Visual Studio Code for C# Developers | .NET Conf 2022

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>> If you were a C^Sharp developer who wants to work in a fast editor environment, and who also wants to learn more C-Sharp as you go, I think you should learn VS Code for C-Sharp development. In fact, I think that all C^Sharp developers should use VS code at least sometimes in their project in order to grow their experience and understanding of C^Sharp. Now before we get into more of the why and then into how to actually use this, lets start off. Who am I? My name is Tim Corey. It's my goal to make learning C-Sharp easier. I have a YouTube channel you can check out at YouTube/iamtimcorey that has over 450 videos dedicated to C-Sharp and the surrounding technologies. I love you to check it out. Also go to and look the resources section. There you'll find even more resources that will help you as a developer. I have my podcasts that comes out weekly that covers developer questions, questions you might have about being a developer. I also have the C-Sharp projects site, which is a free resource that will help you understand the various project types in C-Sharp, how they work, how to get started in them, and how to go deeper into those topics. If you have a suggestion, there's also a suggestion side the bottom that will allow you to ask your question or get your particular topic covered in future content. That's who I am. Let's jump into what is VS Code and why is it important for C^Sharp developers? Lets start with the why first and then jump into actually doing stuff with the code. So why? Well, the first why is because it's just a fast cross-platform editor. It's going to work the same on Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can just jump right in and edit your code on any of those platforms and it's going to look and work the same way. That's Number 1. But Number 2 is, it's going to give you better experience with.Net command line and that makes me step backwards. You may say Tim, Visual Studio is amazing. It does all those things for me. I don't have to know a dotnet command in order to run my application ISA F5, and it runs, well, that's true, but Visual Studio isn't always going to be there for you. For example, if you want to have a CIC process in GitHub actions or Azure DevOps, then you're going to need to know how the dotnet command line works in order to build your project, test your project, publish your project, and more. It's better to learn that now in VS code so that you understand the intricacies of how it works. You better understand how to automate things and have a better understanding of what command you'll need in order to set up a great process for building and publishing your application. That's Number 2. Number 3 is getting a better knowledge of C-Sharp syntax. Sometimes Visual Studio comforts you a little bit with these nice pre-done templates and item templates and so on that allow you to forget all the stuff that's behind the scenes. But the downside is it becomes a black box or magic that when it breaks, you don't know how to fix it, so the VS Code, it pulls back on some of that and you have to understand how various things work, which is a good thing. You have better understanding of the foundation that you're building your applications on. Finally, it's going to give you a new perspective on your code. Just by looking at your code at a different editor, you will see things differently. So trying a step back look at the VS Code and say, how did this work? How is it working? How should it work, and what am I missing? I think that VS Code is a very important tool for C-Sharp developers to use to also learn C-Sharp better. Let's jump right into the code and see how VS Code works with our C-Sharp code. Now, I'm going to switch to my editor here and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to show you I have one extension installed that's important to you. It's a C-Sharp extension. We have the C-Sharp extension. This is all you need, is from Microsoft, powered by OmniSharp and it is the tool for working with C-Sharp in VS Code. Nice stuff installed, but that's the only one relevant to today's discussion. Right now, I have nothing in this folder. Let's go over to the folder itself and just see there's nothing in this console folder so let's get started at looking at how dotnet works. The first thing I'll do is I will pull up my terminal and the terminal here is going to allow me to interact with the command line, so the dotnet command line, and here a dotnet is going to give you some information. The way to get help and the way get information, and the list of SDKs and so forth. Let's look at the dotnet info and this shows you which things are installed on my machine. You're going to see that I have a number of SDKs from 3.1 through 7.0 and that [inaudible] which is about the same that you'll have right now with the production version of dotnet setup, but it wasn't available when I'm recording this. It's a bunch of different things installed. We're going to use the dotnet 7 today, but you can use whichever