Behind Closed Doors - Official Film (2021) Vasile Marin, Holly Prentice #domesticviolence #indiefilm

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[Music] no matter what at least once in your life someone will hurt you that someone will take all that you are and rip it into pieces and they won't even watch where the pieces land but through the breakdown you'll learn something about yourself you will learn at any given moment you have the power to stand back and say to yourself this is not how the story is going to end at least that's what i'd hoped because not every person survives [Music] so mrs crawford am i correct that your friend alison has suggested you come to see me and why would that be according to her you're having marital issues would you like to talk about that body language isn't the same as conversation mrs crawford so i get that it wasn't your idea to come see me was it you said that like i have a choice well i would assume so look alison mentioned something about domestic violence would you be comfortable explaining that to me if you're not it's completely fine you don't need to she has given me a detailed statement of why i need to talk to you i know the basics listen i'm just here someone for you to confide in someone to talk to i don't need anyone to talk to i was fine until she stuck her nose in and that's completely up to you to believe but she clearly cares a great deal about you she cares about your safety if she cared that much then she'd shut up about my marriage it doesn't seem like a very healthy one i'm sorry according to her it's obviously not stable shows signs of violence hate and animosity if this is true alison was right to send you my way i don't want to be sent to anyone like some [ __ ] letter and i admire your passion but my job here is to determine why don't you show the same level of resistance to your husband and why don't you just mind your own business this is my business mrs crawford sticking my nose into places it doesn't belong is my business hey just let me go the door is there it hasn't moved so feel free to use it look i can do this all day long i get paid for it you would say that when you i would that's why i said it god's sake look you can call me mr smith mr smith look i don't need to be here i didn't ask to speak to a counsellor i'm fine please just let me go and that's completely fine but are you sure yes is this really necessary it is necessary if you want to help but i don't well then it's not necessary so i can go as i said the door is there right then i use it all right if you want to deny my therapeutical help at least allow me to walk you out thank you [Music] you just had to stick your goddamn nose in didn't you what do you expect me to do let me keep beating the [ __ ] out of you you couldn't just let me go about my [ __ ] myself oh no too difficult for you what sort of friend would i be if i did that i don't give a [ __ ] what it makes you look like you know fully well that i'm just trying to help you no that's the only thing i've ever tried to do since the day you met me not help interfere there's a [ __ ] difference you know and the difference is i'm just trying to be a mate and help you see what the monster that man is nothing to do with you what if it was me me getting my head kicked in night and day would you just tell me to go and get on with it would you not try and help don't realize about you because it's not i'm just trying to stop your [ __ ] so-called helping and leave me alone [ __ ] off i just want to make sure you're safe you're my best mate don't let him come between us look i haven't got time for this or to speak to some stupid [ __ ] counsellor i've got my kids to go home to feed hello mommy's home how's my baby girl been what have you been up to where's kayla she's in there where have you been uh shopping baby but you haven't got any bags with you well that's because i decided we have everything we need right here mom you're back yes sweetheart what did i miss then wow molly beat me at snap for the first time ever oh good job babe oh all right that's enough good back please molly molly thank you enough mum yeah are you moving somewhere else no why'd you say that for well you just been acting weird lately what do you mean weird even busier and when you're busy you're upset and when you're upset you don't to play with us lisa is that you hi honey hi princess you're right girls i just need to uh talk to you hello please why don't you girls run outside to the garden yeah i'm dad's gonna have a talk all right what's that then alison gave it to me normally wear stuff around your neck she gave it to me for my birthday a few months ago why are you lying i'm not lying you know what i reckon you've gone some bloke down the pub to buy either haven't you what what did you give him a snog and he bought you it huh no no no you don't understand you dirty little [ __ ] you know that you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] no you got me [Music] good morning dr smith's office how can i help you i need an appointment oh i'm sorry honey but we're fully booked for the next two days but i can book you in for friday i can't wait that long i'm afraid they're fully booked madame the only option we have available is friday please can you just try and fit me in please i'm sorry madam but we are fully booked we have 40 people in the waiting room and they have all booked prior is that mrs crawford um yes it is may i please of course jenny why are you telling people we're fully booked because we are fully booked sir lisa is that lisa i am just awesome to see you me you wanted to talk to me yeah yeah but it's okay come back friday no no i want to see you please come this afternoon so why did you want to see me today i'm sorry i shouldn't be here yes yes you should what happened to your