Caillou Gets Chickenpox and More! | Over 2 Hours! | Caillou's New Adventures Season 1 Compilation

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[Music] Caillou and Leo were having lots of fun playing in the park together Leo brought along his favorite green truck to show Caillou wow Leo your truck is so cool I'll bring my red one tomorrow and we can race okay but mine will be the fastest we'll see about that time to go now Caillou but I don't want to go yet we're playing with Leo's truck we'll be back tomorrow you can finish your game then fine see you tomorrow Leo bye Caillou [Music] the next day Caillou was very excited to play trucks with Leo at the park he jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as he could [Music] Caillou was covered in tiny red spots he didn't know what they were but they were very itchy me oh dear it looks like you have chickenpox chickenpox they're just little itchy spots nothing to worry about but you must remember not to scratch them or they'll get worse I'll run you a nice bath and then you won't feel so itchy while mommy ran the bath Carl you stood looking at himself in the mirror he tried to count how many tiny red spots he had your bath is ready Caillou Caillou knew he shouldn't scratch but he couldn't help it Caillou no scratching but I'm so itchy Mommy if you don't scratch and you take lots of baths your spots will disappear faster Caillou didn't feel as itchy in the bath and playing with ducky helped him forget all about it quack how are you doing in there Caillou I think I'm ready to get out and go play with Leo now I'm not itchy anymore I'm sorry you can't go out and play today Caillou you are sick you need to stay home and rest Caillou was very sad he wouldn't be able to go play trucks with Leo after all he didn't feel itchy anymore you can't see Leo until your spots have cleared up otherwise you'll make Leo sick too Caillou didn't want to make Leo sick so he listened to Mommy and went back to bed Caillou was getting bored of waiting for his spots to go away he found it very hard not to scratch they were just so itchy Caillou are you scratching I can't help it mommy they're so itchy I have some special cream that might help [Music] I mean that tickled once mommy was done she pulled out a sheet of stickers what are those stickers for it's a surprise mommy put the red dots on Caillou's dinosaur my dinosaur has chickenpox too soon me and dinosaur are going to feel much better than I can go play with Leo the next morning Caillou looked at himself in the mirror his spots were finally fading mommy come see that's great Caillou you're almost all better Caillou showed Mommy that his dinosaur had fewer spots too can me and dinosaur go play outside now I want to show Leo my truck not yet Caillou you'll have to wait until the chickenpox are completely gone [Music] the next day all Caillou's spots had disappeared he picked off his dinosaur and his truck and ran to tell everyone the good news mommy daddy look Tada I see you and your dinosaur spots are all gone yup can I go out and play now yes Caillou you can go after breakfast can you go wake Rosie for me [Music] Rosie guess what my spots have all gone so we're going to the oh no poor Rosie's face was covered in spots chin spots [Music] Caillou knew just what had happened to Rosie look Mommy now Rosie has chickenpox don't worry Rosie I'll look after you don't you want to go to the park to play trucks with Leo not today Dr Caillou needs to look after Rosie [Music] if you take lots of baths and don't scratch you'll lose all your spots just like me and my dinosaur Rosie knew she'd feel better in no time with Dr Caillou looking after her Caillou Clementine and Leo were getting ready for Sarah's birthday party it was a superhero themed party and they were all very excited what superpowers are you going to have Caillou I'm going to be super strong with my power belt and gloves that's really cool my special headband means I can see in the dark what about you Leo I have new shoes which make me go super fast no [Music] but we all need capes to be real superheroes and I'm going to wear this cool mask Caillou and his friends all made great superheroes they couldn't wait to show off their powers at the party [Laughter] [Music] Caillou have you seen my handbag wow don't you all look great are you superheroes all ready for Sarah's birthday yep oh [Music] on Caillou don't you mean Super Caillou yes sorry super Caillou but first we need to find my keys I think they're in my handbag but they've gone missing somewhere this sounds like a great job for Caillou and his Super Friends what a great idea the Super Friends began searching the host for mommy's handbag they didn't want to be late to the party but there was no sign of it anywhere have you found any clues nothing over here super Caillou what was that was it a bird was it a plane no it's Gilbert Gilbert have you seen mommy's handbag Gilbert says it's that way how do you know that I can talk to animals too go [Music] Caillou opened the cupboard door it was so dark he couldn't see anything I'll handle this with my night vision wow Caillou and Leo were Amazed by Clementine's super powers Caillou noticed something at the bottom of the cupboard it was mommy's handbag there now we can go to the party wow good job Super Friends you found my bag yep Caillou was very proud oh no my car keys aren't in here what we're going to be late [Music] foreign Rosie has the keys we need to get them back don't worry super Caillou I'll distract Rosie using my super speed Leo used his super speed to make Rosie chase him away she thought he was playing a silly game [Music] you found them great job super Caillou it wasn't just me it was my super friends as well Caillou loved saving the day with his friends he couldn't wait to solve another mystery it was a bright sunny day and Caillou was playing in his backyard Giddy Up horsey Caillou heard someone laughing in the yard next door there was a little girl he didn't know hi my name is Caillou do you want to play with me hola my name is Isabel see Caillou Isabell you strange words Caillou didn't understand everything she said my mommy got me some new marbles okay Caillou sat down and rolled his marbles out across the grass you can be the red marbles and I will be the blue ones oh Caillou hadn't heard that word before he liked how it sounded Rojo when the game was over Isabelle pulled a small white toy bunny from her pocket Caillou was very curious wow do you want to be my friend Isabelle smiled and nodded to Caillou she touched his cheek with bunny see but first you have to save me from that scary dragon dragon that's Gilbert no it's the scary dragon and the treasure you'll need a sword like mine [Music] Caillou was excited he knew that together they could defeat any dragon [Music] Caillou what are you doing Isabelle are fighting the dragon oh you have so much imagination Caillou princess Isabelle she lives in the red Castle next door well it's nice to meet you Isabel now come on Caillou it's time for dinner and I think Gilbert needs a rest at dinner Caillou told everyone about his adventure with Princess Isabelle and then the dragon roared Caillou please don't talk with your mouth full Isabelle had a funny word for the marbles Rojo no Caillou Rojo means red in Spanish she was telling you what the color of the marble was why does she speak Spanish because Isabella is from Spain I met her parents today they're going back home to Spain tomorrow Spain where is that that well this is where we are and this is where Isabel lives but that's really far away I don't want her to go Caillou was very upset he didn't want to lose his new friend don't worry Caillou just because Isabelle is going back to Spain doesn't mean you two can't stay friends why did you give her something to remember you by that gave Caillou an idea [Music] the next day it was time for Caillou to say goodbye to Isabelle I got you a present Isabel so you don't forget me Rojo gracias Caillou bunny will help you beat the dragon wow adios Caillou adios Isabel [Music] a few days later Caillou was finishing off his Adventure but it wasn't as fun without Isabelle I have a special surprise for you on the computer Caillou was very excited so he rushed to the computer but when he got there the screen was blank he was very confused Bell held up the red marble Caillou had given her and Caillou held up the white bunny she had given to him he was very happy to see his friend again Caillou at the market [Music] good morning sleepy but Caillou does not want to get out of bed [Music] look it's snowing Caillou runs to look out the window Snowman let's get dressed first then we'll see [Music] Caillou tries to pour his cereal but nothing comes out there's no cereal we'll get some at the market we have to shop for things to make a special surprise cake a cake yay Caillou puts on his coat and boots he picks up Gilbert to see if he'd like to come to the market as well [Music] outside the snowflakes tickle his face he sticks out his tongue and catches some of them [Music] can we make a snowman yes Caillou but we have to go to the market first [Music] foreign mommy puts Rosie in the seat of the grocery cart I want to ride in the cart too Mommy let's go we have lots of shopping to do Caillou and Rosie help mommy find the things she needs Caillou takes a bag of cookies off the shelf [Music] these are good they're good are having special surprise cake so we don't need cookies too oh Caillou really wants the cookies but he