version you want, whichever one is installed and if you have a SDK that you want, just search for dotnet SDK in Google or Bing and you're going to find the list of SDKs you can install on your machine. With that, we can get started on creating stuff in dotnet. We're going to say dotnet new sln. We're creating a new solution we're going to call it name is confsln and this creates for us a dotnet solution called confsln dotsln. Then from there you're going to say, well Tim, how did you understand that command? Because that seems like it's magic. There is no such thing. Well, it's not magic. Let me show you how. Dotnet new and I can say list. If I'd done dotnet new dash h or tell me the different opposite can call, but lists is one of those, and this list is a list of the templates that I have installed on this machine that I can use. One of those down here is SLN. Now another one is the gitignore. Have you ever create a dotnet product and forgot about the gitignore and then try to put in a Git source control? It causes some problems. There's a lot of stuff it needs be ignored. But trying to manually create that file is also annoying. Let's do this. We're going to say dotnet new gitignore. Done. >> There is our gitignore file with all the settings we need. We're not going to work at Git today, but I just want to show you that that super easy to do is a really helpful tool and you can even do this on existing projects in case they don't have a gitignore and they need one. Now let's go back and we're going to clear screen again, and we're going to say dotnet new console. This is a new console application. But I'm going to give it a framework, so -f and say net7.0. I can change this framework or have leave it off and we'll use the latest framework that's installed on my machine. The name is going to be TestUI. Now we've created a new project type called Test UI. There is our console application. Pretty cool. Now I can come back to our command line. We can clear this screen again, and this time we're going to do is say dotnet new classlib, for class library, again -f for net7.0, and you want to say this name is HelperLib. There we go. We now have a helper library. It's again in.NET 7. There's our Class1.cs. We're good to go. That is our setup for our project in our solution, but we haven't associate the two together yet. Let's do that. Let's clear this screen here. We're going to say dotnet sln, for solution, and give it which solution. We'll say add TestUI/TestUI.csproj. This will add the project to the solution, hit "Enter", and we're going to do the same thing again. This time, I'll wipe this out and we're going to say HelperLib/HelperLib.csproj. Again, we're going to add the helper library to the solution as well. We're going to add both of those solution, and now let's bring us back down. I want to open up the TestUI.csproj. In here, again, this is where you get to know C# better. In your csproj file is where you have references. If I wanted to reference the class library, I have to add a reference in here in my csproj file. I could do that manually or I can come to the command line. Let's see those. Like it is, you can see what happens to the csproj file automatically. I can say dotnet add TestUI/TestUI.csproj reference HelperLib/HelperLib.csproj, and that adds a reference to the helper lib project. I could type it out manually, but this way is another option for you and it's different than just a VS Code's checkbox so you know how to do this even you're not in Visual Studio. The Visual Studio checkbox is nice, but this shows what's happening and how you could do it yourself. Now, let's do something similar in the helper library. Go there and we're going to clear the screen. In this library, I want to add a reference to a NuGet package. Not know how to use this for the demo, but I just want to show you how to add a NuGet package. We're going to say or change the directory into the helper lib, that's makes it easier, and we're going to say dotnet add package Dapper. There you go. That's how you'd add Dapper to your csproj file. You could just type this, but you can also run it from the command line. Both options are available to you. Now, so far we built a project, we built a second project. We've added both to a solution. We've referenced the library in the UI projects. We've added a NuGet package, but let's see how we actually run this application. Let's delete this terminal. I'm going to come down here to our Program.cs, and I wanted to hit "F5". But if I do, it says, what do you mean? Nothing seemed to happen here. Well, that's because we don't have two projects that are normally created by OmniSharp by default, but sometimes they don't get set up that way. No problem. What we can do is Control Shift P to bring up our UI here and say.NET generate assets for build and debug. When you do that, it creates this VS Code folder with our launch.json and our tasks.json. If you ever actually delete this folder, no worries. You can just do Control Shift P and generate the assets for build and debug. With that, we have the two files we need to launch our