Buzzfeed: Unsolved: My Favorite Funny Moments

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you [Music] can you imagine if you got sleep paralysis in this room oh my God why would you [ __ ] say that right before we're about to sleep and like you lifted your head up and you saw a face in the window why would you say that you know what my face shows up in the mirror that sounds like literally a nightmare and you know one of my big fears is a face staring at me through a window yeah these poor people at this funeral home are just trying to make a nice little occasion for this brutally murdered man and they have just this cartoonish cast of characters calling them up to deliver these grisly grim message if I'm working at that home I'm just I'm getting fed up you want to come do the job you want to do my job how about I be you you show up why don't you bury that [ __ ] stop just calling me I'm busy it's [ __ ] annoying you know how hard it is to reconstruct this man's skull one of the most prominent figures in the asylum is the spirit of a man named Roy Krauss Roy's both prominent due to his frequent activity but also because of his massive size as Roy Krauss was almost seven and a half feet tall I don't have to do the low-hanging fruit joke here so I'm not going to know but you couldn't reach it if you tried that's good is there anybody in here with me right now what's Ryan doing in there who the hell knows it's probably gonna take out his little spirit box I'm gonna fire up the spirit box now I'm shaking because I'm so scared it's probably gonna say something that doesn't sound like any words any humans ever spoken oh [ __ ] he'll probably respond to it like he's sitting across the table from a friend playing Scrabble do it or Ryan piss myself I can't imagine how scared he'll be close one of those cabinets if there's somebody in here upon investigation the police found that mumphrey let a blackmailing gang in New Orleans that preyed on Italians and almost all of the acts man's victims were Italians its guy's a racist most of them were Italian grocers oh [ __ ] this guy this is what made you turn if there's already the basis that he's gonna be killing I do not approve of that but if he's gonna do it then at least do it randomly I think just don't kill people look Ryan what are we here for I thought we were here to get into the mind of a serial killer I know I'm just saying and what if they all just happened to be Italian grocers oh that's rich up in cord the resulting low speed police chase a bogey on the freeways of Southern California in his wife Ford Bronco is a lasting memory for anybody familiar with the case remember that I actually don't I think I was not too on top of the news cycle then because I was watching Power Rangers or something but I was not yeah that's true maybe you were just eating cereal or some [ __ ] like that yeah I was probably taking a dump or something I don't know that's all I did was take dumps no well in my pants we were childhood people theorize then when Cooper jumped out the money possibly fell into the wash we'll go river before eventually making its way to Tina bomb that's that's basically all David DeRose I'm just jumping out and immediately just losing grip of all the bags just a man plummeting to earth with a bunch of money flying around typical ax man fashion the ax used belonged to the court of MIG Lea's they call it x-men fever acts mania whether they call maxi where they like everybody in town Scott axe man pheeba as the terror continues to grip the community distrust in throw away your axes it's just in most girls crushed whoa throw out axes when he asked me where the sounds came from I said upstairs cuz that feels like a good final boss for him I'm sure he'll go in there and hear a ton of things first floor look the pebbles are still in a smiley face walk into the end of the first hallway no I'm not [ __ ] that if he makes the full 10 minutes I'm gonna be very proud of him what in the [ __ ] am i doing what am I doing here all of the hair my arm is standing up I'm standing in the middle of the old city jail by myself I'm the only person in this building what kind of idiot would do this me I realized me I'm the fool making some nonsense noises baby here we go an hour or two ago now I'm gonna run into the warden's room yeah this [ __ ] sucks I hate it I [ __ ] hate this [Music] that is quite a reaction I think we're making some headway you think you're crazy you haven't seen crazy yet on the third floor marching down the hallway where are you I'll give it to you this is the scariest building I've ever been into my entire life I think are cracked my plane is crashed keep in mind an hour ago he was drumming his belly button I don't think he's gonna be the same after tonight we're just here to talk to you to figure out what you found about this house when you were living in it how funny is it that you were trying to talk to dead folks in here and now it's kind of ironic right yeah we're trying to talk to you I was also gonna say what if he doesn't know he's dead he's conducting a seance oh he seems weird he thinks weird the ghost classics Sixth Sense scenario or or the other or the other spoiler alert or that one goosebumps book the ghost next door yeah that's a good book too anyway if you're hearing us right now we're not the ghosts you're the ghost unless you know I guess I did get into that car accident a while ago and it was a pretty close call it is possible that I'm dead right now one time I cut up an avocado and there was a lot of meat left on the pit and I put the avocado pit in my mouth the entire pit you put the in yeah and I started to just kind of yeah meat off of it and at that moment I was like if I sneezed right now this thing was lodged into my throat and ever since then I've kind of been terrified of avocados but the other thing is I always thought what if I did die then [ __ ] dude I mean we tweet all the time so that's true yeah people this would be a pretty elaborate shared delusion I don't mean I'm not gonna do this beer box okay whatever you got to do remember you're a ghost hunter so just do your [ __ ] job hey I may just sit on these stairs I'm not even kidding no go up if you don't go up it's a failure that's fine you have failed to do your job that's fine I could like you've got to go all the way up if someone tells me I'm not a good ghost hunter I'll be like you got to go all the way up say the words I got to go all the way up no I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say them because I may not go all the way up I can't tell you what I'm gonna do when that door shuts you're gonna you're gonna go all the way up I'm gonna [ __ ] myself that's fine as long as you go all the way up the day of the murders the house maid Maggie saw Lizzie wearing an unstained blue dress Lizzie could perhaps have committed the murder and then changed while maggie was reportedly sleeping but the time frame for that would have been extremely slim and dresses in that time period were a bit of a process to take on and off so this seems unlikely she could have gotten a dress on that's not that hard apparently was pretty hard I'd like to see you put on a dress from that time period that came out weird I could have worded that better I would not like to see you in a dress I would like you to try you know what you get what I'm saying okay to other ghosts that haunt the house are Thomas and Anna Whaley themselves many reports saying Thomas Whaley on the upper landing where one person claimed he wore a frock coat and pantaloons some have reported that he blows tobacco smoke and visitors faces [Laughter] do you imagine seeing a ghost oh my goodness look at this strange apparition and he just comes up to news like oh Jesus man hold your mine is also where the notorious Jacob waltz brassey's come to be known the Lost Dutchman sure does sound Lots go on quote there are too many things in this case that are not consistent with white shark behavior end quote he's the Richard Dreyfuss of this jaws story exactly this would be like if in Jaws there was a guy going around town just murdering people and then yelling shark and is tossing him in the ocean yeah yeah in comes Richard Dreyfuss yeah he's like this is [ __ ] whatever the reason is the girl's existence has never been officially confirmed okay wait the dead girl the dead girl was not confirmed what happened to her body don't know this is a long time ago what are you I know we're in the canals of Mexico this is like I don't know how things work is I happen to her to 1950 probably spiders hate her then again you would also think that spirits that are hanging out in the chapel are kind of mocking things in you maybe yeah but Jesus is Jesus here I have no idea at this moment our audio recorder picks up a voice saying I am NOT is Jesus here I have no idea what well clearly he is Jesus yeah because he says I he's answering I'm not Shh I'm not here it's you that or it's the devil I don't know I just put the done Jesus is the devil I'm saying it's the devil pretending to be Jesus he's playing like a little game on but then he would say I have here it's me Jesus that's true I guess it that doesn't really you know what it is I just mm nerved I'm unnerved by something answering a question about Jesus that's a ghost hanging out in a chapel for some reason which seems like a weird place for someone to spend if they're trapped for eternity I don't know you know chalk it up to the usuals think it's pretty clear chalk it up to the usuals that's gonna be a new go-to answer okay well I think it's a pretty clear voice and it answered your question in a little little tricky way but intelligently I am not however the most important clause is a specific threat that would terrify the entire New Orleans community quote now to be exact at 12:15 o'clock earthly time on next Tuesday night I'm going to pass over New Orleans in my infinite mercy I'm going to make a little proposition to the people here it is I am very fond of jazz music and I swear by all the Devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose house a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned if everyone has a jazz band going well then so much the better for the people one thing is certain and that is some of those persons who do not jazz it on Tuesday night if there be any will get the axe we better jazz it he's a bit like Santa Claus okay I understand he says he's gonna pass so over New Orleans that's a bit magical share imagine him flying through the skies with his big axe riding a crocodile or an alligator whatever they call a demon traveling on Deans wings just looking down at all the little houses listening for jazz it's like he's like the Grinch trying to listen to the Whoville people sing exactly right I still don't understand how he Santa Claus Santa Claus never bashed anyone's head in with a big sack of toys that's true but he doesn't give him coal what if you want to eat my heart turn that light on I think the demons on Wimpy's lost his mind you know lay on the pentagram here we go yeah you're mine rock and roll buckaroo if you want to eat my heart turn that light on if you want to eat Brian's heart don't forgot like putting mean your share old pal Ryan Bergara not a package deal you don't feel even a little creeped out no of course according to the current owner of this mine somebody got pulled into this machine and grind it up I don't really know what this machine does some people grinder people could endure I'm sure the people grinder sure you was used to grind to conduct energy not to make people into little little beef patties after the plane had taken off a little after 3 p.m. Cooper handed the Stewart is a note at first she just put it in her pocket without looking at it but then Cooper said quote miss you better go get that note I have a bomb end quote he's a bomb it's funny that he faster a note to be discreet about it like yeah I keep this on the down-low and then she was just like thanks and walked away and he was like hey you might want to read that cuz I've got a bomb a little beside the point but very impressive on the great white sharks behalf that they can do such a clean bite well it's a powerful animal yeah hell yeah I mean it's not a bear but it's it could certainly kill a bear hands down if you dropped a bear in the ocean you know it bear no we've been all for the bear is the most deadly animal of all time no it's not yes it is no it's not yes it is no it's know you put a bear in any playing field in the world water no hippopotamus no [ __ ] you do papayas the most killer getting high this is a different episode you workers noted that there was a mass rolling around inside the poet's skull at the time news articles reported it was posed brain quote dried and hardened in the skull and claiming quote the cerebral mass evidenced no sign of disintegration or decay though of course it is somewhat diminished end quote what happens to the brain I have no idea that's gnarly man I do not think the brain hardens into a funny little