puts them back at the checkout counter mommy helps Caillou and Rosie get out of the cart Caillou please help watch Rosie for me Caillou holds Rosie's hand [Music] but he's thinking about the cookies [Music] he lets go of Rosie's hand to go and find the cookies oh [Music] Caillou goes up and down the aisles looking for the cookies suddenly he stops and looks around he can't see Mommy where where are you mommy there she is mommy looks worried [Music] what happened Caillou went away no you went away she gives him a big hug I'm very glad we found you now let's go home [Music] Mommy I was lost I know Caillou but you're home now and it's time to make this special surprise cake but I want to make a snowman we will make a snowman here in the kitchen mommy bakes a cake and covers it in snowy white icing [Music] foreign car you and Rosie decorated with candy [Music] the special surprise cake is a special surprise Snowman [Music] Caillou and Rosie are playing with Rosie's new toy they are having lots of fun lots of noisy fun every time Rosie pushes a key the toy makes an animal sound [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] children you're making too much noise [Music] caught you and Rosie stop what they are doing [Music] Caillou I need to lie down can you be a good big brother and watch Rosie so she doesn't get into any Mischief yes Mommy brings a couple of markers and two big pieces of paper you and Rosie can draw pictures of the animals instead of listening to The Sounds they make I need you to play quietly so I can rest okay Caillou wants to help mommy he wants to be a good Big Brother [Music] Caillou hands Rosie a marker we are going to draw now Caillou starts drawing a giraffe he works so hard on his picture that he doesn't notice that Rosie is not drawing beside him [Music] Caillou looks around to see where Rosie went oh no Rosie is drawing on the wall rosie no Caillou grabs the marker away from Rosie [Music] Rosie tries to get the marker back but Caillou holds on to it Rosie starts to cry mommy hears all the noise Caillou I asked you to be a good big brother and watch Rosie not fight with her Rosie needs her nap I'll be right back Caillou is surprised why is Mommy angry with him he did his best to be quiet and to keep Rosie from doing anything wrong he doesn't want to be Rosie's Big Brother anymore [Music] [Laughter] when Mommy comes back Caillou is crying [Laughter] [Music] call you and mommy go to the kitchen and fill a bucket with soap and water it isn't easy being a big brother is it can I help that would be great Caillou [Music] Caillou cleans the wall with a wet cloth he rubs hard until all the marks are gone sometimes [Music] good job Caillou thank you Rosie has finished her nap and she wants Caillou to play with her okay Rosie [Music] Caillou you are becoming such a big boy and you are such a good brother to Rosie [Music] today Caillou is going to the dentist for the first time [Music] let's hurry Caillou we don't want to be late Caillou doesn't answer where has he gone mommy finds Caillou in the bathroom are you you've already brushed your teeth this morning do they look nice Mommy yes Caillou they're beautiful now come on time to go [Music] at the dentist's office Caillou and Mommy sit in the waiting room Caillou holds Teddy very tight just then he hears a strange whirring noise Teddy you're coming with me to see the dentist okay a woman with a friendly smile walks toward Caillou hello Caillou my name is Linda come with me and I'll show you and your teddy the best way to brush your teeth Caillou and Mommy follow Linda into a small room there's a big chair in the Middle with a big funny looking lamp hanging over it have a seat Caillou can Teddy sit too of course [Music] Caillou and Teddy sit in the dentist's chair Linda shows Caillou how the chair can move up and down [Laughter] Linda tilts the back of the chair so that Caillou can lie down but Caillou stays sitting straight up lie back Caillou that way I can get a better look at your teeth [Music] um Linda shows Caillou the little mirror that's used to see the teeth in the back of his mouth [Music] she starts the electric toothbrush that turns very fast that's what was making that strange noise now I'm going to make your teeth shine like little stars okay Caillou checks first to see if mommy is still there yes Mommy is right behind him foreign brushes Caillou's teeth [Music] then the dentist comes into the room to give Caillou his checkup hi Caillou I'm Dr Joseph [Music] wow you have really nice teeth do you brush them every day two times this morning when Caillou is ready to leave Linda gives him a new toothbrush to take home and you can have two surprises from the box two Caillou examines the items in the Box he chooses a magnifying glass and a ring the magnifying glasses for me and the ring is for my mommy goodbye Caillou bye [Music] it's been a big day for Caillou today he went to the dentist for the first time Caillou and Rosie were in the bedroom playing they were drawing some pictures [Music] yes that is a tree Rosie but trees aren't blue they're green Caillou had an idea he was going to teach Rosie all about colors let's draw a picture together hmm I wonder what we could draw Emma hello Caillou and Rosie what are you two doing me and Rosie are going to draw a picture together but we're not sure what to draw hmm what if you have a look out the window you might find some inspiration Caillou rushed over to the window there were so many things he didn't know where to start [Music] ah I don't know what to draw grandma here's an idea why don't you draw everything you see right now yes and perhaps the ice cream truck too Caillou thought that was a great idea he could draw everything he saw out of the window Thank you Grandma okay Rosie now copy me red red green green blue blue [Music] white white that's right Rosie was so excited green [Music] yeah just like my dinosaur [Music] red that's right Rosie foreign [Music] looked very puzzled there must have been something brown in the room can you see anything Brown in my room Rosie you can do it Rosie plucking Teddy [Music] yay Rosie you did it now that Rosie knew all of the colors it was time to draw the picture now let's draw together are you ready [Music] yeah blue no Rosie the sky is blue but the trees are green bus yes that's a yellow bus Caillou and Rosie had finished their drawing Caillou really enjoyed teaching Rosie all about colors let's go show grandma [Music] wow did you and Rosie draw this together yes I taught Rosie all the colors well I think my little artists might want to get some ice cream ice cream Caillou couldn't wait for the ice cream he was so excited about all the different colors he could choose after all he was an artist Caillou and daddy were playing with Caillou's favorite train set Daddy yes Caillou is it is it true some trains go underground yes that's true it's a special kind of train called a Subway Caillou was a little surprised the subway must be really dark if it's Underground I love to ride the subway one day that gave daddy an idea the next day daddy decided to take Caillou on a special Expedition are we really going on a subway train yes Caillou we'll be two explorers Caillou put on his special blue hat and backpack I can't wait to be an Explorer what's in your backpack explore stuff [Music] thank you Caillou and his daddy went into the subway station a gust of wind blew daddy's head off oops a good Explorer should always hold on to his hat during a tornado hmm Caillou wondered where all that wind was coming from [Music] Daddy bought two tickets for the subway please [Music] wait I'm stuck daddy push hard Caillou Caillou pushed hard and he got through who well done Caillou you've passed the first obstacle on our Expedition Caillou and Daddy went to the escalator We're Going Underground now are you ready Caillou looked at the big hole leading underground he really wasn't sure if he still wanted to be an explorer I'm scared daddy don't worry Caillou there's nothing to be scared of down the escalator they went Caillou held his Daddy's Hand very tightly [Music] and here we are but it's not dark at all there were so many people and there was even a man playing a guitar [Music] daddy looked at a huge map on the wall full of colored lines then Caillou heard a noise getting louder and louder and louder that you'll see lights appeared from the dark tunnel the Train the subway train arrived with a big gust of wind and the doors opened all by themselves hurry Caillou we have to get on before the doors close Caillou was very impressed are they magic doors Caillou looked around the busy train we have to stand Hold On Tight Caillou the train took off and picked up speed Caillou was holding the pole really tightly he loved his ride on the subway it's like a merry-go-round Caillou watched as the lights whizzed by in the tunnel we're almost there Caillou was sad that the ride would be over soon Caillou and daddy walked around the park they stopped on a park bench nearby to have a snack it's much quieter here than on the subway Caillou took two cookies from his backpack one for you and one for me here and explorer that thinks of everything [Music] I brought my flashlight and my teddy too [Music] the Explorers went back to the subway station watch out for the tornado Caillou went into the station holding his hat pushed his way through the turnstile without getting stuck and rode down the escalator into the ground without being scared at all once he was on the subway Caillou