California DMV Written Test 2024 | DMV Senior Written Test 2024 California | #californiadmvtest

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[Music] question one which of the following roadways Freeze first when wet a Bridges B intersections C tunnels correct answer a Bridges due to their height Bridges and overpasses tend to freeze before the rest of the road they can have icy spots shade from trees or buildings can hide icy spots on cold wet days these areas Freeze first and dry out last question two you may drive across a sidewalk to a avoid driving over a speed bump B make a U-turn C enter or exit a driveway or alley correct answer C enter or exit a driveway or alley question three when you see this sign you should a be prepared to to stop at the railroad crossing B stop at the upcoming railroad crossing and wait for a train C stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks correct answer a be prepared to stop at the railroad crossing this sign tells you that you are approaching a railroad crossing look listen slow down and prepare to stop let any trains pass before you proceed question four you are on a highway with two traffic Lanes in your direction and you see a vehicle stopped on the right shoulder of the road ahead with its hazard lights on you should a change lanes to the left and speed up B slow down and pass very carefully C stop your vehicle until you can see what has happened correct answer B slow down and pass very carefully if you see a vehicle hazard lights ahead slow down there may be a collision or other Road emergency ahead stop and give assistance if asked by anyone or pass very carefully question five it is legal to drive with an alcoholic beverage container that has been opened if the container is a under the front seat B in the glove compartment C in the trunk correct answer C in the trunk any opened alcoholic beverage container must be kept in the trunk of the vehicle or in another place where passengers Do not sit keeping an opened alcoholic drink in the glove compartment is specifically prohibited however in a bus taxi camper or motor home these restrictions do not apply to non-driving passengers question six when you see this sign you should stop and a check for vehicles in the direction you plan on going then proceed B let all vehicles that arrive after you go first C check traffic in all directions before proceeding correct answer C check traffic in all directions before proceeding at a stop sign you must come to a full stop and check for traffic in all directions before proceeding question 7 you are approaching an intersection at the posted speed limit when the signal light turns yellow you should a slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution B speed up to cross the intersection before the light turns red C stop before entering the intersection if you can do so safely correct answer C stop before entering the intersection if you can do so safely a solid yellow light means caution and signals that the light will soon turn red you should stop at a solid yellow light if you can do so safely otherwise you should cautiously cross the intersection question 8 you enter a designated turn lane to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection there is oncoming traffic you should a move to the left of the center lane B signal before you arrive at the intersection C turn your front wheels to the left to be prepared to turn correct answer B signal before you arrive at the intersection when making a left turn you should always begin signaling about 100 ft before the turn you should keep your front wheels aiming Straight Ahead until it is safe to start your turn this ensures that you will not be pushed into oncoming traffic if another vehicle hits you from behind question nine your driving lane is next to a bicycle lane you want to make a right turn at the upcoming intersection you a may not enter the bicycle lane to make your turn B should only merge into the bicycle lane if you stop before turning C must merge into the bicycle lane before making your turn correct answer C must merge into the bicycle lane before making your turn to make a right turn when driving next to a bicycle lane you must merge into the bicycle lane before making your turn taking care to yield to any approaching cyclist this combination of traffic law bicycle lanes and safe driving ensures Road Safety question 10 which of the following contributes to improve traffic flow a not slowing down to look at an accident scene B lowering the speed limit on major freeways C using your car instead of public transportation correct answer a not slowing down to look at an accident scene question 11 you must show proof of insurance to law enforcement a only if you are involved in an accident B if you are involved in an accident or stopped for a citation C unless your vehicle has a net worth of less than $500 correct answer B if you are involved in an accident or stopped for a citation you must have evidence of financial responsibility such as proof of insurance with you whenever you drive you must always show proof of insurance and your license to an officer upon request after a traffic stop or Collision question 12 when driving in the far right lane of a freeway you a should expect merging vehicles at on-ramps B must be driving slower than other traffic C must give the right of way to merging traffic correct answer a should expect merging vehic vehicles at onramps if you like our content and find it useful for you then do subscribe to our channel to encourage us a little