C3_08: Fire from the Sky

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any connections program is full of the unexpected this one more than usual here are a few clues okay here we go on a journey that will end with fire from the sky welcome to Iceland hey this job isn't all tropical beaches you know okay folks watch this three two one thank you know why that happens here in Iceland same reason New York used to be a part of Portugal and this snail well a fossil ancestor of this nail once walked from Brazil to Africa in a few seconds because oh hang on a minute because the continents began all joined up and then floated apart when the surface of the planet cracked and molten magma started spewing out from the center of the earth as they floated apart the continents rode on plates of rock tectonic plates that cracked and buckled when they collided Iceland sits right on top of the split between two of those ancient tectonic plates the tectonic plates are the reason Iceland has volcanoes and geysers like this and we know all this thanks to a German guy called vague know who's regarded back then as a crackpot who knows nothing about geology because he's just a weatherman so what would he know you know vagueness crackpot idea as the continental drift theory he thinks it all up in 1912 when he's out here in Iceland flying kites to check on the winds and stuff you know being a weatherman one day he watches an ice floe cracking apart and dreams up continental drift which explained those ancient snails crawling from Brazil to Africa back when the continents were joined together it was easy big idea of vagueness right takes 30 years for him to be taken seriously most geologists noodling away at their rock tapping look at this continental fit idea and think pull vagueness seeing things ironic that the other thing Megan is crazy about is mirages okay this is a mirage of something that's not really there you see a mirage across a flat surface when hot air bends the light so it kind of curves around the earth and brings an image from beyond the horizon sometimes wind will distort the image in weird and wonderful ways it was many evil scientists who gave this castles in the air Mirage it's named fata morgana a magic illusion by Morgan the witch the most powerful magician in medieval mythology none other than the sister of the legendary ruler of ancient Britain the sovereign of Camelot the great King Arthur hi this is the usual view you get of Arthur isn't it the Hollywood view this stuff garbage I mean if we ever existed Arthur was probably some romanized kilt trying to stop stuff going down the toilet when the Romans evacuated Britain and the Barbarian Saxon turned up and started all that rape and pillage stuff Oh mind if I sit down this outfit weighs a ton mind you it's just as likely that the whole Arthur thing is some ancient Welsh myth about the calendar like Stonehenge here is a calendar you know on a certain day the Sun comes up right between two particular stones and that's how they use this place to tell them the date back then that's why some people think Arthur is really the Welsh Sun God and the twelve knights of the round table the twelve months of the year and the whole thing is all about ancient fertility rites and all that good stuff well be that as it may the reason we all know about King Arthur whoever and whatever is is because about 500 years after it all happens or doesn't some young French monk called kriti and at hua comes over here on a trip to England all around 1170 here's all the local stories about Arthur and Camelot and Guinevere and all that and decide to take the stories back to France where they're bound to top the charts well they do once kriti Ann turns him into love poems and they're the basis for the Hollywood Arthur you get the movies let me read you a bit of medieval soap opera whoever wishes to love must feel fear but he must fear only the one he loves what causes his wound to fester and pain him the more is that he dares not speak of his desire sounds like the guy needs a shrink right wrong this in medieval terms is a new kind of interpersonal relationship called courtly love funny business well see for yourself courtly love is a game played by aristocrats in northern Europe who get married not for love but for business so alone in their boudoirs the wives dream of handsome lovers while their husbands spend their entire adult lives riding off to have military fun in some crusade or other now in the modern world this would be a recipe for marital disaster and not in the Middle Ages reason being you commit adultery they drown you so you're kind of between a rock and a hard place the only solution is courtly love when one of your admirers turns out neither of you commits adultery you just sublimate your urges by kind of pretending she plays the ice princess he does the heavy breathing frustrated bit uh Kuwait say Padma now they both know where it's not going to lead like are you kidding meanwhile