Caillou and Valentine's Day | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] today was one of caillou's favorite days of the year valentine's day but he was nowhere to be found leo here clementine here caillou caillou happy valentine's day caillou had been chosen to be the class cupid and deliver all of the valentine's day cards oh hello cupid my don't you look great my mom made me this costume to wear when i deliver all the cards how lovely class who wants to make valentine's cards for cupid to deliver me me me everyone was having lots of fun decorating cards they drew beautiful flowers stuck heart-shaped pieces of paper to them and covered them in shiny glitter but caillou was getting impatient he just wanted to deliver them all now is everyone done yet almost cupid don't worry now you hold on to these caillou you can deliver them after lunch after lunch caillou ate his lunch as fast as he could he was so excited to be cupid finally all right everyone tidy your lunchboxes away please [Music] careful caillou there's no rush caillou just wanted to deliver the valentine's cards as fast as he could he thought waiting was very boring it was finally time to give everyone their cards and caillou could hardly contain himself caillou felt just like the real cupid everyone loved their cards and this one is for sarah thanks caillou caillou had had a lot of fun being cupid for the day and giving everyone their cards but he felt a little sad there were no cards for [Music] him what's wrong caillou everyone got valentine's day cards except me oh no that's a shame but did you enjoy being cupid and celebrating the special day yeah everyone really liked my cupid costume oh i'm sure they did the important thing is that you all had fun i guess [Music] caillou was still a bit sad that he hadn't received a valentine's card but the day wasn't over yet this one is for you caillou for me [Music] it must have gotten delivered here instead of at school [Music] look mommy it's from isabelle caillou had enjoyed being cupid for valentine's day and delivering the cards to everyone but he really enjoyed receiving one too it was a very special day at caillou's house because today was mommy and daddy's wedding anniversary [Music] caillou was helping daddy make a special dinner to celebrate is it ready yet daddy almost caillou just a little while longer hmm it smells yummy let's go into the garden caillou we need to pick some vegetables to make a salad caillou looked at all the vegetables in the garden there were lots to choose from which vegetables do we need daddy first we need a nice fresh head of lettuce can you see one caillou knew that a head of lettuce was round and had big green leaves here it is i found it great job caillou how about some juicy tomatoes right there the little red ones that's right [Music] okay the last vegetable we need is a carrot that's an easy one caillou knew that carrots were orange and pointy but he couldn't see them anywhere there are no carrots daddy look down here caillou carrots grow under the ground oh that's where they were hiding we'll need two carrots to make the salad can you pull out another one i got it great job caillou that's everything we need let's go and see if mommy needs any help mommy and rosie were in the kitchen caillou was excited to show mommy the carrot he had picked look mommy a carrot i pulled it out of the ground it looks very tasty it'll need washing before we can eat it though do you want to help me set the table for our special dinner okay hold on a minute caillou we have to wash our hands first my hands are all messy [Music] they're clean now there we go much better the fork goes on the left fork on the left and the knife goes on the right and the knife on the right nice job caillou i'm all done making the salad caillou shall we go upstairs and get you changed into your nice clothes liked dressing up in his nice clothes they made him feel very important caillou had enjoyed the special dinner everything was so yummy happy anniversary oh thank you very much what is an anniversary mommy an anniversary is a day to celebrate something special it's been another year since daddy and i got married oh daddy had bought mommy a shiny gold necklace caillou thought that it was very beautiful so pretty mommy pretty i think you and rosie deserve extra big slices of cake for being so helpful today [Music] wow that's the biggest piece of cake ever caillou had loved the special dinner especially the cake it was a beautiful sunny day so mommy and daddy had taken caillou to the park to enjoy a picnic with his friends this looks like a good spot to have our picnic here i come choo choo oh sorry caillou i didn't see your train coming through all aboard come on rosie hop on the train choo choo chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo oh no look out oh where's rosie gone [Music] again i know how about we all play a game of hide and seek yay i love hide and seek let's play in pairs i'll hide with rosie and clementine you can hide with leo then caillou and daddy can come and find us great idea come on leo i know a great place we can hide let's go and find a good hiding spot rosie leo clementine mommy and rosie all hurried off to hide from daddy and caillou okay caillou close your eyes and count to ten one two three four caillou opened his fingers a little he wanted to see where everyone was hiding no peeking caillou sorry i just wanted to see where they were going i know but if we peek it spoils the game five six seven eight nine ten okay we're coming ready or not daddy i think i saw someone behind that tree i found you well done caillou have you found leo and clementine yet no not yet well let's keep looking i'm sure they're close by [Music] caillou thought he could see something moving behind a park bench i found you oh you found us after all this hiding and seeking you must be hungry i think we should go and have our picnic caillou was sitting on the picnic blanket enjoying his picnic here you go caillou wow look how big it is [Music] i love watermelon oh no oops don't worry rosie i'll get you another juice box daddy looked in the picnic basket for another juice box but they were all gone oh no there's none left it's okay rosie you can share mine what a good brother you are caillou oh no ants they're on me they're on me me too it's okay caillou they're just after rosie's spilled juice look let's move to another spot we don't want ants in our sandwiches look rosie your juice wasn't wasted now it's a yummy treat for the ants caillou thought that the ants would be good at playing hide and seek especially if they were looking for yummy treats caillou was going to a food fair in the park with grandma and grandpa wow look at all the food grandpa that's right caillou this