eye is this why you wanted to see me today we needed to see someone i thought you didn't need a counselor i think i do okay let's sit down and we can talk about it what did you write burdened in our last session you were writing what did you write is it confidential no i'm allowed to tell you i just didn't reckon you'd want to hear it really don't worry about my feelings no one else seems to care do you love your husband i don't know how long has he been beating you well we've been married for three years and probably two of them have been problems any children two how old molly she's the youngest she's seven and kayla she's the eldest she's eleven well i'm being serious when i tell you this mrs crawford your children are in danger what what do you mean the children are in danger maybe a monster to me but he's amazing with the kids yeah i have no doubt about that but when the day comes he hits you in front of them many of them what's going to happen then what do you mean what's going on he's going to go to the police and they're going to call the police why not he's the father of our children the children would would never forgive me mrs crawford if he murders you in cold blood by beating you to death then who will it be they won't forgive their father imagine that your blood on his head it's gonna end in tears [Music] he doesn't deserve you mr smith aaron call me here [Music] i should go see me tomorrow you're fully booked tomorrow i made an exception once i can do it again i have to go i'll see you tomorrow i don't even know anymore okay don't cry you're strong all right so strong just please accept the help it's not that simple explain it to me no it's fine it's fine i just can't think about it about me about any of it it's too much pressure so how's it been with mr smith fine okay so you're starting to like him now are you no way i think some counts could get on my skin you can think again he's not there to get under your skin lisa i got him for you so he could help you and talk you through all of this why do i get the feeling something's wrong what do you mean never mind you need him trust me on that at least okay i'll go i'll try thank you i had a solution to resolve it to resolve it we can bring mick here and we can do couples concerts no why not no no no that is not happening no we don't have to if you don't want to i just need to ask why not lisa he doesn't know does he mrs crawford why doesn't he know she said you do realize it's highly recommended for your husband to know about this appointment do you realize telling him will result in yet another black eye [Music] all right tell him in your own time and when you do call me and we can set up an appointment for the both of you and how is bringing mick here going to help any of this because then i can see from both sides of the relationship trust me it's going to be good for both of you to be here okay fine i'll tell him tomorrow also i i've been speaking to my boss about you he said he would be happy to give you extra counseling appointments with him if you need it i don't want to see anyone else i'm not saying you're not going to see me anymore i'm just saying that he's there for the extra help okay [Applause] quick upstairs we're back in a minute okay okay okay just tell me here stop playing around i've been seeing a counsellor for the past week you've been what mick you and i both know our relationship's been having problems he's going to help us fix it how long has it been going on since sunday and you're only just telling me mr smith the counselor said this is oh is that he is it i knew it i [ __ ] knew you were yeah once look i'm not having an affair i would dream of it he's gonna help us fix it okay fine but if you want to go and see this guy i want something please come on stop anything for you princess kids do you want hot chocolate did somebody say hot chocolate so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] do you think there'll be marshmallows this time i hope there'll be chocolate flakes whipped cream here we go girls we have this i'll get extra marshmallows next time i've been doing some thinking about what we need some house rules what do you mean well we just need more order in the house okay well we can call the kids back in oh no it's not with the kids okay so what's this about us well you mainly me firstly no more secrets okay i'm sorry i didn't tell you about the counselling i just felt as if what it's best not to tell your husband what's going on me i'm sorry did you really think that would work on me nick come i'll make it up to you yeah you better be i will just not tonight i'm tired no right now come on come on leave me alone lisa lisa lisa look at me he raped me again what i'm sorry i just had to tell someone if i didn't tell anyone i'd go mad so right that's what i'm here for i know it's just lisa look your problem is that no matter how much help you have around you you still feel like you can't say anything please tell me how did it happen last night we were arguing about this about the counselling and he said i owed him so he punched me in the stomach and bent me over the kitchen counter why don't you leave him lisa i can't he'd kill me aaron okay okay how about this how about you go and stay with a friend for a couple of days maybe go to allison's i can't go to allison she's a gossip besides it'll get back to mick right how about my place i don't know i promise i would keep you safe lisa i don't see how that could work what time does he come home from work tomorrow eight o'clock on the doors always okay then you pack your bags before then and come here i'll be waiting for you outside in the car park aaron i can't just pack up my things and go i'm a mother i have responsibilities just bring your children with you god don't be delusional i can't just take my two screaming