nudge wink it's fun to fantasize well there's only so much pressure a gal can take and some of the songs get really heavy I mean words like body get used so for the sake of everybody's mental and physical health there's only one way it ever ends and that courtly love now all this looks more hot latin lover than cool Northern Europe right right because chances are all this risque stuff really starts way down in the South of France where a bunch of religious deviants are stirring things up those southern religious types it may be the original inspiration for this romantic revolution in interpersonal relationships going on here up north except what's going on down south is a good bit more revolution than romantic what kicks off the revolution is what's going on in places like this where fat-cat churchmen are according to the revolutionaries boozing fornicating and worse the revolutionaries are mystics known as Cathars they believe in meditation free love and vows of poverty for church men well guess how Rome reacts the Pope declares an anti Cathar crusade and the usual fun and games then followed dozens of castles are destroyed there's lots of fighting and killing and all that good stuff thousands of people are burnt without trial and that's it for the mystical Cathars so where are we the continental drift theory by vague no who's crazy about mirages that medieval scientists think are magic made by the sister of King Arthur stories about whom inspire the substitute for adultery courtly love that probably really starts with those church radicals the mystical Cathars which brings us to the other mystics with whom the Cathars have a lot in common and who are in the same place at the same time the Jews well not just Jews special Jews who are also into meditation and stuff and reciting magic formulas so as to get what we would describe as high in a trance ecstatic whatever these guys are known as Cabalists and for them the secret of the universe is numbers first you give every letter in a language like hebrew a number to encode the knowledge every language contains hidden in its words well it does doesn't it so let me try and show you what the Kabbalists do with letters and numbers he rubs on me fun okay its 13th century Spain and this is kabbalist abraham abulafia who writes a book on the strange truths words and numbers can reveal but instead of Hebrew let me try it with English if you give the alphabet numbers from 1 to 26 the numbers for each letter of this phrase God is are these and added up they give you the same total as the numbers for this word so the existence of God is the same as love here's another the numbers for the word bad sky add up to the same as plague and what about this next one Holy Trinity adds up to 175 and so does father son and ghost for Cabalists like Abulafia the way of kabbalah and meditating on the mystery of words and numbers brings endless peace you see what I mean about revealing strange truths eh I'll just give you a moment to meditate in 1270 Abulafia leave Spain and takes his Kabbalist mysteries elsewhere a Bulow FIA's Cabell ISM goes over very big in Miranda LA northern Italy a little town about which little can be seen Kabul is Umrah Li turns on this guy Pico count of Mir and Allah in the 1480s this is Pecos Castle well what's left of it now a condo and pizzeria as you can see oh and a hairdressers still nice enough place the castle sits at one end of the main square the place where locals meet and greet at the other end of the square Pecos family home now the town hall now as I said Pico gets excited by Jewish Kabbalah and produces his own version of it mixed with a little philosophy and mathematics you remember numbers matter - Kabbalists and what he comes up with may not seem much to you but some people say it kicked off science in the modern world oh that's the Cathedral see what Pico della Mirandola tells everybody is that there has to be a way with numbers to understand how the mysterious forces of the sky affect life on earth you hear capitalism talking a way that isn't mumbo-jumbo astrology numbers says Pico are the secret to understanding how the universe works do you hear science talking then Pico really blows it he applies Kabul ISM to Christianity which may be the reason he doesn't get buried here among the family tombs hey he's lucky he gets a Christian burial at all because of this stuff see because of his interest in Cabell ISM he has a real love affair with Hebrew the language he says you have to know if you want to understand the Bible okay a little risky saying that back then but pecos near fatal mistake with the pope who you will recall has power of thumbscrew is to go one more step further and say that the mysteries of Cabell ISM wait for this are the only way to understand the divinity of Christ well everything hits the papal fan and it doesn't help that a very senior German Catholic intellectual agrees with picot nothing helps you just do not wave this stuff in Rome's face