Caillou and Cheating | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] all right class today we're going to have a pop quiz now you know how hard we've been working on our numbers well this is just a little test to see how much you've learned or to see where you might need some extra help it's nothing to worry about now i'll read out the questions and you just need to write the answers on your sheets you can turn over your papers now [Music] question one how many apples do you see on the page one two three four next how many apples do i have if i add two more [Music] if you're having trouble draw the extra apples [Music] oh they're cheating [Music] four five six [Music] question three if i take five apples away how many are left next up are some questions about shapes now how many sides does a square have oh no not shapes [Music] next can you draw a triangle [Music] caillou were you looking at leo's paper no mrs martin i i promise i'll see you after class caillou great work class now go on out for recess please hand your papers in to me on your way out [Music] not you caillou take a seat please [Music] oh [Music] now caillou do you understand why you failed the test it's because you cheated caillou and cheating is wrong isn't it i didn't cheat mrs martin then why were you looking over at leo's paper i i didn't mean to i was now caillou it's okay to admit you made a mistake we all make them sometimes the important thing is to own up and do better in the future [Music] i'm not good at shapes and i was worried i'd get the wrong answers so i cheated i'm sorry thank you for telling the truth caillou you should never cheat but you should always ask for help if you need it if you're finding shapes hard then i can give you some extra help in class okay how does that sound yeah i like that thanks mrs martin good well some of recess is left why don't you go out and play [Music] oh and caillou maybe we can go through the test together later without cheating yes mrs martin [Music] that's a great snail andy but aren't snails kind of scary snails aren't scary my favorites but they're so slimy and what is that [Music] okay class this is a fire alarm so we all have to leave the classroom please find your buddies follow miss shelley outside and line up in the playground come on andy you're my buddy remember andy [Music] great job everyone nice and steady now oh mrs martin i think it's too loud for andy he needs his headphones good idea caillou they're just over there by his backpack [Music] [Music] this will help with the noise thank you caillou now come along we need to go to the playground great job everyone this was just a practice but you were all very calm and did what you were told so well done and now it's recess time have fun [Music] andy [Music] it's recess now do you want to play catch i have your special ball [Music] everything okay caillou me and andy were having a lot of fun drawing but he doesn't want to play with me anymore hmm well you know andy really doesn't like loud noises so that fire alarm was extra scary for him yeah i get scared too sometimes when it's dark it isn't nice exactly just give him some time and he'll be back to his usual self i'm sure get it away clementine are you okay it's a snail ew [Music] snails are slimy and scary don't worry clementine it's perfectly harmless we'll move it out of the way for you now snail cool that's right snails are andy's favorite can you help us get the snail away from clementine [Music] snails don't go on slides [Music] time to go home snail [Music] wow that was amazing andy yeah you saved me yes well done andy that was quick thinking see caillou the alarm may have been scary and painful for andy because of his autism but the snail wasn't everyone has things they find hard to cope with but that's okay because we all help each other when we struggle yeah got you catch here it comes [Music] and before we take him home i have to pack up all of gerald's food and his favorite toys in my backpack oh and his ball [Laughter] bye mommy bye caillou tell gerald i say hello good morning gerald are you excited to come home with me today i've made you a special area in my room by my bed it's really nice and warm and we can play all weekend in gerald are you still sleeping it's time for school gerald it's time to come out oh no gerald's gone gerald [Music] gerald gerald come out good morning class let's all take our places for the oh caillou what are you doing over there gerald's missing [Music] why don't you take your seat caillou and i'll explain [Music] all right class as you've realized already gerald isn't here anymore where is he gerald was a very happy hamster but he was also very old so i'm afraid last night while he was sleeping he died died yes but he had a very long life and loved you all very much but it was my turn to bring him home don't worry caillou you can just take him when he comes back well leo i'm sorry but gerald won't be coming back when someone dies they don't come back so i'm afraid we won't see gerald again [Music] i'm sorry about gerald caillou he had a good and happy life i know but i'm really going to miss him not hungry caillou [Music] not even for some ice cream ice cream no thanks can i be excused please ah of course [Music] mind if i join you i'm sorry about gerald caillou i know he was your friend but do you know what else i know that you were his friend you made him very happy and neither of you will ever forget that but i won't get to see him or play with him or i know but you'll always have the memories you shared and good memories like those well they last forever [Music] i think gilbert's saying he'll play with you if you want thanks gilbert [Music] today class you can all draw anything you want but it has to be something that makes you really happy [Music] i decided to draw gerald because he was my friend he's gone now and we won't see him again which is really sad so i drew my favorite memory of him my daddy says memories are forever so now i'll always be able to look at this picture and remember gerald and feel happy goodbye gerald [Music] hey have you guys played digging build two yet not yet there's a new one what is it yeah in this one you dig up dinosaur bones then you have to put the bones together to make a dinosaur skeleton it's awesome my mommy's taking me to get it this afternoon with my allowance i can't wait mine too maybe we can go together caillou i don't think i can i don't have any money well you better hurry caillou or the store will run out mommy daddy i need some money to buy a game well caillou you know money doesn't grow on trees you'll have to earn your extra money what do you mean well we'll give you an allowance to spend on whatever you like [Music] in exchange for you helping around the house doing some chores that's called earning okay what do i have to do let me think [Music] hmm here goes [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] oh [Music] easy easy [Music] okay caillou let's see how much you've earned this week [Music] is it enough is it yes caillou well done we're very proud of all the work you did yes dig and build let's go let's go quick mommy or they'll all be gone all right all right here we got the last one you'd better buy it quick then caillou [Music] i did it [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 6,206,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: tU6_XR1vWJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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