the great Explorer fell asleep on his Daddy's lap today was Caillou's birthday Mommy and Daddy decorated the house the balloons looked so colorful Caillou was so excited he couldn't wait he was putting on his favorite shirt his friends were coming to celebrate with him and his family ta-da [Music] what's wrong Caillou when will Leo and Clementine be here I don't want them to miss the party don't worry they'll be here soon Caillou Caillou and his family were in the living room Caillou decided he wanted to open grandma's present first he had told everyone that he wanted a dinosaur for his birthday he opened the big box hoping Grandma's gift would be the dinosaur he wanted but instead she admitted him a sweater a sweater Caillou I told you the presents are for later [Laughter] what do you say Thank you Grandma you're welcome Caillou suddenly the doorbell rang and Caillou ran to open it who could it be fine Caillou was so happy that his friends had finally arrived happy birthday Caillou everyone was having so much fun at the party Clementine and Leo were dancing but Caillou was more interested in the gifts that they had brought for him can we open presents now Mommy no Caillou it's time to play some games everyone had lots of fun playing different party games Leo is great at pinning the tail on the Donkey Clementine had the winning hit on the pinata Rosie won past the parcel Caillou is having fun with his friends but felt sad he hadn't gotten to open the rest of his presents yet who wants their face painted daddy looked silly with a Tiger painted on his face me Daddy I know exactly what I want to be stay still just a little longer Caillou I'm almost done pickles Daddy Caillou giggled at the tickly feeling of the brush on his cheeks he was very curious to see how it was going to look all done Caillou went to the mirror to see he was very impressed he looked just like Gilbert thanks Daddy [Music] look Gilbert now I'm a cat too meow everyone was in the kitchen enjoying all of the delicious treats on the table but there was something missing is everything okay Caillou when is my cake coming Daddy I want to blow out my candles why don't you ask Mommy mommy walked through the door with Caillou's birthday cake it was the most colorful cake Caillou had ever seen rainbow happy birthday Caillou couldn't wait to blow out his candles don't forget to make a wish Caillou knew exactly what to wish for a new dinosaur he took a deep breath and blew out the candles with all his might everyone was enjoying Caillou's special rainbow cake are you ready to open your present for me and daddy Caillou yeah yeah Caillou unwrapped the box as fast as he could thank you Mommy and Daddy [Music] Rosie oh you've done it's okay Caillou Rosie didn't do it on purpose you can just put on your new sweater Grandma held up Caillou's new sweater and it had an amazing dinosaur on the front [Music] it looks just like my toy Thank you Grandma Caillou thought this was the best birthday ever it was a cold rainy day and Caillou was playing in his room [Music] but Caillou really wanted to go outside what's wrong Caillou I wish the rain would stop so I could go outside and play Space Ranger well why don't you play Space Rangers here in the house but I don't have a spaceship you and Rosie could make one out of this old cardboard box Caillou thought for a moment he wasn't sure he'd be able to make a spaceship out of a boring old box I'll go and get some things for you to decorate it with Caillou couldn't decide whether to make a rocket a spaceship or a flying saucer I think you were right Rosie let's make a rocket [Music] Caillou and Rosie splatted paint stuck down colored paper and made the old box into the best rocket they had ever seen you can't go into space without special helmets thanks Mommy now we look like real Space Rangers as soon as the paint was dry it was time to blast off it's time to go now Rosie we have 10 seconds until liftoff we need to get into the rocket then wow nine Buckle in Rosie it's gonna be a bumpy ride [Music] all systems are go seven [Music] we weren't ready [Music] soon they were on a strange alien planet [Music] wow we're really in space suddenly Caillou spotted something moving behind a nearby Rock hello who's there Caillou thought the alien looked familiar but he couldn't work out who I'm Space Ranger Caillou and this is wrong no Rosie that's an alien suddenly the alien jumped forward towards them and grabbed Teddy from Space Ranger Caillou Teddy uh-oh we have to get him back rosie come on Caillou and Rosie ran as fast as they could but they couldn't catch the alien get back here with Teddy Teddy come back I have a plan we have to get him onto the ship Rosie Teddy the alien ran onto the ship scared of the heroic Space Ranger Caillou's plan had worked Caillou tried to pull Teddy from the alien's grip but he held on tight I did it what are you two doing I thought you'd be outside now that the rain has stopped we've been on a space adventure Daddy [Music] Caillou and Rosie had so much fun on their space adventure they jumped straight back into their ship and blasted off again Caillou Clementine and Leo were at play school Miss Martin was teaching them all about fire safety who knows what a smoke detector is a smoke detector tells us if there's any smoke in the air and why is this important because if there is smoke it means there is a fire that's right Clementine do any of you know where the smoke detector in this room is that it not quite Caillou that's the fire alarm if there is a fire it'll ring loudly and let us all know is that it up there that's right the smoke detector is the round box on the ceiling with the flashing light when there is a fire smoke Rises up to the ceiling all the way up to the blinking box then we have to call the firefighters I'd like to be a firefighter when I grow up well you can tell that to the firefighters when we get to the fire station this afternoon when Caillou and his friends arrived at the fire station they all ran straight to the big fire trucks hey there kids it's great to have you all here visiting the fire station can we have a ride on the fire truck and later but there's a lot to learn about fire safety first let's head into the station and you can meet my pal Sparky he's a firefighter too Caillou looked around the station he saw a big pair of boots a long coat and best of all a shiny Red Hat wow looks like we've got a real firefighter right here what do you think Sparky can he join the team [Music] as you've already seen here are all our uniforms which are very special fire is so hot when we wear these we're extra protected from getting burnt here's the pole we slide down in an emergency to get to the fire truck as quick as we can if we took the stairs we could trip from all the rushing we have to do can we slide down the pole well you sure can let's meet the rest of the team first coming down how do you know when there's a fire good question young man that's what this big computer here is for the 9-1-1 call tells us where the fire is and the computer tells us how to get there as fast as possible Caillou and his friends liked learning about fire safety but Caillou is more excited about having a ride on the fire truck is it time to have a ride on the fire truck yet as long as firefighter Steve says it's okay well if you're going to be a firefighter you're going to need to learn how to drive the truck everyone was excited to watch firefighter Steve show off what the fire truck could do especially Caillou and Leo first he showed them the hose for putting out fires Caillou thought it was much stronger than the hose daddy used to water the flowers then the other Fire officer stood on top of the ladder as it got longer and longer Caillou watched it go up and down fireman Steve the best to last now firefighter in training I'm going to need you to flick the siren switch what does the siren do press the button and find out Caillou didn't expect that at all it was a loud noise that would tell everyone that the fire truck was coming Caillou had a fantastic day at the station he couldn't wait to be a real firefighter someday today Caillou and his mommy were going to do some gardening what are you looking at Caillou there's a caterpillar it's eating a lot of that big leaf Mommy and it's only a tiny caterpillar well it's a tiny caterpillar now but soon it will be a big strong butterfly first it needs to eat as much as it can Caillou looked closely at the caterpillar but it was so tiny he didn't understand how it could possibly turn into a butterfly what are you doing Caillou Caillou's friend Sarah was peeking at him through a gap in the garden fence I'm trying to look at this tiny caterpillar but it's too small [Music] we can use my magnifying glass what's that a magnifying glass is something you use to make something small look big Caillou looked through the magnifying glass and laughed it made Sarah's face look much bigger Caillou liked seeing the caterpillar through the magnifying glass he could see all its tiny legs moving I have an idea let's play jungle Explorer Caillou thought this was a great idea he got down on his hands and knees and started exploring foreign wow a great big jungle monster Caillou looked at the huge butterfly it was so colorful it's as big as a bird it must have eaten lots and lots of leaves Caillou wanted to keep looking at the butterfly but it flew away come back here butterfly the jungle is much much thicker there you can't get through it Caillou if I can't get through it