application, but we're not quite done yet. There's one thing I want to tweak, and that's in launch.json. Now right down here, it says console. Which console do you want to run? For our web projects, this isn't a problem to lead us as it is. But for our console applications, we might have a console reline. We don't want the internal console because it doesn't have the ability to send data to it. We want the, there's IntelliSense here, integrated terminal. That will be the terminal inside of VS Code. We could also say that you want the external terminal and that will give you a pop-up, that is your separate command window. We're going to do the IntegratedTerminal , not console, IntegratedTerminal. With that, I'm going to hit "F5" like you would in Visual Studio. It's going to launch, it's going to run, and it's going to jump over the debug console. But if you go back to the terminal, we'll see that we have Hello World right here. Now, this application didn't do a whole lot. It just has Hello World. Let's do a little bit more here. Let's do our Console.Write please enter your first name, and then we're going to say string firstName equals Console.ReadLine, and then we're going to say Console.WriteLine, and we're going to say hello, firstname, like so. Our console now this does say, hey, you know what? That's actually a nullable, which is something that's now built into OmniSharp which says, I know about nullability, and if you go to your csproj, you'll see that nullable is enabled. It's saying, hey, strings can be nullable, therefore warn if we're trying to switch from nullable to non-nullable and so on. That's a good warning. We can leave it alone though. But now let's do this. Let's put a break point right here before our WriteLine, and let's hit "F5". >> If we go back to our terminal, will see please enter your first name at the bottom here. I'm going to say, Tim, I hit "Enter". Now we're at the breakpoint. We can inspect the first name variable and see that it has the name Tim inside of it. This is just like our Visual Studio experience or close to it but it's in VS Code. I can just hit "Continue" and now it prints out Hello Tim to the console. That's how you would set up a project. But let's start all over this time with a web project. Let's do some a little harder. Let's close this out. I move up one level and we're going to a Blazor folder which has nothing in it, you going to right-click and say show more. Open a terminal. I can just say code. that works too. Also now I have Visual Studio open again. I could open my terminal with the control in the backtick, and let's create a new Blazor project dotnet, new solution, name, BlazorSln. Let's add our dotnet new gitignore. Just we have it. Then let's say dotnet new blazorServer. Name is BlazorDemo. I'm not going to specify the framework of this point. Just go. I capitalize s, looks like. I couldn't find that template, no problem. There you go. There's a template. Now with that, if you go look at the csproj, you'll find that the net 7 project. I didn't specify it, but because that's the latest version on my machine, that's what it gets. With that all set up, I need to clear a screen here. Let's expand this. Let's add dotnet sln, BlazorSln.sln add BlazorDemo/BlazerDemo.csproj. Add that to our solution, just the one. We're going to do is, we're going to clear screen. Let's say kill a terminal. Now we need to do the Control-Shift p to the.NET Generate Assets for Build, and says, hey I can't find it, now it says, I can find it now. Hit "Yes", there we go. Sounds OmniSharp isn't started quite yet, I went quite fast. But if I figured out that this is a cs project file and set everything up for me for launch. We should be good to go, well, let's find out. If I were to hit "F5" right now and run this, what's going to happen? Well, it should launch my web browser. It did, and it should launch Blazor, cool. Now I have Blazor up and running, and you can see, let's zoom in here a little bit. We find that command here. There we go. We click the "Counter" it works, cool. That's all great, there is couple of things that are wrong here. First of all, notice that this is the HTTP version. You can notice by the port number. There we go. The port number isn't the 5,000 series, not the 7,000 series. HTTP, if you also check here it says your connection is not secure, so we don't have the HTTPS version. Why is that? Well, it's because of how we set things up. Let's go ahead and stop this. You've stopped this and we can even get rid of terminal if you want. Let's make some changes to our setup so we understand how things work and set it up correctly. First of all, you should know and if you don't ask, no problem you'll learn now. Under Properties, there's a launchSettings.json. This is true not just for VS Code, but for all web projects in core. This tells the system how to launch your web project. In here, notice we have IIS settings, but then under the profiles, we have an HTTP setting, an HTTPS setting, and we have an IIS Express. If you were in Visual Studio, these three options will be in a drop-down. You get to choose which one