ball I don't think that's what happens I wouldn't be funny funny little mouse came out I guess however the final and perhaps most feared ghost of all is the ghost of Yankee Jim you better watch out of Yankee Jim I'll give you some taffy some folks say they hear him playing a jolly little kazoo - he's not that's not a ghost that's not a spooky named Roland Owen will not be buried in a pauper's grave arrangements have been made for his funeral end quote I'm gonna start using it hoppers great well just hoppers as sort of a descriptor like if I get a I get a subpar salad oh yeah this is a popper salad I will not eat this popper salad or if you get like a hotel room that just has a view of the parking lot of the freeway mm-hmm not gonna sit in this poppers hotel room front desk yes I will not accept this poppers view this is Ricky Cole it's worth you know what the deal is do you want me to come down there again didn't think so well that guy's scary yeah he's really scary so once again he's asked elating yeah one of the saddest parts of this to me is that so many of these bodies were unidentified yeah because it's just I'm always of the opinion that once I'm dead you could do anything you want with my body throw it out in the street let the dogs eat it but I want it I would at least want people to look at my body and go yeah that's a shame that was Shane he's being eaten right now that's Shane in that basset hounds mouth give him a send-off whatever say your kind words about him that'd be Harvey dog it's a big ass bone I'll tell you what on my 99th birthday I'd be walking into the US Marshals office and just being like son wheels you in a wheelchair and you're just sunglasses on just it's me I wish you could Premium the last 30 years Sookie cupboards and then you just died you're good there's the original right here what we're the one that looks holy [ __ ] I was just about to put the offering on the original doll and then holy [ __ ] look at the spider coming out of it oh my god oh [ __ ] yeah these are [ __ ] huge let's go this is also his favorite doll right here okay I don't care what his favorite [ __ ] what's going there's cats right there oh [ __ ] me dear are spiders everywhere look at the size of that i'ma go under okay okay we've had our fun either way Jackson and walling were hung from the same scaffold at the same time claiming innocence until the end despite the piles of evidence against them legend says that Alonzo walling threatened that he would come back and haunt the area after he died some believe he may have kept his word that's the weirdest thing to do before you died just be like I'm gonna haunt you it means nothing to you at the time but if it gets you know other people all like crazy then why not yeah I'm gonna make creeks that specific you didn't do specific now oh you gotta be to get more just then every time they hear a creak they'll think that's Shane I shouldn't killed them anytime you get uneasy that's me inside the car they found in what I imagine was unintentional humor makeup adhesive a fake mustache and goatee OJ's passport and a gun just try to picture one of the most famous people in the world trying to sneak into TSA with a glued on mustache in thinking that it's gonna work out it was even considering it it's a little juvenile the ax men you really never used his own tools he only used what he could find on hand in victims households usually an axe which he typically left behind at the scene of the crime everybody had an axe back in the day huh yeah you know my biggest takeaway from this case is why not just backs away yeah it's literally the first thing I would do but these people were like they actually doesn't take my axe I've got my porch axe my shed axe my kitchen axe another trio of goes who haunt this lighthouse treat the entire grounds as their own playground the construction of the new lighthouse took place from 1871 to 1874 and was overseen by a man named Hezekiah aged pity on July 10th 1873 it's reported that pity's children along with one unnamed girl believed to be a workers daughter decided to play in the supply cart that ran from the construction site high on the coastline down to the water below when tragedy struck the supply cart hit a gate and flipped the children into the water pinning them under the cart a worker came to their aid but it was too late two of pitties children Eliza and Mary as well as the unnamed little girl drowned before they could be saved can't be horsing around you know I respect that I respect that you know you can horse around in certain areas but a construction site by the ocean moving forward in 1835 the castles use as a prison ceased and in 1860 the castle became a museum it is still a museum today they were on top of it they need a museum for the museum a hundred years from now they're gonna have museums about all the museum's that we saw in our lifetime yeah they may even be like a hundred years before now to Royal jackasses sat in this spot and carelessly talked about history you can think they're gonna be I have like wax figures up us yeah one of them will have a eight-foot round head okay all right yeah and one of them will be this chair Buttle big giant and it'll say if you sit in this chair you'll feel the same like you're the same size as Ryan Vergara the littlest man of the backs figure they could just take this normal chair and put a little like a doll yeah yeah some believe there are bodies littered around the area I mean this is I hell of a tree I mean it definitely has character it looks like a Tim Burton tree it looks like one of those Wizard of Oz trees that comes to life and [ __ ] you up by the way this foundation [Laughter] that batter was at a bird we're in backcountry buddy that guy I don't want them flying towards my face all the time Jesus this is a Wickenburg house right here the man himself the guy who pretty much died in the streets why don't we just reach out right here in between the hanging tree and North bird's house kill two birds at once I do like that his home was right by the trooper he was like well wills will hang these men right outside my bedroom window he probably likes sipping on a little cup of tea watching them kick to their death and that's what you gets doing from our minds maybe the guy did deserve to die in the streets yeah the possibility that Burroughs had used an invisibility cloak given to him by the devil was suggested by the chief justice oh my Jesus Christ this is so upsetting it's it's upsetting but it's kind of funny when you think about it oh my god if you're an educated man from Harvard who is like well surely the Chief Justice will have something reasonable to say about this chief justice what have you to say I've seen him use an invisibility cloak I know he gave it to him the devil two days later on August 18th 1938 at 12:40 a.m. director ness and a squadron of 35 detectives and police officers raided Kingsbury runs hobo jungle they rounded up 63 men and scoured the shacks for any sign of the killer most noteworthy in a move that has been criticized nest then ordered the shacks to be burnt down the people displace were then charged with being homeless which they pled guilty for neces involvement in this episode of the investigation has been referred to as cruel and draconian okay this I mean he pretty much just said I can't find what's going on in this part of town let's burn it all down it's literally like a scorched earth he literally went scorched earth yeah according to James Bedell the preeminent expert on this case NASA's raid was intended to protect the transients in a bizarre and backwards way Ness wanted to eliminate the pool of potential victims thinking that the killer targeted transients which to be fair was true he also wanted the transients fingerprints in the event that they were later killed it feels like maybe the fingerprint excuse is exactly that it's just an excuse when people are like hey why you terrorizing a entire population of people and setting their homes on fire and suddenly he needed to come up with a reason but he's coming to his senses yeah finger prick he's just sort of backpedaling that he was just like finger prints he didn't just look finger he didn't need fingerprints s yeah sure during the second half of the flight Cooper put on a pair of dark wraparound sunglasses with dark rims that would later become part of the sketch that would become famous for anybody familiar with the case yeah I'm just imagining like a camera just just pushing in on him as he's like if we were in today's age this guy would definitely have headphones in playing Spotify playlist of epic soundtracks you have one of those shitty hoverboards not an actual hoverboard but there should be like or I'll do the job I need to take out his wheels put them down start moving up and down the oil knapsack well do the job it is estimated that 500 to 600 rooms were built but due to her constant remodeling only 161 rooms remain one of which was newly discovered in October 2016 you think the ghosts just checked in every like three to five years time see if she's still building that otherwise we got a killer I guess if she's spent her whole life being afraid of water and she can't swim probably probably put on a life vest why would she even attempt or even attempt in her nightgown no less yeah her nope don't know less that's why it's strange I guess when I'm drunk I get some stupid thing I guess I would attempt to do things that I'm scared of but going back to my fear of bears I would never go hey let me go pet this bear no I wouldn't want one of my greatest fears I think I've said this before is that someone will trick me into doing heroin which is the dumbest fear I've ever heard of my life it's my will how many situations could even put you up to that potential I don't know all it takes sleep are you going to with heroin none but some wasn't a lot it's not the fear that I'm at a party it's a fear that someone would come up to me on the street and put heroin in me and then I'm hooked forever McIlroy at the age of 47 remained in the car shot dead getting hit twice the shot came from roughly behind him so he would not have seen his shooter bullet casings from two different guns were found notably none of the witnesses called an ambulance do you think there was one guy who was like I'll call oh he just got a firm stay over one just she turns their heads for him what's that noise oh it's a cloud a cicada oh I see him right there this guy's beautiful yeah he's just showing out on a branch oh this guy's my new fave bro oh yeah look at these two walking sticks are definitely banging it out sticking it to each other this is kind of a beautiful moment we're seeing like a circle of a life moment yeah is that a ball gag I don't know if we got this on camera but he told me do not be afraid I mean I will I am very scared okay do not be afraid if anything happens just do not be afraid that's all you have to keep repeating he said it a bunch of times in the Bible Jesus said Jill said Jill yeah sure gentlemen have claimed that they feel somebody trying to touch their leg underneath the bar I was expecting something else considering that his just leg Brian is afraid of you I think you should show them that you demand to be respected I do respect them I didn't never knew this was that easy [ __ ] damn what do you think happened I'm gonna go Occam's razor on this one I just assumed that he rocketed into the ground a little juxtaposition of him being on the plane being like I don't have a bourbon and then two hours later how do you arrest a ghost you can't yeah I guess you would have to be a ghost cop you know what i rescind what I said earlier I won't pour tea and fold clothes I'll be a ghost cop yeah that's actually pretty bad Brian Vergara ghost cop doesn't that sound nice that's awesome I like that guy while writing the New York subway in 1917 John Galvin a man claiming to be a detective at Scotland Yard grabbed a woman and reportedly declared quote I know you Dorothy Arnold I've got you at last end quote the woman not Dorothy Arnold but rather a mrs. Smith begged strangers around her to help but Galvin insisted he was a detective he marched her into an NYPD precinct where officers let mrs. Smith go and sent Galvin to Bellevue Hospital for observation I know you Dorothy Arnold come with me I've got you at last another case cracked forgiven imagine being on the subway maybe you have your air pods in and some grown man grabs you by the shoulders looks you in your eyes and shakes you and goes I got you probably happens a lot in New York I'm probably true you know the subway in such play it's a wild place not only did he grab her it's not like this was a moment of Terror just a moment he marched her marched her to the police station made her get off the subway walked with her I'm assuming while holding her shoulder still that's it imagine the people at the precinct to they this man shows up he's like it's the missing lady we've got her at last ma'am do you have any ID she takes it out why don't we get this