I'll go under it Caillou bent down as low as he could and crawled deeper into the garden Caillou saw the butterfly again in the distance it was on top of a ferocious lion who was sleeping soundly I have to be careful not to wake up the sleeping lion oh the lion woke up with a Roar and scared away the butterfly which flew off deeper into the jungle foreign [Music] I've got you now butterfly the load rumbling in the sky startled Caillou and it startled the butterfly too what was that Caillou was very frightened and ran back out of the jungle as fast as he could Sarah Sarah mommy Sarah did you hear that loud noise don't worry Caillou it was just Thunder that means it's going to rain soon but it scared away my butterfly that's okay Caillou Look the caterpillar from this morning is made of cocoon mommy showed Caillou a jar with a cocoon inside Caillou use the magnifying glass to see it up close what's a cocoon mommy when a caterpillar makes a cocoon it means it's turning into a butterfly wow soon I'll have a butterfly of my very own wow Caillou that's so cool Caillou had lots of fun exploring the jungle and looking for butterflies he couldn't wait for the Cocoon to hatch so he could play again Caillou and his family were enjoying a spaghetti dinner [Music] yum spaghetti is my favorite that's good Caillou please try not to slurp when you eat it was very hard to eat the spaghetti without slurping while Caillou is trying not to slurp he made a strange noise oh sounds like you've got the hiccups the hiccups how do I stop them hiccups usually go away on their own Caillou waited a moment to see if his hiccups disappeared hey I waited but they didn't go away you have to wait longer than that why not play in the living room Caillou built a tour of blocks while he waited for his hiccups to go away [Music] but one was so big it made him knock over his Tower how's it going out here these hiccups are messing up everything I need them to go away sometimes hiccups can be cured by giving someone a scare just a little scare it makes the person gasp and the hiccups go away do you want to give it a try Caillou thought about this for a moment he didn't like to be scared but he didn't like having hiccups even more if it'll make the hiccups go away then okay [Music] mommy spread her arms out and floated like a ghost and then jumped at Caillou [Music] I don't think my hiccups are the kind that gets scared away good thing I'm here then I'm the world's number one all-time hiccup cure Champion come on I'll show you some people cure hiccups by drinking water really fast from a hose it can get a little messy I don't care I will try anything daddy turns on the water Caillou tried to drink from the hose but most of it sprayed all around it's not working don't worry Caillou I've got another cure up my sleeve the upside down solution always works daddy made Caillou do a handstand so he was upside down daddy held Caillou's feet for balance hiccups [Music] there's one more thing we can try let's go back inside [Music] everyone gathered in the playroom to find out Daddy's final cure I've saved the best for last this is sure to get rid of your hiccups what is it yup you hop from your left foot and rub your head with your right hand like this Caillou thought daddy looked silly hopping around and so did Mommy and Rosie Carl you really wanted to get rid of his hiccups so he started hopping too that's it Caillou hop those hiccups away and ever maybe I'll have to stop making spaghetti dinners wasn't the spaghetti that gave me the hiccups I know it wasn't and I think they're gone sin Caillou was right his hiccups had gone away perhaps I scared them away by saying I wouldn't make spaghetti anymore oh they went away on their own just like you said they would really going to stop making spaghetti of course not Caillou I was just teasing [Laughter] mommy was in the living room making holiday cards to send out to all her friends mommy what are you what are you doing I'm making some holiday cards to get into the holiday spirit Caillou saw lots of colorful paper pens and glitter on the table can I make some holiday cards too that's a great idea Caillou who are you going to make your cards for hmm Leo Clementine and secret mommy put a few cards crayons and glitter in a basket for Caillou he was so excited yay [Music] [Laughter] Caillou wanted to make some special holiday cards for his friends he added lots of glitter to his cards what are you up to Caillou I'm making holiday cards for all my friends what a great idea can I see you was so proud of the cards that he'd made he showed daddy the drawings he had done for Leo in clementine I just need to add some more glitter and they will be all done that'll make them even more festive as the glitter will glisten just like snow if you leave the glue to dry now you can give them their cards tomorrow on your play date Caillou is excited to give his cards to his friends so he left them by the window to dry the next morning Caillou ran to the kitchen with his bag packed ready to see his friends and spread the holiday cheer Caillou it's time to eat your breakfast where are you off to Caillou daddy is taking me to Leo's house so I can play with him and Clementine did you finish your holiday cards here they are well Sparkles that's nice Caillou but it looks like you have more than two there Caillou giggled he had made some more holiday cards for three extra special people let's go Caillou you don't want to be late to meet your friends [Music] Caillou was having a great time with Leo and Glenn playing trucks what are your presents going to be Caillou I really want a scooter and and a new soccer ball what do you want I think my mommy is getting me a new fire truck oh oh I'm asking for a new scooter too Caillou if we both get them we can race well mine is gonna be the fastest car you remembered he had a special surprise for Leo and Clementine wait here I've something for you what's that Caillou happy holidays thanks Caillou I love holiday cards to Caillou wow did you make these Clementine and Leo noticed Caillou had more cards in his hand have you given all your cards out yet not all of them a few more left who are they for Caillou had a special holiday surprise for his family [Music] what do you have there Caillou happy holidays what a lovely surprise Caillou had made some holiday cards for mommy daddy and Rosie no man wow so this is what the extra cards were for I can't believe you made these all by yourself [Music] Caillou was really getting into the holiday spirit and he couldn't wait to spend it with his family [Music] Caillou hurries to put on his fancy clothes [Music] tonight he's going out with Mommy and Daddy like a big boy Rosie is staying home with a babysitter [Music] the restaurant is full of people Caillou holds his Daddy's Hand and looks around it's a bit dark in here Caillou doesn't see any children he feels so proud to be with grown-ups look at the aquarium Caillou Caillou runs off to say hello to the multi-colored fish don't run Caillou wait for us please [Music] Mommy I can't see anything Caillou decides to sit on his knees Caillou please sit down like a big boy just in time a friendly waiter comes to order the table with a booster seat for Caillou to sit on what would you like to eat Caillou let me look Mommy Caillou wants to act like a grown-up and opens the menu too thank you there are no pictures on his menu and Caillou is very disappointed Caillou Waits patiently while mommy orders his favorite spaghetti [Music] it's taking so long for the food to come Caillou gets tired of waiting and wants to get up and move around where are you going Caillou doesn't want to sit anymore do you want to go to the bathroom okay Caillou finds a new game he's having fun drawing his hands under the automatic dryer again Caillou runs back to the sink to wash his hands again okay but this is the last time the waiter comes to the table with all the plates balanced in his arms Caillou is very impressed wow mommy and daddy never do that Caillou takes a bite of his food and makes a face [Music] at home Caillou at least eat some of your dinner please Caillou isn't hungry anymore he wants to play under the table where is my Caillou [Music] Caillou jumps out from under the table I'm here Caillou you're supposed to stay in your seat I don't want to sit anymore I want to go home just then the waiter comes to the table with a wonderful dessert how are you completely forgets about wanting to go home [Music] to be eating at the restaurant with Mommy and Daddy he really feels like a big boy Caillou was playing in the park with Leo they were having so much fun kicking the ball together it suddenly started to rain but Caillou and Leo loved the rain they began jumping in the puddles [Music] that's some impressive jumping kids mommy saw how messy Caillou had gotten but you're covered in mud from all the splashing in the puddles it's time to go home and take a bath you want to play some more you can play in the bathtub Caillou now say goodbye to Leo bye Leo see you soon see you later Caillou wasn't very happy he wanted to play soccer with Leo what's wrong Caillou I don't want to take a bath but you've been playing in the mud it's important to stay clean but baths are no fun they're so boring well this one won't be boring I'll be sure to add lots of bubbles to your bath and you can play with ducky too Caillou started to feel better maybe taking a bath wouldn't be so boring after all mommy turned the water on in the tub she put in some bubble bath