SILAGE at CARSEHALL !!! John McClean | FarmFLiX

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what do you say no twist it twist it pop it flick it [Laughter] oh this broke alright i don't um [Music] i'm gonna love that [Music] any reason why you should be looking at me in the cab 3 4 10 foot there some at least we didn't come here from one angle where's the harvester lad first they would need to get hurrying up i don't know they were they're caught over here for 10 o'clock what time is the night he says he's covered in sailors but then they never offered to cover any putts for me so i don't know we need to be hurrying up but oh we'll get it on you buckingham today reckon today so there's no there's not much stamina it's well soft so you should do the tears test though no thanks it's cold as well like that's a good thing there i have no sense of smell or just coffee there's not much you need to turn back there's not much there put the cover back to top the ramp this time it's only 40 acres so 20 load will be so honest i thought maybe no no there's there's actually i was surprised whenever you get on didn't i last time i thought i would try a wee bit and i did there's two eight acre blocks and a 30 acre block and i thought of a trade experiment half experiment and a half because it was too lazy to start laying slowly papered and i didn't bother spraying the slurry on the 30 acres so i just got 40 units in edition no slurry the rest of it got like watery summer slurry there's not much on it and it's unbelievable you know that the two eight-inch blocks is good grass the thirty acres is effect okay so now i'll be getting slurry this time you sure destroy your world just a lot of stuff happening at the one go so yeah i never got around this how's your um how's your hour been this year herbal's been good uh we have punished but there's only 50 acres to lay um we had a 60 acre of army star which is a sexual variety and that did 400 acre three probably three point eight what about time was dried the straw was sort of disappointing it was one of six people's lager um i had oral whale and the orwell looked rubbish all year and that's ended up doing about three and three quarter ton when it was dry but 10 bills together so it was really good and then we've moved on to valerie and it did at that about four ton dry but during the start again down to six wheels so the oil well even though it was slightly less yield than the green was probably better profit altogether was throughout being 50 pounds here whatever it is so um no we're we're well impressed impressed with us here we put 110 units in editing on and then the rest of it was slurry and donald and whatever so you don't sell that much strategy also but same time you still have to sell the stuff from the zero enterprise to their enterprise and strawberry before you be like you know what we could do what what the price it is this year this is the price that that that happens but uh whenever you're bearing the haze 20 pound of veal any more than that then it becomes a lux trailer but then the other way to look at it is that if we don't bear the haze and we do that and i don't you don't know i don't need to buy more fertilizer i was tasty i read a thing the other day and their cells draw an england for 40 or 50 pound an acre and everybody was saying no good you're better chopping them you better put the bag on there it's more beneficial if you eat a chocolate and put it on the ground than it is for you to get 40 pound an egg for the straw i started to buy the replacement so they're all right there's that's what you're working on like it shows you like you know people don't think about what you know the straw you're taking off and what you have to replace it with yes it's been a good summer i'd have said liquid jason dry spell we'll get the rain we did the rain all right we have it right up again and harvesting on the bar um well i wouldn't say no baller they [Music] alright our dry spell the dry bill came two weeks early for us we had one day or two days cutting and we had 80 acres cut and i said to that it was the first race the dry spell we got that three or four weeks in a row says you know we could have 800 acres and you wouldn't think twice about you know cutting legacy it does weather rain for three weeks after that like you know we get no hand on them we've nearly been out the company's right every day's been dry we've just finished that's only 200 acres but we were wonder barley we only found a star wonder barley uh last week seventh twenty twenty third of august was our financial wonder barley that's all cutting for the 23rd of july and there's two hundred acres and that's also eat every dry day so it sort of tells you there's not too many there wasn't too many days but will you ever part with the red rocks that said this year he says uh can we do with changing a forklift but what are you going to get from what they what do you think they're worth private seal i don't know would you get one not a push but they won't last forever you're going to feed parts to the forever here we bought a tattoo a year and a half ago and we haven't put a part on here [Music] [Applause] 300 she got a big she got five grand spent on her last year the same thing was brought to 280. somebody reversed and they said it's putting bust the ball up and new fuel pump she's come home and has a routine once like and that's that 420 jcb at 100 grand is going to be any better than what a 15 grand redrock's gonna do like for 300 days of the year they're like you know 420 on