kids and bump them off to their nano because i'm too much of a coward to have left him sooner everything is going to be okay don't you dare say the word okay this is not okay this is [ __ ] up and i'm [ __ ] up and soon my kids will be too what are you doing aaron please just one [Music] why are you doing this you say you can deny the connection that we share what connection you should be apologizing for what you've just done i'm not sorry [Music] sorry mr smith just letting you know that your next patient is waiting for you my next patient yes you're mr james remember you booked him in for this afternoon genie i told you so many times i do not want to see anybody else after i see mrs crawford what's wrong with you why do you always do this why do you always mess up my bookings you know what i cannot deal with this anymore you're fired you're fired get out get out i did you have your meeting today uh yeah yeah i did what did you talk about just the kids mainly what about the kids how old they are what school they go to you must find it entertaining sorry more entertaining oh private family life it's just his job just helps you know what have you done today uh i went to work came home and i i just spent an hour with the kids why did you put them to bed so early what's all this about i thought we could have a romantic night together you know without no oh distractions nice thank you it's really nice anything for you princess lisa darling how are you mum um great listen i i need to ask a favor what is it well i was wondering if you could have the grandchildren this weekend oh i'm sorry darling i can't what mom you haven't seen the grandchildren in nearly two months no darling you don't understand i'm in cyprus what i've got to go a ring [Music] cheers cheers enjoying yourself yeah nick doesn't usually let me drink so it doesn't let you do anything lisa he did let me drink last night though which is weird that's him purposely acting out of character he knows something is wrong so what's this all about anyway well i wanted this to be a casual relaxed conversation but i have a feeling you're going to be very stubborn about it i don't understand lisa i want to understand why are you so desperate to stay with a man who rapes you you say it is because you don't want your children to be taken away from their father but i get it is it there anything more to it than just that you're calling me a liar yes lisa i'm calling you alive who dare you i love my kids of course they're gonna be the reason you live for your kids and if you're a decent person you'll die for them you say you need to stop hiding behind your children what are you trying to say i'm saying that the reason you're not leaving mick is because you are too scared you're not going to survive on your own with your kids but there is a refuge no refuge why not because lisa what okay i get it i get it you're a proud woman you think turning into a refugee shameful excuse me feliza you choose to put up with me you choose to put up with the way he treats you and you're willing to let him do it to your children nick would never hurt the children how do you know that lisa how do you know it's not happening right now how do you know we don't go home talk to your children they say everything is fine but in reality their father is beating them abusing them how do you know it's not happening right now you know i'm rightly shut up you know i'm right i know you're wrong mick and i love each other you know [ __ ] or warren i do know lisa i do know because my mom lived the same exact thing i've been there lisa i've seen all this before i don't know what to say i said okay i'll see you tomorrow i'll see you tomorrow oh was praised by the world health organization but there's concern in some quarters we need to put the whole country look around others who definitely will have so did they washing up the early naughties there were eight thousand cases of stars 774 people died that means the virus killed about 1 in 10 people who were infected another coronavirus called middle east respiratory syndrome has an astonishing death rate of over 30 percent in comparison all of the signs suggest that this strain of coronavirus is much less deadly so far there have been five thousand nine hundred and seventy four conservatives 132 people with a mortality rate but there are two hundred and thirty nine further suspected cases less dangerous the question is the government responding to the actual threat posed by the disease or trying to harm a they're fine although kayla's still being bullied you know right so we're gonna be stuck in this house for a while then i guess you need to do some shopping i'll go tomorrow an author named cs lewis once said you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start from where you are and change the ending when you try your best but you don't succeed when you get what you want but not what you need when you feel so tired but you can't sleep stuck in reverse when the tears come streaming down your face [Music] it goes to could it be worse [Music] lights will [Music] and i will try to fix you you
Channel: Ginger Paradise Productions
Views: 301,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GingerParadiseProductions, #GingerParadise, behindcloseddoors, domesticviolence, domesticabuse, vasilemarin, hollyprentice, kaitlynlorraineboxall, KaitlynBoxall, kaitlynboxall, independentfilm, BehindClosedDoors, Behind, Closed, Doors, 2021, behindcloseddoorsofficialfilm, gingerparadiseproductions, behindcloseddoorstrailer, indieshorts, professionalindependentfilm, nayalotanbuckley, SummerRoseChurchhhouse, domestic, abusive, controlling, cohersivecontrol, domesticabuseawarness, womensaidcharity
Id: gTRxr6IET5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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