guy somewhere quickly I've cracked it here she is Dorothy give me the money now witnesses sleeping aboard a nearby boat John Payne and his girlfriend Marilyn Wayne reported hearing shouts at however there was a party going on somewhere nearby so he figured it was from that and did not respond pain claimed to hear a woman yelling quote help me someone please help me and quote coming from the near Stern of the splendor and potentially from someone in a dinghy he also believed to hear a man who sounded very drunk respond quote okay honey we'll get you end quote but his tone was so Bocking he claims this is why he believed the cries were associated with the party mocking tone when you say mocking tone you mean like okay honey we'll go get you we'll help you like intimidating scary spooky oh you think oh you went a little darker with it maybe that's what he said or maybe he was just joking around like oh go get ya or maybe this didn't happen at all maybe this guy didn't hear what he thought he heard is he just like parked next to them like binoculars like a creep a star watcher oh what's going on having woods up on that bow oh she's screaming better take note about that I feel like a mark of true success is when you have detractors that's a wonderful thing Oh like when you get haters oh yeah that's like a the old way to say that yeah yeah I would love some haters yeah I'd love some haters too why don't you take a long walk down a short pier I like it well that's too general and too hypothetical I like what he gets pointed like oh I hate his stupid beady eyes little rooster yeah little rooster look at that a little surf wave on his hat I'm gonna get my little boogie board and surf that in the morning here's what Decker had to say about Michelle there was a total intellectual connection I thought there was an emotional connection to at least on my part there was and we also had a physical connection I was so bummed when a couple of days went by and she hadn't called I was about to give up on the idea and quote later when he found out that Michelle had died in a shark attack he wrote and eventually published this poem quote he's accusing her of oh she's a real hippie quote the report said there was a tattoo a butterfly on her shoulder which I remembered that night on my couch when I like the shark chewed on her lips and took off her shirt no good poem is weird no it's very strange sounds like something a drunk man would say is he's laying on the sidewalk just babbling and I don't like that one bit and like the shark chewed on her lips and took off her shirt no the shark was not doing that sir the shark is ten times less creepier than you a bolt with the heavy nut something used to secure a circus tent was one of the apparent weapons there was a circus on the nearby Tulane Avenue that weekend was this the last one yes if this guy survived for two hours after getting struck 18 times the ax man would probably wasn't used to that kind of resilience he probably hit him once the guy was like oh boy what a bump like all right I guess I'll hit you again he was like four five quote I want $200,000 by 5:00 p.m. in cash put in a knapsack I want to back parachutes and to front parachutes when we land I want to feel truck ready to refuel no funny stuff or I'll do the job I also like I just do the job I'll do the job like that's his threat which actually to me he's not a he's not a dime-store criminal let's just say that I was yeah he's I'm on board with the coop train me too I'm a fan of this guy you the coop I have a coop head nobody is building a house like this because they have arthritis I'm saying is that is not very I'm just eating no one says oh my knuckles feel a little funny I'm going to build a house with 500 we hear you man I hear I agree with you I'm just saying this is a theory that people believe and I'm relaying the theory those people are idiot I mean you know what the doctor says nothing's better for arthritis in a two-story drop to the floor down below right yeah in one moment wood was said to have thrown a glass down onto the floor they'll walk in later explained the incident saying that it was his fault because he threw his glass on the floor after making a toast and wood had just followed suit so [ __ ] walking is essentially Thor yeah I like this drink a little over a month later on June 28th 1918 near the corner of Dorjan wah and la Harpe streets another attack a severely injured Luis bessemer and NLO were discovered by a baker named John Sanka making morning deliveries that's sad for a baker they actually thought he did it they thought the Baker did it I mean like anybody naturally that's why if I ever found a dead body I don't know if I'd call it in man you wouldn't call it in I'd call it in anonymously I would not want any part of it because that's the first person they look in today's surveillance state you would be suspect number one cuz they'd be like what why'd you call in an oh well then maybe I'll just spend my whole life trying to avoid dead bodies how about that also this guy didn't know he was just delivering bread he will open it was probably like good morning they've got you been you've disappointed me greatly today we are not impressed by you or your haunting effort what don't shush me I told you this before you don't shush me out of ghost hunt wait wait Shh you did it again no I was just saying she yeah we're colleagues here oh yeah who are you saying did you hear something you're you can go [ __ ] yourself so we survived our little trolley over here we're joined by a Pepe from BuzzFeed Mexico oh let me go right now we're on the outskirts of Mexico City in the agent ass check canals of Xochimilco heading to our next location the terrifying island of the dolls this is a mistake oh yeah there's also a thunderstorm about to roll in so that's fine yeah he looks fine look at the kids bite and I've got like a big weenie you are big waiting what if I go up there and you stay down here and we turn our lights off let's see if we hear anything what if you go [ __ ] yourself how about the head detective Ron Phillips called OJ to inform him that his ex-wife was dead Oh J's first response quote who killed her and not good not how did she die know what happened who killed ya that's not that's not the go to there I'm separating from the group it's the ideal time to kill him yeah I mean if I were gonna die in camera it would be a pretty noble thing future ghost hunters would be like this is the spot where Ryan Vergara got murked oh my god this keeps stretching I don't understand what's wrong with Ryan sometimes what was that I didn't say anything you sure you didn't say anything Shane now go back and set them off to make sure they work I got a better idea why don't you go [ __ ] yourself okay and I won't do that all right I got a question about my boy moves yeah see a little guy Oh cuz you think usually in the mob it's kind of like yeah yeah yeah like a big big tall lanky guy like me would be a short stack or something they are Fanta boxy they are a fan of boxing oh yeah I love I love a I love you Louie like oh wait till moose gets here big knock at the door they opened the door and although it's from it Moe's in trouble let me happened the moose 'mobile drive down so weird back then that you could just pretend to be someone you could still do that today no I bet you I could check into a hotel right now and say my name is uh Ricky Gold's worth but then they're gonna say oh do you have a credit card sir and I'll be like uh yeah this is my uh my friend I'm just putting that it's just a deposit all right they're gonna put handcuffs on your right away where'd you grow up Ricky Gold's worth oh I grew up down the road where no what city Oh New York City you grew up in New York this is happening in New York now what's your mother's name Ricky Gold's Worth and Lucy goes worth what's her maiden name Lucy gold crumb boy well I wouldn't stumble like that I'd have a I'd have a prepared response and you firing him off firing him off and I'd be like what's the [ __ ] holdup I'm trying to check into a room and you're giving me a goddamn Inquisition is this how you treat all your customers all right who do you think you are that's Fitz hope her in the chest at this point of my video room all right you did it you're sure you win you win Ricky what was that was that you last chance we're gonna take the treasure if you don't tell us where it is so you're threatening to take the treasure if he doesn't tell you where the treasure is that's right don't poke holes in okay I just making sure it just doesn't seem like a very I'm just trying to spook him okay I'll come back here with some new technology that thing where they put some dynamite in it like a Jurassic Park Renee he's gonna come back with some new technology that thing that they put the dynamite in like Jurassic Park find the Raptor bones you remember you remember that right person who doesn't know what a movie is whatever pinna eerily from her early childhood woods mother was said to have filled her with a fear of dark water as a fortune-teller had once prophesized that she would die of drowning Jesus Christ did her mother bring her to a 42 teller I imagine it was like one of those like fortune tellers you see it like a carnival and like what would be funny if you tell my fortune with little playing cards maybe she'll tell you you're gonna marry a rich man she would you're gonna drown one day one is gonna fill you the whole funnel cakes oh boy classic saloon doors this is the moment I've been waiting for when I envisioned this shoot I envisioned myself walking through saloon doors oh ho and here we are but we should say something cowboy when we walk in right Oh yep okay oh boy oh [ __ ] I really messed it up there was that there was there was a step there I didn't see I want to do that again that's fine take two Oh ghouls I'm your huckleberry it's me Ryan oh ho ho that looks good here I come Hegel's horseshoe Jesus Christ that that's what your cowboy saying was horseshoes I don't know good enough they use those you mean no Daisy Daisy at all you go to the train station and say one ticket please yeah what's your name I don't know something different good balls balls that's that's your new idea I'm balls balls well I want ticket please if Ryan ever goes missing I'm we know who to look for one ticket to organ I'm balls balls give me the ticket rip it here's the cash take it Rick I'm going on the train where's my seat it sounds like a circus clown is that funny to you yeah it is your name is balls balls that's hilarious what's your name I'm gonna file a report my name is Shane Maday file a report we were very insensitive to my name I'm gonna put yourself in the public record by calling a report yeah because my name is already in the public record cuz that's where I was born as oh were you born as that I was born as pause balls it seems like you're made up that name when I first asked yes I have a birth certificate this is balls oh I'd love to see it I'd love to see it oh I didn't have it with me can you go get it why would I why don't you give birth sir can I see your ID why don't you stop being rude how about Lord take a good look inside take your eyes I'm gonna need an ID for this sir well I got it right here oh yes got it at home you're not getting on the train I am I am he's not getting on the don't let him on the trip really I just want to see his eyes for a brief just just just like just the smallest moment I want to see fear in his eyes I'd love to cut away to it right now okay so he I mean it very well likely could be him they just never were able to catch him he's a greasy one they just couldn't find him I mean it's not enough 1920s must be harder to find people yeah I guess he'd just go find a tree to sit under somewhere Yellow Pages I don't know I mean I think you're pretty [ __ ] once he gets past the state border into a new town Tom yeah hi there my name's uh Ricky Gold's worth the Ricky Cole it's worth you know if you ever get tired of doing this you can just move to a new town tell him your name is Ricky Goldsworthy done you're set for life yeah I'd tell them that I want the top house on what the top you can't just move into a town ya know so yeah yeah you would do a town and take a house I don't think you heard me I want the best house in your neighborhood and I want it stocked with food sir for an issue and I want servants as well I want Butler's and you're gonna be one so you can't I'm not the enemy of God I'm the mayor sir no that's not how this is going down oh [ __ ] your outfits in my car I'll expect you at my house later 8 a.m. leave the keys under the mat yes sir mr. Gold's worth good gold right what a story well Gold's worth it's really coming into his own you're talking to me the space officially became the Viper Room in August of 1993 when Johnny Depp reportedly spent three hundred and fifty thousand dollars about bidding Arnold Schwarzenegger to become Fox's co-owner and a majority stakeholder in the company controlling the bar do you imagine