Moody Margaret Comes To Stay! | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] for you margaret i don't like sprouts and i like my corn off the cob fine give it to me and put the corn on a separate plate i don't like vegetables touching my meat yeah and put margaret in a separate room i don't like looking at her ouch henry king me no i didn't this is so embarrassing oh don't be hurried henry when i'm king also moody margaret who's who's king henry stop playing with your food [Music] henry you've already lost your pocket money for one month henry we can make it two if you don't start behaving now good night bunny [Music] good night buddy oh yuck [Music] margaret [Music] margaret did this peter why don't you tell mum and get margaret into trouble for a change yes but i couldn't it's bad manners bad manners you're a wormy worm she's in there snooping through all my stuff eureka that's it yes margaret is our guest if she wants to snoop then it's my duty to make it easier for her tomorrow is going to be the return of henry [Music] what stop it stop it at once oh for goodness sake it's six o'clock in the morning i always wake up at six o'clock and i always practice before breakfast fine then let's go downstairs and i'll make you breakfast right now all clear operation bye-bye margaret is a goat girl stuff in my room [Music] it's so easy [Music] now let's get this straight i like getting i hate giving but for some things i'm willing to make an exception you're not going to give away the walkie-talkie burpee slurpee teasy-weezy doll that great-aunt greta gave you for christmas mom great-aunt greta thinks i'm a girl and this one is for my darling niece henrietta henry of greta i'm a boy no it's not a toy henrietta it's a doll what am i going to do with a dog take it or leave it thank you henry now i don't want either of you to go in the living room for a while i've got to work out the treasure map for the pirate prize you're doing the treasure map here well somebody has to [Music] she's doing the treasure map here in our house that's it that dog trencher is mine [Music] bingo [Music] number 42 yes mission accomplished boys you'll have to keep an eye on each other your father and i are helping with the games oh what shall we do first worm i have to buy my ticket before anyone else gets my number oh just keep an eye on myself friend where's the pirate prize booth other side of this tent i think what a fight yeah thanks i come back stop him [Music] no who wants to be the next to play oh henry you're an eager volunteer no i can't i have to get to don't be shy now just do your best [Music] oh i'm so proud of my little athlete i just know you're gonna win that egg and spoon trophy again [Music] i don't think i can go to school today mum i've got the most terrible tummy ache i think i might have to go to hospital [Music] oh dear i hope they won't need to operate operate [Music] we both know you haven't really got tummy aches you're just pretending so you can get out of sports day don't worry henry it doesn't matter if you come last in everything again and don't even think about getting sent home like last year miss lovely says it's not winning that counts it's how you play the game don't be horrid henry there peter your egg and spoon race eggs are done now let's comb your hair you've got to look your best when you receive your trophy [Music] genius [Music] sweets are bad for you henry [Music] i've been in training for the 400 meters and my dad hasn't let me eat any sweets for a month no sweets for a month that's impossible not if you've got the willpower oh yeah this yummy gummy fuzz ball is so delicious you make a me oh they're my fave um are you sure you won't have one [Music] taking places for the three-legged race the three-legged race is about to begin [Music] where's your partner henry oh oh margaret you're henry's partner for this race what hurry up it's about to stop [Music] i have got to lose a tooth [Music] come on teeth move rubble stupid teeth won't budge it's like they're super glued to my gums everyone knows the more sweets you eat the quicker your teeth rot [Music] oh this is going to take forever but you don't like toffee henry no because it always gets stuck in my teeth so i reckon a tooth could get stuck in it ah clever well is it working i can't open my mouth what oh help you of course oh great they're all still there uh henry ah ah but i won't lie to you that's my toffee i threw attack you and i deserve a punch in the mouth don't i i don't know well think about it don't you think chucking confection reaction shows a certain lack of respect i don't know take my word for it it does and if you were to punch me in the mouth and knock my tooth out i wouldn't even mind i swear i don't know [Music] did that work no brilliant save though one tooth that's all i need [Music] well if you promise to eat