reels but like that's six days a year ah you know and you like most of yours or you only get them lions came the last two cuts it was purely but just well one because we were tired and we couldn't be bored and two we were trying to get beam and harvest on and me and that but crack enough dads driving the combine or i'm driving the baler you nearly need two red rocks in the putt to make a thing work so if one of these is buzzing yeah you just you're better just to get the volvo one so that's what's happened okay the last three times but it's only been four anyways you'd be better saving your volvo's or saving your that's that rocks exactly that's only this we're putting 40 acres on the day the next cut whenever six cup comes on there's like a hundred and something acres maybe even two bowls and they put that there because it's good over the whole thing it's going over the whole thing that's a big long carton bag long draw so um as you say what's the point of raking a red rock for one day is you know for all the price of getting a contract around the well i don't even know what the contractor is on the fifth or sixty point an hour that's not good boys you don't know the price of contractors charging hey john's just that cheap he just he just throws evolve one for free yes yes yes good big honest i don't know sure that's good but it broke right downs and it was one of the jobs was like you said you would do it and then you wish you hadn't you go back and you're through the first bay and you're like up the ramp and you're like oh i'm at the back wall right now it's not alone so i find you're better when or you're better with a narrower longer putt than you are with a wide short putt certainly it's just like you like you like to be able to get the distance to push it off once you're once you're on top whatever you're gonna be able to go up when you're at the back wall it's like there's not much room to put on anything just keep pushing over the back wall that's what i did you did something with the grapevine was that none there's your mud that one's the same what's in the same length that there that the red rock was hitting every every uh stance on the way past and then we still had i i had a ramp slight here so i ended up having to go up and put two buck racks and pat it down and then there was three people up on top just leveled up with grapes that's how we ended up you know so we've had that's as much salinas we've ever had in that pad what's up at the bottom there the real orange stuff that's just freshly oh crap oh crap let's uh so we did 45 acres a whole 50 acres of whole crop uh 28th of june along with third cut and then we uh played it or we put two thousand gallon of the egg our slurry on played it and put oats on there so that'll be due now end of september start of october there's a wee bit of mold at the top of that pot but that's again probably one we didn't get tramping it well enough because the roof was there yeah and two whoever moves to say this recover back moves it back too far the last time um moved it back for about bay where it only needs sort of at this heat at this time of year when i need to start at four feet you know you're better rolling back to your grab at a time if you ever roll the bike roll the back of all the way so as you can see the different grass like you'll see the top three or four feet there's a silage it's like a brownie salad and then there's four feet that are black that's the difference that's italian hybrid grass at the top and then that's the perennial grass with clover and the metal and you can see how much extra protein it's going to be in that metal slice even out there you know because that's getting cut every so every four weeks that's pure black all the way down look there's a certain in that pattern that's sort of our protein pattern this is our starch pot would you need whatever time that time's done just you know big rough right over the two uh set it about 20 foot higher i don't know i don't know how you would make it's well hard to know it's well hard to get your money back for it does hi we were looking the price because they're making a big deal about roof and slurry thanks outdoors larry thanks so we were looking the grant the last grant that came out uh roof for a slurry or cover for a slurry tank was included priced at 36 gram and he says okay you know it will be a payback the payback of a couple years because you wouldn't have to pump that water you know if you think of all the rain i worked it out 400 pound a year pumps all the water from that tank that the rain supplies yes so it's going to take i'd place dead i wouldn't see that cover paid off you know i don't know government a lovely idea without cleaning the wonders nervous she's well trained send her the vine next if she can work the spray bottle oh she's got it now yes not there's seven it really needs a polish this is porsche and charlie fairly where did you get that top line from uh qtp did you make the holder fur no i come here that's the one i need for class at um we bracket come with other we hold or no we got a bunch up i think it does i don't have one for the last that's i need to weld it on you maybe come someday and your top link's been changed it's real handy oh that's the exact one yeah how simple is that as fast as the same heavier thing so a two by two hundred left some jobs or whatever you see them in there you must have had you must have had this in the pan down here causing andre he wants to put her nut pan you see that this leg has now got a nice wee bend there's