is called a world food fair the people here are making food from all different countries caillou it's a great chance for you to try some food you might not have tasted before caillou could smell all kinds of unusual things but he didn't know what they all were what can you smell caillou i'm not sure but it smells yummy well come on then you lead the way my tummy is starting to rumble well hello there how can i help you today hello this is my grandson caillou he's going to try some food from around the world well caillou you've come to the right place have you tried a taco before caillou thought about all the nice food mommy and daddy made for him at home but he couldn't remember having tried a taco before i don't think so what is it a taco has a hard crunchy shell on the outside and a tasty filling on the inside [Music] well that settles it one taco please [Applause] here you go caillou now be careful caillou make sure you don't squeeze it too hard oh dear caillou's taco had broken it had looked so yummy and he didn't even get to try one bite that can happen with tacos here have another one on the house thank you remember to be careful this time try not to squeeze it so hard caillou held the taco very carefully in his hands and took a bite hmm it's really good caillou thought that tacos were very tasty and he likes the way the outside crunch it's crunchy here try some okay caillou where to next a woman at the next stall was stirring something in a large metal pot caillou wondered what it could be hello this is caillou he is trying different food today very nice to meet you caillou what are you stirring it's a curry curry is a very popular food in a country called india and it's full of all kinds of interesting spices this one is spicy and this one is mild caillou hadn't heard of india or curry before india where's that grandpa india is a country on the other side of the world caillou can we have one spicy and one mild please thank you i'll try this spicy one just right caillou noticed that grandpa's face had started to turn red what's the matter grandpa that spicy curry is too hot for your grandpa caillou here try this it's a drink made with yogurt called a lassie it'll help you cool your mouth down thank you that's much better that spicy curry sounds scary caillou wanted to try all of the food but he didn't want to eat anything too spicy don't worry caillou this one is only a tiny little bit spicy i promise caillou felt a little tingling in his mouth from the spices but it didn't make his face turn red like grandpa it's not too spicy at all i think i should have the mild one next time as well thank you for the curry hello here to try some sushi hmm my favorite sushi that's right sushi is from a country called japan it's usually made with rice and raw fish caillou didn't like the sound of raw fish one bit raw fish yuck can we have three pieces please one for me one for grandma and one for caillou give it a try you never know it might be your new favorite [Music] it's too weird i can't eat it grandpa that doesn't matter caillou different people like different foods i know how about you and grandma go find a picnic bench and i'll bring you something i know you'll love grandpa had brought caillou something but he was keeping it a secret what have you got grandpa you'll have to guess caillou liked guessing okay what if i told you that it's made by mixing flour eggs and water [Music] okay well what if i told you that this food comes from a country called italy oh i know pizza almost how about if i told you that this was your most favorite food in the world caillou knew what grandpa was hiding it's spaghetti that's right that is my favorite yummy caillou had lots of fun trying the different kinds of food at the fair but he really loved his spaghetti it was summer vacation so mommy and daddy had taken caillou and rosie camping in the forest daddy had found them a beautiful spot right next to a lake here we are can i help sure caillou with your help we'll have the tent up in no time caillou was very excited he really wanted to go and splash around in the lake look at the lake can we go and play in it soon caillou first we need to put our tent up caillou helped daddy with the tent it was his job to hand daddy pegs so that the tent didn't blow away almost done just a few more pegs should do it here you go [Music] hey go away you help these bugs are after me daddy slow down caillou you need to be careful around the tent you could trip [Music] don't worry caillou i think the bugs have gone now oops how about you guys go and play by the lake while i put the tent back up caillou watched as mommy skipped a stone across the lake it bounced along the top of the water a few times before falling into the lake with a little plop wow magic caillou wanted to skip a stone too he picked up a stone and threw it as hard as he could at the lake it didn't work how did you make it bounce mommy [Music] here let me show you first we need to find a nice flat stone like this one that's perfect now try and throw it low and straight [Music] i did it great job caillou froggy oh look rosie's found a frog we're frogs rosie rivet ribbit the frog likes the lake too bye-bye froggy what are you two doing we're frogs ribbit wow that sounds like fun the tent is back up do you guys want to come to collect some firewood okay caillou found lots of good sticks in the forest he counted each one as he walked along one stick two sticks three sticks four look i found four already that's a lot caillou great job team let's head back to cap it'll be getting dark soon caillou was nice and warm by the campfire daddy was busy making them all some tasty roasted marshmallows are they ready yet not yet the outside will turn light brown then you know it's ready not so close caillou we have to be careful around the campfire otherwise someone might get hurt sorry mommy i wanted to see my marshmallow caillou saw that the marshmallow was turning a light brown color they're ready now daddy don't eat it it's mine i'm not going to eat it caillou i'm just cooling it down a little hmm it's all gooey inside [Music] wow what was that was it a spaceship that was a shooting star caillou if you see a shooting star it means you can make a wish you have to keep your wish a secret though otherwise it might not come true caillou closed his eyes tight and made a wish i did it i made a secret wish well i'm sure it'll come true caillou caillou didn't tell mommy or daddy but caillou had secretly wished for more marshmallows his wish had come true already [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 879,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: q7NF4ffteyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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