you wanted to launch. But we don't have a dropdown here, so which one is it launching? Well, by default, it's launching the first one. We haven't specified anything which only has HTTP. Now you could delete this. That would make the first one the default, which was this one, and that does have HTTPS. That's not an ideal solution. Instead, let's go into our launch.json, and we're going to set the launch settings profile. In here, we're going to set, let's go right here. Now if you have IntelliSense we going to say launch settings profile, and we are going to say HTTPS. How do I know that? In large settings, we have profiles, HTTP, HTTPS and IIS Express. You could change those names. Those are just identifiers for you. But we're going to use the built-in HTTPS. Let's start that next. So just with that one change, hit "F5" and launch Blazor server, and says your connection is not private. I have not yet approved that certificate that's okay. We can do that in a little bit. But for now, we'll continue on and there we go. We have under HTTPS Blazor server. That works. But we're not quite done yet because we don't have the idea of Hot Reload. I really like Hot Reload as a feature, so let's add that to our VS Code. In order to do that, we need to change the pre-launch task right here in the launch.json. Instead of build, want to change this to watch, that's it. Hit "F5" and now we're going to have the hot reload. Notice it says Hello, world. Let's see if we can minimize this a little bit. I'm going to minimize my VS Code a little move over and see if I can get this all on one screen. There we go. Let's go to our index page. I'm going to minimize the Explorer window so we have everything or the side window. Everything is visible here. Let's change this to.NET Conf. I haven't touched anything, it just updated. As soon as my page saved, it went ahead and did the Hot Reload and loaded the new changes on my Blazor app. This is all done with the command line. Here's some really cool stuff you can do inside of VS Code. If we go back and look, we have talked about debugging. We've talked about launching your application. Let's go ahead and stop this. By the way, we can stop this. It's not quite stopped yet with terminal. It's still load, let's hit "Delete". That'll stop it. With that, we've looked at debugging, we've looked at breakpoints, we looked at adding projects and solutions and NuGet packages, and doing the dotnet watch for looking at our application and doing hot reload. We've changed our web server. We've done a ton of stuff in VS Code and really just scratched the surface. There's so much more we can do in here that it's pretty impressive. Again, it works just like our other environments. We can just dive right in here and start making changes to our Blazor page and we're good to go. We can just see those reflected on a pages. We can have our web browser and a different monitor and see those pages reflect the changes immediately. There's a lot of stuff you can do with dotnet, but it's all command line. I would encourage you get to know our VS Code, get to know the actual, it's called the actual terminal here. Just seems easier. Let's say dotnet and just start doing dotnet -h Here's your list. So we have add, build, clean, format, list, nsbuild, new, nuget, pack, publish, remove, restore. There's a lot of stuff in this list that will allow you to manage and manipulate your dotnet projects without having to have an editor to do a job for you. Again, this allows you to do more when it comes to the CIC process, like in GitHub Actions and in Azure DevOps. You can do a lot of stuff. In fact, all the stuff you can do with Visual Studio, you can do from the command line if you know how. Practice it inside of your VS Code. That's really it. That's all I want to cover in VS Code, a lot more and go into a lot more depth we can talk about. One of the cool demos you might see on my YouTube channel soon is I bought a 100-dollar Raspberry Pi keyboard. It's a keyboard with a Raspberry Pi built-in, does not have a lot of power, and yet I was able to install VS Code on it. It runs Linux. I installed VS Code and I have Blazors server and other things running on it. Making changes, having the dotnet watch for the hot reload and so much more all on a 100-dollar computer. What does that mean? Should you run VS Code on a Raspberry Pi? Probably not. But at the same time, you can, which means you don't have to have a slang machine. You don't have to have the latest and greatest in order to get this to work and work well. Encourage you learn how to use VS code. Learn how to use the command line, learn how to integrate, and it will really improve your game as a C-Sharp developer, it'll allow you to work on more platforms and we'll just make you better overall at your job. Thanks for watching. I hope you have a great rest of the.Net Conf.
Channel: dotnet
Views: 50,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .NET, C#, Visual Studio Code, Blazor, group-general
Id: fuBi4d7k1-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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