Schwarzenegger with that paddle 100,000 150,000 not this time Depp put that paddle down now put it down is my bar you know I'm a pirate on August 10th 1919 Steve Boca was badly injured in his home after he awoke to a man next to his bed with an axe boca managed to survive the attack reportedly staggering to a friend's home who then called the police boca did not regain his memory likely due to the blows to the head that usually does it yeah I once fell into a pile of bricks when I was a kid what and I don't remember much of it after that what yeah I was climbing because we were playing hide-and-seek I was trying to hide and I thought I had the best hiding spot turns out I was wrong the branch broke and it just explains a lot you fell and after that I could see goes gave me my eyes I think it put a hole in your brain our third theory is Edgar Allan Poe was the victim of coupang a violent form of voter fraud that was extremely common in Baltimore at the time whooping was when gangs would kidnap a victim and force him to vote multiple times in a variety of disguises strange that's strange when crimes were like this yeah yeah it's weird it's a weird time also it's a crime and yet these people need to have some sort of trunk full of disguises walking around with a carrot top like hardened criminals be like we got you now put on this feather boa okay okay now they know the pink number put that one on that one with the spaghetti snaps you like could you audition those glasses I don't know if that frame fits I'm off glass you know what let's go with you I was right the first time over thought it this was good this was good character work for us let's keep going former resident Roland Johnson described the smell of Pennhurst as a doghouse quote it just smells like feces rats crawling roaches crawling all over feces and pee on the floor flies coming in the windows end quote if I were a fly I'd be trying to get out I know what you mean but fly is also like poop they do so flies are trying to get in your house you're probably not doing it right for a rave yelp reviews for flies allow five stars great poop all around the digs it's a [ __ ] feast in here boys the best poop poop for miles they just leave it lying around either way usually I have to work for it but at this place it's like an Old Country Buffet but full of poop Cooper seated in seat 18c ordered a bourbon and soda he seems like a coy dude I don't think he even ordered the bourbon soda to calm his nerves I think I just like he's a badass soda now I'm DB Cooper I'm a mystery man give me a bourbon something gold this looks like some kind of killing of some sort I'm not sure but a furnace maybe at this moment our audio recorder picks up what sounds like a loud whisper now what do you think that is well I think it's a whisper but that's also because if you notice it's going over my voice sure is I think it's fair to say it's not either of our voices hears I think there's so many different noises going on at once here and then what there's a Ghost Whisperer somewhere in this little moment yeah and what does it say it just goes I think the message from the great beyond look God said go back to earth you're not done yet I want you to tell them something Oh what do you want me to tell them although I will say I can't imagine communicating with spirits produces any kind of receipt no nobody has evidence okay I'm just saying y'all [ __ ] yeah I agree with your calling of [ __ ] good I'm glad we agree on we've done it okay piece of [ __ ] my mic went out and then I was looking for you he's crouching in here like something a cave creature and then I'd all I did was I went oh yeah you're looking for me more grunting like a zombie you almost scared me to death I'm never gonna forgive you for that I hope you're [ __ ] proud of yourself I [ __ ] you thought I saw you I really didn't think it was gonna work one ghost you won't find haunting the st. Augustine lighthouse is that of cracker Daniels's sister's cat good great I don't need to hear any more I love it this is the best character we've ever had on this show in the early 1900s cracker Daniel's a keepers son dropped his sister's cat off the top of the gallery deck of the lighthouse to test out a parachute he had fashioned amazingly the parachute worked and the cat was not harmed I'll tell you bet that cat made it to the ground and then had a heart attack and died I put our cat in the car and he's like he doesn't like it maybe it speaks to how you're taking care of your cat I don't think cats like to be in cars so I can't imagine they enjoy being in a parachute all prisoners stayed in their ownselves and were not to interact with any other inmates they also had extremely limited contact with prison guards and other personnel private outdoor areas were designed so inmates could exercise without interacting were they all wearing a little striped well they all didn't look like the Hamburglar this place was much more sinister think that guy ever got solitary yeah but I always saw him is like a kind of funny little man he's a [ __ ] criminal right Jesus Christ he's doing burgers yeah they're not his yeah I do know when I try and steal your food you get really upset so well wouldn't you know sharing is caring go [ __ ] yourself I bet people living on this thing out of blast you get to get in little planes fly around sure war sad but they got a popcorn machine here so sure life wasn't too bad probably would've been fun to be one of those fly boys though up in the clouds munching on that sweet sweet cotton candy God's cotton candy mmm and ain't it sweet let me just ask you straight out do you believe ghosts are real right now no why do you not believe ghost eerie I've never seen one okay I mean there's a lot of things that you can't see that you are real what can't I see you can't see gravity that's real yeah I can drop an apple guess it will just you'll just never believe me it's looking hey this whole entire trip I'm ready hey ghosts don't like tussle my hair I would do nothing to invite them to somehow show themself or taught them in any way give you a little purple nurple or something let's have some fun here I am the name of their child Blue Ivy has been interpreted to stand for born living under evil Illuminati is very youngest Wow I can't believe they would name her something with with so obvious a message in there rumor has it that near the schoolhouse there is a mass grave of children who died of the plague beating the spiritual activity within the house so what's the factual basis behind the plague what plague I don't know you there's no records all right you know something what's plague what a teacher just like open up her mouth and flies came out I don't know it says rumor has it there's a lot of rumors in this one they're trying to figure out why this house is so active full school told ya and rumor is there's a mass grave and that's all I could offer so when you read something like that are you gonna be scared tonight to go over there yeah I'm gonna be scared I'm scared sitting here I got scared by rain yeah and on that note I'd like to point to a website called Illuminati official org and on that site there's a page called join the Illuminati a very fascinating proposition indeed so I reached out for an interview and here's what I got back from their public relations director by the way if the Illuminati is a real thing the fact that they have a PR director yeah [ __ ] amazing right that's super funny to me that there's someone sitting in a cubicle somewhere going that's not the right move yeah too many triangles in the last dress or staring at the camera again we gotta make a dude walker dammit that's our fourth picker if someone started bashing people's heads in in Los Angeles it was like if you don't play Bruno Mars every Tuesday Bruno I'm gonna be very hey you're not brew knowing on Tuesday night if we don't Bruno it me of the devil are big fans of Bruno a local dog had followed them and when it took off barking Leslie decided to run ahead of her parents and follow first off Johnny he guesses what that dog was barking at I don't know I don't like dogs I was running for exercise and a rotten Dalmatian jumped right up against a fence and started growling for no reason just because I was passing I'm a nice man well they do hate squirrels do you think he thought there was a little bushy squirrel tail on your face no it was dark out I worry about this if I ever have kids them running away thinking you seek parents with their kids on leashes and you're like well that's wrong but the more I think about it I'm like yeah maybe put your kids on leash instead that whole time didn't even answer the question what was the dog barking at anything dogs barking that would have been a good mailman dogs bark it a bird in a tree that anything would have been an acceptable answer you'd be a horrible contestant on family feud understandably pose coffin and corpse were in terrible condition as workers tried to move the coffin it fell apart spilling pose remains I can't get report this is conical at this point it's what you get from marrying your 13 year old can't say that I don't know if that's fair you can't say I think it's Oh dare you judge him for marrying his 13 year old it was historically accepted at the tide don't care I can I judge thee I could say that without condoning it I judge let's examine one last bit of dark history on January 31st 1895 20 year-old pearl Bryan was brutally murdered by her boyfriend Scott Jackson and his friend Alonzo walling pearl had been five months pregnant at the time of her death Jackson and walling were both dental students at the time and legend has it that they felt their medical knowledge was sufficient enough to perform an abortion if that was the case then obviously things went horribly wrong and they eventually decapitated pearl in an attempt to conceal the bodies identity what what were they trying to do you know how do you go that wrong no one's like fooling around with the tools down by like the pelvic area they're like slips oh [ __ ] Apple Show chopped your head off that's not how it works I accidentally lopped it a little too much off the top on this one I'm gonna be a little leery next time I go into the dentist and they put me under my dad's a dentist what yeah did you ever cut anybody's head off not that I know of I mean I could I'm 99.9% sure he's never cut anyone's head off in his time as a dentist that's concerning that there's that margin of error that implies that maybe he may have before he was a dentist I don't know about that are you only known him as a dentist you're eating dinner with him and he just kind of stares at the wall for a second and you wonder like there's like a slight glint to the knife yeah and then like is he thinking about that time you accidentally cut someone's head off they can be so sad I'm not gonna gloat here cuz I'm just at a certain point I feel bad for you what happened do the thing where you talk to them like like you're one of their pals in the era cowboy accent like this howdy I'm just here all steel you go you can do me a favor take that goal right there on the table didn't take you for a coward because that's all you are I stole your gold and your wire I'm gonna send one these little tiny chairs that make me look like you I'm gonna give you some silence right now so there you have it I believe we just caught a disembodied cough in which the cough belongs to one William Hart sounds like someone getting kicked in the nuts I feel like yeah it could be a ghost coffin I mean that's the sound that I imagine people hear in that room I'll say this though you know Florida is a very loud place a lot of noises out there a lot of noises but the other thing you have to consider is that it is possible that someone could make some sort of noise or or movement that if it's a quiet noise is amplified by a microphone and sounds from a distance like a louder noise you'd see what I'm saying here maybe I also don't do anything I think you're doing that thing where when I talk you go maybe I just think a cough is a far cry from look at my squeaky little shoe moving I think I'm being quiet in the distance but maybe I'm not I'm surprised you didn't ask hats off to you thank you did you bring my hat just for trust for that that's for that well it came in handy a man by the name of Sydney story created legislation that confined the city's sinful hobbies to a 16 block region making prostitution and gambling legal within the confines of that area ironically this 16-block precinct would be named after Sydney story and was dubbed storyville a fact I'm sure he was far from pleased with what he didn't like drinking he didn't like sinful activities he didn't like debauchery well you can go to hell he wouldn't know like death on Bourbon Street the other day who only want to talk about that evening [Music] that's what we can yeah we can never go back the bellboy Randolph Probst helped Owen to his room where he reported that Owens seemed to have only packed a brush comb and toothpaste