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[Music] um [Music] between the two cuts and it was raised before it was taken up for the first quarter but not exceptionally well and this is the field where we normally have science today yes yes if we did it too happy [Music] fill me out [Music] did [Music] i'm [Music] thank you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] up [Music] sweet hello everybody my name is farmer finn and today is the last day of the silence videos we are absolutely flat out at silage i am literally trying to pick up the camera for the last half an hour but i haven't got a break till now just under fierce pressure with the four tractors and trailers drawn to me oh man under fierce pressure bro is filming away in the field and droning and that so there probably won't be too much probably a lot like the whole crop video but anyways i gotta put down this camera as soon as this trailer is tipped and the way to go again before he gets up across so yeah i get my head when i get a chance and um but yeah this is my day [Music] so this is the first now currently rolling the pitch at the 64.99 we've had to do a bit of a swap around the london shovel just just not able just not able i think him old age is getting to the best of the loading shovel and she's just she's not able to keep up with how quick we're drawing in the loads of silence are coming in and as you can see they're just running out of space and there's a backlog of stuff coming in so the plan has changed um our driver with his 77 18s he's gonna put the loader on his tractor and go for um a little bit yeah right a grape for a buck break for shoving up and he's gonna come back and we'll go shove up with the load and shovel and the 77 18 s um i'll roll the pit until the two yolks are on it just to firm it down one of the things that's catching the load and shovel out is because we're not getting literally there's no time it's low bucket after bucket after buckle after bucket and the loans are just not able to cross the ground the video having two yolks on the patient me having this for now my car brought just to hold the camera because he's gone back inside but anyways we're all away at the pitch and i might be going drawing then or i might go back on the shovel or i'll be saying this i'm not over sure but yeah once i was just now here prefer and one thing you know something that you see we do usually be doing this now when the vintage signage didn't be on and there'd be 20 odd old harvesters and 40 odd tractors and trailers drawn in a roundabout system and maybe everything as bad as this you'd have a line of tractors and trailers in the tip but there was one of the locals used to come with either a renault or a voucher with twin wheels off the bog and then he used to we rolled the pit the whole time and that was a huge help to keep it pushed up that's why we said we paid this on it now but that's how it is so yeah that's the joys of it i go start rolling this side of the patient so [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i'm a simple [Music] so the 77-18 s is now on the pushing up job so we'll see how this goes and then i think i will get down off the pitch and maybe go draw some silence something i never thought hey tino [Music] so slight change i have the 64.99 on the trailer it's just probably faster on the road than that and i said i bought the 3690 and helped roll the pitch so yeah that's what i'm at now the kind of in between the two you're on the pit for a bit drop your load you're just at the minute one of their their hurting trailer is after breaking the pillar at the tail door so they're just over there getting it welded up so yeah that's it we roll away it's kind of fun the only thing that i suppose is a little annoying about this tractor is before the reverse is that forward and back like that rather than just a shot picking a fork but whatever i just multi up and down the paint on my own pants which is so we're just in the 64.99 16 foot trainer trailer as my father says a bit like a bulldozer pulling a lot more that's that's kind of what this outfit is like but i will draw a few load my head in the big field now uh we're more than half of a lifted but there's over 20 load has come off and so far i think this the father said 26 law a ridiculous amount of grass it's a huge crop it's a terrible thing though for the last five years and the road is the first year in five years we haven't held the vintage silence day this would be a hive of activity kind of sad but look it's it's just the year that's in us there's not much you can do you're just very safe than sorry so there you go filler trailer and then we pick up new fighter i bring them back because there's well not the spuds are ready but the tea is ready the sulfur is ready but there a lot dinner's ready whatever you want to call it it's the meal in the evening time we call it tea dinner is at one o'clock and it is now half six so unlike the whole crop which we caught in the last video and yeah unlike the whole crop we caught in the last video the ground is dry so we will cut we'll fill or we'll fill the back of the trailer first so it means that i can see uh how the trailer is filling so we further can concentrate on driving the harvester rather than having to be watching how the trailers fill in now seeing that when we come towards the very end when he's just putting the final packing on the trailer that's when you have very little control over because you can't really see but up until that point you fill the trailer yourself that's why we always fill it from the back so it means you can see how the trailer is feeling oh so [Music] we go do a bit of rolling [Music] so not too often you see tree oaks on a pitch we're always just pulling up the drone there and um yeah we were drawn away there were four tractors and trailers and um nobody harvested it it's about it's about a kilometer of a draw nothing all right around no it'd be more than a kilometer of a draw we can spread the feel of the pace we have to go across land and stuff for him no the four tractors and trailers keeping the harvester go on he does not stop it's like just on time delivery as the next trailer still in the next one is just in the field running perfect but the pit is under pressure so it is so i'll take a break roll the pit a bit just make keep the edges nice and good give the wise a break then with that one less round bro is firing up the drone there and yeah even even with the two of them now if i was to keep drawing debbie and butter now yeah they would i another round or two rounds of loads and they're being buttered so yeah yeah look at it you can't head up one of the biggest killers is how far back you pick up your load of silence there and you gotta bring it all the way up there and you can't exactly do it very fast you have to you know you can't just fly up and down it just takes time and then when the pitch isn't kept rolled it's