Caillou PRANKED | Caillou Cartoon

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[Music] [Laughter] you're it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Music] I'm over here whoa how'd you get there so fast [Music] over here Caillou [Music] yeah foreign [Music] didn't you just nope we're twins remember Hey Jeffrey Jason do you want to do some pranks [Music] hey Mommy come look at this mirror okay [Applause] your turn Caillou thanks Jeffrey come look Mommy [Music] oh hold on a second [Music] it's a window [Music] very clever boys [Laughter] foreign [Music] of course [Music] thanks for looking after my backpack that was quick no problem Jason [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign thanks for looking after my backpack can I get it back now Jason didn't I just give you your backpack no we just got back oh shoot I'm so sorry Jason I don't know who I gave it to me there I think oh of course Jeffrey [Music] nice prank [Laughter] [Music] my friend my name's Jason Jason that's me do you want to see a magic trick Rosie [Music] don't worry Rosie they're twins see they just look the same my name's Jeffrey Jason [Laughter] [Music] okay settle down today we're going to learn about Vikings does anybody know who the Vikings were [Music] they wore pointy hats and fur and sealed and bolts I think well yes they did Caillou very good and today Caillou we're going to make our very own Viking helmets that you can take home with you the Vikings lived hundreds of years ago they lived in what we now call Denmark Sweden and Norway they traded and traveled all over the world sailing in Long boats they built with their bare hands now they also wore armor and helmets like this one Today class I'd like you to make your own Viking helmet the materials are on the table you can decorate them however you like but remember they need to make you look strong and tough [Music] yeah great job Caillou that's a really scary one that's recessed kids oh I'm bored what should we play let's play games [Music] let's go away [Music] this is our new home let us build it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we come in peace we need shelter Against The Storm you may stay friend then let us feast [Music] hahaha [Music] Mrs Martin Mrs Martin can we learn more about Vikings please please please [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign let's take that turn to the left and head back home [Music] be careful Caillou it's a bit bumpy over there what [Music] are you [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] we're just going to take a quick x-ray of your arm okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign I'm afraid your arm is broken so I'll need to be in a cast for six weeks [Music] now I'm just wrapping some padding around your arm before we put on the plaster so it won't hurt [Music] now you need to hold very still until this is dry okay Caillou otherwise it won't work [Music] that feels weird it'll feel a bit strange for a day or two but I'm afraid it's the only way to make sure your arm gets better [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] hi Caillou I heard you fell off your bike so we're here to make you feel better yeah and we brought loads of cool stuff there's markers glitter crayons everything wow thanks guys come on [Music] wants to go first oh I do [Music] [Laughter] wow I feel a lot better now that the cast looks so good thank you I wish I had a cast [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right class today we're going to have a pop quiz now you know how hard we've been working on our numbers well this is just a little test to see how much you've learned or to see where you might need some extra help it's nothing to worry about now I'll read out the questions and you just need to write the answers on your sheets you can turn over your papers now question one how many apples do you see on the page hmm one two three four next how many apples do I have if I add two more [Music] if you're having trouble draw the extra apples [Music] oh they're cheating four five six [Music] question three I take five apples away how many are left next up are some questions about shapes now how many sides does a square have oh no not shapes [Music] next can you draw a triangle [Music] oh Caillou were you looking at Leo's paper [Music] I'll see you after class Caillou great work class now go on out for recess please send your papers in to me on your way out [Music] not you Caillou take a seat please [Music] now Caillou do you understand why you failed the test it's because you cheated Caillou and cheating is wrong isn't it I didn't cheat Mrs Martin then why were you looking over at Leo's paper I I didn't mean to I was now Caillou it's okay to admit you made a mistake we all make them sometimes the important thing is to own up and do better in the future [Music] I'm not good at sheeps and I was worried I'd get the wrong answers so I cheated I'm sorry thank you for telling the truth Caillou you should never