the maid Mary soap dick what's her name oh god I know what your she's a maid her name is soap dick huh what a really funny big laugh you got out of that look oh yeah look how happy you are oh man so what a jam of comedy we brought here today so right now we are in the master bedroom this is where Jonathan and his wife Elizabeth would have slept if he could sleep at night he slept like a baby to be honest I can't in his mind he was doing the right thing doing the Lord's work he was doing the Lord's work exactly I know you're not big on energy but you could kind of feel that there's a nervous right now I don't feel amazing let's just say that right I mean that's just considering all the things that happened but you don't feel like a little strange that like one of the most notorious figures and the Salem witch trials slept right there that's neat it's like being in Lincoln's bedroom you use compared Jonathan Corwin the to Abraham Lincoln they both lived a long time ago that's literally the only two things they have in common you know why people think darkness is actually scary because like I can't see anything it was scarier when the lights were on cuz I could see you know filth things falling apart let's boogie folks little guy needs a win ghost that'd be great if you got a mummy or a vampire also good I think he'd also count that as sort of proof of the supernatural please hot B I'm begging you to haunt me let's scare the [ __ ] out of me dude something how many times I have to plead with air with nothing I'm speaking to no one right now I'm doing it again but that's fine cuz you know that's the show and I'm happy to entertain the idea that maybe ghosts are real because as I said no one wants to find one more than me if you don't pop out then I've wasted several years of my life I mean I went to college you know and my major was not ghost hunting I think that shows I would say normally when I do these I am furious by how Cavalier Shane is inside there but right now I'm gonna just say I'm impressed if he's if he's having a good time in there right now there's something truly wrong with his brain well now this is a beautiful gorgeous room with wonderful acoustics I mean look at this [ __ ] who wouldn't their right mind would be stoked to be in there by themselves you know how much of a psychopath you have to be to enjoy that won't you talk on my god I would actually recommend you don't waste your ghost energy on me just gonna level with you you're gonna want to save it for the other guy he's gonna come in here right after me and whatever you do it's gonna be a laugh riot he makes very funny faces he's gonna not a guarantee but if you do something depending on the severity of your actions he may poop himself if you do it to me I'll probably blame it on the wind or say it was an owl dropping a nut somewhere oh I hear someone down there guess that means we're doing here ghouls it's been a real jolly time with you pushing forward to more recent history of the incident it was the weekend just after Thanksgiving of 1981 Wood had been working on the science fiction film brainstorm with Christopher Walken at the time and he was invited to join her and Wagner on their yacht named the splendor that weekend according to the captain of the boat Denis tavern who had worked with the couple for years and considered himself a family friend Wood had become infatuated with Walken during filming and Wagner had even flown out to where they were filming to make sure he wasn't going to quote make a fool of himself over this this is rough to be fair can you blame her here's I'm actually a little curious about that I have a hard time imagining someone going gaga over walking you go go go go gaga over walk go go go go Google you know he's probably magnetic about when you get in a room with them he commands the the space yeah no one's like Oh Chris walkins here everyone's like you just [ __ ] walked in Chris Walken what a walking boys party's here I brought some cocktail weenies the mine was so lucrative than an accompanying mining settlement called vulture City was built in 1866 to meet the needs of the many new miners with the population of as many as 5,000 residents that's a lot for back then I know that seems like a small here it is yeah but for here that's that's a coluan a boomtown history just being in a town full of people who just do what you do that just love gold yeah they're there for greed essentially this is that what we're here for I love gold I love gold too I love gold as well everyone everyone in the town there's nothing here yeah I told you I didn't get spider webs in my hair you did look and you look like a dr. Henry Jones hey another room that looks just like this one you look ridiculous with that cobweb in your hair it's still in there to get that outfits thank you did you did hey where my mouth you just tasted history that's probably been down here for hundreds of yeah I know you could have told me that you had so much in your hair I wish I got wait I can't see there was a whole pile of Rome I can't see the top of my head I don't know no one could see the top of your head except God okay Shelton's brothers would have found him in Baltimore beaten him and drugged him with alcohol knowing it would have made him deathly ill it was a meek well-dressed man who wears cloaks if you wanted him dead you didn't have to get it he was like a weird little spindly man with the head the size of a pumpkin you see him or maybe I'm just thinking of the funk would you not want him would I not want what Poe as a brother-in-law no I wouldn't I would not beat him to death I can't even imagine you throwing a punch no I mean either if I'm ever gonna throw a punch I I can only imagine you like backhand no no like I was like a lord it would be mid conversation and I'd maybe set it up a little bit like there's there's a great line from The OC where Ryan yes the main character who's like from the rough-and-tumble parts of yeah yeah he says you know what I like about rich kids and the rich kid says he's like huh he goes nothing and he walks away but I might kiss my fist first I might be like you know so your only fight that you've ever imagined as you sucker punching school yeah well I'm a sucker puncher all right I'm a coward he's took a turn no a function that is happening I'd run real fast get on a train and I'd move to a different city and I changed my name February 22nd 1946 in the Texas Arkansas border town appropriately named Texarkana Jimmy Hall is 25 and Mary Jean Larrey 19 went on a date to the movies and began driving back to Mary genes home on the way they stopped their car on a quiet unpaved Road about 100 yards away from some houses in a residential neighborhood that's why there you go you know what they're doing how many here we go away in this very funny it's 2019 when did this bid start like the gods had to be like caveman times you think like a Neanderthal looked at as other Neanderthal pounds went probably it's a one of the world's greatest bits I feel like people don't do it enough nowadays because we take it for granted spread that around this year you know if you see your two friends and you you think maybe they've been smooching behind your back be like I don't know what you guys are up to a little I actually don't think your angles catching it I think we could still see your face a little bit so you may have to turn making out on September 23rd 1935 the second victim a 28 year old man named Edward and Rossi was found near Kingsbury run at the base of jackass Hill that's that's actually what that's named I know that was gonna elicit some kind of giggle sucks so just get him sucks just get it out of the way huxter's I like that at the base of jackass Hill yeah where'd they find him Oh Abby's a jackass he'll that's not fun I'm sure they emitted that out of the eulogy why even I get a rose there at some point or a donkey the asylum served as a nursing home there are over 1,700 documented deaths within these walls and the current owner Sharon Coyle suspects that there could be three times as many deaths because documentation by previous owners was spotty horrific Lee good portion of these people were buried in graves that still have yet to be located according to Rolling Hills asylums website quote an actual cemetery register or pot map has yet to be discovered is that bad you just put like a right Shane was here you wouldn't want that you know a lot of cultures feel like there's a lot of life after death what so if you die and someone doesn't put a little headstone on your grave God comes down to earth he's like well I was gonna take an angel up there but I don't know where that no that's not what I'm saying you Jack yeah no what I'm saying is that I don't know why God sounds okay thank you yeah I'm saying that a lot of cultures life is after death because then your family members come visit you and do uh you know practices that keep you alive have interesting cocoa let's meet the escaped crew first up we have the Anglin brothers John William Angwin and his younger brother Clarence Anglin both in their early 30s at the time of the escape the brothers were serving time for robbing a bank together I wouldn't mind being in a jail cell with my bro yeah the thing is like being in prison obviously not ideal yeah but you got your bro there with you and the only word next door to each other that's very funny that's very fun yeah that's a big bonding I wonder if one of them got the letter like ooh where you going it's going to Alcatraz he was like me to jump up it got accepted to college together one sec I gotta work no you're not working yourself up to it get in there get it [ __ ] up the light of the lighthouse I know this is the beginning of the season so I don't know if that whole show there was just for I don't know what that was all about I don't know why he suddenly had to psych himself up to go in here arguably I think this is one of the least scary places we've ever been so I don't understand his apprehension this chair looks [ __ ] stupid in the middle of the room actual thing looks rather nice I like what you've done with the place really sets the room right oh we disagree and I'm the guy who's gonna move it don't move the [ __ ] chair come on man hey I tried to stop him seriously that's just rude you're gonna come into his room or it's good whatever is in this room I'm sorry we're from California don't let this be representative of all Californians we're the Hollywood elite I don't think you're strong enough to move it back whoever you are are you even human or you may be a demon whoever's here move that chair back that's not the center of the room at all move it back I'll stand right over here you throw it right at me if you want move that chair moving he's gonna take your chair he's gonna take it outside he's gonna spread his butt cheeks and he's gonna lay a fat turd Riedel over the center of it I mean sure yeah I'm painting a vivid image very vivid yep that's what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna take photos of it and put it on Instagram how about this if whatever is in here moved this chair back to the center we won't do anything to the chair we'll leave it alone it sound like a fair deal yeah sounds like a fair deal you see that he said if you move it back he won't mess with it look tough season for the book no no no no wait a second unfair II sixth 1911 mr. Arnold received a postcard that had been sent from New York City that stated quote I am safe and quote and appeared to be signed by Dorothy mr. Arnold however insisted it was a fake and that whoever wrote it merely copied Dorothy's handwriting samples that were published in the papers I'd love for this theory to be true I would agree Dorothy if you're watching this you're probably 127 years waiting oh but um you know good on you you live the good life Dorothy if you're watching this comment top well vote well get to the top comment wouldn't that be this shows greatest accomplishment that we pissed off vanished so much that they unveil him selves after they you know that you got so angry yes he came out well good evening Cooper was like [ __ ] listen I saw what you said about me getting speared by a pine tree DB Cooper breaks silence DB cooper breaks silence to dunk on ghoul boys Elena Estrada legendary for reportedly ripping her unfaithful partner's heart out and throwing it in his face was sentenced to serve seven years at Yuma as well that seems like a bit much I don't know if she tried to feed it to him she shoved it in his face which seems kind of like overkill at that point because I imagine I don't know how many seconds you have left to be alive after your heart is being ripped out unless you just really just eat it we're gonna go visit her prison cell whoa as well as a pearl heart okay she'll steal your heart let's go to that cell okay and that chair actually has a very very prominent butt print on it so that's I read I read that it doesn't have a hole in it wasn't that spicy of a turn but I did read on the website that there is