C# and .Net in Visual Studio Code ( vscode ) | Set up and Installation Guide | 2023 | IAmUmair

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hi guys welcome back in this video we will setup.net review studio code i am umair and you are watching my youtube channel first thing first what are the requirements for this video so we need wheels to record plus we need not net sdk first of all make sure that you have your studio installed in your system as you can see that here i have already installed your studio code so i'm not going with this step the next thing is dotnet sdk so we will write dot sdk here in the google and you can see that this is first link download dot and sdk for real studio i will click on it now from here it is saying that dot net 7 preview this will be the latest version that will be released in november 2022 so as for now we have this dot net six as stable over here long term supported okay so we will download this one i will go with 64. it is downloading the file okay here you can see that this file once this file gets downloaded we will install it now you can see that and this file is almost complete yes this exe file has been downloaded successfully now we will install it but before doing that i want to show you something that if i go to my command prompt and i write here.net and you can see that it is giving me a message that dotnet is not recognized so it means that already i don't have dotnet installed in my system so i'm going to install it from scratch and then we will see that how it comes after installation so i will go to this folder and double click on this one okay this is the installer that i have got i will click on install this is very easy process just you need to download the sdk and then install this one okay you can see that the installation was successful so we have got some important products in our system and that is sdk runtime asp.net call and desk windows desktop okay so i can close this one and my.net has been installed successfully let me go to my command prompt now here if i write dotnet you can see that i'm getting the options that what information i need from dotnet why because dotnet has been installed successfully so if i write dot net manage info okay it is saying that command was wrong specified i will clear this one once again i will write dotnet now you can see that this was double minus info so i forgot that let me write it again dot okay now you can see that we have got the information that what we have installed until now okay this is the variant 6.0.7 if you want to check out that whether you which sdk is installed in your system you can use this command and if you want to check which runtime have been installed you can check out this command okay so i will close this one and i will open my view studio code ok now before doing anything here i will create a folder and let us name this as dotnet okay so now i will open this folder with visual studio code after the folder has been opened here we don't have any files here but before doing that what i need i need one thing more ch of extension okay c-shape extension is necessary for dotnet and c-sharp code execution in weird studio code so i will install this one okay now this has been installed if i go to extensions and within installed list you can see that we have c shop here now i will go back to my folder and from here i will open my terminal this terminal works similar as your command prompt works or as your terminal in linux works it is a command line okay here i will write dotnet new and i will just press enter okay dot net new is a command that is used for creating a project now you can see that after that dot net new they have given me the information that which app you want to create web app glacier server app class library console app windows 1 wpf okay so for now i'm going with console app okay so i will write here dot net and sorry dot net new console okay now a basic console app has been created here okay if i open the file you can see that we have program dot right line and here it is showing that hello world okay you will get this notification so always accept this one because it is going to install the required assets for c-sharp in rvr studio code now if i want to run this code okay this is a level statement without any using statements it has been introduced in dotnet 6 so that's why we are giving we are having this one line code here now if i go to my terminal again clear the screen and if i write dot net build it will build my project you can see that it is giving me big succeeded zero warning zero error that's mean that word is working fine without any errors so now i will run this one dot net run okay now you can see that we have got the message hello world here so now we have successfully installed.net in our system and we have set up it with visual studio code i will repeat it again you need dotnet sdk that we installed here this file and after that you need c shop extension this one and lastly you need to know about net command line that how do alternate commands works in terminal or command prompt or any command line okay so that's all from my site if this video helps you in any way then kindly share it and subscribe our youtube channel thank you take care bye
Channel: IAmUmair
Views: 217,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c#, .net, visual studio code, how to install c# in visual studio code, .net in visual studio code, c# and .net in visual studio code, c# in vscode, c# in visual studio code, C# .net set up and installation guide, setup .net on visual studio code, .net in vscode, asp.net core, C# and .Net in Visual Studio Code, dotnet, vscode, c# programming tutorial for beginners, visual studio code tutorial, Umair Ijaz, c# programming, c# tutorial, how to run c# in visual studio code
Id: GVmtPO-UEps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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