashes out but unfortunately you're attacking a skeleton. Now skeletons are just made of bones. They don't have flesh, they don't have organs to stab. So your rapier kind of scrapes off the bones and doesn't do any damage at all. - Are rapiers a versatile weapon? Do they do versatile damage? I didn't write that down. - Yeah, I don't actually think rapiers do. They're all about piercing. - They just pierce. - They might have slashing, I'll check, but neither one is probably gonna help you against something made of bones. You might need something heavy like a hammer or something that would smash bones. So you do have a third action. You're standing in front of a skeleton that looks like it's going to attempt to kill you. - I know, I guess I'll stab it again. - You'll try and stab it again? It's either that or you flee. - I can flee? (everyone laughing) - Of course you can. - How do you disengage? - You don't know, it might. You can try disengaging but it comes with a risk. - This is all risky. - That's correct. So that's one of the things about Pathfinder, second edition is that in first edition, creatures oftentimes got attacks for opportunity all the time so when you let your guard down around them, they might take a free swing at you. But in second edition, not all creatures have that. Some do, some don't, you don't know. So you have to take an educated guess. - I'll run, I guess I'll run. - All right, you turn and move back away from the skeleton, exposing yourself, dropping your defenses as you move away and the skeleton swings out to strike. - Of course it does, I knew it. - All right, the skeleton is gonna hit an armor class of 21. - Yeah, it hits. - Is that dead on? - No, it's one over my DC. - One over, all right. The blade goes slicing into your back as you turn to escape. Take 12 points of damage. - I don't wanna. - My dice are on fire tonight. - Yeah. - Why don't you give us those dice? - Yeah, really, especially me. - No. - I guess it's equal to believing in this one. - That is a very nice dice. - It's very nice. - All right, so Tarriel, that's the end of your turn. - Yes, it is. - Iculus, it is your turn. Remember you have a plus one bonus to attack rolls because of the inspire courage. - And I also have disrupting them for my blade ally. - Oh, this morning, yeah, so you're a champion, which means you're kind of filled with kind of holy power and this morning you imbued your blade with holy, holy, holy magic. - Holy magic. - All right. - And that affects the undead, correct? - Yes. So when you hit with that blade, you will deal and extra - Just making sure. - one D8 points of damage against undead. - Oh, let's get it, yeah. All right, well I have my bastard sword. - Absolutely. - I'm a swing it at this bastard. - All right. - A bastard for the bastard. (everyone laughing) - Yeah, this undead bastard. - I was trying to make sure I had that damage right but yeah, go ahead and make an attack roll. - Okay, this is the new dice of Shalen. - Ah, it's a D6, not a D8. I knew I was off by one. - I thought this was supposed to be a new-- - Did you flirt with the dice? - Oh, no. - Did you say hello? - You have to introduce yourself before you go throwing it around. - You've got to buy it dinner. - This dice is ridiculous. - All right, so what did you get? - I got a three. - A three plus? - Plus a 12 so that's a 15. - Plus one from the inspire courage. - 16. - So it's 16. - 16, oh. - That hits. (everyone cheering) - Zombies are actually really slow plus I have the blade ally. - So that's gonna add to your damage. So you get to roll a D12 damage. - Okay. - Plus four plus a D6. - Okay, okay (die cast). So that's four plus four. - Is eight. So you deal eight points of damage to the zombie and this is the one that Lucky's been stabbing, that critically failed the heal spell and your blade just slices right through it and as it does, it flashes with holy fire and the dead flash just crumbles to ash and it falls to the ground. - I feel Shalen around me. - That zombie feels Shalen all through it. All right, now Iculus, that was only your first action. Your other friends are still in trouble. There's a skeleton in your midst that was just attacking Tarriel that is now floating by itself. There's another zombie that is attacking Liss. And who was the third zombie on? - Oh no, I've got a skeleton. - Yeah, you've got a skeleton. - Where was the other zombie? Oh, it's on the lieutenant, yeah. - Oh. - Yeah, yeah, the lieutenant. Who hasn't gone yet? - That was my first action. - Yeah, so you still have more. - Okay. - You can move you up to another one and attack, if you like. - I'd like to do that. - Which one. - It's this one or the one that's standing by itself. - There's a skeleton, yeah, absolutely. All right, so you march right up to it and you can make an attack. - Why so sad? - 19. - Oh. - There we go. - Okay, plus 12 is what's that? - 21, 31. - 30, is it 30? No, 31. - Yeah, plus another one from inspire courage, so you have 32. - 32. - Minus five is 27. - Okay. - That is a hit. - Okay. - Not a critical hit though but a clean hit, you were real close. - Okay. - So you're gonna get that D12 plus the D6 again. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, hang onto that. These are all undead. - That's right. - Yeah, yeah. - So that's a 10 and a five, so that's 15 plus four, 19. - 19 points of damage. All right, so that skeleton has let's see been wounded just a little. 19 points of damage but you are attacking me with a slashing weapon, which isn't gonna do as much. Remember, skeletons don't have flesh so they're a little resistant to damage. So instead of 19, you're only gonna do 14. That takes it to 20 points of damage, which means, unfortunately, it's still standing. All right, next up, the lieutenant goes and her blade just turns into a flurry as she starts chopping into the zombie in front of her. Her first attack is a critical hit. - Nice. - Eight plus 10 is 18, she does 36 on her first hit. - Nice, way to go, lieutenant. - Dang Ellison. - My lieutenant. (everyone laughing) - So her second attack ends up being, let's see a plus 14 so that's 29 minus five is 24, which is also a critical hit. With grim determination, the lieutenant, in two hits, chops her zombie in half. She brings her sword in one side, chopping it halfway to the middle, pulls the blade out, reverses it, chops it back through to the other side and the gross thing just falls in half dead. - Love it. - The look on her face is one of just like stern horror at what she is seeing. And with her next actiono, she approaches the one that is attacking you, Liss, and she is now on the other side of it, providing you a flank should you decide to attack it. But if not, she's also trying to hold it. - Nice. - Top of the order, Omelet. You've got a skeleton in front of you. - And I'm raging. - You are. - So I'm just swinging a go and he lifted his shield. - His shield is up, which raises his armor class. - Sure, so I'm aiming at that. I'm sort of aiming straight for the shoulder in an attempt to sort of cut the thing that's holding the shield. - You can give it a shot. Go ahead and make an attack roll. - 16 plus 14 for the first hit. - That is an armor class of 30, which is a hit but not a crit because I raised my shield. - Damn it. (Jason laughing) - I'm aiming for the shield so is it knocking it out of the way? - Well, let's deal some damage and see. - Okay, so spirit (die cast) oh not great. 10 plus 13. - 13 damage. - No, no, wait, 17. - 17, once again, you're attacking with an ax, which is a sharp weapon, not a bludgeoning weapon, so it's gonna do a little less. But it still does some good damage. The skeleton looks hurt by that but it's still up and fighting. That was your first action. - That was my first action. Let's have another go. - I think I saw that coming. - (die cast) Oh, ya bloody thing, no. So that's, it's only an 11. - No, that's not gonna quite do it. You do still have a third action but it's a long shot. - A long shot but I'm raging and I literally can't do anything else but attack. - You can't take any action with the concentrate tag, that's true. The red mist has descended. - This stupid shield. (everyone laughing) No. - No. - No, that's a total of a nine right here. - All right, your ax goes sliding out, and this skeleton's kind of live. Like it kind of dances back and forth when it's fighting you. - You're so wiggly. (everyone laughing) - It does not answer but one of its jaw, like its jaw is only hanging on by one hinge so it's just swinging back and forth as it moves. - It's like you're laughing at me. - Liss. - So there is a zombie right on top of me. I could try to move away and see if I can hit it from a distance but I might get hit. It might be worth it. I'm going to move away from the zombie, as far as I can get. - Okay. - I'm actually gonna spend two actions to move the distance and then take-- - All right, so unlike the skeletons, which took an attack when you tried to move away from them, zombies are slow and clumsy so it tries to swipe at you but it can't even get close so you're able to withdraw without it attacking you. - And then I'm gonna go ahead and I will use my hunting shot. - All right. - Take my two attacks. - All right, so you withdraw to a full distance and then start peppering it with arrows. I'm gonna wager you're not calling out the piece of it you want to eat later. - No. - No, no. - Make it go away. All right, I will, that first one is an 11 plus a 14, which is a 26, sorry 25 plus the one, which is 26. - That is a critical hit. - Amazing. - Don't mind if I do. - So roll all the dice, add everything together and then double it. - And I believe I have a deadly D10 in my striking bow as well. - All right, so the D10 is the only thing you don't double. But everything else, you roll, add up, double the result. - So that's seven times two, which is 14. - Okay, don't forget the D8 you get. - Oh, that's for hunter's edge-- - Oh, that's right, yeah, yeah. - Plus five. - All right. - And then my second roll was a 16 plus 14, which is a 30 minus-- - Five. - Five. - So that's also going to be a critical hit. - Nice. - So hold on, what was the dice on the first