a knot under there and there see the two notches what a man what a man the wait tiller's starting to fade badly she's been sitting out in the room too long i can't get nobody to keep her in blue or if i want her she's about why she gives badly that's that's just from her lineup well she like that whatever you want or no no she washes up real nice i should go down the road at the bottom well not just for that not quite but she looks good when she's wet put it that way as long as you're left inside it's in serena do you put your tires on or not this huh no she's coming home to get tired good tires on her no good there's other i never go again once the tires are done all right you get the same monitor you've made a clean fortune i don't think there's a clean fortune to be made curtin grass no if there is could somebody let me know how to do it i know man they won't even hire attackers to go to that no here we were doing it and there's zero enjoyment on it because you're going to the harvester it's 99 under john the ear you fill the trailer for three minutes yes and then you're on the road for tours yeah and that's just your dealer if you're sucks loading you're going at home it doesn't you might as well then laura like it's getting that way like [Music] 10 o'clock he's leaving half an hour so i can't imagine he's far away i want to travel to the bed he is just ready to rock [Music] no it's probably not overly dry so just i don't want to chop too fine probably a three-pointer knife on you no i thought that yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] tom will headed to get here this is my first load of grass this year somehow my year has been so mad that i just had the time for it so because i didn't cart allen's grass for the buck right there instead that's the first load i've pulled with a red rod but a busy busy year so because all the last year we were in northern ireland it's been really important to me that we got out and about and over to england and wales and scotland and down into the heart of the republic of ireland to bring some variety back to farm flex beyond northern ireland so i have been all over i've been to some new terrain as well probably a new spot for me within wales and then particularly north of scotland the furthest up before this i had been was inverness i've been beyond an hour and a half not been to john or groots but i've seen the same for john o'groats the old 78 has been done for uh repairs again did about double work with her and she burst in an oil pipe and pulled a cab just stolen and he got it spliced and joined and prepared but he said the other one was in it was starting to look the same starting to look like it's gonna go it goes to your place and anointing that developed all that around the back end she was doing her best new haul in the first nation that she could and not massively or nothing but just enough to be 30 in the yard and annoyed me so i wanted to pay that and well that you started to develop a bit of a rattle or a thumb whenever you had to have the right bump so the the cow points the dumpers or whatever they're called they've all been replaced now as well no money no money spent on her she's uh she's turned into an expensive hobby but i'm very much of the perfection now a little bit on what you have mainsat that's john lyons open the harvester himself so this thing will be looking good for the video as well shady clean she's been the chance castle last weekend we didn't really find that shoe that invited us along and we're sort of on top of the filament you wanted to i wanted to get out of the way meet people and see what people are thinking there's nothing meeting people that pledge fire flex face to and face seeing what they are thinking about what we're doing i'm probably not getting or loaded up but i'll probably have to go back just to be sure sort of job this gopro up here is actually rather unpleasant to work with because whatever is about the led screen or lcd screen it seems to fade away once it gets started turned on and recording it fades away but it doesn't show well on the display but if you squint at it you can see the red led blanket which usually means it's recording but yet you have to spend that a little longer to make sure it is lincoln because we could call out i did the video of the talent last year we cleat lost one of my angles because it was solid red and it locked up and froze just at the start of the interview the whole thing was lost so today there's all it so other cars all for a visit um i just came up because everybody in the youtube comments said they wanted to see the seven eight on the flight i thought who is plenty of playing who's a nice farm cars hall can't be made so uh i'll hang them there after shane's castle on the weekend and it says what's crack are they playing on or are they are they work on and he said yeah yeah tuesday so here we are 40 acres of fifth cut the multi-cut system i get the multi-cut thing and sex cuts is ambitious but like how does that work everybody talks about you eating six or eight weeks to get the knife we're putting on 40 units nitrogen on our ground average ground takes two units a day of nitrogen so that's 20 days worth we were finding our grains using two and a half to three units a day so that's going so if i put 40 units and editing on the liquid fertilizer and 1500 gallon of slurry on that's well out by the 28 days or 30 days in the month we tested the first two months so we did it to make sure it was all out how do you keep the wastes down like you're not getting