Create Your First ASP.NET Web Application using Visual Studio Code | ASP.NET using VSCode and .NET 8

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in this video I will show you how to create an web application using vs code so first it is necessary to install net and to check if it is installed correctly or not we need to open the command prompt and here let's type net so we can see that it is installed correctly we can even check the version so let's write net hyeny version so here we can see that I am using this version of The NET Framework if it is not installed then we need to install it so to install The NET Framework we need to go to the browser and here let's type net let's go to the first link then download and you can download and install this version which iset atet 8 so we can click on this button then we need to save the installer so in my case I have already downloaded the installer and also I installed it so I will not install it again now let's create an web application so let's go to the folder where we want to create the application in my case I want to create it in the documents folder into vs code projects then here let's create a new folder for the new application we can call this application best store for example then let's open this folder using vs code so for the moment it is empty let's open the terminal and to create a new web application we need to type net new so here we can see that we can create these types of projects in our case I want to create this type which is cor web app razor pages so we need either to add this short name or this short name so let's use this short name web app so here we have to type net new then this short name let's press enter so now the application has been created correctly and here we can see that we have new files and folders now to run this application we have to type net run so here we can see that our application is running and it is available at this URL let's go to this URL and we obtain this application so now let's change this text for example so the homepage is available in the pages folder and it is called index. CSH HTML also we can see that we have this notification that suggests to install the C extension so later I will show you how to install the CP extension now let's update the title so here let's write Welcome to our website let's save the file let's refresh the page and we still have the old content so to see the new content we need to stop the application and to start it again so to stop the application we have to click on contrl C then let's run the application again using net run let's go again to this URL and here we can see that we have Welcome to our web site so instead of restarting the application each time we make a modification we can use the watch command so let's stop the application and let's add the watch command so we have to write net watch run so we can see that the brow browser has been opened automatically and using the watch command we are using the hot reload functionality this means that each time we update the source code the application will restart automatically so now let's change this title let's write welcome again let's save the file and here we have the new content welcome again now I will show you how to install the C extension so we can click on this extensions button and here let's type c then we can select this extension and we can install it but this is not required
Channel: BoostMyTool
Views: 3,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7jOI9sh08nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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