cheat but you should always ask for help if you need it if you're finding shapes hard then I can give you some extra help in class okay how does that sound I like that thanks Mrs Martin good well some of recesses left why don't you go out and play [Music] oh and Caillou maybe we can go through the test together later without cheating yes Mrs Martin [Music] foreign [Music] that's a great snail Andy but aren't snails kind of scary snails aren't scary my favorites [Music] they're so slimy and foreign [Music] okay class this is a fire alarm so we all have to leave the classroom please find your buddies follow Miss Shelley outside and line up in the playground come on Andy you're my buddy remember Andy Orange [Music] great job everyone nice and steady now oh Mrs Martin I think it's too loud for Andy he needs his headphones good idea Caillou they're just over there by his backpack foreign [Music] [Music] Ty this will help with the noise thank you Caillou now come along we need to go to the playground great job everyone this was just a practice but you were all very calm and did what you were told so well done and now it's recess time have fun [Music] Andy [Music] it's recess now do you want to play catch I have your special ball [Music] everything okay Caillou and Andy were having a lot of fun drawing but he doesn't want to play with me anymore hmm well you know Andy really doesn't like loud noises so that fire alarm was extra scary for him yeah I get scared too sometimes when it's dark it isn't nice exactly just give him some time and he'll be back to his usual self I'm sure get it away Clementine are you okay it's a snail ew oh snails are slimy and scary don't worry Clementine it's perfectly harmless we'll move it out of the way for you now cool that's right snails are Andy's favorite can you help us get the snail away from Clementine [Music] snails don't go on slides oh [Music] time to go home snail [Music] wow that was amazing Andy yeah you saved me yes well done Andy that was quick thinking see Caillou the alarm may have been scary and painful for Andy because of his autism but the snail wasn't everyone has things they find hard to cope with but that's okay because we all help each other when we struggle yeah got you catch here it comes [Music] hey have you guys played dig and build 2 yet not yet there's a new one what is it yeah and this one you dig up dinosaur bones then you have to put the bones together to make a dinosaur skeleton it's awesome my Mommy's taking me to get it this afternoon with my allowance I can't wait mine too maybe we can go together Caillou I don't think I can I don't have any money well you better hurry Caillou or the store will run out [Music] Mommy Daddy I need some money to buy a game well Caillou you know money doesn't grow on trees you'll have to earn your extra money [Music] well we'll give you an allowance to spend on whatever you like [Music] in exchange for you helping around the house doing some chores that's called earning okay what do I have to do let me think hmm [Music] here goes [Music] no whoa [Music] [Music] thank you all right [Music] hello oh easy easy all right [Music] okay Caillou let's see how much you've earned this week [Music] yes Caillou well done we're very proud of all the work you did yes dig and build what let's go let's go click mommy or they'll all be gone all right all right [Music] got the last one you'd better buy it quick then Caillou [Music] hahaha [Music] I did it one two three boxes of cookies [Music] done not quite Caillou Mr Hinkle gave you five dollars for five boxes of cookies you've only given him three [Music] oh yeah that's not right Caillou oh sorry so you have three here's four and five [Music] thank you very much Caillou and Clementine thanks Mr Hinkle have a nice day wow we already sold 10 boxes of cookies today I wonder if we can sell 20 or 30 or 50 or a hundred [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] and racism now what's happening mom why is everyone yelling it's all right you two there's nothing to be afraid of these people are Marching marching why people march when they're unhappy about something big and they want to change it they march with signs to let the people in charge know how they feel why are they shouting so loudly yeah well they want to get everyone's attention this is a protest to send Up Against Racism what's racism oh mommy told me racism is when people are mean to each other because of their skin color right Mom that's right Clementine see there was a time when you two wouldn't have been able to play together just because of the colors of your skin really yes people with darker skin like me and Clementine were not allowed to do the same things as people with lighter skin like you Caillou YouTube wouldn't have been able to swim together or ride the bus together or even eat at restaurants together [Music] but that's not fair lots of people agreed Caillou so they all marched together just like this and things changed and got better so now you and