without lighting a fire under somebody the senior German intellectual churchmen that Pico turns on to Cabell ISM and the Hebrew language is this guy John reichian who is troubled by a really burning question see Reichman thinks anybody worth his salt ought to know Hebrew so he writes the first Hebrew Latin grammar so eventually the German church authorities asked him about which Hebrew books they should burn because they're anti-christian and writing says none and attacks the whole book burning idea by 1514 Rutland's been making loud enough noises about freedom of thought and how there's nothing wrong with camel ism that there's only one way all this can end that year the German Bishops dragged him up before a court and accuse him of heresy for which the punishment is death by fire the case drags on for six years in the end ruphylin is found not guilty but the experience destroys him he's lucky or that gets burnt his books problem is his supporters including a guy the Catholic Church regards as just about the most dangerous theological maverick Rome's had to deal with in more than a thousand years the breakaway Protestant revolutionary Martin Luther and one of the reasons Luther speaks up for Rockland it's something else that doesn't help right when very much Luther's right-hand man his Roy Glenn's nephew his name's Philip Melanchthon and he moves my story along toward its unexpected end in the comfortable surroundings of Wittenberg Germany you Whittenburg is the center of a new radical movement started by Martin Luther who is excommunicated by the Pope and starts his own religion here this includes training a totally new kind of minister at a totally new kind of university teaching totally new kinds of stuff which is why the 16th century ancestors of these staid modern written burgers are regarded back then by Rome as dangerous lunatics here's why any Pope might think that it's on the door of the church way it happened so you know it's important these are the words that change the history of the Western world and they're cast in bronze here to make sure you don't forget they are a shocking attack on the Catholic Church by Martin Luther about everything that's wrong with the church in reaction to which remarks Rome goes totally ape Luther and his pals protest and become known as Protestants Ruston's anyway in 1518 three years after everything theological has hit the fan Melanchthon remember him turned up here is professor of Greek and between him and Luther it's love at first sight melanchthon and Luther are the kind of guys kids love to hate because they believe kids need one thing above all else regular classes so the two men come up with the all-time biggest ideas for school reform educated kids they say make educated citizens the fittin burg Town Council loves the idea by 1528 there are school inspectors teachers on contract a new junior middle and upper school system standardized textbooks our curriculum and let until it's coming out of your ears you pointed out for hunger minds and reason the reason for the Latin is the Protestant Bibles in Latin and Mille anthems view is bang that into their heads and you can't fail mind you there are extremists in the Protestant movement who think Milan thorns lying down on the job instead of all this education stuff they reckon he ought to be out there giving hell and brimstone to Catholics and sinners one of these radicals who has the mother and father of all rouse with melanca thought about this is a guy who is a professor at Koenigsberg University on the Baltic here his name is andreas OC anda who is how shall I put this an arrogant and qualified creep who only gets the job because he's in like friend with a local Prince everybody hates him OC and er ends up in the history books with a reputation so bad it's cosmic here's the official view of the cosmos at the time with the earth and of course humankind at the center of everything circled by the Sun and the moon and all the planets this idea has been around for 2,000 years ever since the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle dreams up a universe made of giant invisible concentric spheres made of some magic material each one of the spheres carrying each one of the heavenly bodies attached to it now this whole gobbledygook works fine until you take a closer look because it doesn't explain why from time to time Mars appears to go backwards which it ain't supposed to do well by 1514 the calendar based on this wrong view of things is so far out of whack that good Catholics don't know if it's really Friday I like can they eat meat or not so the Pope puts a poll on the case and in 1542 in Nuremberg they're about to print what he's done about it all so the editing job goes to that creep Jose and I remember him so you just know something really bad is going to happen to this book because it's Polish author comes up with an idea that nails Aristotle's entire concept nearly stone dead if you put the Sun at the center and