one, just to make sure I have the damage? - First one, that was a 14 plus five, which would have been 19. - 19 damage. All right, so the first arrow sinks deep into the undead thing and it's still standing. Go ahead and roll all those dice again. - All right, that will be four. - So that doubles to eight. Oh, you doubled that already. - No, so it's two and I already doubled it, sorry about that. - Ohh, snake eyes. - And then, yeah, I know. And then plus seven on the D10 so that is-- - 11. - 11, yes. - Good job, dice, I'm proud of you. - The zombie thing was like shambling forward trying to get you. You draw back from it, reach back into your quiver, pull two arrows, knock them both, let them both fly. They both sink into the thing's chest and it just (roaring) and just black air comes pouring out of its mouth as it collapses to the ground dead. - Yes! (everyone laughing) And I wasn't even, I actually forgot to add the flanking bonus that I had from the lieutenant on those. - Well you wouldn't get it at range but it's not like you needed it. Yeah, the rest of you better watch out, they tasted blood. All right so it's time for the monsters to act. All the zombies are dead and what we've got left now are a pair of skeletons still, one of which is very damaged and on Iculus. We're going to start with that one. It's going to swing out at you with its long sword and it's going to roll a one. So that's not going to hit. It's going to try and swing again and this time I'm going to get a 20 so it's feast or famine with this guy. - There are other numbers on the dice. - There are but I just don't seem to be getting them. So in this case, that's going to be a critical hit. Take 20 points of damage. - (gurgling) I guess. - Well, you're not allowed to say no. - I keep healing you and you keep missing. - Yes, I know. The blood just won't stay in him. All right so you then see it raise its shield to defend itself. Now I'm gonna go to the one on Omelet. - Does its shield hinder it from attacking me? - Not quite. - No. - But it is going to swing at you again, a armor class of 20, it's going to miss. Yeah, all right. It's going to swing at you again, with its claw. - Shields are heavy huh bone man? What's that one, is it a 20? - No. - Come on. - Don't look at me with that 20 face. - You wiggly boy, no. - It's another 20. - How, how? So it has to be that die away from it. - No, really, here. - No way, you have to switch now. - I am not using that yellow die, it's terrible. So I rolled a six plus five, that's 11, double to 22 points of damage. And with its third action, it raises its shield. - The two of us just keep getting-- - I'm on it, you've got to give me like a second guys. - Team aliens over here. - Team deranged over here. - So Lucky sees you go running over to the other skeleton, it's his turn. He goes running around to the other side of it and he goes, stabbing buddies, and then-- (everyone laughing) - Yes, Lucky. - Come on, Lucky. - He's gonna miss. And then he's gonna take his third action and that's gonna miss and he's like, next time. - Why can't you roll the dice for him? - I know it was like an eight and a 13. - Come on, get out, you're not useful. - You're gonna die. - I'm helping. (everyone laughing) That was Lucky's turn. - Lucky and that little red shirt. - All right, that is Lucky's turn. Lucky's vest has slowly become soiled with sweat and blood and grime and he's just looking very unhappy about the whole thing. Linnaeus. - Perfect, this is what I wanted. I'm gonna look at the skeleton that's on my friends and I'm gonna use the disrupt undead trick. - All right. - And it's automatically heightened so I'm going to do two D6 and I'm going to make a, what is it four to 2C. - All right so you call upon the power of Saren Ray to disrupt the skeleton's energy. - Get out. - I'm assuming you're doing this on the one that's fighting Iculus because it's close. So let me go ahead and roll my fortitude save and I am going to get a 20. - You miss, my DC is 21. - How much damage am I saving? - Six. - Six. - Positive, get out. - So six positive damage, with a flash of light, the skeleton has its shield up and is ready to hit you and all of a sudden its bones just blacken and it just crumbles to the ground. Lucky. Lucky's blade, which was clearly like between the ribs, it was hitting nothing, and then it crumbles dead, and he's like, I killed it. - You did a good job, yes, you totally did something. With my movement, I'm going to start sprinting towards the wiggly bitch that's on my friend. (everyone laughing) - You go making your way that way as quick as you can. Tarriel. - How far away is the skeleton that attacked me? Was that the one that just-- - That one's dead. There's only one left and it's now quite a ways away. - How far away? - About 60 feet, 60, 70 feet. - Okay, I will use, oh shoot. - You do have something that's really long range in that wand, if I recall correctly. - Yes, that is true. So I use an action to take out the wand. - All right. - Do I have to put away my rapier too? - No, the rapiers only one-handed, so you're good. - So