much waste is there between between cars right there actually we just noticed this time the if you can see the six the bottom six foot is orange yeah the clang foam we ran out of cling film it only came down to six foot up and then it's i don't know if it's pickled or what you would call it so the gas that can escape from the clang must be coming out and pack on down below i've never seen that before but we used i was only one one cling film and one black plastic one and then there's an additive one there that's a biome and additive and it seems to do a good job now but we put on two new covers every year yes and then if the covers are still even good from last year we'll put them on two but usually by the time you open the putt five times and then open up the feed out there and accurately i want to also it's in the cling film and i thought that was made a big difference oh lying forms good job we didn't use it until last year and we're finding the black plastics getting thinner i'd say they're thinner and it stretches and put holes on it or else it's thicker and it's more brittle and you put holes in it so we went to the clang definitely seems to have improved the grass now for just very little the only mold there is up the wall and that's because the black plastic we're using is too narrow and i guess just touching the wall no more so that explains that like you know i'm not going to say that's anything else the bizarre volcano [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come coming up here she's just been serviced so just after putting a fuel filter on her to be sure but maybe she was a bit lazy right over the glen chain pass with empty chiller was 35k we were downtown stage and we had our just right in the underside of the the red line of the temperature gauge so you run right up to the red line that is a long pole doesn't smell or no i didn't open the wonder just to be sure like just uh steady with a torture i don't know about about a soaring attacker falling full load up thought just to share my time you're off the rubbers buckling today redrock [Music] hey sure don't need your back over here no okay is it not needed i wasn't as confident as he was actually in the fin next door that was we build about a hailage or hay it was always going to be hay and then uh turned out it wasn't hay uh and we brought it home and it was 28 moisture and we covered it with my cling film just you know the thing yeah that you're putting in the sales but it was an old but that was laying there covered in left in the mountain they turned on the hillage and you sort of wonder why people wrapping wrapping rap and wrap but there was only 12 bills now you wouldn't do it if you had 200 wheels sitting there but it worked right but we just took a cover off there today because the say ladies will be touching it we didn't want to pass their puncture [Music] so car shall farm if you haven't seen the ag life series uh on farm flex is split by a railway line and kids have to be shot every time in between crosses that's what's asking ollie this morning what was that working on mercedes you just leave it open for the duration of the setage or how do we work it this is i had a range of siege it just depends on who's on and what they say and assuming i'm supposed to close these yet so i'd better we're farming 360 pedigree hosting cattle moulton along with 250 acres of cereal to help feed and uh bed them all together we're farming with 600 acres of scattered ground on this farm we're fond of a small project or two in the past we've made an accumulator for the back of our dealer this year we weren't really doing very much so we decided to buy a bundler to try and change into a self-propelled self-contained slurry machine [Music] so although we did last year we put up a 630 thousand gallon merch slurry store which takes us up to just over a million gallon storage but now we're trying to make it as handy as possible so we're trying to put a mains line from this tank under the ground to the far side of the railway line [Music] at the moment we're uh lengthening our welcome parlor to milk the whole thing we would need five maybe six robots and that is six hundred nearly seven hundred thousand pounds with this wall built here now and we're starting to build the air there'll be eight irons going across hopefully tomorrow [Music] it's nice to see the next generation coming through and just trying to support them as best they can it's not easy for my family some of the time but i appreciate them hand and they're giving me run of the place because i know a lot of places you wouldn't get that [Applause] [Music] fantastic about the ground in here there's anywhere northern ireland you'd love to own a farm let my body would be up there i think it was six episodes from carsol here next dairy and horrible the teaching and his compliment for each other always clearly got a machinery by us he has been a kid about them those are his own two iron chitters 70 30 t7 there the black rims take a lot of care and attention to the cows as well a lot of cow scoring and i can't think i know nothing about that word of pedigree guys and how they're getting but we saw the guy that came over and did that last year and i pretend to understand what he's talking about so we're looking for stature height at front end which is whether they're walking uphill or downhill um chest width body depth which is taken at the last rib angularity which is the angularity of the ribs rump angle two and one reverse tilt means the rump's sloping forwards which is what