How to Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 10/11 (64 bit) [ 2023 Update ] Complete guide

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hello everyone I welcome you to my Channel today  I'm going to show you how to install Visual Studio   on the Windows operating system and then I am  going to show you how to write a simple hello   world program and how to run them on our visual  studio so you know watch the video till the end   and also if you like the video then please give  it a like and also please do subscribe our Channel   and also don't forget to share with your friends  that will really help me to make more such videos   so let's dive into our video so for that  you need to First simply you know go to   affiliate browser and enter at this bar you  need to just simply search with visual Studio download so you need to remember like there  is a difference between Visual Studio code   and visual studio okay so visual studio code  is a text editor and visual studio is an IDE   okay so let's say you want to develop or you want  to be a dotnet developer so that case you need to   download visual studio and visual studio code  is a different thing Visual Studio code means   it's a text editor okay so let's click on Visa  Studio download and it is going to redirect it   to the you know visual so  here you need to just simply click on Visual   Studio tools it will going to you know redirect  to the official site of Microsoft and here is   our Visa Studio 2022. okay so here we have you  know three option one is community professional   and Enterprise this professional and Enterprise  at the at the paid one so you need to download   the community one which is free so if you are a  student or or you want to you know then   you can just simply you know click on this free  download and it's a free one okay so you can just   simply click on that and it will go into you know  redirect to this page and you can see our Visual   Studio setup is rightly downloaded so you need to  just simply click on this you know EXE in order to   you know install visual studio so it will ask if I  administrative privileges just simply click on yes   visuals today installation wizard rightly  open so let's minimize our browser   so here you need to just simply click on continue  and it will go to you know fetch all the files   in order to show you like what are all things  you need to install on your Visual Studio   so this is the screen where you need to choose  what are all things you you need to install so is the you know first and the foremost  thing that you you are supposed to install and   apart from that if you are into you know Azure  development like you are using audio Dash report   or anything then then you will obviously need  this right now I am not going to show you all   of that in this video I am going to you know keep  this simple so I'll just simply install   if you you know need you can always install the  Azure one okay then Python and node.js is depend   upon you whether you like to also code in Python  on and then you know subsequently node J is they   needed to you know also select all this just  remember when you select you know you can see   that this you know paste required size gets  increase so if I uncheck this you can see it   decreased so this is the main thing that  itself is taking you can see like when I check   this that itself will take nearly eight and a half  GB okay so remember that okay and when you scroll   down you can see this desktop and mobile so if  you are also developing you know application for   mobile and desktop they need to choose all this  I'll choose you know dotnet desktop development   so this is what we use to develop the desktop  application also you can select all these if   you are in you know coding in C plus plus then  you can always select all this also if you are   you know want to develop an application which will  you know universally going to be a universal you   know Windows platform development so then you  can choose all this I'm going to choose because   it involves VB and you know C sharp so I'm going  to code on that so that's why I am selecting that   okay and if we into Mobile development you can  choose a mobile development with C plus plus   then only you need to choose this okay so you  can keep on scrolling so here is you know for   gaming so if you want to develop any game or  anything you need to choose you know all these   from these two options and this is important so  data storage for you know database connectivity   and all with SQL Server so this is the option  to go okay and if you want to you know develop   an extension Visual Studio extension some plugins  are similar to that they need to select this I am   also going to select that and just going to click  on install and it will going to start fetching   all the files from internet and then it's going  to download so you saw that it it it will it is   around you know 22 GB so that's all you need to  install on our C drive and it will go into fetch   5.41 GB from the internet so you can see it's  in a lot of file that they're going to download   and then we're going to install so this entire  process will take nearly you know 30 minutes   I would say it will take lot of time I'll pause  the video and come back once this is all done yeah so we'll come back and now you can clearly see  that our Visual Studio is directly installed   and it is asking to sign in so you can you know  always sign in for now I am going to skip this   for now okay and here it is asking like what type  of theme you would like to and here it is asking   like what type of theme you'd like to choose dark  blue or you know this other two I am going to   choose dark okay and click on start visual studio  and it is going to start out with your studio and you can see that our Visual Studio 2022 is  rightly launched so if you click just click on   background you can see here also like it is you  know rightly installed so if you click on launcher   that time also it is going to launch our visual  studio so here it is rightly launch and you can   you know start you know creating your project  so let's click on create a new project and and   from here you can choose your template I'm going  to choose a simple console app and click on next so here you need to give your  project name so I am going to give   hello world and just you know simply click on next 6 is totally fine just simply click on create and there you go it is rightly  started creating our project and you can see that our project is slightly  launched so here is our solution hello world   and here is our you know dot CS class that  is basically you know C sharp plus so if   you just simply click on this run button now  which is going to start building our project and once our bill gets completed  you can see the output hello world   is rightly shown okay so this you know  whatever is written over here this hello   world is rightly shown so in this we can  easily install latest version of Visual   Studio that is Visual Studio 2022 for dotnet  developers on the Windows operating system   so if you face any difficulty during installing  our Visual Studio you can always put a comment in   that comment sections I am always there to help  you and if this video helps you then please do   subscribe our channel that will really help me  to make more such videos so that's basically all   about this video thank you very much for  watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 204,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio 2022, visual studio, download visual studio 2022, visual studio 2022 preview, Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, Windows 10, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code on Windows 10, How to install Visual Studio Code, Install Visual Studio Code on Windows 10, How to Download and Install Visual Studio Code, Download Visual Studio, Setting up Visual Studio Code, vs code extensions, Windows 11, visual studio 2022 new features, microsoft visual studio 2022
Id: gvKqJF0pVMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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