it smelled sweet like apples look at all those bubbles mommy are you ready to get into the bath now yes yes Kai you wanted to play in the bathtub he grabbed his Tugboat and his ducky when Caillou was in the bath he loved playing with all the bubbles around him Caillou was enjoying his bath time he loved splashing in the water and blowing the bubbles what are you going to play in the bath I'm going to play Captain of the Sea ducky is the captain and this is his boat where is Captain ducky off to then Caillou he's going on an adventure but some of these bubbles are going to be a bit tricky to get through [Laughter] God you piled bubbles on Ducky's head and put it on the tugboat he leaned back to let the bubbles cover his shoulders right let's get cleaned up now mommy carefully cleaned Caillou's face and ears Caillou thought it tickled do you want to wash your hands and feet mommy gently washed Caillou's feet using his soccer ball sponge mommy poured water all over Caillou's back he loved how warm the water felt when Caillou was all clean he got out of the tub mommy dried him with a big soft towel you smell nice and clean now Caillou Caillou smiled and hugged Mommy helped Caillou put on his pajamas time for bed now Caillou Mommy can you read me a bedtime story of course I can Caillou chose his big book about animals look Caillou a duck it's just like the one you had with you in the bath Captain Duck yes Captain Duck car you couldn't wait to play in the mud again so he could take another lovely warm bath Caillou was at the supermarket with Mommy mommy can you carry me please Caillou you're a big boy you can walk by yourself but I don't feel very well Caillou started to cry he wasn't feeling very well oh your forehead is very hot you might have a fever Caillou snuggled up to his mommy hmm come on let's go home and check your temperature Caillou was not feeling very well he had the flu how do you feel Caillou [Laughter] my throat hurts I think we may need to go visit the doctor no no it's always best to visit the doctor when you're ill they'll make you feel better in no time hello there Caillou Caillou wanted to stay near mommy he was still a little bit scared so a little birdie told me you're not feeling so good [Music] well I can change that but first I need your help you can use my stethoscope to listen to your mommy's heartbeat God you had never used a stethoscope he was amazed he could hear mommy's heartbeat wow very cool right would you like to listen to your own heartbeat Caillou could hear his own heart he was really amazed now can I listen Dr Rose used the stethoscope to listen to Caillou's heart and lungs Caillou I want to look inside your ears now I'm going to shine this light inside your ear to make sure everything is okay are you ready don't worry Caillou it won't hurt you can hold my hand if you like Caillou held mommy's hand whilst Dr Rose looked in his ear now I want to look at your throat to see if it's red I need you to open your mouth like this ah Dr Rose opened her mouth wide but Caillou was still a bit worried now it's your turn Caillou opened his mouth wide and stuck his tongue out oh dear it looks like you have a bad cold Caillou Caillou cuddled up to Mommy he didn't like having a cold your mommy has done a good job taking care of you now you need to rest some more and take this medicine you'll get better in no time the next day Caillou was starting to feel a bit better mommy brought Caillou a glass of water but I'm not thirsty it's important to drink lots of water when you're sick [Music] are you feeling a bit better now let's check your temperature Caillou you have to sit still dear God you couldn't sit still he wanted to play with his toys looks like you're getting a lot better you wanted to play doctor with his Teddy he pretended to check Teddy's temperature how is Teddy feeling Caillou he's a bit ill mommy I'm going to have to stay here and make sure he gets better good idea Caillou that's very kind of you Caillou loved playing doctor with his Teddy he was happy to stay home and make sure Teddy got better foreign catch the car Teddy Caillou has made up a new game he's rolling his toy cars down a ramp made out of a longboard [Music] Rosie walks into the room pulling her toy Ducky on a string can I play okay he turns to his little sister and sees that she is wearing a t-shirt with teddy bears on it no that's my t-shirt take it off it's mine Caillou is very upset mommy comes when she hears the shouting she tries to explain why Rosie is wearing Caillou's favorite t-shirt that t-shirt is too small for you so I gave it to Rosie Caillou is so angry he is not listening to Mommy it's not Rosie's it's mine okay okay Rosie let's go put on a different t-shirt [Music] Caillou puts on his teddy bear t-shirt but it's not easy he has to wriggle and squirm like a caterpillar ah ow see it's not too small Caillou marches around the room with his bare tummy showing Rosie thinks Caillou looks very funny maybe he's playing a new game she runs up to her brother and tickles his tummy [Music] think about that Caillou knows that the T-shirt used to cover his tummy when he wore it [Music] Caillou stretches out to play with his cars but his back gets cold and the carpet makes him feel itchy Caillou goes to his room he doesn't want to play with the cars anymore he is too sad to do anything but sit with Teddy why did the T-shirt have to get too small mommy comes in and sits down beside Caillou she has a photo album that she opens here's a picture of you on your birthday you look so cute and happy in your teddy bear t-shirt Caillou looks at the picture and nods that's when I was little I had my teddy shirt mommy understands why Caillou feels sad Caillou I'm sorry I gave your T-shirt to Rosie I forgot how much you loved it but now it's yours again even if you don't wear it you can keep it as long as you want Caillou still loves the t-shirt it's so soft and cozy but he knows he has grown too big to wear it Caillou looks down at Teddy suddenly he knows what to do I'm going to give it to Teddy good idea Caillou oh saw you and Mommy both Smile as Caillou takes off his favorite t-shirt and puts it on his teddy bear Rosie comes into Caillou's room to find Mommy look who's wearing the T-shirt [Music] me too Caillou hugs his teddy bear and his teddy bear t-shirt Caillou and his family were on their way to Uncle Felix's Farm Caillou was very excited I can't wait to see all the farm animals quack Uncle Felix Caillou gave Uncle Felix a big hug he was very happy to see him howdy Caillou great to finally have you all down on the farm you ready to see some animals I I can't wait there were lots of cute fluffy sheep in the barn do you know what sound a sheep makes Caillou that's right Uncle Felix and Caillou gave the Sheep some grain to eat [Music] that one's so small touch it of course Caillou but be careful it's only a baby [Music] next Caillou saw some codes in the field outside the barn the cow's nose is wet they're all the horses Uncle Felix wanna be at yesterday Uncle Felix walked into the field and whistled right away a horse galloped up to them this is Harry Harry the horse can I ride please Caillou had never ridden a horse before he jumped around pretending to be a horse sure you can buddy perched safely on the horse Caillou felt like a cowboy as Uncle Felix led him and Harry around the field Caillou galloped up to the barn he was still having fun pretending to be a horse that was such a fun ride I really like Harry the horse Caillou heard a funny noise he wasn't sure what it was what was that a mommy pig look at all the babies the pigs were bathing in the mud Caillou went in to have a closer look baby pigs are called piglets this is so much fun [Music] as car you watched Uncle Felix drove his Red Tractor he was sad that he wasn't allowed to try why can't I drive the tractor mommy only grown-up Farmers like Uncle Felix can drive tractors Caillou mommy had an idea to cheer car you up she pulled his favorite red tractor out of her handbag and handed it to him here you go Caillou it looks just like Uncle Felix's wow your tractor looks just like mine you'll be a farmer in no time in the barnyard Caillou saw some chickens he tried to catch them Caillou liked watching the chickens they pecked at the ground with their pointy beaks one of them swallowed a worm yuck wanna check the hen house Caillou maybe they hand laid some eggs wow Caillou excellent job you're a great farmer Caillou had lots of fun at the farm with Uncle Felix he couldn't wait to come back and see all his animal friends again Caillou was spending a rainy day at Grandma's he drove his mini car around the coffee house oops Caillou knocked a big book off the table it fell open on the floor Kyle was curious about the pictures in the book he sat down to take a look foreign album [Music] that grandma that's your grandpa and me when we were young Caillou looked at the photo again that's not that's not you and Grandpa its picture was taken a long time ago your grandpa and I used to dance a lot Caillou turned the page and something fell out of the album oh it's our Blue Ribbon the night that picture was taken there was a big dance contest and this is the ribbon your grandpa and I won wow the first prize do you want me to show you how to dance yes I can win first prize too yeah Grandma puts on some music this was one of our favorite songs Caillou hadn't heard music like this before but he liked the quick Rhythm look Grandma I'm dancing Caillou helped from one foot to the other