I pull out the wand and I cast magic missile using two actions. - All right, so you spend two actions to cast magic missile. Both missiles go shooting out the end of the wand, flying unerringly at the skeleton. Go ahead and roll two D4 plus two. - Aw, okay, four. - Minimum damage, all right. - Minimum damage. - The skeleton is still up but that did do some damage to it. Iculus, your friend, is still in the battle. It's the only thing that's left though is the skeleton. But with two move actions, you could get up to the skeleton and still make one attack. - Okay, I'll do that. - All right, you go charging up and swing your blade. Go ahead and roll. - But I'm slinging it hard. - Does it count as a flank, since I'm there too? - Sure. - But not that hard. - Oh, no. - One. - A one is definitely gonna miss. But you know we are getting close. Do you want to spend any of those hero points or you good with that one? - Do it. - There it is. - Yes. - All right, go ahead and re-roll, get something better than a one. - I'm flirting so (die cast) and it's an 11 so 23. - 23 hits. Go ahead and roll your D12, don't forget the D6. - Take a chance. - (die cast) That's another 11. - You did 11 points of damage-- - Plus four is 15. - 15 points of damage, reduced to 10 because it's a slashing weapon. But your blade goes slicing through the skeleton and at first, you thought you didn't hit anything at all. Your blade just goes right through it. And then you realize you knocked out a vertebrae and it just went flying across the courtyard like a puck and it's just spinning over there. And the skeleton just kind of looks at you and has this kind of (mouth noise) and then it just collapses. - Love it. - And is gone. - Ain't so wiggly now, are ya. (everyone laughing) - And the skeletons have been defeated. - I kick the remains. - The bones fall to the ground, the old rusted male lands there and even from here you can see on the male like there's the badge and symbol of a knight of Lastwall. - Oh, no, now I feel bad. - While we're here, I want to heal you. While we're here, I'm gonna use another healing. I'm just gonna give three points to it. - So there are no enemies anywhere? - There are no enemies nearby so you could have done that as a three action and hit everybody for three. - Another three, never mind, never mind. Since you need healing as well, I'm just going to expend another one of these slots-- - One of the more powerful ones? - Yes. - All right, so you need to do-- - Heal everybody. Oh, 12 points. - Oh, wonderful. - Ohh, that's exactly what I needed. - Get that healing. - The lieutenant makes her way up to the cathedral and pounds on the door. Is anyone alive in there? - And they come out. - And the cathedral doors open. - Oh, oh, oh, I'm definitely coming with. Ready, yeah. - Inside you see crowded inside this church are what must be close to two dozen towns folk. They look like ordinary people so they're wearing, it looks like there's a blacksmith here and a cooper and some farmers and they're all huddled in the center of the room and they have like pitchforks and clubs and makeshift weapons. And the person who opened the door is a rather old-looking priest who kind of looks at you. He's wearing mail that looks like it would have fit him in his prime but now it kind of hangs lose off of his body. He hasn't kept up his physique. He looks like he's middle-aged. And you can also tell from his kind of watery eyes that his sight is starting to go. But he's still got this ancient long sword in his hand and he's like oh, oh, who is it? And the lieutenant goes, it's me, Sir Farmer. I'm glad to see that you're still alive. What's happening here? And the priest looks to you and says, the dead, they just started rising. They poured out of the cemetery, they poured out of the crypt. Who knows what's happening in the castle. - It's the leech. - The lieutenant looks at you and is just like, that can't be it. And she says quick, everyone inside, inside. And you're all ushered inside and the priest closes the door and the lieutenant quickly takes a headcount of the situation. - As I go in, can I grab the deserted garb that was on the skeletons? I feel a bit bad now that I kicked a fellow knight. I want to bring in it's sort of last remains. Not the bits. - Yeah, no I follow. You solemnly pick some of it up and bring it inside with you and the doors are closed and the priest and your lieutenant are talking and the dwarf is there, going around checking on people, seeing if they're okay. And you can overhear the conversation between the two of them and the priest is just like, it just started happening yesterday. At first we thought it was just a foul necromant had moved to our town but soon they all started rising. They poured out of the crypts. I don't know what's happening in the castle but we haven't heard anyone in there for almost a half a day now. No one's come out and no one's gone in. And the lieutenant is taking all this in with grim news and she's looking back at all of you with a deadly serious look on her face. The private is there and then the door