are not desirable you ideally want a four or five six which is a slight slope you don't want too much slope so this is the spin of the certain yes yes so it's not cut it must be going on the second cup then he's already grasping the headline of it so that he can prevent too much chomping on the turn itself whenever it's smoked sex cut will be the first week in october everybody's obsessed with green compaction and you're included in that list yes i am um how can you justify taking heavy machinery to take a sex cut in october that's a good question never really i never really compacted that much i would have paid to use a man that would would like control traffic but it hasn't gone that far yet uh that's i would um you're probably right you can't control tournament like they go everywhere it's really men and women included it's like there's a gate straight line to it lucerne's hard work like i the last couple of times the certain heat's compaction the last couple times i've had to go with a putt because i just hate watching thriller man here on the cern like you you can tell them all day long one strap up the field go on top no matter watching your trailer and some of them turn around go back up i feel the thriller half full and not falling just drags me so i had to go to the pad a couple times like but hey grass october you can afford to take a bad weather grass so you probably couldn't mow and grip and leave it for two you know leave it for 48 hours to let the ground dry uh as we did that three years about managing the ground this day is the season it's more about cereals and if you get your cereals done it's about keeping the ground ready for next year you know you're only literally just taking whatever you can get off it but our caught this time is very good and i fully expect i would expect to get the same again six cutler you know i'm hopeful i think we'll get a good cut september's always good always always good famous last words never had a bad september and i don't know how many years no so this is the time of year last time last year we were still trying to get city champions gathered up we had one with my cousin richard with a one with david gray with one with david hex because the whole first cut was the bamboo name of the first lockdown whereas this year we went on it hard i mean we have new guys on the team um it's great to see fresh blood just different people bring a different perspective conversation's going to be different all that good stuff tonight this is the time of year when we look at our variety you know we've got quite a few harvest on there now as well we'll be looking for plant drilling so come october november time we're kind of done we're kind of it's a short day to go out filming with the crew there's not going to be much happening it's very much the livestock are all indoors and it's all about feeding cattle there's no land work there's no slurry everyone's on the maintenance cycle that's a big lumber fill i'd like them on the way around there and else get back this time last year was standing here over there by the evening johnny kelly [Music] i've come out for months i wasn't even back there but we'll see we'll say foreign [Music] right come on look good the one last thing i learned was you can turn the lights off on the front of the drone they're like weed lights that flash that you know where she is but what it did was it wasn't some kind of reflection of the body of the drone as a length there's like a struggling effect on some of the shots i ruined some of my footage basically long story short the beautiful thing with down here is no wires same as houses but actually you use brand a lot of footage in the i mean the episode is one of those things just lincoln from night time today job i'll change some more of it here tonight put one for the train to pass through the shots at some point he will fully let up almost up in the icy he's here not gene coming far away sure enough i landed the drone put it in the hands wait a second there comes the train i broke my own row never turn the camera [Music] [Music] like flowers [Music] [Music] i swear [Music] is [Music] [Music] i am still strong you won't get me down cracks like [Music] i'm still flowers not too far back [Music] is oh [Music] all over again [Music] [Music] i'll be left out in the if [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] right [Music] can you see where that's moment when you're going or not uh i could have it was linked up but it's not are you spilling there i thought i was gonna have to send you up tomorrow [Applause] oh foreign [Music] you know don't really get free [Applause] [Music] i take it off turn it off and turn it back on hold on hang ups when you get off now you'll lock it back up maybe a few years away but she's servo i don't think she's electric joystick [Music] did she did that before and huh reverse her off because you'll not get her left in hand off the flipping handlings up to me down drone this morning with the red rocks no breaker [Music] [Applause] this is nice either see you all am i right and they have to pump water out of that bank over the sea wall this is like a spelling zone i guess or you know we'll call it the flooding zone it's like they can absorb a lot of water in this bank within here not filled but they have to pay the cost of electricity to pummel all that water back off the property when there's heavier in i guess it's the cost of having good fertile land playing from the sea that's certainly in the old one would have been pretty rough on yeah that's