Caged In [Extended Version] - Award winning Domestic Violence short film (2016)

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- Good night, sweetheart. - Good night, mom. (door closing) (sorrowful piano music) (keys rustling) (door opening) - [Jack] Hey! I'm home! (door closing) I bought you some flowers. (amused sigh) Asleep already. (sorrowful piano music) Let's see what you left me. What the hell is this? (iron bars slamming shut) - [Man] Aaah! He's gonna miss! - Aaaah, he missed! Noooo! (men groan loudly) - That'll teach him. (men laugh and banter) (phone buzzing) - Hi Ruth. I can't. (sports stadium sounds from television) - Hey Jacko. Mouth's getting dry. - Sara! Drinks! - I've gotta go. You don't understand. That's why I need to stay. I've no way of providing for her on my own. (sighs) Maybe. (sports stadium sounds coming from television) I'll think about it, okay? Look I've gotta go. (glasses clinking) - [Jack] What the hell is taking you so long? - Sorry I was just talking to Ruth. I'm getting them now. - Now is too late. When I ask you to get drinks I mean now. (slaps palm) Right away. Don't make me look like a fool in front of my men. You understand? Well? - Everything okay? - Everything's fine, rookie. - Everything's fine. - We'll talk about this later. (crickets chirping) - [Jack] Never disrespect me in front of my men. - I'm sorry Jack. - Never disrespect me. (sounds of slapping and sobbing) Understand? - Please Jack don't. - You're my wife! You do what I want when I want. You hear? (Sara sobs) (belt unbuckling) (sorrowful piano music) - He's never hit you on your face before. - [Sara] What? No, I fell. - Why do you let him do this to you? Why can't we just leave? - It's not that simple, Lily. - [Lily] Yes it is! I'm scared for you, mum. - [Sara] Remember what I told you? God will not abandon us. He will protect us. - He's not protecting you. - [Sara] It'll be okay. I promise. - I have to go to school. - I'll pick you up later? - [Lily] Okay. (sorrowful piano music) (doorbell rings) (mug being placed on counter) - [Sara] Luke. Is Jack expecting you? - Actually I just stopped by to check that you're okay. I can see the answer's no. - [Sara] No I'm fine, really. You should go. - Is he in? - You should leave. - [Luke] Look, Sara. I don't care if your husband's a fellow officer. A man who does that to a woman isn't a man. No woman should be treated like that. - I appreciate it. I really need you to go. - Look, I can help you. - I don't need your help. - [Luke] Sara... - [Ruth] How'd you go? They can help, right? - Well they said they can help us with temporary accommodation, and assist me in finding a job. - That's great! - I don't know. He loves us. We can't just leave him; it's not right. - What he's doing is not right. - I know, but I never wanted it to be like this. - Of course you didn't. - Maybe if I just ... - Sara! None of this is your fault! None of it! - I don't know if I can do this. I need more time. - Sara, you're stronger than you think. (Lily coos at bird) - [Jack] You don't need a job! Your job is here! - I know, but I... - No, no buts. This is my house. I provide for you, you take care of us, here. You're not working anywhere else, end of story. Tell Ruth to stay out of our business. (low, intense music) (soft footsteps) (soft, suspenseful music) (engine struggling to start) (gentle groaning) (engine struggling to start) - C'mon... (sighs) (louder suspenseful music) - Car trouble? - You scared me. My car won't start and I have to get Lilly from school. - C'mon. I'll take you. A bit warm for a cardigan, don't you think? - I'm cold. - C'mon. Let's go get Lily. (suspenseful music) (heavy breathing) (glass placed on counter) - [Lily] Thanks for the ride! - Thank you. - Could leave him, you know. You're worth more than this. There's people that can help you. I can help you. - My friend Ruth says the same thing. - She sounds like a good friend. You should listen to her. Before it's too late. - Thanks again. - Any time. (sighs) - Mom! - Jack! - What's all that about? - What are you talking about? What? - [Jack] You think I wouldn't find out? - Let my daughter go. - You think I'm just gonna stand around while you fool around with that rookie? You're my wife! You belong to me! - Let her go! - Go to your room and lock the door! - You think I'm stupid? You dumb whore! - Please Jack. This has got to stop. - You should know better than to fool around behind my back. (gasping for breath) - Please, please. (cell phone ringing) (increasingly loud suspenseful music) (sorrowful piano music)
Channel: Small Voice Films
Views: 876,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small voice films, aaron kamp, maggie meyer, jeremy levi, domestic violence, short film, award winning, film, indie film, australian film, true story, 168 Film, 168 Film Project, 168 Film Festival, john david ware, kevin sorbo
Id: iiF9ays47EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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