everything else in orbit it explains everything including why Mars appears to go backwards whenever the earth catches up and moves ahead of it for a while take another look at Mars as if you were on the earth and you'll see it happening there now as far as OC and ER is concerned this crazy stuff will prove the church has been wrong all along about everything so he writes to the author nicholas copernicus saying hey why did you say you don't mean it say this is all theory nothing to do with what's really happening up in the sky right time for a pause and a catch-up abulafia stumblest numbers get pico of Miranda Lee into Hebrew studies which get the Catholic John Rowland into book-burning trouble not helped by support from his Protestant nephew Philipp Melanchthon who has a terrible row with a creep oleander who tries to persuade polish author nicholas copernicus to say his new astronomy is just theory well Copernicus flipped in the bird so Ozzy and ER promptly passes the manuscript to the printer and says go for it and they print but what nobody knows until it's too late is that Oceania has ripped out Copernicus's preface and slipped in his own where it says all that stuff about it not being real too late for Copernicus to do anything about it he gets a copy on his deathbed and croaks well wouldn't you the printer beckoner Oberg says not kosher to me and all they know in Rome is it's all just theory so Ozzy ander has pulled off the greatest con in history so he gets back to his astrology and writing letters to an Italian pal this is OC anders italian pal and this is somebody will get back to ok meet Gerolamo Cardano an italian doctor who writes the first great book on algebra and is here in scotland attending a patient who will like this program come to a sticky end as you can see friend Cardno is also a bit of a gambler and he works out that there are only three results you get from flowing dice impossible you'll throw two sevens certain you'll get numbers between one and six and possible you'll throw two sixes Cardno has discovered the first law of probability anyway in 1551 he comes to scotland to treat this unfortunate type John Hamilton Archbishop's and Andrews who has asthma now cardano's worked out a treatment for asthma involving some weird mixture of herbs and stuff so he tries it on the archbishop works so Cardno collects his fee and hightails it back to italy alas as you will see things don't go that well for cardano's poor old Episcopal patient in the great card game of life Archbishop Hamilton is about to draw a really lousy hand and the fatal mistake he is destined to make is he bets on the Queen marry the queen in question leads a life that's more like a whodunit full of intrigue and betrayal and dead bodies it's a miracle she makes it through the mayhem and skullduggery well she doesn't but anyway here's why English royal family King Henry VIII aids his daughter Elizabeth his sister Margaret her first husband James the fourth of Scotland his son James a fifth of Scotland his daughter the lady I'm talking about as you can see mary has a claim to the Scottish throne like this and where the whole mess begins also to the English throne like this which does not make this dear Queen of England at the time pal okay Mary Mary's a wimpy French royal he snuffs it she goes back to Scotland as queen of the place so now she's Mary Queen of Scots and then she gets the hots for and marries a guy called Henry Darnley okay time for family trees again here's Henry Darnley his father is a great great grandson of James a second of Scotland and his mother's father is a second husband of Margaret you remember the sister of Henry the eighth's of England get it Henry Darnley has a claim to the English and Scottish Thrones - trouble is Donnelly's a real loud who drinks and cheats on his wife and wants to be a real king and not just marry significant other so his pals dream up a scam to discredit Mary by killing her Executive Assistant and claiming she was having an affair with a guy Mary reacts by bringing in the Earl of Bothwell Bothwell masterminds the great explosion in 1564 he gets rid of the sleazeball Darnley by blowing up the house he's in at the time actually Bothwell blows it in every sense the cops find visible trails of gunpowder the fuses are provided by soldiers who spill the beans and Bothwell buys the candles at the shop down the street what follows is total insanity Bothwell gets his marriage annulled by Archbishop Hamilton remember him so he and Mary can then do something absolutely crazy become man and wife well marry marrying Bothwell really ticks everybody off because now Bothwell wants to be king so in no time at all there's Queen Elizabeth's army outside Mary is captured accused of okaying the plot to kill Don Lee and conspiring against Queen Elizabeth and executed and so is the asthmatic Archbishop Hamilton leaving one survivor the devious Bothwell who sorts out his travel plans and heads for Scandinavia where