that's good Caillou here take my hands foreign loved dancing with Grandma he was having a lot of fun we'll have to do is listen to the music [Music] Grandma showed Caillou some complicated steps [Music] Caillou tried to follow and stumbled [Music] what's this Grandma okay you jiggled his hips from side to side I think you just made up a new dance and for being such a good dancer you win first prize Grandma pinned the Blue Ribbon onto Caillou's shirt hi you two it looks like someone's been getting dance lessons Grandma showed me how Caillou started to dance for Grandpa that's great grandpa took Caillou by the hands and they started to dance together Grandma watched as her two men danced around the room [Music] just then the doorbell rang and Caillou ran off to answer it dancing he then showed everyone a little dance he had learned everyone gathered in the living room for a snack mommy did you know that Grandma and Grandpa used to dance a lot and they want a ribbon for first prize for dancing really yes and Grandma and Grandpa are really good dancers Grandma showed me their special dance grandpa had an idea and he put the music on again may I have this dance miss you may serve [Music] together they showed everyone the dance that had won them first prize all those years ago foreign Caillou watched for the big yellow school bus that drove down his street he always saw lots of children waiting for it Caillou's friend Sarah hopped onto the bus and took a seat she saw Caillou sitting by the window what's wrong Caillou I really really want to go on the big yellow school bus when could I go on the bus like all the other big kids not long only one more birthday and you'll be old enough that's such a long time I I want to go on the bus now here's an idea why do we go and talk to the bus driver tomorrow morning if you ask nicely the driver might let you ride the bus Caillou is still a little sad but at least he'd get to see the bus up close the next morning Caillou and daddy were waiting for the school bus [Music] the bus driver pulled up and opened the door good morning young man what's your name Caillou stood behind Daddy he was a bit shy this is Caillou he'll be going to school next year really that means you'll be joining my bus what is your name well they call me Mr Billy the bus driver I really really really want to go on the bus I can't take you on the bus ride today because the bus is full but you and your daddy can join me tomorrow how does that sound hey I can't wait the next morning Caillou was so excited about the bus ride he couldn't stop thinking about it I heard someone is going on a bus ride today I want to make something special for Mr Billy the bus driver to thank him maybe you should draw him something Caillou thought that was a great idea he picked up his colored pencils and a piece of paper that's me driving the school bus what a wonderful drawing Caillou when breakfast was done Caillou and daddy met Sarah at the bus stop are you going on the school bus Caillou Caillou nodded proudly he felt like a big boy the bus pulled up in front of them and Mr Billy opened the door jump on Caillou we can't be late for our route Caillou climbed onto the bus with his daddy Caillou and daddy sat right behind Mr Billy on the bus Caillou felt like the bus driver too Caillou waved at each boy and girl that came onto the bus riding the big yellow school bus was lots of fun stop start stop start the bus picked up more and more children Mr Billy drove them all to the school at the school the children got off all except Caillou Mr Billy I drew you something wow what a great drawing is that you driving the bus Caillou nodded he was very proud of his drawing wonderful I'm going to put it up right here for everyone to see time to head home Caillou didn't want his ride on the school bus to end he was having so much fun but when he saw Mommy and Rosie waiting for him Caillou was glad to be home did you see me Mommy I sure did did you remember to thank Mr Billy thank you Mr Billy I had so much fun today me too Caillou thanks for joining me today I have something special to give you as well Mr Billy handed Caillou a little yellow school bus toy now you have your own little yellow bus that you can drive any day you want Mr Billy see you soon Caillou couldn't wait to be older so he could get on the school bus every day Caillou had to get up early today to go somewhere very special wake up Caillou it's time to go on an amazing adventure what kind of Adventure Daddy it's a surprise what kind of surprise I can't give away the surprise Caillou but it's going to be splashing splashing Caillou heard Grandpa arriving downstairs and couldn't wait to give him a big hug Grandpa why are you wearing that funny hat it's my very special lucky hat Caillou whenever I wear it it brings me Good Luck what makes it lucky ah you'll have to wait and see Caillou Caillou had no idea what Grandpa's silly hat was for but he couldn't wait to find out [Music] are those fish wow we're going fishing and you can't go fishing without your very own lucky hat Caillou was so excited he felt like a real fisherman I'm [Music] I'm well hold on now first we'll need to buy some food for the fish Caillou and Grandpa went into a store by the lake called a bait store it was full of worms and insects you can buy Bugs Grandpa fish love to eat bugs they go on the fishing line and the fish will swim right over to us daddy came back with a bucket full of Wiggly Worms Caillou was very surprised you worms worms fish love to eat earthworms it's like peanut butter and jelly to them the fisherman waited patiently to catch some fish but Caillou had a hard time staying awake it was still very early in the morning when are the fish going to come and eat aren't they hungry we have to be very quiet if we make any noise we'll scare the fish away Caillou tried his best to be quiet he heard water flowing and the war of a fishing reel from the fishermen next to them look over the over the Batman caught a fish why did he throw the fish back in the water Daddy that fish was too small it wasn't ready to be caught yet he threw it back so it can grow bigger first Caillou was getting tired of waiting and having to stay still why haven't we caught anything yet daddy where are all the fish when you go fishing you have to be very patient like Grandpa he has a lot of experience Caillou and daddy looked at Grandpa he had fallen asleep why don't we take a break too Daddy and Caillou went to see the fishing boats the fishermen were unloading big crates of fish what are the fishermen going to do with all those fish they'll sell them to the grocery store then people buy them to eat Caillou really wanted to take a fish home if we catch a fish we could have it for dinner can we try again sure we can Caillou Caillou was very determined to catch a fish now he stayed as still as he could and waited very patiently you're doing a great job Caillou shh daddy you'll scare the fish away suddenly Caillou felt a tug on his fishing line Daddy he's lying there was a little fish wriggling on the hook but it fell back into the water he'd hidden way and wed don't worry Caillou you'll have better luck next time you just have to keep practicing Caillou was happy that he had gone fishing even if he hadn't caught anything to bring home all this fresh air has made me hungry but we still didn't catch anything grandpa had an idea I know where there are always lots of fish there's my little fisherman wow that's such a big fish Caillou well done where did you catch it Caillou couldn't stop laughing we caught it at the fish official it was a bright and sunny day and Mommy and Daddy had taken Caillou on a mystery drive he was excited to find out where they were going where are we Mommy you'll find out soon Caillou but I want to know now Caillou was getting bored of being in the car it felt like they'd been driving for hours Caillou looked around everywhere but there was nothing nearby at all there's nothing here things this is a national park Caillou there aren't any buildings just miles and miles of Nature and fresh air [Music] so what are we going to do here [Music] we're going to have a Caillou thought a picnic was a great idea he was so hungry when the picnic was over Caillou had so much energy he couldn't sit still can we go exploring now I want to find a lion or a tiger there aren't any of those here I'm afraid Caillou but there are lots of squirrels and rabbits and now there's a bear too Teddy Caillou didn't really like walking through the woods that much he thought it was a bit boring [Music] Caillou turned around and saw a strangely dressed man in a big hat catching up to them hi I'm Bob one of the park rangers I think you might have dropped this little guy Caillou was confused why was the man carrying his trash no it's empty so I don't need it anymore you shouldn't just drop things when you're done with them you should always make sure to put them in a trash can but why well if everyone dropped their trash all the time the park would be really messy and some of the animals might mistake it for food and hurt themselves by trying to eat it Caillou didn't like the sound of that he didn't want any animals to hurt themselves oh no I'll make sure to put it in a trash can later that sounds like a good idea even better you could recycle them what's recycling it's when we kind of like that bottle hmm Daddy can park ranger Bob come for a walk with us sure he can [Music] Caillou wanted to know more about why recycling was important