bursts open and in comes a tall kind of powerful looking half ork woman and she is escorting another two villagers in and she's wearing the livery of the Lastwall Militia. So she's wearing kind of similar garb to your Private Carr. She looks like a private as well and she ushers in some more people and she walks up and is like, father, this is the last of them. I don't think there's anyone left alive else in town. - The father looks to them and goes, is this all? There used to be hundreds. - But even just a few is better than none. - Point me out who I can heal. I am a cleric of Saren Ray, please, I want-- - The lieutenant says, looks to all of you and says, there isn't time, come here. - What do you need from us? - She draws her blade (dramatic music), kneel. - Oh, okay. - I must ask you to take your vows. You are not trained, you are not ready but I must ask them of you. Will you do this, will you take the vows? - Absolutely. - Yes. - Do you vow to be brave in the face of death? - Yes. - Yes. - Okay. - Do you vow to be just, even if it means paying the ultimate price? - Absolutely. - Yes. - Okay. - Do you vow to stand firm against the tyrant so that the world may live? - Yes. - Yes. - Hell, yes. - To the last, dying breath. - Then rise. Knights of Lastwall, we don't have time. Take the refugees and leave. This is the only order I shall give you from this day forward. You must take these refugees and flee Lastwall. I don't know what's happening here but I can't have these people's blood on my hands. Take them. You will take them to my father. He does not live in Lastwall, I was raised in Nearmethaus. You will take them to my father, he lives in Cassin. He's not an important man there, but he can help you find shelter amongst the locals. He's respected. Take them to Cassin, it is on the northern border of Nearmethaus. You must leave them there, get them out of here. She says Private Carr, come here and he nods. You and I are going inside that keep to see if we can save anyone. - Alone? - It is our duty. - Oh, you'll most surely perish. - You must secure these refugees. Get them to Cassin. - Yes, lieutenant. - All right. - She says go, take them now, do not wait, do not tarry. Grab the wagon at the edge of town. Use it to load any of the sick or wounded. You will move faster if they are able to be in the wagon. March as fast as you can south. I don't care what trail you take, it's best that I don't know. Go. Go and take these refugees with you. Take them to Cassin. You must get them to safety. - Okay. - I look at the priest, do you have anymore wagons that we'll be able to transport you faster? Any horses available? - None that are safe. The private says, Private Ungker, as she looks at you kind of grimly. How can I help? And the lieutenant says, she looks at the private and goes, looks at all of you, go with them Ungker. Go with them and do what you can. You know these people better than them. The private nods. She says, there's no horses, the horses are gone. I don't know where they are so a wagon wouldn't help us. But if there's a wagon on the edge of town, we could at least get some of the wounded to it. I'll help carry them. She's big and strapping. All right, let's go. And the Father and Private Ungker begin helping the villagers out of the chapel. You make your way back out into the square where the dead have fallen. The lieutenant and Private Carr follow you. They both have their blades drawn, they're wiping them clean but they're not putting them away. They have more bloody business to do. The two of them look at you and say go, go to Cassin. - It's been an honor, lieutenant. - Maybe Iomidae be with you. Carr, let's go, and the two of them turn and make their way to the castle, leaving you to head south. - Merde. - You are able to make your way south and as you turn back, you see the two of them approach the castle gates. And that is where we'll end today's adventure. (cheering and laughing) Oh, man, I want to thank you all for watching and encourage you to tune in next week for another exciting session. If you've enjoyed what you've seen here today, you can learn more about the game at The core rule book and best area, along with several adventures and accessories drops in just two days on August 1st. You can get it from or your favorite local game store. If you want to catch more of my adventures, you can find me every Thursday running the Oblivion Oath Pathfinder Office Campaign on the Paizo Twitch channel at Thanks again for watching, everybody and we will see you next time. (bright music) (adventurous music)
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 240,933
Rating: 4.863626 out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, supernatural, pathfinder 2e, tabletop rpg, critical role, Knights of Everflame, Jason Bulmahn, Gina DeVivo, Jeremy Steven Walker, Aki, Erika Fermina, Rachel Seeley, Dungeons & Dragons, DnD, d and d
Id: P7s90t8wr8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 42sec (10482 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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