he thinks he'll be safe alas Scandinavia is where the lights go out for Bothwell what comes next is one of those stories I really think I have a nose for see Bothwell ship gets intercepted by the local Navy and it gives him a load of flim-flam about who me I'm just here looking for work unfortunately he picks the wrong place to try that one on here's where he ends up Scandinavia Norway Bergen where the local Duke has a cousin who was a gal who he is back Bothwell how shall I put this done wrong so she fingers him so they stick him in jail down the road here and leave him to rot in spite of a lot of shuttle diplomacy by the French ambassador fella called Charles de da si who acts like a go-between trying to get Bothwell out of the pokey fails Bothwell goes nuts and dies meanwhile a Danish pal of dances is about to do another one of those cosmically meaningful things here at his home cannot stop castle where he looks up one night and see something impossible now he's looking up because he's an astronomer and what he sees is impossible because it's a new star you remember I said Copernicus stuck one nail in Aristotle's coffin well this is going to be nail number two bang in by our astronomer friend Tycho Brahe he because another thing Aristotle and the church say is that the heavens never change so watch this new star thing let me show you how brah hey blows everybody away with the news this this is a cross stuff for measuring stars back then here the degrees marked on it this is a movable crossbar with sights one at each end and here's the sighting ring right say here's the new star and the nearest constellation to it Cassiopeia okay watch this you move the crossbar up and down so as to line up the sights at each end of the bar one with a star and the other with the constellation and then you can read how many degrees apart they are see every night for months frier gets the same readings so nothing up there is changing so all this is real and wherever you look from that separation angle is the same so both heavenly bodies are up there in space in 1573 brah hey goes into print about this stuff becomes so famous he ends up as Imperial astronomer in spite of this which I thought I'd try to see what it felt like all his life he keeps quiet about it and the only reason we know he loses his nose in a duel and wears a metal replacement and carries glue everywhere with him in case it falls off is because the story gets blown by one of his assistants a loudmouth Dutchman named villain blaow now the talkative Blau leaves taiko for a job that gives him a particular problem when he produces what he produces it's already had a date know what I mean in blouse case what's out of date every time a ship comes back from somewhere is this stuff maps I mean here they are in the 18th century opening up the world with every voyage of exploration blah blah blah and when the guys get back from their intrepid trip every time the first thing they say is hey you know that island everybody says is north of the headland well it's not it's south or somesuch so Blau is a very busy guy see after he quits Tycho and astronomy he sets up in Amsterdam as a mapmaker astronomy and mapmaking go together because sailors use the Stars to navigate by don't they so by 1600 and two he's got one of the biggest print shops around churning out updated versions of anything you might want to know about tides winds coastlines star positions you name it anything in fact you might want to know in order to get yourself from a for Amsterdam to beef or anywhere else which is why he gets the plum job of map maker to the Dutch East India Company whose main aim in life is in fact to get from that a Amsterdam to this be the beautiful island of Sri Lanka why money of course well let me explain that cutting remark here we are in one of the profit-making places found by those 17th century Dutch explorers what you're looking at is the botanical equivalent of a licence to print money a load of money because this is no ordinary load it's something you've probably eaten maybe without even knowing you dig and it's why those Dutch guys risk life limb and shipwreck to get here take a look at one of the greater 17th century profit centers of all time great thing is no production line to eat up your capital just scrape the bark off each branch then rub the branch all over with any old metal rod and once you've softened it very carefully slice off the next layer in strips like this once you've done that the next bit doesn't involve anybody you just leave the strips to dry out in the Sun then you roll the strip's into each other so they form a kind of stick and then package the sticks in big bundles like this and then take a whole lot back to Holland and make at least 600 percent profit on the deal why well as I said take a look at the production costs and the mysterious plant that's worth all this effort cinnamon and Sri Lanka has the best around which is why getting here is so important so when