butt cheek marks on it and they said that like their butt cheek marks from person that person who sat there a long time or they're like you gotta see this imprint it's good-looking that this guy this guy had an ass you got to see this guy's mud cake I did I just think it's weird that they would make it so prominent on the like I'm in the history it's very specific this has an ass print on it to prove that someone has sat on this chair as if I'm not gonna look at a chair be like I bet you no one's sat on that I'm gonna need some [ __ ] proof that ghosts got a great ass [Music] I'm gonna give that thing a high five with my butt cheeks he also goes on to insult and threatened the police quote they have been so utterly stupid so as to amuse not only me but his satanic Majesty but tell them to beware let them not try to discover what I am for were better that they never were born than for them to incur the wrath of the Axman this very old testament like most serial killers just like to stroke themselves and this is just he was writing his satanic Majesty time to go murder again this is where a lot of people sort of draw the line right when you have three separate pieces of evidence that have DNA connotations linking you to the murder if you're looking at at the surface here boy oh boy that's an avalanche of he'd done it right there yeah so maybe we should just show a picture that dog again just just like yeah just every time we get sad has a picture with the dog and bring that up bring that bad boy right there good good dog the island we're sitting on is a chinampas and made floating garden engineered by the Aztecs centuries ago nope I'm sure they'd be thrilled with what it's become you think this is what they had in well yeah definitely Oh monkey okay no I thought I thought I got been the ass cheeks by spider there's a lot of spiders here's another huge Tata opened the successful restaurant Douma Todd's sidewalk cafe on the Pacific Coast Highway her business partners in the venture were director and producer Roland West with whom Todd had been having an on-again off-again affair for the past three years and silent film actress Joel Carmen who was also rolling West's wife Fay a little love triangle old saucy and then they thought let's open up a restaurant I smell a sitcom regardless of what they were doing there was it was their free lovin business pleasure oh you know mix them together nah I would like to see you never mix those together ever again I mean that's what they were doing that's what they could do that's what you should never do in front of me you imagine going to that restaurant be like oh I'd like a cheeseburger and they'd be like we'll get that to you in a sec after we finish doing it it's wiping sweat I forgot oh sorry a little extra sauce on this however the melody Magilla funeral home received a call from an anonymous individual who said they would send the money necessary for providing goin with a proper funeral somebody knows who he is and my suspicions of what if it's done here because Icahn is a very tough love kind of guy I suppose I mean there's two reasons why he would not give up his killer right love or maybe he was being entrapped somehow like maybe there was some kind of leverage against him you think this was a lover's quarrel it could have been oh why would he pay for his funeral if he killed them or like if it wasn't the killer who's paying for the funeral why wouldn't that person just step forward be like yeah that's [ __ ] Jerry right the plot thickens it does indeed this is a thick-ass plot this one's thick plot is thickest juicy this is a juicy peach oh it's a juicy peach all right and I got juice running down my chin I was at a concert once in somewhat some some lady was dancing with me and she was like you want some Molly and I was like I don't know what that is she was like it was like oh no I'm okay I'm surprised you didn't think her name was Molly I didn't know her said she wanted Molly like like if I went up so I was like you want some Shane yeah it's like another it's a using a pronoun for you want a piece of me oh you want some Shane either confessing to the crime eulogizing a recently deceased DB cooper or claiming to be his brother in fact in November 1972 two men Donald Sylvester Murphy and William John Lewis were taken into federal custody on charges of extortion for impersonating Cooper and selling his tell-all story to a tabloid it seems like a bad idea to make your get-rich-quick scheme to be to impersonate a criminal yeah that's that's a that wouldn't be like haha hey it's me the Zodiac killer I'll tell you a story what oh I like spiders and the spiders are good I think they're great little insect or arachnid [ __ ] everything about that place I would love to bring father Thomas to this island I really father Thomas would be that down I don't think he would what makes you think that Oh cuz I don't know if you could exercise spiders oh yeah with almost no clues it's time to make like Nancy Drew and Nancy draw up some theories about what is the dumbest joke of all time and how do you know that I know it's not on it you don't know that for sure it's not on it you say that everywhere we go and guess what you're like a stupid string puppet that I could just bring along with me and I just pull it when I want to dump it it's not Jesse would give performances and allegedly hold séances within the home but eventually would steer away from spiritualism and leave for Europe to pursue a writing career ultimately like many future owners of the home Jesse would fall into financial ruin and would actually die while playing the piano in Los Angeles oh so he gave his last performance he was performing at a benefit yeah he would get really into his music and then he did this one note like this and everyone was like oh he's really living it sizzle oh he's okay he's really letting it says all okay this is maybe too much sizzle wait a second is he dead and the answer was yes I don't know how I'd react to that like was everyone just like they start to look at each other concerns like that okay another round starts [Laughter] Jesus Christ man performance is very avant-garde this is embarrassing I think that's so funny it's very disrespectful but it's human it's gonna happen to all of us depending what you ate look we know it's disrespectful you don't have you don't have to say it in the comments we're just thinking with this one Moon River Brewing Company is said to be one of the most haunted institutions in Savannah one of the bars owners Jean Pico said quote I have seen and experienced things that I don't understand and I can't explain end quote though the Brewing Company's other owner and brew master John Pinkerton has said quote I personally cannot claim any experiences that I call paranormal what I often point out is that the scariest things on this planet are living people I don't worry about the spirits of dead people I worry about living people and in particular drunk living people and quote regardless of which owner is right there is plenty of history in this building that could contribute to a haunting so Pinkerton he thinks this is all baloney yeah and then the other guy he's like me if we opened a bar I'd be like I saw bottles moving off the shelf and that's all baloney yeah so he's full of [ __ ] I love that he's scared or just drunk living people yeah he turned it into a commentary and how it sucks to own a bar I thought he was gonna say I spend my time worrying about you know fraud and serial killers but no just his unruly patrons you get some of the devil's juice and someone you know things happen yeah their darkness comes out yeah yeah we don't know anything about that well maybe we do Jesus Christ is this why you did the mustache did you do something last night what oh you think this is a disguise like surely no one will recognize me Hey with my thick full mustache another suspicious coincidence is the fact that both crimes reportedly occurred while Brigham Young University where McCoy was a student was on break he was a student in this theory yes I was thinking about it in like a cold hard criminal way I wasn't thinking like spring break that sounds kind of fun [Music] [Applause] however as funds diminished and the need for prisons base escalated the reformatory eventually became overcrowded sometimes stuffing for inmates to a cell and the facilities fell into disrepair to make matters worse the prison was no longer exclusive to minor offenders and eventually became a maximum-security prison taking in hardened and violent criminals four people in a Cell that's a lot I mean you put any normal people in a room that's too small like if you're in a dorm in college if you hate your roommate it's a tough business listening to music too glad what I'm trying to study cooking a Top Ramen in the microwave when I'm trying to sleep you got some axes to grind no [ __ ] you Roland Roland all I'm saying if there's a town full of people who are all like you this is what happens I feel like they were if they will start dying if there was a town of people who all thought like I did back in the day I don't think anything would get done because they'd hear a lot of the helming in the woods and they'd just be like oh [ __ ] and they just run that's right all eventually died by themselves and start killing each other if there were a town full of me in the Puritan times we'd have landed on the moon in seventeen I don't think so absolutely I think you'd all just sit around and talk about [ __ ] all day just sit in the town circle and you know we talk about stroke each other about mathematical equations but yeah there you go the Tuesday night mentioned in the letter was March 19 1919 it is said that the city was truly alive that night as people blasted jazz music in their homes and those who did not have a record player poured into local jazz clubs to stay clear of the ax man's wrath it's worth mentioning that nobody was killed on March 19 1919 so he kept his word very kindly everyone was jazz in it you know what he was probably just gonna be out of town that wouldn't this be flat he got a business trip that weekend let's see how many smokers I could make dance yeah around 8:30 a.m. about an hour and a half later the phone was still off the hook and another bellboy Harold Pike let himself into the room with the passkey using only the light from the hall the bellboy Pike observed that Owen was in bed naked and seemingly drunk he also noticed that the bedding was darkened around Owen the phone stand was kicked over so he fixed it and put the phone back in the receiver they went in there and they saw this person on the bed with a dark dark stains all around them and we're like Jill those are your sheets he's obviously making himself into a sundae nothing to see here right let's go back down to the front just leave stupid mr. Borden who killed you was it you another interesting area in the bar is the former kitchen where Bobby Mackey's first caretaker Carl Lawson had an exorcism performed on him what's so funny about the kitchen yeah I find that a strange place to get exercises was it like an emergency like a house call emergency come down here quick he was eating a bagel in the kitchen yeah and he just fell down I don't know what's happening no it didn't happen that way I don't know why they did it there the jury convicted me and they gave me two years but I'll tell you what I'll never go to jail I'll appeal and get off I've been fighting the law since I was 13 and I'm damn near 50 I've been arrested for over 53 felonies and this is the first one I ever lost end quote unbelievable I that's the showboating that braggadocio of this man right here is is staggering this is the problem with the man who I guess believes in his own myth yeah and his cape especially when that man is capable of cruelty he's a caress baby he is a caress and guess what this bad boys about to fly towards the Sun soon after he was released McElroy bizarrely was spotted with a rifle and bayonet at the town's local bar DNG tavern where he was allegedly making graphic threats about murdering Bobo in camp so he follows it up right then so this isn't Icarus flying too close to the stones flying into the Sun yeah this is Icarus turning 90 degrees looking at the Sun and playing chicken with it shockingly aliens is not the most outlandish theory what it wait there's I dead wait hang on it I didn't even hear the words that you were saying when you said it brings us to our next theory because I thought that was as dumb as it was gonna get I told you you have no idea where this is going and with that we have our fifth theory that the Lost Colony of Roanoke disappeared due to a sound being playing what are you let me hear me out I got some eye guts I got them stuff here read it well I guess for normal people these are big stats for you these are yeah you could take your little steps on the inside yeah I'll do that and you take your giant steps on the outside my big steps over here okay I know a lot of important people were walking up this