California DMV Written Test 2024 | DMV Senior Written Test 2024 California | #californiadmvtest

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Welcome to our Channel pass your dmbb get ready to a your DMV permit test with us we'll cover essential topics booster confidence and have you Road ready in no time hit play and let's drive towards success together don't forget to subscribe for more driving wisdom let's roll question one you are driving 55 mph in the far left Fast Lane of a freeway posted for 65 mph you should be cited for driving too slowly option A if the road or weather conditions warrant driving this slowly option b if you block the normal and reasonable flow of traffic option C under no circumstances because it is always safer to drive slower than other traffic the correct answer is option b when driving on the freeway small habits can help reduce congestion you do not want to impede traffic flow or block lanes question two a good safety rule when you are sure you have a legal right upway is option A always take it option b never insist on it option C always let the other driver have it the correct answer is option b give up your right of way when it will help prevent collisions question three backing up your vehicle is option A not dangerous if you have a helper option b always dangerous option C illegal the correct answer is option b backing up is always dangerous because it is hard to see behind your vehicle when you are backing out of a parking space check in front and behind the vehicle before you get in do not depend only on your mirrors or only looking out a side window turn and look over your right and left shoulders before you begin backing look over your right shoulder as you are backing up question four when you see this sign U option a are approaching a railroad crossing and should prepare to stop option b will always stop at the upcoming railroad crossing option C should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks the correct answer is option A this sign indicates that you are approaching a railroad crossing you must look listen slow down and prepare to stop wait for any trains to pass before you proceed question five this sign means option A Side Road option b merge option C yield the right of way the correct answer is option A this sign indicates that there is an intersection with a side road ahead question six you need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because option a he or she has a walking problem option b he or she has a mental disability option C he or she is blind the correct answer is option C he or she is blind explanation when driving near a blind pedestrian who is carrying a white cane or walking with a guide dog you must slow down yield the right of way and proceed with caution be prepared to stop your vehicle in order to prevent injury or danger to The Pedestrian question seven when backing out of an angled parking space you should always move slowly and option a look at your rear view mirror option option b look over your right shoulder option C have someone outside of the vehicle direct you the correct answer is option b look over your right shoulder explanation look over your right shoulder you do not want to miss something next to you every vehicle has blind spots these are areas around the vehicle that a driver cannot see when looking ahead or using the mirror to check blind spots you will need to look over your left or right shoulder always make sure you look before you drive question eight what is the appropriate action to take When approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals such as lights or crossing gates option A always bring the car to a complete stop option b slow down and be prepared to stop option C do nothing all railroad crossings have signals the correct answer is option b slow down and be prepared to stop explanation some grade Crossings do not have Gates or flashing lights a grade crossing is a point at which train tracks intersect with a roadway and is considered an intersection When approaching unmarked or passive grade Crossings slow down and be prepared to stop before you cross be sure that a train is not coming if you see a train coming wait until it passes and then cross the tracks when it is safe to do so if there are multiple tracks wait until you can clearly see down all sets of tracks in both directions for another approaching train before Crossing question nine when passing a vehicle on a two-lane roadway you must return to right hand side of the road before coming within option a 100 ft of an oncoming vehicle option b 200 ft of an oncoming vehicle option C 300 ft of an oncoming vehicle the correct answer is option b 200 ft of an oncoming vehicle explanation passing is a dangerous maneuver that takes caution and experience you must have efficient space to be able to return to the right side of the road before coming within 200 ft of any vehicle coming from the opposite direction at the same time you should not return to the right side of the road until you can see the tires of the vehicle you passed in your rearview mirror question 10 you should Scan 10 to 15 seconds ahead of you option A to avoid using your side mirrors option b because it is a legal requirement option C to see hazards early the correct answer is option C to see hazards early explanation scan the road 10 to 15 seconds ahead of your vehicle so you may see hazards early and avoid last minute moves look beyond the vehicle ahead of you do not constantly look at the vehicle in front of you this is known as a backslash fixed stair backslash and can be very dangerous when you scan ahead this prepares you to react quickly to potential changes in road conditions and traffic flow question 11 driving slower than other traffic tends to option A make an accident more likely to happen option b make an accident less likely to happen option C is a defensive driving technique the correct answer is option A make an accident more likely to happen explanation driving too slowly makes traffic accidents more likely to happen the ca vehicle code 224a prohibits drivers from slowing or stopping to impede the normal flow of traffic you may be sighted and find for driving too slowly question 12 to make a right turn onto a two-way street from a two-way street start in the right hand lane and end in option A the lane further away from the curb option b the lane closest to the curb option C any Lane that is available the correct answer is option b the lane closest to the curb explanation begin and end the turn in the lane nearest the right hand curb do not swing wide into another Lane of traffic watch for pedestrians motorcyclists and bicyclists between your vehicle and the curb sometimes signs or pavement markings will let you turn right from another Lane question 13 if you were