that guy villain Blau put somebody else's knock our navigational trick into his printed atlases well he goes straight into the charts here's the previous problem as a navigator going from A to B you want to go straight there right but because the Earth's a globe your angle back to the North Star keeps changing screws up your calculations till a fellow named Mercator solves the problem by flattening the earth on a chart like this so now when you head off on your straight line from A to B this time your angle is the same all the way see the fact that the new system distorts the real size of countries doesn't seem to matter much anyway all this navigational stuffs put together in a giant atlas by a guy working in Italy for the Duke of Tuscany an Englishman named of Dudley who also provides the Duke with a new seaport he badly needs then Dudley brings in English shipbuilders to give the Duke the Navy he wants Dudley also builds canals and drains marshes and other such stuff for the Dukes Superintendent of Public Works the guy called Bernard Avant LNT and this is where the story takes a really unexpected turn because Bonta lent is quite an entertaining guy the Duke gets him to do something quite entertaining okay just before I go onstage where are we you recall dr. kadar no and his sick patient Archbishop John Hamilton who gets executed for helping Mary Queen of Scots whose lover both will end up in a Scandinavian jail near the home of astronomer Tycho Brahe whose assistant Blau makes maps incorporating makitas new system that features in the Atlas Dudley creates before building canals for that Public Works superintendent Bernard want LNT now Wunderland he is an engineer so the duke of tuscany asks him to do something to liven up the entertainments the Duke likes to put on for his guests and vantaa Lenti goes right over the top with moveable scenery and people all dressed up in costumes and a plot that involves a real storyline and all the stuff you associate with going out to the theater today with gods and goddesses and fake sea monsters and all kinds of gizmos who will now see in one of the world's first operas which must have gone a bit like this oh my love thank you thank you now this opera thing catches on like wildfire in France with a guy running the country for the king is an Italian called Mazarin after he spent time reading the play in his giant new 40,000 form library put together for him by a Frenchman who likes a book riveting Li entitled how to run a library properly translated into English whereupon it falls into the hands of a fellow named samuel peeps who's building up a collection of books on how to run this stuff a navy when peeps takes over a secretary to the English Navy and 1665 it's a mess there are hardly any ships Admirals get their jobs from pals in the government captain's don't know how to sail peeps takes a navy apart and put it together again this time it works beeps makes would be officers starters Midshipmen and do three years training at sea they have to be able to navigate the boat ready to go captains have to be certified the size of the ship dictates how big the crew is and they all get standardized pay scales medical treatment pensions and discipline guns are standardized and so is the kind of ammunition they fire peeps organizes the supply of everything a Navy needs to stay afloat and ready to fight best of all he manages to persuade the English Parliament that the one thing the country needs is a fleet big enough well to control the sea they okay 30 new ships and peeps dream looks like coming true Britannia really is going to rule the waves one last thing peeps gets a grip on is making sure everybody in a fleet knows what they're all doing in city by clearing up all the confusion over signalling which back then wasn't too sophisticated I mean if you needed a supply of wood you hung up an axe hanging up a tablecloth meant come to dinner while things move ahead and by 1817 you've got a system that will let you send up to 11,000 signals great except for one minor inconvenience in a flat calm your flags won't flutter fortunately a French chap is on the case name of chap working for Napoleon during the war against England this is chaps signaling gizmo called a semaphore shown here during a field trial by a guy named gamble for the British Navy after chaps blueprints have been found during the war story is that Gamble's working in prisoner of war camps and he's going through the pockets of some French officer and finds chaps drawings so he dashes home and builds a version for the Navy okay how gambles version works a matter of pulling the strings to alter the position of the flaps and make a coded pattern on the frame now each pattern stands for a letter so all you have to do is decode the patterns and you know what the message is unfortunately somebody else thinks up an even better version and he gets the contract as for that guy gamble he goes back to prisoner-of-war exchange work after Napoleon's