working hard sometimes when we go uh coming to certain places it seems to be the end up always back in the same block of ground or the same thing never been an angle one time a while since it's one particular thing such at the edge of the m6 what's been in four times just the way it all work out that's what where jimmy stops the 700 the spike in the grass he fell off the cliff on the engine revs through torque and this wheel is actually one of the ones they seem to end up doing a lot of stuff and the car is off so it's your own that's good let's have a good look it's been light there as well you want to be complacent enjoy the burst of fruity refreshments [Music] before hello must have had some kind of collision you know square wheelchairs are like a heath but they'll kind of walk away from it which is extremely lucky because trains are an unforgiving beast if you actually point the camera square on and then i come through the shot like that [Music] head's the shot that's obviously didn't get my door i think i'm above the hills this is my kind of hall i can see the harvester and the our futures just after that well it's spinning so it comes out for sure connor's not going to abuse her anyway so we've had a bit of a break from our youtube some people wonder why we why we stopped we probably sat out at the time in the video but certainly this stage of the year and you know i'm back i'm doing this today i haven't really missed it but we're back it's uh it's useful tool for us for bits and pieces of filming that just wouldn't quite make an episode let's face it afterwards um kind of showing you what goes on behind the scenes and farm flex that's all the reason the channel exists is because the farm flex firm flex is what we actually do for a living some people you know they follow us youtube but they don't actually see what we do that's where the good stuff is we're back on youtube but we're not going down the every for anything i was finding myself if i'm honest the freddies are becoming a chore you know i'd much rather we've got a video out something we wanted to make um i'm up here to get the plan which we're not making today but well i'm here i was never the drag rob enemy well sure we'll just figure your blog we'll ride the grass soon as i'm not doing the grass this year i'll have another couple of them i wanted to make that it's just like that i want to make something i'll make it and we'll publish it and uh it'll be all good i get that i spray it's getting sprayed i can think of my bonnet now it's just like ah there's something really common in the right angle for him while he's on the phone but he's not having to turn that up we've also got merchandise this season guys we're gonna we've got that many brand names on the go we've got farm bikes we've got straight six we've got ag life we've got stockyards so decision was made after much agonizing much overthinking i am often guilty of as is mr clyde my accomplice and overthinking and uh life is the brand people ag life everybody's got their own version of the ag life for some man it's contract for some man it's not because for some people that'll be a support service they're offering a farmer welding gates or relief balcony my kiss i'm loving the ag life i'm like filming these guys making documentaries we're all living the ag life that's what ag life's all about we are a special kind of people for a unique breed there's a ridiculous work ethic an obsession but it's frugal with our money and getting value serious toys i mean look at the stuff we get to play with serious cabin will hide up on it i mean no one can get into this game unless they've got some serious back backing here you're born and raised in the world department and we're all making our own little contributions here in one way or another we're all getting it done the trick to it is to try and enjoy the game try and enjoy it at the moment this is me right now quite enjoying the new 1710 that's 20 year old we've got the ugly merchandise coming online this season it's great when people support us and want to support us and want to buy stuff we're not a huge team we're not some mama corporate outfit with hundreds of people and oceans of time so what we do is we concentrate everything the way we want it so we've got free time in the winter so we're going to excel for the month of november and we'll see where we're at so whatever was at uh shane's castle there the other day most popular question about the 78 what do you guys see at tars honest truth i have no opinion uh this is the second day i have been at the scene never must have eight buck reagan never spawn out once climb the house as you'd expect when you tires the flying should be a little bit of a test and ground conditions are not wet yet who knows what the back end will give us whether it's rain or wet you would want to put a thousand hours in satires before you really could say for certain are wearing well these are stuck in the piece they're gripping well so on so on my opinion that's how long it would take that's what i love about barflex what we do is i never make a meal for anybody with something new to get their opinion out to get because if they've only just bought it or they're still getting familiar with it they're not going to have anything resembling an owner operator opinion that's good value if you've just been 100 grand buying some kind of machinery of course you're going to think it's good of course you're going to be very positive but if you've wondered for five years and you're thinking about getting in for an