staircase and I gotta tell you two very unimportant people are now at the top of it how do you guards feel about that a couple a couple of schmoes up here a couple of American Schmucks Yankee Schmucks we're both dip shits I'm one of the stupidest people to ever walk the earth and I made it up your staircase yeah he's even dumber than me that's not how dare you it's a bit I didn't mean it okay yes I'm dumber than him I meant it you son of a [ __ ] the st. Augustine lighthouse has existed in some form or another since 1586 before finally succumbing to eroding coastlines and falling into the ocean in 1880 I'd love to see it I'd love to see it well nobody inside right yeah ideally they'd get everyone out but if they can't do that and I can still get a front-row ticket do you receive videos of demolitions where I have seen them where they fall the wrong way were you uh it's so funny cuz everyone's like yeah this buildings huh oh no not that haha nope Oh was buried in an unmarked grave two days after he died 26 years later a statue was erected to honor his gravesite during which his coffin was dug up so his remains could be exhumed I used the term honor loosely as the marker lists his birthday as January 20th the day after Poe was actually they tried to remedy their mistake from before with the unmarked grave and then the they beefed it real hard beefed it literally etching it in stone you don't want to double-check that I guess not imagine if your headstone said like grind Bergara loving wife sure you wouldn't care yeah I mean I'm dead so yeah I mean yeah I mean you know my outlook on things it's like whatever leave me in the street for the dogs to pick up my bones that's another thing too I've always wondered what graves like when people leave things at the grave like flowers or even like food or things that they liked yeah if you die isn't your grave like one of the last places you'd want to go check out I mean that's where your body is maybe your spirit is that he knows a Dia de los Muertos it's like the cemeteries become like fun that's not Coco it's just I don't want to hang out in a cemetery if I'm coming back to earth to be a happy place I'm happy places I'm just saying that most times ghosts haunt the house that they were in or where they died or wherever is convenient for the story yeah I know in fact the stage we're sitting on is a place where most of those rock stars had their day and now we're up here making our sweet sweet cool music with our mouths yeah dressed as the Wet Bandits from home alone if you have to take your hat off we look exactly like the two guys from Cajon this was unintentional I'll do a getting electrocuted on the side at the same time yeah in the mad chair prisoners would be bound so tightly that their circulation was cut off which sometimes left them permanently injured and some say led to amputation in some cases an iron gag was also used which was secured to an inmate's mouth ripping the tongue and mouth while hands were tied behind the back and there's even one recorded instance in which an inmate died as a result of this iron gag if I was given a pad of paper I was like what terrible things gonna do to people yeah I would not think of a device where my own leverage of my hands makes the [ __ ] thing in my mouth tight and I'm just imagining an insane man like someone just going to the head of the prison and registering a very normal complaint saying like well this one prisoners being very loud okay or it was in fact jigsaw this is its origin story all the prison guards are sitting in a room they're brainstorming like what could we do to make these prisoners yes and all of a sudden they hear and then all of a sudden the door opens and a little tricycle runs in right so he's gonna try he's a little tricycle little tricycle rides 1.jpg poor gentleman Oh him I want to play a game I've got plenty of ideas for your little prison Cooper jumped carrying two parachutes however only one of them was a functioning chute the other was a training chute that was sewn shut furthermore the chute that was functional was a military chute that was not steerable it's kind of starting to sound like an idiot a little bit the whole time he's like yeah bourbon soda here's your note I'm the cool guy sunglasses jumps out the plane it's not a splat I think pine tree jizz [Applause] [Laughter] this week on bus payments off we discussed the highly controversial drowning of Natalie Wood get your sunglasses ready because this one is packed full of bright stars well he had them ready he didn't even know I was gonna say that I'm good to go I'm always ready baby I'd like to say that this story isn't gonna be chalked full of terrible Christopher Walken impressions but I can't say that watch out boys to mice Wow all right let's get into it that's a long time I know they had the private eyes working on it but six weeks feels like a casual pace what are you gonna do I mean it she was 25 years old you she could have run away maybe when a 25 year old goes missing you're not thinking she must have run away you're thinking yeah she's probably doing stuff she's 25 years old what do you mean my stuff I mean when we started this show I was 25 yeah if I went missing for like a week do you think you'd be alarmed or what you might think so that's that's nice I didn't think you'd be alarmed I think you you're my friend I don't like how you said that you said it was you're my friend why are you yelling at me you're right Oh God I would be concerned if you disappeared and we'd get a pretty baller season out of it cause it'd just be me bein like I don't know anybody seen the victim film director william desmond taylor known by his friends as bill born in carlo ireland on April 26th 1872 directing more than 40 films for what is now known as Paramount and working with tinsel town's brightest stars Taylor was well-liked respected and seen as a leading filmmaker Taylor himself even starred in one of the first feature films that would define Hollywood and what later serve as president of the motion picture Directors Association for several years by all accounts William Desmond Taylor was a glimmering beacon in the cinema firmament forty movies in 1920 equates to two weeks of work yeah cuz they there this movie is called man drops potato yeah and there and there was like shooting like ten movies at the same time in the same room no sound cigars mouth he's operating seven different cameras he also acted in one and that became a Hollywood classic a good after he only acted in one so so many know he was a big deal back then all right okay leave wdt alone okay Jesus look I'm not calling into question his talent yeah or his reputation this is coming from the tour of dogs watch television for the first time it's a good video unfortunately due to deterioration the actual mining tunnels are no longer safe for entry but there is one place open for visitors that serves as a massive tombstone to former webs of mining tunnels the spiritually active area is unfortunately referred to as the glory hole I got glory hole used to mean something very innocuous though it was a knock us back then huh but this is not to say it got that name because penis is it's where the men [ __ ] the earth hoping to impregnate it with gold the glory hole is a report in sight of great tragedy tell me all about the tragedy in 1923 this cavern collapsed after one of the stones support pillars was over mined for the valuable ores inside of it remaining the support beams Carl I don't think you should do that that's a soup no there's gold in here I know it mind your own business I'm gonna strike it back on January 23rd 1974 between 6:00 and 6:15 p.m. the 56 year old Athaliah went outside to walk her pet blue jay Clementine she's taking her bird for a walk I love that I had a wonderful little bird I understand we all know you kept your bird in a freezer for two years the ground was hard we couldn't bury him yet for two years no it wasn't two years it was just over the harsh Chicago winter when the ground thawed we buried him in the garden we all know you hate that bird we all know a parrot you did I mean a parrot I loved him I'm done talking about my parrot not entertaining this dish she probably fogs it voles can I say that oh cool I thought you were to have a like some respect for this place thing nope went straight with these folks does I'm with Pepe on this this is getting way off track I'm gonna take everything said by a ghost hunter with a grain of salt well technically now you're it goes on Arizona think about that oh I don't know if I could trust you I'm a ghost hunter but I oh my god did your brain just exploded I don't want to be a ghost doctor doctor put that on my business card yeah shame add a ghost hunter son of a and robos watch robos watch a third theory comes from be said--we the wife of Mo said way Bugsy's childhood friend coming up in the mob according to be mo had been sending casino numbers back to Meyer Lansky on the East Coast including gambling winnings and crucially construction costs Bugsy conducted a meeting in March of 1947 without Mo there he reportedly said he was looking to get rid of mo saying quote I'll have mo shot chop his body up and feed it to the Flamingo hotels kitchen garbage disposal end quote I thought you were gonna say he was gonna feed him to the flamingos and that would have been cool as hell one of the attendees told mo who called his wife and asked her to drive from LA to Vegas the two then drove out into the desert and then walked even further to ensure a private conversation walking into the desert to have a private conversation well cuz that's the only way you can ensure hey I get it also not gonna lie if you do have a death threat on your head maybe not best to walk out where no one could find you or see you good point let's prepackaged ourself for this murder make it real nice easy there's me real nice they can't hear us at all let's have a private conversation you know what we ought to do dig a hole for ourselves they'll never find us down here six feet down I feel that'll be pretty good it'd be good it'll be great Florida seems like a gossipy state yeah Oh what else he gonna do there you're trapped by swamp and Gators yeah you're essentially just left to your own devices yeah why don't you just spread some funny rumors whisper storm baby maybe rumors that are rumors like you eating that bird if you don't stop this bit I'm gonna you're gonna cut my head off with a machete I didn't say that Peter is that you or either the either way just when I felt that Vader come on Vader what's the Jim other thing it was in a shadow boat or the German starboard what I'm gonna go use the head Oh and blue skies at night sailors get in fights blue skies in the morning oh what a beautiful morning to move to the other basement now Peter this room you'll notice has iron on the all the walls and that's because people were breaking out so they had to fortify this was referred to as death row they kept some of the worse inmates in here maybe they kept pirates in here it actually would I mean easier to get out of the wood walls if you've got a big old hook maybe they like jokes in here oh you don't like jokes in here well maybe they do whoo what happened yeah what you got you got a tug yeah we got it well we got a tug er here all my blood is pumping very fast right now yeah I'll tell you it's really funny right now but if that happened to me when I was by myself you'd go crazy I'd probably jump out that window and by the way if you want a little more one-on-one time with with the Bergmeister here oh he'll be here alone soon enough long way to back out you're gonna keep that speed going the door behind its closed did that work out the way you wanted who's this stupid season on November 5th 1950 Helen glad K the wife of the reformatory superintendent was attempting to grab a jewelry box from a shelf in her closet when she accidentally knocked down a handgun the heme gun hit the floor and discharged shooting Helen in the chest resulting in Helens death a couple days later visitors to the living quarters report smelling her prominent rose scented perfume and catching glimpses of her walking into her pink bathroom alright so this is the second floor it's up here where Helens living quarters were as well as her two sons seems like a fun place to grow up if you're a child you have a very different definition of fun we hear you have a very lovely rose scented perfume we'd love to smell it so do you want to smell it why don't we close our eyes and smell okay you know hide in our sense of smell and see if we could smell any kind of perfume yeah you too yeah I'm happy too hey ready yeah give me a backup I mean I could feel your air intake it's like a gross nasal jet I don't know it smells like old wood yeah I was gonna say old wood rotting plaster well Helen if you aren't here or if you are here we sure can't smell you which is a weird sentence to say we can't smell you Helen or if you're a little busy right now we can always smell you later call you back we're