Clementine can both play together and do all the same things oh so marching is a good thing it is Clementine sometimes people are still mean to people with darker skin like us so all these people are trying to make things better and when lots of different people all come together like this they can change the whole world [Music] free water [Music] I'm sorry it's okay oh hi Caillou hi Clementine hi Jeffrey what are you doing with all that water me and my parents are passing them out to Thirsty people on the March hey you two should we get back to selling cookies [Music] well some of the people marching look kinda hungry could we give them some cookies oh can we can we I think that's a wonderful idea we can spare a few boxes [Music] water water free water cookies cookies free cookies [Music] wow oh [Music] Grandpa look a fire truck [Music] I've been call you oh [Music] thank you foreign but how about we try it for real [Music] that was awesome say how about we try that police car next [Music] you are under arrest Mister oh no grandpa where are you going to take me [Music] we're going downtown I've got some questions for you [Music] actually I'm much too tired to arrest anybody today hop out Caillou Grandpa Grandpa what's this one that's a garbage truck Caillou [Music] Grandpa what's that smell [Music] come and take a look at this whoa what happens to it after it's been crushed well some of it goes to a big landfill and the rest to like paper or plastic and some metal it gets recycled which means it gets made into something completely new so that it can be used again [Music] a tree a train [Music] chocolate [Music] [Music] whoa Grandpa this tractor is so big oh this must be for really big farms oh well let's hop in Farmer Caillou [Music] well I'd say we're going to have a good harvest this year farmer Caillou yep lots of carrots and potatoes and and y wow this must be a very special Farm indeed [Music] come on say we'd better get you home farmer Caillou oh here why don't you take these with you wow thanks Grandpa I can't wait to show mommy and daddy foreign just like a monkey [Music] let's get climbing this thing around your tummies and legs is called a harness it's what attaches you to the rope and the tree to stop you from falling [Music] Billy I'm gonna climb that big tree over there hmm yeah well I'm gonna fly from that really huge one I'll fly faster than you will not Caillou Clementine please pay attention so what do you want to do first um why don't we started that one that one's for babies Leo I know just for practice then we can be super quick on the bigger ones [Music] watch me Billy I'll do it even faster than Clementine oh [Music] be careful Caillou [Music] yeah yeah [Laughter] [Music] it's really high no it's not [Music] hold on don't worry Leo I'm right here that's it just take it one step at a time [Music] that was great Leo now let's go do the bitter one yay [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa look at how high that tree is [Music] let's do it [Music] uh Billy I think you should go first yeah oh no oh do it Leo are you sure I was scared at the start but you guys kept cheering me on and I'm not scared anymore as long as you're here I can do anything [Music] oh [Music] you can do it Leo go Leo [Music] [Applause] thank you wow [Music] daddy look hot dogs can I get one can I can I sure think Caillou [Music] hello there how many hot dogs do we need Caillou one two three four four please no problem coming right up [Music] okay any sauces for you [Music] sure kid here you go mustard for me please Caillou I'll have ketchup ketchup okay mustard for Mommy [Music] ketchup for Rosie I want ketchup and mustard [Music] and ketchup for Daddy [Music] well done Caillou you're doing a great job thanks [Music] oops careful Caillou [Music] sorry Daddy that was hot sauce oh Caillou you must pay attention [Music] that is a hot dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Minnie Mouse [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like Gilbert you're right Caillou I suppose it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] Daddy Daddy what is it Caillou it's just just like the one from the parade and can I get it please no okay that was the best Parade ever right Rosie I can't wait to show Gilbert my new balloon [Music] oh Caillou you must pay attention foreign
Channel: Caillou - WildBrain
Views: 778,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caillou, caillou full episodes, caillou cartoon, cajou, caillou english, 까이유, calliou, #caillou, kayo, caillou Christmas, caillou theme song, caillou and rosie, cailou, caillou song, caillou holiday movie, cartoon for kids, cartoon movie, cartoon network, childrens cartoon, caillou remix, caillou gets ungrounded, caillou gets grounded, classic caillou, caillou wildbrain, caillou pizza, slime, caillou theme song remix, cartoon cartoon, cartoon video, #cartoon
Id: 3OiHvIb2uCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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