even harder to get the bra hop because it's constant it's like constantly climbing you can see how much the wheels sink in and it makes it harder to get to the far end of the pit when you keep it rolled it lessens that burden on on the machine trying to hook the pitch it makes it a little bit easier that was what was killing me when i was pushing up earlier just so hard to get to the top because there was no time to do any rolling hit his bed is getting really big now and we're are we even halfway debatable available [Music] i'm a simple manager [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] oh now so so we have a woman down down quite far right it's gonna be interesting so it's day number five at the signage dash whole crop it's the second day of this video [Applause] what's that our tuesday do you know oh four days it's been going on a while anyways so if you to go and start telling all the the lads you're at your silage for four days to start wondering are yahood with a single chop or something why is it taking so long well it's just because the whole crop is very slow that's really the height of those of it but anyways we go get him some tractors and trailers and mosianos so we're just in the bog where we finished off last night one of the reasons we finished off you would have literally just seen at the very end and he's going yeah i come in last so this is hector's turn there's enough on the roof anyways anyways so what happened in the last segment you see me pushing out liv she got stuck this is pure ball like there's no two ways about it it's 110 bog this ground now what happened to liv was the way the trailer just in a soft spot and it just leaned over and just kept going down and pushed out there's no thrills no hassler and major but we said we'd stop because you need to see what you're doing to try and have field loads or just make sure that you can get her rounded without getting stuck so that's why we left it so we're back in here today to get it done so yeah that's the ball a big hand soft but it's not too bad i have seen it worse i'm we had to leave the mid level one time for bill and we couldn't get it lifted just harvester wasn't fit to go through anyways put down the camera and we'll get the silence wrapped up today and hopefully it doesn't rain hopefully fingers crossed [Music] so [Music] that's where i live got stuck last night if you're wondering in other words it's a summoning here and we got some work done to the 6480 but we aren't finished and we solved a few little issues but the main issue hasn't been solved and our engine i like how the crank hasn't been hasn't been solved but yeah we got a few bits done so it's not as bad as it was so just so you know so so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] bro is going on the draw now that we are at home never gonna go with him just to make sure he handles the river all right pitch is gigantic there's no two ways about that so yeah nearly finished on our 10 acres and we are done so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Music] i saw standing in the street [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] never let it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] as i was about to open her door i saw the guy that she was waiting for [Music] he had no flowers in his hands and no time to say hello hello if i were in his place [Applause] [Music] we are free [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh to let it go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we her head was down face locked onto the phone it's a long way down from the top so it is just nearly finished to silence so a couple more loads to go in so i just threw the drum there scroll strong it wasn't much need for four of us drawn in so to get up here now we'll have roll the pit down let me get ready for shooting it up but the pit is massive it's humongous it's ridiculous for them get all in get it up and then we'll take the ramp off it so take the face back into the pit and back to the goalie or as close to the goalie as we can get so leave pretty uh steep nearly like a cliff edge face on it and then roll the shade over and cover and i might not have to cover it because there's bailing to be done at five o'clock it is i don't know what time it is it's at least three or four o'clock so i might get away without having to do any recovery the best job on the farm at this time the year at silage covering the bloody pit anyways so that is it now that is all the silage in the pit the tag is just after coming up there i keep tipping away here rolling the hen and then with all your hoping to roll the big jeers a little bit within an inch of its life and as my father said earlier in the day to me he quoted the ginger warrior silence is made in the not the field so we'll roll it within an inch of its life and yeah we'll have a good size and for the first time in i don't know how many years the silence is all in the pit and it has not rained it is a glorious day it is a great day for the parish we have our silence in and it did not rain it's it's fantastic it's amazing it's it's ridiculous it's oh [Music] do do [Music] so everyone has the pit finished just gone up with the rolls i wrapped our pollen in there so not necessarily maybe use the teleporter and just shove the head of it but that's it the army has been assembled it's time to don't cover the pit so i'm going to leave that that i've covered everything silage two weeks two weeks uh should have done about two weeks ago but the gra the four crop wasn't ready so it wasn't going to be done it's dry for the first time in a long time so it should feed well took us four days quite long you tell anyone you spend four days at silence you think you're out ahead with a no single chop or something well it's just the whole crop is slow but anyways i'm going to leave it at that time lapse to cover another pig because i'm not going bailing just yet and that is it from me please like and subscribe to the channel any comments like that as always let me know in the comments down below uh check out the description for all that good stuff and videos every tuesday thursday and sunday that is it from me good luck do [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Views: 151,404
Rating: 4.940403 out of 5
Keywords: farm, agriculture, tractor, combine, slurry, countryside, cows, bulls, farming, ireland, farmer, dog, machine, machinery, feed, silage, jcb, ursus, massey ferguson, new holland, fendt, john deere, work, work wear, farm work, cattle, calves, crops, cereal, corn, business, stocks, shares, stock trader, how to make money, trading stocks, johndeere, ford, farmlife, tillage, irishfarmer, farmtofork, sustaniblefarming, dogs, claas, grassmen, joysoffarming, farmlifebestlife, farming in ireland, irish farming, farming life, BRITISH
Id: Dz5EHf4lYN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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