gonna do an investigation okay this plane looks like it's got a big mouth like oh there's some plane humor it's hard it's so hard up here this is where I sleep they'll give my wings they're so big Oh anyways this is actually a secret passageway excuse me well it doesn't work anymore so I guess what I'm getting it that was a false candle yeah and it would pool this thing would open up and it would go to the upstairs well actually see where it goes to later but I don't know why that exists yeah I suppose you'd want it to go to a secret room and not just another fool yeah that's why it seems kind of just pointless if you pull this book out of the Shelf you'll get to the kitchen or you could take the stairs that's my angle the second theory is that given the context of his bizarre letter some believe the ax men to be a supernatural figure that could slip through tiny entrance ways and become the large man that witnesses described the killer to be oh no no no no just a theory that I didn't well it's dumb he shrunk down like a little mouse is that what you're saying I can the citizens loose posit that Cooper may have been a Boeing employee explaining the rare materials found on his tie quote the tie went with him into these manufacturing environments for sure so he was not one of the people running these manufacturing machines he was either an engineer or a manager in one of the plants end quote I feel like if he got a job at Boeing just why yeah we're good that's 401k retired why you gotta go jumping on planes because that's not how DB does it baby he like suburban he likes adventure he likes notes and flying through the sky screaming with a pair of loafers on one pass resident described waking up to a quote grotesque and got dead looking individual not only laying next to her but staring at her and here's the thing I discount almost 100% of I saw it in the middle of the night things because sleep paralysis oftentimes most people wake up and see [ __ ] if I wake up tonight and there's this grotesque looking things laying next to me and just staring at me with it's [ __ ] stupid beady eyes open I'm gonna [ __ ] myself again my big [ __ ] pooh burrito and that's that's leaf all the [ __ ] never coming back nevertheless Todd was known as a fun-loving party girl extremely popular in the LA social circuit carrying on multiple love affairs with men and often overheard ordering her signature drink three fingers of rye three fingers of right that's a lonely moly I drink three fingers Araya I'm on the roof fiddling sure this work context yeah that's now whiskey you know I like whiskey but I'm not drinking three fingers of rye I mean I'm not drinking three fingers around I feel like you are I'm drinking ten fingers baby every time we go out to a bar rides like a pint glass whole of whiskey yeah that's a hell of a signature drink yeah you know what that's good bourbon he had been hit repeatedly on the head and his skull was fractured he'd also been stabbed in the chest several times his lung was punctured there was bruising around his neck that could mean he was strangled remarkably Owen was somehow still alive though one of the detectives to arrive on the scene would ask Owen about anyone else who had been inside the room oh and responded quote nobody end quote although he was hardly capable of talking and not fully conscious he explained quote and fell against the bathtub end quote hell of a fall so in this scenario he falls against the bathtub rolls over into the bed and then starts bouncing up and down so the blood splatter goes on to the ceiling in walls yeah and probably bouncing on the bed so hard that he hits the ceiling a few times eventually you know I bounced my head off the bathtub I thought I'd go for a little bounce in the bed Jesus Christ and tied himself up somehow Lyle also cites a deathbed confession from his now late brother Kenneth Kenneth reportedly said quote there is something you should know but I could not tell you end quote and then he died talk about a guy who appreciates a cliffhanger you know what Touche Touche Kenneth onwards 18th birthday she went on a date with actor Robert Wagner later star of television series heart-to-heart who was 26 at the time they married in 1957 but divorced just a few years after would married and divorced another man later in her life only to marry Robert Wagner once again in 1972 Wood herself had said that she believed her feelings of torment were rooted in a feeling that she did not truly know herself as people had told her what to do her whole life including her mother yeah she seems a lot more tortured than I originally anticipated Wagner must I mean does that have men have a magical penis or something she they got divorced and then she you think the only reason someone would go back to someone is because they have a magical penis I mean I feel like divorce is probably a lot of work do you not know how love works maybe I don't it makes a lot of sense actually what are you big I think that's it but it very well could be him I know it says there's not a lot of evidence but that was sort of the sweet spot for serial killers right I think it may have been a series of copycat killers yeah that sounds likely leading a blackmailing gang in New Orleans that preys on Italian what a strange thing I've never heard of a black man what does a blackmailing gang do they just get together and they're like I saw this guy [ __ ] a goat notice what she says and then notice what his face goes is a code word some people believe maybe it's like a trigger sequence where his brains now receiving instructions to be mind controlled al Roker's like The Manchurian Candidate and he's gonna kill the president like they say in Catholic schools leave room for the Holy Ghost their expression he has on his face when he's frozen is so [ __ ] funny to me every time I watch it cuz I don't know what it is it's like well you know what actually it looks like he just pooped his pants in 1641 the Puritan legal code was created and established a hierarchy of crimes starting with the worst the list goes idolatry witchcraft blasphemy murder poisoning and bestiality these people know blasphemy you can kill a man but if you're like God stinks Jesus Christ blow his head off yeah how many people were poisoning each other I don't know how many people were [ __ ] donkeys back then everyone's always like how could they have done all this how could they have gone so crazy and killed so many innocent people well here's why because they're all insane go get a toy how about like a baby yeah babies good no baby in a ball baby give that baby a basketball make the baby hold the basketball are you PD English holy [ __ ] this may have contributed to him becoming an active and vocal member of the temperance movement for the months leading up to his demise if po had fallen off the wagon during his five-day disappearance that could have explained the disheveled and terminal State when he was found temperance was dumb as hell can I say that yeah don't wait you got it just cuz you don't like a chili boy here and there you gotta go tell other people how to live their lives you know I don't like heroin I don't think it's them we're getting on it what you say what are you wait what I don't want why I say I don't like heroin why did you drop that out how much heroin have you done today none I don't we try to convince here I don't enjoy this joke the second suspect is Duane Weber who claimed to be DB cooper on his deathbed his wife Jo claims that in the hour of his death Duane pulled her close and said quote I have a secret to tell you I'm Dan Cooper she did not see that one work acquaintances name and when Decker would review in an interview that Michelle had a hippie vibe and had told him that she quote like to surf naked in quick it sounds like a like a law-and-order interview like they found the guy at the local grocery store moving boxes around he's like yeah she had a hippie vibe to her yeah I said I'd seen her out there by the rocks women naked also what were you doing out there sir this guy was a bartender too so in fact he's probably the same law and order of so he's cleaning glasses at the bar yeah seen her before she used to come here every Thursday yeah rings oh that rings a bell or two that shakes a tambourine what if the trench coat was like Batman where was like a fight activated soot that allows him to fly around like a flying squirrel in my mind though I don't imagine him being like oh here comes the tree line I imagine him being like no I can't see through the clouds oh now I can't smoke deer also reportedly obtained medical records of Jason's illegally some might add by dressing up and impersonating a doctor at cedars-sinai hospital for two weeks where Jason had been a patient I mean he tricked people in a hospital for two weeks people were murdered honest guys playing dress-up I know but I'm just saying he was doing it because he was cheating on a funny wig in his and his mind he was chasing justice I mean apparently the police Hall of Fame thought so so is that a real thing yes I wouldn't be surprised if with just him making that up even different costumes being like yes we are real organization oh I'm the president you ever see a vat full of aliens sperm that's what he got in there they're milking the aliens oh they're milking them all right no wonder why there's so many aliens at area but it's a pro tip if you swing by this place earth stop by or 51 but a massage parlor area 51 I'll tell you they've got dolls that pissed themselves I mean do you think these dolls look like they have remotely any kind of technological capability there was a Mickey Mouse over there with a little pull string did it work I don't know I didn't touch it I fell I think you touched in hard currents I didn't touch it oh God additionally according to FBI archives McCoy was home with his family for Thanksgiving dinner in Utah the day after the hijacking and like Cooper McCoy was actually caught after his heist and sentenced to 45 years in prison McCoy would actually escape from prison in Lewisburg Pennsylvania and later died in a gunfight with FBI agents in Virginia Beach Virginia I just love how this story has so many like Noah [Applause] that was a roller coaster of emotions right there their behavior was attributed to supernatural causes according to a doctor's diagnosis though it's worth noting that there was only one doctor in Salem Village and he could most likely read but not write oh that's not good that doctors need to right yeah I mean how is he writing prescriptions he's not he's just pointing at things and saying yup that's a which about two months later on October 27th 1919 at the corner of South Scott in Aloha Street the suspected axe man attacked Esther and Mike Pepitone Esther reportedly awoke around 1:00 a.m. to her husband screaming and ran to the bedroom her husband's head was struck 18 times and died two hours later Esther saw two figures in the bedroom but could not identify them as they fled the scene by the way two figures raised her boy he's back from boarding school that's the hanging tree right there the area in general has reports of disembodied voices cold spots spirit orbs and apparitions that being said take a drink there it is where was playing the unsolved drinking game that being said that being said I'm gonna get you all tanked this episode the ax man was the manifestation of the boogeyman lurking in the shadows of New Orleans almost exclusively attacking at night and is possibly responsible for 12 attacks and six killings in chilling fashion he only seemed to strike people while they slept in their beds I love this right off the bat what do you love about it well I love I'll tell you what I love it when serial killers have a fun little thing I don't approve of serial killers but I think if you're gonna kill a bunch of people you might as well have some fun with it I feel like you have baseball cards of this guy you I absolutely do not they don't make serial killer baseball cards though do this if they did you'd probably own you would own them no I think I don't think - I do like I'll trade you in Casey for Casey for a zodiac like the old city jail itself it's spirits are violent and vengeful on the third floor construction workers say they saw the apparition of a jailer holding his rifle before cashing through cell block bars ghosts will supposedly whisper in your ear as you pass them by sometimes even calling out your name others have said they felt a sensation of being choked or suddenly losing their breath okay that's it I believe in ghosts if on the EVP we pick up choo choo pickle pie
Channel: Mr. Jørgensen Den Danske Tosse
Views: 3,740,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr. jørgensen, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, unsolved, funny moments, ryan bergara, shane madej, favorite
Id: 0IwDttGRvnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 37sec (7117 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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