question 13 merging onto a road is safest if you a slowly move into the nearest Lane so other drivers will make room for you B drive on the shoulder of the road until there is an opening C wait for a large enough Gap in traffic to enter the road correct answer C wait for a large enough Gap in traffic to enter the road question 14 which of the following children requires a child passenger restraint system a a 6-year-old weighing 60 lb b a 5-year-old weighing 55 lb c a 5-year-old weighing 65 lb correct answer b a 5-year-old weighing 55 lb as per new California DMV handbook children who are under 8 years old or who are less than 4' 9 in tall secure in a child passenger restraint system in a rear seat question 15 you must carefully watch for bicycles in traffic lanes because they a must ride facing oncoming traffic B could be hidden in your blind spots C usually have the right of way correct answer B could be hidden in your blind spot spots you must carefully look for bicycles in traffic lanes because they could be hidden in your blind spots the object will appear smaller in our eyes as its distance increases and this situation could create a blind spot question 16 if it starts to rain on a hot day the road is the most slippery a for the first few minutes B after it has been raining for a few hours C after it has has stopped raining correct answer a for the first few minutes if it starts to rain on a hot day pavement can be very slippery for the first few minutes heat causes oil in the asphalt to come to the surface and rainwater loosens those oil deposits this makes the roadway more slippery until more rain washes the oil off question 17 solid yellow lines separate a traffic Lanes on oneway streets B bicycle Lanes from regular traffic C Vehicles traveling in opposite directions correct answer C Vehicles traveling in opposite directions yellow lines Mark the center of a road used for two-way traffic a solid yellow Center Line indicates that drivers may not cross the line to pass a broken yellow Center Line indicates that drivers may cross the line to pass but only if passing would not interf interfere with traffic question 18 you are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights you should a stop immediately in the intersection until it passes B pull to the right in the intersection and stop C continue through the intersection pull to the right and stop correct answer C continue through the intersection pull to the right right and stop if you are in an intersection when you see an emergency vehicle approaching while using its flashing lights and or siren continue through the intersection and then drive to the right and stop you must yield the right of way to any police vehicle fire engine ambulance or other emergency vehicle using a siren or flashing lights question 19 when driving a vehicle with airbags you are safest when seated a at least 10 in away from the steering wheel B within 6 and 1/2 in of the steering wheel C with your head position directly above the steering wheel correct answer a at least 10 in away from the steering wheel question 20 large trucks are most likely to lose speed and cause a hazard a on Long gradual curves B going up long or steep hills C going down long GR ual Hills correct answer B going up long or steep hills because large trucks require more time to accelerate than smaller vehicles trucks can lose speed driving up long or steep hills be cautious when driving behind a large truck and be sure to give the vehicle additional space especially when driving on an incline question 21 you hit a parked car and can't find the owner what must you do a a call your insurance company when you get home B wait for the owner to return C leave a note with your name and address on the parked car correct answer C leave a note with your name and address on the parked car if you hit a parked vehicle or other property you must leave a note with your name phone number and address securely attached to the vehicle or property that you hit question 22 the maximum speed limit for ideal driving conditions is a the speed of other vehicles traveling in your direction B the posted speed for the road or freeway you are using C whatever speed you feel is safe for you and your vehicle correct answer B the posted speed for the road or freeway you are using question 23 if the road is wet from a heavy rain you should a use the 2 second following distance rule B drive one car length behind the car ahead C increase the distance between your vehicle and the car ahead correct answer C increase the distance between your vehicle and the car ahead question 24 this sign means a less space between lanes ahead B the highway will be divided ahead C the right lane will end ahead correct answer C the right lane will end ahead question 25 Orange Colored road signs a warn you of a school zone ahead B warn you of an increase in the posted speed limit C tell you of Road workers or road equipment ahead correct answer C tell you of Road workers or road equipment ahead thanks for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button to stay stay tuned for more valuable lessons on safe driving join us on the road to safety
Channel: DMV Written Test 2024
Views: 252,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DMV written test 2023, DMV Senior Renewal Test, DMV Senior Written Test 2023 California, DMV California written test, written test DMV California, senior permit test california
Id: MGklM8zQZgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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