r1 and you tell me it's good i know you mean it [Music] what about dennis like damn it's doing well it hasn't been looked at since you're here last yes i was impressed with your your diesel statistics my diesel's the suspects yeah some of you were telling the truth no he is i haven't pulled him up like since second cut he hasn't had diesel so the same cut third cut force cut and it'll probably spread now and like i take them the last time i was like oh it's very nearly empty have you used a nurse body at all i have a it's a good job uh what's next he's able to do like i've had twenty twelve no no had four seasons get on with me like for someone who's whose contract would it not be worth like actually as an investment they're going there 100 i don't know why there's not more there's actually a couple people have been doing looking and saying we'll answer him after no there's been a couple people down looking at dennis and a couple of big contractors like i only if i did 200 hours a year i actually probably slightly more there's about 250 hours on dennis now and i'll have a week still to spread so say even 300 hours a year that's 300 hours i'm saving one of them but content it's going to be 3 000 wouldn't probably wouldn't even look at someone but that's that's engineers on the tractor that's the character i'm saving oh i do i do know that i'll play i'll run uh like russell's around the separates engine to drive their bomb hi they i they do but there's not too many folk around that have an engine set you know there's contractors running fence new masses new john deere's you know that's a 100 grand tractor sitting on a pump but a 1600 pound battle oil pump so well what's the latest project you're always a man in the project nicole you have a nursery today uh i've had the nursery to build so no actually there is there is probably a project to do but i'm not gonna do it this year but it's uh i need to modify the building later to go on the new builder yes that's only at home three three foot wheels do you miss it now you know i got it i don't miss it a voice chase the boy's chasing must have it's uh it's far and i should be almost there so about 6 30 i got this banging noise and it took me about half an hour investigation team guys off to find out what the issue was i was saying with the smell last night nearly smells like dead rats or dead mace or something [Music] whatever the builder's going great builds a dream whenever it starts playing the boots ah dirty brute i need to go to three three four foot because that's gonna be going to five four footballs i don't have a if it has to fall down i know you might as well have a good full knit one all right the other thing is that five wheels will get you nearly to every headland just dump whatever's on the headlines i control traffic and as you would say yes i still have work to do in dentists i just i worked that much on him until i got him working he's working and i just left it it's like a new house you don't you haven't working at all there's no carpet on it for three years yeah yeah [Music] foreign you know stuff with the key yeah this time of year it's that's a lovely lush great square like if you're happy with that first cut nevermind [Music] [Music] away getting too excited see what chloe's like when the camera's on nope not a good start oh no no no no don't open your back door shut your back door shut the back door yes [Music] [Music] harvested [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] i always prefer been the last one and they're almost the harvester went and been the first really the first year always racing when you're in the back you'll have to keep up with the burst they're funny especially the right person number one being the number two slot would be tricky so you could end up in range number one very quick so just wait here get way to the full load [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] loads but it's possible i would like to throw each other phones or two in the front there that sink get it up to the barley crabs there there you go don't get much better than this everyone greenlight level will be into the job [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] i have somehow got to defend [Music] which is number one hammering hell there's a train coming through anytime we're like making videos or something like that in the background it's like oh get the shot of the tree and get the shot with the train not like a good stone lane and you can go hard down for racing dust that's on them my tls is working [Music] [Applause] that's sure to work [Music] sort of things [Music] you're the one for me your masterpiece yeah another night nearly finished here now i have a lot more than what i was thinking about one loan every acre and a half so i started hanging fourth one later but it looks more like five or six it doesn't bad for a foot cut at the end of august so you can probably see the butts full anybody else than a farmer would look at it say it's full but a farmer hangs himself sky's the limit so we'll get we'll put sex cut on top 43 acres put in today there's 100 120 acres for a six foot the other thing about that grass is that it's all there's more of it better quality so you should go through it slower because the cows don't need less they live on we got the analysis back for the first two cuts um first cut was 12.3 me 78d value 16.5 protein i was 36 ndf non-digital favors so the lower the number the more that the car is able to digest as suggests in the name so yeah for first first year doing six cuts