stopped at an intersection and the traffic light just turned green can you go immediately option A a yes but yield to any vehicle or person still in the intersection option b yes other traffic or pedestrians must yield to you option C yes if you are going straight through the intersection the correct answer is option A yes but yield to any vehicle or person still in the intersection explanation if you are stopped at an intersection and the traffic light just turned green you must scan and check your surroundings before proceeding even if you have the right of way and have a green light you should be aware of drivers who may not assume it is your turn to go being defensive and scanning the area around you will always help ensure the safety of yourself and other drivers on the road question 14 what should you do when you are going to enter a roadway from a private road option a blow your to warn cars you are entering the roadway option b yield the right of way to pedestrians and roadway traffic option C stop with part of the car on the roadway to warn other drivers the correct answer is option b yield the right of way to pedestrians and roadway traffic explanation a vehicle that enters a roadway from a driveway alley private road or another place that is not a roadway must stop and yield the right of way to traffic on the roadway and to pedestrians question 15 the driver's left hand and arm are extended upward this hand signal means that the driver plans to option A turn right option b come to a stop option C go straight ahead the correct answer is option A turn right explanation when the driver's left arm and hand are extended upward the driver is signaling to you that he is about to make a right turn bicyclists and motorcyclists may use their right hand to point in the direction of the turn question 16 dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway is punishable by option A a fine of up to $11,000 option b 6 months in jail option C either or both of the above the correct answer is option C either or both of the above explanation do not dump or abandon animals on a highway this crime is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 6 months in jail or both question 17 if you become angry or upset you should option a control your emotions while driving option b speed up so you can reach your final destination faster option C park the car and cool down before driving on the correct answer is option C park the car and cool cool down before driving on explanation emotions can greatly affect a motorist's ability to drive if a motorist is angry or excited he she should take time to cool off question 18 when you see this black and yellow sign it means option A the road to the right is for oneway traffic only option b detour to the right because of road construction option C slow down because the road ahead changes Direction at an extreme angle the correct answer is option C slow down because the road ahead changes Direction at an extreme angle explanation the road ahead changes Direction at an extreme angle before you reach such an extreme curve slow down as much as you would to make a turn at an intersection question n when being followed by a tailgator which of the following will help you avoid being hit from behind option A merging into another Lane option b decreasing your following distance option C changing lanes frequently the correct answer is option A merging into another Lane explanation when being closely followed by a tailgator you should slow down gradually or merge into another Lane to prevent a collision with them question 20 when you follow too closely and another driver Cuts suddenly in front of you what is the best thing to do option A swerve into the lane next to you option b take your foot off the gas padal option C drive onto the shoulder of the road the correct answer is option b take your foot off the gas pedal explanation if you follow too closely and another driver Cuts in front of you just take your foot off the gas this gives you space between your vehicle and the other driver without having to slam on your brakes or swerve into another Lane question 21 which of these statements is not true about Road workers option a white signs tell you of closed lanes and road work ahead option b fines are doubled for some violations committed in construction zones option C road workking equipment is painted orange the correct answer is option a white signs tell you of closed lanes and road workk ahead explanation Road workers equipment is orange you may see orange cones signs and lane closure equipment white signs with black writing are regulatory signs regulatory signs tell you what you can and cannot do on the road examples of regulatory signs would be speed limit signs or limited access highways question 22 to turn right from a highway with two lanes in your direction turn from option A the lane closest to the center of the road option b the lane nearest the curb or edge of the roadway option C either Lane depending on oncoming traffic the correct answer is option b the lane nearest the curb or edge of the roadway explanation when making a right-hand turn Drive close to the right edge of the road do not make wide sweeping turns unless signs direct you to do otherwise turn into the right lane of the road you enter question 23 this sign tells you that option A the road may be Slippery When Wet option b there are a series of Curves ahead option C the road Narrows ahead the correct answer is option b there are a series of Curves ahead explanation Winding Road set of Curves this sign indicates there are three or more curves in a row on the road ahead the sign is frequently accompanied by an advisory speed sign slow down to recommended speed before you enter the curves question 24 Lanes of traffic moving in the same direction are divided by lines option a yellow option B white option C red the correct answer is option B white explanation solid white lines divide Lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction solid white lines are also used to Mark the right edge of the road as a general rule broken traffic lines can be crossed and solid lines cannot except when making a turn question 25 you want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection you should slow down and option a move toward the left side of your lane option b avoid driving in the bicycle lane option C signal for 100 ft before turning the correct answer is option C signal for 100 ft before turning explanation when making a right turn you should begin signaling about 100 ft before the turn
Channel: mydmv.
Views: 3,624
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Id: PN7ZQ03OegQ
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Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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