everything [Music] here i come [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you henry you have given us a perfect demonstration as to why this lunchroom is out of control [Music] you all know greta from the cafeteria she is now in charge of the lunchroom her assignment is to keep order and she will monitor your lunch boxes to make sure you're eating everything up right everyone returns your seats open your lunchboxes and eat i'm not letting the demon dinner lady spoil my fun [Music] hey that's mine not anymore it's confiscated you ain't my muffin yes i did no treats allowed [Music] it's really not fair [Music] she can't eat our food can she what can we do about it tomorrow is another day [Music] give me your treats now [Music] [Applause] [Music] only rubber [Music] um [Music] at least there's one place i'm safe from greasy greta [Music] what treats doesn't anybody have any treats [Music] henry help your mother please [Music] henry watch out oh no it's ruby the door was open so we thought we'd let ourselves in what a dump shh remember what i told you about being rude to poor people now put their presents under the tree and these are for you sweetie i'm getting a galactic goo shooter really i'm getting one too and a boom boom basher me too and that's just for mother santa's bringing the rest if he has any room after all mine boys why don't you go outside and uh see who can build the biggest snowman what look mine's bigger than yours already [Music] [Applause] so that's how you want to play [Music] that's not a snowman yes snowmen don't have wings now it looks more like a snowman hey he's my brother oh thanks henry so i get to break it [Music] mine's the biggest the biggest mine's the biggest [Music] i'm more trapped than you are no i'm more trapped [Music] oh peter that is pretty i needed it myself i had to have mine specially made [Music] what a great day soggy sid had to cancel a lesson because nobody had their swimming costumes ralph you're really pathetic oh yeah well this will really scare you the school rang my mum we've got an extra swimming lesson tomorrow tomorrow and we're doing our badges [Music] wow [Music] 5.3 5.5 10 past eight henry time for school [Music] swimming today keep this to yourself andrew a shark just escaped from the aquarium a shark yes a super intelligent mutant shark and it's headed this way so stay alert henry says there might be a shark in our pool sharks are salt water creatures they don't like chlorine i don't like chlorine but i still swim in it hmm good point that's not even as good as the werewolf i'm just warming up [Music] i'm going for my 1 000 meters today right you lot get in the pool henry don't tell me sorry sir i can't swim today because enough excuses henry you horrible child i don't care if you've got a slight touch of leprosy or bubonic plague you're swimming today get changed now i'd love to sir but uh unfortunately i forgot my trunks spare costumes put one on [Music] i can't wear any of these i won't get changed [Music] i've got to swim five whole meters without drowning henry he's a scaredy cat sir he's scared of the water of course i'm not scared i love the water watch this [Music] henry swim do you really want to be the only one in the class who hasn't got his 5 meter bag [Music] well i'm telling you you'll be sorry we should have listened to henry who'd have thought man-eated chickens would eat our darling henry i'll never eat an omelet again henry in no i live in the city i'm not going come back here now do your seat belt up and try to behave holy look oh good pigeon let's go henry you can't make me fine but each step i take is 5p off your pocket money until you catch up five the off 10p off 15p off 20p off i'm missing a rapper's upper marathon for this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you missed it on this took my binoculars henry give them back [Music] smell that fresh air all i can smell is manure couldn't you wait peter no henry called me smelly don't be horrid henry come on henry why don't you help peter find something for his nature project right [Music] but that's a wasps nest they sting you don't they not if you sing to them no one else will have one you'll get top marks easy [Music] peter come away from that wasps nest it's all right dad i'm singing to them angry said they won't sting peter stop of course they'll sting come down now
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 10,183,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, horrid henry full episode, horrid henry cartoon, cartoons for children, horrid henry new episodes, horrid henry 2019, horrid henry funny, horid henry, horid henry new episodes, horrid henry videos, horrid henry channel, horrid henry youtube, horrid henry characters
Id: Ahp6lmEoLDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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