what kind of things can you recycle Bob well you can recycle cans cardboard paper glass and plastic but you must always remember not to put them all in one trash can then what happens when you recycle something it gets broken down and made into new things oh oh it goes round and round exactly well done kiddo after a long walk Caillou and his family were all ready to go home thanks for teaching me all about recycling my pleasure Caillou here I have something for you one for you and one for Rosie wow thank [Music] bye park ranger Bob [Music] wait we have to keep the park clean [Music] you had loved exploring nature today he couldn't wait to be park ranger Caillou again Caillou and his family were on their way to pick up a pumpkin for Thanksgiving pumpkin pie I can't wait to choose a pumpkin I'm gonna pick the biggest one again well we'll have to see what they have [Music] come on let's go foreign how do you know which pumpkin is the best daddy well the more orange the pumpkin the better the taste of the pie okay I'm gonna look for the biggest and most orange pumpkin after looking very hard Caillou was able to find the best looking pumpkin in the patch did you find one yet Caillou Daddy well done Caillou Rosie found one too they'll make the tastiest pumpkin pies again after everyone had picked out their pumpkin it was time to go home and start cooking their Thanksgiving dinner can I carry my pumpkin please it's very heavy Caillou are you sure you'll be able to it's okay I I can do it [Music] pumpkin while mommy was cooking dinner Caillou tried to cheer himself up by drawing turkeys but it wasn't working everything okay Caillou I'm really sad about my pumpkin it was the biggest and most orange one ever and now it's ruined cheer up Caillou why don't you come and help us fill the Cornucopia poor new copia is that Daddy it's a big horn that we fill up at Thanksgiving to show all the food that we have to be thankful for oh okay Caillou went to help Daddy and Rosie fill the Cornucopia but he was still very upset about his pumpkin Caillou was enjoying putting Little Pumpkins inside the Cornucopia but they reminded him of his pumpkin I really miss my pumpkin mine was so much bigger and more orange than these we'll get you another pumpkin next year but I don't want to wait till next Thanksgiving is everyone ready for dinner the Thanksgiving feast looked absolutely delicious and everybody enjoyed it but Caillou was still sad what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving Rosie Gilbert [Music] what about you Caillou I don't know Mommy what about all this great food well well sure was yummy what about your toys cool toys as Caillou remembered all of the great things he had he felt less and less upset about his pumpkin I'm thankful for mommy daddy and Rosie too and what about delicious pumpkin pie me and Rosie made this from her pumpkin she wanted to make sure you still had some pie this year thanks mommy thanks Rosie I'm very thankful for pie pumpkin Caillou was thrilled that he still got some delicious pumpkin pie even if it wasn't from his own pumpkin I just love Thanksgiving Caillou's family was on their way to buy groceries but Daddy drove right past the grocery store Caillou was confused Daddy you missed the store we're not going to the store today Caillou we're going to go somewhere called a farmer's market what's a farmer's market Daddy it's a place where farmers bring all the things that they grow can we buy food there yes lots and lots of food Caillou when they arrived Caillou saw the farmer's market was very different from the grocery store all of the food was placed on tables with a farmer behind each stall where did all this food come from Daddy the farmers grow the food at their farms and bring them straight here it's very fresh Caillou looked for bananas but he couldn't see them anywhere mommy where are the bananas well Caillou all of this food is grown nearby but bananas only come from very far away bananas don't grow here no the bananas come from so far away that they need a plane to get all the way to the grocery store Caillou liked thinking about bananas flying in a plane then Caillou remembered something strawberries can grow close to here I've seen Grandma grow them in her garden that's right Caillou but I don't see any strawberries that's because it's spring you can't eat strawberries until they're ripe and they won't be ready until the summer time there were more than just fruits and vegetables at the farmer's market they walked past a cheese stand with lots of smelly cheeses Caillou tried some that was made from goat's milk instead of cow's milk he thought it tasted funny [Music] there's one right over there Caillou Caillou had never been this close to a goat before the farmer even let him feed the goat straight from his hand is that lady a farmer too her hat looks silly she's a different kind of farmer she raises bees and sells their honey that hat stops her from getting stung by the bees Caillou tried some of the honey on a stick it was delicious the farmer was so nice she let Caillou try on her hat how do I look Rosie it's funny at another table Caillou saw some long skinny vegetables mommy what are those those are asparagus it's a vegetable asparagus that's a funny name car you liked the word so much he said it over and over Goose why don't we buy some I have a wonderful recipe for asparagus soup but I need one more vegetable Caillou can you help me [Music] what about those carrots ew they're all covered in mud that's because they have been pulled straight from the ground this morning Caillou fresh from the farm at home Caillou wash the vegetables while mommy cut them up then they put all the ingredients they had bought in the blender would you like to push the button Caillou yes please at supper time everyone had a bowl of the soup Caillou had a taste but he wasn't sure if he liked it what do you think Caillou as good as spaghetti but it really was fun choosing all the vegetables well you're going to have to finish your dinner if you want some dessert mommy brought out bowls of ice cream drizzled with the honey from the market Caillou thought it was the best thing he'd ever tasted can we go back to the farmer's market again soon yes Caillou the next one is in the summer so we can see what's in season then freeze it was summer vacation Caillou and his family were going to the beach Caillou couldn't wait to see what the ocean was like are We There Yet almost Caillou when you can see the ocean you know we are nearly there I want to go swimming and build the biggest sand castle ever don't forget about the ice cream ice cream was Caillou's favorite he couldn't wait to taste all the different flavors yummy [Laughter] there it is I can see the ocean when they finally arrived Caillou jumped straight out of the car he ran down to the beach it's hot on my toes don't worry Caillou it's just the heat from the Sun warming up the sand it won't hurt you Caillou was surprised that the sand was hot but he enjoyed wiggling his toes in it [Music] wow the ocean the ocean went on forever it was the biggest thing Caillou had ever seen Caillou it's very sunny and that means we need to put on lots of sunscreen and wear your hat so you don't get burnt Caillou giggled and tried to get away but mommy held on tight she covered him all over with sunscreen it's tickled foreign set up the umbrella and Mommy put Rosie down in the shade Caillou didn't want to sit around he wanted to do something fun who wants to go swimming me me Caillou took Daddy's Hand together they ran towards the water the water is cold it's all right once you get used to it Caillou and daddy were having lots of fun splashing about in the water suddenly a big wave knocked daddy down [Music] Caillou thought daddy looked funny covered in seaweed then another big wave came and took Caillou by surprise he didn't like being under the water don't worry Caillou let's be careful to not go too deep and watch for the waves coming together okay [Music] [Laughter] hey YouTube time for lunch Daddy and Caillou were now very hungry after dodging the waves Caillou had a sandwich an apple and some lemonade for his lunch yummy Caillou picked up his sandwich and took a big bite but it was full of sand oh it's all Sandy I can't eat this a nearby seagull swooped down and stole the Sandy sandwich hey come back that's mine don't worry Caillou we can get some ice cream instead after lunch daddy took Caillou to the ice cream shop [Music] there were so many flavors all different colors Caillou couldn't believe his eyes I want to try why don't you choose one flavor for today and then a different one next time okay but how do I choose when there are so many The Friendly Ice Cream seller let Caillou try a few flavors to make sure he picked his favorite I like that one Daddy bought four ice creams and they went back to find Mommy and Rosie [Music] want to show Rosie how to build a sand castle Caillou Caillou was very excited and grabbed a bucket and spayed look Rosie you take the bucket and go like this [Music] thank you Rosie giggled and clapped her hands sand castles were the most fun of all whoa that looks great but no Castle is complete without a flag suddenly Caillou felt water splashing against his feet the ocean had moved closer and the castle was washing away oh no the waves are ruining my sand castle how did they get here because the tide makes the ocean go higher and lower so the waves come further up the beach the tide is coming in now so that means it's time for