Speaking Test FCE First Certificate in English Preparation for Exam

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good morning good morning my name is Jill budgie and this is my colleague Jenny cook and your names are I'm Joanna and I'm coming up can I have your mark sheets please yes okay first of all we'd like to know something about you where are you from Jonah and from Holland and you I'm from Norway and what do you like about living here I like the beautiful nature and the nice weather of course in no way I'm used to very cold and rainy weather and here in Cambridge the Sun is always shining and yeah I really like it and what about you Jonah um yeah I like the old buildings the English style but yeah the weather is the same as Holland so yeah and who do you spend your free time with Joanna with my friends from school and yeah most of the time and what sorts of things do you do together and we go to the cinema or we go party and yeah that's ink here and then Camilla how much time do you spend at home at home and not a lot cuz I'm playing football so I do a lot of practice so yeah but the evening and I've just been home maybe would friends and here just relax and do you ever go to concerts um no not that national where do you like listening to music when I sit sing and birth maybe yeah and also if I'm just relaxing at home maybe I have music on yeah and Jonah which area of your country would you like to get to know better well I've been to a lot of places already but I think still the rest like Amsterdam and something I I don't understand it yet it's crazy so yeah I want to live there once in my life and what's the most interesting place you've visited new here I think York maybe I like the city York village idea it's an old city and really beautiful and have you ever used your English on holiday yeah of course when I'm going to Spain and things like that I have to speak English because I I don't speak Spanish mm-hmm and what would you really like to go on holiday in the future really like to go I really like to go to New Zealand and yeah it's a country where you have all kind of climates and it's amazing I have so pictures of it and yeah it's really nice thank you in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you two photographs I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute and also to answer a short question about your partner's photographs Johanna it's your turn first here are your photographs they show people spending time by different rivers I'd like you to compare the photographs and say what you think the people are enjoying about spending time by these rivers all right yes okay well the first picture you see a big waterfall I think it's amazing to be there so there are a lot of people claim there a lot of tourists and then on the second picture you see just another ordinary River like the river in Cambridge oh and I think [Music] people enjoy and the river one um because it's new it's tourists it's they never seen it before and pics it too it's Ordinary its cozy with your own family sitting next to the river I have a picnic yeah I think I would prefer picture to the amp yeah picture one it's awesome of course but yeah thank you Camila which of these rivers would you prefer to visit maybe I would prefer the second one because it's cozy and you can just relax and have a have a good time it's not that much people mm-hmm okay now can we hear your photographs yeah they show people preparing a meal in different situations I'd like you to compare the photographs and say what do you think is difficult about preparing meals in these situations all right yeah and at the first picture you see a family they are cooking at home maybe and yeah I think they have a good time together while I'm cooking and the next picture you see a lot of chefs and they are cooking they are at work maybe it's in a restaurant or a hotel or something and I think at the second picture they have not that much time they have to do it fast and good because they are job and the food have to be a good quality and the second picture I know the first picture and you can just relaxed with your family maybe it's difficult for them because they maybe then you haven't done it before it's the first time they making this deal boom yeah so yeah it's different the second picture they have an education so they maybe they really goes to make food in thank you and Johanna do you enjoy cooking yes I do yes I would love it I work at as a waiter in a restaurant and I love to see the cooks cooking the meals and yeah thank you now I'd like you to talk about something together for about three minutes here are some pictures of things that can make living in a city enjoyable first talk to each other about how these things can help people to enjoy life in a city then decide which two things you think are the most important all right okay we're sure is that I think we should start with this one oh here okay it's a stadium what are they playing I think it's um I don't know I haven't seen this before but it's it's a it's a big field and it's a lot of people is it baseball maybe yeah maybe it's baseball acting so okay hmm I would like that one because I love to go to a hopeful match and you know it's a lot of people and yeah yeah me too so but yeah it's enjoyable because you just have to sit and watch the people enjoy your time yeah yes and then we have this picture it's a lot of people sitting in a cafe at the street sitting in the Sun sitting this down here I think they really enjoyed a time maybe they have a break from the shopping what do you think maybe yes maybe these shopping bags mm-hmm yeah that would be nice hmm okay then we have the dance yeah of course you're very good you love dancing so this is good for you yeah the folks are dancing yeah have you done this before um actually we went in in Cambridge to the salsa classes yeah okay and then we have this photo and she is watching the flowers oh yeah yeah the sunflower it's nervous yeah yeah maybe should just have a walk on the street and just relaxing him yeah shopping do some shopping mm-hmm I'm I like this picture yes a good one yeah it's a lot of water coming up from them ground and a lot of children was dancing and playing when I was little I did the same oh you have this in Poland yeah you don't everything all right now okay and this is so typical in the street people play music musicians yes yeah yeah nice but I knew this one um there's an easy walk in there in the woods I think you move the dog yes that's nice yeah so what would you prefer Jana mmm what do you think is important I think important is time with your dog just alone spend some time alone yeah and spend some time I take a fan yeah at the cafe my friends want to I think it's important for our city that you can have a place there you can just relax and I also think this one is important the sports yeah it's really good for your health and yeah nice so yeah which one do we end up with Nick affair of course of course the most important we think it's ticket failure yeah yeah thank you what are the disadvantages of living in a big city and you had I have a lot of pollution noise pollution and crowded people I think yeah and it's a lot of people I want to London this weekend and it was so much people you you're just walking in a line at the street it's yeah I don't like it it's a city never sleeps they say so it's true yeah at the same and when I went to bed at the hotel it was a lot of noise and I couldn't sleep yeah and why do you think some people choose to live in the centre of cities I think they are just lazy too they want everything close to their home hmmm near you maybe they love nightlife I don't know yeah maybe maybe they liked a busy the crowded mmm and yeah but I think I I would never could live in it really in the city center not not you know big city like London or something but maybe I could live in a big city in a way cuz they are not that big you know that's true yeah and Jonah what is special about your capital city they have one of the best shopping malls and it's a very creative city so a lot of art schools are there and yeah it's really nice and how about you yeah our capital is Oslo actually I've never been there so but I think I think it's it's a nice City maybe it's not a big just bonemeal million inhabitants it's not that big for a to be a capital so maybe it's a small city I don't know mm-hmm and some people say that living in a city can be very lonely what do you think mmm I think that's not true because yep yeah all your friends are near or close to your home and you can meet each other very easily in a cafe and yeah yeah yeah I agree with you I think it's more lonely to live on the countryside than in the city yeah I think so if you have half an hour to your nearest friend yeah and Camila would you prefer to live in a very modern city or an old one with lots of history and actually I would prefer to live an old one because I think it's so cozy and charming and yeah and you can just relax I like relaxing yeah I think in the modern city a lot of stress maybe and a lot of people what do you think I prefer in the old city I think yeah I like the old buildings and yeah Brighton it's like in Cambridge yeah it is yes I'd love for Cambridge I prefer a quick Cambridge to London because I mean yeah none is too big not too big and too yet mother and I like Little Pill Raven and is there a city you would like to visit in the future yeah I would like to go to bot here in England yeah because I heard that is a really beautiful city so I would like to see it mm not a civic city but and yeah I want to drive a lot so I wanted to see all kind of trend cities to New Zealand right yes thank you that's the end of the test okay thank you
Channel: English Plus10
Views: 109,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First Certificate in English, Certificate in Advanced English, Preliminary English Test, International English Language Testing System, Young Learner English, Key English Test, Certificate of Proficiency English, Teaching Knowledge Test, american english, british english, funny, cae, ket, pet, fce, tle, teacher, credit card, visa, mastercard, travels, paypal
Id: u6P5L0JG2rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 09 2014
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