so far so good we'll see what succulents like and half a grain is our enough full territory we'll try and get the grass today you know because the because it's six cuts as well the thing we're noticing is that it's a lot easier to ride so if you mow it if you mow it head at once and bring it in 24 hours after it usually is suddenly 35 percent right matter which is great there's no sliding you don't need any black plastic up the sides of walls what we'll see every year is different we got our say the first call in on the 24th i give him a few things i'm just reversing off here yeah very easy to forget to do what it's like to be uh your birthday's current grass i guess that's what the case is there just about the space even around that corner because i remember being young 16 just 11. uh 26.50 maybe 20 40 maybe jumped up razor on my head um i think just thinking well that's good what speed can i take us around this corner you know you're sort of easing it up wee bit more each time but like with hindsight you know it's like a go-kart really you can turn it through a full neck because the 2140 is only in 30k you know like it is a much much tougher experience asked this episode of zombie bell the 50k tractor with a sexy knowledge on our own as your first heading something i would love to do give me seagulls again prefer all these feet does look well he's not afraid to hunt for a bargain he said he changed that class for seven grand or something why did you change that for that 647. that's a big step from a second supposedly that's a big step that's what i'm saying i don't know everything that we have now is getting big you know the t7 little spring this year she's 17 tires on her like that you know she's low ground pressure yes um our tram lines are as flat as the rest of it whereas you go to a lot of other people and their dram lines are built out like okay you know so seeing a big benefit of that the massey i was that's 64.7 is a fantastic director but whenever you went to hall green with 20 ton of green on her she was dead she was she's dead and then she wouldn't hardly stop you and she's way late yes there's 16 tons with her needs 200 horsepower as funny as the sound it's like what is this tm130 i know but it was a 50k no did you have 20 greenhouse no no you know what's uh horses for courses they uh she would have she would have a long time just that came up at the right time yes nobody wanted the driver a few were looking to do salads it was a whole crown match and he was taking the 64-70 uh everybody wanted one other one so just thought it would it cost what a seven grand to change and that's four years for asia to see my ears so we tried it's twice that it's twice the size attracted like that's 260 horsepower and it's got all the steering as well and it has all those two so the honest there was an add-on like i actually bought her for the reason that she had she's fully auto steer ready yes so whatever i was buying i looked up and all i needed was a screen just the screen price of it last 12 grand 48 screen for tablet so that no i don't agree with that it's like that's that you know it is outrageous you take that screen will be no more intelligent than an ipad oh i oh like a microsoft album but that's that's literally what it looks like yeah you know it's it's just the fact that it says last one [Music] i'll have to wait them up later see if all issues are very well issued a variable box and they're like oh should be some tracker like let's see if carter's going to have the fence here is he is he a little bit close oh he panicked coming up i'm guessing he realized that there was no row left there and he's just like oh no i'm close to the hedge am i [Music] what else can i tell you now hey do you know what i'll do eat tribute i never was begging to be trackable but at a time i was trying to organize the tractor bowl it never came off it never happened and one thing after another just just kind of fell apart but the watch family taught me everything i know about tracker paul dougie uh noel and parky i know the best dragon is if you've seen the marriage tactical comedy slay was and every tractor pulled on track said he could not have messed that man you know if you see him it was obsessed with masses not the fastest whatever he oh perkins engines and masses the legend has left us arguing as mothers no more that's a sad day i don't know what happened are you i just saw it on facebook and actually seen there in our day as well they must have been well known right in europe where franklin poland has a major sport it looked like they were having a kind of sentence on a lot of clutches clutches in there they're not conventional clutches you'll notice that they you know they really wind the engine up and once it gets really gold they basically drop the crotch hard and off they take the drag hard as it goes but i think harvey built a lot of those for the pulling guys and artists machinery there's a very very lengthy there's seagull that's about the dust [Music] oh it wasn't a drone [Music] you
Channel: FarmFLiX
Views: 288,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grassmen, farming simulator, farmflix, straight6, aglife, stockyards, onthepull, the loft, agriculture, farming, farmers, farm, tractors, farmtv, farm tv, silage, machinery, slurry, ifarmwefarm, gerry6420, farmerphil, millenial farmer, tom pemberton
Id: SsDmDBJN_sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 57sec (4497 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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