defeat and during this work he comes across some french guy selling a patent for preserving food in bottles gamble passes the idea onto a metalworking pal of his and he turns it into something that lasts longer than the semaphore ever does canned food just what intrepid explorers need in 1831 heading for the frozen north now I know this isn't the frozen north but hey I'll get thank you okay where was I oh yes the frozen north here's the story the deal is to find a passage running north of Canada between the Atlantic over there and the Pacific over there right well frozen north expedition leader Sir John Ross and his nephew James don't find this passage thing but at one point the nephew takes off over the ice to hear where he discovers the magnetic north pole hangs a magnetized needle on a bit of thread like this seize it points straight down like this so he claims the magnetic pole for king and country Rumph in spite of the fact that as the magnetic pole is something that moves all the time it's already kind of gone by the time he claims it now for the twist in this expeditionary tale ah this is the reason they all get there in the first place well take another look at the map see these place names booth iya Peninsula Felix harbor booth iya isthmus Cape Felix Gulf abou Thea that's who pays for the expedition Felix booth of booths Jin now on board the ship there's a young guy nowhere gets named after well his name's hooker but he's the reason for the tonic because he goes back to London and becomes director of the Botanical Gardens where they're trying to grow the kind of tree that will produce quinine treatment for malaria which you can get back then in places like this Sri Lanka which we Brits are running at the time now quinine tastes awful so put it in sugared water and you get quinine tonic water adage n' and you've invented gin and tonic keeps the British Empire going out here where the people at the time are also busy trying to grow something else thanks to those people back in the Botanical Gardens this is one of those moments when you realize how often in history people can't see the forest for the trees back in 1888 all those botanical types know is hooray they've succeeded in transplanting rubber trees from South America to sri lanka here so now good things like raincoats can be invented and one day tires for automobiles and surgical rubber gloves and a million other wonderful examples of the progress of science how could any of them have foreseen back when this stuff happened for the first time and rubber tapping kicked off one of the greatest industries of the 19th century where it would end all they could have predicted maybe was that as the latex flowed from these streams the profits would protect British industry against some future economic rainy day well brother was good news for raincoat makers and really bad news for people living in Hamburg Germany in 1943 because at one point during World War two the Japanese invade most of the places out east growing rubber like Malaysia and here in Sri Lanka is about all the rubber the Allies have left for the war effort one of those efforts is a really nifty idea well it's a nifty idea if you're having a war and that is to mix rubber with gasoline which makes the gasoline burn slower and stick to anything while it does that so thanks to continental drift and vagueness passion for mirages magic images from the sister of King Arthur whose chivalry supposedly triggers the medieval courtly love answer to adultery inspired by the free love ideas of the mystical Cathars who live next to the mystical kabalists with their thing about mystic numbers the turn picot of myrrh and Allah onto Hebrew which then bings trouble for Jon Roy : not helped by his nephew the Protestant Melanchthon who has a row with the creep oszi and ER who pulls that famous con when he rewrites the work of Copernicus Ozzy and his Italian pal dr. Cardno who cures the asthmatic Archbishop Hamilton executed for helping Mary Queen of Scots whose lover the explosive Bothwell ends up in Scandinavia with a pile of astronomer Tycho Brahe he whose assistant villain Blau makes maps updated in the first proper atlas by the Englishman Dudley working in Italy for Bonta Lenti who kind of kicks off opera a rave success especially with the French big cheese Cardinal Mazarin whose library inspires the Secretary to the English Navy which eventually buys that French semaphore after which gamble gets the patent for food in Cannes that feeds explorers like hooker who transplants rubber trees to Sri Lanka as a result of all that we have rubber to mix with gasoline to make it burn slower a very effective idea if what you have in mind is what they had in mind on the night of July 24 1943 this the world war two fire bombing of Hamburg
Channel: SlimaksClass
Views: 44,795
Rating: 4.7800689 out of 5
Keywords: Connections3, 02
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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