us to go home Caillou don't worry we can come back another day so you and Rosie can build an even bigger one mommy and daddy gathered up all their things and headed for the car foreign I want to come back tomorrow and the next day and the next day this is the best vacation ever Caillou and his family had a great day at the beach but he really couldn't wait for his next adventure Caillou was playing with Gilbert his dinosaur was tied to a long string Gilbert was ready to pounce tail twitching ready Gilbert Caillou tugged hard on the string the dinosaur went flying through the air Gilbert jumped up and pounced on the dinosaur catching it proudly Caillou continued to pull the string around the room [Music] Gilbert chased him and finally pounced on the dinosaur again [Music] snack time Caillou you stay here Gilbert Caillou went off to have his milk and cookies that Daddy had prepared for him [Music] come on Gilbert let's play now [Music] Caillou looked around the room and under the cushions [Music] Caillou was upset he had told Gilbert to stay and wait for him Gilbert's gone and I need him for my dinosaur game well Gilbert is not here in the kitchen [Music] Caillou and hunting for Gilbert he checked in the basement and found his mommy hi Caillou what's going on I'm fine Gilbert he was supposed to wait for me he's probably hiding in one of the bedrooms let's play detectives and look for him yeah Mommy and Caillou headed upstairs a good detective needs to look for Clues what are Clues a clue is anything that will help us find Gilbert so keep your eyes wide open Caillou saw a piece of string on the floor in the hall it was the string from his dinosaur game is this a clue that's a very good clue [Music] so Caillou picked one and went in to look for Gilbert [Music] in his parents room Caillou looked under the bed [Music] then under the chair and all around the room he's not in here Mommy that leaves your room Caillou [Music] my room [Music] looking around his room Caillou did not see Gilbert Gilbert come here here Caillou looked under the bed and found his dinosaur [Music] you are a good a good div Caillou Caillou squeezed the dinosaur and it made a squeaky Roar Mommy and Caillou heard a quiet meow Caillou pulled back the covers on his bed Gilbert I found him Caillou pulled the sleepy cat into his arms [Music] today Caillou and Grandpa were going to the park Grandpa arrived at Caillou's house carrying a box what's in the box Grandpa you'll see when we get to the park Caillou was so curious to know what was in the Box on the bus ride to the park Caillou played a guessing game with Grandpa in order to find out is it a soccer ball or a kite I know it's a helicopter no no no no [Music] [Music] Grandpa look at all the boats Caillou loved to watch the boats on the pond you're having a race I wish we had a oh wow a sailboat I made it myself do you like it oh yes does it really sail [Music] soon they had the boat in the water Caillou was very excited when Grandpa let him do the steering I'm steering it that's right Captain Caillou just be careful if you turn it too fast it'll tip over can we race with the other boats Grandpa let's get lined up for the start hi Caillou Emma was a friend of Caillou's from play school Emma are you going to race too yes my boat is the red one and that boy over there has the blue boat oh I bet we win Grandpa maybe we will but remember that the most important thing is to have fun the finish line is the other side of the pond on your mark get set go my boat is faster than your boat no it isn't come on Caillou really wanted to win so he made his boat go a little faster be careful Caillou not too fast we're winning faster faster [Music] oh no [Music] Caillou's boat ran into Emma's and both boats tipped over oh that's too bad Caillou better luck next time Caillou felt bad because he had lost and he made Emma lose too sorry Emma oh that's all right I come here call me daddy every weekend and my vote always tips over it tips over every week yeah it's hard to keep it going straight but it's still lots of fun yes it is fun let's go over and congratulate the winner well done on winning the race you sailed so well thanks you did well too thanks see you next time [Music] are you disappointed that you didn't win the race was a little but I liked being Captain Caillou even if I didn't win [Music] Caillou and his babysitter are reading a story but today is a very special day [Music] hi you did you know it's Valentine's Day today this is a day to celebrate love are you thinks about this for a moment celebrate love that's right Caillou Caillou has an idea Caillou decides to give a Valentine's Day present that is someone he loves I'm going to draw a pretty card with hearts oh that's a nice idea Julie gives Caillou some paper and crayons Caillou begins to draw hearts as carefully as he can thank you but drawing Hearts is hard and Caillou is a bit disappointed with his picture it's not very pretty I can help you if you want I like your hearts Caillou what do you think about adding something else to your picture Caillou wonders what else he could draw [Music] no [Music] Caillou draws a big round Moon and all around the Moon he draws lots of kisses in lots of different colors [Music] your picture is really pretty Caillou Caillou is very pleased with himself Caillou goes into his bedroom and places the drawing in his room who is your Valentine's present for Caillou it's a secret [Music] Caillou puts on his favorite shirt then he gets a red tie out of Daddy's drawer do I look nice with a tie you always look nice Caillou [Music] was so excited about his Valentine's Day present that he can hardly sit still [Music] foreign mommy finally comes home he rushes to meet her mommy is delighted to see her little boy looking so smart who's this handsome young man close your eyes Mommy Mommy shuts her eyes and Caillou puts the Valentine's Day surprise into her hands you can open your eyes now is this for me I drew a moon because I loved you as big as the moon and I love you as big as the Moon too [Music] well I love you as big as the moon and all the stars and all the planets Caillou is sure no one could love anyone more than that [Music] it was Halloween and Caillou was very excited because he loved to dress up Caillou can you guess what Halloween costume I've made for you hmm a firefighter no guess again an astronaut no have another guess Caillou thought very hard what could Mommy have made him for Halloween [Music] I know mommy had made him a wizard costume she helped him put it on sing daddy came in holding a funny pretend beard and a spooky looking book don't forget your hat and spell book ah yes are you ready to make some magic Caillou almost Daddy Abracadabra yes Rosie [Music] I have your clown costume ready here Rosie saw the clown costume and suddenly she didn't want to dress up and go out you don't want to go trick-or-treating no no Caillou is really surprised he didn't think the clone costume was scary but Rosie did maybe Rosie's scared to go out trick-or-treating I'll stay home with her while you and Daddy go out I'll bring back some extra candy for her Caillou and daddy left the house it was dark and spooky outside there were jack-o'-lanterns everywhere daddy in a bit scary out here don't worry Caillou I'm right here Caillou walked closely next to Daddy let's go to Mr Hinkle's house first Caillou walked up to Mr Hinkle's front door and daddy waited at the foot of the stairs hello there it's not every day I get a visit from a magical wizard what a nice surprise Caillou I hope you don't turn me into a frog Caillou is Happy Mr Hinkle recognized him thank you Mr Hinkle where's Rosie Rosie was a bit too scared so she stayed at home with Mommy well you make sure she gets some of these sweets too okay children and all kinds of costumes ran from house to house who was that girl dressed up as a fairy and who was the Frankenstein monster she was talking to look at me Caillou I'm a scary monster and I'm a wizard that monster is Leo and Clementine's a fairy oh my you all look great look at all my treats Clementine Leo and Caillou all compared their bags of candy wow that's a lot Caillou Leo and Clementine decided to go to the rest of the houses together [Music] trick or treat they collected lots of treats and soon their bags were full of goodies it's time to go home now oh no no not yet I have an idea we can do one last trick-or-treat Caillou Clementine and Leo walked up to the front door of Caillou's house trick or treat who do we have here a wizard a monster and a fairy Rosie was still a little frightened Rosie it's me are you Rosie started giggling she wasn't afraid of dressing up anymore Halloween [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Caillou's New Adventures - WildBrain
Views: 2,495,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #caillou, caillou, caillou Christmas, caillou and rosie, caillou cartoon, caillou english, caillou full episodes, caillou gets grounded, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou holiday movie, caillou pizza, caillou remix, caillou song, caillou theme song, caillou theme song remix, caillou wildbrain, cailou, cajou, calliou, cartoon cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, cartoon video, childrens cartoon, classic caillou, kayo, slime, 까이유, caillou grown up, caillou rap
Id: 1Drq2pyQtYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 15sec (8175 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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